JANUARY 2 5m, 1900 1 THE WAlCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT; â€"//â€"â€"_â€"///â€"â€"â€" _ . flute-l “When†1007 1598?? how 1 have (1": no o‘ii‘iy‘imagme this to be the case?" work hadldfonefits 1,311.:ng 33352231321; '8 MARS PEOPLE†,, 5, 29 ’o) '0) L93 suffered, as Well as sinned. you will fOP- 3 Dr. St. Clair sits for a few moments God. the. 1 e O .my 01 the wealth that Q 3’ LG) LG (é) @ give me for the deception I Willingly in deep thought and then replies 2â€".- ihï¬ {:rfielï¬â€™ (ieavï¬igiftyo gain like dead Such a Claim Advanced by 3 CG practiced upon you.†“I have never given the so-oalled a r S '53 so ’ >°i*'=â€*‘- H 'ghe General presses his hand for reply science of mesmerism and mesmeric conâ€" :1; £123? in my hands. to curse me for “Is Mars inhabited?†h; ‘ an resumes his chair, and the Sick man trol any particular attention, and have “I need not repeat the rest; you all asked very one“ during revels, ‘1â€. know itâ€"know how I brought her home and has engaged ihe serious ... and of the consternation and tion of many zistnmolliurs “(of astonishment produced by the reading of cially of M_ Camille htiilnxru.r;.,.h' ~ lnoted French scientist and a.“ continues:_ always been rather inclined to look upon . The fa.“ that my With had made 3' it as one of the many humbugs of the W111 prevmus to our marriage giving age, rather than that of a true science, nearly her entire fortune to her children governed by natural and philosophical ©l * * Â¥ ‘k *k * was known to me but did not alarm me . A little as I know about it. how- the new will . . . . L3; in the least, for “3911 I knew that it she 3271‘s. I a; almost convinced now that “I wonder now, thAt Slousgldclllgt 8h?“ {some â€9‘" ugh" 15 now 13-7“: . survivedafew months after our marriage therh must be some power in mesmeric me on the spot, Raphae d. futlmor this subject by Profuse.†lirv BY BEATRICE W. the will would be changed in my favor. or magnetic control, for upon no other I deserved 1t; and thousan 1’: g f :5 Hacckel, .an CDlllicnt (.xtfi‘lllzill “3.“. ©) “To illustrate how completely I had hypothesis am I able to explain my moâ€" “12°11 havehwishogvï¬gathyiilliecixheor o ’ ; sol’htir' â€1 a. “00;" “Milled "in; . her under my mesmeric will I will re- , . W a an un appy . ‘ I’I'Ol) enlS. .AILCI' vH.)llll,lllf..' ()‘1’ J ., ther s strange and unnatural conduct “I wandered from china to clime, ; men have b ecn Sliizlyiziu 1h“ 3‘ ., from kingdom to republic, from world to , for more than 4'3â€) Wm†.. world seeking rest but ï¬nding none; onlv been SLUdVing time-«1.33:; . always haunted by the thought that I 1h 0‘ last. half cm‘ux'rv in- ; _: . had robbed my wife, the sweet creature safelv assume lll'ï¬,‘ ltr who had trusted me with all, and deemed stars whOSe light Mair..qâ€';‘;.‘,“;-" me true as heaven. . . : “I must say here, in justice to myself, 2113;111:151) {:‘ith115 «It rungs -..:.«, . few as the extenuating circumstances in ‘qéu il)a r to 0:581 1:: :13.“ (Car: my favor are, that upon the day of my ; :1â€! .“Up‘l 1‘. ‘ ;.._,u,...‘_ ‘ up,“ wife’s funeral, I begged Mason to sun- , " "o‘ assume, “v “‘i-‘l j. Min 2m press or destroy the will, which was ands o. thy-“1‘: plum s ;1;1‘_<; 5373,; late a httle intance. toward her children, after she became “Shortly after my marriage, my funds Lennard’s wife, and her blind infatua- grew alarmingly low. I had not been tion for this man, of whose antecedents able to win much at the gambling table she was wholly ignorant. of late. and wished to give the nefarious “Ever since I was 011 enough to un- business up, as it was always distasteful derstand, I have heard her say, that to my better nature, and now‘I feared Deepdale must never go out of the p09- eXPOS‘u‘e- , session of the St. Clair family, but must “I knew that my W‘te thought me a descend from father to son. This place wealthy. man, although I had never told had been her heart’s pride, as it was her her so, “1 as “1th words. NOW my father’s before her, and why at last she , 39 . ' 0 ‘~ 0 o) 0 ME. | Before the ferenoon is half spent she very cap-border, 18158 front. and spec- stands by his side again, her own face tacles, would have fallen off in surprise pale and anxious. and tries to smile and indigation. cheerfully, as she inquires how he has “My own precious darling,†whispers the doctor, pressing her close to his bos- rested , em, and then holds her at arm 5 length There is a gentle. subdued look in the dl k . t h f He notes the de th. of till I) ll 'vV .7 ï¬ll 151 an 00 5 1n 0 er 309- . Mphe: which 3190 haseyfitoveras’eegogigg face that has grown pale and thin, with funds were exhausted, and I must have should have Willed it to a stranger, was laced in his hands and never let its ex- Lhe same stage “I. lieu:1r.>;v:;..-;_g _ before, as he answersâ€" deep shadows lying beneath the lovely more. To getvpossessmn of some Of her a. mystery I could never solve. Had she ystence come to life He called me insane our World, and it my. u:~.~.-.;~. .' “8th fa;- 59539, ' 1 have just awoke eyes, and says, in deep self reproach :â€" money in bank, I came into hot presence willed Lennard all she possessed, except -â€"-utterl mad andrefused ï¬rmly to do that on them the 5mm. mngh.‘ f tn ’. t of! :11“ th t t “You have worn vourself out my love, wearing a deaected 1001" ‘thh Ipre- this place and its belongings, the 3031011 y f 1’, k' d- "d th t h h 6. life prevail as (m ,-,.;K. Hm, " rom 0 mm rt, my ing. e swee es and will be ill I an) asbamedbf myself tended to try to hide from her eyes. hOt would not have been so incomprehensi- anything ,0 t e m ' 8‘“ a e ,3 ther . {my} MW .v ' A more sensitive is the aspen leaf to the ble- but to will her dearly beloved Deep- pledged his honor to my. deceased wife, . e is no a i. Fawn: ., _ , ' that he would see her Wishes carried into hemgs ShOUId not live than": Us -_. sleep that I have had since my illness,†then suddenly, and with kindling ani- mation. “Mrs. Evans, are the doors to my room locked?" “No." she answers, wonderingly, with a. vague fear at her heart that he was effect, and I, too wretched and broken- do here. hearted to contend against him, let him Professor liacckcl lakes (“gt-.3 . have his way. explain that Ull'l‘w are down". «x 3;; “Then. bitter anger was kindled in planets the U.‘l.‘:iw:l‘2i"!!‘i: of my heart against you, Raphael St. Clair, such that life. as o :nadry 4., by your hot, stinging words to me, after . term, cannot be sustain ' . V l gentle summer zephyr than was my l dale away from her childrenâ€"†wife’s spirit to my unspoken will. With- “Well, well,†breaks in the old Gen- out my having said one word in regard eral, “for a truth, ‘there are more things to my Wish, she questioned me closely, in heaven and earth, than are dreamed and I told her a miserable lie of my havâ€" of in vour philosopbv, Horatio;’ but let ing just lost all of my ready cash by the me congratulate you', St. Clair, in get- forever having given my consent to your coming here under the circum- stances.†‘ “Hush, Raphael, hush-sh, shâ€"sh,†she replies, placing her hand across his lips. as she speaks. “I am not ill,†she ther wallet that you will find there.†Silently she does as she is bid. “Unclasp it." he says. The clasp flies back. He reaches and takes the wallet in his thin. white hand, takes two keys from it. and as he answers:â€" “I am sorry to ï¬nd you so ill, Cap- tain.†“Yes, my time is short,â€â€"then sud- stronger pbvsical power of the operator. All night long husband and wife sit . bv the dying bed of Captain Lennard wretched, and in a few days was conï¬ned ' ~ - ' to in bed. 2 When the first faint gray tinge begins to “thad all through my illness been and women “hog? home is . ., planet are not soc-:1 as we. " tremble in the eastern sky. roclaimin , , , ‘ ’ p g stubborn and unyielding, requirg all . ,. “I loved her dearly when I had mar- . must assume, he holds, that 1.x: ried her, and each day saw that love in- crease and grow stronger until it was growing delirious. _ “Then look them quickly." he com- whispers, “only 8 httle tired. , G0 13801; failure of a bank in Iiverpool L I) d l d th b lance of ' ~ . ‘ ,1 . . . . y ‘ 4 _ - _ a . ' . _ 1' . . mands. m a “tons†yoloo than She has before ‘they llllSS'yCu, darling, and eh? “I retended to make lioht of the ting bac eep 3' e an e - n the reading of the last Will, and it grew :lu thinks ll. wry rm hc-ird him 1‘s. since his 111ne~q.__ i hurries him back into Captain Lennard s p . _ D . the inheritance of yourself and Sister. , . - . . , . , 11 00‘ tlbin" do 320“ 52“}, L k 3 room aï¬air and said that it would only cause I “Which we never should have done in my heart, until}1 learns; ti) desplse there are {Hips m ;.,_,;,,,,.> , i k 1 . . . oc - , ,0 1' ’ both your sister an vourse . ‘wo vears (,r $01318 damn: ‘.'."v:i(-}-- er. .. .. .. - . - “I have somethin that I must sev to me temporary. annoyance. ll ithout one ‘ nor in mother’s memo been cleared ' , - _ , - .1 . - I «u . . $111!“? “hem: impatientlyzqashshe you before I die Iylaphael St Clair n moment’s hesxtation, she yielded to my! from lllaxne but for mynbeloved wife,†since I made a “'1“. giving the wealth I be found on my. “‘13-, g, i .. : , ‘0‘ :; “no,1.o_}:“‘loo.lhl ment. t d at“ says the sick inan reaching out an unspoken will, and drew a check for? savs the dootor, with much feeling. had inherited by_w111 from your mother. him it is \‘P?}' likely my :2 , :féngiféig‘ f;,‘m'H.,,,:§§(:n yggme: 32,10; emaciated hand towiird Raphael. who ï¬fty thousand dollars in my favor and , l‘Egad! St. Clair, but you are a lucky but which W355 Justly yours. to 3 chari- genetic prom-S‘s exiu- s ()2; T-I..:'~. ‘ want vou, to lock‘thc doors so {1331; (on i stands by his bed. pressed It upon me ‘ fellow, to have such a woman as you tab‘leyinstitution. i US and possibly some («aim-1‘ ghx .. mav not be interrubted †t y The young physicmn takes the pale .“IP alarm I began. to see. that my have for your wife†replies General D810, “hen 1' was warned .thatI was suffer- I of our system. as Wll as m. : _ {lechgnimns qhe .obevs him and cold hand within his own broad warm wife 5 health .was. â€â€œ1â€on failing, and his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm over ing from an incurable ailment and ad- ' of other solar S}.steii.s. but 31.x: when she stood" l ain beside his bed he palm that is bounding with the pulses still the W111 m my favor was not made. the admiration he feels for the character “sod to make all necessary arrangements ,- those planets hay»: ruched a 1. s'lv~._: ‘ ‘ b ‘ g t ' of youth and health; and his tender I also remembered that it a subJect was of his friend’s wife. “A man will be to meet the fate that was .DOt’ far m ad- ' stasre of dew-lotuzmziz than it...» “lt’l‘hank vou. .\' ow but your hand he- heart goes out in Pity to this wreck of he?“ longer than a few months under pretty sure to steer clear 0f shoals and vance Of me, a great longing tOOk pos- 1‘9?“th by aliimiéls and P1353 s neat}: mv pillow, and take out the lea- the noble looking man his mother had thls mesmeric control they would go _mt° quicksands upon the voyage of life, with 585:1?“ Of my heart, to come to Deepdale l 1th earth. ‘ loved with such worshiping adoration, t} dechlle and die, 31,1 the physical ylml' . the love of such a woman for his beacon to“ 1e. _ . If We 3.55qu that Mars 1, {:t- ‘ ity of the weaker being absorbed bv the - n I came, but my return did not soothe , 7 . 7 . . _ , , ' .hght- u medâ€"and Proiess<«r Hacckw. 5.. I I 3 l l l, I denlyâ€"“did Dale and Gilbert come with far higher type. The} may becoming the great ruling passion of my hands her the large one. , 9†h k th . d f th d h . -- - n u. I you. a as 's. , , _ e (301111110 awn 0 one er ay t e . _ lake this key. _ he says, and unlock . "Th . 1 lb , ,, R- being, and the thought of iosmo her . b h - . - ’ - , consolation offered me, and cherished the . . mv escritoire †pomrinv towards it as 1 9F “1'0 m t 1e 1 NT?» aphael _ o . dying man, who as lain like one in a . , . rs emenorlp , .,-,.,.\- ..,.._ .--, , - ‘ ' . . c z . - -. “b t 1 d - amost drove me to desperation. : . , _ l most bitter and resentful feelings against, ‘ - . at Jun ~--~- wt -- ‘ - he Spt,3ks_ .10“ Will see there a long, . answers, u et me a vise you as a “‘\I 1 _ 1 deep sleep for hours, suddenly starts up, G d f d 11 -. 5 our hthlcnl (30.34.“ .,.,d ,3 .5 slender inlaid box; bring it to me.†physician. to see no one else to-iiight. h ‘ y pan-:5 “02.318†to “31“?†her from a radiant light- spreuds over his face. (ii-m3; ate, anh a mankind}; glmn‘n‘h and ,-..‘..,o.|_.’-i.-;,o.‘e; -. g I . . - .1 . Your strength is not equal to it.†ome an er .0 1 ren, an get her to l “I am rcadv my beloved.†they hear I“ e “more t an one wee ago, an ' 57-â€. t ' Iâ€: l' ' " . In a moment she .ias placed the box . k ll - . .7 . . a . . - 1m, m 0110,11,.†p,†we ,, V _. - . . g H V 1. - 5-1 .nt .,_ f t ma e a new wi giving her fortune to f h' h“ h d ., 7 1 d . angel of light came to my bed51de in the L , . f - . ~ . - ~ ~ beside him on the bed. He hands her the e uys 1 e ‘ ew momen s, as if d th I - , (i 1 1 1m murmur, ’5 an 5 “1'9 03th“ c 3 t f - f s L k : ‘heir suneriopltw .7 s - tiuv kcv and :3“ briefly "Unlock i though he is communing with himself, myse ,.au en lotto o‘ to re oi: the moment in joyful greeting. then fall by 3 person 0 a nurse -rom bt'- u {35 hos- ‘ , ‘- , 7‘ 1' w . - - - ' ‘ ‘ â€" .. -i . magnetic influence by which I had held his side cold and pulseless and the re- : pitl, in San FranCisco. .\0 Sister of shown. 11 thI’O 8.: I. ..;-..-:. » ' _~; ' ’ mercy was she in name. but better, far these planets, 817‘s 1‘.†:. ;. 1 ’ and then says:â€"-- 11 b' t t '11 d er su Joe 0 my W1 ' on trust to the leased soul of Horace Lennard has crossed . . . . - _ - better; she was one of God's ministering Is extremwly PT“? :4»: parchment, and increases in volume as sick bed grave, when I realized that there was talities with her own queenly grace - - 1 it.“ with a hand trembling with excite- i “I almost fear delav but it may be I‘ '. . s n‘ th i ~ -‘ . , 113::tnntgethieiigdespipgg: 01,53er 11 the , better to do as you advise. You may hdihyfrfihrigzcgfrï¬slï¬gtgg prevent my 1 the‘mystic tide of “the river of 'dcath.†[ an els which are often found 11 on life’s sur 15,; (-rd;,..-.... . - . ‘ 'l‘he dvinor man almost sits up in bed make the appomtment for me, and meet Au . f ' 9 ll ho Shh†say Whtt his reception was i g ' p '. h‘ :_ . m-.. ' 7 H , this hind draws from the box a long them by my bedmde at ten o’clock to- B {Ascending}? I 3001: her to Europe}; in that land of souls where all wrongs diet}; bagtle limo-m h 1_ , â€1 mt‘vth-‘U‘W- » Ioldedlpaper. I ’11??er morning.†- n lazy; gilaggn Zia Satnrrdh‘iiifriziegt; tight) are made rightâ€"all heartaches healed myysoeul r1131 t:led emeeaglerhgtlvwf‘iisorstlti: 0r'~m or lP'irnul «1. “Take this." he savs, handing it to ‘1 Very W81}, It $11.31le as you WISh’ has since died to come to us when I and all tears wiped from flowing eyes, gloriousllight of God’s undying love i - ~1- .- tr.“ . :‘.. her. "put it into the grate. and burn it and Doctor >t. Clair presses the handbf should summon him Accordinw to which may then see With clear vision. in God bless her whoever she is a, . z The origin ‘u. {.,.-,:.: - . . here before my evesâ€: Had he been less ‘ the Sickunan wai‘mly, and leaves him aoreement he joined “'q in Italy 03 few the soft rays of God s ciiulgenr love,why “Amen " ,faintlv mu‘rmuts. the trern- . so long llJSJHWl‘. z" . ~ ‘ ~- excited. he must-have noted how white alone with his vaiet. 11:130th after our deporture from <1“ the paths of earth have been so tliornyâ€" bling lips, of Raphael <t Clair appears to In} v3.1... the nurse has Grown. 1 ‘ rlhe silvery tones of the elegant clock Francisco Of course. my wife tho‘uhht why life such a turmoxl.‘ _ . ' He lies for a few moments with closed discovery mar 1‘. .i:;. ‘ w Silontlv shay walks to the chimney ' in the sick man s room, as. it strikes ten that our meeting him was purely 'ici- lhe early morning from carries the eves and clasped hands his 1i q moving , In both 111*: Z:.«...-.:. 5:“: ‘79 - 2:. place, puts the paper within the bars of the next morning, Is Still vibrating upon ' dental. . ‘ nurse back to the City“ Her work at 1 1'5 if in was†and then “gigging hi; ian diamond 11"â€; ‘ :7" L" the high polished grate and snooping the air, when the door gently opens and “Before anvthing had been done in re- Deepdale for the present has been 30- l oves continues-â€" a m“. a “.33, 1,3 in my“. j- . 5pm“; a liahtsd match. ~ general Dale, Mr. Gilbert and Raphael gard to the “1m my wife was attacked complished. \\ hen next she crosses the l ~ â€I have but one thin more to do 51mm. but has big, in, The tiny? flame catches the folded rt. (.lair enter the room: and group with hemorrh'i’e of the 1_ ‘ th t threshold of that hollowed precmct it 3 t1 (1 , th' I g: h i ,0 any r(,C'_i\' 131,3: gigs, 3,3; , ' themselves around Captain LBDDaI‘d’S .g . ungs 3 Will be as its beloved mistress. As such !gen emen. an. m 15 must ave your : of its genesis if.“ 11,-... (31‘.- «r ‘brought her to the very verge of the may she long remain, dispensing hospi- asstiistancf. It as to megkigver tn; 95mg; - diarionds :11 in»? sam‘ ‘7 1811 re, 0 my eceas M e, tat 8 mg t 3 SOIXll -‘xnlcrlC‘C‘J‘. ritvrs C: per-‘11: ‘.’ l Last Will and Testament of Horace Lenâ€" turns and walks to the Window’ where my Judge and appear before the loving ' hazarded her life to try to obtain, also. to the dear Shepherd’ 5 fold. ' was well nigh driven to madness. Captain Lennard sleeps beside nard.†- - - he stands With his back to the others a presence of Him who knoweth the hu- , * “People talked in amazement Of my wife in the Deepdale church-yard. l - - , this material. I<l2‘("i‘.‘-'. . he had used on the evening previous . . . 2‘ 1- I . Lock and replace the box. and bring “to ndo as far as lies i y p0 er a ‘ (gpztltpeg Wnlgtgégleag‘rfgsion into the realms paper and pencil,†is all he says. terrible wrong I have done. To do this I i . . . she with her own sweet lips proposed the 1 nard’s grave is DOt forgotten. and 111011 Here the rock is .m- ° l Mr. Gilbert draws his chair nearer the . . . , veryhtiiizgtctlaat “:35 Elliot“: bhlgmlï¬aség i the marble shaft which marks his rest- ordinary lizr. 52,13“, my e 0"" senr 0 ° ing place these words are inscribedzâ€" . is found 031:, a; you...“ She has brouoht the desired articles. . . '3 must go back to my ï¬rst meeting With bed and take paper and fountain-pen f ? ‘ O and have a new Will executed. “Earth has no sorrow that God cm:- I rocks . word “I; L1;L..\' 5 from his coat pocket. and prepares to do (Signed) “Horace Lennard.†, a cut- lass dreamer that is u on the _ How the heart of the nurse swells and table guy, come‘s‘hack t th b g t pbael St. Clair and Beatrice Randal. I mine in a loving 2181100 85 she answered: . . ~ , throbs with gratitude to God, as she ' “ " " o e e ' pu s have only one simple request to makei “ ‘I have a will already made, in the A tiny piece of lemon peel eaten just ; of shaft of cm.."s.<;t. Stir) 1:: 1209 hands 0‘ my attorney, in San anCiSCO, before taking medicine will do away with l rocks and is itself out up by; 5.1 dikes. The opinmixs of gun) :51 . . his mm under the si -k . n’ ' . . . . writes that dictated message! him tenderly and plhcesnath: 2:315:13: and that is, if the heirs do not object, I ‘ ' g wish to make a bequest of ï¬ve thousand , but it does not please me, Horace. I must much of the nasty taste. . for as to ‘v'izcilzcr the guns "Call the footman, and send this im- ' to his lips mediately to the telegraph ofï¬ce,†he “Thank. PM .. he says racefull dollars, from the remaininz income, I change it if I would die happy.’ Cod liver oil is a simple tonic for chil- says, and lays back panting and exhaust- “that Wu, l g y, which has accumulated since I possessed : “I fell upon my knees, bowed my head dren who take cold easilv and have en- (luced where 1326‘: 2101‘: iic . v . ,. sticngthen me, but it Will. ‘ h f h h - d be ad ‘ ' . ,- _ . - .; . ed upon his pillows. on‘.“ no as momentary flash and I must the estate, to the nurse, Mrs, Evans, of upon t e arm 0 er 0 air, an gg 13,-de glands about the “(30k and throat. been formed n: >“ll‘.†K. gamut '1‘ When she comes 133°}: from her errand. . , “me my narrative brief ' whom I have already spoken.†i her, in tones 0‘ 3801133 h°t to speak of Given in lemon juice it is not unpleasant ' iOns. Experts 19:13 '0 she gives him wine, and stands chaï¬ng ““When I ï¬rst came to. can Francisco Doctor St. Clair and the barrister ex- : dying unless she wished to drive me to to take. and children get to like it. 3! that the Hm. (hemp, 1,; “4,3; his pale cold hands Over the face 0‘ me and as the guest of General Dale, I was change quick, Significant glances. . Ii madqness. . Thick blood causes colds and countless rounds were fmnxi is not It shall be as you desire. Captain . she passed her fair ï¬ngers through other diseases. Keep the lungs active bv l birthplace. Tm, M.“ 1,3â€; ‘ ,. dying man has come a look of glorious a professional gambler. and not a very Lennard,†says Raphael, quickly. withl my hair, with a caressing touch, as she deep momma" the skin bv baths and Watermarks d s . - .‘\ an s. , V ‘05 13‘. 0.21 \. ...«,“ .. -...\: . v- in sx‘lu’. ..... } i5 of all harassing cares and dOUbCS, like . en |09ing an unusual Streak 0! 800d IUCk i Q y d d l 3 me have 81110th“. i ’ , warm water. the bowels by correct eat‘ l \‘91‘3' llilltk‘lll one who has ï¬nished the battle of life, which enabled me to i th and hears the welcoming songs of angels pass 11 9 eyes The necessary writing, conveying the ' the Will changed t0 Shit me. I shall say - ,- ,,. -. - _- ,. . ..-.‘ , , 35 he nears the “beautiful gates ajar.†tlfefiyiyielitgï¬ie 1131600128 if): l‘nc‘oviiizlthyI if; 953MB to the late Mrs. Lennard’s chil- nothing more about dying, but try to mg, and the blood “1“ be pure. i the “bin: L I. I (1‘- 1 \ -‘- __.._ come fr0m Egn land to the United ritates dren. is quickly done. and the bequest to live for your dear sake.’ i came .cxivfxiy‘g s s f.“ :\ CHAPTER XXIII.â€"-A TERRIBLE - g " the nurse is not forgotten. 3 “Oh. what a wretch â€" hypocritical Not to His Taste. . “0“" m “5“ -- “ ‘. ~~~~~~ ‘ ~ , in search of adventure of some sort, by Th e . 1- d' tl f b‘ , I wrgtch' I felt rnvself to be then and I . . . lirecidcd. 01 wine: tr.» 1. “HA: COXFESSION. which I might realize more money by h' d8 p n 15 p “Ge .1“ 18 ee ‘? man s we. 1' t ‘ th . f .f i Wiggsâ€"Skiimer has Just returned 3 wnlv Q-1“"ilc< 2.141 <- orsmi _ the time I had spent what I then pos- an “to attach his Signature. 'lhcy hold 8 a mos upon o pomt 0 con ess :18 book be borrowed. . .. ~~ up†~ l“ . - v ., A low tap on the door of the 5101: 88 S d him in a Sitting posture, and he Sign3 all to her, and begging her forgiveness; , . , , _ . . ember \\ =in .... i .. ‘â€" â€" room. It- lS only Doctor Hamilton who Sui“; th id “ f G 1 D 1 his name in clear bold letters. He hands ' but ‘no, no,’ cried the demon in my Jiggsâ€"Diun t he 11k? 11’? It is believed that 2311s :s 1 e res 9Ҡo enera a e, the pen back, and sinks back upon the i heart; ‘this would be madness and result “Eggsâ€"Yes. “'11:: do you ask? plan-3.11m: of the form-i“ ‘ ' r ' in the loss of the fortune for which you Jiggsâ€"You say he returned it. 3 "mild llmrlili 1‘1“" '3’“ “'4Ԡ. ‘ - nal‘e his daily visit to the his tome to I ‘ where I was received as an honorable master of Deepdale. pillows with a great sigh of relief. mur- ; gentleman, I heard 'he “Ch bt' Clo“ muring: “Thank God! Thank God!†i have planned and schemed; while this his leave. “Givï¬ it as 37011; gave i; yester- of I b 1 St Cl i day, and he wi rest we to-nig t.†He 88- e . a r, on the night of the - - . He looks up Into her face; CHAPTER xxrvâ€" EXPIATION Healthy, happy girls often rs picks up his hat and medicine case, and ï¬rst reception, I knew that I Should i P319 handsm‘ . . boWS himself out. ultimately accomplish my designs, mus" l with eyes in?!“ Whmh all unilety and all ‘ AND RESTITUTION . l . “Let him think that the sedative much 35 I recognized in her a person of l \"ided. unrest have i. g . drops wrought the change,†the sick that very negative-and gentle cast of “Do not veep," he says, gently; Raphael bt. (.lairloaks with pitying man says feebly to his patient nurse Chamotel‘ upon whom it would beau! “Bother rojoi Be that through your in-l eyes upon the suffering, repentant man when the door closes after the physician, 9355' matter for me to exercise my will i , 1 . strumentulity, a soul has been saved. and; whose greed for gold has led him to com- “but you and I know differently. What power and the Strong mesmerio forces ' “ gm†won" which I knew that I possessed. ! hood. They drag along, 9i‘.‘i‘¢l\Ԥ “for. hungry. breathless i-ll‘i'l \vLZE‘. 1 ' hearts after slight exorcise. so {mi righted besides.†E mit this great wrong against the woman “Would you like to see a minister?â€, whose love for him had blinded her 0' hard to check be: fast, eves to his every fault, and says, gen- to arrange his pillows. had I watched and hoped for an oppor- ‘ eyes and turn pilloWs like a , 881')? Child. They give him another small portion few moments the drier again opens, and St. Clair?â€â€"Raphael pressed his pocket Strangest; story ‘. ever heard,†exclaims and, oh,believe me or not, I would gladâ€" Doctor St. Clair comes in under the handkerchi f t. ‘ . . , . ‘ pre- . e. to his 9385, and somethin Old General D51 in) young ht. Clair, as th w' co ta ed text of some “ï¬nal errand, and had the like a sob fails upon the ears of the otheg they sit smokin. ~ their cigars in the no e 111 n in ~ for me, as well as my P- k l’ f P ,, . ~ hope of eternal life for my soul, if thereâ€" 1o â€15 or ale I eople. It ‘3 an experiment and a. ha7 ardous old housekeeper, good Mrs. Hicks, have listeners. The sick 11131113311868 for breath, rary. “POOP L . nard was never out out seen the meeting between the nurse she and General Dale goes to 131; f . - , table and or a villain. r . so muchadmired and the doctor Whom brings more wine and gives jet; t rm inï¬ lite and health. . ' n 0 him. exercised the , . name over .. _ . . we still can“ he‘ â€â€œ113 masm.i.’.hsr "Thank on. my dear old friend." ha 193! mflther wh Mkmhmgp “Taoism! mhmn‘mel. selï¬sh SKEW be??? for $2.50, by “Mia: Dr. Wi.r‘."ams’ hiciici; . «119 has menswear.“ ‘ . , \ , p e. , . . \ d 317s in rest-less s irit andI rew even more . . . . y p ’ g pretty well Satlsllvd that i: 25â€": heavenly peace, purifying it’ and clearing successful one either I was at that time 8V0100 which nearly breaks down With, answered, It you will indulge me in friction. the kidneys by free drafts of 3 for u:- . , ‘ . A languid and despondcnt, from no 1y, at that moment, have given up all ‘ Do not take anything that does not bear the full name "Dr. Willa 1oriZl-iitt 3:113:29 1:2; ailimlarlgte lIenttetrEe Old General Dale is much moved, and : imminent danger of n v 10 ' th b i f l h i Th' be' (1 I h 11 be ~ ,‘ . .. after greeting his old favorite with a.! L 5mg e 9 ng binding up broken hearts that come to u e rs. ‘5 ing one, s a -- r â€1w... 2 we: * ,, ‘ upon the paper s unscorched Side The voice which chokes with huskiness, I loved with all the depth of my pas- her for comfort and counselâ€"aiding with . only too glad to obey the summons of , â€fold“ a 1:0; ‘,‘.'._'j:fh Cf: ,' ‘ sionate nature, and the fortune I had : ner gentle hand many a wanderer back 1 1hr“? 1;) be ‘m- 1‘ ' ‘ . 3 found. t ecazzzo darker as his l ers dug down. 'l‘Eiu iii-.1--::w;.;s - She stands with clasped hands. and silently watches the parchment, until it . ~- man heart in all its weakness and all : falls into the ï¬st! pan below, a mass 0: f3“: moments, vlgc-u‘o‘lyl}: pOIlbhlng his its woes.†: intense idOIiZing love for my SiCk Wife! When Helen St Clair and her lovelv other mater-i315. FUCE‘. L15 1:“ ff“ 'g‘ "f‘ ‘ . . eye glasses upon his Silk pocket hand- . . . . ., h f h k' f l - - _ .. . -. » quivering, feathery Cinders. kerchief Again he is Silent. and lies with folded and mild t at l S 6 “‘35 US en rom me children come in the ï¬rst rosv flush of . ores. augite. (mange etc .11: “ Thank God!†The words come ï¬n it- "I have sent for you, gentlemen,†hands, looking up at the ceiling of the .| I would ll“ 3 suicide 5 grave 01' mad- morning or at the sweet evening~tide to i tions. begun sjrstcinaticaï¬rz ing to her ears from the direction of the , . . . . room as though his spiritual eyes have 2 man 5 Ge . . 5 read fragrant flowers or cream ascen- , eventuallv C373,â€, m3 (.. F. or a . , -. . . savs the invalid, in a stronger vOice than i .. ~ - p - y - . Sick man 5 bed. bhe goes back to his Side. ' penetrated the mists of earth, and are : NOWlS’ she crept back to life, and 35 sign lilies upon the graves of “grandma l scale that near 1{{;n‘...-;-1.;~,~ ~ ‘- ~ soon as she was able to leave her bed, and grandpa St Clair,†Captain Len- . ed a depth 0:- mm... 1113.1: 1 - -; . - n . n ' sgglgiizfllgfiage as I shall dictate, he l mylate wife, who was then Isabel St. ""Io Raphael St. Clair, M.D.. Sun} “I“; Be thusesiï¬" â€mg; “to “leg ‘ the dying man's bidding. i “ ‘My love,’ I answered, in well not hear, ‘ . . . , ; g .. Francisco: Come to Deepdale by ï¬rst; pan 1:3 “to" tail? ‘ owls. e gala]? “You will ï¬nd.†resumes Captain‘ feigned tones of surprise, ‘hav you not - ; “mid?“ “"1111 “ET,“ shhj‘fj . train. Bring Lawyer Gilbert and General gign 5“,? 154m ‘emse ves aroun ls Lennard “that I have not much more already a Will in existence at 1%? Why THE EBD' “him sheets .Or 13:5"); m t ‘ Dale with F011. .‘e_ ‘ at)“ OCBOI' bt' Clint rï¬ses and than half spent the income of the estate . then tax your strength to make other?’ “ ' $01110 midterm; 1‘; IZZCZ“. “115 r t r ’1 .' ._.OJI‘S out a small portion OI Wine from \vhich I HOW wish to make over to Ra- i “The tender dove-light eyes blight THE HOME DOCTOR. i Ill-Oltgl‘l Ck‘liililix‘t‘. are 003.;5‘. :1? l,“ ’ fouu . The blue Irma“ :1115 1‘. i The doctor places his ï¬ngers upon the _ ~. ‘ pum‘m‘s wrist, and nods his head ap- lithiilililyafhoelty (amassed, m: as Bil-Shh: General Dale and the sick man‘s valet ' sudden unmasking would ï¬nish your __“__ __ /. PTOVlDSIYv and SBYStâ€" . )ubli,c ‘l‘ u t. ot’f‘tlmo: wfe‘h eff, is sign the doculnent as witnesses, and Mir, i work and result in the instant death of _~_ H y ' I ' “That last remedy was the ï¬ght one; Eu‘bandecip 1.0!} life}. the dean“. â€,0 cg, Gilbert folds and places it within his the woman you love. and have already your nerves have-not been so quiet Since the: Gen1 1??? ltwmed to mum“ It“: i coat pocket, takes a kind and tender 60 deeply wronged,’ Prudently whispers ~ your illness", .. y "a a amily. "' ! leave the dyiuo man and turns his foot- my aroused conscience.†' ~ I The patient does not reply; out loo“ -‘ S 5001.} oh I learned that Mrs. Stxd c-zsn back *9 15s citv home ': A violent ï¬t of coughing stops his . into the nurse’s placid face} and o smile, play was “Ch and possessed hot fOrtune ' v. General .Dale and Doctor: St. Clair reâ€" ‘ Speech, and when it has passed hway he ’ _ 3. £131.15}; mleizrsiing, hovers an instant around ihledetooivr‘igkldnlileiubzfgguhlignttfi’nc: detelrxné "thin at Deepdale, and b!" and by the lies white and exhausted. Dr. St. Glair , -- .\ r. . "if, s in . . . , am - . . . . . , _ - . ._ __. ‘ .. 1,.(1omm'u3 the 1351; medicine, Mrs. possible marry her and secure her 1"); nurse: comes in, and leans ov er the dying ‘ Sirlggflliewgeiihtdlihigimfbonassigophi'i:3? 1 .. ‘ g G l r g . â€". †~ a " ..-. n- .,, man._ . .. . . , :I _ Evans, says the doctor, riSing to take ‘1, 313;: gig?“ that my eyes met those She lit“ put off her spectacles, and her i. deep stains of blood mark its fair surface_ ~ -' ‘ , .. ' ‘12. ~ é ‘ tears faumunrestrained upon the cold, i -. ’ , "f1 7‘ p ‘ cause, in the early davs cl {hair drug or nostrum can relieve a mind diseassed or of spirit tortured by the up- h“l$esides, being naturally DDSSessed of ‘ Sh“ asks, tryin 3 t1 brai ings o a rcmorseful conscien '2 t is power, I had made . ' ' fulï¬lls tours. . . ' y:â€" r ' . ' - - l: .. None: but thank God, ‘Earth has no sher- a study for years. and kggsmgiifcsziflci’ â€No," he answers, quickly; “I Want! “You‘d better rest and sleep before “a‘k Up Stairs. lS exhausting, bcrfgï¬iif? row that heaven cannot heal.’ n the right kind of a subject upon ’which 3 no greater car thly comforter than you; attempting to speak farther." short, dI‘y cough leads .0 the 9..., - .t- . .‘. “Thank God,†fervently responds the to operate, the one operated upon Would‘ yourself have 1 can to me; It 5'0“ will “30, 110- I 1111155 not delay. The sands are ' - , “ ‘ . “ ‘ V“! “““ ‘ trembling lips of the nurse, as she stoops soon know no will but my own Lon i sing to me, I 9' ball sleep." He closes his; 0t life are running low. and I have but gOIDg Into COilSlepiion D55.“ “5 t‘ ' g: his check against the little more to tell,†he answers. them they are anesmicâ€"wh‘ch m,.~ "4 'L they have too little blood. Arc re. The early gleaming brings the three tunity like this. Accordingly 1 com- gtientlexpgn from the city: General Dale, monced my work at our ï¬rst moment of} GBDeral D31 and1 Raphael St. Clair of wine, and. after resting a few moâ€" h P r (3.: ert, and Doctor St. Clair and meeting and followed it u oree f t 8 room leavine her ments he continues:â€"- I ‘ .. . , v Wit _ D so lily fr . â€" t at . 21:13:32? 111: Show!) at Once into the sick Sclicgesls)’ that in a few months Mitss'uS‘th alone With the now rapidly sinking man. “bl arose from nliy knees, kissed and Ni l Cl .. . o . ' a r ecame my wife. ' ‘ em race my sic' wife tenderly and Off: pa e an anamic CO . L ((((( vouYo‘pr 5111‘}; retire now until I send for “List me say here. however that the Liock 0}: 88:13.?le ifgrtinez,†bropégdht Mason. Before two hours had and strong bV Dr VVllllamIs)’ Pplihlinlrf bl€€ll made bright. a... . ‘. . vans,†says the suffering m3" 336 was not without. 16,. i me ld ' ’ pas , the will was drawn signed and b . . . in ' 1 5 l mu an , vim .,,::.-.: man, kindly. part mercenary as I e on my‘ Wit!) (1 d I ' . ' 9 ) Ouagf . luxuw - . ~ . ' , ny intenci . . f t s 8558 , an p seed in lawyer Mason 5 ‘ v . mi: 3:011:11»: race to obey. her eyes beef; 111: the outset. What mantel:1 idiotic: : 31(1):“ 313:1thng lipyedwetelfe 11:13; it?“ hands for safe keeping. The accomplish- birthigécilo gdah'callhntgm’ 8 '31:" "'5‘“ =_“ \lv daughr» r ages n...“ has t’l‘ s . air’s ’ ' 0011 a . , ’ ~ 3 “ mu l . ) .~.-\.' .3 ‘ ‘ Alums: light in their brown denthvhlzllod iggltgi or such Ilile‘toi‘s’h‘le‘gd in his bmn?’ 50°“ he sleeps 8 â€9‘3“" "atqumyi like “ 38:2;Ofvvliilgnsgyggrlirggglxyoge growth“ "'3' â€that“ blind “‘5 P00r 811% inset? Shiite“ 3415““ l} "in“ “1". 513-1.†is answered by his own in the mute tele- Shrine, as not to havepit: anlMammon s : tired‘ babe upon ,its mother s bosom. haustdd from exerting hérsglf be and :x- 9°C." . ’5 P’me' d'zziness, and always felt, liredl 33-5 â€or: Ill? ““5“ â€an.“ ivy .' grapby of love. She retires to the dress- Stirred, by the noble traigsooferggigxézos I u i. s c t a. strength, lay back in my arms {vith ts: \‘ll'i'liiiauus’ Pugs Pdld'Shc is enjoying as good health a; 4;:- g;:1f,,:"u‘. wilt: .5 ing room adjelnino ;he sick one In a and loving, aflectionata h it» ‘ or i u lw 11 if thi - 't b very look of death h ’ . “ ga '0 Rll‘el C CI’e it to your gmnd medicin t“ . . ‘3' "‘5" "i' ’1.- “ - cart of Isabel Well, well, . e i 3 153 t 9 “PO“ 8? White face; they insis’ upon - , C . O'hSIa on: was: ,- 3 u ~ theiryoung daughters taking 1); “’illiam : . a 'r - - - . ‘ S Piniiiios" one - . it be possible that he by I might have restored my idol to use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or p05. paid at 50 t: boy " ' can _. 3 ‘ w 5 Isa/Ms ‘ *2» v liogjsiflww "R3,: ~ ,H ., ‘1’; . in†a; .44.: a. a»: v1.2; Iâ€)