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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Jan 1901, p. 13

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mting the the Dom- :hem s are :arge turn- mers vays Fran] at an: md upwards tits at the excmsive l90! >y expexi- widnal of month is xterest. ‘ment for ants added to ‘, ONT. bdnw in' Toronto "ere 008 :ay. Ont. lec- p"... ‘eapest sactions 131's. DaflU ND if E. B. W. McGaffey ‘I’ :-J-..--’.. 1' --_1-.. -t T ---- f‘--L 1).}--- n..- l"--.1- ”A”..- Big Reductions on all Winter Goods R. NEILL, The One Price Shoe Store - - ‘ 90 Kent st ‘ A “89600660369906 m WWGSSSS‘ and turquoise, re gular I 5c yard, bargain day - - 9: No. 2 â€"106 Beauty Pins, were 2c each, bargain day - - to No. 3-60 Lawn Matts, stamped for working, were 7c, B. day 2c N0. 4â€"400 balls Embroidery Cotton, mercerized, bargain day I %c No. 5â€"100 pairs Cuff Links, regular 25c pair, bargain day - me No. 6â€"200 yards Lace, 1% and 2 inches wide. bargain day - 2c No. 7â€"8 pairs Ladies’ Sealette Gauntlets, were $1.50 B. day 1.10 No. 8â€"6 Feather Fans for evening use, were 350 B. day - 18c N 0. 9â€"39 pairs Men’s Heavy Wool Sox, were I3c, B day - 9c N 0. 10â€"52 pairs Erect Form Corsets, bargain day, a pair - 45c No. 11â€"16 pieces Fancy Dress Trimming, regular 10c, B. day 2c, No. 12â€"9 Misses’ Flannelette Night Gowns, 45c and 50c, B. day 35c1 N 0. 13â€"43 Women’s Vests regular 50c, bargain day - - 39c No. 14â€"61 Men’s White Lawn Handk’fs. regular 10c, B. day - 6c No. 15â€"106 yards Sky Pink, Seal, Fawn and Drab Bengaline Silk, regular 75c, bargain day, per yard - - 50c N 0. 17â€"47 pairs Men’s and Boys’ Knitted Gloves, 25c and 3 5c bargain day - - - - I 5 No. 18â€"100 skeins Yarn, Navy, Brown and Black, regular 60, 7c, bargain day - - -' - - 4c No. 19-76 Men’s All Wool Undershirts, were 85c to 75c, B. day 48c No. 20â€"1 5 White Linen Towels, regular I 5C, bargain day, pair 1 Ice N0. 21â€"-â€"23 White Linen Towels, regular 10c, bargain day, pair 7c - 0. 22â€"3 Pieces Light Stripped Flannelette, regular 9c, B. day 6° 7: 0 . 2 3â€"4 pieces Cotton Shirting, 2 Blues, 2 Browns, B. day per yd 6.} g 0. 24â€"100 Bunches nice clean Batting, to go at per bunch - 5c No. 25 -â€"2 5 Ladies’ Street Skirts, Navy, Brown and Black, well C I were 600. now - - Boys Wool lined Rubbers all sizes, were g 600, nOIU - ladies’ Storm Rubbers, odd sizes, were an“ ~. ..... tailored, regular $22 5 and $2. 50, bargain day each - $1.50 No. 26â€"2 pieces Navy Twilled Flannel, was 18c, bargain day 10:! No. 27â€"30 pairs Lace Curtains were 75c, bargain day per pair 50c Overcoats, Clothing, Furs, Fur Coats, Fur Jackets, all going Fri- ggy 54nd Saturday}: 20 pe_r cent. of? regular prices. Big discount of? Black and Coloréd Dres§ Goods. 9.0 7.2747. .09 Owing to the cold weather of last week many were prevented from participating in our Bargain Day. This week we give you a list that should bring you out on that day. We will call this the Stock-Taking Bar- gain Day. .\'3 I-Six boxes Silk Shirt Pleatiog, in black, blue, pink, sapphire Friday and Saturday, 101nm: XLIV. Number 4 BARGAINS I II were 800, now - - - Men’s plam Rubbers .N' 0. 1 grade, special, .31 en’s Rngfiersâ€" These are all perfect. 91251.0(},12010 Men’s Wool lined Rubbers best quality 6 00, now - I ‘ - . I - quz'es’ Croquet Rubbers, odd 812568, now Y oath/2’ Rubbersâ€"25 pair only, sizes 12 to at - - - Lindsay’s Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods House FOR 45 25 25 JAN. 25th, Zéth, FABM FOR SALE.â€"-The cast half of the east half of Lot 15. COD. 2, Township of Ops, containing 50 acres, more or less, all cleared ; soil clay loam. On the prem- ises are a new frame house with summer kitchen attached ; a frame barn with stables attached, and other small buildings. Three- and-a-half miles from Lindsay, the county town of VictOria, and on one of the leading roads to the town. One-and-a-half miles from Ops Station, about the same from church, post office and blacksmith shop. Plow leave immediatelv. Possession March Ist, 1901. If not sold will be tented to a suitable tenant. For particulars apply to MISfi CATHERINE N_AY LOR, 22 Elgin- FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The following valuable fums are offered for sale on vety asy terms of payment : IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIAâ€"Pur- suant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897-, cheap r29, sec. 38, the creditors of Robert Smalluood, late of the township of Mariposa, in the County at Victoria,gentle- man, deceased. who died on or about the 24th day of December, A. D . 1900. are required on or before the 4th day of February, A. D , ISOI, to send by post prepaid to Donald R Anderson. sole exe- cutor of the estate of the said Robert Small- wood, their christian and surnames, ad- dresses and occupations, full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security. (it any) held by them The said executor’ shall after the said 4th day of February, A. D.. 190:. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled theretog having regard only to the claims of which he has then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so (315' tributed. to any person of whose claim he has not had notice at the time of such distribution. McSWEY N WELDO. o oftbe Towyof l'ndsay in the County 0f Victoria. solicitors {or the said execute!- ;Dated this 8th day ofjanuary, A. D., 190:. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€" Lots 24 and 25, Gull River Range, Town- ship of Bexlev, 196 acres, 75 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. Abund- ance of water; good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm, One mile from Cobooonlr; good school; churches and railroad. Will be sold 'on easy terms. There is a good frame barn with underground stable, 30x 50, and house 181: 20, with good cellar; pig pen 40x 20; and small orchard. Adi ress L. M. REESE Coboeonk.â€"36-tf. SHORTHORN BULL CALVES. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. DURHAM CALVES F OR SALEâ€" Two first-class Short Horn Durham bull calves for sale. [0 and 13 months old re- spectively. Color ted ; eligible to register and fit to head any herd. Both from good milking strains. Also a number of pure- bred hexfer calves. For terms and particu- lars apply to W. R. SWAINE, Valentia P. O.-2 4. FARM FOR SALE â€"Near Bobcaygeon, on Peterboro road. IQO_acres clay loam. TEACHER WANTED-For 3.5. No. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" On Colborne-st., north ward, an eight- roomed, brick-veneered house, heated w1th coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable. an excellent well and cistern, half an acre of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- nbly if taken at once. For full particulars apply to the Watchman-Warder ofiiceâ€" BOARDERS WANTED.â€"Apply at - 33 Sussex-st" North Ward. â€"I~tf. 001.1 AGE FOB SALEâ€"On Glene1g- st. east, containing five rooms, kitchen and wood-shed, also stable The house is _on stone foundation and in good state of repair. Lot one-eighth acre. A nice home at a low piice. {\pply at The Watchman-Watdex East half Let :3, Con 7, Eldon township, mutaining 100 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardwood bush. Sail, clay loam. Two miles from Kirkfleld, on ood road. On the premises are a good rick dwelling. containing 10 rooms and large kitchen, woodshed, etc; frame hip-roof barn, with stone foundation and good stabliog. One acre of young orchard; good water. A first-class farm in every respect. The MeHugh farm west half Lot 16, Con. 3, Ops, is ofi'ered for sale. It is situated four miles from Lindsay, on the Little Britain road, and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. There is a good brick house, with woodsheds; large frame barn. driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good state of cultivation, and will be sold reason- able. ‘ For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman-Warder ofice, st., Lindsayt Ont.â€"5l-tf Lindsay. Valuable firm of 100 acres, one mile from Lindsay; all plow l1nd except 3 mes of pastute; soil clay loam. _ Ggod dyelling, two buns. one note orchaxd ; close i3 school. A good farm at a reasonable ptice and on easy terms of payment. Bnted Plymouth Rock Cockerelsâ€"A good lot. of several different strains. Some from Expérimental Faun, Guelph. Price $1.00, except a few choice ones at $2 00 each. JOHN CAMPBELL. Fainiew Farm, Woodvillc, Ont.-52-tf. 10 to 12 months old. Good strong fleshy fellows. color roan. One of specially good milking guilt). For sale in the Village of Reaboro, a com- fortable Frame House, 1% storeys high, on stone foundation with six rooms, two halls and closets, good cellar with cement float, splendid garden, with a number of excellent fruit trees. For price and full patticulars apply at this office 0! to WESLEY SHAW, Reabom. -2-4. good water; first-class orchard. Price $2,000 if taken at once. For particulars apply tc S. M. PORTER. Watchman- Warder oflice. â€" 2-tf. 60 acres plow land, balance past'ure and tamaracl swamp. iGood frame barn and frame house, also a frame stable: 8. Fenelon, 19017.77 Apply stating salary to P. McNEVAN. Rosedale, or P. PERDUE, Fenelon Falls.-â€" 14. cam ghbzrfiszmmts. LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JANUARY 24th. NOTICE TO OREDITORSâ€"ln the Dated this I 5th day 'of January A.D. 1901. F. KNOWLSON, Town Guiâ€"3.3 NOTICE is hereby given that By-laws were passed by the Town at Lindsav on the Filteenth day of December. A D 1900, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $6l3o.oo for the purposes at piying for the costs of the following Local Improvement Works, viz :- FARM FOR SALE â€"Parts Lots 18 and 19, (,on. 1. Garden township, containing no acres; 65 cleared, 30 acres hardwood . bush (uncalled), 15 acres tamarac and cedar " (unculled), balance slashed by fire. Soil clay loam. On the premises are a good hewed timber dwelling, lathed and plaster- ed. frame hip-roof barn, with stabling under- neath; implement house, etc. Small orchard Distant from Brechin to miles'. from Onllia 14 miles. Possession given April 1st if re- quired. For particulars apply to EDWARD GRAHAM, on the premises, or Dalrymple SEED OATS -Flrst Glass Seed Out: for Salo.-â€"The subscriber offers {or sale a quautxty of PU RE N EW MARKET OATS. These oats have given the best of satisfac- tion the last two years wherever sown, yielding huge! crops of first-class grain than any other variety of_ oats sown in the coun- FAIEM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FARM FOR SALEâ€"West half Lot 7, Con. 2. Verulam, better known as 'he Thos. Bell farm. containing 50 acres. Nice loamy soil ; good orchard. good water. On the premiees are a good frame barn 30 x 60, stabling and good frame house. Ten miles from Lindsay. on Boicavgeon road. If desired 50 or 100 aeres additional will be sold, or will rent 600 acres in block. Ap- ph to JOHN BELL. Dunsford.â€"-2-3. FéRM FOR SALE OR RENT.- QBBVANT WANTI'BDâ€"A middle-aged woman capable of doing all sons of house- work for small family. Apply at this office. LOLS'g-On Sfmgrdgy, 19th inst”? between STRAYED.â€"Onto the premises of the undersigned. Lot 6, Con. 2, Laxton. a Red Yearling Heifer, marked on left ear. Owner is requested to prove property, P87 expenses and take the animal away. JAS. BUTTE RWORTH, Uphill.â€"3-3. 5. A Sanitary Sewer on Russell Street from Lindsay Street to a point 224 feet West of William Street, and on William Street from Russell Sheet to within 110 feet {tom Kent Street. 4. A Sanitary Sewer on the South side of Kent Street from William Street to Cam- bridge Street. 3. A Sanitary Sewer on the North side of Kent Street from York Street to Cam- bridge Street. Any motion to quash or set aside any of the above By-laws or any pant thereof must be made withxn one month Item the date of registration and cannot be made thexeafter. estate of Hannah Render. deceased. â€"Notice is here by given, pursuant to R.S 0., Chapter 129, Section 38, that all per- sons having claims upon or against the estate of Hannah Reeder. late of the Town- ship of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, widow, who died on or about the Seventh day of Ianuary, A.D. 1901. are on or before the Fifteenth day of February, 1901, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to McSweyn Weldon, solicitors for the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, addressed to Lindsay P. O , their christian names, surnames and addresses, and {uh particulars at their respective claims, and the nature of all securities (if any) held by them, and notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the executors of the said will, will proceed to distribute the assets at the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, as above required, and the said executors will not be responsible for the assets. or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claims notice, shall not have been received as aforesaid at the time of such distribution. McSW EYN WELDON, Solicitors for Emily Harris, Mahalaah Tinney and David Dundas, the executors herein. Dated at Lindsay this 16th day of January, A.D. 1901.-â€"3 3 Also a By-law to raise by way of loan $10,707. I 3 to pay the Town’s share of cer- tain Local Improvement Woxks and a By- law to consolidate the amount of debentures to be issued under cettain Local Improve- ment By-laws, and that all said Bv-laws Wele registered in the Regisuy Offiee for the Counly of Victoria on the Fifteenth day OfJanuany, A.D. 1901. I. A Sanitary Sewer on Francis Street from a point 218 feet East of Victoria Avenue to a point 168 feet West of Victoria Avenue. 2. A Sanitary Sewer on Melbourne Street from Lindsay Street to St Laurence Street, and on St. Laurence Street from Melbourne Street to Glenelg Street. try. Their quality for standing up straight, and their habit of ripening One week earlier than other varieties of oats. leaves them less liable to be affected with rust and other blight Price 35 cents per bushel. THOS. SHIER, Lot 2, Con. 3, Fenelon, Cambray â€"-That choice farm, north-east quarter Lot 21. Con. 8, Ops, containitg 50 acres more or less, is ofieted for ssle or to rent. Plow ing neatly all done Large frame barn and othet good outbuildings. Two never-failing wells; good orchard; well fenced. Two miles fxom Lindsay and one mile from school house. Also pait Lot 24. Con. 9. pastute land. Apply to JOHN O’CON N OR on the premises, or Lindsay P 0.â€"-4 4. The best farm in the Province for sale or to rent at once. It is situated about a mile and a half north-cast cf Sonya on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres,seventy-two tillable and eight good hardwood bush, beech and maple. Good buildings and well fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD, Sonya, Ont.â€"3~tf. "'J’ -7- the Town and the Big Tree on the Little Britain Road. a package of Mortgages and Tltlo Deeds. Will the finder kind- ly leave them with either Thrmas Mc- Connell. Roval Hotel, town, D R. Ander- son, Barriscer, town, or Joseph Jenkins. Little Britain. â€"4-tf. .â€"33 flan gbhzrfiszmmts FOR SALE. -â€" Sp an of Good Working Horses. Apply at Watchman- Waxdet oflice. -43-tf . LOSTâ€"On eleclion day, Jan. 8th, Young English Setter Dog. Color white. tan ears and face, white strip on face. A re- ward will be given for information that will lead to its recovery. I. H. BRAN- DON. Fenelon Fdls.â€"4-4 FOR SA lE -The very “desirable premises being Lot 24. on the 14th concession 0‘ Township of Brock containing 124 acres. no cleared, soil clay loom. There is on the premises a new brick dwelling, small orchard: never-failing spring of water accessible to any field that may be pastur- mved, - close to school, 2% miles from Woodville sud Cannington, two of the best grain markets in the Province This property will be sold at a reasomble price and on easy terms. This IS a greatpppor- Copeland Bro“ 1n" Co. vs. w, \. Brooks and Henry Brooks â€"- lhis long-drawnâ€"out case passui another stage Wednesday morning. IL com- menced with an injunction granted on April 26th, 1900, stopping the. sale of goods in the Brooks Hotel under a chattel mortgage held by Henry Brooks. After various chang- es and setting aside of judgment the defendants asked to have the dam- ages assessed, which damages they claimed to have suffered by reason of stopping the sale. The evidence was heard by His Honor Judge Dean in December and Thursday morning his Honor gave a long written judgment holding that the plaintifi's must pay Henry Brooks the balance due on his mortgage and with interest and his costs of sale and costs of suit, and as to W. A. Brooks, the judgment; is that; any injury inflicted on him was from the removal of the goods rather than from stopping the sale, and so was not covered by the injunction nor by the /Solicitor's undertaking given when the injunction was grant- ed; and as to this W. A. Brooks is to be at liberty to bring an action of treSpass against such parties as he may be advised, or His Honor will with consent of all parties go on and assess the damages on the eviâ€" dence already adduced. In the judgâ€" ment the Division (‘ourt balif‘f receiv- ed some very valuable hints as to his tunity ,for'anvon: wishing to'purchis'c a bounded, For particulars apuly to A. E. STABACK, Postman, Woodwille. After thirty-six hours of suspense during whith hOpe had fought a losing battle with despair. the pecple of Lindsay heard the sad tidings that Her Majesty the Queen was dead. The news was received about halt-past two o’clock. Mayor Ingle ordered the town flag at half-mast and the peals of the bell announced to the people that their Queen had passed away. The court house flag was already drooping from the mast... Others rapidly were dis- played, St. Paul’s church bell was soon tolling, in the win- dows of many business places pictures of the dead sovereign were draped in black, and awed by these emblems and their meaning the people on the street sadly said to each other “So the Queen is dead.” The schools were dismissed and the county council promptly adjourned its session. While the solemn demonstration fell short of what the occasion demanded yet there was no mistaking that the people were deeply moved at their gracious sovereign’s death. Victo: ia County Court firm ghhrrtissmmts O bells that toll in every zc-ne and clime ! There is a sound of sobbing in your breaih. East, west, north, south, the solemn clamor goes, Voicing a great, a universal grief ! 75 Cent: 3. Year in Advance ; $1.00 if not so Paid QUEEN VICTORIA IS DEAD conduct in allowing himself to be made US(: of for objects beyond the collecting of executions in his hands. T. Stewart; and W. Steers for the Copeland Brewing CO; H. O'Leary, for Henry Brooks: and 1;. H. 110;»- kins for W. A. Brooks. On Tuesday night, the Slayton Jubilee Singers gave the third con- cert in the Y.M.C.A. course. The house was packed. The company comprised eight. peepleâ€"an equal number of men and women. A good deal of the program consisted of in’ dividual minstrel turns. that were fairly well done. To those who had been accustomed to the oldâ€"time jubi- lee singers the number and quality of the choruses must have been a dis- appointment that extracts from the variety stage could hardly amne for. Yet the entertainment” taken all to- gether had considerable merit. A clause in the conditions provid- es that all graduates and undergrad- uates of the university of Toronto, in all the faculties; and in the afiilli- ated schools are eligible for Jimm- bership. The annual fee is $1.25 Which,includes the fee for the uni- versity monthly. The annual meet- ing is fixed for J une. The Secretary- treasurer will be glad to receiVe the names and fees of any who would like to enroll as members. On Friday after noon last a met-t4 ing was held to organize an Alumni Association for the graduates and undergraduates of the University 05 Toronto resident. in the county 0! Victoria. Dr. J. C. McLennan of the) University stafi addressed the meet- ing at the Collegiate Institute in place of Dr. Reeve who was detained on account of some operations, and would otherwise ha“: been pres<-nt.. As a result of the meeting an organâ€" ization was effected and officers elect- ed as follows : Hon. President....w. W. Dean M.A.: Presidtnt...........l. t‘. llarstone. B.A: 1st. Vice-Pres ....... J. A. White M.D.; 2nd. \’ice.Pres...Re\'. J. lit-ll. Duncan, 3rd\'i(-eâ€"Pres......I.. Y. O't'onnor 12.1 Sec-TreaS-H .Miss E. G. FlaVelle.B..\. Councillorsâ€"Dr. Cornwall, Omeuivu Rev.’ L. S. Hughson, B. A. B. IL. Dr. G‘ram. Victoria Road. Dr. Kw]- ands, J. A. DeCew, Fcnelon Falk A. E. Gregory, Miss M. E. T. Addisâ€" Toronto University Alun ini association Academ§r of Music

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