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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Jan 1901, p. 8

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Mr. Hawkins moved. seconded ‘by Mr. Sluggrlt. that the clerk be anth- orized tu proéure an order book as soon as he can, a copy of the Mimi'- On motion by Messrs. Hawkins ‘and Sluggett, the agreement required 'by the Home for the Aged was sign- «I by the rem-e and duly scaled and the county troasur‘er’s statement was fyled to be submitted to the audiâ€" tors. INAUGURALWWEETING OPS COUNCIL As D. ll. Anderson, Solicitor for Mr. A. Robertson. haul intimated to the (mum-i1 that. no loss than $13 would be accepted for the field bridge required on Mr. Robertson‘s farm, thv council on motion by Messrs. Hi‘cksm: and Byrne allowed 313 for tho briiign. sinCu he considered 'oue costing 32-1 necessary. ‘ Mr. S. J. Fox. Ml’Jl‘n then enter- ed the council room and on motion addressed the council, saying he was prepared in pay 10 per cent. bonus on $100 or more that the council would exp-mi on the road from his place to Lindsay: that very good work had been done on it last year and he hoped it would be Continued. He would permit them to pile stone on his lot. at the corporation boun- dary if they Wished to do so, and would also assist the. council as far as he could in procuring another grant. from the legislative for the cast Cross-Creek bridge. The council thanked Mr. Fox for his voluntary offer as he withdrcw.‘ Road Commissioners Owing to three members of the council living on the line between road-divisions 4. and 5. a friendly discussion took place as to who should take. road division X0. 3, which comprises all that part of the township north of the middle line and east of the 5th concession line. Air. Sluggitt at. last assented to the desire of the others that he should preside over that large territory. 'A motion that the council inspect the east Crossâ€"Creek bridge on Tues- day afternoon, Jan. 22nd, was car- ried without dissent. Appropriations for Stone LA motion by Messrs. Hickson and Hawkins that 5625 be. appropriated for stone or other road material, every commissioner to have the cow:- trol of $125, was also carried. On motion by Messrs. Hawkins Synopsis of Business Transacted Pursuant to the Municipal Act, the inaugural meeting of the Ops c0un~ til “as In 1d on Monday. ~'1’hc members met at. 11. 21.111. and after subscribing to and taking the prescribed dodmatinns of qualificaâ€" iion and office udiournvd tiil 1.30 On motion by Messrs. Byrne and Hawkins. Mr. Thos. Ilickson was ap- pointed member of Ops Board of Health for the year. Mr. Hickson moved in amendment that S. (‘oulter be auditor. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion. and Mr. Byrno moved in amendment lhat Jun. '1‘. Currins be I'D-appointed assessor. Mr. Hawkins seconded the motion, and the ro-vc after culog‘izâ€" ing both as efficient men for the of- fice declared Mr. (‘urrins appointed Since he had aSSQSSt'd bnly one )‘vur. as Mr. Sluggett had no secondor 1110 J's-eve declared Mr. Coultcr appointed. Mr. Hickson moved, seconded by Mr. Sluggitt. that Mr. A. C. Reid be assessor for the present year.) iAuditors and Assessor and Board of Health Members Appointed No application had been received for the office of auditor and after due consideration, Mr. Wm. '1‘. Reed. {who had bven county auditor. was on motion by Messrs. Byrno and Hawkins appointed. Mr. Sluggett thou mow-d that Jus Skuce be auditor, Afternoon Session The members assembled at 1.30 9.111. sharp. took their seats. and in committee of the whole briefly con- sidered the work necessary on the east Cross Creek bridge. the advisi- bility of procuring field stone dur- ing Winter to be crushed as early in summer as possible. and other imâ€" portant matters requiring their at- tention during the present year. (‘ommun it‘ut i ons From the township solicitor rt- appeal case of Fm,- vs. Ops stating that it had been hea‘t January 71h. inst. and formal judgment reserved for a. short time. 'From Mrs. E. E. Sharpe, secretary of the Home. enclosing blank forms to be executed by council for “13 maintenance of Wards of the town- ship now in that institution, and accounts now due. Applications for the office of asâ€" sessor from A. C. Reid, Jno. Thus. Currins and 3110. W. Thornv. p.111. 'fhl' folk) then read : From the county treasurer with a statement of pay made by him to the iownship treasurer during the year 12 following C(mluumications were Mrs. McLean 'of Toronto Was from "Saturday till Monday afternoon the Mrs. E. A. McArthur returned Saturday from attending the fur 'of her sister Mrs. Coultcr. ‘ , at Toronto and was :ntcrroc O‘ron'o. Miss McMillan'returncd last Week from a Week's vacation. MiSs Junkin of the Lindsay C. I. spent Sunday 'at the Falls. The many friends of Mr. H. ster are sorry to hear thaL he of typhoid at Kirkfield. Mr. T. Joy and Station Agent Murâ€" ray of Kimnount spent Sunday at. the Falls. "‘ friends in 'l'urnnto Messrs. W. Cook and P. Knox re- turned home from the north lumber camps last week. Mr. F. Kun- left on Thursday even- ing to attvml the funeral of his sis- ter Mrs. (.‘nulter at Oro‘no, and re~ turned on Saturday. FENELON FALLS Mr. W. H. Walsh 1ch for Taronto on Saturday. Mr. C. Moore of Toronto spent a couple of days at the Falls at the first of the W'U'k. ‘ The plan of making an open skat- ing rink has lately been conceived by a few who have the boys welfare at heart. For the sake of passing the. time it is to he hoped it will be car~ ried out. unless succeeded by some- thing better. a, rcmuncrative business fur the 0p- posing party seemed a trifle dreary. For the bennfit of the public it may not be amiss to note that Mr. Thos. King, as the landlord of our hotel. has no opposition, as the prospect of cipal World, and such office fyles as he deemed necessary.â€"â€"-Carried. Batch of Byâ€"Laws Passed. The following by-laws then receiv- ed the usual readings and were duly passed signed and sealed: By-Law No. 570 confirming the appointment of auditors; No. 511 for the appoint- ment of assessors: No. 572 for the appointment of a. number of local board of health: and No. 57!- for the appointment of road commisâ€" sioners. Sundry accounts which had been passed were on motion by Messrs. llickson and Sluggett paid as fol- lows: Jas. Greer, charity account, 57. 75 , Home. for Aged. charity acâ€" count. 83"”013‘. (.‘urtin for (10 8- inch tile. $1.90: Jno. Kennedy, sub- trcas. of school. 816; A. Marshall. pl- 111k beat 81, 960.. ; (‘lerk for post- age. 32; llcputx returning officers of polling subâ€"(lixs. .1. 2, '1. i), and 6. each. $1.0: D. R. officers div. 3. 1p. Oyster sumwrs are Un- rage just now. but “'Ullld it not. br- wiscr to arrange them am that then: may be ample time fur the stomachs to re- cover from thv ofi'octs of an overdose, before attempting another. We regret to chroniclv the demise of Mrs. Hannah Rwdm', an aged and respcctvd r'vsidom. win; (lied on Mon- day of last. week. aftvr a prolonged illness. The funeral took place on Wednesday. The bvreuved have the sympathy of the cmmmmit}; By the number of applicants who “‘01"(‘ around Monday it ‘SOPIIIS that it must be extra profilablv employment working for the lilunicipality. Revival meetings arc in progress in the Methodist (‘hurclL but, 1110 uticnd- 11110? has not yet, reached the average The prayer meeting has been with- drawn in our schoolhnusu owing to special sorvicvs being held at Oakâ€" wood. Mr. Ed. (‘olwoll has moved into the. house lately vacated by Mr. .105. Rinn. OAKWOOD Mr. Thus. Pulvy is able in be about. again after his rum-m, illness. Miss Eva Scultlmrpv is visiting at ”the home of Mr. and Mrs. .m Wob- Miss Mabcl Webster returned to the Ontario Ladies" (.‘ollvgc Whitby. on Wednesday last. Last Saturday owning a number of the neighbors assmnblvd at. tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (‘ornoil t0 9x- u-nd to them a hearty wwlcmnv. The ladies brought baskvts and a most. enjoyable evening was spvm. all ro- turning‘ humu in gum] timo. We all join in wishing them a. long and happy lifv. polling sub-divs. 1, :2, 4. 5, and 6 ouch. 81.0: D. R. officers div. 3. (p hall. 86: Wilson Wilson. printing $31.50._ T he farmers are busy teaming wood and grain. ' ster. Miss Edna (‘opplvstom‘- has gone. to Toronto to attend tho Nornml. on Wednesday last. The sleighing is much improved by the last snow fall. About‘ 7 p. m. the cunncil on motion by Messrs. Hickson and Slug- gott adjourned until Monday, Febâ€" 18th. prox.. at 10 mm. W. F. ()‘B()YI.E, (‘h-rk LETTERS OF INTEREST FROM CORRESPONDENTS MARIPOSA STATION H Sinclairc is visiting: Adjournment. the funeral ‘ died ‘mcrrod at “t b- is ill “.4 Lindsayâ€"Gross ruvomle, $9,006.!" oh); mom-y orders issued $30,681.85, paid 311936.89; salary and allO‘WanccS, $3,011.42. . ' Kirkfieldâ€"Gross rovenuo $645.51.: money orders issued $9 ""0 .82, ,...19 paid $1,466.62; salary and allovvancos, $430.51. Kinmouneâ€"Gross revenue, $892.49; money arders issued $9,475.10, pzfid $1,343.97; salary and allowances. $429.04. Coboconkâ€"Gross revenue, $528.83: money order issued $3,502.76, paid. $624.56; salary and allmvanurs, $327.51. Fenclon Fallsâ€"Gross revenue, $1.- 730. 21; monev orders issued $21 ‘27. 97 , paid $6, 924. 74; salary and allow- ancvs, $885." -8 Huliburtonâ€"Gross revenue. £688."? ‘0. money orders issued $4,504.94, paid 811531.71; salary and allowances: $3 8.30. Cumbrayâ€"Gross reVonue, $231.57 ' ! money orders issued $5,702.07, paid $1,003.86; salary and allowance, $148.00. Bobc'aygeonâ€"â€"-Gz'oss revenue, $1,â€" 338.06; money orders issued $2.1,- 579.‘.)3, paid $4,551.00; salary and allowances $667.63. Subjoincd are the revenues of tho leading post offices in Victoria coun» ty and the salarxcs and allowances paid to postâ€"lxlastors. The figures are taken from the Postmasterâ€"Gunâ€" erul‘s report, just issued for the your ending June 381b, 1900. Draperâ€"-â€"Thurst 0n .'I‘hursday afternoon, January 10111, at 3 o'clock. the residenco of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Wilder. Victoria are” was the scene of a very p11"! 5' wed- ding. the contracting parties being their neice. Miss A. Draper of Stroud, Ont. and Mr. J. Thurston Dunsford. The knot was tied by Rev. ’l‘hos. Manning B.A., in the presence of a large number of invited guests. The bride’s sister Miss J. Draper. was bridesmaid, while Mr. J. \‘oyt-tt of Dunsford supported the groom. At the conclusion of the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served. The bride received many costly and hand- some wedding presents. The Watch- manâ€"Warder joins with numerous friends in extending heartv congratu- lations. Mr. S. NcViSOH 0f Lindsay came to tne Falls IaSt W001i to superintend the removal Of his Stock and left. on Thursday with a. Car load of stock and baggage. Miss S, chimm left at: the same time. guest of her aunt. Mrs. E. A. McArth- Mr. and MP5- J- Gorman of Bollo- \'ille spent Sunday the guests of Mrs. H. McDougall. They left on Monday for Bobcaygeon before returning to their new home after their wedding trip. The first hockey match of the westâ€" ern section of the Trent Valley Hoc- key League took place betWOen Lind- say and Fem-Ion Falls on the rink here on the 10th inst. and resulted in a. score of 19â€"0 in favor of Fenelon Falls. Just a nice little walkâ€"over for I“. F. “But we must not. crow till we are out of the bush" and the F. F. team are preparing for the match in Lindsay to-morrow night. (Friday). The turn out Was fairly good but there was room for more. “Pete" did ”some splendid playing. His rush in the third gaal was very line. Burgess too is i-oming up well to (ill the place of Boyce of last. year while H. Deyman as point and Gould as goal would be difficult, to surpass. The other forwards also did some excvllent work and we think the team as good as last 3' -ar, which is saying a good deal. The Lind- say team were a nice gentlemanly crowd and put. up a. good game. the Visitors being alwavs at a. disgdvunâ€" tagv. Mr. Lrossley of Peierhoro' Won the esteem of all by the. manner in which he refereed the game. The home team play Bobcaygeon on the latter's rink on the 25111 and we of course expect, them to win and trust we may not be disappointed. Best â€"Donaldson Peterboro Review :â€"â€"-.-\ pleasant eVent transpired Wednesday night. of last week at. the residence of Mr. J. ll. Best. when his daughter Miss Lottie Best and Mr. Jos. Donaldson of Emily were united in marrluge by the Rev. Mr. Kannawin. The brides- maid was Miss Addie Best, sister of the bride. while Miss Ingram was maid of honor, Mr. W. (l. Elliott of town supported the groom. There were a large number of guests in at.- tendance. and after the ceremony an excellent wedding supper was served. The brjde received very many hand- some presents, all l)etolu-1jng her great popularity. Mr. and Mrs. Don- aldson will reside in Emily. “â€"- Col. 8. Hughes. M.I’.. will deliver his lecture with views in the Metho- dist church here toâ€"night. tho 17th. and his reception is assnn-d as this talented speaker is always welcome. in Fenolon Falls. )ittle Britain -â€" Gross Post Office Revenue THE wmmm-mnzn: unnsAv. our. Hymeneal. revenua 'DRAPERâ€"THURSTON~Tn Lindsay, on "l‘hursday. Jan. 10th, by Rev. 7, Thus. Manning, Mr. J. Thurston of Dunsford to Miss A. qDraper of BESTâ€"DONALDSONâ€" AL the rosi- denu- of the bride's parents; Peterâ€" boro'. on Jan. 9th, by Rev. Mr. Kannawin, Mr. Joseph Donaldgle .nf Emily to Miss Addie Bert, daugh- ter of Mr. J. H. Best. STARRâ€"At Yalentia, on Dec. 31%, 1900, the wife of Mr. Wm. I“. Starr, of a. son. WOLFRAMâ€"On Jan. 6111, in Bob- cayweon. the wife of Wm. Wolfram; of a son. METZ In Fenelon Falls. on Friday. Jam/1th 1901, the wife of Mr. F. 13.3“th of a. son. ABBO'11â€"1n Lindsay, on Friday. Jan. llth. to Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. Ulcm~1gâ€"st., a. daughter. Oakwoodâ€"Gross revenue, $5325.09 money orders issued $8,487.69. paid $1,774.69, salary and allowances $244.60. Omemeoâ€"Gross revenue $1,228 "'6 money orders issued 313197.21. paid .“3, 732.12; salary and allowances. $512.62. Mindenâ€"-G moss revenue, $891 .19: money orders issued $11,165.88. paid $4,622.96; salary and allowam-us. $514.94. Manillaâ€"Gross revenue $257.42: money orders issued $2,781.09 paid $1,440.74; salary and allowances. $159.19. $523. 31:1110n0y orders issuvd. $9.- 54306, paid $1,794.59: salary and allowances, $363.51. Marriages Births HVOLFRAMâ€"On Jun. 61h. in Bob- ca,§'gr,‘(')n, Mabel Wolfram. aim-ll 20 years. wife of William Wolfram. BLAYLOCK â€"â€" In the township of Ops, on Thursday morning. Jun. 3. 1901, William John Blaylock. aged 73 years. CURTIS-4m Ops, on Wednesday. Jan. 16th, 1901. Annie Curtin. aged 9 years and 22 days. below-(1‘ daughter of Francis Curtin. ‘ BROKEXSHIREâ€"At Rosodale. on Saturday. Jan. 5th, 1901. Susan Bunt, Widow of the late William Brokensllire,'aged 75 years and 17 days. (.‘OPPINSâ€"In the township of Fenc- lon, on Monday, Jan. 7th, 1901, Catherine Coppins, aged 61 years. G..\TCHELLâ€"-At Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday. Jan. 8111, 1901, George Henry Gatchell, aged 48 years. IRVINEâ€"In the township of Fenc- lon. on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 1901. Mrs. Samuel Irvine, aged 61 years. MOSLEYâ€"Jn Lindsay, on Jan. 14th JUXKINâ€"On Jan. 6th. in Ycrulam. Robert Roy J unkin. aged 16 years, 11 months, 12 days, son of Robert Junkin. Strand, Ont. (JORMANâ€"PLATTâ€"On Jan. 91h. at Christ, Church, Bobcaygoon, by the Rev. -W. J. Creighton. James (:or- man of Bellcvillc- and Rose Plat: of Bobcaygeon. WIRESâ€"RICHMOND~â€"On Jun. 9th. at the resident-L of flu- bride's father, Beasley, IN the Rev . A. J. Terrill, Annie Richmond to Robert Neil Wires. Deaths tors and such ah“,.bu_fl:nm_--.;s._ T Eco: before aid meeting. my R. G. CORNEIL, at 10 o’clock an , fo: the purpose of rectifi“ fhe Annyal Sgatement, the Election of D119? The ANNUAL Gaxsmx. Man» of the FIRIERS’ UIIOI .U‘IUAL FIRE IISURAICE GOIPAIY will be held in the COUNCIL CI'IAMBEL in the Town of Lindsay, on 1901, at 8 o’clock, in: the transaction oft-W. era] business. A full ettendancc 0f L3 Holders is requested. The Annual Meeting of the Lindsav Cell!e terv Co. will be held in the Town Clerk? Office on Mondau Evening. Jan. 2151;, THE LINDSAY CEMETERY L3 7th day of February, 190l, Naomi. beloxed wife MAM-.143; Mosley, aged 45 years..,.....}unvra this (Thursday) afternoon. a: 2..' from residence, Kent-st. “m. 1: Salvation Army Barracks, 11‘1"!)(‘073 Riverside Cemetery. My, Jam nth, 1901 In successfully used month! .b 0'“ maladies. sue,eaecm. Igdi’eeflk an: fora-R‘s (can but at he too er, a 311 Mum. pm: ‘33 2‘3m,%80-_l- 31293 A. E. GREGORY, Sec-Tran Wt”

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