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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 Jan 1901, p. 5

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presenting the tout the Dom. , withdraw] at up $100 tad npwds Investment for E: taken to El] them at his is the ies as well 70 months’ we a good :1 for trade, er datings. either for : One Price usmess are Hing large , and tum- ‘customers ers always in Season- under one s goods, gets .0 give put- and best KWOOD' each month is ‘ly or added to testing we urge selec- nd intelli- rves them LGWOOD, Managing Direct“. ulkgdngactiong r expen- individual of Bldg. Toronto owe!- omnanu Igor wings of the zed exclusive S and CHINES d Industrial ‘SAY. ONT. ‘ cheapest .lity. --I90| .Y SALE remnants OVER. so You if F1”! AND 3 withdnw in- .dsay, Om; done by UND ‘uculm. intetest. 67 o BOys’ Tweed Vests, were 50c, bargain day .................. .25c 9 Boys’ and Men’s Overcoats, 25 per cent. of? regular prices 5 Cream Window Shades, lace trimmed, regular 50c, bargain day 38 '12 pieces Lovely Embroidery, at per yard ...................... Sr. 360 yards White Catton, was 6c and 5c, bargain day .............. 4c 38 pairs Ladies’ Wool Hose, were 18c, bargain day .............. me 100 boxes Hair Pins, were 5c, bargain day ...................... 2c E. E. W. MCGAFFEY etc, was 1233c, bargain day ......... . ............... . . . . .8c 100 bunches white cream and pink Shetland Floss, bargain day. . . .7c 12 shades of Velveteen, were 30c and 3 5c, bargain day. . . .. . . . . . .24c 3 pieces Pink Flannelette, was 7c, bargain day .......... . .., . . . . . 5c 9 Men's Uisters, were $6, bargain day ............ . . . . . . . . . . .$3 .00 6 Ladies’ Ulsters, wete $7 and $9, baxgain day. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .$3.50 E9 Ladies’ Cloth Mantles, ranging in price from $6. 85 to $10, 400 Ladies’ White Lawn Handkerchiefs for ...................... 2c 1 piece each of Drab, Pink, Blue and Nile Cashmere Serge, was 25c and 30c, bargain day ........... . ................ 22c Come early and avoid the Crowd. day ............... . ................................... 3 pieces All-wool Tweed, was 40c and 50c, bargain day ......... . 2 £102. Men’s Colored Print Shirts, were $1 and 75c, bargain day. . 4 pieces 36in. Flannelette, suitable for shitting, quilt lining, l piece White and I Grey Factory Sheeting. 50c, bargain day. . . '4°c I piece only Light Grey Flannel, was 1256c, bargain day ..... 6 . . . .9c i piece only Navy Flannel, was 15c,vbargain day ................ 10c ; pieces Tartan Flannelette, was 7c, bargain day ................. 5c 2 Ladies’ Blouses in muslin and print, were 50c and 75, bargain 3 only White Irish Linen Table Cloths, handsome noraer an around, were $3 50, bargain day ..... . ..... . ............ $2. 50 3 dozen Napkins. were $1.75 to $1.50 doz, bargain day,” ...$1 00 '0 odd pieces Men’s Wool Underwear, were 60c and 50c, bargain day ......................................... ........38c 12 White L nlaundered Shirts, sizes I 3 ,4 to 18, were 60c and 50C, bargain day ................. . .................... 39c 2 Boys’ Handsome Striped Mohair Belts, were 30c, bargain day. ..5c 2 Combination Suits for 6 to 10 years, were $1.25, bargain day. . Soc {7 Five U’clock Tea Cups and Saucers, were we, bargain day. . . ...5c 20 yds Table Linen, was 28c, bargain day ..................... 20c bargain day each ..................................... $5.00 Astrachan Mantles to go at 25 per cent. of? regular prices ’ yards Floral Hemp Carpet, was 17c, bargain day. . . ... . . . . . 1254c pairs Flannelette Blankets, bargain day per pair ............... 85c mm xuv. Numbet 5 The One-Price Shoe Store Lindsay’s Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods Hocse We will interest you in many Departments. N BILL, Table Cloths, handsome border all 90 Kent-st. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIAâ€"Pur- suant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, chap 129, sec. 38, the creditors of Robert Smallwood, late of the township of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria,gentle- man, deceased. who died on or about the 24th day of December, A. D., 1900, are required on or before the 4th day of February, I. D , tent, to send by post prepaid to Donald R. Anderson, sole exe- cutor of the estate of the said Robert Small- wood, their christian and surnames, ad- dresses and occupations, full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, (it any) held by them. The said executor shall after the said 4th day of February, {1 FARM FOR SALE .â€" That desirable fun, w‘est‘ 11:1! lot 21. con: _8, Mariposa, FARMS FOB SALEâ€"The following vnlublefumsue offered for ale on very easy term of payment : Velunble firm of 100 acres, one mile (tom Lindsay; nll plow lend except 3 acres of pasture -, soil clay loam. _ Gnod dyelling, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€" Lots 24 and 25, Gull River Range, Town- shi: of Bexley, 196 acres, 75 acres cleared, an in good state of cultivation. Abund- ance 0! water; good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. One mile from Coboconk; good school, churches and railroad. Will be sold an easyterma. Thereisagoodframebarn with underground stable, 30x 50, and house 18:20, withgoodoellar; ' pen 40x20; and small orchard. Aduress M. REESE SHORTHOBN BULL CAI-VHS.â€" 10 to 12 months old. Good strong fleshy fellows. color tom. One of specially good milking gtrgip. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" F or sale in the villue of Reaboro, a com- forteble From. House, 1% storeys high, on stone foundation with six moms, two hells snd_clo§ets,vgood cells}! with cement DURHAM OALVES FOR SALE- Two first-class Short Horn Durham bull calves for sale. 10 1nd [3 months old re- spectively. Color red; eligible to register and fit to bend any herd. Both from good milking strains. Also a number of pure- bred heifer calves. For terms and cortica- lnrsonpply to W. R. SWAINE, Valentin P. .-2 4. ' WANTED.â€"A middle-aged housekeeper to tnke flange of a tum house with s family of three. Apply gt this officeâ€"96. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" On Colborne-st., north ward, an eight, roamed, brick-veneered house, heated mt} coal furnace, n good woodshed and stable en excellent well and cistern, hall an ten of lead with fruit trees, will he sold xenon , nbly if taken at once. For full particulars npply to the Watchman-Wattle: oflice- FARM FOR SALE â€"Neat Bobcaygeon. on Petetboto road. 100 acres clay loam. 60 acres plow land, balance pasture and tamaracl swamp. [Good frame barn and flame house, also a {tame stable: TEACHER WANTEDâ€"For SS. No. BOARDERS WANTED.â€"â€"Apply at 33 Sussex-st" North Ward.â€"I-tf. D.. 1901. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part theteof among the parties entitled theteto, having regard-only to the claims of which he has then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any put thereof so dis- tributed. to any person of whose claim he has not had notice at the time of such distribution. McSWEYN . WELDON. of the Townof Lindsey in the County of Victoria. solicitors {or the aid executor, road, and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. There is a good brick house, with woodsheds; large frame barn. driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in good state of cultivation, and will be sold reason- able. two barns. one nere orchud ; close {6 school. A good tum st u reasonable price and on cosy terms of payment. 52”} Full Lot 23, Con 7, Eldon_togm§hip, containing 100 acres, 70 cleare hudwood bush. Soul. clay 1: miles from Kixkfield, on good the premises are a good brick eontnining 10 rooms and hug. woodshed, etc; frame hip-roof stone foundation and good stab For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman-Winder ofice, Lindsay. containing 100 acres, 70 cleared, Mange hardwood bush. Soul, clay loam. Two miles from Kixlifield, on good road. On the premises are a good brick dwelling, oontnining 10 rooms and large kitchen, woodshed, etc; flame hip-roof bun, with stone foundation and good stabling. One nae oi young orchard; good water. A first-class farm in evexy respect. The McHngh fum west half Lot 16, Con. 3. Ops. is ofien-d for sale. It is situated four miles frog: Lindsay, on the Little Britain nest Taylor’s Corners, comprising one hun- dred acres, more Or less. On the premises are a good frame house, frame barn with stone foundation, driving sheds, hog pens, etc., all in first-class repair. It is well watered-two wells and n never failing spring. Forty acres plowed, balance mostlv seeded down with slsilce and timothy, About eight acres of standing timber. The turn is located on the msin road and is two miles from Oslrwood and six miles from Lindsay, and is within two minutes walk of school nnd blacksmith shop. Cheese and butter factory within one mile Terms reasonable. Possession given March Ist. For full perticulus apply to MRS. M. WELDON, on the premises, or JAMES M. SWAIN, Valentia.â€"5-1. Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerelsâ€"A good lot, 0! several different strains. Some {tom Experimenul Farm. Guelph. Price $1.00, except a few choice ones at $2 00 each. JOHN CAMPBELL. Faitview Fun), Woodviile, Ontâ€"$24!. floor. splendid gaâ€"xden, with a. number of excellent fruit trees. For price and lull puticulus apply st this office or to WESLEY SHAW, Renboxo.â€"2-4. good water; fiat-class orchard. Price $2,000 if takev at once. For particulars apply tc S. M. PORTER. Watchman- Wardcr oflicaâ€"z-tf. Fencion Falls-44. 8. Fenelon, 19017.7 Apply stating salary to g. MgNEyéN, Rosedale, or P. PERDUE, M munfismmts. LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JANUARY 313:, 1901. T05! SALEâ€"The very desirable” premisa i slicing Lot 24. on the 14th conceaion of Township of Brock containing 124 acres; no cleared, soil clay loom. There i. on the premises a new brick dwelling, small orchard: never-failing spring of water accessible to any field that may be ptistur- rnred; close to school, 2% miles from Woodville and Cannington, two of the best grain markets in the Province This property will be sold at a reasonable price and on easy terms. This is a great oppor- tunity {or anyone wishing to purchase -a homestead, For particulars apply to A. E. STABACK, Postmaster, Woodville. PUBLIC NOTIGE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay intend at a meeting to be holden on Monday, the 4th day of Man h. 190:, at 7 3o p.m.. at the Council Chamber In the Town of Lindsay, to pass a By-Law stOpping up and closing those parts of Vic- toria Avenue descxibed as follows :â€" NOTICE TO OREDITORS.â€" In the estate of Hannah Reader. deceased â€"Notice is hereby given. pursuant to R. S 0., Chapter 129, Section 38, that all per- sons having claims upon or against the estate of Hannah Reeder. late of theTown- ship of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria. widow, who died on or about the Seventh day of Ianuary, A.D. 1901. are on or before the Fifteenth day of February, [901, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to McSweyn Weldon, solicitors for the executors of the last will and testament ot the said deceased, addressed to Lindsay_P. ()3, their christian FARM FOR SALE â€"Pans Lots 18 and SEED OATSâ€"First cm: Sud Out: for Selaâ€"The subscriber ofTets for sale 9. Emmy of PU RE NEW MARKET OATS. FAEM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 5 TUBKEYS FOR SALE.â€"The under- signed oficu for sale a number of Inge Bronze Turkeys for breeding purposes. Apply to'I MES CORLEY, West End 9-.“ _A 7 1 STBAYED.â€"Onto the premises of the undersigned. Lot 6, Con. 2. Launch. I 30‘ Yoarllng llolfer. marked on left ear. Owner is requested to prove ptoperty, pay exgenses and take the animal away. JAS. B TTERWORTH, Uphill.-3-3. LOSTâ€"0n election day, Jan. 8th, Younl English Setter Dog. Color white, tan ms and face. while strip on face. A re- wud will be given for information that will lead to its recovery. J. H. BRAN- DON. Fcnelon Falls.â€"4-4. Commencing at a point on the south side of Glenelg Street where the same crosses Victoria Avenue at a distance of '66 feet westerly from the easc side of Victoria Avenue, thence southerly parallel with the east side of Victoria Avenue 167 feet, thence northerly to a point on the south side of Glenelg Street where the same crosses Vic- tpria Avenue 58 feet 6 inches from the east srde of Victoria Avenue, thence westerly 7 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. . And commencing at a point on the north side of Glenelg Street where the same flosses Victoria Avenue at a distance at 66 feet from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence northerly parallel with the east side 0‘ Victoria Avenue to RuSsell Street, thence easterly along the south side of Russell Street where the same crosses Victoria Avpnne 20 feet 6 inches, to a point 45 feet 6 Inches from the east side ‘of Victoria AVenue, thence southerly to a point on the nonh side of Glenelg Street where the same “0836 Victoria Avenue 58 feet 6 inches from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence (surly 7 feet 6 inches to the place of he- fimning. And authorizing the sale and con- "ihnce thqegfto_the GrandTrnnkZRailway ‘ *9 I Mr. Staback was born in Columbus, 'OTICE To CBEDITORS--lfl tho Whitby township: in 18.37. He is I8tlt. of “nun“ ROOHOI'. d.°“s.d of rEngflish and Scotch. (hasn't-in. After â€"Notice is hereby given. pursuant to R.S attendingr school m his native \‘11- 0., Chapter 129. Section 38, that all per- , lage and at \\ liitby, he entered the sons having claim upon 0|, W tbe!LIH1gbhschool at 31121112111111. to wihich \I‘il- estate of Hannah Reeder. me of theTown- age 18 parents a removet . n- ship of Muiposginthe County ofVictons. spec-tor Reazin was then principal. widow, who died on or about the Seventh’ Graduating from that institution Mr. day of Imam. A.D.1901.ueonorbelore Stahack taught for eight years in the Fifteenth day ofFebruary, 1901, tomd.Br0ck, Eldon, Mara, and for two by post prepaid, «deliver to McSweyn years in East Saginaw, Mich. In Weldon, solicitors for the executors of the=1881 he went to Manitoba in the last will end testament otthenid deceased, employ of the, C.P.R. Returning to addressed to UndsaydP. 0., their chaistfialn Eldon he Was made postmaster at names, surnames an addresses, an I! I . Balsover. At the Same time he was particulars 0‘ their "find?" claims, 1nd , engaged in farming and milling oper- the nature of {11 semantics (If_ my) held bY'ations. In 1888 he moved to the themhnnd mmPf‘Mhe' mm m“ aflfl.‘4th concession of Eldon and engaged thesudhstmennoned date the executors in farmin Later he t.d the . . . . . g g. aLUD t 0‘ the “'d “"11! W!!! mm to dumbmetposition of postmaster at Woodville. the assets 0’ the sand deceased ““33 the Mr. Staback's municipal career persons entitled thereto, having regard only , , x - _ to the claims of wl'l notice shall have;ddtts from 1884, when he was elect been given, ”above required, and the said ifd coiiri'cill’or for Eldon. During ’85’ executors will not be responsible for the? 86’, 8" 88’ 89 he, “as _depulty assets. or any part thereof, sodisttibuted to ; reexe, the last three 5ears by ace 8.- any person of whose claims notice, shall ‘ when He next became reexe and not havebeenteceivedas aforesaid at tbeéwas warden of the county in l891. tune ofsuch distfibufion. McSWEYN 3After that he was out of municipal WELDON, Solicitors {0,- Emily Hangs,'politics till elected to his present Mahalaah Tinney and David Dundas, the _ POSitiOIL executors herein. Dated at Lindsay this; Mr. Staback is a man of eduâ€" 16th day of January, A.D. menâ€"3.3 ication and executive. ability and _ a 19. Lon. I. Carden township, containing zooacres; 65 cleared, 30 actes hudw00d bush (uncalled), 15 notes tamnc and cedar (uncalled), balance slashed by fire. Soil clay loam. On the premises are a good hewed timber dwelling, lnthed and plastex- ed. frame hip-roof born, with stabling undet- nenth; implement house, etc. Small orchard. Distant from Brechin 10 miles. from Orillia 14 miles, Possession given April 1st if re- quired. For particulars apply to ELDWARD quired. For particulars apply to EDWARD GRAHAM, on the premises, 0: Dalrymplc 135.) -3 3r These oats have given the best of satisfac- tion the last two years wherever sown, yielding lager crops of first-class grain than my other variety of out: sown in the coun- try. Their quality {or standing up streight, end their hsbrt of ripening one week earlier than other nrieties of oets, leaves them less liable to he sfl’ected with rust and other blight Price 35 cents per bushel. THOS. SHIER, Lot 2, Con. 3, Fenclon, Cambray scnool nouse. Also part W24. Con. 9. putnte land. Apply to jOHN O’CON NOR on the premises, or Lindsay P. O.â€"4 4. -â€"That chonce fem, north-east quarter Lot 21, Can 8, Ops. containing so acres more 0! less, is offered for sole or to rent. Plow- ing nearly all done Large frame barn and other zood outbuildings. Two never-ailing wells; good occbud; well fenced. Two miles {tom Lindsay end one mile from school house. Also part Lot-24. Con. o. con. of Muriposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillable and eight good hudwood bush, beech tad maple. Good buildings and well f’e‘nced. 'ALEX. McDONALD, Sonya, The best farm in the Province for sale or to rent at once. It in situated about a mile and a half nor-th-cast chonya on the fourth I‘- KEN-st. , fiindsai: 41th! ahhzrtisnmnts JAMES ROBERTSON The commissioner for No. 2 is a ‘young man who has attained early 'success. He was born on the 110an- istead where he now lix es parts of lots 14 and 15 in the sixthâ€"in 1861 and is of Scotch descent. In 1897 he was deputy reeve and held the position by acclamation in 1898. Next year he ran for county council but was defeated by 7 votes, only to be put at the head of the poll by a. majority of 280 in the last; elec- tion. He is a shrewd and careful business man in whose hands the inâ€" ;terests of his constituents are safe. CIIARI ES F\IRBAIR.\T (11111115 211ng [De 10“"11 wnari DUI in- Mr Chis Fairb‘airn ox-M P for to a pipe extending some distance -. . . down the riVer. South Victorla was born 1n the town- C 1 .. ld h “‘1. I Ship of Smith, nine miles north of Com. ha me.s to I 0 ; unca Peterboro in 1837. His father was . Health Officer that, Several RPnt'St' a native of Pebleshire Scotland and [cellars are filthy’ some With ”‘TI'i‘HT‘S his mother a. neice of Judge Hageplvegetables. Mr. Douglass “1.1 in- man, one of the first judges of Upper vestigate. Canada. She was one of the first -â€"‘°'â€"â€"' White children born in Port Hope“ From the age of 18 Mr. Fairbairn' was foreman in lumbering operations till ‘he was 36 years old. In 1860 .5. he: settled on the farm he now oc-. ' eupries’ a. little south of Bobcaygeon! village. '. TWO years later he mar- ried "Evbther‘ gFee, cy-The. same. year \he- was" elected ‘to 0131111911 and after servv- Mr. Staback’s municipal career dates from 1884, when he was elect- ed councillor for Eldon. During '85, ’86, ’87, '88, ’89 he was deputy reeve, the last three years by accla- mation. He next became reeve and was warden of the county in 1891. After that he was out of municipal politics till elected to his present position. Mr. Staback is a. man of eduâ€" cation and executive ability and a strong factor in the county legisla- ture. The commissioner for No. 6 is not strictly speaking a new man. He was elected upon the death of Com- missioner Cameron in 1900. but after the sketches of the other members appeared in these columns so that it is only fitting that he should be in- cluded in this group. 16 concession R. of the township and Worked it for five or six years. His brother Robert bought 100 ucrvs ud- joining. Three years ago the comâ€" missioner bought his brotlu-r's farm and now operates the wholv block. He. ran for township councillor six years ago in the patron inn-rests and was defeated. vit year h(‘ was ol- ectcd by acclamation. Afu-r another term he became deputy rww. Next year he was wane and was gin-n 1hc following term by acclamution. This war he Was unoppusi-d us county commissioner for No. 4. Mr. i‘falgee is a young man whose business abiliâ€" ty and early municipal experience give promise of a useful future. Commissioner Magec was born in Donvgal Ireland in 1860. 116‘ came to Canada when 15 years old and worked for farmers in Fenolun town- ship till he reached manhood. T hen lumbering engaged his :Lth-ntion. Hr spent three years in the forests of Michigan. returned to Fvnolon Falls. and after running a sawmill thon- for a. year. he boughl 50 acrvs at. 1m a. fitting recognitiun of his long municipal services. His ripe> 1.x- pericnce and sound judgmvnt make him a valuablo additiun H) the coun- cil. In 1876 Mr. Adams first onion-d the council of that township. He held the position for tho. threw- following yvars and in 1980 VVuS vlt'rlvd depu- ty move by acclamution. In 188/1 he again roâ€"cntcred the council and sat for four years. Again h!‘ was deputy recve by acclamution and filled the position till 1897. In the next, and two following yi-urs he was rcm'o. By his election as; commis- sioner of the county he has received Short Biographies of the New Members of the County Council -_..._ WILLIAM A D A MS Mr. William Adams one 01 1110 Com- missionors for No. 3 division lives on lot; 6, concession 4. of Emily. He is a Forlnnnagh mun. sixty» four yuurs ago he was born in that. Irish coun- ty of stalwarts. When only a lad of six he came to Canada with his parents who svttlvd, pionm-rs in the‘ township whose municipal fortunes ho was dostini-d to so large-1y mould. The old homestead was lot. om- of the first concession of Emily. SKETCflES OF THE NEW COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR SALE. â€" S of Good Woxking Hoysgs‘. Apply at :tchman-Wardcr office. _43-ffl ,ficm (finnefiigmmts ALEXANDER MAG EH ADAM E. STABAL‘K 75 Cents a Year. in Advance ; $t.oo if . We give a. handsome Watch with polished Nickel casepmamenwd . 1 . hour. minute and second hands. keyless wind. Amen-lean \ Mermmntomu- i.» ingonlfidozdnintygold ,r. and silver finished ’ Horseshoe Plus at 10c, ’ each. MIMM men: nod we’ll sendthenoneo shoes. $11me .nndqonr Wuch will be m van. Manly use. The. Dix 0... Box 3.; M ‘ Com. Chalmers told the Medical Health Officer that several Kent-st. cellars are filthy, some with dvcayin‘g vegetables. Mr. Douglass will in- vestigate. The M.H.O. and inspector were in- structed to send samples of some sus- pected wells and also of the town supply to Toronto tor analysis. Once before that had been done and the Officials inquired from what surround- ings it had been taken and when the Board refused to say, failed to make the analysis. If that occurs this time appeal will be. made to the Minister. for'the Board wants an inâ€" dependent report and is 'not willing to supply any information. Mr. Millsâ€"The sewer outlets at Kent and Francis-sts. are nuisances. If they are not remedied the people will rise up in rebellion. The pipe at Francisâ€"st. ought to be extended to deep water and the sewer and drains along the town wharf put in- to a. pipe extending some distance down the river. The Board of Health met for the first time this \-8a!' on Honda's after- noon. Presvnt: Dr. McAlpine and Messrs. Duck, Keith, Staples, Mills and the mavor. Mr. Charley Veitch will be formally asked to complete the sanitarv re- novation of his premises and the owners will at, the same time be notified that the work must, be dom: by Feb. 15th. If they do not. do it it seems Mr. \‘eitch as tenant can do the work and keep the cost from the rent. Dr. McAlpineâ€"If the germs of tx- phoid were in the “‘29. [or of that. well, other families using it would likely have. contracted the disease. â€"'I‘he return game in the ainter- mediate series of the O.H.A. between Pt-terburo and Lindsay was played Monday night, resulting in a. victory for the visitors. At half-time the score stood 5 to O in favor of Peter- boro, but during,r the latter half Lind- say succeeded in sewing three and Petorboro the same, leaving a. final score of 8 to 3 in favor of Petorboro Mr. Hugh Jack of Toronto refit-£28! the game to the satisfaction of both teams. Mr. ' MillFThe others CL have boiled the water. â€"â€"Torornto- Worirr: “’(‘nnuie Sulli- van, who 10 years ago was the ban- tamâ€"weight champion. is (load. His death was due to pneumonia. Sulli- Van was a pupil of Jack Dempsey. and trained with many champions." The deceased will be remembered as having taken part in a 24th May celebration here. in 1890, along with E. W. Johnston. Fitzgerald and Bob, Harrison. begun suit in the Supreme ('nurt to recover from Richard K. Fox 82500, the value of a. diamond-studded belt, emblematic of the championship. -â€"The OIL-1. executive have grantâ€" ed a permit to J. Coleman. :1 teacher at, Ops station. to play with Lind- say. but the applications Were refus- ed in the case of A. S. I’arkin. who has removed to Port Perry. and of Ewart. Gillam. Anderson. Hartley and Milburn. who had played in the Trent Valley Leagueâ€"Toronto News â€"James J. Jofirios. who wrestod the premier pugliSLic honors from Robert Fitzsimmons. and who is now matched to fight August Ruhlin for the championship of the World. has ~Philadolphia Record : -â€" James Kent, while playing hockey on the ice with some wealthy neighbors at Fishkill Landing, on the Hudson river, Sunday afternoon, {all and fracâ€" tured his skull. He died shortly afterwards. -â€"The O.H.A. has issued instruc- tions that all games scheduled for the day of Her Majesty's funeral be post poned. â€"Fenelon Falls beat Bobcaygeon 9 to 2 in a Trent Valley League game at Bobcaygeon, Friday night. Mr. H. M. Knowlson of town refereed the game. -â€"-It is undersl ond that the ”hint“ i0 Jockey ('11:?) will retain the title “Queen's Plate." for the great annual race at the Woodbine, for maiden pro 1' ince-bred horses . â€"â€"Port Perry has now a pacing re- cord for anada. On Wednesday last Lookingr Glass Won in straight heats, going,r the fastest. three consecutive heats ever paced over ice in Canada. â€"'I‘he game commission before com eluding their annual meeting atTorâ€" onto, on Wednesday night, decided not to recommend any changes in the. game laws this year. The proposal to extend the deer hunting season was not entertained. “Shari-my and Mahor are matched for a twenty round contest, in Louis- ville, K52, during February. Toronto Star: Upper Canada has one of the best shots in the city in Gill. who plays on the left wing. won 34 out of 36 contegts ing for six years became move which office be filled with the exception of one year till his resignation in 1890- He served two terms as nwmber at; Ottawa. In all Mr. Fairbairn has mA_ The Public Health Sporting World Plat/e." for the grpat annual 1110 Woodbine for maiden ls s-uu a vigorous ad‘ county council. not so Paid in this IO

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