cause they contain :11 the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way tom cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and um. All food 5 acted on by the stomach end prc.~ pared for absorption into the system. When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these condiï¬bns.‘ Why?-- Be- O. You feel youmfl gutting wall when you (an Dr. lud’a Blood ï¬nd Im- Eula. You Make A Mistake {FERRY’S g WINTER GOODS at % cosrâ€"â€"-â€"-- You Make A Mistak D As every man who has purchased Page Fendng ms he has the best Fence on the market. Unless you have made up your mind to go without warm footwear for the rest of the season, you certam- ly will be interested in these : â€"Mens’ Overshoes, sold regularly at $1.3; and $1.50, for $1 and $1 15. " What we havo we'll hold " Dr. Wud'. Pills (in just the pro- pahelpb n tired mum, anddif- fu_se_ u_ glow 9: health through (ha wholo ham ï¬nale. What no hnv’nt we‘re after †ifyou are in the market for fencing we con to have. you consider ghc merit: othe “Page w. M. ROBSONE petite. Dvsnonsla. leak of Energy or Stomach Troublm If you have Pale, Walsh, or allow complexion, Gold lands and Foot, loan of Ap- PAGE WIRE FENCE co. (Lu) Mens’ Cloth-Top Rubbers, sold tegulaxly at 85c, for 60¢. Mens’ felt lined boots, Womens’ felt lined boots, Mens’ skating boots, Womens’ skating boots. __V â€"â€"v â€".-- ...v v: ;uc 5' c cared Wire, made inpu; own Wire Mi WEST END STORES WAthnerLe. All at Cost It is announced by the Militia. Dep- artment. that the Imperial Comm- Prof. Robert Gersuny, one of the most eminent surgeons of Austria, reports an important. discovery which the has made. This discovery con- : sists in the use of a mixture of para- ; flin and vaseline in curing physical. deformities and ï¬lling cavities form- ‘ ed by the removal of portions of bones. In a large number of expiri~ '5 ments this treatment has proved per- ‘ iectly successful. The mixture is in- jected beneath the epidermis at a temperature of 104 degrees. It hardens quickly and remains in pos- : ition Without the possibility of shift- . ing. It does not irritate the sur- ;rounding parts, and is in no way ' harmful to the blood. In a case Where the jaw was removed this in-. ; jection ï¬lled .out the hollowed check I to a perfect contour. Another pat? l ient suffered from a. defect in the pal? ate, which caused an impediment in5‘ his speech. After an operation the: malformation in the palate was cor- rected by the injection described, and the spcech became distinct. It. is belipved possible that this injection may also prove or great use in cases of muscular constriction, but experiâ€" Illtnls in this direction are not yet. complete. A 'number of surgical authorities have declared that the mixture will possibly be invaluable for: developing thin persons, conceal- ing deformities of the face and body. Prof. Gersuny declines to allow the discovery to beneï¬t him ï¬nancially, declaring‘ that he values it purely from medical and scientific stand-.1 points. Major McL‘nlumnt is little known in America. but some Americans have met him at Newmarket. which he re- presents in parliament. He is just forty years old and worth about $40,000,000. His father. a barris- ter in moderate. circumstances, had two uncles. Robert and Hugh. who were partners in the stock broking business for ï¬fty-three years without a. single change, no one 0151: being taken into the ï¬rm. When at the end of titty-three years Robert, the elder of the twm who had married a sister of Lord Cairns, died at widow- er and childless, he left his property to his brother Hugh, and it was the latter, who never married, that bequeathed the whole fortune, his own and his brother's, estimated at four millions Stirling, in trust for his great-nephew to inherit when he attained the age of 32, Verdi bequeathed three to six mill- ion lire ($600,000 to $1,000,000) for a home fur aged musicians. The Hamilton Herald suggests that the preSent is a ï¬tting time fur the calling in of light, and mutilated coin, to be replaced by a new issue. It is a. fact, that a large proportion of our silver coin is light weight. Many of the pieces are so worn that. banks and storekeepers refuse tn take them. and the holders are frequently compelled to make. expenditures they did not intend to get rid of them. The government should arrange with the banks to redeem all such coins at a lace Value. bear and muskrat. chase is between $2 Tho stupidity. 'urclcssncss. or wil- ful neglect, of deputy returning of- ï¬cers who fail to initial ballots cast at an clcction will not be allowcd to discnfranchisc voters. In this opin- ion Mr. Justice Strcct has concurred with (‘hanccllor Boyd, and their Lordships today handed out, formal dccision to that effect in connection with the North Brucc cloction. been opened in London. The sacred ediï¬ce is located in the Marylebone Work house. For many years past the lunatics of the house in question belonging to the. Roman Catholic church have performed their devotion in one of the wards improvised as u. chapel. As time went on the num- ber of Roman Catholic poor seeking- the shelter of the Marylebone. union grew to such an extentâ€"in fact. there are now over 400 Roman Cath- olic inmates in the. house that the. ,ittle Chapel was found too small for the congregation, and the guardians resolVed to provide a. large one. '1‘ he work was accomplished entirely by pauper 1a bor. Gleaned From 001' Exchanges A Roman Catholic church unique in the history of Roman Catholicism in England. in that it has been built, entirely by pauper labor, has just A LITTLE 0F EVERYTHINU L. The whole pur- $2.500 to $3,000. as a. peaceful and honest. citizen, and I have received condemnation. I have fulï¬lled every promise I made to Governor Crittendon at the time of my_ surrender, carried out. every 60mâ€" my defeat. I reached the conclusion that the people of Missouri are, at, least very ungrateful. I asked an en- dorsement of the years I have lived Frank James, the former.bandi1, was a candidate before the Missouri Legislature for doorkoupur of the House, but failed to get a. place. He says : "I feel deeply humiliated over the old pork packer actually devised Was ï¬fteen millions. The calculaâ€" tions were about four hundred per cent. wind. The Chicago papers estimmu Armour fortune at $70,000,000. the old pork packer acLUHJIV d. George Lynch. an English \Vzu' cor- respondent, who has arrived in New York on his way to England, having. gone through the disturbances in China, said .Of the atrocities connnittâ€" ed by the allies‘ soldiers, from which the Americans. the Japanese. and the English troops were excepted: "Any thoughtful person who has been in Pekin with the allies cannot but speculate as to what effect, this V’n‘iâ€" ‘tation will have on the population of China. It is luminously evident. to :my mind that, for generations to come the progress of Christianity in China. is absolutely killed. In Chi-ha the faith was practically making no real progress. but what little proâ€" gress it, has made among the lower classes and the destitute coolies, who form the bulk of the soâ€"called conâ€" verts, is no“ utterly wiped out. It will be generations before the recolâ€" lection of this latest crusade is eras- ed from the memory of the Chinese people." They say John I). Rockfuller's monv 0y makes him unhappy. Why doesâ€" n't he burn more of it. ? The population 01‘ Australia is 4.- 480.000, and that of ('mmdu about, 6,000,000. Let us keep uhvnd of them. A report from Montcrqx, MexiCO. declares that the miners in Mexico substantiate thi- claim that the Chinese discovered this continent, long before the days of (‘olmubus. But it, is not, a mining question. 1‘- is a question of history. plainud. are a cross between a raroon and a Common cat. and'there is no reason why they should not be bred as easily on Ontario farms as on a Maine farm. Coon cats are worth today from ï¬ve dollars to one hun- dred dollars a piece. Exc‘ptional spt-cimt-ns have been known to'fvtch two hundred or even three hundred dollars. A't. tho prosvnt, time all of them como from Maine. simply for the reason that the breed is peculiar as yet to that Stat-0. Their popu- larity is such that tho busim-ss of brmding them has boon rapidly growâ€" ing during,r the last few yoars in that part of the country, and one ship- IN'I‘, not very far from Bar Harbor, t-xportod in 189%) no fewer than Lhrqe thousand of the animals. Speaking at a mvvting «)f thu (Imi- mlian 'l‘mmmrancc Loaguu in Tomntn Monday night, Mr. W. 11. Mimms said: "That the licensed liquor in- terests in the province paid 11. total of $589,381 a y’ur in luvs. and turn- o-(l over 821558900 in business. Only let, this aunuunt bu spent, in legitimate lines of businvss, said Mr. Munns, and them will be little talk af over-production. It. was under- production and not, ovvr-production that, caused distress in the labor market." ’ ‘ Local fur dealers have called at- tention to the fact that; that there is a. good opportunity for the (fanâ€" adian farmer to make. a neat, little fortune every year by raising coon cats on his farm. The demand for them is steadily increasing among fur dealers, and at. present the sup- ply, which comes mostly‘from Maine. is hardly large enough to meet the. demand. Coon cats, it may be ex- Hail, King Equrd ! L’uign, King Edwm‘d This is snow joke. THE WATGHMAN-WABHER: LINDSAY. ONT. . What to ï¬ght consumption, with Scott’s Emulsion of codâ€"liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, you can resist; and you may overcome it. Don’ t be afraid; be brava But tackle it; don’ t waste time. .ohcocoa. ‘ . .2..!flb:u.1 -q amnion. .q than 05-. ’g 0" â€.5“ “E g Ola“ SYMPTOMS â€" Moisture; inteme in-ning and stinging; most at. night; worse by scratthing. If ulluwcd to continue tumors form which often blvcd and ulcerate, becoming very sorc. SWAYNE’S ()ISTMEX'I‘ stops L110 iuhfng and bleeding, heals ulcer- ation, and in most CaISCS removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. I YMAN S()\S ‘\ (30., Mammal \xhulesale agcnts X T he time â€"()Ilicial notice has bw‘n given that ladies who intend bring present. at the uponing of Parliament are to \n-ar mourning cosluim-s. Nome others will be admitted to th- floor of the Senate. The instrucliuns are not definite as to what is the vorâ€" rcct. thing but it, is understood that ladies wha have seats on Ihc floor as well as in the ofï¬cial gallery will Wear an evening dress of a mudilivd type. The order for nmurning minus absolute black without any purple or white shades. X Mrs. S. M. Saunders of Mount Vur- non. N.Y., has a pious of Qum‘n Vic- toria's wedding cako, which ('zum- to her from her mot her, 1111: daughter of a. Prussian ofliccr who was with Bluchcr at. Waterloo. to whom it was prus‘cmod by Lady Mulgruu», «me of the maids of honor at, tht' wedding. The pica? 'as shown to 1110 Queen at her goldvn jubilee, vncaisvd in a. silver casket. Smallpox is not as (loudly a. dis- t-zisc as is generally supposed. ln Wisconsin there have only bvvn two deaths in two months out of 400 cases. A Toronto physician $13,108 that he would rather treat a patient, for smallpox than for consumption: than, he would loss dread the conse- quenccs of contagion and haw great- cr hope of success with his [mm-m. Not till they sang “(:od San-v 1h" King" in church last Sunday did the full reality of the fact that Victoria )8 no longer on the throne lulu: pos- session of the minds or man}.- or no:- subjects. Plans are being made for a party of scientists to leave Victoria in June for the Big Glacier on Mount Fair- weather, where the "Silent, (‘ity of Alaska" is seen every year about that time. The expedition will be backed by some. Californians. 'I‘ents. photographic and surt’eying appar- atus will be taken. The mirage. which stretches for a distance of live miles across the great glacier. is said to be a representation of the. t'ity of Bristol. Englandand. in order to note the time and weather when their obmrvations are made and all characteristics of the mirage. Then. as soon as one of their number can get into communication with the City of Bristol enquiries will be made. by telegraph with scientists at that city of the weather conditions pre- vailing at Bristol when the observâ€" ation Was made When the Duke of :Abruzzi climbed Mount St. Elias four years ago he made a. pen and ink sketch of the silent city. Sir Henry Littlejohn, medical om- cer of Edinburgh, believes that Murâ€" [ray Hall. the Tammany politician, Lwho upon death Jan. 17th was ‘found to be a woman. was the same person who. in 1871, was brought to the smallpox hospital dressed as a man, but who was subsequently found to be. a woman. An employc of the, hospital, supplementing the statement of Sir Ilenry Littlejohn, says: “A moman who went. under the mane of John Campbell and was a. stonemason, married a girl in Edinburgh. The bride complained to a magistrate that her supposed hus- Band was a woman. and the Luagzs- trate locked up the unpusu-r on a. charge of trifling with the i't-rgi:-1ra- tion laws. Campbell suffered from a slight attuv; of small pox; and Was taken to the h'hpiiul. r'ne was re- leased when she recovnred. She gave as a. reason for her Conduct that she Was left an orphun and had dressed up in the. clothing of a dead brother because, it was easier to get unlplnyâ€" ment. At that time time sh:- \V‘uS suppr)r~‘e(l to have gone to the United States." pact to the letter. I had pledges from fully two-thlrds of the Repros~ entatives, and yet "when the caucus was held received but. 13 votes. Revenge? No. I am not, seeking it. I have fought my ï¬rst. and last poliâ€" tical battle, and lost." Piles! Piles! Itching Piles First Clo: Sleepers Toronto to Winnipeg nn 1 the Coast. EPI’S’S 0000A Trans. The only All can. ndian transcontinen- Contincntal :tli’ifmgizï¬â€˜; d " cc S ndny Travel igl‘z'izliï¬pztg, [lance daily to Brandon. Moose Jaw. Medicine Hat. Calgary, Banff Hot Springs. Revelstoke, Mission Junction. Vancouver and Victoria. erxcclled Dining Car Service Nari: 3:, E? Fort William, and Rat Pomgc to Medicine c.P.I- OFFICE - ° - KENT mm EPPS’S 0000A â€"8 Day Ciocks, 22 inches high, $2.50. they will last a long time, they are guaranteed {or 3 years. Newspzner reports show that more than half: million persons in the la gtiype belt, whtCh extends across the United States from New York to the Rocky Mountains, are suf {exirg from the disease And it is beginning to show itself in Candi. The use of the shave Porter is found a good preventive. The most delicate pexsons can use it by beginning with a wine glass full end ineleesing as thev get used to taking it, Put up in pint and quavt bottles. and said by all the best glocers. Kept on dnft at en the best hotels. Price per doz quarts....$1 00 -‘ " “ pints ...... 60 The Calcutt Brewing and Malting C0. â€"Alarm Clocks 75c up, warrant- -â€"Ducher Hampden Watches. 21 Jewels. the ï¬nest Watches madeâ€"Gold Cases, Silver Cases, Nickle Cases. â€"Beautiful Mantle Clocks. Calcutt’s Medicinal Porter It you $t one of our WALTHAM or ELGIN tchcs you will be sure it. Is GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for Delicecy of Flavour Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially, grate. m1 and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-lb tins, labelled JAMES EPPS 00., Ltd. Homceonathic Chemists, London. England. BREAKFAST SUPPER UPHOLD THE TIME 4-13 Must General Passenger Agent. x King Street But, Toronto. T. G. latenett. Agent THE JEWELLER, 77 Kent-St" South Side -â€"SEE OUR NEWâ€" LIMITED, Pctctboxo. tr Eu. airs... .33.... no in 2:â€" Mog 2‘. Eu 0?. :3! “ourâ€. ‘o’aogigucu a!“ loinâ€".33. lipâ€".8383 3 S. Y: :5... o. 9. .33.». ‘oaoésl‘o‘an‘fltl w. a. tartanâ€"Eu n. ? 36:38 wants. “a! m 6. (3687113.? MOORE JACKSQNfï¬u “- 4. â€1AA-__ ,- - MCLAUGHLIN mugg- “In md‘_ n_n~n‘--, _ DONALD R. ANDE R SON w “‘1‘._ n. -â€" so COLLEGE-:11. TORONTO EYE, EAR, NOSE All) THROAT SPECIAL!“ DR. ARTHUR DAY DENTIST successor to m: u": on 0'0? I'm-’- Dm’ W 3mm" 1-17. DR. NEELANDS DENTIST. - . LINDSAY DR. E. A. TOTTEN DEIHST, - 1 DR SUTTON, MMWWï¬-my Timothy, Inn, 313:, i931 .A. GILLESPIE, c A In An- . F. A WALTER? â€"â€"-. namsr. - mam G. S. RYERSON‘ swpspN, PHYSICIAN JEFFERS. ILAWE‘IQPKINS. gntï¬strn H. GROSS Musicians OFFICEâ€"04 In: so... .Iuy \V .3!