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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jan 1902, p. 12

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_______________________, BOARDERS WANTED â€"â€" Fix-straws front room, suitable for two genâ€" mm'ned couple, mth 50m; also large west room suit- omen with board. Toms reasonable. .Apply at No. 61. Skitch's terrace. 94. TRAY EDâ€"Ont O undersigned lot Mlbn, on or abou 1901. one ram lamb. Owner can have 533116 byproving property and paying expenses. JOHN HEWIE, Glenarni.?.O;â€"5505B.;u , . ____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i ESTRAY LAMB-Cum into the premâ€" ises of} the undersigned, lot 16, can. 6. Fenelon; about. Nov. lst,a spring lamb. Owner is requested to prove property, .pay expenses and take it away. JOHN MOORE, Pawlea' Camera P.0.-â€"~51-8. I _ '1 S'rIlAYEDâ€"Came into the premises of the undersigned, east halt lot. 26. coma, Yunnan. tbmt'nov. 20th. ed to prove property. pay expenses and remove the animals. J AME LAMB. Penelon Falls P.0.â€"51â€"3. #___ 4 "Township of Garden. on or about. OEtober lst last. an AM Mare. The owner is ‘ nested to » prove ses and ”take p088»; a. red steer. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying exâ€" penses. WILLIAM DENNIS, Little Britainâ€"53. ,____..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- STRAYE-Dâ€"From the prennses u. the undersigned, lot fl Q, con. ‘15, Mariposa, 10 SPRIN ' LAWS“; Were missed about 15th Nov. Any person giving information As will lead to their rccoVegrs will; be suit; NOTICETO MHOR8.+â€"Hotice is hereby “giiehx mam" 10:113-92- chap. 1292‘ sec. 38. that an persons having claims against the estate of Barbara Gourley, latepof the town of Lindsay, spinster. deceased, who died on or about the. 19th day .01 August, 1901, are required to send by. post, prepaid, to Messrs Mc- Laughlin,~ McDiamjd and Peel of Lindsay, Solicitors for. the Nation- tag in ear. " Owner t; feguedigfz‘to prove rropértyflpay fipe‘lsw 2: and remove animal. DENNIS CRONAN. Kirkfield P.O .â€"â€"51-3. - IOTICE TO CREDITOBSâ€"In the1 Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria. Pursuant to the Provi- sions of Chapter 129 of the ReVis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 3.897, not- ice is hereby given that-3.11 credit- ors and others~ having claims against the estate of Patrick O’Connor, “late of the $on 0!: Ops in the County of Victoria, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of November,” A.D., 1901, are required, on ”or before the 2nd day of January, A. 7D., 1902, to send by post prepaid to Donald R. Anderson, Lindsay P.O., solicitor for Mathew Fax-rally “luv-Jud , .7-_- :11 Trust Co., Limited, the adminis-v; trators o!_ the said estate, a full statement of their claims; duly ver- i ifiéd. 9;; or Were the W1 V. t . “P ‘ mi grams.“ 2,85 mar 3313* - ‘ -, am) -.. date the said administmtors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to claims of which they shall at that time have notice. ' .. y , Dated at Lindsay this 9th day of December, 1%1,McLAUGHLIN, Mc- DAIRMID AND PEEL, Solicitors for said administrator.â€"50-3.~ Friday, Jan. stdâ€"By Thos. Swain, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements. the property 0! Hr. J. J. McGill, north halt lot 4. con. 10. Hanvers. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. ‘ .U., avasv‘vv- â€"v- and Mathew Murtha, executors of the estate of the said Patrick O’Connor," their christian "and sur- naines, addresses and occupations, mu particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (it ‘ any) held by them. The said exeeutors‘ shall after the said 2nd day of J an- uary, A.D., 190:3, be at liberty to distribute'the assets of the said de- ceased or any part thereof among the parties entitled. thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, ‘ and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distribnted to any person of whbse claim such execu- tors shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution. Datâ€" ed at Lindsay, the 9th day of De- cember, A.D., 1901. DONALD R. ANDERSON. Solicitor for said Realtorsâ€"504i. . @eathets wan‘tfl 8037:2113 flirt-haters Strapch me onto the pi'é‘niises Sale Register the premises of lot 9. con- "15' __________._â€"â€"â€"f ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 01“ LANDS. -- The undersigned have receive instructions from The Na- administrators of ' deceased, to ofler for sale by PUB- LIC AUCTION, at the SIMPSON HOUSE in the town of Lindsay, on THU'RSDA3I. the SECOND DAY of JANUARY, 1902. at the hour of FOR Sm will «inch-n09“ '0' cattle, larfl‘sw’e‘1 . é {our years °‘d'. 'l‘erms; LII-Ll»; I“ purchase money to be 01, sale, the balance within thirty days. ' The said inter‘es't ix‘i'sgjd lot mn be sold subject *to a. rm bxd. For further, particurars .agd con- ditions of sale uppii td'vaULAUGHâ€" .IJN. McDIARmD AND PEEL, Sol- 01 4 1331an Gourley. . 0-8. Mod 9th Dec_.,1901.â€"5 DAViDSON. lot 20,-con. I posa. Little Britain mums F93 3mm 3mg in 093', 4, mileii fine; dyayfi: 133 acres in' Ops, 7 'mfl‘eg from Lindsay 100 acres in North Emily; three 2004mm 1m. in": Fm. Five ‘ 2W6 . fa’rrms 21in Fabian; Ifive ' hou§és"1fid‘]bts;ft§r sale in Lindâ€" say; _ 'F9‘1€"par_ti¢ula.rs' apply to ELIAS BOWES, Real Espate Agent. 1mm FOR $51.22; bomfi'fl5 *0 License i Real Ehtam El ghministtatnrs’ glam: elon. __________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"7 3 ARM FOR SALEâ€"In‘Ops town- ship, 8 mila Irom‘ Lindsay, 5 from. Omemee, 2 from , Reaboro. One‘ hundred acres; 92.1n good state of- cultivation, "soil clay loam. Good frame house. stone foundation, new frame barn 42:60 with stone foun- (lotion, good yells, etc. , For price and terms apply at «m8 9m”. FARM FOP. SALEâ€"Lot, 1:1, (Jun. 4,- Fcnelon,containing 100 acreefii'o of which are low gfimd, r-alaneeizlzu- be!“ and p ‘turenwéll “Ed” 011 the premises are.ng ho ' and lag barn with, (mud fistublim: 'ignderâ€" neath. About an acre of orchard One mile "from {slay P.0.--on good road, six miles from Cambray Sta- : yion and eleven miles from Lindsay. l Apply to Peter Graham, Islay P1). ________._.___i FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€"-Beihg east half lot 24, coil. 9, Brock, one mile north of Mapilla, :4: miles from ~ Cannington, 100 acres, in!) cums cleared, soil dark clay loam: 0n the farm is a. good stone house, fair outbuildings, orchard, two gobd wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing. wenfadvanccd- AP- ply if by letter GEO. JOHNSON. Box 53 Cannington, or on lot. 2, con. 13, Mariposa5é1517fif. Lot 22. Con‘.‘ campus wwwuflp, 3'99.“ 11731111165 southwest of M334 1111:. function. 100 acted, 75 under, cultivation. GOOd building: am: well fenced. Frame house, large frame barn and stables, good well and a newt-failingspring .;, young orcharé commencing to bear. For terms and particulars apply to ALEX. FERGUSON. Sonya, Ont... ARM FOR SALE OR BENTâ€"Too best farm in the Province Ior sale or to rent at once. It. is dun-mad about a mile and ‘a hall northeast of Sonya on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The month halt- of' lot ~ - . , 4.1.5.. apron FOR SALE OR To REST.â€" are two’wells. The mill. is run by water power, « For particulm ffityly HIGH). DAVImON, Glau- Apply L- v¢w vâ€". _ . dersigned oflers for sale or to rent that 74 acres constituting lot 19, of con. 5, Mariposa and the stone and roller grist mill situated there- on and known as the Davidson mill 21101122 to $033! Powles" Corners Etc. 5 Victoria FOR SALEeâ€"Two n-‘Lot 13. con brook wwhipr Hurlw° . ORA- for Lindsay. Good bnild at this officer-1’52"3 on Lindsay-st south, on Or Sept. 30th., 1901, a. binding chain. about 18 Ieet long. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the some at. Royal Hotel. Lindsay .â€"â€"1-l. 0n WednesdaY: p.m.. at the home ants. 12 Fulton-at On Wednesday. Dec. 18th. at 4 p.m., at. the home of the bride’s par- ents, 12 Fulton-5L. Cleveland. Ohio, Mr. John E. Ashmaii and Miss Min- ne M. Key» were married by Rem Frederick E. J. Lloyd. rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church. The wed- ing was a. very quiet one and was witnessed only by immediate reh- tivcs. Jno. E. Ashman is p son of Mano. Ashmnn oi Hunky, sud well known in this locality. m- many iriends wish to congratuluu 1mm. in his matrimonial venture. at .-â€"1-2 . The annual meeting of 1410 was held on the av 24th, . goodly number ‘ hers being present. Th: a. flourishing cogdiuon. 1 _-4IIJ ”Uh hand man: cum on thoroll. .fl‘he aunts Iowa-s q» snug bounce.» the right. side of the ledger.‘ The ‘ lodgeroom. together with the shed and hell upltairs. the new wire tenoe and grounds are all Deco in- good condition and tree of debt. gave which is a. record for the boys to be .eoun proud of. The oficlal stud for next of 1.1 year are as follows :-â€"Thos. Patter- of w son. W.M.: Foster Berton. 1131.; .1110. or t: 'Mulligan, Chan; Geo. Brooks, Rec.â€" He} Sec: S. White, Fin-Sec; E. Tiers, railv ‘Treas; Wm. Gamble. 11°C.; Jas. Marâ€" ,next tin, D. of 0.; Com.â€"â€"Thos. Kelley. ‘be John Britton, Robt. Curtis,- John .wOuI Skuce and Wm. Dragon. sh‘ou . OLA 0n ‘ Friday evening, Dec. 20th, a. i of Mr. A. Jamison to bid farewell to Mr. D. Jamieson, who has for the past two . years been teacher at Grant's school. As soon as all had “ gathered together Mr- Jamieson was presented with a. gold:watch, chain iand locket, and a brush and comb in .a silver settings, both having Mr. J am- ieson's initials upon them. along with a nicely worded address expressing,‘ the regret the pupils jelt at the de- parture of their teacher. Mr. Jam- ieson, who was-taken. completely by ‘ surprise, replied in a few appropriate words. thanking both pupils and young people for their remembrance of him in the gift and address._ A“: enjoyable evening was then spent in | music and games, all going home well satisfied. Mr. J. F. Carmichael, teacher of Galt, Ont... spent Carlstnms at the parental residence. , With the advent at Christmnatide comes seem at rejoicing and men?- making and the he V'N of young an old are attuned to glory in the sea- son when a Saviour was usheregl it.â€" 'to the world. The season is not an unpopular one for the culmination in marriage among single people of those amia'umi A that have teen maturing for some time. and it was a happy event of this kind that Imp- pened at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Veale, lot 1. con. 4. ‘L‘n Thorah. on Christmas their eldest daughter Miss united in marriage to . .' Morrison ’01 the same Shortly before the hour,!« many the guests to the nu couples arrived and took ‘ m. "l‘um .v..- Thorah. on Christmas day, when their eldest daughter Miss Nollie was united in marriage to. Mr. Donald Morrison 01 the same towmhip. Shortly before the bour,ior the core.- ding party. consisting of the groom, his best man Mr. Fred Veale of To.- ronto, brother of the bride, and Kiss Nellie Veale. bride elect. and the bridesmaid Miss Nellie Brandon, Cum- nington, entered the parlor and took their position. The bride-to-be cone in learning on the arm of her father, innd looked chhrmlng in a} dressof blue grey cloth, trimmed with white satin and carrying a boquet of white roses and mindonetto. "The brides- ‘A 4a--) aca ms“ .»--.â€" maid Miss Nellie Brandon looked very handsome in a_ dress of grey doth trimmed with white silk. The Rev. Mr.” Best. Beaverton. officiated in his usual able and happy mannerg After the ceremony and the extend-i iny: of congratulations the company retired to the dining-room to tables that literally groa'n‘ed with the abundance of good things on them. After the [supper and indulgence in irepartee the happy couple left amid ‘showers of rice and accompanied by a host 01 their friends for the run- way station Lornedlle, from whence they left for Toronto , nnd- points mt by the evening train. greeted again by shovel-Sm! rice as they mounted the eat em. Hr. end ham to gun ml meeting a! L.O.L. No. hold on the evening of the podly number at the mem- preocnt. The lodge is in :3 condition. with over 50 ll. .fl‘he audit. shaved g moon the right side of the The ‘ lodges-com. togethet thed and hell upstairs. the fence and grounds 9"! full HARTLEY LORNEV FAIRBAIRN SCHOOLâ€"MARIPOSA East Royal H0921. wan: min-2.9! the. miner 90!"? .Q‘t'wvem' manor. TM" WW {Slutty then returned to ELY #73,. whens an evening of the most enjoy- 91110 was spent by all. 7In Mr. and In. Harrison we extend congratula- tions and we feel sure that we but voice the sentiment o! the commun- ity in extending them hearty well wishes. "‘_.I--- Eldon nomination meeting Hominy} passed much quieter than was unti- approximating 850. and then left in the shed outside. It is to be hoped that an investigation will succeed in bringing the perpetrators to time. Miss Miami McKay, Toronto, who ‘was in attendance at the wedding of ‘her friend Miss Veale Christmas day Lretm'ned to the city Friday last. NOMINATION DAY AT VARIOUS MEETING PLACES A IN THE COUNTRY Patton Council Wu Returned by Accla- nation as Wu Reeve D1ch of Ops AT OPS TOWN HALL. The Ops nomination meeting was held in the township hall on Monday and was lorgely attended. The fol- lowing persons were nomi’nabed :â€" For Reeve Jae. McLean, Jno. Thou. Corrine and 'David Walker. JII. Fox. Robert J. Patterson, John Slum“. Willard Curtis. Jug Byrno, Peter" Hawkins. Walter Ark- my, Wm. Beat. Thou. hickson and Samuel Coulter A cila .The nomination meeting .at Oak- wood was well attended oudJively. Local Option bylaw was diagnosed in a. spirits}! fashion. The county road schgmo was given “No atten- tion. The nominations were ,u 101- lows : ‘ . .For Connemara _ Johi: Black. John 1!. Chrysler. John .hmes Irwin. George Jarrett. Ime- KcKey. Patrick m M lg!â€" NEST-i Davidson. Wm. Suez!“- GARDEN. For Reeve. John Alton. 3r mm mm Michael M. a {he stituw' ‘fW ought. that. Ops'was not yet. l to Mum He thought. " " ‘ n9 exgcllent. For Councillors ndidabea Nessa. Patter- Best and Coulter than 3 meeting in turn. saxâ€" 1ined to no- ince he could I from ham. {or their 10118- at from $5 to $25. laney. Jamal William Brown. Jamel Courtney. Inch“! J. May. William 8. (Erw- hun. David I.Wy. "mum powers. than“ Bully. - GLAIORGAN. v' For Reeve. 'John Iguwcu, A. moon. For Councillors. H. B. Racy. J. .1. Hunter. P. R. Switur. Wm. Hope and H. L. Inna. BEXLEY. For Reeve. Geo. McKaguc. by acclamatlon. For Councillors. John Bowins. Chas. Simpson, Baht. Ferguson. Peter Wires. Wm. Peel. ‘ Wm. Benson, Jos. Lytle. AT CAMERON. The municipal nominations for the tomb“) of Fenelon was held in. the Orange hall at Cameron on Monday. There ‘was a large attendance a! rateâ€" payers‘ tram all parts of the townâ€" ship. The efficient clerk. Mr. W. H. Powles, received the following nomâ€" inations :â€" Taylor Parkin and Peter Perdue. For Councillors J. J. Putin-r. R. c. Webster. Elisha Mark. A. F. Crass. Dougald Brown. Thos. Deyell. Thompson James and J. Smithenm. The candidates and their friends got together after the nomination and talked matters over as to the necessity for an election. Mr. Pct-due withdrewhis name as a candidate for reeve,‘ when Messrs. Brown, Deyellrfinlth’eram and June! maligned as mudllors. The clerk then dednmd the council elected by acclamotlon. A mu report at; the public meeting will appear in our next luau. l'or Continu- A SketclolWhuwnu-e‘nereel Saturday Sleighs and wheels were that". even on the market last Saturday. There was quite a display 0! mt. apple! and pontoon. but the inside market was very small. Mr. D. H. Scully 01 Emily bad a. 400-pound are“: of beet. and two -A- A___: 1M 40â€"6;qu m'of bed. and “'0 pigs that went about 125 and 190 Mr. John Leslie 0! Manvers had 13 1 bugs 0! potatoes for which he got. 60 7 cents a, bag. Last week they sold at 35 cents a bushel. Mr. Henry Argue of maven had 16 bags. 'I‘hgt veteran market mu. Hr. Valentine Rom of navel-s hcyd a. law boss of cooking apples to:- which he got. 81.25 0, box. John “den of Ops' MSW-.tthoumepfloe; Mr. ‘A‘.W. Wilsonollhnmlwdfibags o! Spies .nd Greening: aLt 81.75 and mu. Inc: and njronf r' " r7: Organs Repaired gmwammm. IN THE MARKET PLACE 0mm. Frank Thumpâ€"f For Reeve m 'AWWABDER, JANUARY 2041. 1902 ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HARIPOSA : Gontlomon.â€"Iiuvin¢ boon mutated by a hm number a! the "mayor: at this Township to ofler my” a W 3h Mail, , a... you 1902.! kindly «nut. vat. and sum. As my pawn» ' hope It has with your man! land “din ask (or your support. Thanking you for M favors, I re. min, yours sincerely. " J.’ Je’ Campbell. Little Britain unfit our runs". on. Machine. Tribune and Columbia Bicy cles Racene Thermal Vapor Baths. The above will be sold on liberal terms. A few second hand Organs *0!" THE WatGenwen, --At the" xe- | m “ht-pa lumbar o! rampan- ‘crs. M ad- 0. «Milan for the position of Aldemn, and "spec- fully solicit your mama: and sup- port. If elected I will endeavour to eerie you to an psi 0! fighbility. My motto i1: WW, W'and Justice to all. Fishing you the compliments of thr- season, I have the boxi‘or to be-your ! obedient servant. TO THE RATH’AYEBB '0!" Till TOWN OF LIFTER”! ': " ' I am 3 mm (or an f0 1902 and. mm . ‘ you influence and W Ladies and Gentlemen, 4â€" Having been nominated - .for the' municipai council for the year 1902, I take this opportunity to solicit your vote and ixfluenoe. . If elected I will serve' the municipality to the very best of in)" ability. ‘ Wishing you a happy and prosperous New ~Yo'ur, I remain. TO THE mans or MARLPQISA moms OE THE TOWNSHIP OF HARIPOSA : Gentlelné'nilâ€"Hiwin'g bben requested by mayo! the ratepayers of this coy-ship to onu- ml! as their re- wudve as Coundllor for this , I will be “pleased to huve'ydm vote 3nd,. influence. Having ghree you?» expérieme in muméipa} ,wér’kf, “M" I «flu-by an do many; I . mlérMthm'lgy main. respectfully ygngs; ‘2‘ '3 . ”hv‘mmurg‘edbyalargen w 0‘ “Way?” *0 ofler mysel Ham tor Councillor, I m; twa “your V” and inlut - ‘ Jim TAYLO ‘ Oakw A Spoonful Belt Organ and Piano Dominion Organ 6: Piano Mason Risch Piano Rotary Standard Sewing WhitePine Balsam in one day. CURE5 C011 hs, Celds, Asth' ma. tonchitis, etc. , oomfiound of White , Pine, Wild Cherry, ~ Balm of Gilad,rTar,ctC‘ ,- ' Elation maths. mtvm HOTEL m O'REUJJ thLIAM succn JANE TAYLOR JOHN HORE EDWIN MARK mu Vol-

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