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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jan 1902, p. 1

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Voi. XL 1. NO. ‘45s‘sssss5sws‘mfi‘mwsm . Furs of all kinds Repaired, Remodelled, Dyed and Dressed. Cash for Raw Furs. ARMSTRONG BROS. Manufacturing Furriersand Batters, f buying Furs from makers of established :ofier the best values in Style, Qualil Workmanship that can be manufactured. SUPERIOR IN QUALITY and ORKMANSI .u.?u.¢.n.¢.u.¢ .unu.§.u.?uy HIP Fur Neckwear in Rufis and Sam‘s, latest designs and styles in Bear, Sable, Grey Lamb, Mink, Martin, Black Opposum and many other fashionable furs, pric es $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, $5 7.50, 1000 up to 2500. Alaska Sable Scarfs, special, $7, 7.50, 8.50 up to $10. Ladies’ Fur Lined Capes, extra large assortment in plain and brocade coverings, 1m”- ings of Hamster, Siberian Squirrel, Kaluga, Rat, etc., trimmings of Black Thibet, Sable, Bear, Mink, etc, prices 520, 22.50, 25.00, 27.50, 30.00 up to 50.00. rollarettes are very fashionable and lots of comfort for the cold stormy days of our Canadian winter. We have a very large range in all the best known furs. Ourstyles are the newest, prices 3.3.50 $4, 450, $5, 6.50, 7.50 8.50, $10 up to $35. established reputation is he, Quality, Price and ; [HF NOBBY TAILOR, Ltllc Bxi ‘ ain, has a CJmp ‘ete assortment of up- .9... .tO date imputed and _ Canadian 99': :96 h LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JANUARYZDd. l902 TweedsIOvercoatlngs.etc. Our Grout 3318 still continues. “'8 have Newest and best Footwear in the market. We can save you money. Come in and inspect our large stock. No trouble to show goods. GILLESPIE 6: C0. Hm'ro 01:61.0 swam: 52 2e-Knt s..t - . Lindsay Bargains in all lines during Xmas Holidays. Sce them before. oldering elsewhere. ’nices right. Fit and Finiah Guaran- SIGN OF THE MILL SAW “‘“ (I. J. RICI‘I WE WISH { 3 A Happy and Prosperous NEW. YEAR! And thank' them for favors shown us during the past year. ‘ ' Comer Drug Store, may. iiiespie (0'. New Boot and Shoe Emporium. LOTHan* MR. WHITE, Buyer and Superintendent. South Side of Kent-0t E. GREGORY, See our OVERS at 24c, 35c, and 45c. UV. It was deemed to go ahead vigor- ously with the endeavor to obtain a. m guarantee of 5000 acres of beets. The ' work of securing that guarantee wgs committed to Messrs. W. Channon and Ellis. the delegates to Michigan. . A sub-committee to eo-operutc with IOOds Sh‘mdd these gentlemen was appointed and apply. the work will be vigorously prose- ‘ cutod at once. and a. determined el- k? tort made to secure the 5000 acres required to induce capital to estab- 734. FORKS . lish a lactory here. SCISSORS, SPOONS Chairman E. H. Hopkins was in OUR PR 131' D 8 AND PATRONS LIFE BREAD KNIVES Potat- bore 1 AI'S. Kn‘son-d think that IS we pro e24 my, but you will notice that allo r factories are being estab- 33’“: L117: 034.:th way. that ifi‘ hy seeing about bonuses and other inducements to capital. That was the method at Wiarton. Peterboro. Galt and Dresden. 1n the ' lust- named place the president and secre- tary of the company are Americans I! we get the inducements to capital we shall get the acreage. Would that» not be a- good way ? I speak only to raise the point. Mr. Hockinâ€"No. Ald. Robsonâ€"4'01: notice other plo- cw do that way. Mr. Hockinâ€"Our case is diflerent. Other places have capitalists seeking investment: we are starting at the bottom and must get the acreage be- fore we can hope to attract capital it is done. the sooner can we expect capital to become interested. .108. Mark (Mariposa)â€"-thn wtuld the beets be needed ? - Mr. Ellis-Likely the year after next. It would take next year to get the factory ready. Dr; Vroomanâ€"There are two ways of conducting the canvas : You can either see the (armors at their homes or in public meetings. I think the latter way is best. for it will allow that free exchange of ideas that helps men to form opinions like they cannot when alone. It is hard to get into touch with them when they are busy about their barnyards. Mr. Channonâ€"I agree with that. I think we should do all we can at public meetings. and finish the work by Personal canvas next day. H. J -. Lytleâ€"-Eligible places are falling over each other to get {actorâ€" ies. and i! this town and county have. nothing but beets to ol'lcr they will get no factory. It was only yer» terday that the Ontario Beet Sugar Co. made a choice between two pla- oes that altered $25 000 bonus. Mr. Hockinâ€"They had the maize. Mr. Lytleâ€"But if they had had nothing else they might not have got the factory; neither will we. Sec. Sootheranâ€"Berlin got. the pre- ference because It had the beets guar- unwed. airman E. H. Hopkina was in his place. Mr. J. H. Soothcran was elected permanent secretary at the standing committee. Mr. Fairbalrnâ€"It is like starting a cheese factory. No one will do that without a. guarantee of 100 cows. I understood that it we got 5000 acres guaranteed we would be certain of a metory, but I find that even then we may not get it. But it is our duty to get the beets. that is our share: then it we lose, we lose. I am sorry I could not go to Michi- gan but I am sure I could not have added to the excellent report of the gentlemen who went. County Conunh nonâ€"The county raised to pay u 8300. Mr. Ellisâ€"JPN: got. and the (.c. gentlemen who went. , I think the county council will pay any reasonable cost of the canvas. About a. bonus, the people must speak. Conduct a canvas by meet- ings. When the acreage has been got I do not see whywc should not get a factory considering the high percentage of sugar our beets pro- duced. ' I hope that this enterprise will bury the feeling of rivalry between the country and the town; for now they are united in a business transâ€" action. As farmers we should hail gladly every roof and foundation con- tracted in the town, {or it is {or our common good. #(Applausei) ‘ the work will be vigorously prooeâ€" Chas. Silverâ€"Canvass (ram 11 outed nt once. and 3 determined ei- to house. You Can do it 1 fort made to scam .xhe 5000 acres quickly. I will guarantee‘to required to induce capital to entnbâ€" the 5000 acres for 10 cents an at linh n inctory here. F. C. Taylor-uet us app Chairman E. R. Hopkins was in Mesa-u. (mnnnon andvEllis and a} his place. Mr. J. H. Bootheran was them to conduct this canvass n8 1 elected permanent secretary oi the think best. I move that the me standing committee. be lel't with them. The chair-nun said out the time F. Payneâ€"Nearly every tum ahnd arrived for lollowing up the 15 or 20 acres oi land good one Work so well begun with :4. View to to grow beets on. I did fairly ‘ securing n beet agar factory at with them on ordinary lnnd. Clo Lindsay. That point had now been or timothy sod or pen land will q rmhed at which the actual “ork R. Bryantâ€"Let us nppoint a a of .mflng the mluirod acreage committee to co-operate with it should win. He had favored negoâ€" men. tinting with capital at the. acme Jns. Flure'yâ€"You can canvass (1 time. but the consensus of opinion man separately at less cost. ‘ favored pursuing the [cot canvass should canvass in Reach. alone and he would .zo-operate. ll. Bryansâ€"lt is too tar away. Mr. Hockinâ€"Will tine county pay .138. Flurcyâ€"It is only 30 miles the cost ? Henrv Glendinninn n! lfnnilln ‘ Mr, Hockinâ€"We may not be able to carry a by-law for a $25,000 bo- nus, but I will be one of 25 to con- tribute 51,000 to such a fund it it becomes necessary. (Applause) Then 1! stock is taken, I believe we shall'be in as good a ‘posuion as Ber- lin. Chairman Hopkinsâ€"efiave meetings in school-houses and then appoint a local chairman and secretary at egch place to carry on the. work after ward. “ if; w. Queueâ€"It is important to aecugo a kin-min amount of stock. I! 500W h'eld stockinfihe eonâ€" M A N-WA R D E A meeting of the general county committqo on the sugar beet enterâ€" prise was held in the town hall on Friday afternoon. Messrs. Chum and Hills flue Charge oi the Canvas A PROMPT EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO SECURE soon ACRES 0F BEETS I canvas next. day sonâ€"+1 think that. ‘omxnlssioner _l the county pay Jan: Flureyâ€"It is only 80 mi Henry Glendinning of Mnnilla loner Jns. Robcrt- pment and when asked to has nli'endy [-roâ€" said :â€"-â€" ' ,t. cxpemap up to I met canvasscrs and promotl 3 up to I met canvasacrs and pm the west and noticed that must be extravagant statements. how can for instance. that the beet he sooner exhaust. the soil. They a we expect pure sugar is carbon that c nys ca :1 nos the ow hnt hey to hey I at ark the hat ab- in a her was »ro, beets are hard on the land. They is taken of! {with every ton of beets. Nitrogen costs 13 cents a pound and the other two fertilizers 6 cents each. Often these prices are 25 ar 50 per cent. higher. One of the first quesâ€"" tions farmers will ask is whether are but they leave it in a good state of cultivation. The waste product must get back onto the land. The farmers here manage better than those of Michigan and will see to it that the pulp is returned to the soft. If it is 3ou may go on growing beets. indefinitely. , . Mr. Tay lors motion that Gannon and Ellis :1th ' Bryans that a. sub-committee she be formed to which they could report. That committee is :-â€"Messrs. Fox. ist- \‘rooman. W. Flavelle, Hopkins, Tay- :reâ€" lor, Hockinn and Brynns. In a recent article the Bob Independent forecasts the 1 events in Great Britain durix year as follows : “The coronation of the King will throw into a. strong light the exist- ence of an aristocratic caste. and the aristocrctic parade. though received at the time with cheers will toward the end of the year result in demo- cratic reaction of a serious charact- pure sugar is carbon that can the sunlight: but. they do I the fact that to gather that you have to produce a plan takes nitrogen. phosphoric a potash out o! the soil. It I shown that fertilizer worth The large committee then adjourn- cd and at. a meeting of the smaller one it wasrdocided that Messrs. Chun- non and Ellis should get local help as they conducted the canvas. er. Lord Salisbury will rcslgn. Sir Hicks Beach and Mr. Chamberlain will squabble to such an extent that Salisbury will get out. of the politiâ€" cal ring. Balfour. Sullshury's rela- tive will become premier. Hicks Beach will resign, and Chamberlain will give up the colonies and be- come Chancellor oi the Exchequer This will lead to a reorganization oi the Liberal party. and the colleagues oi John Morley. backed by the Am+ erican president , Germany, Hol land. and Russia ‘V ll bring shot! the end of the South Atrium war The enormous taxation 'necessitat by that war, will greatly influen the opinions o! the Trade Unionists and jingoism will decline. The c ‘ oi the South African war will hastened by conditions which Iii arise in India. where more British troops will be required. The Liberals in Britain will not go Yar enough in political opinions and a strong party of Radicals will make their appear- ance, with whom the Socialists and Single Taxers will be on friendly terms." Upon the grassy mountain paths The glittering hosts increaseâ€"- They come ! They come I How fair their feet 2 They come who publish peace. Oh. bend aback the lance’s point, And break the helmet bu ; A noise is in the morning wind, But, not. the note of war. (John Ruskin.) Put ofi, put of! your mail. 0 Hugh, ,,And beat. your brands to dust ! Your hands must learn a sun-er grasp, Your hearts a better trusc. And victory, fair victory. Our enemies are om ! For all the cloud: are clasped in light, And all the earth with flowers. And every tender. living thing Shall flood by streams or rest; Nor lamb shall from the 6 .nck l’e Kornurflhgmm-m Aye, still dept-meet! and aim with dew ! But. wait a little while. And with the radiant deathiess r we The wilderness shall smile. R. Bunny-Let the delegates see about both the acreage and the stock. Tile in going to be the most important industry {or the farmers that has ever been started. - H. J. Lytleâ€"l think there should be two committees at work in each township getting acreage. I sup~ pone there are 20 school-houses in 0m. the name in Meriposa. 15 in‘ Emily and 10 or 12 in l-‘cnelon. The farmers that hear an address like Mr. (Shannon gave the other day will feel inclined to grow beets. cemandsubocfibedsayszoombe paid in boats at. the rate of $50 a. your {or 4 years, It. would be $100,- 000 of stock that. would be of imâ€"- meme benefit. to the enterprise. A Fonts: of the Political Situaticn THIS YEAR IN ENGLAND recent article the Bobcaygeon THE DAWN OF PEACE 75¢. a Year In Advance: $1 "fit so Paid : acreage. 1 D school-nous: _ Muiposa. 1 L2 in l-‘cnclon. an address lil ram house do i0 more om house ‘I regret to inloun lo it more Edmonds was dance: e to get and N. W. Glass was: I an acre ed, both t” Zoutpln ; appoint her. 1'" respect and allow Edmonds o! Balzonie m: as they “In. Glass of Winona .be mutter wan Also Sergv. IL dysentery 19th Deoem arm: has (cumin. With. In I politic )C‘ak lost ach his 0 U II tie-st... Ottawu' ‘ A can" Iran the casualty. dc; meat also at Cape Town annou the death ol W Rea (1131:.- 84 African Constabulary. Be; “a: one time in the Mounted Policv hunt In Vm. Rea.“ secretary of Public School .Board in Cu: Thus is the war thrusting its “WWW MM. that had been referred «to in its coi- umixs. At the Sun's request Mr. Henry Glendinning of Manilla desâ€" tribes the process in this letter : “We started to cut our colver when it was in 1! him: . We began to ,cut. in mks; alter the dew Ewes on. That which was cut in the town was raked up after dinner ”and put into coils. What was cut, Mthe afternoon (he only cut u‘ntil about 4* o’clock-p.132) was mind up and pubinto coils that same evening. The whble' ”him was hauled in the bfu‘n and stored in large mews the next day. taking care that all thg d‘e‘r‘was on before starting :4 ' . This plan was followed as (am as has seen it. . It com mow finv and green stalks and blossoms.” There Are Nady 500 Known Cuts in Ontario New Mr. Henry Glendinning of Magma 'l'dl8 . flew to do it thoroughfy y before is.“ £3.81 in. Some the crop‘ti'wlg! (9 he‘- tween throeojid {61mm to the acre The whole crop (thirty-seven acres) averaged over two tom of market.- able hay. All was treated dike. We did not use a tedder. but] think it.‘ would be all right to use om. The quality of the hay is first-class. Ev- ery person has so pronounced it. who An approxinute summary of the smallpox ca'seé in the province at the present time pieces the number or victims at. over “450 On Thursday four new cases were reported {man Hnwkesbury' hi mecott county. The distribution of the disease is as follows : Algomaâ€"Ni taxing, Thunder Bay 77 Browâ€"Rina." township. 5. Carletonâ€"NM township, 2.5 ; Ot- tawa City. 92 ': Hintonburg. 3 ; Glou- cester township.9 . Boltonâ€"Acton Viflage 1. Haldimindâ€"Walpolc.1:nalnbam. 2,- Haemviile ‘1. °Humnâ€"-West Wawanozda. 8: Sw phen, 15. Kemp-Dover; IléAChflHmm 4. ‘Gi'énvflleâ€"W' atford, 1; South Augusto; I rfiiimbcthtown, 1. Hiddlescxâ€"Mndon City. ..1 Stormont, bandits? and Gleugarryâ€" Finch,1;Lochicl."; Alexandria, 1; Charlottenburg. 3. m‘umfln‘z Pam Soundâ€"18. Norfolkâ€"Woodhouse 1. FMbWâ€"Petetnoro l. Prescott and Russellâ€"~38. Ream-.11. Weilandâ€"a. Wentworthâ€"l. _ Yorkâ€"1. , Total, 457. . . Dr. .KcAlpine. the town Medical Health Officer in his report. says that tliecliseafieislillielytospr-emianddv.b velop into a more virulent type. In a. speech at the county council, Dr. Wood declared that the germs thrive in cold weather and be leased the results in wthe, province this. - minke?- The greatest precaution is necessary bfy Hunt 3“” pmm'ncifl Boards 0 1n action. J h (‘h _ 0n Thu-saw Hon. osep , am- bet-kin cabled Lord mm .3 p1- lows : ‘ ~ V ~ A . subscriber an about an Although there ‘3 am! no Canadian W.m. Alma, were am many] Canadians fighting there and the list, crunching“ sexy: slum that they are doing their share 7! we work. th is not so 1’an ago that this fact was hrougm iividly and pathetiéally to the minds of Our readers by the record a! Trooocr The List a! Dead ml Wounded sway Kl!) not feel much than verbal utdyon THE SMALLPOX SCOURGE CURING CLOVER HAY crjber - asked the f t a' method of curir been referred to in At the Sun's reuue LANADMNS IN AFRICA A BIG HANDICAP. ._ It comes out of the and green' with all the inl’onn you that Alb‘ert. dammly wou‘nfixi s was severely wound- WS ting} 3 “low c- on 12th Dem- ively arc Hm I no Canadian terc an: my 3 and the list In slum that Juan: 1! the Dalhou- departâ€" 1 ounces r South ‘orom (“(30 nd Hr 1‘13 the ad

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