mum wnnmï¬m Mrs. John Trick and Mrs. son and their two" sons sip .Years in Toronto. . Remember the basket soci: 17th, at Mr. Daniel Noble’s auspices of the Ladies’ Ai Christian church. A gooc will be given. 4 A concert and 800181 unuer use a... pices or the Presbyterian church, Jan- etville, will be held at. “Mauverston Hall,†the residence of Dr. Naysmyth on Friday evening. J an. 24th. A capital program has been prepared in which talent from Lindsay and other points. will take part. Special mus- ic provided for the occasion. Barres}:â€" mom. will be served by the ladies of the congmgatiohu Admission 25¢ ; Children 15 . Miss Maggie Lyons or 'l‘onouw uuu Miss Rosy of Bobcay'geon have been visiting friends around Fairbairn. Mr. John Glass is again at his .AL__ post as village smithy. Mr. Walter Tiers 11308! a new cutter. Whoa. J4 Mr. David Logan he: our burg in the how Mr. Archie Smith will build a. new house in the spring. Mr. B. Kenâ€" nedy of Lindsay will supply the mat- erial. What takes Archie to the 9th so often. , A44 --.... _ NORLAND , One of the most interesting enâ€" tertainments of the season was held in the Methodist church‘here in con- nection with the Methodist Sabbath school. Instead of the old time Christmas tree they built a. ship on which to distribute the gifts which were costly and numerous. Dolls, | toys, of all descriptions, handker-l chiefs, books, cardS, mittens,†too numerous to mention, kid gloves, fur~ gauntlets, overshoes and a dainty pair of blue kid boots for Willie Kay. One doll that was presented to Her- bie Tremeer from his auntie was big as a child of two years old. Herâ€"1 bie seemed very proud of his dollie.‘ Orange Hall the crowd assembled in the church, the pews of which were packed and a great many- people had to stand in the aisles. The program was lengthy, but so profound was the interest that scarcely a person left the building until closing time. The fancy drills and marehes were well worth the admission fee, not to men- tion the recitations. dialogues and songs by the school scholars. Miss Maxwell may well be proud of her school. MANSE GROVEâ€"ELDON. Mrs. N. A. McDonald is at present visiting her parents at Mount Forest. Miss Eva Hay of Pleasant Point called on friends here recently. Dr. I). C. Smith of Stouflville ac- companied by Mrs. Smith, spent New Yenr's Day at Maplc‘Avenue. histor- mer home. , Miss M. A. Mandycn of Islay vis- ited in this vicinity last week: ‘ Miss Mattie Smith returned to [Mid- land on Saturday evening after spend- ing part of her vacation. visiting friends in Toronto and Stoufl'ville. Mr. J. F. Carmichael of Galt and Mr. D. Carmichael of Toronto“ spent their holidays with" their'"'pnrehts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carniichaeil - i, The Christmas tree and entertain- ment in connection with St. Andrew's S. S.'was a. decided success, thetree being well ï¬lled with presents. Rev, N; A. McDonald was chairman" for the evening. The program‘ooneisting of recitations, dialogues, singing, etc. was very interesting throughout and showed careful preparation. which reflects credit on the teachers and others who put forth"every"eflort to make the entertainment a success. ' VAIENTIA A very pretty home Wedding took. place at the home oi lit-r W. . R. Swaln on Christmas ‘day it. being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Hin- his to Mr. Johlin oi Cartwright. Un- der a beautllul arch of evergreens nn'd holly barrios. elm happy couple were united by the Rev. Mr, Howard oi Janetvlllo alter which tm' Mr mt. down to a sumptuous’ tablo‘lpl‘cad with ovary luxury my heart oi but could desire. The many pronoun“ received gave evidence oi um «mm In which the bride was held by her numerous (ï¬ends. The happy couple left {or Cartwright followod‘by‘ goal!J wishes, rice and old shoot. ’ " ' ' Mr. ’Robt. Lillian of N guests among On Monday evening of last '00}: a. goodly number of young people glthd and at? the home of Mr; Perrin for the purpOse of bidding him farewell.- A pleasant time was reported. It might be interesting 101' some of our young men to'gemember that baseball moustaches are all the ordeu of the day. As in ‘ba'se ball the game is three out all out-13 - . 4, Miss Lille Swain and His; 1m!" Bruce of midst. Miss Luella. 5 visiting friends Mr. Daniel Noble’s un der the; of the Ladies’ Aid of the _ m... m *m-r â€"â€"_ fl Spatiï¬kpizflxbridxq: . William Graham spen in town. I “LlJVâ€"n 7‘ : :Eua Mark iaspending Qhrishâ€"g he‘ï¬daxs with; hp:‘ $856? My; Swmï¬iï¬qwï¬dgï¬=ftï¬gg _ .655 J ANEI‘VIILE and social under the ans- Presbyterian church, J ans be held at “Manverston ‘esidence of Dr. Naysmyth evening, Jan. 24th. A. :ram has been prepared in b from Lindsay and other_ take part. Special mus- Tor thb occasion. Refreshâ€" 9 served by the ladies of uclla Suggitt of Cambray is FAIRBAIRN Lindsay are again in Whoa. Jen. ogan has moved into he house recently 00' Thos. Oliver.- Ids here. - ~ - . . Sutton and daughter Manitoba; are welcome out last good program SOOIl. 33 C§i$tr Of late our meetings have We hdpe it"m'“ .Miss Emnm Grove town for Christmafm Mount Horeb 'coriespondence being absent for a time I thought I would write a few lines stating some of the latest news. ‘ ’“L’â€"- 1â€" mum lad-K700 uv vv v- To begin with the sleighing is very good and Quite a few are taking ad- vantage of it. the parental roof. Mr. W. Moore of Buflalo paid a. flyâ€" ing visit to Mount Horeb friends. Miss Mary Robinson of Franklin has been visiting friends of this com- ter spent Sunday at Hr. Wm. your ter’s of leavers. Mr. M. Coulter and Mr. F. Davey of Bexley spent a few .days a short‘ time ago visiting friends in this 'vi- cinity. The boys were just in time for the Xmas tree which I am sure they enjoyed. We sincerely regret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Knight who are leaving this community in a. couple little village. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. } Robinson was the scene of a happy family gathering on‘ Christmas day. One of our young men has been pre- senting himself ». with a. new cutter (with just room enough for two.) We expect that more will be follow- ing his example. OAKWOOD Hr. Will Cunnings visited his sister Mrs. F. Brass last week. Messrs. Fred and 8am Goad are vis- iting under the parental roof. Mr. N. Workman is visiting in the village and in Lindsay. Mr. Sam Weldon spent Christmas with parents Mr. H. Thorndike spent Xmas in the village. roof. - - Mr. F. Dillman is enjoying a visit with friends in vicinity. Mr. Will Dobson spent Xmas with parents. - Mr. Amos Hancock of Peterboro is enjoying a. visit in the village. Miss H. Gardner: is home for a few weeks. Mr. Bott of Cmswell occupied the lMethodist pulpit on Sunday both ser- ' A large congregation. listened met-noun» yulyua v.- â€"-â€"~_. _._ vices. A large congregation listened to his discourses in the evening. ¢ A temperance meeting under the . management of the C. E. was held in < the church last Friday evening. A ‘ few readings and addresses relating derly programme. A new collection of books has been received at the public library. Rev. A. F. Webster. Presbyterian pastor, has moved into Mr. J. P. Cunnings' house on Eldonâ€"3t south. Mr. C‘ . Gardner returned home last week after an absence of ï¬ve years. during which time he has been residing in Manitoba. and Michigan. Time has not worked much change in him. . The school meeting took place on Thursday last with a very small attendance. Mr. E. G. Lytle Was appointed in place of Mr.W.T.Hogg.i the retiring trustee. Messrs. Alfred i Webster, James Taylor and E. Gui Lytle are the trustees for the next‘ year. Mrs. D. King’s funeral took place on Thursdaylast and was largely at~l tended to Little Britain~ cemetery. The old lady had reached themature age of 83. On its way to the station the bus was blown over by the violent winds on Tuesday morning. , The concert under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday school on Christmas eve was an unequalled suc- . was in detail. The weather was very favorable and so the hall was : comfortably ï¬lled. The programnm passe'dofl ingood style as the talent _ Was composed of school children it , was an agreeable change from the ‘ ordinary entertainment. The pro- minent features were the drills and marches which were well appnvziated and reflected deserving credit on the patient instructors. The final num- ,. be: was the distribution of the num- , erous presents which were extra ap- , propriate in many instances. The proceeda_amou_nted“to nearly 380. ft“..- 11..-...†v wâ€" 7â€", The public library concert and ban- ket eociel on Monday evening won another grand success. The weath- er being agreeable quite a. number turned out. The concert wen very good and was much improved by the presence of the Lindsey quertettc. The baskets “old at e. ieir price but e' ood many oi the young ieliowa “too the advertisement us it read and got the baskets they desired most. The monster at the door [made quite a haul clearing a. little {over 880. As large a nomination meeting as ever occurred in the township took piece in the town hall Monday alter- zneon. By the presence ri such large numbers it certainly indicated {Int 110 ordinary interest is taken in ï¬qhicipal nflairs. The temperance questionw hich ï¬ne the only promin- ent feature or the attem 3011 got rak- ' Last Saturday Mr. completed his contract drain. ent feature of- the aï¬tern 3011 got. rak- e'd over the coals in '330 style and had it not been for this Mariposa might never have known she had so many silver-tongued orators. While a few gentlemen were at the height of eloquence on the question the en- thusiasm was caught up by the aud- ience so that the kernels dropped from broken patches of plaster 1n the ceiling. . Nevertheless, statements (Were made true or false which will tmgn nei bor‘ neighbor and frienfls‘i ‘to‘eiiexhiee. ~‘ WWK†i 2'3“: ' (Crowded out last week)‘ SUI v..- m.â€" v. late our bhflstian Endeavor ggs have been much improved. Spe it"willtontinue.‘ " ‘ (Crowded out last. week). MOUNT HOREB t Friday evening. A and addresses relaying were givgn and Rev. short. but sound address the meeting which was 17 the absence of an or- Mr. Fred Dormer met o! the vmm r the 603mm 0' mduy school on an unequalbd suc- The weather was L so the hall was The px'ogl‘tunme a. very small G, Lytle was MLW .T.Hog8.’ - Messrs. Alfred out from Mr. B. Thornton took advantage of the nomination on Monday last. to spend an hour with Betham' friends. Hurrah tor the basket. social to be held at the residence of Mr. JohnI Nesbitt. Cartwright, on the 22nd of . January, in aid 01 St. Alban's church.‘ A good program will be rendered con- ,,__..4.Al .- av‘v I'â€" vu, -,f, sisting of vocal and instrumental music, and that. clever, amusing play entitled “Papa's Bull Dog" by Beth- any dramatists. {allowed by the laughable farce “Finnlgan and Plan- "18“.†7 ,_ _-- - _ ,_9AI. II}...- Mr. C. McNeil! of Gavan with Miss McNeill of Manvers spent. New Years Day with triends at Valentin. Mr. R. Sutton and daghter Lillian of Manitoba paid a flying visit to (Bends in lfanvers on his way to Gavan last week. Court Dunstord No. 437. 1.0.1“. held their regular meeting in the; Orange Hall. Atout forty members were present. After the routine 0! business and the initiation of several. new members the {allowing oiï¬cers were elected : Thos. Bell. C. 11.; Geo. G. A. Kennedy V.C.B. : Silos Thurs- ton, F.S.; H. Mulligan. B. 8.; Thos Robertson. orator; John Hunter. C. ‘ D.P.C.R; Albert Thurston. Trees; Jus.‘ Hendeock. S. W.; Herbert Thurston. J.W.; Joe. ‘A. Thurston. 8. B.: C. Bell J .13: Drs. Simpson, Gilliespie and White, Court Physicians. This court is flourishing tnvornbly. We hope still to augment our membership. :During the winter months we pros pose having many pleasant evening: together. Our next meeting will be held Jan 29th. I H. W. Mulligan Is now engaged in ï¬tting up his store preparing {or Ms spring stock. which when opened out. wm give his customers mm muo- faction. White Bronu Doll 00.. have eonr‘ moored building s, chopping mill here which will be in full bloat in n low dnyu. The ï¬rm anticipate a good winter's work. The farmer: of the neighborhood will do well to patro- nize the new ilrrn. [inst Friday afternoon the children 0! this school showed their apprec- iation 0! their teacher. Mr. H. Hul- iigen by presenting him with a very handsome and mini gentleman's com- panion. Several visitors having or- rlved and otter the usual muttering“ among the children the address was read by Lillie Brien. Rebeoca Ken- nedy preconting the companion. Mr. Mulligan though greatly taken by surprise mode a few very ï¬tting re- marks and having distributed a good- ly quantity of prizes and good thing"! wished them all a. merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Our local sports are having had luck. Why. we cannot tell. Our theory is that the to: is a most peo- uliar bird. Why they will not ' do as ordinary common toms should do end always have done is beyond our §eomprehension. A fantasy be startâ€" led at Pleasant Point and will nine luCR' Whyv we Cannot Wll. U“! "’1 â€" , 0 theory is that the to, is a most pecâ€" 1(ka received .. .. .. .. .. 5.89.6-1 ms .. 55.29335 ms. uliar bird. Why they will not ' do W 19MB -- -- .. .. as ordinary common foxes should do Aterase price 0‘ cheese .. .. 9076C. and always have done is beyond our “1“ in lb cheese -- -- -- -- -- -~ 10-661?“ comprehension. A fox may be start- 08,911; received... .. .. .. .. .. .. $5008.90 ed at Pleasant Point and will take Mr. Cronin pm: engaged as maker a strainght course all the way to fcr 190'2.’ Cambray consigned its King‘Sborough’s swamp (a. distance 01 clbesedlrect to Messrs. Jas. Leggat. nearly ten miles) and fill“ always «00;; Glasgow. Scotland. last. year NORTH HANVERS DUNSFORD No. $37, 1.0.F. -w-â€"u e ‘ Woilard and Son have bargains to 1.0.F. burn! Come and ace the smoke. in the; The tea meeting held in the nethe- nembers dist church on May evening. Doc. utine 0‘ slat, was thoroughly enjoyed by all â€Ml.pteocnt. Owing to the stormy 05°53'th the attendance was not an 3;: Gem-large as anticipated but the tables ' ““17? showed every sign oi an abundance -: Th0“ _and variety oi provisions. Among nter. 0- the musical selections on the pro- â€? Jâ€-‘umm were an instrumental solo by hurston. ‘Iiaa Pattyeon 01 Lindsay. a vocal : C- Bell solo by men Workman 0! Lindsay. o. and dcett by m Dawson and Mrs. Rev. '1' 00““ Leigh. The intellecmai trente were 0 hope a. well-«endured recitation by um. ‘W'MP- nae Nita “am. an address by we PI‘O’ . luv. 0. Barton oi Dobcaygeon and a "00‘0†very much appreciated adde by will “0 M. G. Brown oi Omeme on â€Home 'ud how to make it happy." The god in choir enlivened the proceeding: by : {or his moral auction: while the pastor. mod out M. ii. W. Leigh. 1:. A. occupied the II natio- chair. Lthoughtless [01! Why will you not ‘wait to be shot ? The entertainment given by St. John's Sunday school Christmas we was a great success. A first-class Isupper was served in the Orange hall. the excellence 0! which gave 'promtsc of more treats to follow. ‘After supper all went to the church hall where the entertainment and Xmas tree were held. A pleasant two hours was spent listening to a New select program 01 dialogues, reo- ltations. vocal and instrumental mus- ic. Also some very clever tricks in juggling and sleight-ol-haud by llr. 'Joe Johnson. Alter the program ‘the prizes were-given to the 8. 8. children (or atwndance and lessons. 11:9 Christmas tree was then stripped of \its presents and candles for the children and a most enjoyable evenâ€" ing was ended with “God Save the Hominy being Mica day g grout Ami oi stir In «and. “in Ad: PM 0! Toronto in via- ith‘ bar mm Hm. H. Dubai-IO. Mn. lath oi Lind-w was in. (mi. of In. Gib-nu may. Urn. flapper who iwt been visiting at Ilr. New: for the put in units has returned w her home in Michigan. ' uni Con Well: of Beam-ave was 7 an; Mond- m um neighbor-1:004 t week. III-[Jolin Ham. mm and dumb- u? Lam. npeut New Youâ€: my little improved in health The report of the Gambrny cheese factory for the past. year shows : _-A ‘1‘- .- FINGERMARD :4. worth 85. Our 812 and 812.50 Caperloel at 81G Ladies' Alum Cont.- at. $25, Special Bargain ‘. FUR Goonsâ€"Lunar owe-ine- at worth $0. mm' W Chat: .1. $35. worth 840. Lama. marines. Gaps. Hub. “it“ and every kind of Ladscf Fun in stock. wd Judah Some burgun- in our staple Deput- Table Um ct 20c. worth fl. DRESS GOODS Baumâ€"Our Idea lave been very large in this department. but. we can have a choice stock of every naked Home Spun Dre-u Goods, Cheviot Cloths and special goods {or any day CHI-u. Also W nay-mule Sum. Skirts Has just opened cut a new supply of goods. Here are some of our pnca : 9 AMWu-numuulmm 8| mmmm-H‘ unite-gamma: as: Ammuan-fl' mummmm CarryCouhfro-SCIP- ‘ Mimicsfmlklp. A good Single Harness U Rudd Harness Co Auk-hwy“ PLEASE WATCH OUR PRICES ...... FORM... Repairing Neatly and Prompily Done Dlntly Oppoulu Post OHIO. â€May. m UAW! FOR THE NEXT MONTH ..J. LI TTLB, M: UTTLE'S 01.0 $1†4531.. “Inn! 96:. 1902 priest-om25cperyardup. mo'l‘owenlng. Good Whnmlwtstromfl pol-put. WoolandUnionfll keuatnupdal. Atewpriceoototherltnesotgod! Goodmmukperyard. GoodetSepayar¢o GoodBleachedTathinensaxl meumandflb. mum'uuzsc.worth30¢‘ Gaod yard widepdnts at. 7c. mammooqua 20:. Some map. In Women's and w ran'c '1:th anâ€. sun-um; woman's no. a 2 pair“ “v MEN'S sum and ovmu'ug A big “in “lo 0! Men's“ um Overcoat.- .1. lower Priw‘ can he lull gum-ay- nmrs UNDmnâ€"Gtarunsi' so: or cult. «- Ian'- Fleene 5 ill wool um. '11 A. “I arm 17 Kat-6L. TOUR SEHVI $66k Pit Scarf Pl? Through h addition hdditkond I Kent-u. IGW {Aha-t! “ They an no Interim um.l) Dug!“ Tomato t Are a!