thc box, which consisted mi :1 '4' her of documents. neatly dm‘netea thousands of pounds. and his Collec- nnn n! rhinn was unique. lieu-Mme- ____â€"_-___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".__.__â€"â€"-â€"iâ€"â€"- FARM FOR SAI‘E.â€"Â¥15O acres, 31/2 miles from 13113588. 9.11 plow land. FARM FOR SALE NEAR LINDSAY... AbOllt 125 acres, ‘ good buildings, Orch ard, etc. Apply at this oï¬iceï¬ivgâ€"u. 'V f FOR S George-st. Good frame house, stable, etc. Land clay loam Pncc reasonable. ' FOR SALE OR RENTâ€". in! residence of the late an on Kent-st. west. ] in town. Heated ‘with Intending p1 through house more coming, it will be necessary to reduce the stock as tremendong closing out of all stock on hand at prices High-Class Goods will not suffer by the change. Quality Sturgeon Steamboat to an ideal spot. -,for deuce. 'Apply- to M SON , Solicitors; Lind. Point and Bobcaygeon. Lindsay twice. a. day, a: summer resi- OORE . JACK- .â€"-24-t.f. FARM FOR SALE on. mu l.â€".,,,...° east half lot 24, con. 9, Brock, one mile north of Manilla, 4 miles from Cannington, 100 acreS, 90 acres cleared. soil dark clay loam. 0n the fa'i'm is a. good stone house, fail; outbuildings, orchard, two good wells and never-failing spring creek. Fall ploughing well advanced. Apâ€" EO. JOHNSON. ply if by letter G Box 53 Cannington', or on lot 2, n 13, Mariposa..â€"51-tf. “ co . V O RENT.â€",-â€"The un- ofleré {or sale or to rent that 74 was cOnstitutinglot 19, . Mariposa. and the stone and roller grist mill situated there- on and known a the Davidson mill Thesewillbeaoldorrented to- orsepmtely. Thelandis 'onitia 40x60 MM 3 ULI hauntâ€"v _ _ V ship, 8 mileï¬ from Lindsay, ’5 from Omemee, 2 from Beaboro. One hundred acres, 92 in good state of cultivation, soil clay loam. Good frame house, stone foundation, new frame barn 42160 with stone foun- dation, good wells, etc. For price Ops, mes in Ops, 7 miles 100 acres in North zoo-acre farm in F 200-a.cre farms iii houses and lots for sale in Lind- For particulars apply to say. ELIAS BOWES, Real Estate Agent Lindsay.â€"50â€"13. ‘ L-tf. apply ’00 9‘ dine .â€"-42-tf. n'and two 11" two wells. water POW miles from Lindsay ; 133 ‘ 005. 7 miles tron} Lindsay _â€"_'_â€"â€" OR RENTâ€"That beauti- re of the late W. W. L031 L-St. west. Best locality. Heateï¬ â€˜With hot Water. rooms, huh. closet, ‘etc. purchasers can see :mse any time.â€"â€"4-tf. We:; "v mm. , Wy' SALE OR BENT.-â€"Being â€.24, con. 9. Brock, one , A ‘AA‘AM SURE-D by setting license from Thus: For Partial†L13" 4 miles from ‘ meg, (’0 acres clay loam. 0:: stone home. i831} ud, two 8°06 ling spring creek. in OPS _. ‘9‘"? Eslror at his Bean’s Sewenm AND YOUNG C( in MMCh en at. 011‘ Colt 2 years old about, about 1200 IT)S.; I grey colt, 2 years old, 1240 lbs; 1 bay colt, 3 years old in foal about 1100 pounds; 3 cows ; entire herd -of thoroughbred Yorkshire hogs, comprising one grand boar, one-year-old, brqod sows, and a. number of pigs of diï¬erent ages. N. DAYL Lake-view Farm. Powles' -Corners.â€"â€"2â€"4. . ' __._- CREAM SEPARATORSâ€"B you are. milking cows fox) the money there is in it you can‘t aflordao-‘be with, out a. Separator.. No other ,farmi machine will .pay for; itself, as} quickly. The new ' SHARPLESS‘ TUBULAR . SEBABATOR» is-the greatest step ever made in advancâ€"l ed Cream Separator congtructlon.‘ It is made by the oldest. manufacj turer of Cream Separdtors in Am- erica. No discs. cones or othér :1 business. ' By LIS. President.â€" V-VAN'I‘ED-Good general servant. Goo-d wages. Apply at. this ofï¬ce. a~ss~ss§ss~$§§ ‘ APPRENTICE TO THE 1’] TRADEâ€"Must, have good school education. Aï¬ply . \VATCHMAN-WARDER. complications in me er with and get out. one on trial. It, ‘ nothing.’ You sign They are made in 8 diflerem. sizes. Prices for this year are much low- er than heretofore. Come and see the machï¬ne in ope-rattan any We on my farm adjo’jding .Cambray,’ror at MasSey-Hafi‘is’ shop, Lindsay. Senfl'post card for descriptive cat- alogue and price list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray P.0.. or to ’â€"‘--- ,AAm Toronto. Eye, ear, throat specialist. R. J EFFERS. Oï¬ioe hours 9to 11 a.m.“; 2‘to 4 p.111. :7 ms p. m. Residence 30 Wellingtonast.‘ Tele- phone No. 43. . l R. McCULLOUGH of Petaborough. will'visit Lindsay ï¬rst and third Wednesday of each month at the Simp’son House. Hours, 2 to '4‘ p.m Consultation in Eye, Elf, Throat and Nose Diseases. ._};...' ‘ Uoi‘iersity ' Maoicâ€"aivmlty, also graduate of Trinity j University, Toronto, and membei‘ of College of Physicians and. Surgeons. Ontario. Oflce Lindsay-st. Toléphone 107. _________.__.._____7 R. A. GILLIESPIE, C. A. and 80. Ofï¬ce and residence corner of Lind- say and Russell-eta. Licentiate of Royal College Physicians and 8111'- geons, Edinburgh. Licentiate o! Midwifery, Edinburgh." Special at;- téntion givm to mummy und dis- mm! women} W999 No: 9.6 WHITE. grad“? 0‘ RYERSON. 60 00110896“ Pun-mans TO THE? PRINTING câ€"Will coma 35.00 if tak- this omcer' gonunon at THE T6 roam and STRAYm-vâ€"Into the pram: unde . lot 3. Con ‘ 'shjp don, one Ewe 31“ Owner can have the same __l- .- ‘jpnying expew' 1 131313031, Lugs W, A LARGE AMOUNT of private funds to loan, 4; and 5 per cent. 'WM?‘ STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion Bank Building, William-st“, Lindsay 'l'nm UM uâ€"-f- 7 , rate loan money on Farm. Tom: and 't'vmage-vPropettY. at the veryâ€"1a!- uest.‘ rates 0! interest. private .. or iï¬ompaï¬y mudg." ï¬ï¬WEYN v-t ‘ ‘â€" " "â€"â€"- L- n-mu-io ’43. ‘ FARMERS AND OTHERS wishing to STEWART a O'CONNOR. Barristersn on farm property Notaries. be. Money to loan nt. their mm to very lowest. current rates on best Omce corner, Kent and strictly conï¬dent: York-“3.. Lindsay. . . . V. O'Connor. BA. 0,414.1. ‘.â€"â€"-â€"-~_____.__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""" HOORE Jr. JACKSON. Batiste". {cc '12,jnqgion. Inlay THE ENDERSIGNED. are prepared- Solicitors 1m- thoquounty ox Vio- wto loan money 011 Penn. Town and . tax-inf and; the M at Jlonu-eal. Money to. lonn~0n max-wet 1t. :='Viuage;vPropex:ty, at the very -1917 meats-axes o! Kama“. private .. or lowest. cnmnt rates. 0mm W31- flcSI‘EYN ~ t, Jim-st... many. ‘ { :ampiï¬y‘ mas: 7-- -- .-_n__.. n..- nnmio F. D. “.00“; Akr' Jmn' WELDON' solicitors. ac Wk Building. cor. Kent. Ham-its. LindsaY- 1" act-y Monday. é Repairing Dime Neatly and g Promptly. Called for and i Delivered, Phone lél. _______________.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€", R. E. A. TOTTEN, dent‘st. um. Gradunte of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. Every department of den- tistry is done m a practical and scientiï¬c manner at moderate prio- w. Oflioe over Morgan’s Drug Séore. Dental Surgeons. All the latest. and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Chg: as moderate. 0mm . over G is 1. Drug Store. corner Kent on _ limn-sts " of American Dental 0011939' Most mode! 11 dentistry practised in the most scientiï¬c manner. ‘ Crown and bridge work a BMW ty, Charges moderate. 0 Kent-lat. {Bed-14 I I: R. NEELANDS, dentist. Lindsay. Extracts » teeth without pain ‘. by gas (Vitalized Air) administered by him for 26 yous with great success lie-studied the gas under Dr. C'ot- ton, of New York, the originator 01 - â€u. 'n. “at uses tlie best local pain obtunders. Beautiful “artiï¬cial teeth inserted at moderate prices. Please send a DOGâ€"Camc into the prem- the undersigned, lot, 15. can; iposa on or about. Jan. 12. a .Coilie Dog. Owner can me by proving property and Amm. HOWARDV H513- none-710W lttlc Britain. BAY. dentist. ““39" Pupils prepared (or exam 9 Dr. Earth Member ‘T‘rmity University. or To: mm Conese andv‘fl‘o- “senators, of Music. sum: nty. Also sradutte ‘idenee 50 Gamma. Mural College. ‘ =23_ am. Ont??? zsï¬hotels-W. THOKAS PETER ‘. F. BROAD. Veterinary Surgeon. Inspector 0! Live Stock (or Domin- ion Government. once and resi- dence, 46 Peel-6t... between Salvo- tion Army ' Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146. Call: a» â€red night and day. MW WW†Neatly and Fair Dealing and Courteous led for and "â€" Treatment. Cash and One lhnnn MI E 3 . Price to all. AA“‘-““‘ HOHAS SWAIN. Blackscock P.0., Ont... Licensed Auctioneer for Dur bun. also Ops_ Township. Farm Stock god other sales promptly at,- tonded to ; charge- model-no. DONALD R terms. and at the very lowest rates of interest. ‘We do not. lead on notes or chatty} 03c urity. ‘l-' _-u ETER BROWN. Auctioneer. on- wood P.O.. Ontario. Fun: stock to. Charges moderate. Sales can be arranged for at. The Watchman- Wu-dcr omen. : } Teacher of Voice Culture. Piano, Organ and Tbepry, induding Harâ€" hnony. Counterpoint, Canon and *Fugue. Musical Form and History. Pupils prepared for examinution o! .Tyinity University. or Toronto Con- };s'onyatory of Music. Studio and Boo- 'nh--- m tWidmeâ€"stfllo. Box THE PURLOINED WILL â€murals. 400nm XKDERSON. N . Mister. now 103nm: at 4} thousands of pounds. and his collec- tion of china wns unique. Neverthe- less. he was extremely thrifty. not to say. stingy. with his money. In fact. Old Barker was s thors oughly selï¬sh. ilH'o wi'it um] i Id cur- mu n whose choleric temper was emphasized by a. sort a! savage ha- ‘mor. whbh caused him to be wanted with awesome respect. m- hud n wicked old squint or cast n (no of his watery pale blue eyes, and he ut- tered his most trenclizmt remarks with his defective optic M8 in such ., manner as to complete his Chale- Guseoigne. had frequently no- ticed this unpleasant peculiarity. tor. next to the old man's valetâ€"c caulk ed, down-trodden auture. who re- tained his post only (tom the hope at s legacyâ€"this young gentleman VII the subject 01 the Q.C.'s crueust mm. . A ' -4 1â€"-.â€" nag It. must n0 circumstance mannin- 0‘ contrary. he Fair Dealing and Treatment. Cas . Price to Up to that. bulkhrther (I to play the up? m 'AW-WABDER, JANUAB by marrying but this mmht m from mulling. the box. which consisted or a n1 her of Gamma“, neatly docke dï¬d he experience the least sienna! o! alrï¬osity. But, unluckily. jus1 he was closing the lid again, a that fatal slip cl paper, eye was caught. by a prominent. acriptionrzâ€"Will at William Bar. Em, Q.C. __ , -_.._ ' 'v- ’7, _ :the long Moring valet. 3 p1 ,tI'O t0" himself. all the r051 3 mum's W. with tht -the bank. to the niece. Mrs. I and the residue “to my Curl“ Grant Gascoigne. point. sole manor to my wi Guanine gasped as be h gray by u ludmt 0‘ the d 'yollllc man's vigilance or â€M983 1d Barker burst in upon him ““a‘ emu. flaw“ 3‘ m0!“ .3“. 53 um held W hand. the 40°“ °‘ the r - 1..-,4 A I “"E'upon him unaw emu. Vth a. momt .m. he still held the hand. the 60°“ °‘ the r‘ all. and cocaine had ‘ mt the document of ms coat- b“ W 1:16! his hAt 99v â€â€˜9 ‘ -‘dn STOKE-DOWN 1311â€" A1 a“ pusonagf- 14Ҡthe Rev. J. 3- “Ob" W. J‘m 15m. 1 Stokes 0f Mariposa Downer o! thentm. CLANCY-HURRAY-A ' m M“ Jan. 1‘ a†my, Father 0 mint omu 1 (Continued next of anxious 1 Yfl3rd st sensation th< fâ€â€â€˜ u . Vol- ,"WBW in I . U. nes’ for 310 S and