Ilene?- tho brqtiug M Manager 01 traveling circus â€"â€" What’s wrong with our new midget? Ha dom’t' seem to draw. Proprie- tor-"01‘. course not. See what. a. mess you’ve made of the advertisements. You‘ve put. his height gt three feet. Make it 36 inches, that ‘33 hoopla? will come Iithsrush. LIXâ€"Alderman Robson : “Presenta- tions by cmployes to employers. and by employers to cmployes, are becoming very pouular. ' It is a. good sign; for it. shows‘thaï¬ mutual goodwill between these classes is increasing.†. Capt.. Crandell : “I was in the town council 29 years. Since I came to Lindsaon have built 31 houses and 10 steamboats. I. have cut off the Devil’s Elbow, and it. was‘ through my importunity and pet- itions that the locks were built The defeat of 'the byâ€"Iaws has avoided a present. expenditure. but has in no wise removed the problems that the by-laws were intended to solve: Conditions have not. been changed by the vote. It. is to be hoped' that those who opposed the byâ€"I‘aws know of some better time and easier method for solving the problems than those that have just been rejected. If, as there is good reason to ‘5 be- lieve, the labor union isemed the fly sheet endorsing the whole of “the councilâ€"elect, it shows that that or- ganiZation is happily in harmony with general public sentiment as to suitable representatives. Its dis- crimination commends the uniOn -to public conï¬deme : its discretion in the matter of ('i"i('. eo'mrnment aug-j urs well both for the organization and the community in which it has become a. powerful med honorable fac- tor. T1“ the union always shows such sa-g‘aci‘ty as it did ivr selecting and‘ supporting its cantli":xtos"for this year's council it can he heartily wel- comed by all who seek the town’s welfare. carry, and the project ought not to be dropped." . E: A. Hardy. B. A.: "Then-cam tWo com-see now open to council â€"for it is upon them that the onus of the library project now rests. Special legislation may be got allowing the town to use the-market plot, or council may grantpart of the cost of another site, and the people Suheu'ibe the balance.†‘ The new council is no doubt _a. creditable body of men, trustworthy enough to put at rest the most sus- picxous and brand new enoug!‘ ,‘to satisfy the most revolutionary. To the newspaper man they are not. a. very hopeful source of spicy copy. Likely Mr. 'Macmillan’s aldernmn who; talks to make copy for the neï¬spap- ers has not been elected ‘this time“ He will be missed ; for he had his W. Flavelle: "I still think that. in the interests of eve‘n the peop- le who voted against the good roads b‘yâ€"law, it should be adop- ted : and I believe that with more informat‘on the by-law would . F. W. Mallett : “They say for a. fact that. the Italian navv-ies double-tracking 'he G. '1‘. R. be~ tween Port Hope and Toronto, put axle-grease on their bread, in- stead of butter.†Drummmrd (in a. letter to the Watchman-Warden : "A more generous audience than the Lind- say gathering, I have never met, and they who listened to me ' ' deser‘e all the gratitude at my disposal. †in. 1872 and the blasting done in the ri'vcr since.†D. Manon : “I did not say what the Post said 1 did about the need for new material in the council.†' Mr. Sootheran’s majority for ma- m V max m yor is' such as to prevent caVil by MC Emma“; . M. . ‘ ' 1-"? flmm . " ' ‘ ' H ' a,M Seem _ '- anry Intelligent men 3 13 m yo;i ~m Mm m. __. -.( because the people want. him: £9! _ mayor, and in making that. selection thIn Anéericatiund on the Continent. . 5'1 dwith eauomctmxlehnan even LEE; Esieacmgirboï¬gxf $12255 pre- greater Popularity than it has in ‘3 ' ' "014131318114." Then the untam- ventcd’ him from doing work .that ‘ tic bufletâ€"m ample 0! which ‘m wonm no. doubt. have helped hidi. ahxatgtm’uion â€Eu-1's: Court this some : but against the public-‘ can?†3:353:31] :31â€;ku 8 .PQPNTI,‘ victi'on mot he should have been sac-31 7mm; 9. nieal ofï¬ng: :5: eggs; isï¬ed' with two terms, he could not at a buflot, beginning at on. end with possibly ,have won. ' L": {1- 'CfHLCaï¬arc; ‘and moviilfg along the row Mr. Smyth’s retirement atthehgzcjgfï¬gfnmw ‘10 #1318810“. and blad: moment can be justiï¬ed on the ‘ ‘oTha. latest 81!. which the Swatâ€" ground that a, mam can always do aS‘ meat AutOmatic Co {I y has intro- he likes about such matters,_but â€it... duced is the name-plate machine, 1 t - h d that sortof thin will “9" to be Been inumaay railwaystas m 0 be ope S , txons. To outward' appearance the not be repeat-0i M9“ who do 1106 machine consists of a box on thotop retire at the proper time Sho‘fld†He of Which are a} circular, disc, with bona ï¬â€˜d'e candidates. ‘gthe_l‘ette_rs gt tho glphgygt upon it; HIE WATCHIANJWAIBER Published Every Thursday Itis liker thatthcraults of Henday’s voting are a quite“ accur- ate expression of the town’s sentil ments. After a fair amount. of conâ€" sideration, but without excitemenu the people selected their representa- tives, and rendered their verdict on the money byâ€"laws. The“ fantastiq and untruthful effusions of our com: in explanation of the result, are quite unnecessary. SAID IN FE“ WORDS 'I’AG‘E EIGHT MONK) “"5 VOTING Mr. Barry do Windt, the Arctic exâ€" plorer, lecturing in London. told a. curious story of a Russian Crowns whom he met during his overland journey from Paris to New York. It was in Irkutsk. in tar-distant $3.3?- ia, and themanoi mflliongjwh v- edinafmohouse. undempioyed a, French chef. proved am? excellent host. Luxuriously-furnished rooms were placed- at the disposal of Ir. do Windt. end his companions. As for the millionaire himself, he took tub nightly rest. npoa .oouoh formed of three; chairs; side by aide. mi never WWW English rudeness towar'd casual acquaintances, as compared with Continental tact, is due to the-Elg- lishman’s sincerity. Quite frankly he shows his opinion that nominal friendship is the cause of much per- sonal annoyance and meonvenience, and takes good care to encourage as little as possible any members elig- ible to encroach upOn this position. 80 that when an Englishman in that stiamay of his deliberately turns his back on his friends it may generally be understood that he considers it a. tedious and uncong-enial task to have to meet and talk with them, and-that being a dunco at dissimulation, the only course left open to him b one of blank, honest rudenessgâ€"Inndon â€â€˜9‘ ' The latest success whichrtha Sweet- {as‘ meat AutOmatic Company has introâ€" _it. ducecl is the name-plate machine, will now to be seen iii-.many railwqytsta- . . tions. To outward' appearance the ‘Ot machine consists of a box on thotop H0 of which are a, circular, disc, With ithe letters of the alphabet upon it; a; and a. handle to be lifted up and ~ pushed down. ‘You -turn the elite by ; round until the ï¬rst letter .you re- lsâ€" quire is opposite a. given point and to then press the handle, repeating the [‘0 ' process until you have spelled any word you desire. Then you give ~ another pull aria your name or a y. I word stamped on a slip of metal is 10 ejeCted. p_ ‘ Mr. Edward Hare, the chairman of c the campany, told the â€stockholders .‘lthat -another 1,000 0'! these ma- ls chines are on order, some being spe lcigllyxdesigned for out-doOr use. e V -_,v we "“""‘0' wâ€"v uvvv uuv-vu, and the rising generation is begin- ning to regard than as a neCessity in the domestic ï¬xturw. Lastly, there‘is one general beneï¬t in the extending. use of gas that is some- times forgotm, which is toward the diminution of the black and choking constituents of a true London fog. Every chimney that is in employ ad'ds its quota to the atmospheric pan, and the substitution of smoke- less gas for these is a step toward lessming above us. is greatly appreciated, as tea can ht" made and supper or breakfast (200‘:- ed withox'xt the inconvcnmnre (f a ï¬re. In the practical teaching that is given in some of the Izousen‘i’ory -"cntres of the Schooi Board the me- thods of using samll gas stoves to the best advantage are now shown, The quantity of gas now supplied for a. penny is twenty-eight. cuIi f or and no direct. charge is made for th: meter or ï¬ttings. With small, iloSC rooms in the summer time the boon In the domestic economy of the workingman’s tenement or cottage the' â€pennyâ€"inâ€"theâ€"slot" method of supply of gas has home an almost revolutionary part. Small stoves of a capacity quite sufï¬cient-{or the simple requirements of humble house- holds can be heated and regulated from these meters, and are employed to an extent that is astonishing when one hears it expressed in ï¬gures. ’lhe South Metropolitan Company alone at the present time is removing near-' ly twenty tons weight of pennies every week from the slot ‘ manhinos, placed there as payment for the gas to be consumed, and for this last wear or tWo during the Winter months this astonishing total has tau-led little. Now a ton of pennies "rt-presents value ‘in gold or bank notes of about _£447 and a. little ralczilation shows that. the slot has ‘ been in Working no fewer than 106,â€"‘ 2‘38 times ere it is earned. In round figures the twenty tons mean that the useful coin has brought light or warmth 1,125,600 times in the course of the seven days. So vast is this aygt‘egate of bron. 0 money that spe‘ 'ial arrangements have been mad-e h_\ the company for its acceptance and ~onversion into more portable ton-:ler .Lt all the various bz‘ll‘~‘s in the dis- u-i t. as no single one COLL] conven- iently handle it. The. shareholders approved a diviâ€" dend amounting to 21} per cent. for the year. just made an annual net proï¬t 91 over £73 000. V About ten years ago tho autom tic sweet machine was reguded as a fantastic American invention Which, would soon drag} out of existence. A #013317 thorn are ï¬lm '6! auto‘ matic machines all over the country, and the automatic trade boqomeo more widespmd and mom proï¬table 6 {year. Here are a few or the pu . ff‘Wants" which the automatic matting. supplies: Sweetmtl. Sondwldm. Sign. Fruit tablets. We; mu. Matches. , Name pm (stan- Scents 04 wflb you Wilt). Drinks (hot and cold). hyshontxâ€"Ono Per Cent. Win Wâ€" man-Year's“.- coo-Gaitersum. The extraordinary popularity to which the automatic delivery machine has attained in Great Britain dur-‘ ing the comparatively few years since it was invented ls shown ‘ by the fact that a. single company has English lumen Expltinod. Inï¬hLondonm PENNY IN THE SLOT.†xa ‘ v - “at,“ Ken. and Canadian Apple. The ï¬nest fruit that grow: is the Canadian apple. If anybody doubt: this let him travel the world over, and he will come back convinced o! it. He may visit the orange groves of the South, and on into the land of the banana; he my tour the grape countries, and pull ï¬gs and cocoa- nuta where he can ï¬nd them; and“ he but stay lang mongh at each point in his journeyings, he will tire of the native fruits. and come home fully persuaded that the apple Is the leader or! them all. We do not pro- pen-lynppreciatethoOannd-napph, A llttle stream had lost If: m Amid the grass and tern; A passing stranger scooped a wen. Where weary men might turn: He walled It In, and hung wlth an A ladle at the brlnk; He thought not of the deed he did. But Judged that all might drink. He passed min, and lo! thevweu, By summer never dried, Had cooled ten thousand packed m And [awed : lite bedde. A nameles man. said a on“ That thronged the dally mart. I Let fall a word of hope and love. Unï¬tudled, from the heart; A whisper on the .tumnlt thrown, A transitory breathâ€" It ralsed a brother from the dust. It saved a soul fromï¬eath. 0 germ! 0 room! 0 word of love! 0 thong-ht at random cast! Ye were but Lttle at the ï¬rst, Rut might: at the lastL ‘Kint ‘St: KELLYâ€"McMAH‘ON-At Cohoconk. December 18th by Rev. A. B.Chafeo "M. A., Charles Henry Kelly of Lindsay to Mattie McMahon of Rosedale. FRYâ€"LYTLEAt St. Thomas' church Bexley on Dec. 3lst by Rev. A. B. Chafee,’ M. A., William James Fry of Eldon to Sarah Eliza. Lytlc. daugtxter of Edward Lytle. Bexley. A cordial invitation is extended to persons interested in the wellfare of the banner township fair, to attend the annual meeting of the society next ‘Wedncsday afternoon in the hall. ;The ï¬nances of the society force his idea at fair amalgamation contrary to the: statement of one~ of its professed enemies, who to en- force .his idea of fair amalgamation reported that last year's balance was The annual meeting of the rate- ï¬e second lecture of the Collegâ€" payers of school section No. 12, was iatelnstitute Lecture Course will be held in the school house on Wednes- given in the Assembly Hall of the dey forenoon of last week. In all Institute of Tuesday '.Jan 13th. by there were not over half a dozen Hon J W 110381833 M A. D L.. persons present. The trustees (or Halifax, Attorney-General 01 Nova 1903 are Moms. E. G. Lytle, Jas. Seotia. The sulï¬ect is one of great Taylor and Alfred Webster, who was interest: “Moral Heroism with Spee- re-elected for' another term. Cox»; in! Relevance to Canadian Lite. "and tainly Oakwood schbol meetipgs are Mr. Langley is generally reputed as not very spirited aiming [one of the beat speakers in the Don:- A cordial invitation is extended to union. manufactured in Canada, having 4 guages diffetence between the teeth and but and therefore requiring no ‘set for ha'dwood. Tae Nick}: used inthi: saw toughens the steel so it ho“: a point not obtain“ m any othet saw. Call and cx‘amine them and :see Big Bargain; in all kinds of Stoves We sell the only NICKEL STEEL CROSS CUT SAW We 5:11 the only axes in Canada guaranteed to stand Hemlock Knots Next year the nominees instead of saying “They will do the best they can†should say they will arrange for an equitable distribution of the “"blow. SOMETHING NEW IN AXES and CROSS CUT SAWS Black's was the last place to hear from. It was suggested to send the Oazkwood ballot counters over and get the result it they got thmugh‘ in Jordan is to be complï¬nented on getting so manyrladies out to vote; The local commissioner received a, severe shaking up in attempting to distribute his “blow." Miss Nettie Perrin left Mohday morning for. Braedbridge near which place she has secured n podtion; ' A goo] many around here regret to hear of Mr. John Dame’s slow re- covery from pneumonia, _ yith which he was attacked in Toronto while on his way home from the Guelph fur. Friday evening a. number of young people from Linden! drove into the village and syent the evening .3, Dr Chamber’ 3. , Chanixon made a good run for commissioner, and a. thorough can- vas was no small part of-it. Mr. Luley Bowea pwed last week and part of thiq in bed, being. the victim, of a. combined attack. of la grippe and a. severe cold. He is now recovering. to school in. Lindsay this week. Sunday evening Rev. Clare, the Methodist pastor, commenced a series ‘of sermons“ on_ 3,110 decalogue, which promises tobe very interest- ing. The coin-so will take a ï¬eriod of two or three months. . ‘ OAKWOOD Mr F 8 W15 a: We spent the Christmas holidays with his parents at East Oakwood 1 See Hooper Bros. advertisement in this issue of anewsawmillat Little Britain .' The treatmg system was very much .in evidence Monday evening. VMrs. Corryhas moved into the re» sidence formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Sanderson. ‘ Misses Ida. Hogg and Lillie Web- THE NAMEL‘ES‘S. . CINNAMON “It pays to buy at Cinnamn's" Mi; Perrin returned camswm A Lusaka. social will be held at the 'residence of Mr. Arch. Mclnnis, near iCresawoll, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 14m. ‘ Proceeds (or Sunday school work. hood.†The text was “Son give me thine heart." After an extended discussion of the personality and our; nipotence of God, the preacher took his theme and declared that the heart meant the entire man, will. af- fectations and endowments. The call of the text was not that oi a tyrant but of a father. "Son" give me thine heart. The tender appeal was reinforced by the claims of creation and redemption. God' 3 call was for the consecration of the entire life to the service of mankind. "I some- times think. " said the preacher. "that a good deal of our preaching does not appeal with much force to the masculine mind. We talk so much about being a Christian because of its joys here and reward in heaven. That is Warranted but is not enough. Before the inquiring young rich nun, Jesus held up an ugly cross; a heart- breaking load of renunciation. God wants every man to know that His service means a. rugged self-denial. He has no place for the men whose earsareclosedto the criesofthe world's needâ€"its ’ hunger, misfortune and grief! The service ol‘ de is the service of‘ an heroic rescue. God does not want the goody-goody good-40r- nothing. His me: will suffer to do right; they are not afraid of m- er but have the courage that stands up and ï¬ghts an evfl until it gum down. Against the foes and enemies within. God’smenareever in stren-; nous combat." Organist Morris sang . “Over the Line" in good voice at 1 collection time. ~BevL. 8. mighson.B. D. nndc Rev. J. W. Macmillan. B. A. will exâ€" I change pulpits on Sunday morning. 1 l At the Cambridge-st Methodist church on Sunday evening a. large congregation heard the pastor Rev. G. W. Hendersonpreachonhis an- nounced subject “An Appeal to Man- Bellow l‘mn Sundayâ€: Services and ‘ announcemnls tor the "we all in and I think the we proved beyond cavil. Let us have medical evidence of the truth of the illness and we will not complain. Yours, "Ibo ‘magistmhe sud Wr. Wardrobe ‘was sick. It was on account of ‘sickness lhat it was adjourned last week. We are sorry if Mr. Wardrobe issova-yill,andwewonldregret it he is dangerously ill ; and much more 80 if it is only a, flimsy pro- tease. flier-e was no medical carti- ï¬cate put in saying that Mr. War- drobe was ill. trata heard “the man on the street.†surfâ€"The Wardrobe ease for vioh- ting the Hearse act was 880-“! d’ journal! today It has been MW‘ ned several times and I think un- Will Edit»:- Watchman-Wade. E. THURS’I‘ON, Lindsay, Jan. 7th.. ’02. The evidence for th'e prosecution In AMONG HIE LIIURCIIBS fl; Wardrobe that Can LINDSAY .vv _ w..- flrathhmmm “90‘7"ka- ‘3‘“th w I... Murine. quitadolibenuy, “ulna. Waitwnowe-alym'to. mm ate-room diam: Tho m day oomputment. Even the hunting ottho ventilator- in this and tho other saloon. are works of art in silver. There are proVided in the King's saloon electric {m and heat- or: and silver clout-lo cigar lighters. f In tho Queen's bedroom the paedo- minoting color is rou pink. against which the bed, with its silver plate ï¬ttings, make. a beautiful afloat. Electric lunpo peep out from unex- Loctod corner. ad from under told. of silk, whilo tho brocade. in the boudoir combine pale blue with utoâ€" ther shad. oi pink. All the Quad: rooms. including a dressing room on etch side oi the bed-room. m in white camel. with ï¬nely silveï¬ilatod ï¬ttings. But tho upholstery is generally 0!; salt (at long. The tarnishing: of the various ‘upartments ore drastic in the ex- treme. Della-Joly shaded electric luau wt 3 luxurious drawing- room router than a. railway conch. In the King's smoking roan: which is tarnished in mahogany an inlaid with rosewood and satinwood. the comloruble lounge churn are 0! green lather and the curtains and covets humanize with the chairs. in a much lTxhter tone 0! green. with white enamel end utinwood turni- tune. inlaid with ivary, in the King's in the world. There us two saloon. and: mu- tating sixty feet. in length. three so.- loons torus. suite and two bake vans. each any feet long. The whole train weigh 210 tons and is 385 '1‘. new mm m a and I» hvocoat $300,000. 1:. was built by the London mil Northwm Compmy. and Dmidtobothemoat luxurious and buuulully appointed a mu Luxurious-Id .0..- and Ivor Mt. Men’s Fur Coatsâ€"{Mid Fur Coatsâ€"and all Furs at Greatly Reduced Prices. J. Sutcliï¬e Sons Men's pure all-v00! scarlet. under Inf 3 All wool heavy worsted Suits, colors 0! Brain: and Du-k Blue Ian’s Oxtord Grey Wiot 0W A ’HREWD buyers will keep these dates in mind. The apptoachnng day for taking our inventory IS so. close at hand that we want to make large inroads iin our immense swck. Some lines are just in their wearing season, others are broken assortments, but right evely other way. Shop early and secure ï¬rst choice. price 70¢ each {or Men’s 70c Scarlet Under- wear for 50¢ uh: value 7810.00. Sofie FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Jan, 8151) 35nd 9th $2“ 9W. at“ 809d, trim-flas- 89¢ 46-h lamb. fly (routs; lush“! pockets and cans, hunch shoulder. mom sleeve linings. Bex- 5 . uh: price 87.50. Sale Price .5 Boys’ Reefer: $1.95 Establism [389 * THE BELLEVILI Business Co; Belleville, Ont.L “Students have a 1.1mm J .power who take the full ow v piprcparation under oux 5 ~ training. It has 2 ,u ~ J H211 v- Q! Dcpax cmm‘; L5 -â€"1 ("m-W i- --..‘....â€" ,4 1.1“ 1‘,“ \ 7L'lc‘ CASH Men’s Overcoat: About l-Z lea (In realm NEW ROYAL TRAIN. m 'wnmgwmm, JANUARY, LINDSAY 7.50 on (In top: “How will this om mun-v†06 opening it. he found a. damâ€. WW specimen 0! mm tad, warmly don. Q1: hintâ€"Bun M 7. 60:7»:an A manhunt in one at our Northern eith- W! hilt u: naveltinoment an em unï¬tâ€"“Boy wanted!â€m nextflnornlnghetoundubenaoxon MI W with this W “on Was given in mint 0! m. “ American Ikipper. mm; with emigrat- hto In: mks. and In labeling the ropes with the name-d mmwemwxymm “able to 'do the tori: with ub- dlity tint would MW ghfldaed tho hen-t cm 0! Captain Percy Scott. -Lo-don'1‘w. seid theorisinand the history or viewing cards were decidedly had:- netingto the student of the pest. Theda.“ of their charter was 1628. thongh some 0! the fer-reaming pd. We: then coulormd had been lost by the supinenesa of their W A. they wenehwing a. lotabout. education just now, he would rec-ll theft“. that. an Englishman nun-II Jackson. in 1656, published a. hook untitled “Scholm' Sciental Cut." bywhich he mutated to teach at only wading. writing and mun-oâ€" tic, but even religion. “at cud- were employed as the hm 0! education We: egfln flown in an. pubBceuOn in the “.mtury cc 9 work celled “The Gates! Ho.- At the commemontion banquet of the Wordlipful . Company 01 Inks- otPluyingCardsthem 0‘ a. company. I». 'l‘heophnus Ila-kin. J. P., pmided. After the loyal touts had been proposed. Load Huaâ€" bury gun the toast of "no can-- The whole thing was Inimitnbly done. I hoped nobody can it but was". You: alts-wand a. pond:â€" ous, fat-wittod young man put a. question nquuelyto me: _ ' "What was an} nntter with It. Thackeray that night. the club at a It, â€"â€"'1 house?" oduerroom;oohetimd animagiwy revolver several times at an buglâ€" nnry head. - } Thu: begun g series of MW tent. impossible to desajbe. I!" “If" an imaginary per-on. myself. 0! counts, upon the floor. and pro- cneded to ltd: him aevenl times with a paper-tows, which he mug-ht. up for the purpoao. Alter, disposing of his victim In this wny he Was not satisï¬ed, (or ho dull lecture still went. on in b men: was my ngnteaym mm that. I knew he was then. Linen Hm Towels, fringed and? Turkey Bed borders. size 16; in- x35in.Regularprioe20c 15: pa pair. Sale price ............ 15c Turkey Tablings, [Sc 60 yards Turkey Red Taming,- good pattern, 54 incbw wide, reg IR 25¢ a yard for... 40¢ Tab e Covermgs, 25c ‘0‘ III": â€BCâ€, ‘06 > er. “7. I". McCarty. U) 58 M owl-him Ilia table . ihas dongted _:1 ï¬ne _hx-o_n_zv 3 pierc- plain piuk mate, 28 indies wide and good weight. Regâ€"- ulur price 7c pa- M. For ‘ Cho ce Stapl’e Department ' Offetilgs. 7§ Flannelette, 4c linen, 56 inches wide. 8g- ulna-prioe25cyuil,(or... 20c Linen Towels, l5c 25c Table Linens, 20c nluorv “Pl-yin; Curd- Pgstimelf by which man;- ONE PRICE 7 â€this continent. alone but. awa ‘S-esouthern seas to whosv is! Mel‘s go that connect. with Mainsâ€"Hawaii, Figi, New? 5‘. ï¬rstâ€"class book of travel. ‘1 ustralianâ€"is the reader ward being as instructive. l , â€"â€"Miss Annie Ross and Mi. ‘ ° . two very pretty little ' \ will dance some V danca at the J « ' concert. Their dan . “35103011 and modest a med lathe garb of old «1‘.- received more appliw kkwpers and Stenograpl g ..; the last. few months th ~- supplied. gj Do you Want a position ‘ ‘ not attend a. school w) .I. position. It will cost 1 x.flthim at. most schools. .‘ What better inducement ca (cred ? Send for our circular Peterboro. â€"People who think of < westward across Canada sl read the C. P. R. annotat ;table supplied by Agent, “eve. But to others who condensed form reliable and ing information about the g and (Specially those parts ( lie adjacent to the C. 1‘. Wine table with Its 100 $918.98 and Wellâ€"written (h £5111 be of the gruatlest use robably the choiCest mail :18 of knowledge on the u pther folder f Across (‘anax Was dwenptive stufl that, x suranoc company Hus nun year so far. The losses lum camparatively light and {I1 business reached $1,200,000. â€"Hooper Bros. have set up able saw mill at “'hitcside's about 11an a mile West of Lit Lain. Farmers and others c4 their logs converted into lull short notice and at r0:1.<0n:1.l1 es. 808 advertisement in lhi -â€"Cook and kitchen girl we once for the Central Housq say. Wages $16 per mo cook and $10 for kitchen gid is a farmers' hotel. with na law than 7.30 p. 111. JOHN DER.â€"-â€"1â€"2. 'Wâ€" _7, ' , double and single vgrious applications, and customs. ca“ writing, business Cultiu‘c Hall. at foot of K« Monday evening January ‘ eight o'clock. Miss Walton an illustrated talk on I’hy: ture, and will be suppm'to-zi talent. Admission 10c. ' â€"The Canadian spring show for Clydesdalr-s and S be held at Grand’s repositl onto on February 4th, 51h Liberal prizes are ofl'orod. must bk made on or hoforo . inst... addressed to Henry W Iiaxnent. buildings, Toronto. Queen Victoria. to th in hospim. â€"The 'lbronto Star was that in Japan women so marry dead men and Says m adian women marry men w-h as well be dead. He could h .who soon wish they Were dc; -The ladies at tho town a ially inVitod to attend an cl anent. to be given in tin» â€"'l‘he friends of mm] county are called :0 n the Cambridge-«st. Mot on chne:~ v, Jun. 1 sharp. llAPPENINï¬S ABOUT â€"Now that the big rush is are ready for orders for no! Repairing promptly attend Nothing but the best mater-i; [A large stock of homo-made proof boots on hand. l-‘. l 14 William-st... Lindsayâ€"514 â€"The l-‘axmers' Mutual Vi PEIERBDIO Business Col wer who ta preparatiqn Address: WAT-CHIANâ€" WARE â€armors ' company M“. Th( ivo! v lin on band. I". l , Lindsayâ€"514 ers' Mutual l-‘i )any has had The low-s huv light and {I1 Led 31_2«m,mm_ '05. have set, up at. “'hitcsidc's mile west of Lit rs and others a A. TOUSA iablc and ' out the g- 0 parts of he C. 1‘. Its 100 ritten d . West use. est availa of U R09 “T H‘