,u..u wuwm. u E ., wm‘v in the: 3 Mr. liobofttson ad in the hockey ,’gn.mcs in 1856â€"1 £1340 played Knn' 011.! King: b-U‘Cvt ‘33:"? [ï¬nal 0; .30m am! hnu'ao 5 Ho? stuttm’! the 3:21“ at 1'. C. (,‘c his c7o"t< the g {' (nl’t '2 0, (tn stzu t i :znz’ hui!‘ “Hark My Words.†‘ 't impress the city editor a A. 1 ‘ â€For“? says: ‘Muk my †TIL-3's what he In. tho b M “IEâ€"Toronto Stu. In 1859 he was stroke of a. six- .oared boat, that. was manned by {college and Model School boys. A ’good photOgraph of the cz'eW, by iUurson. an old pitturc taker, hangs gin a room at U. C. College. Max QStrange, an uncle of Strange of the ’Argonuuts, and nephew of Judge .Hclx‘nnung the late Dr. Tom White , of Hamilton, and Dr. Alec ML'Donald, ‘chief surgeon of Ward’s Island, N. Y, worn in the (x'cw. Mr. ltobcritson managed and play- ed in the hockey, or rather, shinnoy, fgauncs in 1856â€"1857, when U. C. Col- ;Iegc played Knox Academy, and the 'nlu King :‘trtvt Model School. Thoso play-cal on the Bay, betwcoen .York and Simvo: Sï¬roetfl. 5 He shuts! the ï¬rst game of foot- ?«lel at l'. (‘. College, and through his efforts: the gymnasium at We U. {3, ('ollvg‘f‘, (In King Stl't‘ct, was “WV." ' 'y-‘uv l. o. {_ Returns received by the Crown lands Department show that 1,346 [arms were heated in the Temiskam- ing region last year, equal to 215,- 860 acres, or nearly ten townships. This is estimated to rep'rescnt the arrival of about 3,000 persons, and does not include the veterans, of them several hundred have recently taken land up there. Altogether be- tween 500 and 700 veterans have al- ready located, the next most pcpu- lat sections being Rainy River and Thunder Bay districts. - lt appears ‘that he could have made at one time a good compromise with the Farmers' Loan people, but, while he was trying to squirm out of his debt altogether, the liquidators of the company got to know about his wealth and circumstances, and right- ly made him pay up in full. This and other losses drove him to the "walking sandwich" mode of em- floyment and rugs and bottles buo- 0a. Cit-no. That Greed Missed to Save Some of Its Money. 3 The Writt'!‘ met, him on the street sum-c time after the failure of the i‘armers' Luau and Savings Com- rany, and, on enquiring how things wcze going with him ï¬nancially, he ndaimod passionately: “Oh! I hev bin robbed. robbed; ï¬rst it was the Financial Loan Wot went busted and done me up, and now the Farmers' Loan peoples but got on to me and dey‘re making me pay up on the unâ€" called stock." “But," I said, “I thought. you were going to make some sort of a. compromise with the liquidators?" “No," he replied. ï¬nes again. The miserable old man tired in a shed, denied himSelf al- most the bare necessities of life, and died in the hospital, through the charity of the city, worth about $100,000, but declaring his poverty to the last breath. The ruling pas- sion strong in death.â€"A. M. C. in Honetary Times. “dey would not make no gompromxse nit me, dcy put. in dem dam bailiffs and Seized onto ever-ting I 11211, and I a. near dead." Stili'L‘i 2:11-22 hui!t. Ho flayed trinket on the old Wel- I'ingztt n (“In-h, that had its grounds on thx: corner of Front and Brock streets, when the anel 121.111in lived good swimmer, and on one occ'asion, in 1857.119 swam across Toronto Bay, with three other U. C. College boys. MORE ABOUT ELI HYMAN. 31: Rush of Settlers. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA.â€"â€"In the matter of the guardianship of Ethel Jobbitt, John Gordon J obâ€" bit and Blanche Irene Jobbitt, in- fant children of John Jobfbitt, dc» ceased. Notice is hereby given *hat application will be made to 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE â€"- Half way between Woodville and Cambmy, 14th concessior} o_f Mari- DOORS, SASH AND FRAMES FOR SALE.â€"-Sa;ws of all kinds ï¬led and set. Shop south of Brown’s Ho- tel, Lindsay-st. GEO BRYANS. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. â€"1"or. FOR SALE.â€"The valuable farm in Eldon. one mile from Grass Hill Station, containing 100 acres, all cleared and in a. good state of cul- tivation; 50 acres ploughed and ready for crop, balance seeded down, 18 under red clover, 12 alâ€" sike and 20 t mothy. l'pon the premises is a new dwelling 20x30 with kitchen, 2 frame barns \xith stone stabling underneath, 2 good wells, :3. good orchard, etc. Pos- session When dashed. If not sold by Feb. 15th, will rent lo: a. term of 3ears. For further palticulars apply to E. E. WEEKS, Wood- villaâ€"34:. WANTEDâ€"Man or strong bby for farm work. Apply to DAVID REID, Rcaboro.â€"3-2. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.â€" Apply to MRS. H. J. Lytle, cor- ner Regent and William-sts, north ward.â€"2-2. HOUSE WANTEDâ€"Six or seven rooms with stable and about quar- ter acre of land, by cash purchaser. Apply at this ofï¬ce.â€"2-3. the S_urrogate Court of the County of Victoria, before the Judge in Chambers, at the Court House, in the Town of Lindsay, in said Coun- ty, after the expiratiou of twenty days from the ï¬rst publication hereof on behalf of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation for an order appointing the said, The T0- ronto General Trusts Corponation, guardian of the persons and estates of the said respective infant child- ren of the said John Jobbitt, de- ceased. Dated at Lindsay this 10th day of January. A. 1)., 1908. 1 THE TORONTO GENERAL TBU-. 8T8 CORPORATION, by: floor-e Jackson, their Solicitors.~â€"15â€"3 two ca‘ three months. References required. Good wages to the righ}; person. Apply at. this ofï¬ce. ard ; buildings almost new ; plenty of spring water convenient. Ap- ply to A. ANDERSON, 211 Mc- Caulâ€"st., Toronto-34. posa, 90 acres cleared, balance hardwood bush; barn 65 x {)0 ft. with stone foundation: good stab- ling ; large pig pen and good driv- ing house, frame dwelling with wood-house attached; good orch- CUAR DIANSHIP 15 OTICB FOR SALE WA "ED TO RENT They 'are the most efl'ectual treat- ment known for backache, pain in the back or between the shoulders, bloating. swelling of the feet and kegs, puï¬iness under the eyes, dim- culty o! urination, pain or distress. 'scanty flow, high-colored urine.brick dust or other deposits, frequent calls during the day or night, rheumatism uric acid in the blood, dragging children and old people, and All forms of kidney, bladder and urinu-y troubles. Price 50 cents a. bottle or thus baptism for 7871.231“. all gagging, or sent by mail. ï¬ne 00.. Tomato, Ont: pains in the loins, sense or ieighi or pleasure in the region of the blad- der, constipation, kidney maknea of “I have never had any return of the old trouble‘ with my back and kidneys since Dr. Pitcher's Backnche Kidney Tablets cured me in the fall of 1899. At that time I could hard- ly get around at all, but they soon cured me. They are a. grand remedy and both my wife and myself prize them highly." (Signed) Joseph Fitzpatrick. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets are prepared from the formula. of Zina. Pitcher LLD. formerly Pro- fessor of Materia. Medica, and Geniâ€" to-urinary diseases, Michigan Sollege of Medicine, Detroit, Mich. U.S.A.. A St. Thomas gcnï¬eman whom Br. Pitcher's Backache Kidzey Tablefs cured of lumbago in 1899 has never had any return of his 01d enemy, satisfaction to those who are sun‘er- ing from the eï¬ects of wrong-acting kidneys, to know that Dr. Pitcher’s Kidney Tablets not only give prompt relief in all cases, but they cure so effectively and thoroughly that the disease is not likely to return again â€"the cure is permanent. To illus- trate the permanency of the cure they eï¬'ect, we cite the case of Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick, a, man well up in years, who lives at 52 Metcalfe street, St. Thomas. Statement, 1902. During a recent attack of lumba- go and kidney trouble, due to ex- posure to cold, I used Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, and can speak unhesitntingly. of their ï¬ne qualities. They are easy in action, give relief quickly, and despite my age, sixty-six years, have completely cured _me, and put me in ï¬ne condi- tion again." Peas, small .................. Alsike Clober ............. Red Clover .................. Potatoes per bag... ...‘ Butter per pound m Chickens per pair ... _. Turkey, per lb .......... .. Geese, per lb ............. Eggs, per dozen ......... Hogs, live per cwt... .. Hogs, live per cwt PERMANENT†L’UBEB 0F LUMBAED It will no doubt be a source of (Signed Joseph Fitzpatrick; 0001:0067 000t0067 000t0067 OOOto062 000t0047 0001,0042 OOOtoOdG 080t0080 OOOtoOGS 650to700 625t0675 tolOO ooooooou omou- goomusqg J. W. LAGNMUIR. lounging Director Toronto Genetd TrustaOorporstion. 59 Y e-St., Tor- onto, Agents for the 11:30:. J. F. EDGAR Solicitor. Motmmfllï¬mdoyd luxury Lamâ€"3.2 Own. 8 Bedsteads m3 Bedding; 1 Wahmnd. l Spinning Wheel. 1 Bug- gy, l Cutter. Tel-mg 0g gale cash. y Auction. by Ste enuuver. Auctioneer Lat the Marketm ,Lindsa, on SATURDAY. dmth DA OF JANUARY 1903. at THEl p.1n., the follow- ing household furniture end eflectl of the said Inabelln Allison;â€" Flower Pots, l PickAxe. 18 plittin Axe, l Shovel, l CmsSOut Saw,p 1 Ba Saw 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 Cook Stove and Pipes, 4 Rocking Chairs, 5 Tables, 3 Lamps, 3 Pictures, 14 Chairs, 3 Cup- boards, a qumï¬tvof GemJu-s, quh Board, (Bottling Utensils, Table Ware, 3 Flat Irons, l Dresser, Ra Carpet: and Mata] aheating Stove, glpea Elbow, l 8_ofn_. l 8_ewing Machine“ Pursuant to the instructions or the Inspector of Prisons and Public Char- itirs, Statutory Committee of Isabella Allieon, there will be sold by Public Aucti Jg._by_8tppl:en Olive!) {lgctioneer HOUSEHOLD FURNIIU and EFFECTS for SALE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATEâ€"Pursuant to the the will of Jacob Hart, late of the Township of Manvers in the county of Durham, yeoman, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Simpson House in the Iown of Lindsay, on Saturday the 7th day of February, 1903, at. 2 o'clock in the afternoon the fol- lowing valuable tarm composed of the south West, part of lot number er. TERMS : Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid down at the time of sale and the balance thereof in 30 days thereafter with- out interest. The purchaser will be entitled to possession on the 16th of March next. The vendor, shall not be bound to produce any" title deeds other than those in his possession. The purchaser must make allthis objections to, and re- quisitions on, title in writing with- in 15 days from the day 0! sale and in default shall be deemed to slave accepted the title uncondition- ly. ' - -OI There will be a. reserved bid. For furtha- partieulars of sale apply to the undersigned, MOORE 6; J ACKSON, Vendor’s Solicitors, Lindsay, WILLIAM J. GRANDY, Executor of will, Mount Koreb P.O. Dated this 9th day 0! J ammu- 1908.â€"3-4.~ This property is situated in one of the best farming districts in the krovincc and is distant from the village of Mount Horcb 3 miles, frém Franklin station 4 miles, from Omemee 6 miles and from the Town of Lindsay, 12 miles. There are about 65 acres cleared and the balance is covered with mixed timber. There are erected on the premises a frame house one and one half stories high with stone foundation and cellar under whole house, a. frame barn 30x86 and a cedar log stable. Tï¬ere are about 20 acres plowed and ready for seeding, and 10 acres cut and covered, and about 15 ac- res seeded with timothy and clov- 23 in the 14th concwsion of the said township of Manvers con- taining 80 acres more or !ess. We might add that prices are very much edvanced from former prices paid on fancy varieties. A visit. from: thoee who wish to know our prices is requested. We will give all inform- stlon possible. We to say that we have our need rally to give out to grow- ers (or the coming season. Those who have left their names for seed we would ask to call and get the seed to:- which they left an order, as soon as possible. We will also be pleased to take orders lrom those who have not left their name. and wish to Notice to Par-er o! the County 01 Victoria all Vicinity. Lindsay, Jan. 8th., 1908.-â€"2-3. The annual general meeting of the Farmers’ Union Mutual Fire Insur- ance Cempany will be held in the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay on 5th DAY OF FEBRU- ARY, 1903, at 11 o'clock a.m. for the purpose of receiving the annual statement, the election of Directors and such. other business as may come before said meeting. at 2 o'clock in the nftarmmn. J. R. McNEILLlE. Tuesdayjthe 27th Day of Janggg A. D. I903. ' Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber, Court House Lindsay. on 2‘ - Cou n! y Clerk's C moo. Lindsay, Janus) y 1211).. 1903.â€" CORPORMION OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA about half a mile west of Little Britain, at Whitesides Woods. First.- class work ; charges moderate. Farmers and others wanting logs converted into lumber will do well to patronize the new PORTABLE SAW MILL of HOOPER BROS, JAB. H. SQUIER a; SON SQUIER FLAVELLE. Liam, Dec. 29th. 1901-14. W. B. FEIR, secretary of trustees board.â€"3-8. PULBIC NOTICE New Lumber Mills R. - G. CORNEIL. HOOPER BROS County Clerk. Anione anflering from Toothache, H e or my other aches or. pains, can have the Liquid Electrh ‘3‘" tested FREE op CHARG 1.: by) mum: lug “5 the laboratory. Add ‘11 19% (registered) Electrician S. 8.3MITH3 Sent to Aly Address on Receipt of Price Out, to whom all h ' Mb . letters should b0 Pice w" sl! ‘2‘â€, $4, and $5 per Bottle from bum or bruiaeé; no matter What 11% the pain; m callcdr Or what the causes my be, when. the tuner-er wants is RELIER This CAL POWER. Prepared by Electrician s. C; Sngith, at hip laboratory, Lindsay I. A MAGIC REMEDY CURING .11 the Aches and Pains, Coughs, COMB. etc., ever: occurring in every MU. making it a universal house' hold necessity. Where a family has once used it th_e_y will never be With- out it. Rheumatism, Consumption, GIVES AT ONCE WITH ITS MAUI! pain by laying his hand on the afllicted spot. The LIQUI II EIECTRICITY surpasses all Other remedies in the wonderful power it. Possesses over Paralysis, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Deafness, Fever, Old Chronic Lameness, Female diseases: and one hundred other sick troubles to which every family is subject; For Horses and Catne it. is equally For the immediate relief of all ache.u and painsâ€"internal or external. The most marvellous discovery of modern times is the bringiog into use of LIQUID ELECTRICITY, the lightâ€" ning cure of gll pains and disease. Without an equal. The greatest remedy for pains so far known to the world. Its use as a. Quick Cure ibr Pain has never been paralleled since the day when the Great Savi- our of Men Was enabled to dispel Liquid Electricity Any Canadian Paciï¬c Agent will gladly give you further particulars and secure you accommodation in one of these cars. Portable section partitions, which ï¬rmly lock in place at night, make an open interior with no obstructing berth supports by day, and insure perfect seclusion to each berth by night. A Canadian Paciï¬c Tourist Car is similar in general appointments to this Company‘s Palace Sleepers. It, in large, airy, perfectly ventilated, handsomely ï¬nished and upholstered. 'ARDER. JANUARY 22nd, 1903 The Liquid Electricity The liquid - Elasticity A. H. NOTHAN. A,0.P.A. Toronto King-st. Eu waxy be gelled by the name of T. HATCHETT Agent C.P.R. Linda-y, Ont.- a, Paralysis. , Pleurisy, 01' LINDSA Y ! 0’10UG Penman s and Drawers) be: bat lines of und 3 ‘0 Ladies Uni Q â€ms‘â€s†line of 52 in. He ings, to clear at 1 KEN T-ST» Arm ..FOR oncentra‘ A skin to btgxadl We neunlly cok I the in get nunbï¬ eeaentinl of got: none- the chm ‘ the essential to [I my years of ex] with their seven judge the same pl New Styles for 5 Shut Jackets. 8 Par lined Gunt‘ Stu-Collars etc. ingfromthisare odthebeneï¬tofi lea, advan: than: 'f-No. . splendid deal offer 5