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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 Jan 1904, p. 5

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.15 Beltran" in Advance; SI iflot so paid FENEIDN FALLS Mia Sandford is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss McMurchey is the guest of her friend Mrs. J as Fraser. Mrsmw. L. Robson is visiting her son . J 08. Robson a ' stock killed on the track, Lana-hrs Falls. t Burks seaports and harbors snould be im- Mis S. McArthur went up to Lilfllg proved. Canada should get and say on Saturday and returned on The Limlsav Sana-.r hockey team give a British preference; and bet- Tuesday. played the Fenelon main "9"" :“St ter trade relations should lead to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ingram are the Friday, the score r-esuliinw 12-8 in some sort .of Imperial couu'd. Mr. gueSts of Mr. Ingram’ 3 parents. “V0? 0‘ the 100815- Mr. I-‘. Taylor thnmberlain's policy was the right Mrs. Wm. McCarthy and Master refereed the game a- d s-u'e perfect one. “hen the Empire «115 thor- Bertie returned from a three. week' 5 satisfaction. oughly consolidated there «still be visit to Mrs. McCarthy's parents at. OWIDB‘ *0 heavy fall 0f snow on an end of the massacres that Russia Hotspur. Saturday. Rev Mr “WIN“ and R- and Turkey and oth-r ratlons are Miss E. McArthur is visiting her C H Sinclair Were unable ‘0 take 110W perpetrating. Britain 11 ould friends in Eldon. the country appointments _say as 1n (..romwell’s tune “'Ihese Miss K. Dickson went down to It was with deep regret that the butcheriw must stop." 1‘he coloâ€" Bobcaygeon on Monday to attend many friends 0‘ 3113- A- “(miles nel declared amid great applause the Presbyterian S. S. cntertain- heard of her death last week. She that he would support the choice of ment on Tuesday evening and will had not been. well for a couple of the meeting. remain for a few days the guest, of months but was only considered ser- . DR. .VIROOMAN defended his action her friend Miss Bonnell. iously ill for a few weeks. Her death 1n trying to have Haliburton attachâ€" Miss A. Dickson B.A., left on Mon- leaves three young. childmn to mourn ed to Mushoka orPeter‘boro. Victor- day to spend a few days in Toron- her 1088- 1a was safe Without 1t and its ad- to. ' Mr. S. Pinkham of this village had - dition to either of these other rid- Miss S. Marti ret med 1 t k th misf rtu e t 1 se h‘s in interest Centred around the two pre- in n u as we 8 o n o 0 one 1 1 gets gs would have turned the Liberal from a visit with‘ friends in Toronto. while turnin back a seat in a car 122â€"20:aii::m1sla(lgloggtaé::tor:§e $31223], 1131:3103: ~325 reg $1- 15 3: iffgoggr:b:nrsd 8:31 0:15:13 $3111 gt igajority. into a Conservative one Mr. R. A. Robinson spent a couple while going tgo Lindsay laSt u ask. â€" ...................... t 13â€"Black Sateen Underskirts, reg $1. 00, BD 75c; reg $1f25 1.00 the impression that the colonel was ‘88:: giving :2: 23mgsfnmtgzth2: OIMdaysTin gorge last week. Awfully sorry for the missprint‘ of Illâ€"White Shetland Floss, reg 7c, BD 50; Berlin Wools, 7c ... .50 r. wards of Dauphin last week the favorite. but likely 11on ex-l There “’35 an en”! S 1-1â€"Baldwin 5 Red Letter 3-1”), Fingering: reg: 70 B D ......... 50 y Ottawa it was because he was a new Man” came home last week owing to added to a name with anul results. 16â€"White and 2-ply Stocking 3am, reg 40c lb. .. ...... ...... £31? 311:: It‘fiewgillaottiz‘goretveeatlzdt.“ 'man and it took time to get into the severe illness of his father, Mr. Pardon friend harness. At this point the doctor 'F. R. Edwards. ' Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached two Ladies’ Wrmpers and Blouses told a story at the che'nse of Col. Mr. Wm. McKendry and his daughâ€" splendid sermons on Sunday last, Bargain 17â€"Ladics' Flannelette Wrappers reg $1. 10 BD 90c $1. 35 $1 15 . Hughes’ claim of having done good ter, Violet, returned last week from the evening discourse on “Little Bahrain â€"1<1_Ladxe<3 Flannclctte Wrapnets. reg $2 00 and $1 75 $1 4-5 Bargain 19â€"38 Print Blouses reg 30c, BD 30c, ' Flannelette Blouses " moslr, mm 111111111 ‘21:: 1114. 00L. HUGHES IS THE CANDIDATE; GOT NOMINATION ON ME BALLO d ’- - The Liberal Conservative Conten- tion Yesterday Was Strongly in His Favor Hughes ................................. 279 (L- ,bsnlr, I lanuclettes lad Shining: B Days Yroomaen .............................. 112 reg 10c ...................... 7c SDOlled Ballots ................ .. 2 Bargain 1â€"3 pieces of Apron Gingham, 36 111., lannelette, reg 12, B D 8c reg 10c ...7c The above figures show the result Bargain 2â€"3 pieces Heavy Pink F Bargain 3â€"4 pieces Dark» Fancy F.1annelette regular Sc ................. .60 0f the firSt ballot at yesterday after- noon ’s convention of the Liberal Con- Bargain 1â€"1 piece Brown and White Shirting, reg 101:,BD 6c; 1 . Blue Check, reg 11c servatlves of the riding of Victoria Bargain 5â€"5 patterns Flanellette Shirting, 36 inch, regular 13c and Haliburton, for the next Domino -10n election. As a result, Col. Table Linen, Napkins and Towe lingo Hughes got the nomination, having Bargain 6â€"60 inch Unbleached Table Linen, reg 30c, BD 22c; reg25c 20 more than the two-thirds vote re- ,‘Barg-ain 7â€"52 incb Bleached Table Linen, reg. 75c, BD 50c, 62 in. 60c 45c quired to secure it on the first bal- Bargain 8â€"64 inch Bleached Table Linen, reg $1. 00, BD 75c; reg 90c 65c lot. The convention was a very Bargain 9â€"Odd lots Table Napkins, Manufacturer’ 5 samples, half price 7c large one. Almost every delegate Bargain 10â€"5 patterns Linen Towelling, regular 100 .......... ............6éc appointed was present. It was early clear that the only considerable Lace Curtains, Crctonnes and Underslirfs VOLUME XLVII. NUMBER 3. big without asdstance. and hold his audience from start to finish. The concert is under the auspices of St. ' James' church, and we trust the hall will be crowded. The curlers of Bdbcaa'g'con were ex- pected up on. Tuesday. but mung to the severe weather, they deferred the Visit until Friday. 'IIlIllD WEEK OF OUR ANlllllll SALE W e are in he midst of stocktaking. All short ends of goocs are plac- ed on bagain at h: f pikeâ€"ends of Carpeting, Dress Goods, Flannclcttcs Coatings, Cottons. Linings and 81 1:1. ; their way 1. e agency of has a . s own, so .... y the pen .. and then y”, of reading .. hey know . . ought by 1rst loveâ€"let .. hat; and the ich she was . 1y increased . 3 little 1;... . pleaded that . A Id gain he: .. ther a vary own heart, Ba rg'ai 11 Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargain Ba rg'ai a service and refer-led quite sarcasti- a visit of some weeks with friends Things,’ being a, particularly fine cally to those claims. The doctor in Kingston. address. The music during the of- had voted with his party every The missionary meeting held last fertory was also very pleasing. In time. That was what a member Thursday night in the lecture room the morning Messrs. McKcndry sang ought to do. He did not fish around of St. Andrew's church was a decid- “Rock of Ages" in a Very pleasing the reporters at Ottawa and hence ed success as was also the address manner, and in the evening Mr. Mor- did not get as much publicity in the giwn by Miss A. Dickson B. A. den excelled himself in a solo. papers as some. The Young People's Society of St. The funeral of Mr. Norman Stev- DR WOOD urged the convention Andrews' church will take charge of enson took place on Tuesday after- to vote in the intersts of the partv. the prayer meeting this evening. noon rom the residence of his father He scored Col. Hughes for claiming Remember the entertainment in in Verulam, to St. James' church to have done so much. The doctor 'l‘womey's Hall on Tuesday evening, and thence to the village cemetery. indignantly denied the report that the 26th inst. This will be a treat Mr. Van Nostrand of Toronto. whose he had not always been true to the as the entertainer, _M.r Conglin, is wife is an aunt of the deceased at- party. His fear that there was a one of the few that can give an eben :tended the funeral. contradiction them all parts of the WILL ALL CHEESE FACTORIES SOON HAVE TO BE LICENSED? Bargain 20â€"Silk Blouses, White and Bargain 2lâ€"10 Chin na Pitchers reg In and 200 ........................... largain 22 ..50 China Tea Plates, regular 100 ............................... .. Wrappercttcs, Print and Lawns 23â€"10 pieces of Fancy Wrapperette, reg 100 and 9c ............ ...7c 21â€"5 pieces Dark Print, regular 100 and 9c ...... ...... . ..... â€"‘ . 7c 25â€":. pieces White Lawn, regular 11c ................................... 7c l'los lery and Corsets 26â€"Ladies’ Viool Hose, rcg‘ .350 BD 25c; 7â€"I.adies’ Cashmere HOSe rtg 30c BD 23c; 28â€"Ladios ' Corsets, "' c DD 600 , reg 500 'eine. 1! but 1.. ‘ at the old 0‘ , or... “I win " Bargain " Iiar rain very wrong ‘57 Ilarq aln hort mOmenh, meeting at p. ' en through lb 113' girl 3 fax, . :nantic Ran " .tay but a, y 11' her fathered ;‘ter tea that‘s the library .00.. .0 leg 28c .. .220 reg 280 ......... 20c ”43c m$1. 10 .89c .’ Bargain lax'nmain‘ , Bargain Bargain {arguin o-ooo .- reg A 29â€"White and. Colored Corsets, regular 51. 25 .................. :BOâ€"Corsets, all $1.00 makes ._... ... ol Pots and For Touts Bargain : lâ€"I.adics’ Astrachan. Mantlcs, )eg 350, B1) 27c ; reg 45c 35c -ltax'gain ‘22â€"I.a-dics' Astrachnn Mantlts reg $5" .15, BD $45; reg $50 $42 linlgain fillâ€"Ladies G rty Lamb Capclints, reg 180, ED 130; reg 150 106 13111;; aim ‘llâ€"lndies’ Capeiines, Persian and Sa’bqle reg $34 ............. $27 ) Bargain Cone v and AStI‘achan, reg $5. 50. "$4- 35' ) Bargain regular $18 ...... $12 ... o... ldcmar Wal (l eagerly in her. He 1:" ml to Win her 7 beauty ch 1.. uite as much 3. â€"l ndios’ Capt-.rincs . . lliâ€"I'urlined Capes, regular 315 BD $10;da1rymcn of this country a lot of .................... ...-.....--.. ......- JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .....OOOOCOOCCOOOOOCOO Stock Reducing Sula 1411115, JANUARY 6111 102111. a. few brie ‘ 'l reproacl f."..\.‘, 35.; you all VY" O? T: V. :1 ingle would 23‘ A I: whi Le hand» headove'rnv tion would have a big effect on the pt'riepce as candidate, said he had 12-..”..- 0 having exposed an attempt to ruin A WORD FOR INSTRUC‘OIIS Hankerchitfs and Underwear vellc, Jus. Boxall, John (“arcw, Geo 0., him way, and if the factory is dirty, ,linz'guin allâ€"Ladies Heavv Ribbed \ 5's“ reg 35c BD 23c reg 28c ...216 (luado and Chas. Fairbairn. Col. l by the Patrons But” Friends I have known farmers who would .liargain ~12â€"(‘hildren s Ribbed Vests ,9... 15¢. BD 200 ........5100 Robt. Cruikshanks. That of Dr. the colonel was not the man the c0n~ "0 do it better." ask mu to gut them Cllt‘tht: at some it me Hastin “ordain 1222â€"! nion Carpeting, 105.1; . (0L HUGHES spoke. first llc ‘Mli. JOHN CARE“, made a 300d address on what he Was going to do eat 31”“,de ad reaped ngVgs-di” lTâ€"‘llcn 3 Heavy Wool Sox reg 25¢ .................................. .. fought for evcrv Conservathc candi- idatc. He. advised unity and had {mtorits again" he went on ‘and ‘0 be given to quality. by the Mon. fairlawn by 1: connection, the Trent valley canal. lieVCd COL Hughes “'33 that man from each factox V Theso instruc- ing to hmo trouble my of mm Lindsay's Leader. low Cash Prices. Dry Goods House had originaten 01 supported When “”1““ “hem“ ”13““ ‘t ‘” “a“ge' 0" “""W him “°“ ‘0 do 5° 1“ "‘ “.1... value of em out of him. don't '35 fair in 10“ I 8" ant to it was from a telegram ltm choice 0f the convention rous together and lay the Case before him. There are makers who know plause.) SPORO briefly Mr, J H Brandon “1‘ I “Sh the 111st1 mu" had .111t- the ones that appreciate him the rates to I.iV"eipool than those of ”“3 balloting was announced the” Use him well : Coâ€"opcrate with him Last year's work did more in the so 0 d and With resolutions of confidence in the milk. That is not his aim. llv cragc quality of cheese was never: as c- ' . structors is driving men out of the . _.__.§___ Scnd good clean milk. Do away (Pres. Derbyshire.) West Victoria election. grown poor at it, and declared be 1115' ' ' . . . .. t ides the two pr1nc1pals there {manually a lcadmg Citizen. lt. wits â€"â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€" 17â€"100 Fancy Colowd Bordercd Handkerchiefs, reg 15c ...... 5e 1'3““ J' “- Bm’mou' D" w"°d " l MR. J. I). I’LAVELLE compared P901110 who 600“ 8"“ Prejudicm 1:1.rg'21in:r . . . . _ _, , Messrs. Fox and Carnegie in the “We 1'1 Din t tr t carr illâ€"Ladies }{<.1V,V' Ribbed \tSLS mg 950, B1) 70c; reg 50c .49c Hughes ”ommdtl‘m “as "‘O‘Ud 1’) l a L g g 0 y 0 y not cat the choose made at their-own. Bargain Vrooman was made bv Mr. Jas V'cntion should choose. The I’m-‘3' These were the words with which . reg 18c BI) 13¢ ; reg 14c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 ' good one. It is not fun to ask the had sown mo. _ 4;. .... lln 15â€"100 Shidt Blinds regular: hit bv rcbuking the attempt to make ' ' . . l . 111 190-1. ILItI'ICCI to Some of the services 111 I want: to loll you that this your cost, He kne 111ch are bargains 101' you all in our store. 11 1 doubt but what the convention ., $11 I\ the 1 - 1 int r date. The road leading south from l‘l’ 5.1m. “5 W 0' h 5‘ ”0'3 trial exporters, and ”m“, who try Cheslein‘hkfis MR. .1. H. DFLAMFRE said the D ‘ __ 4 4 tors will vis t. th factori»s a (1 seal the short road to ItnOIOD I‘flIIS i t: t I) No‘v NO" am not bound to take 121) save throng} of defeat. Hc declared that the .- . . \Vlln 'tl. 'fi's til the Rosedale bridge was built, tht 1 0t 110111th 10 dt ‘(1 1min U mnploy him. I do not believe any . “1‘5er T H McQuade, J33 Boxâ€" them. W» 1111 10 or t s > thatt sent him by the colonelâ€"and th1r1| t L t’ i L o H’ h‘ as much about the businuss as the of 1 ' - . . . 'Ihe colonel declared that the PU" was not present on account p LS me more p0“tl. but all he can d” most. It is “1080 that. llOt'd him The railways should not be “as great enthusiasm and (01' and don't regard him as a SiflV 9“”‘0 way of cleaning;r up. than had lwen th 11 the lon . . . . a g Leaders \l-h1tney and Bordon the is seeking your good. The unkind . h1gh befotc. business. Too Maker Should Slick up as if Going with those dirty factories. 1’}? them Wo’ue got to scrub up .1 hit more house. The choice of that conven- MR. FAIRBAIRN recited his ex- had been kllIch by somebody for (Additional to page one). were nomlnatcd: Messrs. .l. I). 1' la- lnot 1”,. \'rooma11 who had knifcd mom-y. First impressions {In a long lfax't'r'iin 11 They Are Not to be Treated as Enemies 0‘ )1 1 '1 1 ‘ 1 _ - 1 - .lHâ€" 200 Handktrchiefs with lace borders, reg 15c ............ ' I dune!“ W. Lhamnon, T' 11' MC the votes received by Col Hughes and against buying 3'0“" g00d5~ Bargain , . , , , same territory, and Concluded that . . .. . .1 :11 “Ladies Heavy Ribbed D1 aiitls, reg 95c, BD 70c, - reg 50c 42c Mr' 1" Md “13““ and S'-“-°“d°d b3 0“ “hm m [Xi’an hut war and home factory. and have had them .L 1:; - ttl - ' ._ '( '«r - " 1 . 1' . . . e “L ba q Bargain 1; llcmp ( 1rpctm ‘l'c BD 97C_ reg 28c ll oxall and W Suggett. §h°uld be cons1dcred first (.hu-f Instructor l’ublo“ began an highest price for what you will not .1 .. .. , . . , ‘ ?:U£111.V allott 13*" Purgam lliâ€"( mam and Green Sh .idt. Blinds rcg 700 (“I’ll-‘11 against any probable cundi- " W 1 " ' V ‘ '1 ' ~ ‘ ‘ had puformcd for the riding. He had-l Wt an LOWS» t0 bln'dK'dt-L “1‘ more 1111111111011 than mm. is going have been 1, would pick the right man. He bl.- the town 1l0 Manners. the C P' R at the same price as last you $15 .to SfII choose that is fdllll\ are g0- ° interfere “'1' E0 Ii 0 MCGAFFE Y h . th t ris>s he failure of the Ottawa gmernmcnt's that your maker is serving ,Vou w,cll l t (‘58 “ere among 9 en erp ‘w an instructor. and if you can't get. 0. knew ‘0 w r ' ~ ~ .‘ - '1 'r first the were knew of the $200 {north was sound, and would suPPO t out.the mstiuctor “III call tht. I’M-factory can aflord to do without all W. Channon and Geo L3tlc . was no 20â€"percent rake-oil (AD- ““5 “5t ‘5 done wm‘ “hat 30" SW" instructors, but we find that they are . s 11 business. When the result of , . i D10 “f Ontarlo Pald higher “”3“ ' g’ now is to (.ducan. 1nd JSHSt' most that are the 11181: to want him. Hui-lbs SPOke a few words in thanks ‘0 me if he can't catch you watering done 111 1’3 vca‘s before and ‘lw ‘l\' the railwa, com lanics _ . . V I meeting Came to a 01050- attitude of many farmers toward 111- CLEAN UP. CLEAN UP Much depends 011 what you Supply. , to See His Best Girl you are not only hurtmg \Otll‘ own product but _\ou are seeding doun th"s country \Vith Vile germs that F01 Fourteen Days, Commencing Jami airy 6th, wewill offer on sale at. a reduction of from 10 per cent to 25 per cent, all Surplus stock and broken lines of winter footwear. This will mean for you REDUCTIONS IN Men’s and Women’s Pelt Boots and Shoes will iniure our whole trade ho“ we make the best export cheese in the “orld,'h11t we cannot koep on doing it if We do not. Constantly improxc : 101 as the dairy industry gtIS older, bad germs are multiply 1mg. 1'. is a fact that it is harder now than mor before to make a first-class article, and that a pound of milk 111.. kts less cheese than ever bet.) 3, on .1: count of bad bacteria. Visit the iactorv: it is yours and you have a right there. Talk with your cheeseâ€"maker. Ask him if your milk comes in good condition, and if he can suggest any way of imâ€" provements. See if he. can advise betterments at the factory, in your interests. See what he is doing: Vou pay him. If the factory is not kept clean, make him clean up or got out. Get your Work done as cheaply as you can; but pay enough to done well. Cheapness is costing the, sible to head it so that the contents will not work loose. I have sent shipments to the Old Country that had only two slack barrels in a carâ€" load. I thinlk boxes are better than bar- rels for shipping. I have shipped in cheese boxes, and had the f1u1t arâ€" rive in perfect condition. They brought as high as 28 shilings. The consumer over there likes to buy a small lquanitity of nice fruit like that. 1 think a box holding half a barrel would be the best receptacle. It should be marked with the quali- ty and number of the apples in it. In fact I believe that the time is coming when each apple will be wrapped in tissue paper bearing the shippers name just as oranges come to us. Appearances are worth mo- ney. In one shipment I lined the barrels with newspapers and the buyâ€" ers in England wrote to me about the nice tidy appearance of my fruit. It all helps to sell them. , Besides the other advantages or least the quality Should be “mfom‘ boxes over barrels there is that of and up to What is mar cheapness. Barrel material is get barrel. It is best to Sim the aples ting scarce Wm box stun is and have all one size in each barrel' plentifulâ€"not cheese boxes but ordi- There are machines for sizing. Thel Shippers this apples roll down over a series of holes and each drops through at the my“ apples eXpeCting to pay 30 or one that is its particqu size. Then the packing should be care- 35 cents for barrels, wl when fully done, A great deal of the OP- basket 8005.81 on Tuesday, Jan 26th hat is known as - pies shipped are w 'OI’ERâ€"In Fern 1 (“t 16“ as “at“ in last reek s “slacks", - that is they have not Osb Bell 11 con On Jam”? 14 issue) A capital magi-am has been been packed tight enough 3’ Over sister of Mrs. E. prepared, including heme. by Re. a m “We“ Riches, aged 63 years. Sinclair 011 “Canada 1 British gERRINâ€"In Lindsay. on January Rule", ' .' 15111, Mrs. Mary 13min, wife of g ---:+.-â€"-- 't -â€" t Fenelon F o ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ day, January 12thfi°§azg wfllbeheldetomonm, 1 , . Belch, aged 63 years F01? 9:333 A full 11m lane- ridesan theway Time Will Come When Each Apple Will be Wrapped in Tissue Paper Bearing Shippers Name ;‘The export trade of Ontario has a great future beione it” said Mr. T Vandykc of St. Catherines to the Watchmanâ€"Warder the other day “'lake apples for instance. We gro“ first-class apples in Ontario and it only requires care in packing and shipping to abroad. b13311 careful or I may say honest enough about packing. As a; result the English buyer has often been fooled and he is a man it does not pay to fool if you want to do busi- ness with him. The proper-sized app hold 150 pounds of app selected fruit should be put in, Men’s, Woman’s and Children’s House Slippers Men's th111 s and Children‘s Oversboes Men's lnmbermas's Ilnbbers‘ and Sex Women‘s and Children's Leggings 2nd Overgsltcrs, etc. This 18 :1 rare opportunity to bu seasonable footwear at 1 reduced p! 1.125 Shop early and get firsI; selection. , great y R. NBILL THE SHOE KING, LINDSAY. Sole local Agent For the tlater Shoe O O O O 3 O O O O O O O 9 O D O O C O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O 3 O O I O I C O O O O C After being in darkness for nearly three years, struggling». with the light- ing problem for nearly all that time, and for another year trying to per- suade themselves that the gas. had eaten up by the A LDWELLâ€"On Januarv 77 \L‘al'S. 1 get it chaps this \"ear. Theres that 111aker \\ ho Chi “s tobacco and spits mound. Y on '\e seen him, one of those smooth Squirters that can hit a fly around a comer. Theres the {1110“ with his hair neither cut not com-ind with dirty shirt and body with pants that would stand alone Get him eo clean himSelf up or get Out. How can a man have an) influence if he won t keep himself clean 2 Mak- ers, scrub and slick up as if you were going to see y0ur best airl. (:o to the Kingston Dairy School and get an education. Then come back and teach the people the principles of this great national industry You expect to make your living out of milk; get fit to do it. In the Brock- ville district we are going to make the greatest push and pull together this year that ever was made. Our makers are the finest looking lot of in the provâ€"-â€"â€"( Cries of No, No, and Laughter.) the expectations based upon the sample ones put up in the fall. Their great flood of bluish white light makes a perfect illumination upon the steets and walks. and a bright- ness in the upper air that can be seen from a long distance. On Sat- urday night Driver Sandy Laidlaw and his crew on the evening train from Whitby saw the light in the sky when beyond Port Perry and de- cided that a big fire was on in Lind- say. The light will cost a good deal of moneyâ€"the price is $50 a lampâ€"but it is an alllnight everyâ€" Itwasthonow “naught serviceanditspranticaland con sentimental value to the town ren-

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