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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Jan 1906, p. 12

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v1 bind and taken. $5.50 to 3'3; 556 to 05; mil, $4.60 to “ham to O. u no we; 3.51.19 . {3' £309; pg, 00 to M10 Liters» wWi ewes, 5 to $6.50;m1xed to $3.50: water: 873' to 37 75.23 ‘I NEW YORK. LIVE STOCK. Kev Yuk. Jan. zâ€"BMesâ€"Recdpts; 812; :11 continued direct to slaughtereu; nothing doing; feeling steady; exports to- day. 700 cattle; tomorrow, 88 cattle tad “83; ahaâ€"Receipts. 59; nothing doing at may importance; veal: nominally steady; other calves weak. Sheep and nabsâ€"Receipts. 1873; sheep am; lambs. 10c to 15:: higher; sheep. $4.25 to ‘5; mill, $8: ltmbq, 88.75 to $8.40; Can. Ida and westerns, mixed, 87.50. Hogâ€"Receipts, 2295: no um report! on live weight; nominally steady. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago. Jan. 1â€"Cattleâ€"Rocolptl. 5000: stead: to m uglier: comggn to time A- A- A "It. East Bulalo, Jan. 2,â€"Catfleâ€"Receipta, 150; fairly active and firm; prime steers, 40 to $5.75; sup n; eteere. $4.75 to 2’: Monti $4. to $5.25; heifers, 83” to $4.85; cows. $276 "0:84.15; bulls. .50 to $4.25: ate-cler- and feeders, $3 to 30; stock heifers, 33.5 to $3. tellâ€"Rad”: 8; act”. and stead , I. 60 to y 69‘ 8500: slow. lie to 100 ruguwxedaagreaeu. “.50 to Sheep and lambs. Prices were am at $4 to 84.80 for export ewes; lambs at 35.50 to $6.10 and choice own and wethen are worth $6.26 per cwt. clumd, at $6.16 for s'elécti 715685.85 for 113m: and fats. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. net 2’83 to .5c his; common to gin" .26 to 88:25 l.wuu $282.86 to "‘5' halter. 82. 25 to 86; bull- ”keg; calves 82.” to 82. 70; stacker; and ers, 82.40 teal. H25 assâ€"flnecetpts 28.000: market needy: chodce to prime heavy. 86.26 82%; medium to good hen 3,86% 27:1,? butchers‘ Weight. 86 to 86.86 0 choice. heavy, mix 86. 20 to .2733; packing. $4 90 to $5 '__L_ n---l -‘- 1K“. mgr- 831); feeders, 800 to 960 lbs., $3.25 to $8.50: stacker: ranged from $250 for common to $3.50 tor good; short-keep feoden, 1100 to 12001», are worth $3.80 to $4 per cwt. Veal calves are worth from $4 to 36.252130: CW1. Skater Drowmd In Bay of Quinta. Believille, Jan. 8.â€"Ernest 00113111111. 1 12â€"year~old boy of this city, was drowned in the Bay of Quinta Monday: mlch Cows. Atom 10 mile]: cows and swingers sold from $34 to $53 each. U" ‘H-av pa'mi Limboâ€"mm to 13.000; mar- ket steady 30an ghee 086; yea:- nnss. so to ambs to :7. so. He was out skating on the bay. and was using a. sail which carried him 810113 at great ‘speed. When last seen he was making the Prince Edward shore, on the edges of which there was much open water. The body was to- covered yesterday. Exporters. Orly a very few export catfle were on sale, and prim-s ranged from $4 to $4.30. Export buns sold from $3.50 to $4. Butchers. The best butcher sold from $4 to 84;%; fair to good. $3.75 to $4; medium, $8.50 to $3.75; common to good butcher cows, $2.50 to $3.70: runners at $1.50 per cwt; Feeder. and Stockers. A limited number of feeder: and stock- ers sold as follows: feeders, 10m to 1100 lbs. were reported as _sell_ing from 83.0 to Winnipeg, Jan. 3.â€"-Robert George McCosh. a. clerk at the Bank of Com- merce. committed suicide by shoofin‘ himself yesterday morning. His ac- counts are straight at the bank, and despondency is said to he the cause. Cable. Unchangedâ€"Cattle and not: Are Higher at Chieugo. Lox-don. Jan, 2.â€"Cattle are quoted at we to 10%0 per 11).: refrigerator, 81,4“: to 852p. Sheep, loLéc to 12c. . . TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Realms of live stock at the city market, as reported by the railways, were 3! at loads. vomposed of 525 cattle, 109 hogs,~ soo wep and 17 calves. 'lhe quality of fat cattle was tslr. Trade, owing to light supplies, was-nod- erateiy good all round. lie-was thirty-one years of age, and a. son of Rev. Mr. McCosh of Chathmn. Imlled on Track. Komoka, Jan. 3.â€"While wanna! an the G, '1'. R. track, one mile west of the depot here Monday wening. Henry Smith or Bryon. Ont. was struck and killed by 3 train. Nervous Orders. Cheeseâ€"Steady: receipts 3063; state rm: cream, small and large, colored and whlte. Sept. fancy, He: do. Oct. best. 1334c to- 18%“; do late made. small colored and white avenge best 12c: do. large, 1234:; do. tnlr. 1114c to 119/ 4c; slams, full to light, 3w.- to 1155c, Eggsâ€"Easy: receipts, 9271; state, Penn. and near-by ram-y. selected, white. 33c to 84¢; do. choice. 30c to 32¢; do. mixed ex- tra, 29c to 301:: Western nLest 8819(1Cd, 27c; do. firsts, 260; southerns, 2°C to 26c. Putâ€"Canadian, 63 935d. NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. New York, Jan, Zâ€"Butterâ€"F‘lm; re- ceipts. 5123. Street price extra creamery, 25c to 26c: catch] prices, creamery, com- mon to extra, 16c to 25¢; state duty, com- mon to extra, 16c to 23¢; renovated, tomâ€" mon to extra, 15(- to 20¢; western factory, con man to firsts, 15c to 1755c; western imi- mtlou mmery extras, 191,51: to 20¢; do. nuts, 18c to 19¢. ,_, Examâ€"Cumberland cut, 26 to 80 1h... quiet, 42: 6d, Cornâ€"Spot quiet; American mixed. new. 43 56; American mixed. old, 49 9d; futures easy; Jan. 43 21/36; March, is 21ml; May, is 2%6. Liverpool, Jan. 2.-â€"Wheatâ€"-â€"Spot ate 1*: No. 2 ted western winter, 68 7d; fu urea 311 ady; Alan-h, (is 107.41: May, 69 934d. Priceg wergAqyoted by Mr. Harris as un- LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE. NewYork .. .. Detroit" ..... Toledo .. .. . V Duluth .. .. Minneapolh .. “it“ C’ilzag‘iia wheat closed 95c highest thin yesterday; May ccrn 35c WM May oats “iéc highery " . ' WINNIPEG OPTIONS. The {allowing were the closing miians. yevmrrday at this market: Jan Clay". 79")“. July 8065c LEADING WHEAT MARKETS- â€"-The Late» Quotatiogs. * Tuesday Evening, Jam}. Lh'u'pool wheat rumres closed today 986’ 10360 higher than Saturday and corn tn" tures 54d iowm'. c -n_ L1_s._ Wheat; 13m, 'tiush,;....'.§ o’ 76 Wheat. red, bush ......‘076' Wheat, goose, bush .... o 70 3: Hey bush ...... .... 0,50 Oats, flush ......... .... 0'87; Rye. bush ............. 0 74 P985, bunh ............. 0 75 Brck‘wheat, bush . .. .. . 0 53 (flzéeseâ€"Al'nerican finest colored strong. Wheat, gpgng, pm ...sq 79‘ to 3?: Winnipeg Bank Clerk Suicidos. TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. PAGE mm : CATTLE MARKETS. ...--o‘qu-., ..... .aooog 91% ........... 91% 1141',- 0 78 62 pieces 'of Imported All-Wool German, French and English Dress Materials, including plain and fancy materials in fall and winter shades, 4-0 to 44 inches wide. Regular 60c, 65c, 75c and 85c hnesâ€" 50 January Sale Price ., ............................... c ‘28 pieces of Imported All-Wool Dress Goods, in Fancy Tweeds, Homespuns and Cheviots, shadings are mid greys, dark greys and black and white, some few fawns and browns; width 44- to 52 inches. Regular $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 linesâ€"January Sale 750 Price ................................................... 16 ends of Plain Colored Taffeta! and Fancy Striped Waisting Silks, very suitable colors for linings and trimmings. Regular 350, 40c and 50c 25 linesâ€"January Salt-3 Price ........................ C 22 pieces of fine imported Dress Goods, composed of voiles, homespuns, canvas weaves and cashmeres; colors are navy, brown, grey, green, sky and pink, width 40 to 4-4 inches. Regular 35c, 40c and 25 45c linesâ€"January Sale Price ..................... c Price . . ......... 22 ends of Plain Colored Taffeta Silks, Swiss and French manufacture, soft finished, durable quality, almost a. full range of colors. Regular 59c, 75c 50c and 85c linesâ€"January Sale Price ............... 25 ends of Fancy Colored Silks, made up of small checks, plaids, stripes and fancy figured goods, all of excellent quality and suitable for waists or ’dresses. Recrular 75c $1.00 and 1.25 linesâ€"January Sale Price .’ .......... .. ............................... 596 THURSDAY MORNING, JANUKRY the 4th,1906, we shall begin the greatest Reduction Sale ever held in his Gounty. The stock is a large one and the quality is good, but it’s not necessary f6r 11sz brag, pufl‘ or blow, you all know who we are and what we are, it’s bargains you want and it’s bargains you shall have. Read the list below---they are there in print and the goods are here. 50 Only Ladies’ Black Frieze and Oxford Grey Tweed Coats, also a few fawns, liglit gays and navy blues, loose, semi and tight fitting' styles, all German made garments, sizes 30 to 40 inch busts. Regular $4.50, 5.00 and 6.00 linesâ€"January Sale I 25 C Price .......... , ...................................... 35 Only Ladies’ and Misses? Long Coats, in shedes of dark mixed greys, browns and greens, 311m pew garments of German styles, sizes 30 to‘ 36 inch busts and '36 to 42 inches long, ‘ Regular 3700.5.” 8.00 and 8.50 linesâ€"January Solenhioe...L.. ’ . .. Remnant Days mean big business here. Remember the days, every Friday and saturdaY-‘Qttitté'ééétttt Ladies’ Coats. Dress THESE ARE ALL CASH PRICES ..... Mid-Winter Reductions Silks. . 67 Only Ladies’ and Misses’ Mixed Tweeds and Plain Cloth Skirts, made in five and seven gone styles, plain tailored and fancy trimmed garments,, in sbadas of brown grey, blue, green and black, sizes 27 to 43 inches long. Regular $3.50, 4.50 and 5.00 2 50 linesâ€"January Sale Price .................... . 62‘ Only Ladies’ Black Cloth Skirts, THIS IN~ ‘ CLUDES EVERY BLACK SKIRT IN STOCK; f cloths are“ Amazons. “Panamas, Lashes and Broad- ‘ ,«clotkfiawfimseyenflé sine gore styles, plain and fanw F" trimmed skirts, Whale with every dean perfect; {flays' 2-piece Suits, made of all-wool mixed twegds and heavy navy blue sergea, all neatly made afinfft'a'mmed. These are only in siza 24, 25, 26 and 27.’ Regular $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 linesâ€" I 99 ‘Janggry Sale Price... .............................. . 2 Only Men’s Dark Tweed Suits; these are in sflg and double breasted styles, made, of good all- wool tweeds, lined and made to went well, si_zes 34 to Youth’s and Men’s Heavy Frieze Ulster Ovemoats, made with tweed linings, large double breasmd fronts, high storm collars; colors are fawn, grey and brown, sizes 33 to 44 inches; Regular $5.00, 6.00 3 49 and 7.00 [meet-January Sale Price ............ . 42. inches. 'Rugular 35.00, 6.00, 7.00 and 2 99 9.001inesâ€"January Sale Price., ................ . 10 Only Gents’ Smoking Jackets or Lounging Coats, in large checks and plaids, with roll collars and fancy trimmed edges, also 2 Jap Silk Coats, sizes 36, 38, 40 and 42. Regular $3.50, 4.00 and 4.50 1 99 linesâ€"January Sale Price .......................... o Ladies’ Skirts. , "7,-50‘... .-. . .‘Skirts 710100“ .‘ .- . SSkirts Clothing. noon-o Jammy Susie Prices for ....... $2 50 fOr..-.-.-.-. 3 00 1000 yatds -of ektm heavy Unbleached Cotton, £311.36 inches wide, very even thread and almost free Whine]: specks. Regular Melinaâ€"January 7 'Sala'l’rice ..... . ..... ...... ........................ C ». Wyntds of e\tra good Unbleached Table Line}, in assorted. Ioml patterns, the width is 60 inches, and would sell I: the regular way for 40¢ per yard 28c January Sale Price ..... . ....................... 24-0 yards of excellent Unbleached; Table Linen, made in‘ blight damask patterns, the width is 70 inches. The inghlar price of this‘linen would beSOcporyuduJaauary Sale Price ........ Linens and “Cottons. . Gents’ Imported English Silk and Satin Neck Ties, in shapes of flbwing ends, four-.in-hands, pufl's and strings, all pure silk and worth two or three times the price. Regular 35c and 50c linesâ€"Jaguary 19c Sale Price ......... ' .................................... Gents’ Stifl' Bosom Shirts, in fine English Cam- brian, made either open backs or fronts, in light and dark grounds, with spots and stripes, sizes 14:} to 16;. Regal" $1.00 and 1.25 linesâ€"January Sale Price .................................................... 79c Genta' Colored Cambric Shirts, made with collar attached or without, all cuffs attached, neat patterns and good colourlarge roomy shirts, sizes 14g 29 to 16;. Regular 50c lineâ€"January Sale Price c 84.00 Hats for 82.00 87.00 Hats for 83.50 5.00 Hats for 2.50 8.00 Hats for 4.00 6,00 flats for 3.00 1 10.00 Hats for 5.00 200 Ladies’ and Misses’ Ready-to~Wear Hats, in- cluding some swell American styles, in a full range of shades. These were 82.50, 3,00, 4.00 and l 00 5,00 hatsâ€"January Sale Price .................. o Some odd lots of Intants’ Imported Wool Jackets and Hoods, in white, cream, sky and pink, German made garments. Regular 50c and 75c linesâ€" 25 January Sale Price ................................. c Millineryd Great Reductions in Millinery. Choice of our select stock of Ladies’ Trimmed Hats at HALF PRICE. A'lot of Imported French Flowers, in assorted kinds, all winter makes, and colors. Regular 50c I 75c and 1.00 linesâ€"January S_ale Price ........... 9C Price ........ Gents’ Furnishings. 30.50-00.090'0000aloIDnnoll G‘P .mO D1 fittttt‘ttt $99,999. 2: 2: g: 2: a: 038883833333 .eeeeeeeeséfie ,for Advertise Covers Lind: 3nd Surround District£¢9£¢¢ Buy one of ours Keys Volume VoicesTestdm. Satisfz NOTHING BU To Brace up 3.9 "98' tones up wonderful ; a boner 0f the 1 egetahle compow mes up a pour a rnnderful m‘mm-l is: Mabel WILL WAN THIS SE This is Each ye; ambition: “(HY ‘ )1'0: \VL 311‘ \‘C: 0 (DIN 1‘] ll lll' ‘01] m (’ll UPC! with \‘t 11¢ m1

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