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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 Jan 1906, p. 6

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cover- side 1; she 81 into a 'hen thou: muSt Nikoi that fort: life let dir an It The Presbyterians of Kirkfield have'for the month of December, Ar. 4thâ€" shown their good sense and apprecâ€"I John VeaJs, Howard Veals, Walter iation when in starting a “mission Thompson, Annie An'dérson. Jr. 4â€"- band" recently, in connection with 'Merton Stewart, Flossie McGee 81‘. their church, they named it the “Ag-,3rd-â€"Harry HcGee, Pearl White, Ella nes Dickson Mission Band” in honor "Walsh. Jr. Stdâ€"Murray Spier, Clar- oi, and out 01 respect to Miss A A. en'ee Staptes,.‘Willie McDOnaId,s‘;Sr.';2 Dickson. B.A.. who is doing such tagâ€"Emma. Sanders, Bertha 31%;th nun 0930. £18 leaves a WIUUW “nu Ella. The young woman had been» . large family, three brothers, one very well for some months, but the last week of her life had seemed much Sister and‘ an aged mother, t_o ngiom'n better, and Was out the day prev. his 1053- He was a. Methodlst In re- ions to her very‘ sad and sudden ligion and a Conservative in politics. death. She was highly esteexfied by His remains were followed to Eden her many friends and her Very sudâ€" by a large ‘conc0urse of relatives and (Jen death is a source ofxg-rief to an. friends on Saturday last and (ropes, A service was conducted in St. ited beside those gone before. 'James‘ from 11.30 p.111. till 12 p.111. ________+______ on Sunday by Mr. Vale, of Wycliffe College, Toronto.‘ The service, was REABORO . most impressive, though short and! The basket social held here on Fri.- was well attended. The New Year day evening last was a gratifying was issued in by the ringing of the success, $40.75 being vrealimdggc'l‘here church bell. lwas a good progrm, .all taking part The municipal elections for council-,doing well. The dialogue was par- lors attracted a good deal of atten- ticularly good and gave satisfaction 1ion' this year and resulted in the el- to all. The members of L.O-.L. No- ection of Messrs. G. H. McGeeJLew-‘BiZO, underwhose auspices the'soeial is Deyman, Dr. Sims and Mr.» Wash. was held, are to be congratulated on Northev. The first three named serVâ€" the succoss of their efforts. The municipal elections for council- lors attracted a good deal of atten- xion' this yearand resulted in the el- ection of Messrs. G. H. McGee,}I..ew- is Deyman, Dr. Sims and Mrs Wash. Northey. The first three named serv- ed last year. and their re-election speaks well for them. Mr. Nor-they is also a first-class man and' things should run smoothly. Dickson. B. A” who is doing such a. noble work in Ma‘cao, ‘South China Miss Dichson's many friends in Fen~ elon Falls are always pleased to hegr Mrs W.m Campbell left last Friday for Two Mountains. Quebec, to visifl her brother Mr Morrin, who is in war} delicate health; ‘, I- , Miss: Ada. Ginis returned home last week from a. visit 'of some months to her sister, Mrs. Gistn in Pelgonie, ‘Assa. 'Mr‘. H. J. Case spent a few days of “last week with friends in Uxbridge. Rev. A. C. Crews, D.D., who will preach in the Methodist church. next Sunday and lecture upon the follow- ing evening will, no doubt, draw large audiences, as he is considered one of the cleverest men, in the Meth- odist church in Canada. The deepest sympathy is felt in thi' village at present for Mr. Walton and £6156 “HUICHUCO, a; no lo yvuu.uwvu one of the clevereSt men, in the Meth- odist church in Canada. The deepest sympathy is felt in thi village at present for Mr. Walton and. his sons in the 1055' they sustained last Saturday morring in the death} of Mr. Walton‘s only daughter. Miss Ella. The young woman had been» very well for some months, but the last week of her life had seemed much. better. and was out the day prev- ious to her very, sad and sudden death. She was highly esteemed by her many friends and her very sud- den death is a source of grief to all. A :PrVif‘P was conducted in St” his neighbors and associates ghad un- bgounded confidence. .He was a good neighbor, devoted husband and‘ a kind 'fiather. Born and brought up in the neighborhood, by a life of in- tegrity, and industry, he won the highest esteem of those who knew him best. He leaves a widow and large family, three brothers, one sister and. an aged mother, to mourn his loss. He was a. Methodist in re- ligion and a Conservative in politics. His remains were followed to Eden by a large ‘conc0urse of relatives and friends on Saturday last and depos ited beside those gone before. Mrs. Wm. McCarthy and Master Bertie went north last Saturday to spend New Years with Mrs. McCar- thy‘s parents at Hotspur. Miss Field !of Cobourg is the guest of her friend Miss F. Brandon at Brandonhurst. Miss Rockwell spent the vacation at her home in Perth Mr. Arch. Wilson came home from Toronto for New Years. BOXALL a: IATT’HI'E, I L. I. STUART, Woodvine Mr. P. Dhnnegan left last week to spend Sew IYears with his friends at; .Warkworth. . Miss Pearl Knox 'of Midland and Mr. Pency Knox of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto. spent the, vacation with their parents Mrs. R. Graham of Kinmount, spent. New Years with her mother, Mrs. John Austin.” Mr. M. T. McEachern went to Woodville last Friday to spend New Years. and returned on Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Nie is visiting friends at Warkworth. Mr. John Thomsom of Peterboro spent last Wednesday at the Falls. Miss H. L'Iendenni'ng of Lindsay, Spent New Years. the guest of Mrs. 'A. Fair. Miss A. Wills of Montreal is the guest. of her aunt. Mrs. MI.~ Mc- Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Collis retui-ned on last Tuesday from spending Christmas at Gravmhurst. Nuw write it 1906. Ch hicr‘ Constable Sevison. of Lind- say passed through the Falls last week ., ,5” Thin Hair flair Vigor1 Besides making'a better flow of milkpwing to the better biood circulation. This means more and better pigs, as a healthy apple tree gives more and better fruit thanadiseasedtree. For young pigs it make: more banqand muscle on yhich to put flesh, and gothing bgtter for starting mg! Ringgit?“ crowns. ___‘ _..‘I 3‘ __-.. .- _- Is as critical a time as any in hog ~ '1 The litter eating of many sows is largely due to bad feeding, causing a constipated and irritable condition The sows digestiveorgansshould he kept free and open to preventf,‘ this feveted and litter eating cqndition by n 1 a t 4 1 County Correspondence 1m. Could you reason- ably expect “WW bent? pronpdy stop the filling? Your hair will begin to grow, mud :11 dagdrufl will dis- out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don’ I you use Ayer’s Hair Vigor and Age ['5 Losing yqur haig? FARROWING TIME FENELON FALLS 'CTv'fléEFalle. Sfodi. qud. for g. c. 41:100.. for the month of December, Ar. 4thâ€" .John Veals, Howard Veals, Walter Thompson, Annie Anderson. Jr. 4â€" | School report for No. 11 Manvers, has been ailing for some time, but whmgave reason to hope for his reâ€" covery, vyas taken suddenly worse and died on the 28th, uIt. at the early 2â€"Laura. White, Hairy” Sandérsl Sr. 1stâ€"Victor Stewart. Jr. lstâ€"Harry Lee, J ohnny White. the place of-,Mr. Henry Maik, whose term had expired. Generally-"speak- ing, matters are so quiet and unrul- fl‘ed around Cameronthis year that one is almost led to wonder whether. he is living at Cameron or not. Mr. Wilbert Irwin has‘ sold his farm to Mr. Hy. Mark, and he has purâ€" chased the Rowame property about two miles south of the village. Once more the grim reaper has been in our midst. John Goodhand, who age of 46 years. He. was a man of retiringdisposition and? one 1;: whom Our council was once more eleCted ‘byacclaimatm‘dn. This speaks very well for Reeve Pal-kip and his ' as- sociates, and Certainly shows that the people have great Eonfidence in the way they manage the affairs of the township, as. they were returned unopposed last year. Ainâ€"our annuél school meeting Mr. John Coppi-ns was elected trusteg in The entertainment held in the house on the evening of the 22nd ult., was a pronounced success. The performers acquitted themseIVes ad- mirably and the Proceeds were very satisfactorv. Times around here are somewhat ‘duI-l at the present time and news is rather scarce. Some few have come to see their friends during the holi- day season and to enjoy their com- penny and gladden ,the hearts ‘ those at home. Among the visitors are Mr. Elmore King of Manitoba at Mr. ,Wcsley' Anderson’s ; Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Manitoba, at Mr. John Cook’s; Miss erie Ingram of To. ronto at Mr. Jas. Ingram’s ; Mr. H. Switzer at Mr. W. Walroth’s and Miss M. Langford, teacher, at Mrs. E. Langsfords. tus avu‘s. VL. ;-u ‘u my y. “a ..v r-v--.â€"_v- Mr and Mrs. J. C. Eaton, 01 To- ronto. are the guests of Omemee friends. ‘- Mr. J ohnnje Mitchell, one of our Omemee boys, is making a pleasant visit with his ‘old triends after spend- iug some time in the prairie province. Mr. and Mrs. Jamw Lytle,’ accom- panied by Mrs. Robt. ’Lytle, of Man- itoba, are visiting friends in the neighborhood of our vii-Rage. gear; Mr. Harding might have play- ed one instrumental that was heard before. What of that ? A' good thing will bear repetition among our citi- zens. " [0. L. concert held on Christmas Lnight in the Opera House. We are sorry, as the concert was a decided success. The solos rendered by Miss Stone were perfectly new, and well appreciated by lovers of good music. Mr. Piggot‘s comic songs and stories deserve mention and we will be pleas- ed to welcome him back another Misss Hattie Courtney, 09W}: spent, Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Courtney” King street. . A Our last week correspondent” en~ deavored :80 give the mdgrs of your worthy paper azwgong idea .9! 33139 L. Miss Nellie McQuade, teacher near Baddow, ‘during the past year, spent the Christmas Vacation wiflnher pat- vacation withhis f , '~ our village. 3 Mr HarveV, our WW High School teacher Spent WNW tion in the city 7 , of any honor being shown to one who » everybody reapects any!” means. ., m FRANKLIN CAMERON '3'", County ot'Grey, her sons being‘Re‘eve ear G. E. . Copeland o! Campbelljord, J. ant and Wm. on the homesfiead‘. Robert ar- residing at Bad AXe Michigan, and John, who predeéeasedher. The gym-v 30k pathy of the surrounding community ts ‘is tendered the family in their be- ' ’ reavement. ' Miss Gerixje Staples is also home after spending a. year and some months with her sisters in the northâ€" We were all wondering what was wrong with Kneeldh‘am Winterb‘yum, He has been going around this while back as if half lost, but the other. day he went. out. front and came back with his “better half, ” (Con- gratulatiqns. ) ' We believe Mr. Rombough is re- engaiged asxteachet for another year; Threshing is finished in fihis local- ity with a. good turnâ€"out of grain. Crushing and sawing wood the order of the day Mr. Duncan Brown of Oxbow, N. W. T. , is visiting his father and motlwr. He speaks well otéthe West. ‘ Mr. Duncan McArthur or Woodville is visiting friends and old neighbors in Kirkfield and Palestine.. Mr. and Mfg. Archy McArthur of Woodville were visiting ‘Mrs; W. G. FolliOtt and Kirkfield friends. _ Stahley Davey of the L.C.I._ is spending his Christmas holidays with his parents. Christmas Day passed off very quietly here. . Mr. Alf Bailey of Manitoba is home on a visit to his parents. His_ many friends are pleased to see him again after a. long absence. HEAD LAKE We start by wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. CROSS CREEKS Now that the season is on for talk- ing horse trot, I wish to say to the writer who was airing himself in the columns of your journal last fall on the merits of Brown Prince, that I can now accommodate him to a sprint on the ice or road for (um; marbles or money Let him name his style and place of speeding and I will meet him and cover his de- posit; $100 or more win suit me. If he wishes he can decide the race on the 15th or 16th inst. , at the Lindsay ice races. Now, then, put‘ up or shut up. JOHN LYNCH. y mfieda, Sask.. and Mr. Wm J. on- ver, who . resided with his mother. She survived her shusband some ten years, and was a loving mother, a good neighbor, and. reSpected by all who knew her. Her end was peace. The funeral took" placa on Dec. 23rd. to Salem cemetery, 'followed by a. host of sorrowing friends. Mrs. Bert Fee spent a few days of last week in the villa e, the guest of her uncle Richard Wezlington Mr. Geo. Throop of Cobourg. also spent a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Death has‘again visited our midst and carried away an old and most ibighly respected citizen in the person ‘of Mrs. Julia Oliver, wife of the late Henry James Oliver, aged 79 years.‘ Mrs. Oliver was born in Devonshire, England} near ',Tavistock, in the year of 1-827, her maiden name being Julia Hackaday. ‘ She married at the age of 24, coming to this country in 1852 on their wedding tour. They settled in the township of Darling'- ton, near Bowmanvflle, where they lived some seven years, then game to Mariposa to a farm owned by the late Samuel Dix. remaining there unâ€" til 1868. By hard toil and good: management they were endbred to‘ purchase lot 10, con. 5. Mariposan two miles west of Little Britain,‘ where she remained continuously un-w til five years ago, «when she removeki to Little Britain., where she liVed un- til Dec. 2lst, whendeath called her to a brighter w‘avorl'd.’ The deceased leaves five‘childreyn. three ‘sons and two daughters. Mr. VHem-y J. Oli- ver of TorontohMrs. Wm..Wooldridge of akwood, Mrs. Richard Prouseof C n‘ington, Mr. .Robert Oliver, ‘Al- w»uv V”, “W v- _._v O’Neill, Charlie Alton, Charlié O'- Neill. Part 2 (a)~Katie Finn, Celia. Walsh, Sherwood Greer, Johnnie Murâ€" phy. Part 2, (b)â€"-â€"Nellie McGee, Willie Duggan, Ruby Wylie, Maggie O’Neill, Eddie Murphy, Mary .Cronan (all promoted to the 2nd Book) J. Alton, ZWillie Finn. Sarah McCallum. Pt. 1 (a)â€"Johnnie Cronan, John O’Neill. Charlie Craig. Pt. 1 (b)â€" Josephinelfl'anovan. Cecil Greer, Nel- lie McDonald. Loretto.McCallum. Pt. I. (c)-â€"E'ddie McGuire, Winnifred O’Neill, Jennie McGuire. ‘CARDEN Standing of the/pupils of school section No. 2, Garden, for the term ending December 22nd 1905. Sr 4th classâ€". Annie Walsh Mabel McGee, Frank Drury, Michael McGee Third classâ€"Ethel McGee Wiilie Jordan. Nellie Alton. Second classâ€"Maggie HanoVan, Gertrude McDonald. J a'mes A goodly number from this vicinity attended the‘ social held in the town hall Cannington in aid of the Bap- tist church there," all.coming away well pleased with the lecture deliverâ€" ed by the.ReV. Dr. Somerby and alâ€" so the fowl supper given by the la- dies of the congregation. ”Mnbgjr (a: Fenelon, paid this com- munity a visit recently and remained over night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Arksey of Lind- say spent Christmas at Mr. A. Bag- shaw’s. . 7 312-; Walter Groves is removing to Toronto and will leave a. vacant house which we understand will be occupied soon . ' ' Th2 weddihg fever still exists and we are expecting it to spread rapidly in the near: fumre: - .- .-. LITTLE BRITAIN PALESTINE life The ‘Foresters held‘ a very smeeessrz~ in! concert‘ end pie 30cm in their Mrs 'l‘hos. Cooper and her brother .Mr J.Ahe1‘néthy,trevmng their friends at Kingston and Gwauocpue Mrs ngH Ben and was Kate Coop- er, accompanied their «nag. Kr. H. Cooper. on his return trip to Cass City, Mich” and will remain {or the winter Massrs. W. F. Adair and Wm. Ward who left for London, England, early in December. an expected hams scan. Miss Mildred Roadway, , is holi- daying.“ Eldon and Cannington. ton and Norland, are pleased to see him again. Among the holiday visitors at Nor- land are: aIiss Eva. Ireland and Mr. Nor-val Ireland 0! Smithfield, at Rev. F. Snider’s : Mr. and Mrs. J. Amour of Courtice, at Mr. S. B. Trick’s ; Mrs. Dallon and children of Dauphin, Man., at her father's Mr” S. Bowhey, and. her ‘sister’ 3. Mrs F. Martin; Misses Kate McIntyre and Carrie Armstrong from Deer Lake: Miss Flora Adair.o£ Va.lentia.:H. W. 'l'rcmeer and Miss-Ferguson, Toronto Miss'Nellie Allely, L81... Miss La- Gran, of Moore's Falls 113mm Nelson of Owen Sound; Mr. Andy McInty m and Miss Mas Dennis, Fen- elon yF ails; Er. Wan .Mc-Intm, Bmwbrldgs. .‘ 3 , l “ News reached here on Saturday ev» ening from Independen , Iowa. of the death of Mr. Thomas Edwards of that city Mr. Edwards was for a number of years a. resident of this place, [and his many friends and ac- quaintances here will learn with re gret of his demiss. Much sympathy is expressed for his sister, Mrs. A. Short. and his two brothers, If. m- wsrd Edwards of Dermvvme, and Er. ' Richard Edwards of Cannington. ‘ . Miss mimic Minty g: Ghics'go and Mr. ,1.th Below 0! Toronto. are vis- Mr. B. F. (ear-son of Oxbow, 8391:. is spending the winter here., after an absence of fifteen years in the West. His many friends fit' Lindsay, Beaver- ed this life on Saturday. December 30, at the age of eighty-three years. and was laid to rest in the Brock cemetery on Navy‘Year’sday. iting under the parental roof. ' I u In? Mr. Wm. Doidge of this place. but. owing to declinhg health ilor the past year he has lived with his sonâ€" inâ€"law. Mr. Wm.-Nei1, Philip, departâ€" Miss SophiaMoshier, daughter of Mr. Levi Mosh-ier (of Brock) was united in fiediock on Christmas day‘ to Mr Henry Woods, of Growbaok. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry and children of Lindsay, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickson ‘ Mr Wm. Harper of Sault Ste Mas-1 rie is visiting at his aunt’ 8 Mrs. W. Dickson's, jr., Dame Rumor says that) "Billy" intends taking a Mei-long companion home with him on his re- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLean and daughter of Manitoba. are enjoying their New Year's vacation at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Margaret McDonald. The many friends of Mr. » McLean “ill be pleased to see his smiling face again in our village. Mr. George Smith’has gone on a visit. to his son ’8 in Pittsburg, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Varcoe ol‘Ash-t burn, are enjoying th holidays at the home or Mr. d Mrs. Louis Special services are to be held here in ‘the Baptist church commencing next Monday evening, conducted by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Miller of Sun- derland. \ The annual school Mibgv'liéld‘on Wednesday last was very-"largely at- tended., and while‘thn discussions at times were not strictly educéfioml: it is apparent that local interest has reocived an impetus that will not easily wane, particularly the finan- cial end. Mr. Milton Morrow left on Wednes- day last to visit his home in Hawk- stone, thence to Albert College. Bel- leville, where he purposes taking a course of study with a View to‘enter- ‘ing the Methodist ministry. During 1112‘. Morrow‘s sojourn among us he has made a gost,of friends who wish him ‘evcry success in his college 'course. Mr. John B. Powles and family visited Hrs. Powlcs’ parental home at Palestine on Christmas. =While {am} ' eunions and Christ-i mas dinnerse re the order of they day. mentiog. night he made of Mrwf and Mrs. ! Icy. who entertained} some 26 g}; s from Toronto and other distant points. -. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown also on- tortained a large number of relativw and friends, Mrs. Brown's familv bo- ing all present with one xceptlon. that being her brother Wil Perrin. who lives in Saskatoon. N.W.T. Much sympathy: is 'felt in this nei‘gfl borhood for Mr. and Mrs. R. Web- ster of Zion. in the death of their only daughter, Francis. aged ‘22. Mr. ster of Zion. in the death of their only daughter, Francis. aged 22.31:. and Mrs. Webster were at one time residents of this neighborhood. _--_-â€"°-- __ ._ A goodly number of Pavia? Corn- erites attended the Christmas tree and entertamment held hi “this letha- dist church Fcnelon Falls. on Christ- nas night the excelient program was highl’v appreciated. A _ . _ The Christmas tree and entertain- ment held in the school house on 'the evening of December 23, was a dadd- cd success. Nona little praise is due the Misses Powles and In. I. Morrow for the creditable shaving of the children, who gave evidcnop of very throx‘ough drilling and trifling, Sabin non of our respected with. bow, mmmmm Incident took piace at the hatch“- in“; 9! the Nichols about ten mfleej from Spence; BridgVBL' ; a atone sent flying a blagt {tom the Mc- Lean Brothers Stetion ebout sl'x mm- dred [eat away. striking. the {deceas- ed. He retained conscientious to the last and requested that his" mother and friends 1!! this part should be communicated with. He was. only twentyâ€"nine. Her is sincerely missed by relatives and friends and business associates. The funeral took place from Messrs. Center Hanna's rooms. After the service the body. escorted to the grave by his lenow members of the Bricklayers and Ma- sons International Union; a with friends in mm, county ‘1 POWLES CORNERS NORIJAND. MANILLA WWW “Takoanywockinthismlndcnmf' . “Em. Iknowunnzoodthinc-" ‘ “nub: you huerbeen dared your- neltbyit.” “NabutIhaVB-mwhocunhavo fiemacheornotjuuuthough he‘hnd-Mehd'abutton.” “the road was not dutieâ€" When the "critter” I)!!!“ no out. So I've oolemnly command That ma: me my not : alt: .- ma 0' pity poor deluded 1' Onol‘who m the mm In. :" So it you’ve In automobile "V mt you want to'tlve W. "' mummmddukenoNO. ~ Don’t ask me to ttke it. pray. " a Meal-h uiptyjar A: tho wind blow. through his whisker- “ mm has ”my. I mmm non-1nd tar. mummomatflniom nmgamptyw promising 3 visit tron their mothe- in-Iaw. while others cannot convince thmelns thet it does not portend dangertoaeearedmtobearingdown on them with no fence handy to vault. It is hard for the human race to tree itselt wholly from superstition. However emancipated a man may he. he is removed but once or twice from the sage who planted his potatoes in die dark of the moon and took his med- ical treatment (mm the horse chestnut. No matter though he may argue to himself that he belongs to the “show me” tribe. yet there are times when his mental processes hark hack to the superstitions of his forefathers. Get-ground. but in Pitching they as talking 3! driving one through the air. Ittakessaoodbluflertomlsetho wlnd with hot air. While the ballots continue to (all e!- lently. u of yore. some of the watchers at the poll- In New York (All with a dull thud. Angrattugoodgraftulonzuthe miter isn't caught at It. wmmuth-mw' “Yumehubmoulnmmh It takes absolute genius to interfere mawoman'aaMnandnotgetthe worst of It. There is only one person: enough in- terestedinyoursecrettokeeptt. Carrying a heavy life insurance makes dying easy. It is such a relief never to have to pay another premium. yarn fixed up by way of explanation. Match breakers may be consistently regarded as fine emu. duced. A splendid New Year’s sermon was given by the pastor. to the hit-thudist church Sunday night. Text‘, "We do all fade as the le‘uL" ‘Miss B. V. Mart ..spent New Year’s with her gm puents gt. Lindsay. Dr. Marv m spent Tuesday in Mill- brook. Hrs. Bevel] and was Dewell spent New Year's in Pcterboro. A man frequently bows to the inev- itable. though he ha not been intro. m A Bisplé‘é‘wcr'tmdo “betel! and Myrtle WM. spent the 11015â€" cm with their parents; Kins 13.3%de 0! Linda”, has been renewing 91d acqus’ntanccs in town. , Miss Bowles of Toronto has bmn \igiting hcr cousin Miss Simon .Hr‘. Robt. ucmfhh speht the hon- (mm. ”with“ , hummuficv. J. s. Helium}. Trenton. The, Fallis broth-en from the North west we spending thefholidays tinder tbs; parental roof. Itmcustomarytobufldtunnelsun- Humor «a Philosophy ”MKS!!!“ PERT PARAGRAPHS. he that aid was A man gets his first tutu of real maruod'MQwhen-thocmonybom nndthojusuceuyl. “Two dollu'l. countmthosemadomorolnm mummbythopmmmpper. We wouldn’t mind mm'peoploulk nbout u athey were notion-blot» let the truth slip out. A walnut-serves the right to change her mind and her complexion. she kn‘t an aches. “Whit do'yoti do when you are with aflrlandan’tthlnkotunymmato Wtherenwwitheouleodead Who never to his wife hath sud: “Hy deer. you're unending too much cash. We'll lave to live on chenoer hush. You must think money grow: on tree. And nous down to me on the breeze. Whnt did you do Wuhan that dough I handed you a week ago? Three donut? Huh! Well. don't set ”It; You'd 3909: It it it but been tour.” NdbyChoice. "nthecountyjanapopular place?" “Well. not exactly." “I hear theme were a couple of men hanging around there last week.” Spud His Tends. “Rectal-ted outtobeubadman. but highwaymen met him on a lonely road and discouraged him." “Take away his gun?" “No: they cut at! his mushche." Km His Petition. “unmulmubletooboene.” exchnned the proud old turkey gob- bler.“tbehumanneemueetedby an ell m providence tor our special benefit. It goes to great trouble and palm to plant crops in the spring that ltmyhavezrolnboteedmandsome- thin: impel: it to bulk! nlce little homes to keep us warm. Surely we are favored above most members of the feathered tribe." “It would be a shame to break the new: to hlm,” was all old‘Dobin, dean at the barnyard, had to say as he tum- ed slowly away. *1 mt about her.” 'rhe harp that once through 'rm'o hall: The soul or music shed Now useless hens: Won the muoâ€" The neighbors all In dead. mum. "on. it's PERTPARAGRAPHS. Servedthm‘poae. bait when used in ”the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap is better thin other soaps. but is Mtumm ”a”, m M W virtue of the power! '- ;« :W in a certain mortgage. r. Marin beproduced at the time ”16! we. there will be enema for sale in,” public auction on “nar- yolr cue coming?" inquired MI mm mend. Amuuwmahemintheeyes :thhwitetbedayhegemamisen Nosmtter how firmly a professional gambler Int: believe in luck. he al~ any: an: the precaution to have the Whenn mm In elected to matrimony mere-ls no such thing as going behind wingswhenyonmchaslnzthem. Holland:- am: the my turkeys are going m." “Pal-laps they had a premonition of Mmcommgmdtooktothemsh- Fewer men would be pessimist: It they did not know some women who seemed to admire that quality. The talthtul worker rarely has time, Inclination or need to preach. _--.__ .. Luypeoplenrenotlookinxfora sure cure for laziness. They know when they have a good thing. it isn't necessary for a woman to be able to think of something to say in ordettokeeponmlking. M m in the sam- ‘Ilown of um made by Michael Beam? . L.s., ., copy of which map or plen h, in the Registry omce for the unty of Victoria, containing by Wt one quarter of an uremoreor less. upon whibh is er- ected a one and one-half storey brown frame. eight-roamed dwelling and el- 50 a (tame stable. There are also on the premises. shade trees. fruit trees, and: nice lawn and garden. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale. balance to be paid on the thirteenth day of February fol- lowing day of sale. _ .- You hear talking behind :- person’s back condemned as though it were pos- sible to talk in front at his back. WIWbeing in the Town of minlhcmty of Victoria and Pbovinco d Ontario and .being com- poupd 9! lot, umber eleven south of Pd: exams gs laid down in a map or pin: a! pork lot number eleven want of Albert street or east of Ad- Whenamanushyhisanteitlsup toblmtohaveahearttoheartmlk with his uncle. 1f. the“ 09 1.17.5 o’clock in the at. , thaws SON HOUSE :8 ~ In” or INDSAY- in the cm of Victoria. by Elias 30m??? Maire. auctioneer, the fol- ”W W namely: LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Solicitor for Hortgagee. Oflice William-st... Telephone Bldg. Dated at Lindsay the thirteenth day of December. 1905â€"50-4. - For one person that tashion makes appear stunning it makes a dozen look like monkeys. the thirteenth day of .. MW 1906 An'n‘iflitngumthat certain par- 091013 tract ofhnd and premises 511. Forvftiitther particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to Somewomenlookonmanuanecw ,MWGH. Séle ‘« trim puvonu cl gr :1 evenly on Screen A have: Shoo keep: I am has this. End shake and adjm width-L . Sixteen screens sud mum nncstseed u nodâ€"cunt r1121. nominee or: $332135!” ‘3? 5" man my. ., The Chathun Funnu over and over in one ' w momma: Ind profit-E 10 THE RATEPAY . mm column: mu. a mum nncstseed we nodâ€"cunt mm. vet when for (c: $332135!” ‘3? an" man my. The Chathun Fanning over and over in one o economize: and pmfit- m ensures bigger crop: of b: I! it were no: the been an on hundred: of m The Muse, our township straight. and 8 {our times four ed as has been If our present few of thcs ha! with our municn find men who wi deal with towns! own private ma own private bus Wishing van 0 pit-aunt and as Year as the pa. yea-s of plenty “mung for our emment in the m yours cordi Fellow mwpayu we go : 3’99. and and the rate ! to do us credit 94 our money giVifld bank interest ins1 my for it will 1 homes so long a: Fellow mtepayc may, get “swelle us who have to ‘ can-fully . into 1! and I have little coming a reality green House of luxuriousness is ty-five per oegg in road-making ‘ compared with 8! such progress as seventeen of said tinned in the yea have our foods 0. condition as will commendable com: ing them, made our municipality, ‘W. Campbell, Gd sioner. the time to attem large scale. As i: bad times on im depressions bringii so we my be Del now after seven 3 any prosperity in grade of values w: it slow or rapid. iod of time, judgin doings in the past Until 1903 were bridges not very " collection of taxes municipal moneys. be in hand in lat} granting the qecel large amount for the prgsent 3mg ing. is there any ‘ its future. Does th 000 in the hands ¢ mine the cconomica of such a large an: When a municipal and progresssing a: and mint: bridges in the fut: Did V we scarce] Sinâ€"nay I ask 3" to draw the aux-n1 ratepayers to die ing our township, 1 the wish of last, c notice of try-law i past weeks. Editor Watchman-W pun annouâ€" ht m 5:. Lou'm' 'n mad: whim-Is During the past 'ajn-icw Pam Eli: "Minn. Jacks'onv 1110. ii .We 99!! sandy 72R LOWS th‘ WA“) iii}; Every m‘

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