It contains among other things -. astronomical calculations ; eclipses, star tables, latitude tables; tide rary in the Dominion. Many of the lists given are not -‘ found elsewhere, and in no other volume can so much information be found in so small . a. space. The Canadian Almanac has been published \comhnuously since 1848. and ip indispensable to every Can- adian engaged in professional or business life. Answerâ€"We have been {using the milking machine now two weeks and are greatly pleased with the work it is doing. We found a 'little difï¬culty with two of the cows at the start, but are now able to milk them dry and are obtaining a normal flow of milk. Out of the e'm‘ht cows we have so far on test but two gaVe us any trouble. These We were obliged to strip for the ï¬rst week and found they left from one to three pounds of milk. The other six cows praCtic- ally produced a normal flow from the ï¬rst milking. All of the eight cows gave no trouble 'in the way of kickâ€" ing or being uneasy. It is well to watch carefully the ï¬rst few milk- ings in order to get just the right size: teat cup and teat; mouthpiece. After a perfect ï¬t has been found, and this can best be done by test, there is very little trouble and little need for readjustment. It seems to me the milking ‘machine wowfld hard- ly be recommended for the small dairy, but it unquestionably is the thing for the large dairy. By a? large dairy, I would say one milking more than ï¬fteen'c'ows. The issue of the Canadian Almanâ€" ac for 1903;, a. copy of .which has reached this ofï¬ce, is the Diamond Jubilee number, and forms the six- tieth of the series, and will be found- unusually valuable and, in iact, inâ€" dispensable-to every ofï¬ce and lib- “I would like tovask a. few ques- tions about the milking‘ machine. Do you ï¬nd trouble in getting the cows to,stand, and does . it; milk them clean? If it leaves I'm a. little milk it would be likely to cause the cows to go dry. Do you think the average dairy can put them .to‘prac- tical use, and do they not require considerable adjustimg ?" . Answering the above question‘for a subscriber of Twentieth Century Farmer, Prof. Hacker, of the Minne- sota. Agricultural" College, Writes as fol-lows : , The cows are put in the stable in the'fall,‘ and are not‘ let out again until the following spring. During this time they are given the best of care : scarcely an hour passes, day or night, that they are not visited by an attendant. They are watered, fed and milked withy'the greatest re- gularity and given every comfort possible. fee-d consists almost entirely of oil cake, feeding from two or four pounds each day. The principal feed, however, is hay, each row receiving nearly 30 pounds daily. V It takes the great capacity of thede cows to handle so large a. quantity of hay. the cows, and carry back the milk, not: Wishing _to give the cows unne' cessary travel. From'nhe time they leave the barn in May until they return in autumn they receive no feed other than grass. Duning the Winter the grain In reï¬ervfmgtte the manner of cab ins doe cnws' in Havana. Preleasor Caner says they are turned out. to pasture in May and do not. return to the stable until November, Burs ing the cold, damp days of early spring they wean blankets in the pasture to protect them from the weather. At milking time they are not driven to the barn to be milked, as is the custom in this country, but instead the milk maids go to 11 5/33 “Everitt†The Canadian Almanac THE MILKING MACHINE. Sold at 11 Cambridge Street, Lindsay, 20th Centurx It’s sudden turns and? tWists are sometimes past under- standing. You are busy and you haven’t time to keep studying style all the time. Farming Notes WWW Style Leads its Followers a . Lively C topaytheexpenseo! the council meeting; $14.00,_whioh bed?“ . JUB_Â¥le_mi-N,Clhï¬.“ mm is considered one of the best Pianos" in Canada for Constradzon, * - Tone andDarabz'lxb) ' COWS IN ROLLANIL for men and boys have» an established reputaticn for correctness. The safest thing for you to do is to buy clothes made by people whose very busi- ness existence depends “o'n producing absolutely correct styled each season. . J. CARTER The owners of the other part of the land about 1891 cleared 'and enâ€" closed a ï¬eld on the rear end of their land and piled up what was said be be a. log fence somewhere near the boundary and an acre and 22-100 outside this log fence. This fence remained for Some years, and about ï¬ve or seven years ago . was burnt up and destroyed, and a. wire fence has been built half way across the westhglf' of the lot and posts have been planted the balance of that distance on the site of the old fence. It ‘was contended on the part of the defendant that this fence was inâ€" tended to be the boundary fence O ittâ€~ Piano if the best Pianos? Cnncffltrhnn 'giveslr. 'I‘inneynnndvantEge wmthemof the will â€â€œ151me . lyplmid Prevalent in the At the request oi Mr. Joseph Tin- W008 III NOW ucy the Reeve called a. special meet- The abnormal preValcnce of ty- ing of- the council on the 2lst day phold fever throughout the province of NoVember: to consider the main-. is the 1113er f eaturc Q! the Provin- taining of the dam built across a cial hedlth returns for November. drain connecting lots 11 and 12 During that mbnth therc- were 113 with the Lewnsbrough Dre-in. | deaths from typhoï¬id as compared The members of the council and with '65 for the same month last other gentlemen drove OVer to View. year Although the number of cases the place and surroundings, even alâ€" actually reported to‘ the medical though it rained nearyl the whole hé'aJth eaters“ was "only 480; Dr: time After retiring to the town; H 6dg‘ctts; Scacti‘lxho! ythe Planin- hall,‘-Mr.'1‘inney brought coneiderâ€"| eh! Board 0'! Bee. csï¬matce that able evidence to show 1.1141: the water there were really about 1, 500 cases had for a. great years been' th’ca'medg "judging from the number or running from lots 11? and 12 onto; dent-ha reported. id cones are lot 13, but the council are of the very 'tr‘dqdehtly not reported to the Opinion that the artiï¬cial channel health 0mm n‘n required by law.†1 over; The prevalence of the disease in as his nethbor, and therefore should trimmed to impure “an" Md milk contflbutaitowï¬s the building do †01' .m min: 1 an outlet or waters wing WM“ 0. m w, from hiafarms. Aftern. good .ummtm w, o! discu'se‘ion Ir 'l‘inncy m asked, m M lï¬t WM Wm. MEInnes." ‘My man «Wain 1;†mum’†‘1 ' W meeting; 31400,; which he cg p J.B.WELDON.Cl%ik. It appears from the evidence that Rebecoa. Charlotte Suddaby never went into actual occupation of. the north quarter of the West half' of the lot during the period -in which she was owner of theflan‘d, whilchreâ€" mauled in a. state of nature unen- closed and unimproved until the deâ€" fendant went into possession alter the eonVeyanCe to him. '. On April 5, 1900, the executors of the estate of William Nichols and Sarah Nichols, his widow, conveyed lot 11, except the northwest ,quarte'r of the north half, to Thomas Hodg- son, of the Township of Somerville. On June 3, 1903, Thomas Hodgson and his wife, Cora. M. Hodgson, conveyed the lot, except the north- west quarter 0! the north half, to' plaintiff. His Honor Judge Harding has g‘rven judgment in the case of Chxis- topher Hodgson v. J oshua. Lovelly, tried reCently. He ï¬nds that on January 23, 1875, Simon Moore, of the township of Somerville, and his wife, Rebecca Moore, conveyed to Rebecca, Charlotte Suddaby, wife of Wilxliam James Suddaby, o-f. Somer- ville, the north quarter of the west half of. lot 11, in the flth. too-noes- sion of that township, containing twenty-ï¬ve acres. On December 22, 18-75, Simon Moore and his wife, Bebecca, Moore, conveyed to William Nichols, of the same township, the south half of the northwest quarter of lbt 11, in the 7th concession, containing. twentyâ€" ï¬ve acres. On MarCh 9, 1889, Rebecca. Char- lotte Suddmby conveyed the said north quarter of the west half of lot 11, in the 7th concession, to the defendant A Judgement for an Acre and a Quarter in a Somewille . Land Dispute Dr. Irvine, of the ï¬rm of Neelands 8:. Irvirne, dentists, Lindsay, will be at Campbell’s hotel, Kirkï¬eld, on Wednesday, January 9th. Call in forenoon' if possible. and other stocks; showing dividend and highest and lowest prices at which sold: historical diary for 1905-6; 're'view of the Last sixty; years, by Prof; EWrong' M.A. ‘; 4712 pages, price 50 cents. Published 'by the Copp, Clark Company, Limited, Toronto. teiilehiielflex. Quebec. pt. John 3‘ patents in Canada's historical land: marks in Conndien‘histeryi the new custom mm; weights and moses lures and exchange tables: banks with branches and names 0! men: agave; terms a: 7 verment of all countries; the ritiah Army and navy; full Common militia. list postal information; complete list of Post ofï¬ces with Hallway on which located. or nearest railway station r list of newspapers published in Cans ado, with their circulation end-pone tics; titled Canadians; Dominion and Provincial Governments and names of ofï¬cials, with their salar- ies ;. foreign consu-ls in ,Canada. ; comâ€" plete clergy list oi all denomina- tions .; simpliï¬ed Spelling; legnl’and judicial information; County and Township ofï¬cers; barristers and solicitors ; educational institutions; miscellaneous Societies ;- latitude of Canadian cities .; life assurance, with rates of various companies; bank Pro- , «\w‘w» n.‘ The follow is' ution adopted by 1 "T. H. Watson, Esq. ., Reeve of Mari’posa, Dear Sir, --The undersigned members of this council hereby em-; brace this opportunity of placing on record their appreciation of the very able andydï¬icient manner in which our meetings have been presided: over by our esteenmd Reeve Your courteous manner, and business-like methods of dealing with every ques-' tion brought before us, and the gra-I cmus consideration pven by you to every person having {business with this council could not in our opinion be readily surpassed â€"Sugned, G. Graham; J. I. Michael, J-. 1!. .Swain. At the reqnest of Mr. Joseph Tin- ney the Reeve cabled a. spam meet- ing of the council on the 213t day of Nower‘nber to consider the main- taming of the dammnilt across a. drain connecting lots 11 and 12 with the LOwnsbrough Drgih. The members of the counCiI and .clerk was also ordered to get 225 copies printed- On motion of Messrs. Swain and McInnes Mr. Taylor’s resignation from the Board of Health was re- ceiVed Thea folltowing memoflzal. was pre- smted to Mr. Watson. the reeve, as the year' 3 business was about to close: Mark, NW 'con’. 1, B, $3.37; total ~. - - $57.59 ;. and that the rolls be re- . , Rm'WBY ' ceived from the collector. .,T.hc Temiskaming and Noethern Messrs. Mark, Woolacott and Jewe‘l ' Ontario Railway Commission held 0. have paid sinca the 15th. I meetinglast. Week, and decided to The Treasurer’s ï¬nancial statement can for ténders for the‘gext'ensflon of was receiVed, showing total receipts, the‘ road so as - to join the ‘ Grand of $35,695.92, and total paym9ntsl Trunk Paciï¬c. at a. point north of of $19,221.71. leaving a, balance at. Lakg-Abitibd. '. The exaCt' loCation’of cash on'hand, $2,559.82, and cash; the Junction‘hfl-S not yet’boon given ' the bank of $13, 914.89. The Out- “0 extension will be betwoen clerk was also ordered to net 225: 40 and 45 miles. and jthe' Commis- E. Lye. 1' day statute labor. mo: in; czaeagn mess-n 'is' peg“; and th? fOMOWiDS‘ amounts charged out $10,000,000 on account of this against; the lands : McKï¬nnon estate, yéar’s portion of the 660 miles of N Pt 20, 0011- 8, i acre, 51-42 ; J- .G-' road under construction. as well as Ems, Npt 14. 0011- '15: $3095 : ‘A-' $5,000,000 for eqmpmm. The McKinnon, N. E. pt 2, con. 12, 7 Grand 'I‘runk'has also ended 1.01158 acres, $3.75; Thos. Wilson. 151- 153- Pt stock and equipment to‘tï¬e velue‘o: 2, con. 12, :7 acres, $3.05 ; Flora. $5,900,000†and; Comde consider- McI‘hadden, Manilla, {.acre, $4.00; able.†dblibleâ€"tracking in Ontario. {A- J . McLean. Mamlla. % wag Nea‘rzy $6,000,000 wm have been ex- 34-49; Donald Jackson. 22.,90n- i5. pended on Grand Trunk Paciï¬c con- 200" acres, 33-20; “7111- Grant, Pt 1] struction work.‘ (l‘he‘ Governmwt 21 and 23, con. 15, 200 acres. roads from Winnipeg to Luk’e‘Supcr- 33-60; D- Kelhngton, Oakwood, i. ior J auction, and from Quebec to acre, $4.65 -: L. Patterson, ‘Oakwood,F Latoque. entail an eXpemdftux-e this § ‘acre, 36-48; V' $311195; Oakwood, ' year of ,about $1,000,000. Track 32-65; Jas- Foster. Maw-1a. acreq laid and rolling stockbm’lt for the 31-75 3 J 011†w°°18°°tt' N-JE- Pt 2‘2 Temiskaming and Northern 'COmmis- con. 5: * acre, 33-71: E- ewell. ~ . sion m be estixnated'ht 2 000,000 pt :19, con. ’5, $71.81 ; Moses Mother} y , . 3 ' e e . â€"â€"'â€". e11, thtle Bntmn, $5.56; Joshua . _, ., . . ' Scott, ,pt. 20, con.'1, 51:59 3 matey} Extensnon of Provmcual Following is the remainder of the' Over 352,000,000 has been spent proceedings 0’ Maripose. Council on or appropriated for expenditure this December 15, the former part having year in Canada. in the building _0! been published in the Watchman- additional lines, and supplying ‘them Warder of December 20 I with rolling stock. This includes an On mot-ion of Messrs. Graham and allowancé ““0; $10,000,000 covering McInnes, the follow'i’ng amounts were the operations of J_ J. Ei'll- in the rebated from the Collector’s roll: West. A . A. J. W. James, 1 'day statute labor}, The Canadian Paciï¬c man have 31-00; £3de Acton] wrong 35395.5" added about {7150 miles of new track, meat, $1975; 31- Tribi-lcock, 1' day besides 100 miles of doubleâ€"tracking statute labor, $1.00; Albert Bartoï¬ between Fort William and Winnipeg. lini, 1 day statute labor, $1.00; F. andr'equipment: coating" $5,000,000. E. Lye, ‘1 day statute labor, $1.00; The Canadian Northern is paying and the fOMOWiPS‘ amounts charged out $10,000,000 on account of this J. W. James, 1 'day statute labor, $1.00 ; Edward Acton] wrong assesé- meat, $13715; M. Tribi'lcock, 1‘ day statute labor, $1.00; Albert Barto- lini, 1 day statute labor, $1.00; F. MARIPOSA COUNCIL greeted by the 9mm atltleï¬ 9f the nlaalatlfl. but than is :9 av:- denee t t thls ls aa.‘ er of. tea: meat as $9 the baud†line... ‘ore is no oyidpnoe summon t9 displace mg plamtatl‘s papa tltle. whlch is acknowledged to be valid. In onler to displace the pup» title there. must he! mutual and cons tluuoua panama for a period longer than what was proved in this case. Judgment is for the plaintiff low the recovery qt the one «on and 22- 100ths with costs. McDiarmid . Weeks, for phi'ntifl; Stewut 0’- Connor, for defendants. itis “bur After Holiday Sale is now on in all departments, includ- ing odd lines of Seasonable ' The makers have evidently located the style spring, whose waters are diï¬'emnt every season. We can assure you that if you,put your faith in them and in us' as sou: no)!!!“ you wil} not be disappointed. PROCEEDINGS all early and have ï¬rst choice Garcons Init- Pn. Jukotl Punt- LINDSAY “ii "_ 'A‘Recoufd in Marriages f, 3-! Mr H. J. Wickham.-Toronto. is . honorary secretary of the Tomato ’- ‘1 branch 0! the League. 1 ' The abnormal preValence of ty- phoid fever throughout the province , is the niark'qd I qature Q! the Provin- cial bed-1th returns for November. During that month there were 118 [de‘atbs from typhoid, 0:3 campus-ea ‘ With '55 for the sum month last I Issuers of “marriage licenses throughout Ontario seem to be do"- ing a record businm of late. But"5 . ing the two days following Christ- ’mas day the Department of the â€Reg V istrarâ€"Genelul of Ontario received 672 afï¬davits made by applicants l for marriage licenses and 610 mar- ! Usage hoenses from oméiating clergy men. Thisds fully double- the num- - ber of amd‘a'vits and licenses re- ~Ceived during any two days sinCe ' the new regulations came in force requiring issuers and cl forwatd'~~- these lorms‘ forthwith :0 I the Registrar-General. ' axon will rush work ahead as quick- ly as possible. Spemï¬cau'ons are being- tor the proposed 83- tension, and tenders will be called for this week. , . I year’s portion of the 660 uni-lee 0! road under construction. as well as $5, 000,000 Ior equipment. The Grand Trunk has also ehded rolling stock and equipment to the value of $5, .000 .000. and; 90211de cpnsider- Over 860,000,000 Spent" on Railway; this Year wit-h rolljng‘stock: ï¬igA-includols_an fence at the British Empire. end that in. is a. duty We on in our- selves. to our fleeting» commerce. and to the empire. that. we mm my the inundation! at a. breed M- tigen) maritime poiiey. in which Na- vei Prepamiden wiii go head in mm with the development. at e Dunedin mereemiue maniac. with the enmub moment of the Cenedien liiipbuiid- inc industry. and with securing ior Canada her Mr ehereiot theaworid'e maritime tmneportwtion.: _ Hutu Uidorolothin‘ lhh tn. «.0. in Canada brought out by this board wotfld ave to pass strict examinations. while even‘ their Mm mu“ would be W into Mr Stork 1... appointed Hr. Bobei't Vd'ity the b63111?! dado! in Toré‘ut‘o. Agent! mi a. W in «flier PM which has some prominent English- men at its head and which WM tom ad but slew months ago. PW ready been received. Some applica- tions are also received from Manito- ba. settlers inquiring as to the new Ontario homestead regulations. Mr. Edmund Storie, Honorary Sec- remorthecentralnoardoflmnï¬- gration of London, England, was in consultation withalr. Thomas South- worth. Director 0! Colonization, at the Parliament buildings yesterday. The Central Board of Immigration. ‘A cansidemble number of gpplelcap tions from farmers desiring farm help during the conning year have al- trict. railway it is expected there will ban mt rush of settlers into tint dis- very satisfactory. The settlers who have gone into the 'I‘emiskaming and Rainy River districts have, as a. rule, sent most hvon‘ble reports of proâ€" gress, When the rich Abitibi region is thrown open for settlement next year on the’compfetlon'of the north- a’n extension 0! the Government The colonization work in New On- tario during the past year has 'been I In three years the immigration movement to this Province has more than doubled. Next year it is ex- pected the'same ratio or increase will be maintained. It is expected that over 50,000 new citizens will come into Ontario through Government channels. In addition to these it is probable that a. large number 0! Scandinavians will be brought in by the railway companies to assist in railway construction work. Agents of the companies are now at work along this line. The Salvation Army also expects to settle about 125000 immigrants Rom Great Britain in this Province during 1907. ABOUT FORTYa-FI VE THOUSAND NEW SETTLERSâ€"INCREASE IS TWENTY PER CENT OVER PREVIOUS YEAR. Toronto, Dec. 29.-Thoughzthe om. [dd returns of the number of immi- 1’grants who settled in Ontario during ‘the past year have not yet been ï¬nally made up. the Provincial Di- rector ol Colonization, Mr. Thomas Southworth, stated yesterday that it would be sale to say the increase (or the year has been {ully twenty- ï¬ve per cent. as compared with last year. The population 0! thevProvmce increased about 85,000 by immigra- tion curing 1905. Consequently the number 0! new settlers during the year just closing must total in t neighborhood of 45,000. ' ' [Wimnou 'm'Io ONTARIO ounmc PAST YEAR The good efleot o! the bill in en- couraa'iug mule teachers to enter the profession to. he lays. already meni- feet in the may increased propor- tion of male etudentn in attendance st the county model whack during the put term. In hie 0W1: county there are 25 male students in train- lng for meters. a. very large in-. crease on the record number {or any of the past Iev'u years. Similar con- ditions prevail in other countries. Ho Moo! 1mm M u» county of Ydhglillgdt‘on. Wilts; thou vtmf; mu yen as. r. ‘ru bu mmtlyngonuidfmhl num- bcr of muting: 0! run! ratepayer- ‘in hlnmunty in ward to tho new education not. mmu “tho alum at run! when! “when". which come. Into tone on New Year‘s Day No Inâ€! that when the mi and “ml 9! the hill mflufly undernood by tho awn: in each whoa! at». Mo: it will be ulmon ununlmuunly upprovod Any opposition to the: atonement o! the minimum “My; «cum comet. he balbvoa. tram u‘ val-conception or hupofluct under- “and“ o! m Gwen and afloat on the school a: nu. i flow Errors Occur [Some ‘ Opposition to Ontario Educa- tion am 0!“,de _ own mun-m by Imus; manly And unduly pawn-Mac ad!" copy. Uh on other publflurl 3n ‘mcon- m mound and nonunio- led into om: by W with which William. advertisements and marl-co notices “can“, With ordlnsry words bu! wrm doo- not. mum much. u the ldontlty cm s.)- wayl be uttbllnhod by tho words thotgproudo cod {allow them. but. proper ulna and Ila-um have, so to spout, no context, and It ll with them that minutes moot frequently get. into print. I! writer: to the press would be more cordul. prlnt- an ond publishers would coupe a great deal of Work and error: would be fewer thou they are now. Glo'lu of Dec. 80 : S15. .3. J-. Emu. 1.9.13 for 1pm mummy and m;- has to 004th with. The out! at n. newspaper mm " with endleu troubleinlho “tempt \ to decipher mauï¬pt cum to the once for publication. Persons writing {or publication should no that proper names. particularly. an opened out. Advertâ€. too. will consult. their ‘An exchange has this to II! about 0. Wu: which every msmper Apply at a... :110tico is W van that Ben- Cï¬ 8:: manning: jams for Mon to Brawnâ€"From. the premises 0! TOPEKA - - KANSAS TALIJOW.-Elther rendered or un- renderod. The Horn Bros. Woollen Co.. mumâ€"49. STRAYED any kind of Blaine“ or Real Estate uny- whcm. at uly price, write me our require- ments. I cut: save you time u: money. gang-Tor cash in all of the Unit}?! tutu. Don't wait. W tc to-du' ducribin‘ what you have to cell and give cub price on I CAN SELL Your Real Estate or Business ‘proprietor of the Victoria Lumber Hills. Lindsay, will pay the highest spot Cash price for all kinds 0! Logs. Cedar Ties. and Shingle Bolts delivered at mill during the winter months. 7 Custom Logs will be manufactured eny season of the year. Saw end shingle mill will run all winter. Satisluctlon guaranteed Persons mklng out 1038 on the ad- Joinrlng waters for summer delivery can heve them towed and manho- tuned. Prices reasonableâ€"4942. LICENCE DISTRICT OF of tip of rum ear. Inimtion u to their whereabouts will be thankfully Areqeivod S. E. BODDY. Rahal-0.3 Ontâ€"51$. um “WW my. a. wu- 5V. Opl,lhmwyurnngsâ€"1grey steer, lredwithwhï¬e marks, I black halter. All three have a piece out per cord. macaw: will be on‘ the ground every Monday during Decem- ber and Januaryâ€"6L3. iTï¬AYED.-â€"Cune onto the pre- mise o! the undersigned. east half Lot22 Con. 7. Ops, on or ubOut. Dec.11th,1906.onenedcoW.' de- horned. Owner can have sauna by paying expenses and proving pro. petty. JOEN_ HARTLEY Lindsay P. 0â€"51-8 DRY WOOD FOR SALE On tbs lateJVm. Stewart Estate. hard any! sgtt. Aver-ac; price \32.90 a flock ob sheep. a, quantity of tux-alum; and a. quantity of tur- alps. TUESDAY. 'JAN. 15.â€"-By Elias Bowen, auctioneer. credit sale of suitable. mentored and high grade cattle. the property of. Norman Gillies, lot 1. con. 1. Fenclon. Sale at one o'clock. The stock in- cludes loregtstaed Clydesdale mate 5 years old in foal, 2 well bred mm in 10.1, 1 more 3 years old, 2 colts, 2 registered COWS, 2 regisâ€" tered carves, I grade COW. 1 grade u, 'rzwusmv. JAN. 10.â€"n Guam 4:: «in Wgoel'iu'h an. Juluon. auctioneer. c ado of Apply ot this om.-â€"52â€"u. hm» stool: udjmplomootl. the _________________ ol Jam Wooldrldgo, in. m 10. con. 5. Vermont. 2 mlloa NR SALEâ€"flu Rwy Wood Lot, west at Little Britain. Solo atom on hundud mom. in the twelfth pâ€. â€d'W‘uKlW mm, â€BM! 0' bully. Bafï¬n. I, THURSDAY. JAN. 10.â€"By Ell“ ZWN, Solicztor, Lchgayl Bowel. auctioneer. credit tale of ' hm stock and implements, the prom of Capt. W. D. Enter. Solo on tho minim. lot 16, con. 5. Ops,“ 1 o'clock p.m. and with- out moor-we. The stock includes 8 horses. 1 yoorflng any, 1 tool, 7 cows. 1 bull, 2 heifers, 1 Itoor. 5- colveo, 2 hrcodgown, I' store pip. a God ob sheep. a quantity of mature; and o quantity 0! our- FARM FOR'SALEw-The property of William Sin-ale, lot 3, con. 5, Eden, 100 m, all cleared and 94.1613. plough land, balance pas- ture. Good {rune house ready To brick, good {mme born 50 x 60, with stone wall and good stabling. Good {rune dri'Ving shed, hog wn and log barn. Soil a clay loam alps. TUESDAY, 57,432 15â€"28:? Elias , Rowen. auctioneer. credit sale of nibble. W and high grade cattle, the property of. Nofmu‘ Gillies, lot 1. con. 1, Fencion. Sale at one o'clock. '!‘_he _stock in- ond under good: state of cultivation. Good bearing ,orchard, well fenced ; good spring in pasture ï¬eld and good well at house. Convenient to school; three miles from Wood- Ville, 1: mites from Grass Hill sta- tion, a. good grain and stock mar- Juana oonhucu- In uddmlon to the pun/rum or these schedules â€HUME.“ m froquenuy con- named by M0? dopurtmenu ol the 5‘0th in connection with ex- penditurgo gem-rod with regard‘ to MA‘OI. In m an of 1m imporfr I“ work, «uh-u under- worn not. all“ 10!. account for Ion-vim were Mot-rod baton meat to the Do- putmont o! labor in ordor that the amt mum certify u to the chug- tor labor In the!» manta. The Wt mo certiï¬ed u to m an ad hour. of labor in undm «mm-d by contractor. to tho PMt-OM‘WLM {or ten comma {or supplm. No noon-Ry tron. during the your for entomoâ€" m o! the provmonu 0! tho , mu- Goa-f mo.- lit-pm- Act. o: 1000. {Olen mt. Ill nodvod for the laden o! an act. . which mm in mm. an o! a. â€the of nuwu manna u Imflord. Out This capitation wu lubnquonuy with- drawn and a. no» 1mm wu mud. under tho oncnhuou Act. Mei his mum liéense {or the miles No. 155 Kent street. in Town of Lindsay, known as the NO MATTER WHPPE LO?! TED zen-flaunt! Business“ of all kinds sold JANUAR‘E, A.D., 1907, at BB 2-K. pecans W will govern If YOU WANT TO BUY WANTED fARM WANTED. 615 KANSAS AVENUE, IILI RIGII’I‘IR Dim P. rm, George J. Brannon WANTED y Board 0! License In†. ... .to behold at the Li- â€- Among Point I once“!!! the Town " m...†tho 'rwm'm DAY " m... onto the mmmmumnm J. N. JOHNSTON Y. S. Gamma or the 01mm ’vm trusted; latest and most .pproved methods. Speculum: mastryand an dh'auan o! the teat. Hediclnea of the hunt discovery kept on bud WSION’S Veterinary INHRMARY All dimes of Horses and Cattle That desirable solid brick residence, comer Hill and Glenelg -sts.. South Ward. All modem improvements; one o! the best constructed houses in town. Half gene land; ornamental trees. shrubbery and trait trees. Good In? stable. Apply to MRS. BE.\'- SO , on‘ the pruningâ€"504. FOR SALEâ€"Cup?†Balls farm of 820 9cm. boat. sawmill, 100 acre- YORK STREET " Am Point... ........ 12.15 p. m‘ I!†W...†.....12:25 pm pa ll a woods ; hub-clam buildings ; lying on the shone 0! Lake Scugog. One of the but what and crop (arms in Cutwrlght. There has mt been a. hum of crop in 20 years on this tam. Apply to CAPT. J. BALL, 191 Shaw street, Toronto, 41-18. ' Cl NR BALEâ€"m K0! 1}) Wood Lu on. hundud mm. in the tuelfth concoction a! bully. BargaAn. 1. E WELDON, Solicitor, Lindsay! 48-“. rm FOR BALEâ€"Eur. half Mt 17 MI.) random admmmg W “1%.“ ‘ {OW mmlr». _- MM quart). 15.- TEACHER â€"For H. S Nb. 9 0.1:â€. aiding second or ‘ W W“. Dutu-s 10 m Ju. OM. Apply smug Us ~ ' “a .-\\'M. 111x. 1"»? m, om...m-3 Residence for Sale WANTEDâ€"0w Cervmt. Good WANTED. hat. A we chance to purchase a good farm. Ploughi'ng done and Won given on the lst March, 1907. For particulars applv to Sir. Smale on the premises (Wood- ville P..O ). or to ELIAS B0‘\‘,ES Real Esute. Lindsay,â€"52â€"zf. a} hall: lot plxpoa 16:: .m; MN“ w;olla nl.‘ e in can W goes with raw Apply a flu- om. â€"52-t!. “.4 m. 50 went under CUthHurb. chug am (no (Pom Wot-(1k. w. m â€MIN. woodland and twmup. Gooduyounc orchard; cum-u puou m home. 9 rooms. kmnvn, W I“ ‘WO “URI 1 Hum, hon 80' x 00 on â€one fuumluv m. mun new (‘hnngn “I‘D†OI bun "1th Chopper and PM; W W barn and dm. m Am 1(3)“)! vnn. WHICH-7W M De“ ant away-8m IRS. NEELANDS, M11. W.â€"A’ Maker for Pam w cm MW 501' the Season E)! 190119†to JAS. Maul, um, um. 0nt..â€"52-3 DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. 7 Express to Toronto. Enron tram Toronto. itâ€... I U“ J anetville ...... Amen; Point ......... “ tau-too- -0. can! .ulll4 1“ 00.00.... COO-l010025 ‘om FOR IALE .- 430 p.111. W $.40 pan. ham 0......†“a '3' â€am 8 .01 p .19. W â€U-.. 6:†p21“. .11.†tJ'na ,.11.85 um H1145 nan. â€1158 mm. 12.05 pa. ........ mmww .mmumamm 56677777778 mmmmmm 3533‘s mummmw 888.8...8. 7 .43 a .m. 7 .56 mm: cum. “15$. liable for busmass w }- :f ills as an agent, whi it bought and sold was. >4 The: letter was ï¬led Byâ€"law 1,111 to u 3 106 relating to the U} tions was passed. It " following poll clerks as he was selling ' of musiul instrum others who were sell struments, and not. OIIC Nlfl‘ESï¬AI BIJSIXESIS H WEDNESDAY Ii Treasurer Knowlsoi last year he had onq‘ cal improvement run while Auditor Ea‘ whole of the rates (a years the debenture54 should be included. 1 accordingly been mq statement Mayor VrOoman all the 81,554 interest was informed that. it on current account ‘ Ald. O'Reilly thou‘ 882 had been collecq during the year 1‘ be refunded to tho-e1 mg unfair that a ted to pay uhilemany at payment. A refers-:1 years showed that q lected were as follow} 1903. $149; 1904, ï¬ William Coombes use of the Council C‘ annual ball of tho { Railroad Trainmen 01 Granted on the usual J canes Brysou ten: tion as fonoeviewer.‘ J. J. Wethcrup I: he shouid have to 1 Ald. O'Reilly saidd‘ Liable for business td ing as an agent, whfl ber 31, of $706.9 trom January 1906. including 8705 January 1. $106.! tures, 310010304, in bank of $5848.78 of assets and livabiliu ï¬cit on current 5000! The appropriation t'd Works was $2500, ti $3,005.94. leaving a account of $505.94. include $259.52 for: say street bridge. A draft them is $144 1 (‘11 on House of Rcfu East. Wardâ€"Divisfl nulcchey; 2. A. 1)., South wardâ€"Divil Mayor Vrooman a sets were placed at year and only $212.1 bank. The Treasurer’s at of receipts and expo caning- 15, 1905 1 1906. was presented ceipts from Decembe 31. 1905, of 313:“ penditures of the u eluding balance on The \‘urn’uuu eul Town ('ouut‘l'l mm, Chambor on “Minna cambm' 2U. Mann“ Rea, E‘yrws, Muuude and O'Reilly were p: busines- dealt with" the passing of accou In Council Messrs“ no" ukod the use of bet-for than on TI 10. Granted on the tor copy of our C simple act. costini mat. of time. to whole cumnti *hï¬gyoumnyfl gflwitï¬n the I (A It. wrest! Feed your m give it somethi Then I: will ea will grow Ion Ayer's Hair Vi genuine hair-l buy. It given I hair~bulbs. Y1 hair you have. too. And It h clean and heel! Why Not no but an 0! “I014 for ova