gogggmgnrog gogufliâ€"agnonrnï¬wgg‘ gaggingâ€".4533. gasaugrgif EE’EE? gang; taut“. a. flanksâ€"‘0: 3:83 90 W waizgvifgool. In regardcto ï¬sh, fruits, and vege- tabfes, it is provideqthat only sound supplies shall be used. Establish- ments which are unsanitary, or where the law is otherwise not com- plied with, may be closed. Penalties will be provided for false descrip- tions or tampering with inspection marks, and for obstructing Govern- ment inspectors who are given pow- er to arrest, without warrant, of- !enders against the Act. TEN THOUSAND ARE COMING TO ONIARIO CENTRAL EMIGRATION COMMIT- TEE OF GREAT BRITAIN AP- POINTS A REPRESENTATIVE IN ONTARIO. Mr. Robert Verity has been appoint ed to represent the_ Central Emi- gration Committee of Great Britain in Ontario. That body is practical- ly under the control of tne British Government and oversees the work of the local Distress Committees which desire to share thex government grant for the assistance of the enem- p10\ed. This class, it is estimated, includes - 000 000 good men of the population of Great Britain. Of these the Central Committee expects to send 10.000 or 12.000 to settle in Ontario this year, for it is acut- ious thing that, while a. few years ago the Northwest Territories were the goal of prospective colonists, to- day this organization practically a Government enterprise, favors Onta- rio. It will not be unemployed per- SOns who will seek new homeslnthe Province, but picked men temporar- ly out of work. They will have to pass a strict medical examination in the Mother Country. Their past his- tory will be the subject of enwéniry, and a report will be obtained as to their conduct from the police their place of origin and: other a rities. as are found unï¬t or containing preâ€"' eerVatives are to be condemned. a penalty of two 5ears' imprisonment being imposed for the crime of sell- ing unhealthy meat for export. The export of any but inspected meats or canned goodsnis forbidden. A clause wants that "Hniï¬Ã©ï¬ Fhï¬ Minister otherwise dams mimflié owned by farmers and Siflughtetï¬d m: them on their own premiaï¬s, and an- imals slaughtered by retail butchers on their own premises shall not be subject to inspection under tho pm- visions of this Act.†All canned goods are to be subject tb inspection during thawhole process of prepara- t1 log and packing, but only meat pro- ducts are to be marked by the in- spectors. Every carcase found to be healthy is to be marked, and such On their arrival in Canada. they will be met by the agent of the commit- tee at the port of entry. They win then be sent to Toronto. Those who desire to do farm work will then be located by the Bureau of Coloniza- tion. For the remainder. it will be he‘ an ~ng the mwiej} august; weak; and £39888 53333" H“ as, tam gg “ï¬lé We am} t‘aansd 8336; Aéir‘ ii 89mm 31 sigma; it Brasmg {8? ms mags: Hen 8? a“ 991mm gamma #8? éMHEWSF is any aï¬eamighmsm; 536 M m immaimts §i§§§fl£$ï¬ mmmsn; 8! 5m? 9mm} amass? 95 mm 8§§8§§Sfl: £32me Weak :9 1m: mm mm} m 99 mass}: Ottawa, Jar. 2.â€"-Two balls introâ€" duced by the Minister of Agriculture‘ ï¬at belore the vacation, We been printed. The bill to encourage the atablishment of cold storage wareâ€" houses for the preservation of per- ishable food products provides that the Government may enter knownâ€" tracts with persons for the construc- tiOn and maintenance of such tore- houses, and may pay, as a subsidy, 80 per cent. of the cost 0! construc- tion and equipment of this m; 10 Der cent. is to be paid on completion of the warehouse. and 5 per cent. for (our years. Such Warehouses are to b6 undeï¬- guvmmeflt iflsbébtiofl; and Na smhject to abnfu'vat by the 68+; the {bee chm-gen {of stdf‘a‘g‘é ï¬fe t8 éfnnf-in-Cdï¬ï¬m. ‘ ~ NEW DOMINION BILL PROVIDING FOR A THOROUGH INSPEC- “scum; mum mm to m: A cams him 1mm HONâ€"PENALTY OF Cï¬ï¬lï¬w ï¬XE‘W‘HQNï¬ Dr. Chas. Hodgetts, Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, in giVing his opinion, regarding the en- try of Old Country people and for- eigners into this ,countr'y, said he thought that the examination of im- migrants was not efficient, and that the government should assume the responsibility of conducting a, proper medical examination. Instead of sad- dling the responsibility on the steam- ship companies there should be gOV- ern-men-t medical ofï¬cers at the point of embarkation. The moral stand- ing of the immigrants should also be investigated before leaving their native countries as the passport system in European countries would assist greatly in identifying crimin- als. He also believed that those making the medical ‘examination should be partially liable for all men passing through their handsf W. T. R. Preston, reporting to the l'l‘rade and Commerce" Department iii-om Cape Town, notes a strong de- sire on the part of wine merchants there to ï¬nd a market in Canada‘for South African wines, which he points out, are prepared under Governmaot inspection, and are free from adul- teration or impurity. The chin? draw back, he says, seems to he that ‘the steamers of the Gambia-South A frica, Line return to Canada via. Great Britain. But an agitation is_ on foot to have the Cape Colony Govern- ment to subsidize these steamers to return to Canada direct, and thus enc0urage export trade to this coun4 try. The dairy interests of the United States are protesting strongly against the standard of 82* per cent. butter-fat proposed by the reg- ulations of the United States De- partment of Agriculture in connec- tion with the Food and Drugs ‘Act. Last week a‘delegation of prominent. dairymen went to Washington and called on both Secretary Wilson and Dr. Wiley inqeference to the matter. These gentlemen explained to Secre- tary Wilson that the standard of; butter-fat was too high, that it would be impossible for many of the creameries to conform to such a law, and they advocated 80 per cent. minimum butterâ€"fat and 16 per pentA maximum water content. The argu- ments presented in support of these â€mum Manama 1mm Ganges during 19m $18!? 9361M m: cream pm mg ml: mmum whï¬n 1mm! Wen hm, â€$19.5; m9 8%? ‘asï¬ being man: than .5992†ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ HF: Donly- "The same may be .3944 9? equcts 1mm beta tn Canada: WM“! Show a gain from $1453.50 tn ‘1‘“,- 168, or more than 600. per cent, and that during the ï¬rst year alter tha establishment of direct steamship service. " Key ne wins (gamma 5 “Ring {3 make Mia-E me mï¬ï¬‚ésf damages; the m: was; 93mm was the 1mm take Whï¬ï¬ 1% maï¬a“ . as mg {1115 gsflï¬eunflsd Satan‘s: man; ‘ A . “1m megs armms a male {as mere ask all!) may BE £39199"; men um we m§11ks§J3 . n-_-.l- ‘ Stricter Examination of Immigrants émaom 'CANADIANS MUST CONFORH To LOCAL REQUIREMENTS.â€"- HO: NEST GOODS 11ng BE SENT. The Department of Trades and Commerce has received an e163!“ report ch 12-365 c‘oflditidhs am! at!- pormmitiei m mined from it‘s “at; Mr. A. W. bdnly. the mint: out ta Canadian eihbtterg {BE ithï¬dï¬ï¬‚Ã©ï¬ 6? cwrufmiï¬g in Meat fsflfliféiï¬ï¬‚ffl; and. 68! presumes; iii BWWHE :8? the ï¬Ã©ï¬‚éï¬ï¬â€˜ Wham; $118 will: was: the ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬iti £1138 at 58561113 was 9% 831163 53333? Email; he: :ngng ,ia Gamay: messy ~ km: W M11318 in His Méiiï¬ï¬ï¬ {Hi}: hm ï¬e 18B§5FÂ¥6§ j munrm 1c u-illinn- 2n make Lequ as an immigrant-am 3m ago." Later, he W;w bring a; party of Yorkshiremen to the court: try. and since then has been engag- ed chiefly in the work of coloniza- tion. the duty 0! Hr.‘ Verity to ï¬nd sitions. Mr. Verity has had years' experience in W work. He came to Canada GOOD MARKET WHICfl - MEXICO OFFERS STANDARDS OF. BUTTER. AND 31.00. fARMlNG NOTES Sinâ€"xou will have noticew that Mr. Maclaeaxn, M.P., for South XOrK, has again introduced his bill to re- duce passenger fares on railways from 8 cents to 2 cents. a. mile, and that it 'has received its second read- ing without a. division. Mr. Borden. Leader of the Opposition, is also moving in the same direction, and it iooks now as it Mr. Maclean’s persis- tent efforts were about to bear fruit and that we are within measurable distance of a 2-cent rate. "mine public opinion in the consti- tuencies is fast driving the members to oppose the railways in this mat- 1,7. .. 'rre ter, we ï¬nd our own member against the proposed reduction - and to strengthen his position he.sta:tes in a speech in the House “that the peo- ple of Victoria County do not want a. 2-cent rate" and actually went so far as to threaten the people with the dire vengeance of the railway companies if the mileage rate were reduced. That Col. Hughes never loses an opportunity to betray his constitu- ents to the railways must be patent to every one who has watched his course in the House. Many instances are on record. All must remember the occasion when the hard working section men (paid only '98 cents ‘a day) struck for better wages, the honorable member for North Victor- t‘o mise his voice in favor o! ‘the railway. We certainly must admire the gall of our representatives. They have compelled all railway compan- carry in their pockets, through fair- or of the Bell Telephone Co., afree pass in all telephone omces. They have raised their indelnnities from $1,000 to $2£500 in less than four ies in the Dymioion to givé them free transportation. not only during the sasiong but all,the year round: Tpey years. There is now before the House a. bill to compel navigation companies to carry them. free. . As the Mail and Enpire states all that is left is to compel the hotels to hand them free. In {ace ofall this they insist on ‘ their consitituents paying outside ï¬gures 0! 3 and 3; cents per mile. Fortimately this is not a. party question, but a. direct issue between the railways and the peopleâ€"9. ques- tion on'which that is a confliCt at opinion’ between our \mmber undid! that a. mass meetina‘ of the peaple 0: Victoria he called and this men- sureofvitalimpomncetou an, be fully considered while llr. Hae- lean' a Bill is More the H0189. J. MAUI .\\'. ‘ , Woodvme â€VA VA vodv v--- , were also present. Altogether Mr. Bell has ï¬fty-two grandchildren. He has been married twice. but has no family by his second wife,» who is still livm’g. '1'wo sons were unab‘e to be present at the happy family and sodal gathering. -v-.. v._ dren, Mrs. Hugh McCullum, Mimico, the middle link in the ï¬ve genera- tions, she being a grandmother; Mrs. Cherry, King township, and her husband; Mr. William Kennedy. Durisford ; Mr. Alex.» Kennedy. Lind- say; Mrs. Sam. Thurston, and Mr. James 'Kennedy. Dunsford. A num- ber of the children of the foregoing it“ LUIVINIUI‘IV‘ I Ivnu râ€"â€" -_-- :3“ Lmdsay, Out, in when town the ‘ ' , marriage will take place New Year's CRITICIZES 001“ HUGHES AC- Day. Mr. Brown. replied, expressing TION 0N RAILWAY RATES his appneciation. 0n} returning from Editor Watchman-Warden - thé east Mr. and Mrs. ' Brown will -_A d...“ “u take Up residence at Moosejaw, Sask. faWIhâ€"J; ï¬rs. Stevfrart, North ()ps' Mrs. John Kennedy, Duns-lord; Mrs. Ar- thur Bell, 'Lindsay; the Mach!!- ,_ - - ‘rA_-:-- ~v'. â€" wv- _‘ when they were throw: standards were so stuns a!“ ‘ “they appealed to Secretaxy Wilson â€(the give the delegation “spank, flat C _.LA.I . 1 W " , m _______,____I'_‘i"°"“° Gerkof legislature Resigns mmflfg Child’s Ska" Fractured Am: utendsugâ€" MA" “on 2“.†m‘mhum. .... Mm COMMUNICATIONS On Wednesday, Dec. 26th. at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Wel- don. West Ops. their only daughter. Harriet Pearl. was .unital in mar- riage to Harry Daniels, The bride was given away. by her father, and wore a gown of cream heurietta. trimmed with a. wreath of orange blossoms. and can-ind a bouquet n: roses. The bride was attended by her cousin, Misc 0. Dyer, of Port Hope. and the groom was supported by Mr. Arthur WeMon. [brother of the bride. The bride's 30mg away dress was of navy blue chiflon broadcloth. The ceremom’ was per- fosmed by Rev. L. Phelps, of Lind- say, While Miss Estella. Mstthie. of Lindsay. played the wedding march. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a. dainty dejeuneu The wt from the groom to the bride was 1 piece of furniture. to the bridesmuid a. brooch set with pearls. Atkmpng Dy MP. artnur weraon, the bride. The bride's going away dress was of naVy blue broadcloth. The ceremony was per- fosmed by Rev. L. Phelps, oi Lind- say, while Miss Estella Metthie. of Lindsay. played the wedding march. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a dainty dejcuneu The gift from the groom to the bride was a piece of furniture. to the bridesmaid a. brooch set with pearls. Among the guests were Mr. J. B. Weldon. Missg F. Weldon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Weldon. Oakwood; Mr. and Mrs D. King. Manilln; Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson, Mr. ‘0. Thompson, Glan- dine . .Mr. and Mrs. W. Tamlin. Miss Viola Tomlin. Miss Maggie Davidson. Cambray; Mr. Percy King. Aylmer . Mr. A. Steepler.Miss 11:)? King. Mr. Will wing. Toronto; Mrs. Thompson. Miss Glare. Thompson. mutiny, Mr. J. Moore, Msnilla; Mr. Barrett. of 'I‘oronto.; Miss Matthie. oi Illndsay; Mr. and Mrs F. Thompson, Cameron; Mr. sdeMrquohn Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Howdon and Miss Orr. 14nd- any. The presents were numerous and useful. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels l_e!t on the 8__o'clvoclt train for Port It is reported that the Government is considering the advisability of asking the Legislature at the com- ing session to vote g sum of mo. ney to beused in the establishment of at least two agricultural schools for dinerent sections or me cider parts of the Province. One story is to the edect that the districts in which these institutions will be es- tablished have already been selected. and that announcement on this point will be made when~the vote is asked. The schools will be distinct from the pioneer farm to be established in New Ontario. and are. it is said. in- tended to me as miniature agricul- tural colleges. The idea is not an old one. so {or as the present Govern- ment is concerned, for long beto‘rs attaining. to once the Conservative party advocated the establishment a! several such schools where on a mile:- seale the work. particularly in the preliminary phases of theAg- ï¬cultunl College at Guelph. which has been so greatly in the interests at this 'Provinss. could be duplicate ed. . . It; is said that the establishment o! lelt on the 8 0'0â€â€œ man ‘0’ â€0" It; is sad that the establishment 0! Hope- After their return they intend the two schools will be snared upon to reside on Elm" Lindm- and ., good start mac during the . coming spring. thiï¬'oï¬ef, °f ,‘fénsg‘m ' Enï¬rééé mm" non-3' a mo 0mm 13m $32? “Exam; $2: poerqito et. purity 0’ themNMEGwl‘d-nSkunbedonetommtthewlshu of streams, rivers and lake! and to - - ‘ ' Hr. FieldMg and his companions m ‘ em cm“ â€a mm“ "m that will be done by the emptying their sewage into water . 1 - ° - ° 0 - Prom Government and the mem- £311?†:0 minimum “3°23? â€c133 W Pm Railway get a m o, the hummus and Norm points covered in the draft. of m ' W W? on: Ontario Railway Commission. new amendments (or the Pro“ 3 ‘ _‘ _ . ‘ Some time ego the Provincial Ad- B‘eqlth Act. The mm“ ' m _ '_ ‘ , ministration made .ppuum'on to the trained by the Prov-hep! Fund at ‘. Wave- o:'the Fallen! Gov- W Government {or g bonus! for Hedth. and thet body. will}; 49.; «mt em. a noon u potable. the Provincial med. The eta-comm; ‘dd.m»m themedtowé5 the; “VSâ€? the line-o! the W mm 0! about â€Â£00: mile. it. is 'medthekw. "~ ~ U , 0mm J4‘hid.mw. Uptothepre- t fl 4. .‘ _ . t ‘ m 1 ' A my my wedding tools loco cm New as" do: at 61 Bee Mn. 1when Kiss Ethel Mabel W8. youngest daughter at Mr. and NW Robert Widdess. lives united in more rinse to David Bimini: Brown. of Winnipeg. Man. Little Wt Widdess, alone 0! die bride, .was white nastier Gordon Robertson, nephew of the bride. acted as page-q ‘Alfter their, return from a short honeymoon trip spent in Montreal and eastern points. Mr. flower girl, and Mrs. Brown will reside in Moosejaw, Seek. Winnipeg Free Press, Dec. 21: A pleasing event took place at the wholesale dry goods house,of Gault Limited, on the 22nd instant. when on behalf of the managun'ent and stafl, 'Hl M. Belcher, manager, pre- sented to D. R. Brown, their Wes,- ern representative, a cabinet 0! cuï¬leryand aas‘il‘ver tea: service, as a token of their best wishes on his leaving the ranks of the bachelors to join the Uenedict-s, taking as his partner. in life Miss Ethel Wid-dess, AWTSEDIOOK FERRY'S 1907" seen ANNUAL now READY ma FREE ms. 'I‘BIBUTOON. . Ferry's (not Sad Book is now ready for distribution. This is the hook that every farmer wants and waits tor. It makes no dlflerenee what other catalogues 3are Wed, farmers are not satisï¬ed until they get Ferry's. Demure it contains bet- ter and taller iniormation. Ferry’s Seed Annual is really more than a catalogue. It (ï¬lers from the usual seed catalogue inasmuch as it really helps each farmer or gardener to choose intelligently the varieties 'best suited to his particular needs, The wieeselection of varieties re- sults in bigger, better paying ca'opS. The experience gained in ï¬fty years of successful seed growing is thus at your command. For freshness. purity and reliabili- l... â€Ans-us... GMA- no-n {n n PIQEQ h\V To Secure Purity of Water in Streams and lakes On New Youâ€! day. .1. the m We of the bride's com. 31:. l J. McLaughlin. K.C.. Bunny. Joe phlno Elizabeth Shana. .daughter the late Joseph 89513166, ear-Mart, Was the wet imt of many hamlwmo presents. .f- mud 1m. ï¬ï¬‚ch left on tha awning tram tur‘ their mum; name in Madam. 3;"JWima-t 13mm, 1.1)., oz Windsor. The many was po’r- rormeh by,.the Rev. J. F. HcLnghâ€" 111:, of; (Dumbo. #1 the Moe " o! the i‘mmedlgté relatives 0! the bride sud groom. The brad wore a. pretty gown of grey- crepe do chene over pmk'silk, 911d hp: goingwnvuy dreu wsé green broadcloth with hat ta much. The room: were decoratefl with cedars, rowanâ€"berries. Chrm- mas bans and wreaths. The bride A standand (or milk tiujoughout DANIELSâ€"WELDON. BRmNâ€"smpws. at them“? Gunman!) cum to: 2mm the land. and farmers everywhere have conï¬dence in the name of Ferry. and- know (or a certainty»' that their seeds can be relied upon. They know that My paCkage has behind it the reputation of a house whose business standards are the highest? in the trade. Just drop a postal 1p D. N. Ferry (r. Co.. Windsor, Ont.. and they will send you a copy of their 1907 Bed Annual. It is absolutely free. Perry's Seed Annual is really more than a. catalogue. It diners from the usual seed catalogue inasmuch as it really helps each farm or gardener to choose intelligently the varieties 'best suited to his particular needs. The wise selection of mieties re- sults in bigger, better paying Grow. The experience gained in titty years of successful seed growing is thus at your commend. . e. u in! '- 'I-‘or freshness. purity and reliabili- ty, Perry's Seeds are in a; class by themselves. They are lmown all gvcr Ferry'e mt Seed Book is now ready for distribution. This is the hook that every farmer wants end waits tor. It makes no diflmce what other catalogues 3am Wed, farmers are not satisï¬ed until they get Ferry's. because it. contains bet- ter and luller intormution. ‘ 'Wék tickets. Government May Establish Two New Agricultural porous N ew New System at Redeeming Unused 0:10“. Tkketg anti; combatinuu Wheatthomodmmt umfldddymm. (b. at. hummus and This uceliput Cgco! mar the vjï¬nctibn o! the Black and AWN Riven. Everything that can be done to meet the wish-I 0! {Ir- Ndhx mi N3 Won- in tint - will be done by the Gem: and the mem- M'- o! the Wing tad North- on Ontu'io Railway Gambian. vine“! ruflrond‘to the head ofï¬ce! and very cheap. Try a pound. , Also imported Chocolates g and Bon-Bons, from best g are delicious and wholesome, THE E A. B. Terry’s A. B.Terry On hand or made“ to Order. This store is headquarters for WEDDING CAKES. WWCWmmttt is headquarters for home. made Candies of all kinds, made from pure sugar. They Homo-undo CANDIES Fruits, Nuts, Figs and “ï¬ll nu. “ï¬shi‘l 51‘; GMlm; ï¬ll! 65‘: of all kinds in season ‘ Oystou by the quart " w you the compliments of the season, we ‘6 ,‘vaHw ,y'.‘ Will. W of thinking our customers for their m during 1906 Our constant cndeax or has alwax s Wedding Cakes ‘ 737% WWW quality In our goods, courteous W“ in Vail! alien and to have our business methods m1? 1W midway. This ml] continue to be our stand- I'd“ 1907 AM your patronage is respectfully solicited. TO ALL OUR PATRONS AN D FRIENDS l. L. CAMPBELL, ‘ - â€- math-May west of w duvnmuknmu-thorohgromdtofw MWWII‘M hum muting» WWW“; Phandpmximity'to the in r, Rummy boundu-y “maid-to t! In an , Id uh- la M it " How a '0‘!“me m not wanting in other ‘qmmmmu A Happy and Prog- EWOMdingtho Iowa:- 5?- 3 m a In ear-ago is fart m hon now And apparently Anon; tho mum-Lt kindred class Influxwm the dictrict imâ€" % 0! Like Superior b m to (in: that the h- im. asking» headway - -. ,to tho mutational to tilt wuhy Bom. signs Moth muons Mayer‘s-o. Theincome <30- rived exclusively through the ex- ertionu of the Indians themselves has M the ï¬ve million mark and m:- needed that of the previous .year 3'35 over but c million donors. The Mom. whbh was rather heavx but you. is utmbutod in part 0 the madness of the winter, “which is 1 W beneï¬t. to a. people .150 I." to W for existence and are mm to pulmonary and mom or loan khdred diseases The my arm in the sale of JW“ an W is noted in the w‘ wort. mad this warning is , wâ€"“Wo-uhvo boen oh- â€I! duhcrtlc ya: that a saw: The Indian population of Canada at the end of the ï¬SCal year mounted to 109,394, a. net. inc-ease o! 1.757 compared with the previous year. Ontan'o is set down as hav- ing on w of 2.878. but this. is lately owing to gain by transfer of Indium toms-[yaho‘vn in Keewatin and o! 111th hitherto not shown ct all. m total number of births m 2.511 and 0! deaths 2,329, the not gain from utnnl increase being 182. or 91 led trom' thd same source Kent St, - Lindsay ’ Fresh and reliable drugs and other articles kept in a ï¬l‘at- alas: drug store will always be found in stock. a He' respectfully Solicits 8 Con- ï¬mmm 0‘ “36 same for the W? W:- Recipes $9 than]; his mum n, n wealâ€; QM “id 338?, fax W â€M“! Pfltmuagc during 1906. W. G. DUNOON DECIMAL Kmanlkwithusahmthhdoteputchas- \n‘nne'nudu :: :: z: :: :: :: “mamï¬mm butdoing a 5‘ij the m Munymovo mm Miami.†watch we mmbmfamungood. ldithlelinebeeptmnndooetbntwfllbecom «cumâ€"Imam M Mn Manama GOOD WATCH in likeagoodfï¬eodâ€" it's-n wdl. Notonlythecasc. wh'dlyoua-oa. butthewcrhaswcn. with theibuodredlcf little wheels. pinions DECIMAL WATCH The Indian Population S. J. PETTY The Jeweller WATCHES To all he wishes diagram! mm. rem. “A Happy N ew Year†DRUGGISV. LINDSAY ‘ nanny. Bast Values. “concerned I of Win Tempting fl COMEA M Sin-It is with' “hum of your inten: tom business and to s gamma win) the ï¬rm Ehich Mr. Ingle sm‘ Following is the add! f-‘Z'George Inglve, 15' Wed his employees gin-y in turn took h py presenting him SHOWED GOOD ‘ T0 LA‘ IR. GEORGE man or A GOLD H] AND AK ADDRES A few evenings ago Ingle, who has sold 1': Reeve f0 James begs to thank t‘: of Lindsay for t1 support in his q Biggest and econ prices thg have decr M task of in €101- Advert 1'6"." Lin 3nd Bun-cu District. cw $63801] remnants merchan deal The imm F.A.R Cash and One VOLUME Ladies' Wear, u Men 6 Wm. The mcrch ment in th' such as yo to give de every dep event “'15 Q Perh