‘ w: )rth 4.01), ............ 1.95 ';1r,.......225 hive ...1.‘I5 at ...... 2.25 at ...... 2.10 ce I >11 ce lea, Shirts, I. Night ctlons. "UARY 10th, mum 0t rice . . .3756 The Selling Eve; of the Year. t whole lS I'ICCS 12.06 12g: .250 mum 111 be the Emma!» Mme“ Ammm the mmam of. lame: was badly tom wag hut cheese m {an wmwmld 1:0qu as The um m 90‘? mm 9.3 The two I opentinx- c1 tel-e out of an the numerous ddry papers that come into the once. I CHEESE AND BUTTER MAKERS m WWW the FORM AN ORGANIZATION I3::“:’:Â¥:2“wm€‘ our annual conventions we have a. number or ï¬ne addressee andn lot . of good work is done. but at a meet- The Counties of Ontario, Victoria and flaliburton Included me ï¬nk;1i this kind where we set a zoo ecussion on matters â€"0fï¬cers Electedâ€"Raising the Price of mg to the wmctm “We...†Manufacture Favored Products much good my be done. N0 doubt you have read the letters On Saturday last, January 0. a the one he wished to sp ask on bWhile published hlately 30m the different - f, . _ l . i . th 'mmcil he was free to confess pthat etter makers w o are l complaining 0: We“? “if. :d(_ u; 1:8 Lbuttergb butter can be made by the latter the dimculty they have to contend Lham’er' â€â€œ33" 0 _ ssy stem, the cream gathered plan with. mud elmoetin every metal:- and cheese makers of Ont“ 10: ‘ic‘ iwhere the milk is separated at home in; of goingout of the business The toria and Haliburton Counties. Mr. on the farm has so many advantag- question of sanitary inspection ll ol- w N n. r Lomev111e,nas ap- eSthat this system has come to stay so pressing the proprietor to put on m. ewma o and we must make the best of itnnd'imp remnants and toner MM “lb? "9‘1““! Chairman†and G A Gilles" feducate the patrons to the use or the should have pom premium is to P19. Pete’bomi secretM-V- hand separator and care 0] cream“ the emf-ting o! omen Morin 1n opening the meeting Mr. New- ‘home. Another point he hâ€: in a? WWII mg’fllfl t “mg; I ' ed that the I :et'n~ was _mind was 0 8““ ‘pflm b . so it 35 0 m“ a“? “m "I 1 ° ‘farmer who tome keep his em if» mum “WW W “wed m the â€"905“ ."F ""“fldenng best condition tore eweek, when he now u wry some h tween! the “’5‘ 0‘ manufaa‘mng’ and “the" I would be sure to know how to issue the m “a“; important matters with the dair} it my- say ï¬ve 5- {W at“. ï¬iï¬ it!“ mm mm 6“ bus nets. were he tries! in eeaeeeuenm with emu The meeting until adionm‘xm'nt at «376%? Y3.“ Exhibition. Balm m 12 o clock “wt into a diet- Iss’mh on Nth}? statements fl! 9‘“ ‘8 6‘53 $3M the care or cream and mahuhmmung' patmI he we 513an meet m m °* W I'm mm“ amaï¬ min .w . ,-\muiésébÂ¥3‘ Q}? 2‘013'1‘3 OFI I3? 5. mg. m “ ï¬ftï¬nés‘i‘ 6 j i in erwwoeaw new we“ at - 3:89:in age enema were 6193th 1 they are too Bauer gmkéw I‘m my name he . . aï¬m j A; tomato! m4 Wk wee perigee Wdf‘gmwé margin (were! I ‘, mew m In 9mm warmer; are M! Ma, ,3 ï¬le†mike km: F" We mggggl: ““E'éï¬â€˜yiii: a? exam and mm at $2; my mw$ m! at am! Emma? M m mamg 39 {xm WEH‘: in; Men mtiwgmï¬m? ehmuï¬butmmm 53983? The meeting until adjauwmm at 1‘9 o'elomwaa mm a dwegmww we «the M M the manmaum b! 9mm». ' In opening the rimming Mr. New- man explained that the meeting was called for the purpose n? Lvnsidering the cost of manufacturing, and other important mattei‘s (with â€the dairy bus Inc-as. ., V On Saturday last, January 3, a. meeting was held in the Council Chamber, Lindsay, of the butter and cheese makers of Ontario, Vic- toria and Haliburton counties. Mr. Wm. Newman, of Lomevnle, 13.5 ap- pointed chairman. and G. A. Gilles- pie. Peberboro, secretary. ran WATCBKANâ€"WARDLR, THURSDAY, JmABY1mliéom] OPENS STORE actuating of batten w 3190mm! and on. but cheese MS 9,11 :Oom» 9. and at these small metâ€"- 1%: auld 11k; to have 8.11 “AG-f Ht: 09w mm . w.- may â€Mnow mm; 9‘ WW!“ «I the who). milk a": 19m 8 am. Wakely’ 3 January CUT PRICE SALE ;the one he wished to sp eak on. While lhe was free to confess pthat better butter can be made by the latter system, the cream gathered plan :where the milk is separated at home on the farm has so many advantag- es that this system has come to stay and we must make the best of it and ieducate the patrons to the use of the hand separator and care 01 Wet home. Another point he had in his _mind was to give apriz’e to the Tax-mei- who coaul'd keep his em 11:1 ‘best medium for 1; Week then he would be sure we knew been) ' it my. Bey We eet three aewe: ‘flue some he tried :3 eeeeeeuea with wees ran exhibmee; 6% his ewe {monthly statements gem eel to the games. he memes theme! heme; meg“ m mmetme ere giyeall his he}? to their better â€on fanization. "new 6mm via-W1 hgve opportunitigio." he add, "ta 3e; the beat mouth endear? mt .v . . vn‘ wavy w.« in. not CLOSES STORE Giving the farmers and other rosi- dwts access to the open market: of the countrv. , The dimio‘pmeht 0! mm; « The mm; to mat-m o! the that qmmm wince: um». how With these completed there would be continuous navigation from Crun' berry lake. through Pine, Grams. Maple. BeeCh, the Big Boskung. Little Boskung, TWelve Mil-3. Mean. tain. Minden River. Gull Lake. Nor- ris Lake. the Not-land river. Mud Turtle lakes. and Coboconk river to Balsam Lake. than connecting With the min canal and the rallmm. a. total distance of from ï¬fty to â€My miles. The carrying out of this propul- tlon. the umber for Victor“ and Hallhm-ton pointed out. would can- for immense beneï¬ts. among other: meronomg - _.. .- 631mm». vtrunce of Gull 1a.. Thin would be all thnt Would bo necessary to reach Hindu. To pro coed onward would :3un z B. A «rattle cable tramway for but: {ram Gull river below Stua- non’u mm. to the top of the bank at the south and o! Hounuun lake run by water power. { 9. A dun between Horueshoo and Mountain lake. 10. Blushing the lodge between Mountain and Twelve-Mile lakes. 11. A†dam and locks between Beech and Maple lakes. A - The plane the favoring: 1. A dun on lock: ct Cobooonk. 2. Bloating the "Pox-tag."- below Noflwd. 8. A dam und lock at Nor‘and ‘. Further blasting "Tho Rum] Dun†tbovo Norhnd '3.“ (an; and iock at unaw- Pulls. This was the topic 0! discussion on Friday evening last by e few friends in Mortimer's Hotel, Hindu. Colonel. Sam. Hughes. M.P., was driven by Mr. James Thompson trom Kinmount that afternoon, the Colonel having wired the day More to gather a. few gentlemen together to discuss the proposition. Recently ‘in {the House of Commons at Ottawa. in reply to a. speech by Colonel 3 Hughes In fever of these waterways, Sir 'wmrid Laurier, while muting he 'had formerly been wrong in his views re the Trent Camel, but now favored that project; said that he would also hvor branch canals and waterways to the main canal. but was inï¬ermed thet Heliburton Coun- ty was unï¬tted for and should be set apart for in. 1"Forest Reserve“; The Colonel in reply had shown the’ Prune Minister that 11 had been wrongly informed. On ridny even- ing last the member {or Victoria and Haliburton recited the history of the proposition. Twenty years ago it was impressed upon him by Keene. James Mortimer, McIntosh, Dele- mere, Baker, Gainer; th’ht Brom, and many others. ï¬rly in the nine- ties Col. Embo- had Gcwermnom. Engineers report on thomroponluon. In 1892 or 1893 the ~Oolonol sub- mitted his plan to the Governmont. and Englmers’ reports conï¬rmed Rs teulbflky and utility. The late Mr. Robert. Mortimer had conducted the Buckner: .u through than water. on the bout of wooden: _ _ “6;, Blaming the ledge 01 rock' at Moor‘l Fullu. In an article under the heading “The Minder: leev Canal.†the Minder: Echo says i OFFICERS ELECTED. Ofï¬cers wage elected as follows: Pres., Wm. Newman. Lornevillo: Vice-Pm, Jan. Stonehouse, Port Perry; Sect.-'I‘regs., I. J. Lewis; Lindsay. Mr. Newman was appointed a dele- gate to attend;the E. D. A†at Ot- MINDEN VALLEY BRANCH 0F TRENT VALLEY CANAL COL. ‘HUGHES, M.P.. POINTS OUT ITS FEASIBILITY, AND ADâ€" VANTAGES AT A MEETING 6nâ€" Associaï¬on, and adopt the by laws as read. Guelph which represents the bed industry. , RESOLUTIGNE. ‘ The toll , molalom were mad at meetinbr , 1. That id View of the increased 4. That we to-day form ourselves into an association to be known as the Ontario, Victoria» and Halibuftr sfmt this megthng- is in symm- thy with the movement to have the dnese and butter ushers placed on some legal standing. meaty}! uâ€"hitratoré to“ deter-shine the dam “done to their business wba: a factory is built in their close prox. > 2. Thut aï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©adng'3mommmd to the Eastern Opï¬urio Dutrymen' s Asociatioa that m press for leg- islation giving the owners 0! factor- ies the right to ask for the gppoint- a. tow yard. at on- PATERSON’S any who I: society. m Ir. Wimun am; Mr m0. Vi†hot-Io broader: was held in the King ma Haul. Toronto. on Janna-y 3. when n new Ontario Hone Brood- cn' Anocintion was (armed and of- ï¬cers am Tho meeting was held .undcr the authority. of the Provincinl Act pun-0d in! nation mpccting uricultuni mociuiou. and includ- cd mauve. iron: the bund- Uona cud Hackney and Pony Socio- tic. which will now be combined in 0. Max cremation. Any other cocidty incorponud under tho no. million Act. tor record association- m who be ropnocntod in the new locioty. The oiliccn elected were :â€" Er. William Smith (Columbus), pro- ddut; Ir. '1‘. A. Graham (Cluc- mono. victpruldcnt. and Mr. A. P. WMt. actuary-twat". with a. bond oi 18 directors. Horse Breeders Combine and Form One Society There would be no “emailing" in the ordinary some at . the term, manly locks and dun: 1t connecting point. between lakol. All thou present creamy .Iavored the project. Good, Old, Meflow Whiskies and RED LETTER RYES WISER’S CANADIAN EXPORT mun of much importance to I broaden wu hold m‘ thoKinc Iiiâ€"{Win can: COUGE DROPS A wow or Child can opouto tho Excolulor Flu WM 0.. Quickly and Perfectly u a Inn. The following in coplod from the 'I‘oroflo World: ‘flomnvllloâ€" Who: might have bean a. oorloul flu occurnod In the Ontario Bank build. in; last night. who . little child from a lighted notch. out. are tothe curtains“ o. wbdow. J. A. Mo- Clolland. the w. lives _ovor FIRES occur without any mm and you don’t. know ‘11ng or hour who you will man than. mulling make. rushed into roommdwithc drypowdcr-l “thrush†put out the lumen; The CHEAPEST and most Perfect Fire Protection in the World. ITCANbouudqutcklyby young or olduxd willaflncuhhufln In In what stage instantly. EVERY Print. Dwelling. rum. Building. Mry. Stan. «A. would b. protactod with the Excel- slor Flu WIN. RUBEN GALLINGER, 4941. Agent Township 0! Eat. KEN no not that paint ,when n are occurs. County Treasurer a once, um. Novena-it 14th. 1906. -46-14. The Excelsior Fire . Extinguisher Conny lives over IcClellnnd. into the m lanthanum-3.. Hun-ht. Moon-u mil-M l}. mu. Bean and u Ml In In. G. u Baum “wallet-y Stone or at In: magnets on Albert-ch Lina-p. The "Gunman Pictorial†{or The Wo.tchma.n-Wa.rder for one MI and CW NHMM gm of mutiny and [amending ' country. To tho Student. J. A. WYLIE th. B. Omemee, Ontario P. S.â€"Physicim's Preset-1pm carefully dispensed. moot lively interest to .11 and costing over euthan- md donut an {nunâ€"see -â€"- samples at this 060.. 8!. Our price to our mm on for both I)“ only 81.“ A Mammy printed . publication containing over: a. thousand pictures of tho In order to get good re- sults quickly a physiâ€" cian must have pure, fresh drugs, and the only place to buy is at Wylie’s We also have a full line of School Supplies, etc. PURE DRUGS your mu‘én Nathan» deM m.a"m of, “E“? W?“ 3‘ LINE 6f Hum m u We wish $0 tam CLUBBING OFFER Oman-lost. .u. 0-. PAGE W"