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Watchman Warder (1899), 10 Jan 1907, p. 8

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The Kennedy Davis Millign :We offer one hundred thousand shares AT 50c. “PE-R S stock will sell above par WITHIN A FEW WEEKS The Capital of the Com One Dolla1 ($1. 00) each, stock non assessable. This is an exceptional Opportunity to secure stock 1n 3 first class company at half value. far as we are aware no company h indications show a vein 5 feet wide, stripped almost 11is the whole pmpe are shown which carry good values. 1 , The shaft on- -the \adeau value of the ore in our jumbo vein. and Kay Foster. pany is One Million Dollars ($1, 000 ,000) in One Million Shares of HUGHES as been organized 11:1 Cobalt district having better prospectc property, Within 25 feet of our southern bounds: , The Edison mine in close proxumty is shipping , 4 4th. Harv Elbabeth v‘w-w â€"-In Linduy. on January I â€" wife Em? Watchman-Warder Kennedy Cobalt might-not become consumers. What thoir feelings must be, 'is not posi- tivL-ly known. but *it can be read- ily imagined‘ that they are not plea- sant It would not he a matter of surprise if they should. consider that. their self-Sacrificing labors have been so littln npprociatml that they would resin and allow the waterworks to go to the dogs or any other old plum- which the 'electors might please to haw them go. They are probab- ly ton loyal to the town's interest porton of time and study to this subject, withOut fee 'or reward. and came to the conclusion that the pro- posed slow filtering scheme was the best solutlon 40f Lindsay's water problem,‘ in regard to purity. cer- tainty of supply, and financial re- sults. In all 'they were backed by men whohave made water supply in relation to sanitation, a life study. The Commissioners have been turned down by a majority of the electorate largely, it is believed, as has already been suggested, by street corner argr uments based on wrong premises. The Commissioners had no axe to grind, no interests to serve only those of the people of Lindsay. the consumers of waterland the prospec- tive consumers, and even those who The Water Gammjssioners, men oi immigr’ncc; men of probity, men of humuc» ability, have g'iV'cn a large er. liable to be contaminated at any time so as to .make. it.positively dan- gerous to use without boiling. Have those who voted against the by-law considered .» this phase of the situa- tion 1’ Probably not. There is abunâ€" dant eVidence to show that manyâ€"it would be wrong to say allâ€"who vot- ed against the proposition did so .from prejudice, or from incorrect views upon the subject not formed from the best information available on thesubject. It is not necesary to‘ recall the reasons in favor of the‘ rs‘Cheme. They were practically unan- sweravble. The bringing forward of an artesiam well supply did..it is true, suggest a possible better sourceâ€" only possible, be it remembered. Such a supply might afford sufficient water, but then again~it might not, then as the colored man said about his being on a. steamboat explosion, ffWhar «is you” ‘? .nuz what. of the term between this and that date ? The Water Commis- sioners would‘mrcely think we“ of submitting a by-lwwiagain next. year, so that for two years. at least. the people of Lindsay who are now us- ing the water tor drinking purposes must continue to use an unsafe wat- 22 more than two 'years ago. On the other” hand 246 cast their ballots to secure'the (”trust on scheme. nearly two and a'halr times as many as on its former submission. There is. thereforo, a my ofhopo in the situ- Mion. Two yours hence it the ra- tio nl' voters on ouch side increases proportionately to what it has dur- ing the past two years a by-law {or the same purpose will carry by a mil majority. i :ment seems to be slowly advancing tin rqard to this matter. A refer~ -aloe to fine M this paper for 1905, when a. similar by-luw was submitted thou-s that the votevthen was 104 in favor of the proposition and 504. against. or practically five to one in opposition. On Monday last, 526 V01ed~against the py-law, which wu‘ PPRBSIDENT-ROBERT KENNEDY. SEC’Y-TREISr-W. H. JR AI-Iead Officeâ€"261 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Phone Main c533. Preeidont‘e Phone. Put-1411 The defeat of the by-law to expend $30,000 on a. slow; sand filtering plant {or the town water supply, it .8 needless to say, is much regretted my the Watchman-Wander. Qne re- defining feature of the rejection of “the proposal is that public senti- Defeat of Filtering By-law PAGE EIGHT The Watchman-Wade ”CAPITAL (No Personal Liability) (Incorporstad under tha law- of Ontario) Toronto. Jan. 8.â€"â€"Charles McGill, ear-Genera] Manager of the Ontario Bank was: committal for tnial by Magistrate Deniaon in the Police Court this morning on the charge at making finish 'rdtulms to“the Gov- 0rnment in connection with the funds of the (Bank. It is; likely that on Thursday the prehimimary hearing of the theft charges will be con- cluded. and toâ€"day it was intimated that another commi‘ttment will he rqgistared. The Grand Jury now in wwsion at the AssiMe Court wilv hear tho first charge this Week if pos- si-hl-o. Mr. McGi‘.l was allowed out on the same bail}. The Lindsay Light, Heat and Power Company annoum that after the lst of'January their rate for incandescent lighting will be 122‘; cents per 1000 watts, with a. discount of 25 per cent. if paid by the 10th of each month, instead. of 20 per cent. as heretofore. This. with the fact that no metre rate is charged, it is claimed. makes fifli‘s one of the most flavorable rates in the Province. Large posters ‘havexbeen issued for the Annual W'mfter Races at Lindsay on Wednesday and Thursday. Jan. 16th and 17th. There will be five eventsâ€"two on the first day and three on [the secondâ€"for trotters and pacers. The purses are very liberal. Entries close on Jan. 12th at 9 a. m. Reduced railway fares havebeen arranged for both days, and the prospects are for the largest and best race meeting ever held iri Iuind- say. See posters for full particulars» D' “5"" Mr. W. McW‘atters was chairman at the latter part of the meeting during which Mr. Phelps returned thank on behalf of himself and family for the gifts. A number of speeches were also made by gentlemen present teet-~ ifyirg to the appreciation of the work of Mr. Phelps. Such evidences of good feeling betweez} pastor and people are pleasing. } Presentations of a study gown to Mr. Phelps, 3. dozen silver knives and forks to Mrs. Phelps. 8. go'ld neck chai-n 03.611 to Misses Gi-adys and Winnie, and a watch fob to Master Arthur were the'n made by Mrs. Pol- lard and Puffer on behalf of the con- gregation. ' u , 2,A__-_ _‘ McGill Committed for Trial ”V5! ‘11-...“ - _ â€" dress expressing the great esteem in which Mr. Phelps is held by his peo- ple and appreciation of the active interest. taken by Mrs. Phelps and others of the family in the work 0! the church. Iau‘nuv to meet some friends at the chureh.‘ On arrival they were surprised to and the basement tasuly decorated and tables well spread with substan- tlals and delicacies. Mr. Robt. Stin- son came forward and read an ad- REV. L. PHELPS. OF QUEEN A debating leeway was organized STREET METHODIST CHURCH for the winter AND FAMILY, RECEIVE TO- I KENS 0!“ APPRECIATION. . Last Friday evening Rev. L., Honor to Bank MCIICW Phelps. pastor of Queen street. Meth- mlist church and family. were asked; M" I" My Wilmot, for the to meet some friends at. the church. put (our your: manager of the Bank On arrival they were surprised to pf Montreal. Peterboro, .wu Monday and the basement tasmy decorated night honored by the leading busi- ray of hope may grow into a bee for pure water supply in mm. PASTOR AND FAMILY pear on the surface, which have fluencea some electors. The bare 1mention of them would be a? reflec- ‘tion upon the intelligence of thema- ple of Lindsay. .The post intelligent people do make mistakes occasional- ly, and the,present is an illustration as far as some ratepayers 01' this town are concerned. To conclude let us hope that a clearer vision will come on hha van-rs pass on. and that the SUBSCRIPTION is wrong. and the Commuonmbo- “L.§*i€i e ; ing human home-.110 doubt randomis- The W mg takesâ€"they themselves admit itâ€"the W 14009 0' !e1ectors had an opportunity to re- ‘ a” W 557 on M. place one, indeed two, at the recent shipful ] municipal election, but no‘voice was the datum” f4 raised, if; that direction, the retiring ed oflflers for the Commissioner being reelected by ac- District W: ty, Wni. Wm; clamation. There are reasons that‘ donot ‘39- Jordan; Rem-Se , mu __Qa'n w T to do that. mu: VALUE $1700 lindsay Winter Races Reduced Rates for Electric Light resent is 3“ “mam-anon The. annual meeting and election o! mm “’3' the “mind “WW?“ 0”“ ”w" omeers of St. Paul's Young new. “‘1 WW.“ 1°? 15..wu- 3‘ ‘ To conclude let us Associations was held on Honda 07- A by-iow prom ‘03 tho. hold-J :learer vision will come 5' in: of'the mud elections. Theby- euing. Dr. Coilison gave an ad. low who I! in tin ‘ i man ., t the _ pone , noun ner.‘ P338 09' “d “‘3 are” on “The Care of the Body“ in Weblterâ€"Crm.â€"Thnt the clerk '. ’. ‘ c r supply in le The following ‘oflcers elected 30:01:“ 0: 3w lug-fits in ”51mm . I" the ensuing yea: 1 ”9‘1““. Smitheramâ€"Orqg.â€"Thnt our coli- Leigh 3- Knight, V‘WPm-v G°°r8° citor be instructed to notily 'l'hoa.‘ '0 fAMlLY Deal! ;.Sec.-'rreu., W. Perkins; Exe- COl-d thnt action will ' be M00 WERE SURPRISE!) cutivo Committee, Messrs-Hopkins, ““3“th in mud to the 6:9- ...__ Armctr and Mu h . moron. itch dug by him Long .3 008 ”p 5' turn: at Qumran. aELPS. OF QUEEN A debating society was organized CrawSmitherumâ€"Thnt the taxes dETHODIST CHURCH for the winter on not: 2.; 8. and 4, west or Lind- [LY RFCEIVE TO- Gay-8L. Cumbroy, be reduced one‘ AP'PREC‘IA'I‘ION ’ ""'â€"'" mm on nccotgnt g! are and the hro-‘ - ' ‘ perty be c hr that amount. .y evening Rev. L. Honor to Bank Manager Orders on 'the Treasurer to - th a unt of 6.-"4 r d of Queen street Moth Mr. K. Eardley Wilmot. for the byethznOCouncil.‘36 c we 0 pam -A Inmnv “mm naked; SEC'Y-TREAS.â€"W. H. JACKSON $1,000,000 , am.) .‘ 5810116134):â€" . ._.__ mademis- The annual meeting of them-that mum'sâ€"the WLodgoofLindsayW“ ty to re- . ~ the recent 55.7 on Tuesday, 8th inst... tho Won- _ voice was shaptul Master, Hr. J. J. Vout. in , _ . the chair, The following were elect» .4, A . wasanneceofllr. ROBERT KENNEDY, Presldent. ' Ops W. H. JACKSON, Sec’y-Treas. STFJPHEISSON 4‘11 A-.. “-AAâ€" Lindsay. An event of interest took place at .“Iâ€"I-illside!" the home of Mr. add ‘Mm. J as. Broad, on Thursday last. Jan. 3rd, it being the celebration of their golden wedding. Mr. Jos. Broad was born at Clevedon. Somer- set. ‘England, July 80. 1832, and came to Canada. in October, 1855. HI) married Miss Catharine Broad, of Columbus, Ont... on Jan. 3rd. 1857- The greater part of fiheir lives has been spent on their farm near Little Britain. They became residents of town some six years ago; The mem- bers of the family are Dr. J. J. Brnad, Wellingtlon. Ont: Dr. Sam. Bmad. Momenoe. 1311.4 Dr. W. F. Broad. Lindsay: Dr. Chas. E. Broad. Lowell, In‘d.; Dr. Robt. S. Bro-ad. Barrie : 'I‘hos. Broad. Mrs. S. Wooldrl'dge, Sonya: Mrs. R. Mmln, fie-«gram». and Mrs. H. L. Chantler, The sale of magazines will close on Friday evening, Jan. 18, with an at home and social evening On Sunday at 4.15 p. m. iSecr-tary Reed will conduct an ex'angelistic Bible class. to which all men are .nâ€" A new contest is being started in which everyone bringing in six dollars in fees or small ysubscri-p- tions will receive a. bronze- member- ship pin; for twelve dollars la. sil- ver pin, and for twenty-four dollars a gold pin. .K glee club is being formed under the leadqrship of Mr. W. H. Jack- Celebrated Golden Wedding Mn J. D. Maution. or Springfield, Ohio. was in town last week and 1min this week in reference to the establishment of a match factory in Lindsay. Mr. Mention, who was formerly with the. E. B. Eddy Com- pany, of Hui-l, is at present engaged in manufacturing match-making ma- chinery. He had communication with the Board of Trade some time ago, but it was thought By the members that there was not sufficient pine here. Mr. Mantian, however. states that there is, and a special meet- ing of the Board of Trade was held? tast (Wednesday) evening to confer with Mr. Maotion. II I I'Ih' Iv“ nee: men of the city. whb preeented him with a cabinet, of sterling Illver BL AIRâ€"BEITH. and a cabinet of pearl handled knives - A quiet. wedding took place at the “d lorks for Mrs. Wllmot, “d an residence of Dr. Alexander lielth. fiPPmciatIVe address. Mr. WHW 13 Bowman‘dlle. on- Wod'nesday. Janu- betng translated to the management ”5' 2nd, when his eldest daughter. of the branch in Perth. Hon. J. R. Winifred Isabel. was married to Mr Stratton presided. Fin-Sea, W. J. Thurstoy : Treasur- or. Thos.’ R. 'n-otter: Director of Ceremonies, Thos. Dawney ; lmturer, 557 on Tuesday, 8th inst. th; Won- mwecmlemamuragmom from J. T ”a" of the Aggy-.11" church' The shipful Master, Hr. J. J. Vout, in Palmer W Mtion of faith. entrainment win beflwn by the the chair, The following were M m, also fixm t.) he Duo but local and outside talent. Tick- ed offilers for the ensuing year: for No. 5 Pom From S. A” Am etc 50c.~ Tea will be served from District Master; J.‘.J. Vou’t : Depu- 311mm: civimr names of some 1m 5'30 to 8 p.‘m.‘ SANG STERâ€"BROCK Proposed Mfltdl Factory The home of Mr. and Mrs. William . Brock. Port Perry. was the same 0! [r.~ J. D. Maution. of Springfield, 9, very happy and interesting event. E0. was in town last week and On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 27th. u'n this week in reference to the 1w“; their youngest mfimefi- 13:111- . y anon. was mart u r. .9- abhshment of a match factory in wyn E dge rtou Sa ‘ r. of the De- :dsay. 'Mr. Mantion.‘ who was partment of Indian Affairs, Oimwn merly With the-1'" 3' Eddy Com- son of the late Dr. 5 augslvr, of Port (Supplied by the Seéretary.) Y.M.C.A. St. Paul’s Y. M. A. Limited ,‘. J.5J. Vou’t ; Depu- ; Chaplain, Geo. A. Iiuv All.“ ”I. held Council met Decembewlfi. unrsu- held so the (”dialer-'11: say was wt to statute. mm 0! last 0001!. on Tuesdny. Jun. 22 of Lodge No. under the uspices c the , meeting read and pproved ‘ ° mstq the W015- W were roéived from .1, 1', Aid of the Angina: chm ‘I' ‘f___L :‘ .. -_‘_._‘-:A._____4. ._:In . w" .A- residence of the bride's father. James-Inn. on New Yen's day. 1907. by the Rev. L. Phelps, 1hr- 1or£o May Stevens to Alexander [ McConnell. 0! Sydney, B.C. .. McROBER’I‘S â€" HARTâ€"Ln Wednes- day, Jan. 2nd. 1907. at the real- dence o"! the bride's parents, Dur- ham-st. by the Rev. L. Phelps, Olive Maud Hart to John Henry McRoberta. of Lindsay. STACEYâ€"WALLISâ€"At the Metho- dist parsonage. Litme Britain. on December 8131:. 1906. by the Rev. J.E.Moore.Ph 3.. Mr. Fned '1‘. Stacey, to Mia Ida. J. wan»; daughter of It. John Willis. at Little Britain. ' l 0., Lindsay. by Rev. J. F. Mc- Laughlin. of Toronto. Josephine Elisabeth Staples. daughter of the date Joseph Staples. ex-M.P., ol Bexley, to James Wlfbert O'Brien. M.D., of Windsor. COWANâ€"MAme.â€"On Dec. 25th. at Blackstoci. by Rev. Mr. Coop- er, Port. Perry, Minerva. youngest daughter of Mr. Nellon Harlow, and E. B. Comm. V.S., Port Hope 'tormerly or! Orono. GIBSONâ€"ALLEN.â€"In Port Party. Jan. Int. 1907. by the Rev. Mr. Hugh), Geo. 0. Glboon. formerly of Oshawa. and Mills Lottie H. Allen. only daughter 0! Hr. had In. Arthur Allen. of Port Perry McCONNELLâ€"STEVENS. â€" At tho Marriages BRIENâ€"STA PLES.â€"On New Year's January 2116. 1907.10 Mr. and Mrs. George Reilly, Main-sh. a daughter. DEXTERâ€"At Fonelon Falls, on Tuesday, Jan. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ace Dexter, a daughter. Rmhbxâ€"At beaverton. Wednesday. nâ€"vv. a v v v ' Wobotep-Dewel.â€"That this Counci! sharp. J. H. Wilda. auctioneer. 7 make a, special grant of $15 to N. Mount Horeb. . ' 0.: Carmichael to complete the stoning THURSDAY. J AN. 1-7;»ng of .1 and gravdihg at 101: 15,.con. 8. _ lam stock, implements. otc.. tha‘ A by-law providing for the. holdâ€" property 0! Mr. Andrew Kerr. lot‘ 7‘ has of the annual obcthm. The by- 6. con.) 9. Manvens. or. one o'clock! d- law was passed in thn usul manner. than). J. fl- Wilsbn. auctioneer. I in Websterâ€"Crum-That the clerk Mount Horeb. _ Péarn, a. daughter. DICKFN’SONâ€"At the rectory, Bell- View, Ont” on Wednmday Dec. 12,1906, the w in of Rev. A. S Dickinson, (formerly of Fonelon Falls) a. son. rumpâ€"1n Lindsay, Jan. m, to McLEAN.â€"In Lindsay. on Tuesday, Jan. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. B. L. McLean. a daughter. PEARNâ€"ln FeneIOn Falls on Satur- dgy. Dec. 30. to Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. At\ the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stevens. Lindsay. on. New Year’s day, their eldest. daughter. . Mar- yjorie, was united in m'rriage to Mr. A. McConnell. of Sydney. Cape Brat.- on. by the ReV. L. Phelps. The. brido was unattended and wore a. gown of pearl my silk. trimmings of baby Irish lace, anfi carried a bouquet ‘of cream roses. Mr. and Mrs. McCon- nell .left. on the evening- train for their home in Swine“ tho bride wear- ing mgreen tailored costume with hat to match. day. at the residence of the bride's gousiq, Mr. R. J. McLaiughLin, ‘3. Charles P. Blair, barrister. mm of asylum: supposed m be Iron! Fenelon. and asking Council to verify or correct the report. The flollowing motions were assent- ed to by council : Smithemm-mwelâ€"That Wm. Win- drim be relundcd $1.00 overcharge of statute labor for 1906. McCONNELLâ€"S'I‘EV ENS HYMENEAI. J. B. POWLES, Clerk. Births. F. 813996 nod humâ€"8min", mm bud; beep slow: lambs wave and 10:: hither: I lama. M to 58.10; yurum “60 to M. a few 31. l ‘ new YORK LIVE 8TOCK. i I Nan York, Jan. fiâ€"Bmmâ€"Beccipu. coo; none on male; teeunnf nominal: went: 9. lat Battle, Jan. aâ€"Clttloâ€"Bpnlpu. :5 hand; «an and Inn: we“ wrung. Vaniaâ€"Mm. 100 head: scan nod Ito-4:: 84.25 to 0.50. Honâ€"WI. «no head: «the m m‘ _____ 7f'1 I No. 2 'red ' {tact-I" gully; March, a. 4d: bunâ€"Spot steady: new. {a sad: America: {23m steady; Jun. Bacon-â€" clear 58:. m Luluâ€"Prune water «3. 9d. TM. wu «only at am prices for all odor-inc: of sheep Lad llmbl. Ex- port um cold 0.: 84.50 to 85 901- cyt: nmmallsnuwumm: luau 3: 08.85 to ”.78 per cwt. for thou tact had been min-M: common m. 84.50 to 88.50 per cm. 3.3!. Unmet-Inquou-uldmoootm w m: Elects. I“. we! “I'M! and an. “.40 m m. with Mot am. am BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. l Mon and “mimic. Pow 080M“ Ind. lathe-0cm mum: to be dead. Prion nominal. Atowplcmmotmtk told m. 84.50 to 84.10 per on, but very tow memuuorpfloo: loan-«0006. 84.30 to “to; medium. mixed with com, sold M 88.86 to an: cows. $3.60 to $8.“: cannon. 81.16;» 81.75 per cwt. New York. In. 8.â€"Buu¢r - 1min; me! , 9cm; mated, comm to up 9n. 1c t9_ 24c: western factory. coma: t0_§8tll, [Be it?) unamnmmmwmm VOCIWVOI. new. 4- 8%d: Aunt-16in mx’x’e'di of «75955 {zines steady; hm. 4s 195d; finch. « ”item-1mg clear middle. heavy. am, Lardâ€"Prim western In flex-m may, as. Dd. remnant-89mm strong. 51-. NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. No. 2 Ecd‘ western, White? 6.21“}; :mm March, a. «I; my, 6. am; July. LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE __ LII-prpoql. Jun. aâ€"Whnbâ€"Bpot flrll: New York .... Detroit .. Toledo .. W! What Futum Close Un- chanpd. Chicano Lowerâ€"Live Stock Markusâ€"Tho Latut Quotations. Tuesday Evenlnx. Jan. 8. Liverpool wheat and corn fun-rm vlose'! May unchanged from yesterday. At Chlclgo Ml wheat elated Kc luwor than yelterdu; ny corn fie higLor and It" acts “c higher. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. Winnipeg â€" Futum closed v-crurdny: Jun. 72c bld, In, 751;“ bld. July 76c. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. Fame-flan! .'.' uno- men-nym- nnd at... Sandy. Em Fir-er at 6810-30, WAN»;- Wichfng to grow, who hve not already left their order, end require seed peers. to cell at once At the otflca and have their order end get the need if they met: to Cake 1% away - with them. and those who have already left their order kindly cell and take their seed any at. once. Prices have adâ€" vanced on most ell verbatim. $8. JAS. M. SQUIER SON, SQUIER J: FLAVELIJE. We have now our need preprod and no booking orders tor the won 0! 1907 {or the growing to! fancy nu; other pout and we woqid mmwux. 25.â€"Sulo ot' 1m stock, impiements, etc, the proâ€" pertyiol' 111'. Bert Comy, {o}. 43. ‘ TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. :2 SALE REGISTER It... and “-5! Notice to Farmer- CATTLE MARKETS. THE MARKETS. Iouaoccnoo-noooooo a... rum, A non of Mr. Hopkins. of Kin- “.‘fl‘. mount, who has been working in one ,m of Craig and Austin's amps here. 3,. . ”8-0 met with : serious accident on Wed- _“ 1, .v 1W. Jgn. find. A tellow shantyâ€" . gm, who was clearing a, road close "at. tn mm Rankin. um- nmv-Irlnn 1.... r0! VIIIIII (momma swam) for ale :2 d1 dmgrms at 50c. and 81 rbotfle, mat Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limit bommry, ”9 King St. West. Toma! \uy. July. 81% 811 9056. 71A [Reta .Mr. Spencer, 0! Essonville, a, : relation by marriage of the bride. I performed the ceremony. In the ev- - curing a. large number of friends were Invited to celebrate the event. 'with . dances and other omnsemmts. wlu-n ' 111 but u mlly good time and Mt 1 In the wee emu hours oi the morn- ing. wishing the happy couple the us- ' nu oompumentery wrms. unu no den-In in this cm. Ihey were sinuw. Lut Friday a. slim; of men mane1 up here to menu our old dilapi- dated railway station. We are not to have I new one, nor yet will the alto be altered, but no doubt as good 3 job I; pouible will be mode by the able men they have working at It. Mounon is entitled to a. first- cla- Itltlon now, it never, betore. Ind" an audio! (the section 0! the W (”Vi-loo of the G.T.R'. does not .w. there mothers with better HALIBURTON Hr. J. E Holmu' hon-e wu the teens 01 a. very pleasant. authoring lat Wetland-.53 Jul. find. when his Magma Poul wu married to Ir. Ed. Burke of thin village. Both pur- to. bob; so well known. it was deâ€" cided ant. only a few natives should ‘2‘ £an!de _to the weddgng, when the London:â€" I. W: £116.68} 0. A. Puma). Toronto. . ...n. ‘ v-u...‘ Boon. Win-ton. 98.18 per cent; mm- W “Hm” , . me But“! 00.. 31307319, 93.84 per scum ‘Nerflm â€"-M.-n s (gnu:h:m . cont: 0. Aldrich. aemrk. 92.72 per . “4“” ..“'”"3" '5‘ ‘ ‘f‘ ”at: s. n v or, Al- PHCQ' b]..‘.9.), £11‘Ihu‘ \ I.“on' PO. T Cl . Bi”. Nemtadt, wouoEBFUL VICTORY btnrv, (.l‘uhnm \ UM .\ 98.7 yer cent: In Robertson. 8t. _‘“r' “‘ H' ' M“ Mnry I. 93.38 Per out. â€"- pmvmmi [wk \w The oxunining mm. "N! H. ”MM“mhl‘wd Sf. I’MVM and S? l'wh-l gouge”. (J).A.C.. 01101 ‘3: G. H. Bl", M M » 1‘1'111‘41'. input Mb I‘ (I 10%..o_;_w'-m A- . Klnflton; _ . - _â€" , Knl'thH-M Xes 89:: is worth a dollar It you r t it in buying Furs from us. And 20 per cent ofi" our formerlow prices means that you can buy furs . very much under the regular prices In fact we can say we never offered such good furs at such low prices. It'l the Opportunity of the year, for prices will not be any lower,“ the fur market in still advancing. The entire stock goes on sale, including Tempomty premises, a. for door- mt of the Market Jackets $8310 Buffs and Stolen Isabella. Fur Seat-rs Japanese Mink Stoles The bargains advertised in last week’s papers are for this week again. eta Women’s Black Persian Lamb Men's Fur Collars Men’s Fur Mitts and Gauntlets Women's Fur Lined Coats Women's Black Astmcban Jack- Men's Coon Conts' Men’s Black Martin Coats Men’- Fur Lined Coats Capo for men, women and child- Select: all fursat Ford’s f 80c. Buys $l Worth of furs m. 39d is afpoa'tive and :brolute ml other 0mm It qgickly I ml «berm It quickly buildsup the caudal arm. mking éick peopie inyhmvenem. mum on. little. mummy checked. Mon. mono! ‘z‘gm. 1 an to-duy w Ilia. mdy’lotsl a undue. n dung»; or In “my I an yooc, an a Macaw-co not whistle to chunk. «MM-‘0 my homo. I have neverhndme ”“0:me vrcmrndlhadhenn nun swam. WOOD. sacrum}. Ont. Thou-ads dwomen are using PSY- E, beams they know from expe ieneeflutinit they have adefriend ad delivom. Payihine in a wonderful purityi blood. driving out ‘ 5n- : nvenons petite. nu- am 9331! mmMonfi food. partment of I'ltiutu'mn. 1 to Mr. W H .lnnkns. V ’ ‘ffiig‘nedhecausn 01 ;i:â€"hca.l‘ mgistrar, has 1mm. :qr sc a maker! “.17 PPR!'9DODL This you Indy, who lives in Brown- ville, nest oodstock, Ont, tall: her own Itory in a few effective word- of how she obtained deliverance from the arribh [ripofwecknaaanddiseuor lhvetochsnkfiychtnetorn pm: heath, Two mmlmmmwn coma. lcoum ydru Want. mm. locum not «macaw». u I wcm lot 3 dflwlmwuo down that I can back. I! I want (or u mm on two on my wheel I run too weuk to Mt It throu‘hcho to “7.1!"! u! an. I came In tron having 3 up": I d utter! helm“ from time. My “human" Bowman] 1 rmvurod Pl - ch «knowing t “excellent or decline or weak- “. ! nut In] a. "an! n no WM. gnd Drs. Giles and McKenzie bound it, but ‘advised his father who was wired for to ulna him to the hospital where he could have all the proper atten- tion requisite for such a had cut. We cannot give full returns of the municipal elections until next week as two returns cannot get here be- fore toâ€"momw but the vote here went as follows: W. Lnkins 53, F. Freeman 40, J. B. Anderson 36, Fred Paridfiss, R. Cruikshank 30, 0150.01an 29 Time. Gould 28, Once brought. to the village, where Natural Mink Throw Scarfs . and Stoles White Thibet Stoles 11038 of Alaska Sable Columbia Sable White Thibet Natural Mink Japanese Mink Black Thibet Black Astrachan Black Oppossum Caperines of Alaska Sable Black Oppossum Black Astraclmn Electric Seal Columbia Sable ““3 Ir J A. Houston. b M ._ . _ . ’lkl . 1" appointed rogim rar ', JANUARY 10th, 1907. Pflh m 7: an and W1 WES and 81m " iâ€"Xw's Canadian F orth $6.50, (‘mnpulsul 1.96. at the Star 0101 â€"'l‘he Watchman-Ward: ‘ from Mr. T. A. Dry Cal., a copy of ‘ ‘ .. edition of the * ofDeoeanber22.li ,-7 98 pages. Mr. BI ‘ hriposa boy. 7-Ilen's Canadian Twe ‘_ - checks, worth $81 ‘ ' Sale Price $3.76. .; ; Store. G“ ' -â€"Pro{essor Kyliv, of fly 0! Toronto, sun of 1 :Lindsay delixerud a 1M Went {'hurch crisis in ‘Bt. Marys Parish Hall Wing. There “as a I . and the lecture is 1 able eflorc b} those t â€"Men's Fancy Worsu checks and stripe-s. “‘0! £18.50, (‘ompulwn'y’ $9.90, at the Star (3101 *â€"Thc Port Perry rm to have been hold Tum Iesday were postponed 1 and Friday of ‘his .we Lindsay home: an (-ntet _V,hasbeenfor4 'masterat the hymn 3 Falls; -â€"Men's Heavy l'hs‘ $4.50, CompuISnry Sale at the Star Clothing doors east of Benson H1 ~Lindsay District Ex will meet at Fennlon day, January 18th, m4 ternoon and evening so: 7 -â€"Supplementary Fan meetings will be held Friday. January 11, ! Saturday, Jan. 12, Honda}: Jan. 14. after ening sessions. TheSe January sales success. We are please of the goods before st you are pleased to get prices are so lithe. men: is ofl‘en’ng speck for you to bu_\ Dunda Limited â€"-A gOOd New Year ‘ your clothes from Ale: Tailor, Lindsay. and 1 every garment. He is high-class tweed suits aspection of stock invil â€"Rcad the Star Clo‘ advertisement on page issue, Men's Fur-iinod Capt Compulsory Sale 35c, Clothing Store. W§st~~~ :5 Little Loca if 2:: ‘h I a: if éa 8% L 8 an E 8 g?! 1 box. 1 Tourist cart-s leave ' North \Vest and con Ask local Canadian for particulars and n ions early when treu Fun information M Linda: T. c. Mambo“. 60 Kol J. Anderson. C.P.B. 8a or write C. B. Foster. D.P.A Always clpau am Well-lighurd and Vcn running. Notquiteas luxuri: car. but, that's nu ha and the berth rate half. has now become qui‘ a transcontinental the nicest peOple. A Sleeper so perfectly forty and economy it: traveller. “Going '1‘ [{me Oppou DRUGGIST. in; the co protect my the health of by using 0 highest qudq make 0 in; this kind always pu RESOLVED The best thou that, persona-l wolf kept. Here is olution rho malt one to keep. Resolu the N 01 WATCEIA

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