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Watchman Warder (1899), 17 Jan 1907, p. 1

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love; NUARY 10th; $1.63 181.10 bred Dval >on us nt size pr‘lce ; Re- ays. being. owest {0H 'ams m 40c 75c IO 420 7. 5c 420 7c gum “ng 3 Coboconk Lime gm! g RavenfLake Cement 5 Always in Stock . . . 3 Large Stocks Best Hard 3 o 2 Coal; also STEAM COAL for thr Salt in bbls. $1. 50. VOLUME XLX. anwmmcmw “unv-I- “ - 1 .1... ' :. mwmuamw luv Paid-up Capital. $10,000,000. ammrmmmm “l 1113 Ontario‘ nyoucontamphtonnkinggdlmg: in your“ Banking connection. thinkoiopglingamuoom. we would be plunged to conic with you inpenonprbym. Authorized Caspian u,oooooo. Eyes Tll'illg Easdy Abmchotthinbankhubeenop- I “I am proud of the fact that our Head Oflice, Toronto idairymen haxe been \ery prosperous 50 yearsin Business {during the year just closed. and l lpredict a continuation of this pros- Reserve Fund ' . ”00y“0!perit\ for the coming year." said (More than Capital) Mr. Derbyshire , “vet I regret that Aggetg Over . $37,0000Q31 our manufacturers have not shared in that prosperity as in most in- OMEMEE BRANCH stances they are paid the same pric- . cs only asformerly. I-' do hope our Start the New Year right and de- dairymen will carefully consider the posit your savings s,here in one of the matter, which is, in my opinion, of stron est Banks m Canada. . . vital interest: to them, and not 9.1-; We smile the business of Mumcx- . 1 - - low their old and trusted makers to 11t1es, Merchants, Manufacturers, retire from this 1 i ’ but _ rovers, FarmerS, Cheese Factories, courage them by giving at least 1% etc. ! cents fior manufacturing, and urge Sale NOt“ Cashed them to attend our eastern dairy Keep up with the times and do your school, {which is so well equipped to business through a. Bank. give them a. thorough traizmg and J, 3,1,, GROUT. thus enable them,to do you much W better service in the coming year." VALUE OF DAIRY RECORDS. _ . I Mr Chas. F. Whitley, of the Dairy Commissioner's staff. Ottawa, gave â€"1‘hgâ€" an address on dairy records, in which he urged the advise)!“ ty of the for- Sterling Bank #:‘it’ieffiufiwaf‘t‘fiie were Of Canada ‘ mg Start the New Year right and de- posit your savings here, in one of the stron est Banks m Canada. We andle the business of Munici- Bank of Toronto Head Office, Toronto ; , LINDSAYONTTHURSDAY;1~W7~IHVJANUARY,V 1907. yen. Thirty-four new buildings were W Th6 Ontario «3?? A. Rudaxck agreed with m. Publow that than should be an om- dal referee :t the port of Hontreul Budnm com .5 . magnum: against the shipping Dairy Inspector in the line of. better transportation and refrigeration had been much appreCfated. The results of thwe efiorts had been that goods had arrived in Montreal in better condition than formerly. The supre- macy of the dairy industry in 1905 had been largely due to the addi- tional work of the instructors, the Influence of improved cool curing rooms and improved transportation. I. murmurs. ADDRESS qmumgmuuloos, 01b in; to the w in Marco, and they “tenant". that with ell the l educctionel «licences in reach of m n (tutor 'quun'tlty should y :0 hem- ptgfieod. fight cow test- m I)" ' Wm M ' enoounged- and established under the supervision of the Dairy Commis- sioner. should receive more otter:- tion- from the doll-yum. and nothing would have sided more. in keeping} up the queen":' and elondnrd of quality than the accurate knowledge of just what indIVIdunl ntrmdls were doing. which was easily obtained by the formation of these cow- testing nssocietons. 'They had made about 100,000 more Cheese this year than last, yet- they'- were behind in the exports of butter about. 180000 pm” but wéfh the high prices obtained the estimated value of cheese, butter and bacon exported will amount to about $46,500,000 from the make 0! 1906. and when they added to this.$54.500,000, the value of these articles of food (in~ eluding milk) consumed at home, they had a grand total of $101,000,- 000, which is $6,000,000 more than for the year 1905. As dairymen be- came better educated in the work they :expected to see the demand for both foreign and home consumption ‘ increaseeach succeeding year. In Ontario there had been twenty- eight instructors and t“ o, sanitary inspectors last yeah and it was ex- pected that this stud would be in- creased during the‘present year, and each inspector made a semtery inâ€"_ specter. The work‘of the Dominion “ f mun, J‘s: QAâ€"T'h’o 80th Anew! the Wynn. agree questions had to motivation 9g the m Ontuio’ hp' Mend. namely. (1) how much :Deilivmen'q. mum.” was opened: milkidoel the 31. : (2) how ninth in ,St. Pskbg‘e Han this. momhtfifl does the mfl contain. and (a) ‘Sthare i... 1‘1“,“th of detmflnt done it cost to pnoduoe. gnu Mm the! eutemporfion 01th.; . ‘ questions were many a. pxjovjncp, seamen} subjects. afloat-jsvm Uedmplo record system wu ing‘the duty lpdusky are down for mated. The value .01 cow W discus-Ban. Ir. D.‘De’rbyshire, 1.13.,» minions bed been abundant: president of the Mamie . pra- provfilorm in me. a they sent. Thedel‘qetea were given s MM in distinguish“ the good hearty welcome t9 the city on bo-ngn fished cows. guided the (oed- helf. at the ’ smut-(Renew and '6: la main: redouaconomsculy, the civic an“ ft“ ~ 1th WW 0! the Weak o! Whitman’s" AsSocaation SnucctSDflth-tlhoAn-dm ,atouawaâ€"IheVdueoifluryRecordsW Wofhimwm. Eastern Ontano was 896, themwntmt$119.- 998. or 319,000 month” lust Hr. G. A. Putmn. superintendent of dairying, urged the importance of eflofts which would induce the pro- ducer to‘exercise the greatest poe- dbl'e care in dairying. An authority ind déclnred that the mum: raised upon the avenge milk delivered in ' Dr..fiifls. o! the Railway Commie-1 sion, urged that improvements bei made in the source of dairy supâ€" plies, to which Mr. Derbyshire re- torted that this year many new inw ‘spectors would devote their time 'to thatmatter. Ottawa. Jan; 10.â€"To-ds.y's session of the Eastern Dairymen's essocw-J tion was devoted to the interests of‘ the.cheeseme.king industry. Stress was laid on the necessity for cleanly‘ methods'on thepert o! the mflkproâ€" m. The question of the amount A 01 yoisture desirable in chess wen! we interesting topic. Hon. Nelson Monteith also spoke otthenggoww 0! th}; Quit-y igdumfy. on the improvement in their factor- ies. Othér countries were watching Canada. and hardly a. day" passed when he did. not receive applications from the sum or Old Country for Mayor-elect. Darcy Scott extended a welcome to the delegateS. 31nd Mr- Creelman. president of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. gave an address. in which he congratulat- ed the dairymeuof, eastem. Ontario the qmli'ty. Id cow and milk tests were ogeneral throughout the Domin- ion, 25 per cent. could be added to the annual production of theanimal. the (me with a. large dairy produce. and he instanced Denmark as a. no- table example. The Minister men- tioned the Bannock test. It, was ne- cessary. he said, to know the quality of milk. and generally this was done by means of the test. but there Were still some people who paid aoâ€" wrding_to the quantity and not to dresses were given by .J. H. Gris- dale, of the Experimental Farm, and Dr. Rutherford, Dive Stock Commis- sioner. The Governor-Genera! was to have been present at the nlght meeti but was lndisposed. and Col. Hig- bury-Williams received the address on behalf of his Excellency. s JUNISTER OF AGRICULTURE. Wm WM” said the counâ€"L try which was most prosperous was: At the alternoon session the dele- gates were welcomed by the Acting Mayor, Ald. mum chairman of the Board 0! Trade and others. Ad- A‘ resolution of condolence to the rqlative of the hte Henry Wade, To- ronto, was carried by a standing A__4 vote. ’1‘: GI. H. Grisdale, agribulruriat, Enema!) Rum, Ottawa, and Professor Dean. direCtor o! the dairy school, Guelph. also spoke 'on the importance at keeping dairy records. the former saying :that the only way to improve the herds was to keep a a» year. She might im much mom yhthsn the one in flthe out std! I one shrinkage in you was M. The speaker 36!? s amber 0! statistics to show when (armors through keeping racords had obtained excellent results. whilst others through lulure to keep re- cords had had very indiflerent. n,» suits. nutty dlithrongil Juné did no; mquz aha are 5,000 pounds during was started on in tho-anon with a hrpnow olmilkuut m the haviést mm. The hot “at the will!“ ‘hc ti. : (2) how much Ht 400‘ the mfl contain. ad (8) that do. it cost to Mace. sxwucgjhgpkimcom lyttem we. Shh-9"“ can {nigh-tic; to tho.- nim- {or fll‘fllel' improve mam: _It._ng.s got. any the' cow Btu-10031.51” ofmodern Banking. WW that your money is safe. . You“ But whenever it is wanted.. METANCE OF HOME MARKET. Prof. J.’ 0. Raddick'endeavored to nouns the chains maulanturers to the impedance of the home market. 1! them were 01: million people on another wool unearth. cm fibtfldhe endocvoflngto get their Mhuttho hicmlfirketwu i:- “. Rho he'dbbokingloranoo- MWMd Wt him It. Wining: Eager, of Harrisburg, that the Gavel-meat bad no atth to spend money on the cheese industry than any other. It as well send out teachers to instruct blacksmith as cheesemak- era. A division "took pm and only tho opposed the resolution: Start the New Year With a Savings Account hpve to wash oomeottheblack show by tom" (Cheers) 11:. Alex. Hume, of Mannie, moved tho’nfiopfion of the report. and' it mmded in n earnest speech by InEdwu'd Kidd. He had been an aim of the syndicaxe'syatem {or m. A. A. Wright. 1. 13., ex- preoaed surprised thou] any person should be opposed to the enlarge- ment 0! the Winn : and instruc- tion work. Spoofing for the 2 cream- cries. he knew it would be Ma great service to extend the inspection -to every one. He hvond bringing in everybody. whether they were willing or not. "In do“); that we my ’fir.'fiervyshiremid it would keno lurm'tomommend thechangetothe Government. Those opposed to it could present thgjcpiptel: yiefs. . “:Ycu know that no man can live alone," answered President Derby- shire. Mayor Redmond, of Leeds. vigotous- 1y Opposed the remmtion', on the g‘ound' that many factofy-ovmerel wanted to go ahead on independent] :It the publication of details, which i would tell against the industry.‘ - Ottawa, Jan.11.â€"T’he following resolution was carried unanimously at the dairymen' s convention this momma: "Whereas the Dominion . Govwmnentgas announced a deci- , sion to discontinue the operation of the cool cheese curing rooms, estab- lished in 1902, on the ground that the; 1!..ng the puma. tor - which they were intended: Resolved ; that this convention place on record its acknowwdgement of the great} value c! the illustration which thev ‘have afforded. and the impetus which. through their operation has jbeen. given to a most important movement {or the betterment of the i Canadian cheese industry, viz” the cool curing of cheese' NEW METHOD OF INSPECTION. i IA in the method of in- : struction and inspection of factories [and creemedes was reoommended. It is proposed to require all the cheese [lactoriesuu eastern Ontario to enter 1 l There are three hundred factories outside the syndicates. The object was to include them, So that no inâ€" terior product would be sent to the the syndicate, which would receive Visits from the instructors. By re- ducing thewlevy on teach faCto‘ry'from 815 no 812 a revenue of $116,000 would be realized. The total cost to the Government would be $42,700. "We are in. splendid compaHY." was and WW. two largecheese ex- porters oi hatred. IODERN DAIRYING. At the evening meeting a. practical nddresa Was delivered by Prof. J. W. Robertson. the former Commissioner of Dairying and. Agriculture. It re- viewed the history of dalrying in Ca- nada, and contained many practical hints to those engaged in the indus- 1:17- Prof Dean, of Guelph. siso spoke on some mistakes of modem dairy- ing. MrmAFXacLsrenHMHP sug- gested the erection of much larger cheese factories, and strongly sup- ported lIr. Dean's protest ageinst were W. Prof. Benn sure a moot Wine mm the:- per- centen- 0! minute- to be kit in the cheese). Eh opinion was that dun-yuan did not leave as much moisture a they might. Conrail-toner Ruddick did not quite 'ngnee with this/view. as. he thought there was: danger of the chance being too soft in‘body ittoo much moietune were leftin it. Before any alteration was made he advocat- a closer investigation into the mat- ter. The subject was keenly discm ed by the delegates, who also took up the question of shipping cheese in too green 9. state the latter point being shaken tabs/Messrs. Hongon 'l‘herewuglargeutha'inguthe “Wanton. and . number 01 topic. theddryinc industry “diam . Prol. Deon mve a. as: m meant. m momma. 10 per out. was cum C.“ only" a“ par mum Wham-d musician spun-m Mummtgood, buti Iran-damn we too careless? that Mod-g 0! their refuse, and; tho put“ 3 ohm wa‘ter supply “I!" not. outrun the interests of thepub, Ken's-uh. Win mononu- ten W . heavy to!) in death. “-0 ,‘ the importance of methods upon; which the high sanded-d of Candis: Wm.“ at WW 11:4!me vented their getting. a. nun. Water WAIW matter 0! importance: 0! law}, aunt to N;- 10!‘ mlysiuov. You mm may termaking. and was fonowcd '8: the discussion by Mr. G. G; Pubic“, thief instructor for eastern Ontario. A resolution was passed in favor as holding a. national dairy Show. Pet- crboro’ and Guelph have oflemd ao- commodauion nor the ate-prise, and western Ontario durymen have placed themselves on Decor-d in favor of the scheme. If the show is car- ried out it will consist 0‘ a displav of dairy products, cows and eq‘fip- meat for the mm of cheese and utter. A new constitution '3: adopted with no menu changes (tom the 01d one bound otdirectors. It..lohn R. NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Mr. J. W, Mitchell, Superintendent o! the Kingstoo Dairy School, gave q. vallgqble address ogcmmery bu}- quicker than producing good cheese People were prepared to pay 20 cents e pound for real good cheese. The desirable kind was Simply hat was properly made and candy in s tem- perature not IboVe aixfy 63155;. ENCOURAGE SHALL FARMERS‘. A strong appeal was bade by Pro- {weer J. E. Grledsle. to encourage the smell tumors. Cheese tactorieo sud ereuneries lost heavily through small patroos, who might as well in crease their supply. The managers of the teeteriee could do much to improve the conditions by entourag- ing cooperation. Mr. Griedsle emâ€" phseized what had been and w the Minister in {favor at cow-testing» eoeiataons. One thing especially to look author was the dryeeseon, when the cows all failed in milk sup- 11 {min St. West - Toronto B. W. Sonnets, Principal Dominion School of Telegraphy This is what we are doing for the young men of Canada, 10-day. From long hours of unmngcnial work, with little pay. to pleas-â€" ant positions in railway offices. with salaries ranging from $50 to $150 per month. Clip this advortiéement, mil it I to us, and massive (free) our handsome illustrated book, "Tho Highway to Success." H20" DRUMERY 10 $l,200 A YEAR! Frank Forbes-t Felix Forben 52 Kent-8t , - Linda The Forbert Forbert Shoe Store (Continual on page can.) In Bank I m 8â€"Men’ s Felt Bub,‘ the:- foxed, worthtl. 50, fox-31.84 Come here where you can get the heat back- ed by a guaranteed of Money Back if the Boot: go mg. WE DO MENDING and we do it well. NUMBER 4399

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