1mm? 10th. m he disposal of the ownu uz- watches. They on] ï¬ni~h and detail. W; gold watches from'82') from $12 up, and silver 355“an $10. All these cum-ct timekeepers. ant and Wedding arriage Licenses. James!" . â€001' um. . and am an to Popular I ;1 lry Store * onward. am the, are very comm ll loot u: Md I... I m. Kama?" I Not Md but I“?! h! m alt Um c’é and Ladi‘é’§ a u w «md- hand instru- u u hjnes at: about n n» E also have. L Sifters fur ï¬alex ‘. «n ' lets Legam novelty. iorrect Time rld‘Ghains}; g .. McCarty :PE'I‘ SWEEPERS hm BELLS THEIR MITTS XIVES I) AT nan. Co. NONIIB mty of mam-Ia. u: “an . km; W "ETHERUP wall. Had ll 11m 'Ollh nan (9. ,ZORS dun-9d mu'vd Hum-11 .1: mod ’eétoon LCOME and Organs GANS Qatlwsctkl'l w- 1; Rings «MM Stone and Scarf Pins MEEHAN MACHINES ROS. é Mums and 01'- imliduy season i rc-gulnr price. #1 H}. tn. ml to ed to RD S. TABLE CUTLERY. NOS ml t ml r \G 11! 'Ill Coal, Iron The! with {H LINDSAY TERS SENSORS S K A'I‘ES $210 200 £75 75 JAXW' Yr mooted Ami-Ia; % m o! Viceoflï¬. “ ‘ other In]. Chum -â€" auonoxm M comma DORE“ AND VICTORIA. museum mm umbe- mm swan-wad. 80m mm .wou Duh-.74.- DR. S. A. TOTTEN DRS. NEELANDS IRVINE. Dul- tists, members of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. We have all the latest methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to Orthodonia. Crown aï¬d Bridge work. The successful extraction oi teeth under gas (Vitaiiud Air and the insertion of. the but srtflciai dentures continues to be a specialty) oi this emu. Once hearty oppos site the Simpson flame. DR. 3". A. WALTERS, dentist. Lind- uy. Honor graduate at Toronto University and Royal College of Dentiotry. All ‘3. 13% “d in:- prored branches of dentlnry luc- ceeatully performed. Charge- mod- erate. Ofï¬ce over Grogory’n Drug Store. corner Kent sad William- Itl . ~IOORE a JACKSON. Barristers. otc., solicitor: for the County 0! Victoria and the Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan nn mortgages ‘nt the lowest current rates. Ofï¬ce William-IL. Lindsay. on. POGJE. DENTIST, ofï¬ce near- ly opposite the poet-ofï¬ce. Speck) sttention given to children’s teeth. Howard v. Pogue. nus. nus. LEIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"Banister. So- licitor. Notery Public. Represent- ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. of Waterloo ; Federal Life As- nurance (30.. of Hamilton; Empire Accident and Surety Co.. of Lon- ‘1’621. Ont. Ofï¬ceâ€"Telephone build- lng. William-at.. formal-1y Judge 0' Leary’n omce ITEWART . O'CONNOR. Barristerl Notaries. etc. Money to loan 1t very lowest current rate- on beat terms. Oflioe corner Kent and York-311, Lindsay. T. Stewart, L. V. O’Connor, B.A. R. SUTTON, Dentist. Undeay. Hon or graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest. improved methods adopted and price. moder- ate. 0mm over Anderson Nu- gmt’l. oppoeite Veitch'n Hotel. JOHN H. WILSON to Bonnomsâ€"We v mm . H. GROSS. Dentin, Lindsay. Headquarters for good Dentistry. Kemmr at Royal Dental Oolleg . 5‘. D. Moore. . H. HOPKINS, Bax-Timer, Solicit- or for the Ontario Bank. Money to man at lowest ratwe omce No. 6 William-st... south. 1 :nd' {ital-est repaid to of remit- IICBE l§ uv the principa us without any expense mortgages, also upon municipal. de- imvestment stocks and bentures, bonds. McLAUGI-ILIN PEEL. Ban-isms, etc., Lindsay. money on real utaw mm the lowest current rates. ness is done in our own the principal and interest rate. of interest. Company Prtvate funds. I am alwayl re to buy good mortgages. l WELDON, Sqlicltor, etc., I Rlock, Lindsay'- DINTIIT 11)!!th 0m Homa- Drug Store. Barristers, etc Dentistry gtate mortgage at cut rates. The busi- are loaning { "Be benged it I do!†eetd the ensl- neor. Write the men e letter. You're great on the writing nne; I've eeen you et it.†And no in the tremp'e nun oebtn below Ow e. Kneme nod mum “To dept. 3.3. an ‘Deer Jimmyâ€"Kevin; concluded not to take trouble to work Dun Road home. here pleeeure In teem her In your obergo. We. bev «be! me on hend‘ beve now been ob1 oeve. end the! now beer ere Intende. You've no on" â€M thing about our being on beer! eb Spin your own Vern: n It]! never be «undated. You" m. .. N6,†dud kcitliï¬'i‘iih‘t mud by And be thank“. You :9. rn m to the boat.“ W .,.__._.. “I’ll hear what you’ve got to say." said Kettle more civilly. and for the next half-hour the pair of them talked as earnestly as only poor men can talk when they are deliberately making up their minds to resign a solid fortune which is already within their reach. And at the end of that talk Capt. Ket- tle put out his hand and took the so- gineer's in I hes grip. “Mac.†It. said. "you're Soot but you’re a [sa- tieman â€right through under your "I was born to that estate. skipper. andIn‘omoremtsdtomm- air desvii pulled down to our level In you do. Bettsrgo and give him the news. and' rn set our boat in the “1 w Main. nimictmodr “I ought to be, Mac, but. God help me. I’m not“- “Vat-rs weal." add Mc'rodd: “than. If that’s the case, skipper. Just set yo doon hero md we'll have n m.’ “I"! hnnn uni.-. ..-.-A_- “A g- _-_n “He could be helped by giving him back his ship. and I'd- do it if I m by myself. But I've got a. Scotch partner. 8:11;: I’m not going to try for the lingo.- I e.†“Dinna abuse Scotland.“ said. Mo- Todd, wagging a grimy foreï¬nger. “It’s yggr ain wire and balms ye're thinking a at.†"‘0. Rome. match :1» N. A. mm amt mum. “Now keep your hands on no." aid the engineer. “I'm as and about the thing as yourself, and I don’t mind blowing on a few pounds of tampon-1 don’t know Capt. Mulready end you do. but I’d hate to see any man all crum- pled up like that it I could help it.“ “11.. nan-LI n... Inn..-) Lâ€" 4â€"1.... Ln... I “It wouldn’t have made any diner- ! ence," said Kettle, frowning. “Some of those lousy Portuguese have been on 5 board and secured all the money."- “What money?" “Why, what she’d earned. What there was in the charthouse drawer. “Mr. Mc'l‘odd." said Kettle, with a Iudden blaze of fury, “I’m captain of this ship. and you’re intruding. Get to Hamlet out of here." He got up aid strode furiously out of the door. Ind Mr. Mc'l‘odd retreated before him. The dishevelled man gave a tired chuckle. “O, that’s all right. I put in at Las Palmas and transferred it to the bank there, and sent home the re- __ceipt by therB. A. mallboat to Liver- ‘pool.~No. I’m pleased enough about the money. But it’s this other thing I made the bangle of. just being a day too late with that tart." heard every word that’s been "laid. Capt. Mulready. you have my vera deepest condolences.†“86% En engineer’s come'hcï¬oo I handed her over to him and came on fleckfor a. spell. :As tor listening. I’ve Kettle heard a sound and sharply turned his head. He saw a grimy man in the doorway. “Mr. Mc'rodd,†he said, “who the mischief gave you leave to quit your engine room? Am I to un- deretand you’ve been standing there in that doorway to listen?" _ (Continued from Page 2.) ' nicEng‘ ‘by myself on Great Pith'yo'n- der. I can't make archeerful shipth for you. old man,†“Brace up,†said Kettle. “By the Lord, it I’d only‘ been a day earlier with that raft,†said the other, musingly. “I could have taken her out, as you have done, and brought her home, and I believe the ï¬rm would have kept me on. There need have been no inquiry; only ‘delayed,’ that's all; no one cares so long as a. ship turns up sometime." is for sale atall dealers, at 50c and $1. QQpa par bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, “Limited, 179 King St. W. Toronto. ' There is no other remedy “Just as Good " as PSYCHINE. vwvâ€" _ .9: (ram 31?qu Captain . Kettle Dr. Root’s Kidne Pills are. a late mid ’tmanent curator hemï¬qm,§rlght‘a VI va -Il‘l ~-\.-Iv- â€"- ...... â€IV “'1 Um (iovornmm’t policy Mr. Emmor u m rm- pped {Mo the {up and meow. ltd tho rénpo «Witty or Hut. mum Me The now Inflow Wu not ohm to ho‘d for the amount the our ‘ In part. of the St. John Mu ‘ that, both mflfor that civ )nmmtv. Ho but “I Ind Albert. Evan York «at am tons a»: Gov- ammonc sido and tho majority moms! Mm In ma md Sunbmvtm mm mm It would he Mo Monument to! 1" tilt! K uh. l‘m mmï¬Â§d§ Ma lug hr†‘fldfl‘th' coma Mp. I a. "mum «Meow . .nnrofl him“ an, MW». . mm mm auxin. . m canary to take on the uflmuv qua- “on. AVE AND 1880 E RESU‘RBEO’I“ ED m- loft mum my much to m Dmmmon‘ o «vamp. Ind tho .oplu- km 0! the WWW Month loathed to be flat m- m Md Ind- at most.» ocular Emunerson in business as the leader of the Provincial Govemmmt. . and alterwarde as the member the House of Commons for Westmorq land. Since Confederation no party leader in New Brunswick. not even Sir Leonard Tllley. has been so ab- solute as Mr. Blair was down to the day when he resigned his position as Minister of Railways. HIS FIRST WAR. Consider. moreover, that the Lib- eral convention and the an banquet took place in St. John City}, which Mr. Bla-ir represented at Ottawa during his last term. and where he defeated Mr. Foster in 1900 by a majority. of over 1,000. Remember that after he resigned his ofï¬ce and'his seat for St. John he Laval‘ spoke in public in the city or ‘Province. or. for that matter. any» where else. Neither by word or sign had he shown that he believed him- self to be wrom when he pronoun- ced the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c prailway scheme to he an utmvagant. im- provident and altogether indefensible prohct, involvlnc an utter waste of many millions. when he declared it to be a measure of Canadian late) to ac. chew threw up his m7; disastrous to the habit-the.†lntereoloniat. hostile to the interest V“ p 1, to Irma†tor ,the'couresfs†nan-“ens In A‘L ‘- ah- QR we “3‘ EMWUH. In". [ll-I non. Kr. Blair. but nor Mr. Birlr alone who announCes to-night that he is returning to the party.†Mr. Blair interrupted with the statement : "II never lclt the Liberal party.†Colonel McLean Ntorted that a Liberal was one who upholds Liberal pnl-nciples. and that Mr. Blair mould have supported Sir Willriud- on all occasions. and must do so if he were again a candidate. Mr. Bhir undertook to make some reply. but others arose about the same time. and the subsequent pro« reedlngs were a mild battalion of the last meeting of the society upon the Stanislaus FORMAL INTERHENT OF THE HATCHET BHB‘V'B MUH- VI my What would they do. he visited il uth Government should be oh-iigwi t t‘pke the back route alter the cot vention had been pledged to th other? The convention would he i a position 0! condemning 'the Govern :uent. Mr unmerson thus put for ward the view genonlly entertaine by party leaders. that the on y re solutions which a party convontio ought to! adopt aregthose in lavo‘ of what the Government has done or~ is about to do. In this respeci the [Mister would naturally be sat isl'ied with the banquet opinion 0 Colonel Ichean that a minister am amber of Parliament ought t: :upport his leader on all occasions. THE RIGHT OF DISSEN‘I‘ This theory greatly simpliï¬es thl At the convention on the next da'y worll ol a convention especially when Mr. Enimerson hid he recqnl zed!!- thmlsallaisterpresect to an- lllalr. lin the audience. and called him some the Government view. and. to the p.latiorxn Both Ir. Blair and Hrp Emerson observed euthat' occasion that the issue upon which they had (1th was dead and bur led. and Ir. Blair e that he had not â€strayed far from â€the old againstated that. sound†. lines-e- :Will -3: man“ I0 5!?“ therefore. the opinion 0! the conven- tlos. It simplifies the (auction 0! a lllnlster whose ow would be to adopt. delend and carry through the policy at his lea“... whether 'ehu n".ï¬mhtltwas right erect. It lies the problems belore a mem- ber of Parliament. who has onlyw to tweet his lead: wants. in tor it bald-headed.†this view there is the record .i... Ma .am. (311th In... BLAIR AS LEADER. That these were rumble mes- thins is plain enough on a brief con- sideration. Mr. Blair was for thir- teen y-eers Premier of the vainee. and during that time the most influ- ential member of his party.- in New Brunswick He ms for seven years Minister of Reilweyspsnd the abso- lute dictator to his party in the Province during that period. He not only control-led the Fedora! polhy and petromge, but was a. dictator of the Provincial policy as well. He appdintud his successor and the suc- cesors of his successor in the Pro- vinciel Premiership. He set up Mr; nos A G. BLAIR. rommn MIN- ISTEI: OF RAILWIXYS, ML- LING TO TAKE A CONSTIT- ~ UENCY 1N LIBERAL INTER- EST. . - (Cmrwpondence (Toronto News) St. John, N.B., Jan‘ 5.â€"The most interesting local political event. , or recent times was the Liberal conven- -tion which met last week in St John and the baqqnet to â€Mr Pm- merson on the evening of the fnst day. Both events were succ..-saful as political demonstrations. ’l‘he amen: 'dance was large, and all the in»; ceedings wane enthusxastic. so far as applause, strong and sanguine lan- guage and a general note of conflâ€" 1dence indicates enthusiasm. THE BLAIR MYSTERY. When). it Was annoqn ced that Mr. Blair was to be present the prevail- ing note in all conversation and forecast was one of interrogation. Woul'd Mr. Blair appear as a men!- ber "of the rank and ï¬le, supporting ‘Mr. numerson and the Laurie: Gov- ernment}? 'kakli he justity. or euc- plasn his oppositionm thepr‘mcipal measure which the Government has introduced. since the ï¬rst; Fielding tarifl' ? Would he admit by silenw qr statement‘that he had made a mis- take? Would he say that he was out of potitics for the not of his life, or suggpat that he was prepared to return to pubyic activity ? . mm, D. H Young, Prinns Edward: Morden Bird, Stirling, auditor POSSIBLE; POLITICAL pie, ing'», LIME; Ga. GM Publom King'- 'sto‘n; Hon mentor no: Eastern 0n- . W40!“- ..,. . ‘ hox‘ï¬wmm Ravi .. Brï¬k‘imlei‘cn w Carson- “ ville; ,‘John R.~ Dargéve'l, aging Derbxshiré 1W1)»: .1; Thompson. Atm'onte . Wm. Guthner Perth Road , Babb Matzler; Qdesm .;~ Jas. Whitton, Wéllï¬gn’ s, Fornérs; T-‘ B. Fallow Wax-hf .;'G. A. Giflw‘ via. PM?†eli‘rv Glenda. m- mmm m RESURRECIION " “‘ ‘" WED" "'"V""""' Inc 13th. Galaxies: can u many: ‘ m3»: 9 owrumon m. hm; mum Very much to Hr “use :- Inh- ooodmmal the Gov- mmmmon‘n «vamp. Md tho .0pr ornmom policy. h. h “Mont that . ion a! the WWW Manila locum! urge My of ‘Bt John Mil do to be that m- mm id and. 011- not um um: Comm low "at man woman. Wuhan-n. to «Mgr at In an duty of mu- «pm-mun†.1 don at “Viagra?†of mam-m w m Mun-u ad Mu opium In "'0 m mm mm. km A human mm :mm hdMIh-h- â€:0“ I moiuwaout Mun“! WM“ .‘ 1mm .m should In ambul- Colonel McLean â€toned thtt I Liberal was one who uphoklu Liberal pnkuctplu. and that. Mr. Bhu- mould have supported Sir Wiltrid- on all occasions. and must do 00 I! he hip ottock upon Mr. nmr. And †de- livered the ï¬ve miihtoo' mach which has been ‘mom qugted than my other at the bouquet adventure. A BANQUET DIALOGUE. Colonel new "wished to my tint St. John was a 11an city and would luv; Faun-nod o Lkborul M. the but. eWon.‘ but an Hon. Mr. Blair. but. be Mr. Blen- done who announces tonight that, he in mypm‘lng to pile party." Now Colonel HcLean aspires to a seat in the House of Commons; He frankly stated in 1904 that he was wibh'u: to be nommeted. and his name came up in the conventimx. Anothen was chosen and the candi- date selected was badly beaten. Colonel McLean evidently expects the next nomination. ‘ though he would not get it if Mr. Hair were acceptable to the Government party. At all events, Hr. Blair is not ‘ ao- ceptsme 10 Got. New, and though a lunquetspeech ls perhaps, ‘ of. exactly the place when one we (1‘ expect him to as so. that was the place where Cofhnel Home made son Company. the largest lumber concern in the Province. which lately sold the Canadian Eastern Ruiiwny to the GoVernment. He is managing direCtor of the Shore Line Railway running from St. John to St. Ste. phen). an‘d rew‘esenbs on that; board the Russell Sega {ate .t. He is so- iicitor ior :thezBank Montreal. his an fnmmnce business and vnrioua other interests. COLONEL HcLEAN‘ DIRECTOR; It remained. howeéer.‘ for Colonel McLean to’ so'und the note of dis- Cord Does anyone ask who is no -onel McLean? “that questiOn «Pill nut be asked' in St. John. Coionel ‘McLean, was years ago known is the .junio'r law partner of the late C. IN. Weldon; once member of Parliament ’lor St. John county. To-day be connected with many intprests. is the New Wick solicitor o! the Canadian Pecmc ‘ Railway in which, poSition he succeeded Mr. Wcl~ don. That greet railway corpora- tions keeps its anchors out on both sides df- the ï¬ns). guarding her against cross-currents of. every kmd Also Colonel McIean is the manag- ing director of the St. John Street Railway Company. which has 3. monâ€" opoly both of street .transpomtion and of the gas and. electric light. supply of the city. He is solicit.,r and a. director of the Alexandero rh- W'ihnt MEuEannbwd-ms- snnnouncemat with - .glnd,;z:sm'pdsec The common expression 15th“ -;h‘c does not at prong“, degke‘nr M's, 'ilnterposltion The former waistgr is too accustomed to land and; 31.99: masterful :41 his way to-be a- good supporter. 14 Sir Wil rid- Laurie-p; found: that out -.Mr Emma‘son would not be long 111 discovering it, for Mr. Emmerson’s peat friends Will hardly say that he is more Capablej of leadership than the ï¬rst Minister. ‘ THE COIDNEL ATTACKS. of 5 John cm. which Cohan! In- bu W to mint. and. though“ my. unord- ln¢_o to chow, ï¬ve I. mounted tho t It was right or not. It a mu tho Mm. More t mom- bor of Puruumt. who bu outâ€: and out "at MI Indu- ways. TheCarieton and Victo‘lrs 111408553“ Owing to, their isolation, farmer: threw an apple oi iscord mm cannot readily be brought tenths: the convention. and balm tons lan- in an organisation of. this kind eve! cusp of an uncomplimsntary CM†when it as to their interest to unitq 02W m thm "a“: to buyiand se.l togethemr. Dairying 31““ng ‘0! am Fm suntan»; and fruit growing, be! the ‘most whih w'ssm MW ur £1113 the highly moislised branc es oi farm- “mama the mimic“. in; in in country it is but natural :3“‘ that g" Wll'irid Lsuriur was that in these the principle oi co-oper- pl W to the shortest an d has†atioo should be first adopted. "any med‘uteodsnd these mluuom w." 0! the cheese factories and creameries . ' one 0‘ wwt of conï¬dence. are controlled by the patrons who What would they do. he asked, "the supply the milk. Within the last few Government should be ohligwi to MPG ‘ score 0' fruit shipping â€8m ciations have been formed in Ontario ï¬xigmzafwu ‘tï¬d‘gaï¬o mm. the most successful being in the Ni- ' scars district. In the Annapolis Vsl- otheI'? The convention would he in lo and the Okamtg‘sn district the ‘ position 0' COMM!“ Govern- ! it farmers have combined in the meat. Mr. hhmnerson thus put forâ€" . ward the View gemlly mug-“mad same w†to place their products on by party leaders. that the on y re- distant markets. solutions which a party convention The question arises. can the co-op- ought to ‘sdopt' smithose in iavor â€the system be carried still {arth- ‘oi whst the Goya-mat has do“, or in Canada. At the recent convent. of {3 gm“: to a, In this mg, tion 0'! isrmcrs' institute workers at the luster would nsturally hs sat- Guelph, Mr. W. L. Smith expressed hood with the Must opinion 0! the opinion that it could and with Colonel new that a meme: sndlsmt admmse to the whale scri- . Wot Parliament ought to'cultural inurest. Ks suggested that mart his leader on all occadions. tho system could he applied by hav- ing the (armors of a whole district THE RIGHT OF DISSENT. act W in u†production oer- This theory crest†simpliï¬es ths taln srticlss. In support of this pro- votholsoonvsnuosssMally when posalsn lsstsnce from his own ob- Mlsamnistsrprsssot to uh sensuous was liven. From one ei- some the Gov-ram: view and. stated spot which he had visited in Months mammnuu.mumummm.co tics. Itsimpli theiuentlonot q overlookthsiamsoi nearlyascoro mm 4W~_‘W P0_!°iotm.atloiw mint-(din; Mont. Mud and a??? throw an me' aw snorumm cat polio}: 9! In; hula}. flaunt hu:uo and t so m u! doing well EMERSON PUTS THE QUESTION and would undoubtedly be shorter it easy grade- could bewfouud'xuh- but. numerous windings. A! it is ï¬le people on tho river valley insist: tint the road by the Cit-k routo would be mommiw to build and to maintain 1311 has prone-bl. to open“ on mm: of the â€Vic?" -. -m- -r‘, w, m m an dialing» longer route by the rim. They have been able to chain a. “survey. and we auction to now in abeylnco. o! a line running as naught as. pol- sith- mot-s country (tom Grand Falls to Chipm in men's mm '3'. which h the custom point cannon to both roams. ~11“: back or Centre route crosse- c number of watdpbedl Two other matters in connection with this convention muy he num- uocod. A hot dispute rages over the routs 0;! the Transcontinental through New Brunswick. The rigor con-avian, thut' is Victoria. Carleton Y-ork Smbflry. Queen'l and St. John are strong for the River Route. that I: to any. a route which follows the vdley ol the St. John from Grand Falls to Fredcc‘ic- ton. end crosdés country thence to (“hip man and Honctou. The mmâ€" way Commissioners reported in-(avor an) harm, my congratulate them- g‘elves on. the, happy {awe which left. Mr. Emmeraon in Complete poem don of the ï¬eld; BACK OR FRONT ROUTES. gab; 'nh old constituency. 111'. mm- mersou and his friends, if they find So tar. then, as the appenmnce 0! Mr. Blair at the convention goes. it. would gee-m that he has ' not been tongiven. and that it wouvd be up- hill york (oxflnim to attempt to reâ€" edmuontmelatthele» («Sher-£1 'eiecgion Ax Wm may .34va of political tieeboqteï¬s. loath?! _., ‘ etmngléthe Hidetry end t9 3th- “Dede W5 of the wuï¬theneiét ' is enigm- [garretei'égcq t6 the re :mEflle: the push» to ï¬evnf W?! amounted t" V be " that. Mn mean in a. rather t'othe press that momma at Ir. Blair of his position of cheh‘men o! the Railway Commission took piece at his request. The Jedi'bor o! the Globe is Senator Hie, who is not an admirer of Mr. Blair. ' â€I“. A few mum he mat. 1mm en- nuddu 1h. mum In; put of the m MM nu not. un- cthu' fluid with!!! Mty mus. 'nm unï¬lled. Mt! the «ammo 7 The nun a failed Ind extra good stock and d proved their qucuty In com- p0“ L with «bar M .9. hm mm: He did not luck In tnduntry or! null amen. But be ‘u ' did buy!" of shorthomu in to tho other actions mud mm d «No-A mm a m cum rm.- in mu 4!». while mm W 3 rich (In in We at. on m. and when would Md only om m OT? Y“ ‘7'. {‘3T6 ;,nldaly dined much. of ï¬rm- in; in 0 country it is but natural that in thee the principle 0! co-oper- uuon ohouid be ï¬rst adopted. may at the cheese hctoriu and crannies are controlled by the patrons who Iupply the milk. Within the last few rm a scone of fruit chipping assoâ€" ciation: have been {armed in Ontario we most successful being .in the Ni.‘ aggro, district. In the Annapolie Val-j lo and the Okmagtn district the]‘ t it (me have combined in the] Orb; to, their Isolation, {amen cannot readily be brought together In an owl-avian ot‘ this kind even when It. ac to their lntemt to unite to bwnnd ee.l togethemr. Burying “dun-nit growing, beta; the ' most. were an example of 11 bus- lneu conducted on a. more extensive We. Oneotthelergeetolthe eo- Wtive moieties he: been operab- “B in the cityol lunches†{or (or- ty you: and at the present time OW'OUIt WM. neerly a score 0! atom. has"; memborehip 0! one “Id-OW! million and makes uturn- over of IIOOHOOO 000 e sour on which there in unlined e proï¬t of about 820. 000 “000 come before itis gena'auy adopted. So much has been said about the co- operative work 0! the Danish farmers tint the facts may need restate- ment. Co-opcmtion In: there been extended to every line of agricultur- al snortâ€"cow mug, butter making, butter selling, pork packing. «Idem; production. A. a vault the deposits in tho Doubt suing. banks have how been inure-nod ninefold in the haVe been short-lived. However. as progress in any great. movement. is usually slow it is not to be wonder- ed at that the principle of coâ€"opera- tzion should have amenities to over- In the matter of «no-operation Ca- nada. has much to learn from the old- er lands and even from the United Stiles. (Io-operative schemes have been organized in Canada. and some at them have met. witha measure of . “A QSTRATEGIC HG‘ WENT. This fl good ppliticd tactics. I! . mum-1.1 m and by the [Meter 0! Railways had adopted with his usismncb an! sanction, 3. Watt»: in hvor 0! Mr. Bordcn' a poIiCy on “(mixing thé principal ocean ports it might have embar- ruined the Gochnt. ï¬nd it. been Matted it womd hme displeased the “St. John electorate. But a resolu- tion calling for the nationelwatim of St.- ..John Hcmng Cove and a Mod» county port would not be regarded to a serious propoaition. MARKED SUCCESS OF THE SYS- TEM 'IN ENGLANI‘. FRUIT GROWERS ORGANIZE IN CA- NADAâ€"FURTHER APPLICA- TION OF PRINCIPLE PCS- 81131.51 (IO-OPERATING AS TO 9! them. however, AGRICULTURE IA 13.? u N MOOIOOROOuggaguï¬stllim ‘~. r1 1* ‘ ‘ ԠN MichaquQQflomnug.†P.‘ tutti million. In W to do It... Punt-Mum It'll} “pm! and and 0! on than million. In W to do low to lou: u. ur: tom ru- as: “a. M" 3.“: on Wu;- 0! (our compani- ad The Canada Permanent Western Canada Mort- gage Corporation. 91 um. ALL BUSINESS of this ntuu strictly what. and conï¬dant“. IONEY 'no LOAN on MW at low-t mt at... I HAVE no- mmemommI-u hOmdscndwulzhomypctm WWW. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kapt do†totholowatpoulbhpolntooub- “flaunts-aquama- Farm Loans Being 3 direct importer I an sble to quot-9 the closest prices. 11% WW’ Wag sdmmmvé P 0" en ' e mtbleto dobet rand deeï¬work than hemetofore. Call Ind get designs and prices be- fore pumhuing. wanna-In the nu- ot W on WW" oppoute the Pectin. Iu-blgr and Granite Dealers in and Amgnufuctlueu of d! MMWMM lindsay Mime Works aim Aim “um. 3 :Sylvesterw Manuf’gi i ' Company, Limited W l. D. b 6. Johann.“ tau. ‘- In! M......«...... 0.00 3-1 [or by: â€.9......L;;o.§§ a... g 8.3 223-333.: .- _â€"{ £4: . EEG I n 3" oouvoooooooo‘“fl . DIN“ so. c-..ooo$n§â€"- â€"-‘ you SNW................. Jigs im- . H. Soothern LINDSAY, ON '1‘. m..IIOOICIO.D .0†.‘u mm..." I.“ u: M 3_09........|_v.10 mu. mun-um: iguana-coon. r.“OI!I‘\' ' ‘ II R. Ofllfllm Munoouun .. 1.90 mu. ;.. mu u...