Eygriti; Piano“ Company, A mss RUTH SCOTT, LINDSAY. On Friday. January :18, Miss Ruth Scott died at the Ross Memorial Hospital, aged 23 years. Deceased was a. native of England, and cane here from Jamaica. last June, since which time she had. been engaged as maid in the Hospltal until she con- tracted double pneumonia, of which she died. Her father lives in Eng- one of the earliest pioneers. She was married about 1845. Her husband died some 13 years ago. By industry and hard work they acquired a com- fortable competence for themselves and their children. These are Mal- 3 “WWW land, and a sister, Mrs. w. J. ban- a‘. at 62 Durham street, Lindsay. from whose residence the funeral toolg place on Mondax afternoon to River- side cemetery. but by hard work he hewed himself out a. home, and aqupired a. goodly share of this world’s goods. Besides his widow he leaves one son, John, who resides with his mother on the homestead ; and two daughters, Mrs. Isaac Montes. of Ops, and Mrs. Hcr- ner, of St. Charles, Manitoba, They have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood in their bereavement. The funeral took ï¬lace Tuesday to Eden cemetery, and was largely at- tended. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Glenarm, ofï¬ciated. MRS. MALCOLM McARTHUR. MARIPOSA. On Thursday. 17th inst, Mrs. Malcolm McArthur, of lot. 15, con. 15, Mariposa. passed over to the great majority. aged 87 years. De- ceased came to this country with her parents in 1833, settling ‘in the township in which she died, being Mr. Hush Ray died at his residence lot 21, con. 3, Mariposa, on Sunday, morning, January 20, aged84 years and 6 months. Deceased came to Mariposa. from Ireland at an early age, when the township was a. wilder- ness and helped to clear it. He Was- a. member of the ‘Methodist church, a. Conservative, and held in high es- teem by those who knew him. He was twice married, but both his wives predeceased him. A son and two daughters survive him: James Bay. of Marip'osa ;’ Mrs. James Doble, Sunderland, and Miss Louisa, at home. The funeral took place to Little Britain, cemetery on. Tuesday and was largely attended. Rev. J. E, Moore conducted the serviCcs. colm, Jeanette and Maggie, at home, and Mrs. Duncan Clarke, who lives north of Cambray. Deceased was a. life-long member of the Presbyterian church, and took a deep interest in all religious work. The children and relatives have the deep sympathy of the neighborhood. Much sympathy is 11.150 expressed for Malcolm, who was ill at the time of his mother’s death, and is still conï¬ned to his GEORGE McKAY, MIN-DEN. ! Mindcn Echo: On Saturday, the 121h inst.. Mr. Geo. McKay died at»- the residence of , his son, after more than a. year’s illness. The deqeased 3 was an industrious farmer in the IOWnshxip of Minden for many years but, inkling health obliged him to 1 give up hard work, after which he made his home with his son. He 1 had reached the ripe age of seventy. and is survived-by two sons and two daughters. The funeral was con- ducted by Rev. T. Smith, at Twelve. Mile Lake Cemetery. I WILLIAM HOLMES, ELDON. Mr. William Holmes, who resided on lot. 19, con. 8, Eldon. died on Sunday, 13th inst., aged 63 years, after a lingering- illness of; over two years. Deceased .was a. rusident of that section for over 37 years, and was one of its most respected citizens. When he came to Eldqn :the township was almost a. Virgin forest. Dr. William Henry Porter, L.D.S.,E died at Bradford on Sunday, J am»; m: m HUGH W. H. PORTER, BRADFORD. MARIPO SA . SOUTH VICTORIA AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY ‘ Robert Dobson. left England, his native land, about, 82 years ago, Sixry-ï¬ve years ago he settled in Reach. where he continued to reside until his death on January 2. He was one of the successful Shorthoru breeders in that district. Deceased is survived by two sons und two daughters: Mr. Frank Bobs-3n, l'x- hnidge'; Rev. C.~ J. CDdhson, D.D., Markham; Mrs. Wm. Seott, Bret-bin: Mrs. W. Stovin. Grecnbank; Mrs, J. Wilkinson, Goldwater: Mrs. Rev‘ G. Walker, Saulte‘ Ste Marie, Mich. :- and Mrs. Alex. McCulloch, linï¬eld.‘ GOOD BALANCE REPORTED AT ANNU AL MEETING -â€" NEXT F -\IR IN LINDSAY SEPTEM- BER 19-21 The annual meeting of the South Victoria. Agricultural Society was held in. the Council Chamber, Lind- say on Wednesday, Jan.1'6th.1907’. Mr. James H. Hopkins, Reeve of Ops, Was voted to the chail. REPORT OF DIRECTORS. President Johnston Ellis read the following report of the foectoys: year 1807, and came to New York when a. young man, residing there three years, when he returned to Ireland. After remaining there about four years he reâ€"crOSSed to _ New York. Fifty Odd years ago he :came to Canada, settling in Milhbrook in the sixties, where he conducted ra. general blacksmith business’pn the corner now occupied by the Domin- ion Hotel. Diaposing of his business here he went to Manvers, following the occupation of a. farmer for severâ€" al years, when he again returned to Mill'brook, where he has since ‘niade his home. He was probably the old- est Orangemzan in Canada, having joined) the order when quite young. In politics he was Conservative and in religion Ia, Methodist. He retained his faculties up to the last, and had a. wonderful memory. He‘ was wâ€"r EDWARD EDWARDS, CANNIN’G- TON. Mr. E-dwavd Edards died at his residence, Cannin-gton, on January 15. in his 82nd year. He was for many years collector of taxes for the north half of Brock township, whence he removed to Cunnington ï¬ve years ago. He leaves a widow, his second wifle, four sons and two daughters. “I; â€"v' ‘_ï¬ , licensed as 9. Must 'in‘ 1868, ‘umd then commenced pra'ctice in Brad- ford, which he continued until re- cently. He was a. member of the Methodist church and a. Mason or high standing, also a. leading mem- ber of the A. O. W. U. Be leaves a. widow and one son, Dr‘. Fred R. Porter, who has been associated with his fathen in practice Ior some years. Mr. S. M. Porter, of Lind- sav. is u‘bro'ther, and attended the Gentlemen,â€"We meet again at our annual meeting, and We must con- gratulate Ourselves on the sum we had at our Fair last year. We had good weather and a Mary large crowd. with his fathen in 13""i years. Mr. S. M. For say, is uprother, and funeral on Wednesday. my 20, an. his 70th ye: licensed as a 090“â€? 5L .-~ -.-'._, had a wonderful memory. He was a man of large ivntelligence.‘ His wife. whose maiden name was Jane Grifï¬th, predeceased him about ten months, she being eighty-four years of age at the time of her demise. Mr. Muir was one hundred years of A floating debt of 3200. Still» have a. surplus of nearly $750 The late James Muir was bornAin the Couï¬ty Gavan, IrelaLLd; 1n the We collected at our gate and grand stand $230= more than last year; we also.pa.id out in prizes $550 more than last/year, and had We would also recommend to new Board, whoever they my ROBERT DOB SON, REACH. JAMES MUIR‘, CAVAN. an. his 70th yegr._ A communication was read from the Department of Agriculture signi- fying that the. Society would beat" the name of the place where it was held unless otherwise decided by the members. On motion of Wm. Channon. se- conded by Chas Fairhaim, it was decided that the place for holding the fair be Lindsay, and the name ZLJJ IVA I-v- “w â€"â€" ---_, was not room for all the stoék in‘ our buiidings. , ' We tender our thanks to the Coun- ty Council and the citizens of the Town of Lindsay for their very li-b- eral grants to assist. us in. carrying out our Fair. We must sign include the G. '1‘. R. and C. P.-R. Railwaysâ€"c we tender to them our thanks for the good accommodation to the trav- elling public who attended our Fair. DA__.I that they eréct new stable about. the same size as our new cow stable, partly for horsesand cattle. as war. A Ail AL- -‘Ahl’ :1. maanactures Fine arts Ladies’ work................... Plants and flowers......... etc., and mite ................... 427 :77 Purchase of grounds. etc.... 118 10 Interest 150 00 Treasurer .............................. 200 00 Printing ............................... 256 75 Caretakers ........................... .1 58 '25 Judges and dinners ............ 144 50 Postage and stationery ....... 33 68 $5007 81 The treasurer's report was certiï¬ed correct by Auditors Newton 8111110 and James H. Hopkins, and both re- ports were adopted. The Boa-rd of Directors.- tmet im-' ‘ _. mediately after. ' Present, Johnston ‘ m M at noon. Ell'iS. R. Bryams, Wm. Channon. 0.} or the m concaten- of amen Fainhrairn. J. A.(,Wil.lhmson. Eugene! Whthemflanfll entryway Shine. Edwin Mark, J. B. Gmham, two a m h.“ “pd-m M 3-1“! Sec.-Treas. Keith. - I 0.47. a! ’M-m ah- .nfl nil. annual report ................... ,3 Legislative grant .................. Municipal grant .................... Mom'bers’ subscriptions ....... Donations ............................... PriZe moneys retained for membership fees for ’07... Admission fees to Exhibi- fuuâ€"uw . Weahope, i’ï¬Ã©Ã©gf‘he your Board of Directors, they may! get the same support from the parties above men- tioned. Paid for prizes awarded in prev-ions years... ................ Rent, lighting, ï¬xing up, Total expendiwre Balance ................... ciety. The oflicars for. the ensuring your are: Presiflent, Johnston Ellis; Ist Vice.-Pres., Rout. Bryuns ; 2nd Vice- Presï¬dent, Wm. Shannon ; Secretary. Treasurer, James Keith; 'Directors, Ed. Mark, Fred Brass, John B. Gra- ham, E. H. Hopkins. E. Shine, Chas. Fairbairn, Jos. Hickson, John Carew, J. A. Williamson! tion .................................... Rent, of grounds, stams, etc Sale n! feed ........................... Money borrowed on note.... Entrance fees... .................... Dairy products ................... Grain and seed ................... Roots and other hoed crops Orchard and garden pro- ducts ................................. Implements and general TREA SURER' 8 REPORT. 'Fhe_following,is thé treasurer’s port, read by Mr. James Keith : ' Receipts. Balance on hand per last, Pigs Special attractions and James H. Hopkins_ and Newton Smale were appointed auditors for the ensuing year. . Speeding .. .................. Horses ................. Cattle ....................... Sheep ................ On motion of J. 'A: Williamson, seéonded by R. Bryans. Pia. Ellis and 2nd. Vice-President Channon were appointed delegates to the (Jr..â€" tario Fairs’ Association, to be'held in Toronto on Feb, 20th and ‘21.“. A hearty- Vote of; thanks dared to Jas. R; Hopkins able manner in which he malted. As it stood, tin prize list .wns nearly three-4 much as the "other. ‘ On motion 0! J. A. I seconded by:Edwin Mark, of Céntml Fair ' were ' ..___ ‘ "55‘ that. the prim hat for cattle be 19th, 20th and 2'13; of 1907; J. ELLIS, ' JAMES KEITH, President. Secretary Total reCeipts‘ Sou'th Victoria Agricultural Soâ€" ......::oo:..-.n....o.- Expenditure. uoc-oonu..-.. ..uo-..u.-....-oc whibh be ï¬lled the o...-.....-...o. $5007 81 $4259 55 7 48 , 26 [D "D ID 2872 08 35, F50 1'3 47 100 00 524 35 for nmmmm mwmmw 3223 427 I77 1‘18 10 150 00 200 00 600 00 414'00 [34.8 00 145 00 85 50 00 5O _ me out for advice on this subject. , They are in love, but they promised ‘ their dead wives not to marry again. Shall they break or keep this promise’ Jeenonlyedvinethemtodoutheir i I conscience dictateu. At the same time isegbytheway.mmrebextncted lbydyxnx hmbandstromhroken heart- edwivu. Butthen. ihlllbtnd'l will in men :toundthatifthewi 'thomoneyieaiitahen'trom So itcomeetathenmethingintheend. _doeln‘tit?’ - , 39% 5% E452 At the Emilyz; District L. 0. L. _______.._â€". meeting held at Omemee the follow- I. w“ W ing qmcers Were elected ': D. M., W. “Did you over â€6â€." “u a. w, J. Thoma; l). D. M., R. J. Pattef- m m mt 0'“, â€hm m 9021': Cheap†J. J. Williams: Rec. ‘ bu ' 0‘“! Sec., J. G. Beatty ;: Fin. Sec†A. E. " Mam an“ Stinson ;- Treas., W. R. Cottinghnm ; m We W, M m n. D. ofC., F. w. Magee ;; Lect.. J. T. Beatty. and you no 1 handsome chandelier wallowing am' the ofï¬cers of Man- that it would seem worth yhllo to do- }‘oll'owing are’ the omcers of Man- vers District L. O. L. : F. W. Rey- nolds, W.M-. ; W. J. Bruce, D.M. ; H. S. Potts, Chap. ; Wm. Johnston; Tneas.; G. Harry Reynolds, D. of (7. ;.Wm. Burk, Lent. ; T. J.~ Jack- sgn, Fin. Seé'y; Wm. BrOWn, Ree- Loyal Orange District Lodge No. 4, Fenelon, met in the Orange Hail, P‘enelon Fails; on Jan. 8-. and elect.â€" od the. following ofï¬cers for the on- suing year : W. 11.. J. T. Thomgson a Golden Wedding at Cabourg Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Fox. of Co- tiourg, celebrated the fiftieth anni~ versary bf their marriage on Mon- day evening, January 7. .on which occasion they received many beauti- ful gifts, among them being a'Mor- ris chair and gold-headed cane pro sented by the sons to Mr. Fox, and a purse of gold to Mrs. Fox .I'rom the daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Fox spent most of their lives in Cohourg Their family; consists of Willigm John and Joseph, Cobourg; Churlesg Meohanicsville, N.Y.; Edward. Roâ€" chester ; Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. J. J. ‘Fox. Lindsay ; Mrs. McCaulcy. Bun‘alo; Mrs. GrOSjean, Bay City, Mich. ; Mrs. Struthers, Eiyria, Ohio. They have also thirty-four grand- children. Amongst those present at ehe celebration were Mrs. J. J. Fox and~daughter,' Lindsay. An error appeared 1n the item under this heading in last. wecu's issuu re Davidson Mill‘s.- It slim-“M haw read. “chant-d grain \"'ll 0 be ground for the next. 30 days for ï¬ve D. 11., Ronald McFadyen ; Chap†Thonias Archerc- Rec. Sec†“.ugh Strong; Fin. Sea, Stephen. Oliver; Treas , Robert En glish: Dir. (‘cru T. H. Roberts; Lect., John Cook "Strathallans." sired by a “Braâ€" with Brit!" bu“. one of the beat in Amenra The Bulls offered are H‘fd‘ly for senior. are of «he fleshy desir- able sort. and seeing them is enough to ccminu- intending purchaacrs, that the \ are ï¬rst-class in quality. Come t'o Fainiew Farm and hue a. look at them. JOHN CAMPBELL, Woodvillc. 0nt.â€"4-tf. Eents a. bag. " Shorthorn Bulls for Sale LITTLE BRITAIN. w : WW \. v. TEE WATCHHAN' ' names-mum " mmehomanyy \llndhnmflmwnln northern Ver- m â€ammugmnpotknmmom -â€"‘-â€" L- .4.â€" I on? SELL Your Real Estate or Business ,_.‘.... ‘gttjuulv' If‘r'" ED TOPEKA 4 «'9 iii-1‘53 wavy? |."’.'.".ED “in and Baum u! an kinds mid glc nynr cash in all part! uf the United dent-ï¬ning .ato. 9011‘: um: Wm: toâ€"duv what you have to 1:1! mm give can price on “if YOU wm‘m pm _‘- ---o_ any ti 5 of Balm-u «gr an) nun: may. «but. It any prise. wrvr me nut nrqmrc- nexxa. 1 can save yo:- t me an money. exclusive deelgns. but the chandelier people .must employ some remarkably versatile artists to think up so many mutant designs. It seems like a waste otmoneytomakeonlyoneotekind. butitisapleasuretoknowthathell or home may be exclusive in it: chan- know what principle the mural of chandeliers go on, whether It is a nut- ur ot pride with than not to at out two buildings alike or whether conâ€" . no Concertina. The threatened revival of the con- certlna as a serious musical instrument in England would be a return to an old fashion no doubt. but not to a very old one. since the concertlna dates from the early part of the last century. It: Invention was an early indlseretlon of 81: Charleu Wheutstone of telegnph According to the results of experi- mentn. the name of acetylene to pen- hnpe the hottest known except that of the electric arc. 'lhe following ï¬gures have been given: Bunsen burner. 1.871 degrees; acetylene name. 2.548 degreel: ulcohol name. 1,705 degrees; Denny- roue burnerâ€"hut alcohol. hnlt petro- leumâ€"2.58 degrees; hydrogen name in ur.1.900 degrees; gu Jet Ilene wlth WV v“; J“. -â€" __-_ 7 body in Vienna invented that similar instrument. the accordion. The concen- tina was popularized by Big. Regondi. who had come before the public as a juvenile prodigy with the guitar. At one tune no London concert was real- ly complete without him and his con- certina. and he astounded the German: with the music he could get out or it. over interpeilationsâ€"loglc. ï¬gures. li- lnstrations. extractsâ€"all pellmell. with a whirl and fury that took the breath away. And he did it all with the at. most ease and got to the end without turning a hair. Mr. Gladstone took it all quietly and did it quietly and left the house and went home quietly. probably mentioning to Mrs. Glad-tone uareuon torheinzratherflredthat he had been saying a “few words" that evening-From Whitty'a “Parlia- ;mofwho took out a patent for it In 1829. the very year in which pogo- It was a budget last night-about 1 page of a morning paper spoken In two hours by Mr. Gladstone. and he had- ly referred to a note, never paused a moment. broke through cheers. dulled “rum-t do; howentoutwlthhll mnutohegotpulled.†“Foreman-t1" § “Nomuwethooppodte.†, “Idon'twâ€" “Fbrltopplnxhst. Hohadtohln Itmertolunlhlmhomo." mum: p. rum. THE LAND 1921 Gladstone .- an :15 mucus Missal: u suchbnndlngsinslston “whim why be m Real but: up KANSAS Public? Notice ' WANTED.-â€"Good genera servant. Apply to m W133 mu- u..â€"1~s mum-um o! the Fm!- M001 a" Unit»: mm *qu hum-awe W meuumwm Goun- undo cil Lumbar. in thofl‘own of Lind- - my. on mURSIIAY.,7th rm: OF 2-11 FEBRUARY, 1907, at the hour of = 11 o'clock mm" for the purpose of ' the annual imminent, the election of directors. and such other Lysine. as my be brought before “a said meeting. R. G. CORNEIL. 2‘9;ng °~° Sec-Twas. of a“ uqdw. I,†. EBB FOB FARI.â€"'Denden will ho waived by the undenigned until Feb. 6. 1907. for the purchase at â€about 107 gem. being out lull ' lot 28. come-ion J, Faction. 40 acres have bean cultivated and free tron: woods, 20 in pasture. being psrtly cleared; remainder in well timber-ed with maple. elm. bus- wood, bï¬rch. hemlock. pine. spruce and cedar. A nova-mm creek crosses two counts. wording good watering. Is a. few minutes walk from public school ; two miles from Glennrm. Tunaâ€"One half of price. cash; with remainder guar- anteed by ï¬rst mortgage, or all cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN J. SMITHSON, Glenarm, Ont. Box Wanted to buy. farm 01.100 acres. all good land. with good buildings; a few mile- from Lindsay. Apply at this oflloe.â€"£8. Goon-‘0 J. Brannon proprietor of the Victoria. umber Mills. Lind-my. will my the highest spot. cub price for all kindaï¬' o! THURSDAY. - J ANUABY 31.â€"â€"By Elm Bowel, auctioneer, farm stock and impiemm. the property 01 Dougdd Judd-on, lot. 13, con. 8, Eldon, consisting of 4 work horny! w in fowl. 1 yea: old col-t. 1 spring colt, 12 milch cows, 4 two you dds..10 yearlflnga, 16 Owe. 8 we lambs, 2 brood sows, 80 haul. full Iett of implements. have Toronto .................. 5.00 WANTED " Burketon. ................. 6.50 TALDOW.â€"Elthnr rendered or un- “ Neatleton .............. 6.58. rendemd. The Horn Bron. Woollen " Jnnctv-mo. .............. 7.05 00.. maximâ€"49. " Chbo .................. 7.10 , Arrive Linda: .............. 7.20 WANTED.â€"Glrl tor ‘ house- Lenva Lindsay ................ 7.25 vol-gt. Apply to IRS. KENNEDY. “ Burnett ....... .......... 7.33 Wâ€" “ Dundord ............. 7.42 “ Anconn Point 7.50 HARDERâ€"A girl to do general Arrive Bobcnypon .......... 8.00 ‘hmmnfl; nznu mmMa‘w mmnnmnnmmm. vvvvvtvvvrv * 7 EFï¬FFF§#R*L ... ...... a o m Allâ€? to 1.: Law Toronto ..... .. ............. 9.15 nnz. new 89‘: 'm m Mild " Bum... ........... 10.55 n12. Samuel Whit‘bread. or to whom the said Samuel Whitbread was indebted will please call at the ofï¬ce of Messrs. )(cDiamid a Weds: Bar- timers Lindsay. on or before the 218t instant. and have their claims adjusted and settled. Dated "at Lindsay this 1% day of January, A. D., 190% We have now our need prepared and are booking orders for the season of 1907 for the growing of (ancy and other peas and we would request. those wish' to grow, who have not already left their order, andrequireseed pens, to call at once at. the ofï¬ce and leave their order and get the seed if they wish to take it away with them, and those who have already left their order kindly can and take their seed away at once. Prices have ad- vanced on most all varieties. JAS. M. SQUIER SON, 2-8. SQUER FLAVELLE. ‘ WANTED TAIJDW.â€"-Eith¢f rendered or un- rendered. The Horn Bros. Woollen Co.. mumâ€"19. Horeb.â€"3-3. In the matter ‘0!†the Estate of Samuel Whitbread, late 'of the Town of Lindsay, Gardener, de- All parties indebted to the In}: ov 1â€"". un- "" sue at one o'clock- Notice to Creditors Notice to the Public Notice to Farmers BALE REGISTER fARM WANTED. THOMAS J. MURTAGH, Executor. WANTED 14. 1907. Wilson. auctioneer. W Plume â€my Time Table for saJo ‘ hi. W. 1' 5!- .11“ hard, 509‘ W solid brick reï¬nerâ€, mm and Glands-8m Mum Wmlmdernimprovcmcms One but meted huusm in :w acre land; Ornamental gm and fruit trees, Maudie. Apply to 1113.3 1)“ W solid brick res- «Jung, m mm Glands-$5.. ‘uuth M. “Wimprovcmcms One “ï¬rm but meted houses in .‘ W" “ J†m Ind; ornammm ,‘er and “Hit Tees. m W Italic. Apply to .1le mean. on the premises-- % if? . .V ,2: *: â€Evian: “ Neatloton " Junctvflk " Chbo ..... “ Arrive Lindsay Lava Lindsay . “ Burnett “ Dundord JOHNSION’S fl Vetetinary ‘ INfIRM ARY Boarding and Feeding Stables YORK STRffl All diseases of Horses and Cattle treated; latest. and most approved methods. Specialties: Dentistry and dldueeneeofthefeet. Medicines 0‘ the latest discovery kept on hand J. N. JOHNSTON, Y. 8. Graduate 0! the Ontario Veterinary FARM FOR SALEâ€"East half Lo: 17, 00.11. J. Fenelon, adjoinmg Ishy village, and a few minutes walk from school and R0, 107 was. 50 acres under cultivaton FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE.â€" 100 acres more or. less. the gm- perty of Albert E. Webster, Xx ;' Lot 17. Con. 10; Mariposa. .~.') ashes under cultivation, 12 am pasture. 3 acres bush; frame in» 28 1:28, with kitchen and “or i- shed attached; frame barn 42 x: hip roof Witt!!! ï¬rst-class stow stablmg; another barn 20 2-: 4.._ hog pen. hen house , 30 heariv g apple trees and some, small in; frame house 28 x 28, with kiICIME and woodshed attached. Soii. Civj.‘ ~ 1' FOB SALE.â€"Two young Showman Bulb. ‘0‘: by imp. 8iâ€. Thr'y aâ€. med mm, 10 months old, nm- be. long! to the Ramadan family: 1he other to the Beauty family. 3pm. to WI. POLIDCK, Seagrax-e, Uni, FARE FOR SALEâ€"A few mile! (tom Lind-as. 90 acres, all plow had. Good dwelling; good barns and outbuildingi; windmill ‘ 3 Match. For rfurther partéwflur» apply to the proprietor (m fr." farm. Oakwood P. 0., or to lillfxs‘ BOWES, Real Estate Agent, 1.1143- sunâ€"34f. OB . SALEâ€"Valuab‘e gelding - rising m yea-s; sire Baron Rothschild, (hm Kentucky Hare. For rumba informant: write Box 18, Kin. acres fall Mt; 50 acres fur/ugh- ing done. Cheese {actor-y and school convenient. Price $4,100. Apply at this once. loam; good_fald wheat and ens.“â€" farm. Theme is 14 notes fall “31.14.: sown, 13 acres aisike and 10 a‘TY‘I'S‘ red clover. Well ianoed.Goouv.-..1 in barnyard. plenty of watrr f-z‘ everything; good “811 at h ..~. One and a. hunter miles in school, Eli-milled from Hahn»... Wm there is 800d Stores, L'luxn- smith shops. post ofï¬ce. charr- es. and a ï¬rst-class market Mesa. Station for all kind» grain, seeds and stock. _\ ‘ opportunity to purchase a g; farm. Owner wants to sv once. Possession given on 1h“ clean and tree from weeds: bai- anoe pasture. woodland and swamp. Good young orchard; extra good frame house. 9 rooms, kilt'hpn, woodshed and two Cellars. ere barn 50 x 60 on stone foundmfscc, stabbing undemeath ; new Chifl'agc Windmill 9n barn with chopper and pulleys; frame hay barn and driv- ing shed; log pig pen 16 x 20: silo : never-failing wells ; a share in corn harvester goes with farm. Apply at this oflice.â€"-52â€"tf. OR SALEâ€"m Kelly Wood hot, one hundred acres. in the twelh‘n concession of many. Bargain. I. E. WELDON. Solicitor. Lindsay; gm Point ......... 12.15 p.rL~. DAILY TRAIN SERVICE. Express to Toronto. , JANUARY 24th. Residence for “nonuooooonaob Low; c. . ;- - W 00.00.... omen†p.134 um Ituotool Cool-1.1.05 Jamal. ........... 11.15 00â€"00.... 0 FOR SALE "hon-uonoucnu o â€.00.... . u. u Point .0â€.- x~0â€.~0â€lonuhl C... OOOOOOOOOOO 10025 M... 5-“ illâ€- mm‘ M ’0m‘ .mmooouoLU P. w a no “It.†p'm‘ fl GREATER - the inï¬nity preaefve the be Kai-Gen. Francis V. 011 ,lalo, a man of national re tar! expert, and public M a large attendance of the Empire Club VV-lllncheon the other day of Niagara power. Ge! wident of the Niagara ( J . and of the Ontario imer Co., and as such '11:: regard to the necessity !noa of obtaining for th .Ilil provinae in the cheal manner a supply of powq bra have authoritative ‘ g" The ï¬rst portion of G1 mikes! was devoted ta 1 Mion of the objects Club and the probal a and its relatio: «main and the United 6 International ï¬eld I E “It behooves my count: ll speaker, “to study th¢ with some care and decid ‘0‘ their attitude toward 'I'lu' on the north, destine it. the equal in wealth 4th of a great nation. unï¬tude of the United 81 iMda__has, in the_ pal A‘_A . F. V. Groom Eloqmnfly of ’ 3d also In Womb.- Nationnl Import“ an! the Che-90" or and Prmrvution Y'befv'l‘here- was a time when by the exercise 01 in might have secured 1 market almost as comp} , ‘,______77w 7 gfln knife-cleaner and ,gï¬c dish-washing m , es-wringer and 0th 2h laundry. and a hos ï¬tnestic utensils not yet 3’5“ much thought abo , pungent time by a multi vantors.â€-Gen. Greene to Toronto Empire Clul e time day is not i: practically every tunic within 290 mil‘ " “It is not alone in 1‘ has that cheap power ‘ Wilma. but 3150‘ in, possibly in heating hinly in many domestic‘ e in the great citie! villnms and on the 1 hem River will be I Wricity supplied by 1 2‘ the great cataract. 1 mmng the sewing mac] .ï¬ums. the ice-cream fre mtilatine fans, the how vnâ€" _- hour by year I think we, Rates. will have the s: inspect and admiration me strong. self-reliant. I man has for another; thl ‘dthough politically and independent of us; cam: *nntageoua to us; and‘ 'd the tariï¬s which now 10! a long time will (1‘ wth must lead to a la 18, and that with the ‘ reusing facilities for c and intercourse thpre 1 tly increasing imiml chip which cannot fail highest mutual advantq Q Niagara Power P ‘ " Turning to the ques diversion of water 0| v ‘ . from the phat“ â€""â€""v wet, he noted that I of Syracuse on “1 oronto on the west W Niagara Power- ““1 be†1mg, distant 250 mi er as the wires rul ustries in the way - ty force. On his own side of t‘ ‘ inion in regard â€0 I have crystalized into F8115}: On _t.he Cal I¢m_~ ‘xwithout the written I" , immucï¬on of 8M 10W side 01 fl! :into the United 3’3" my ~ 't. Incident >' "In the United Stat: .m on, “public semi resaion in the 8m" Congress on June . 1 the paramount r38 ‘ States against “1‘ f we of New York ‘4 :ownem in the waters ifl PRESIDENT‘S I OF CHEAPER PO‘ ’ATCIDIAN-WA