24th novelty. 'Il‘lOs and ()r- )liduy‘ wast)" «gulur przvc. rt timvkeepers. ad Wedding ï¬e Licenses. me and rf Pins v m: has as“! he mad. "EM! I ['TTERS SWEEPEKS ‘ ash: m: T“ ml a mu :- a m p that 93mm and New. dam nu: mp :- he»: an: wwmd m an; aim! hm :01: Time EH! [1) [‘11] to red to pm! In tt'u [1(0. ains Ladies (‘11 T1) ......... 5° 'ACHINES 1‘ )S‘ ‘11 tn 888R 7 of Victoria. It" kind. W mummum m n... me. ml-hmul instru- ines at about I 3150 have a int-s fur with ‘1 to. 1 to at: l0 N: wmï¬g' .a, “Wen." he “‘12 v Nate; m . a: at ya“. ‘ m m u Coal, Iron Carly l: .8 Li. "YLERY K UNDSAY ‘; PILLS »n Neok- i f. 35.51 of the own- 'ht-s. They only unl detail. We ache-.5- from $25 [2 up, and silver $10. All these FHERUP 3 OS. 3: man and um- Tmahmn OLIVER-um Mo- tto-oer tor tho my a! W! MM OS. EEHAN ‘ï¬uuï¬â€˜UM‘ pular Store tn )I n‘ Organs )3 5015mm Co. S K A'I‘ES IOORE a. JACKSON, Barristers, etc, solicitors for the County of Victoria. ant‘ the Bank of Montreal. Honey to loan nn mortgages at the lowest current rates. Ofï¬ce William-3L, Lindsay. F. D. Moore. Mex. Jacknon. [‘0 BORROWERSâ€"We are loaning money on real estate mortgages at tnc lowest current rates. The busi- ness is done in our ’own ofllce and the principal and interest repaid to us without any expense of remitâ€" ting. We also purchase mortgages and debentures. TO INVESTORS -â€"We invest money for clients on mortgages. also upon municipal de- bentures, investment stocks and bonds. McLAUGHLIN PEEL. Barristas. etc., Lindsay. STEWART 8:. O’CONNOR. Barrister- Notaries, etc. Money to loan at. very lowest current rates on beat terms. Otï¬ce corner Kent and York-st_s., Lindsay. ‘1'. Stewart, L. V. O’Connor. B.A. LEIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"Barrister. So- licitor, Notary Public. Represent- ing Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Waterloo ; Federal Life As- Iurance 00., of Hamilton; Empire Accident and Surety 00.. of . Lon- don. Ont. Ofï¬ceâ€"Telephone build- lmz, William-st., tormerly Judge 0' Leary'a ofï¬ce J. HeOUI-LOOH. ‘3“ Q]. ‘ JAXETVILLE ONT-4. Paduate of Queen 3 mm gpecial attention ‘in be given ta "-â€" A. wnmcn 3“,; Graduate of Trinity University of (mtario Medical College for to 5 p.m. omeo, 61 Kent-St. R. R. MILNE, D.O., Eyesight Specialist, OFFICE 92 KENToST., LINDSAY. Over Neill's Shoe Store. Special attention given to examin- mg and treating the eye with proper hams, if required. A A g 7 ï¬oufs 9 £6 12 a. or by appointment. Graduate c WWW-ï¬n m Kent and away-am. Bum 43-35,. GRADï¬ATE Wm‘tmvgm mm mm r93 cows " 91%:th ARE “groan. €25“wa mm sum»- ten mused mm mm HI. ’lgx‘ h“ OLIVE K. REA. M. Du - a. JAMES. emu. on. u. sen-ed “mom. for m can a: Viomflm m meek and «that was magmas: h. RS. NEELANDS a; IRVINE. Den- tists, members of the Royal Col- loge of Dental Surgeons. We have 11! the latest methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to Orthodonia. Crown and Bridge work. The successful extraction of teeth under gas (Vitalized Air: and the insertion of the best art flciai dentures continugoflto be a specialty “h‘x R. SUTTON. Dentist. Lindsay. Hon or graduate of Toronto University nnd Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest improved methods adopted and prices moderâ€" nte. omce over Anderson 8: Nu- gtnt'l, opposite Veitch'l Hotel. .. R. I“. A. WALTERS, dentist. Lind- _ . Honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dentistry. All the hunt. ad im- proved branches of dentistry suc- ceesfully performed. Charges mod- erate. Ofï¬ce over Gregory’s Drug Store. corner Kent and William- “cu uu- w vvâ€"â€"â€"â€" 0! thin omce. omce nearly oppm cite the Simpson Houoe. HE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on Farm, Town and Village Property at very lowest raten of interest. Company or Private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I E. WSLDON. Solicitor, etc., Milne .Rmck, Lindsay. It. Aummtm m commas Hamsters, etc . H. HOPKINS, Barrisrer, Solicit- or for the Ontario Bank. Money to man at lowest rates. Ofï¬ce No. 6 William-st. , ’ south. Dentistry . H. GROSS, Dentist, Lindsay, Headquarters for good Dentistry. Member of Royal Dental College. R. POGJE. DENTIST, ofï¬ce near- ly opposite the post ofï¬ce. Special sttention giVen to children's teeth. Huward V. Pogue, D.D.S. 14.0.8. . B. WELDON. Mariposa townsmp Clerk, Oakwood. Fire Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licencel. Conveyancing in all its forms. ‘fKE LE Wï¬mï¬ï¬ANaflARBI-ï¬, WSMY, JANfl’AJIY m new. {ééitrm {“9“ m gauntlet-mm 8534qu JOHN HEYIILION DR. 1‘. ILLROKKRD DENTIST 130 Ram Sweat 0m New a bra: 8m Mariposa township Fire Insurance 2 to _ 5 p-m'v game how that he} oeiiid m to windward and :19 due no! N anehar out at “:9 M an imam Milli m nothing for“ u hut to win what induce any vault The“ Jammy mun: hr! «mm m mug «I. lit-I3 “Now I’ll give you the whole case packed small,†said the spokesman. “A crowd of us found this place and dis- covered the pearls and the shell. We were all badly in want of a pile, and we took the risks and started in to get it. Most of us went away with the ï¬rst cargo, and only two white men were left with a. few Kanakas. Then you came. You were told you’re not want- ed, but you gently hinted at force ma- jeure and were allowed to stay. Final- ly the rest of our crowd comes back, and it’s forCe majeure on the other side, and now you’ve got to go. If you’ve the sense of oysters you’ll go peace- fully. There isn’t enough for all of us; at any rate we don’t intend to share." uu vvwvxn -â€"vv ‘i‘he cola gauges begin “wanker. but as every man who: Raw. 39 human mans could :9: a work in; steam prgwm u_ 9! "an hour. ._._.. AL LA-L- 0n déek the crew had run the hostnl :3†up to dams, hand have short by hand.‘ dead and thhh steed like ma on the “9% waiting than tate. Tha N389?! ha . th I maatheadgd théll‘ yards. and m â€a. beam; dawn the lam that a Chll‘ snaking mm Que mg! 9 other mm the, tumbled ant the h “M an swung‘ an the one: s t a mag then. with that? lugs vi 896 like some seem A, I out om tho ' blue auhzamhéd watt". , than; thought» mm I99 _9|!!§ A! “Look here,†said Carnforth hotly. “This is all nonsense. W’eve got as much right hereias you_." the lagoon. But what then? I guess the account would not be closed; and when a man chooses to make me his enemy, I always see that he gets pay- ment in full sooner or later." “What's that?" shouted the man with the eyeglass. “Well, it's one of those confounded Jap gunboats. if you want to know. Hurry, and we shall just get off. We'll leave these tools to pay the bill." “Humph!†said the pearler; “that set- tles the matter another way. I must go, and I suppose you'll try to hook it too. Ta, ta, skipper: you're a. good sortâ€"I like you. By-by Carnforth. can’t recom- mend the Jap 1811:. Hope you get caught, and that’ll square up for your giving me u had time at Cambridge): “Mr. Carnforth,†said Kettle. “I told you we’d better have bottled that dirty man with the window-pane eye who's been talking.†“Right!" said the pearler. “Right had better not enter into the question. W'e’re all a blooming lot of poachers, if it comes to that. You know that, Mr. Martin, or Carnforth, or whatever you choose to call yourself for the time being. You come here under a purser'a name, your yacht is guyed out like a Mediterranean tunny ï¬sher, and I guess you look upon the thing much as you did bagging knockers and brass doorpiates in the old days at Cam- bridgeâ€"halt the fun is in dodging the hobby." “di'Bix're taking the wrong sort of tone," interrupted Carnforth. “I’m not used to being hectored at like this."_ “And let me tell you this. You've got the upper hand for the present, that I admit. You may even force _us_ out of A hail came down the saloon sky. light outside, from the deck above. “Scoot, boys, scoot! The Phllistines be upon us.†He followed the other: out. on deck. and a moment later their wheleboat was pulling hard for where the lumen rode lazily at their anchors. Carnforth and Kettle went after hlm, and the en- glneers and the yecht’e crew, who had been held down in the fereeutle n rlne’emunle, came on sleek elnq “-3 It did not require an pressing to a» the en me room a to their Wk. The be ten men we: but never ware area m quicker. Pnflflm wood. man can], grease, “mugs thy wmdjburn. (Continued from Page 2.) fellbws,‘briï¬g C'arnforth into the 'skip- pet’s room.†_ ,- . . -- 11.7.; Martin Carnforth came into Kettle' 5 room sullenly enough with his hands in his pockets. “I can beï¬eve it," said the pearler drily. “You are a successfulflgnan.†“'Noi being foois," said the pearler coolly, “of course we've thought of that. We’veâ€"" “All right.†said the man with the eyeglass, “pay away. Dog't mind us."_ V "A hint it one of the Japanese ports as to what was goin' on would soon upset your little game." DB. 1'. A. SWIM. Uniï¬ed. 179 mm. W. TORONTO and permanent cure for Rheumatism Bright’s Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25:: per box, at all dealers. rfectly restored to health and today I never en better in my life. Psychjne has been a. god- send to me. M33. Axon-w Cups! L. Cottonwuod. N.W.T. Mm Campbell, enact the many cured, makes the following statement: Icannot refrain from temng all who under of my remarkable recovery vmh Pischme. In April. 1902. I caught: heavy cold which settled onm lungs and gradually led to consumption. Ico d not sleep. was subject to night sweats. my lungs were so diseased, my doctor («Insider-ed me incurable. Rev. Mr. Mahafly. Port Elgin Presbyterian Church. recommended Dr. Slocum's Psychlne to me. when I was living In Ontario. After-using Psthme for a short time I ate and slept well, the mght sweatx and 00 h ceased. Monéhsm I 3209M tekjng 9970 l_ne. “.3 l was Nam haemefleeted a ham 3. number «mm 5:14;:an venous wmmhvm his†‘dms- mdnmmmdéï¬ï¬mï¬eww isom- es of the, throat. cMWMm}; Wham doctors M6 9mm _‘ ERG“ ‘ incurable jmm mammoth and Mot wasting diseases Paychm flops m m! rescues numbexleea peopleevon from M very verge of the grave: Combs. Odds. Catarrh. Bronchitis. Chills, NkhtSweats‘ La Grippe, Pneumonia. and other like troubles, all of which are forerunners of Consumption, yield quickly to the cum tive_ pomfrs of Ifgychme: __ Anmmm W «WWW PASTOR ANDPWPLE Captain Kettle At an dealers. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. If not write to PSYCHIN E never disappoints. PSYCH IN E has no substitute. There is no other medicine “Just as Dr. Root’s Kidney_ Ping are a game roman ware“. ' " -, 31: the MM at! man M latent!!! mam ‘9 “m I that :he eagle! m 30:; :2: §m£$gï¬v$2"$$"wa .and 86 am; not hm): m “a“ u m “a. nanny“. I at the and m: m on! , x r _, 81m $13 m “9!! 8.3191" ï¬gï¬â€™fflfflï¬ï¬‚ v -____ Etc tic _MI§6 idem; vuv. '- _ -mâ€" i “You can do as you please," said Carnforth. “I shall report you to your commander-inchief at Nagasaki. I never came across such insolence. You heard my nameâ€"Lord Martin. You'll hear more of it before long." Steam was rising in the gauges, and the yacht was getting into her stride of 12 knots. She sped out through the passage, and rolled in the trough of the glistening swells beyond. The crew of the warship still'stood to their guns, but the oii'lcers were in a dilem- ma. These pestilential Britishers al- ways did make such a row it any or their vessels were iired on; and this. apparently, was a yacht, though gro- tesquely unkempt. and tricked out with ‘ a black and red funnel; and, more- over, she was owned by a peer of the realm. A last despairing-hail came over the waters: “Are you noble?†“Yes, haven’t I told you? Lord-Mar- tin. You'll know it better when you're | next in port." i And that was the last word. The gunvhoat turned and steamed out after I them, but. her turning circle was large I and her speed slow. By midday she : was hull down astern; by evening her | mast trucks were under the water. “What ship’s that?" came the hail in perfect English. ‘ “Steam yacht Vestris. Lord Martin, owner,†said Carnforth, who knew the value of titles on the foreigners. “I am Lord Martin.†. “What are you doing in here?†“Been watching those poachers.†“Heave to and explain.†“I shall do nothing of the sort, and if you dare to ï¬re on me I will bring \the British fleet about your ears.†The Japanese spokesman gasped, and consulted with a superior, and the steamers drew abreast. “But you must heave to.†“I shall do nothing of the kind.†“But you are in forbidden waters.†“Then you should put up a notice to say so. I shall report this to my admi. ralty in London.†“Go it,†said Kettle, sotto voce. “For blooming cheek, give me an M.P.†“But you must stop,†said the Japan- ese, “or I shall be compelled to hre.†_-lj cm A. Rowena. "It is claimed.†Inc an ant! um. "that out: mu be When In em untrained to swim to your um um and mm them but to ma in men mouths. Aha QM}; pom! Incredible. AL A _L-L‘ “He seemed to hate you pretty ten- derly.†~ "Hezdld that. I suppose I must hwe played some practical joke on him, Well, I know I used to be up to all sorts of lax-ks in those days. skipper. but that's long enough ago now. and all that sort of foolishness gamut." But look new†He we a the Mob mph of an ancient My n pm“ . can with spear: Mo on the mm mm 9! tbs mu lugs at: In: on their munch“ h the ma. will. “- ward other! «NHLQEL'YAE "3‘! Carnforth strutted he deck cdmpla- cently, “Rather a. gorgeous blufl, eh, skipper?" hg said_at last. , AL.â€" -1.)- Uncyyv- ' _.._ “You’re the only man on this ship that could have done it.†said Kettle admiringly. “It takes a parliamentary education to lie like that." Capt. Kettle laughed. “Have you done with pearl-poaching. air? Or are you going to have another try at it?! But don't paint out the name of your' ship next time. If that Jap had had the . eyes of a mule he'd have seen the change. and he’d have taken hie; chances and ï¬red. Gov. L. C. Walthrop; is no name for an Instinh mllord’ai yacht.†vâ€"â€"-._._ Agaii 7:13}; Eilenbe grew between them, and Carnforth said, muslngly: “I wonder who that Cambridge man Carnforth came up on the bridge, “Now, sir,†said Kettle, “you must do the talking. I guess it’s got to he lies, and lying’s a thing I can’t go.†“What shall I say?†“Say what’s needed," replied Kettle, concisely; “and don’t say it wrong. Re- member, sir, you’re lying for your lib- erty. It’s neck for nothing. She’s got two big guns trained on us, and a shot from either would send us to Jones be- fore we could get in a smack in re- turn.†The gunboat was coming in with her crew at quarters, ofliéers with swords on and everything cleared for action. The Japanese flagran up to her peak. Promntly an English royal yacht club burgee broke out at the poacher’s main truck and a. British blue ensign flutter- ed up to her, poopstafl and dipped three times in salute. 6B an {e RVBW em Khan; ‘2 thought a h m ME 9 e m. an a, mom lawn to 023th “It‘s “‘31 chance. air. but we‘d better try it. 1 WW†“Yes.“ said mum “It only we hadn‘t painted out those names we might have done it more safely. As It is we must risk it. 01! with you below, air, and get into come decent clothes. You' a give the whole show away if you staid on the bridge here in those ï¬lthy rags. You my be a yacht owner, sir, but, by James, you look Jar more like an out-ot-work cool trimmer. †_ Carnforth ran down the ladder and Kettle gave crisp orders to the hands on deck, who disappeared also. and presently came back dressed as spruce yachtsmen, in white trousers, white drill jumpers and straw hats; and'by that time the yacht was under way and steaming slowly to the pass. 0A1 g A_ meow Maintain“ an» mammal new)“ mmann mmmmumum mm Themm ‘ homo! then-emu numb“ k W Atnothermn mauve «Milena he coal 3??! 1ang £223 101‘ new a 9? mm: “mm mm!†med Km}; “Break out that, mm B: mu“ And the men labored win! the .9959 \ mm m the am an that: (Copyright by Outclgflgjtvno.) mm a pan gum Ivy!!- I By the icourt to kneel down â€a at g the Chinese are pomwmy mm: m; pardon, though he .11.,“ mt he enough. A Mastering. hut-mica fellow 1nd acted by mistake. for thus: no they can “a paper user." When a lordship had u dirty shirt. . womont t man nlue- himself overmueh they suit of clothes uld only slxpenco In } €0th" him to “t rat fllunt Into t his pocket. so am he could not be- i scale Ind within: Molt.†Ovendolnz lien flat ho m 3 poor ud â€mud . I thing we: all "1 hunchblï¬ mmnz him through [mamaâ€"0mm ' O how." A modthrlft the! comm marocket†whichgouoaltonco. laugh"... ,Thouwhooxpendtholrchultyonro- Thu wu the m u not!" phyflclul i mot. ohm but neglect their tun- mm mm out a dam wanna: men. In nld to “has It lane-m on a nmlnd that he died (orb-bpotgwhlch Inn-n am. but xiv-no mummwmtotmoronwlmt Non†.9. mm: a“ The Way In Turkey. In the days when M. Paul Camhon represented the interests of the French republic at Constantinople Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. who had been touring in eastern Europe, was desirous of. giving a dramatic representation at Yildiz kiosk. The sultan was willing. and the push: who has the control of all enter- tainments at Ylldlz. But the push: held out his hand for more backaheeuh than La Belle Sarah felt Inclined to give. and so the long looked for rep- resentation did not take place. Sarah Bernhardt lost by lt H.000 and the coveted order of the Chetekat. Her- mann. the conjurer. knowing the ropes better than the French actress. squared the keeper .of the wardrobe, gave his show and got hls thousand pounds.â€" Atterbelnglnjnredbynbnllotpe-l cnllerly savage temper John Wesson was under a doctor's are for a con. i slderable time and thereby Incurred n? heavy blll for medical attendance. | When he was almost well one of hls; old triends who had called upon him : sold he congratr‘xted hlm on looklneï¬ so well after sue. long Illness. I éhiidren. of course. steal a good deal. The best of men and women. looking back on their childhood. can recall many a theft. Stealing is natural. Children now and then murder. Their motive is always jealousy. Thus in Vienna a boy of ten. jealous of his brother and sister. who seemed to be more petted than himself. killed both of them and then tool: his own lite.â€" Philadeiphia Bulletin. mu], "v“u ;umyw Uvuu " ‘ was under s doctor's are for a com | “d '0': her temper over them tre- elderable time and thereby Incurred "9 quently. She was no Anne of Amanda. heavy bill for medical ammncel t° 9“" "“3" ‘ “We“ “mm" on When he was almost well one of hit 25mm: 5:": J;:f..:etm€v$ old friends who had celled upon him , we a Comm 0, Mom. deï¬ned on said I) tv‘xted hlm 5 ° congra on W ’ a game of the carded.’ Whldl â€ï¬ned so well after such 1 llln I 0118 ens. ‘ In the performance by the children of “Look! 11!†eeh ‘ :13 we oed John. “I 9 her majesty-g chapel of “Alexander em! should be looklng well. There's beenf. ,, $150 spent ln repairs on and lately. and 0mm?“ "1 "m“ an "em "n†I'm not flnlshed yet!†; “cu“ A.-_l‘ -_J _. tunâ€"n.“ nI-M pee'rs. In which them who many yearsaxoarmteda_logd was (free? inn. It is astonishing what results can be obtained In this way by placing n rifleonnsandbagnhedonntripod and making the pupil aim as accurate- 1y as he can at any_ distant object. Tile Children often wreck trains. Some- times they do this from reading about romantic train wreckers. More often they do it out of curiosity. They pile obstruction; on the track to see what will happen. They have no idea that anything very serious wlli happen: a. mu um. Th!- wn the wny a native phnlcnn In [mm mm out a death cordnum “Imotnmlndthlthodlod (who: u- lm) (or want a: (coding! or on to count of «mutton. In!» also for other thing- for concoct-Nu. and most menu: In died by drowns.“ Jqï¬'ui'ï¬ii'in m w“ m Gleam mo†um W 1: mm of lt-hondon Baud. In: swam-nun. The may maul than D.“ .2 g magma “M a mum." M gunman" comma-0mm w than mum-madam and sheds In order to see the great bright flames leap skyward. Children commit arson. in a word. out of a love of ï¬reworks. There Is a curious cue 1n Fortescue’o- “reports" relating to the rprlynm ot Children's crimes are recognised by criminologist as 9. large and impor- tant branch or criminology. The com- monest or children's crimes are arson. stealing and train wrecking, and the rarest is forgery. Arson, 1n iheï¬ country especially. I: frequently a crime of childhood. Conn- try children set ï¬re to haystacgs. bomb. 'I'Io Wul Winn-o Ila-hulaâ€. Dnnehurch. mu 8w. alum am m with: In the «Maul Mn which [wired the “noun new. on “The Villas. gingham.†nit. g pleur- eye can be trained. or course. equally well. though the sight will not mean. sully be lengthened. by almlnx at ob- Jecm close at hand.â€"â€"London Spectator. w Emma â€mmmmmmmmwmm CHILDREN'S CRIMES. Coal-on, â€092171103.de NFL! SHOO'HNQ Old-3 [upon-ho". The" are dimm- o! 31le at well “outta. rosin a mm with a mod .1: and“ mm I» mm more at In mm m: a 3m noel W. Th. world in no! W In um moot hand hon very irascibie temperament The par- rot was a valuable bird. but was rather a nuisance by reason of its extreme talkativenees. One day while the gen- era! was writing his business letters the parrot kept up a continual chatter. very disturbing to the writer. At last the general could stand it no longer. and. jumping up. he seized the cage of the unhappy bird. which he whirled 77‘7‘General." It liqulred In qunverlnz accents. “where wet-e you when that cyclone struck oarâ€"London 'rlt-Blts. vigorouslyni'ound and round. at the same time ehoutlng furiously. Then he set the cage down again. and al- lence for some time ensued. At length. however. a feeble voice came tram the interior of the cage. mm M... .m d “mm MW mmmmWMMmmmmw mm jumm mummm m. mwmm mummmmw WMMMWMWMN gum mmmmmmWWWM muwWmem new It Struck the Parrot. Here is the latest parrot story. A certain retired general of the Indian Can!- have alwayn been a Cupid and nymphyod Atcudltorkl-a. Cupid?!“- A DISTANT BELMY. nonlty‘l (lune. mmbeth played um â€"l’_;_or_1don Chroniclq advancing. she puts her right foot out. Plump it goes. the meet oodnz over lt. snd then splash. splash. splash. un- til the other slde ls reached. when. with soiled sum and soaked shoes. shepmceedsonherwetsndmoddy way. Nothlng could he more chat-smug Men's nuts no! Women’s Veils. "1 see here that a woman writer wonders why a man always looks in his but before he puts it on.†said tho reflective man as he looked up from his paper. "Hem is what she says: 'Wheu a man puts on his hat he most always looks inside it ï¬rst. What he expects to see remains a minty. but he looks for it. all the same.’ Thar. easy. He looks in his hat w .0 it tho' knot holding the lnslds hand together wlllbeatthsbackothlshsadwhen he puts it on. Now. it she’ll toll ms whyawomanalmspnllsdownhc veuandpnrsssnphsrmonthbston shssmoutotdootsws’llesllu, W'ï¬ï¬mt'w"umw bud tho In Houdini. Diem tho; of their- respective nationalities. tad nothlng could be more mums than their mutual contempt for each agh- barely touching and the mud refusing to cling to the fairy feet that hardly leave an impreuion on it. Landed on the other side. she gives her line feath- er: a little than into place and passes on with shoes that look as It Just put on at that moment. Watch an Enzushwoman Immediate- ly m She reaches the curb- stone. come- to t dead standstill and madly contemplate- the muddy Load. French {For 8:. Louis Republic. ."â€"N0w York PM. «cm-.9" .I .1 Mn Cumin. and will give my paro- Itho beneï¬t tau-cot. EXPENSES 0F LOAN kept dob to the lowest pouiblo point condo- tent with accuracy and now-nary '0: quirelnonu. ALL BUSINESS of this am Ian-mly punt. .nd condemn. 333' p HONEY TO WAN on new at lowest mt rates. I HAVE ao- ban-om. Tho Dot-poncho ban. a Mon of (our compnnlu all having 0;pr um noon of on- tnnty million. I. pm to do an. Print. fund- " 0M low to [on a wry Iowa-t min a ct u: tin-Lad can. toA can I have lately installed a pneumtic plant for Lettering and Tracing. We are able to do better and deeper work than heretofore. Call and get designs and prices be- fore purchasing. WORKS.â€"In the res: of W on Carriage-ct... oppoelu the Putin. The Canada Permanent Western Canada Mort- gage Corporation. J. n nomns Agent. at um. Beingadirect importer Iamsble to quote the closest prices. 01 Kant-om. kinds of Ill-bl. and Granite Manama. Farm Loans Dealers in and manufacturers of all linusay Marble Walks MWMWMM Ki m" " "";'.;;.;;;;;mu 5... For t. I. h . .16....“11.†u... †Mumusuuuuquuu“u“ .c. g-A-_ lb! MQQQLLQE 9.}! a... - ‘vv- ‘vâ€"v‘v‘ hr immum...“ 0.00â€. N » Ofli‘QQIIIOQH t‘â€; .“. ’1'} â€"§im ’ M m!‘|“||“|‘l‘ 9Ԡ7..- â€""â€" M manuu to. .|- I. I. . 0f J“nu “I“ ’3‘. M mm"... O.“ p.- Mt|IIII|Q|‘\â€II|‘ !I Q .. :3??? i'i‘i ilkâ€"vulg___ tub.- “ manna-nun .t“ “I. M manhuuuuuuu . fl ’1- “. unuuuuu .3â€_’u.1 m- com-h}....‘...w.m a... M mfllnlhuunuligl†.l. M mws|lbttlt\‘tl||| “mm ‘t- he. mm. 0.00 n.- M m‘bw.|\|l§l.‘|b| .t“ .I- hon Pan. lou......_9.g9 mu. . Soothern ARRIVALI R. 081MBâ€: