Lytleâ€"l So winsâ€"That t J a mes S . Blacx and '1‘. C. Birchard be Auditors Bullâ€"Bluekâ€"That Arthur l’ecl be aswssor and be paid $60. Lytlc â€" b’owins â€" That. J’rsuph 11. Black l‘ea member of the Board of health for thn-c years. Bollâ€"Lytleâ€"That Dr. Grant be ap- pointed Modical Health Oflicer. The Clerk was instructed to write 1’. J. Lynch, Assistant Superinten- dent, (LTJL. complaints of passeng- 01$ Handing in the cold and no shel- qu', slution always lacked at Cor- son‘s Siding. 1.3tlcâ€"lllackâ€"’l‘hat the pound-keep- ers lu- John Armour. Edward Dalyn. Dan. Smith and Martin Long. Foncmiowors and pathmasters were appnintod. Time for collecting the taxes was extended to the 1st of Feliruary. Thr- (‘lork's salary was raised from $70 to $75. No promised not to hothvr thr- (‘mmcil in future. One vnpy of the Municipal World was The Clerk reported on the byâ€"law for a two year term for Council as 238 Votes in favor and 238 against and 19 rejected ballots. there not be- ing: a majority the by-law did not take effect. Lytltâ€"Bowinsâ€"That petition be signed and forwarded to J. H. Car- negie, )1.1’.P., for presentation to the Legislature. 01' On motion of Mitchell and Brooks, Mr. Hetherington was appointed a member of the Board of Health for three years. ed Bellâ€"Blackâ€"That a. charity grant of $5 be gin-n to lh-spital for Sick Children, and that the Clerk be paid cost. of election, $15. The Cmmcil met on the 14th, in Bobcaygeon. and after subscribing to :hvir declarations of qualiï¬cation took their seats, viz: Emerson Tiers Reeve. and G. Brooks. “7. Hethering- ton. J. Mitchell, D. McFarland. Meeting in March First meeting of Council was held at the township ball, Victoria. Road. on January 1-1. Members present, Rea-w, 1“. U._ Fielding. Councillors 13am: J. Bowins, Joseph 121. Black, James Bell and Joseph W. .LyLle. Deciaraï¬ons all made and swUscx‘ich. Correspondence was read from the Uan-io Municipal Association copy oi petition to Legislature to ‘ repeal Section 006. From the Hospital 101‘ Sick Children, soliciting a. charity grant. On motion of Hetherington and Brooks Dr. Boyd‘s application for 11.110. was accepted. Mr. Thos. Taylor. Sanitary Inspector. VCounoil adjourned to meet in Plank's hall. Lnrnevllle, (m Satur- day, February 23 at 11 am. B. STACEY, Township Clerk. Im-hoo“~ mm hu‘ v-unHM â€w Hum nuolomu'uum Mus m†m â€u Mow“. M “Wm“ M WHOM. Wu!» 1, MW, rt‘mwml N Hutu-H Otuhm-uflmfhfl Hm mm ho mmuum in mm Hm Mm- um M NNWMI um! Mum. um- .Huu Mu «Mm WMIM'N) M- mum. m m» Hui-mu muumlun m‘ Mu mm... nvuv lhu ‘|‘ruu1\'a!|u,v (Ju- wfl. on am can. NMuuM m-uuvw. -â€"â€"Uarriud. Wrb‘udymv-fluwâ€"Thm mu (‘lul’k b6 OMlhoriluu tu unlm' ~ mu unpiuh‘ 01 "The Municipal Wovldâ€. m be 88M tu each m' thn t'ultuwum' : Mauve. ouch councillor. Hurt and Aasusuuv.-â€"Car~ tied. (m motinn m‘ llnus and Robinson, ‘ large number 0! accounts wave pasualuml Hm ltmwu instructed to issue orders on the Treasurer there- for. Hm Mwllnqu at Many New Munlclpul Came". Moved tIy Hethering’con and Mit‘ The following motioas were pass- HO! â€â‚¬52 Thin bank maku a Nnten tow-mm mun then adjourned to meet at Vivtoria Road. ALFRED TAYLOR, Clerk. VERULAM BEXLEY -'v _I‘. [TLâ€"oiiimon. Hun-[u- nusual Aldo A'l' GAHIIAY LINDSAY BILAN‘CF "fl“ n upwlllty of dlmumlng Imam“ III! m m Inqu eumm rum. Imus“; 1m OF CANADA Moved by Mr. Carew, seconded by Mr. Rumney that Messrs. Maconochic and Davis inspect the place where Mr. N. Wilson proposes to erect a wire fence and report as to giving a bonus. Carri-ed. Moved by Mr. Rumney, seconded by Mr. threw. that not more than 8100 he spent in .bonusing wire fences during 1907, and that not more than '20 cents per rod: be paid for fences having not less than: eight lateral Wires. Carried. Moved by Mr. Carew, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to withdraw $5,000 from the Victoria. Loan Company and deposit same in the Bank of Montreal, to the credit of the municipality. Moved by Mr. Carew. seconded by Mr. anney. that Messrs. Maconochio By-Iaw to ratify By-law No. 5 of the Police 'I‘ruStees of the Police Village Ix'inmount. be now read and passed. Curried. By-Iaw- read and passed, Moved by Mr. M'aconochie, seCondâ€" ed by Mr. Davis, that the council comply with the request of the Mun- icipal Association re section 606 of the Municipal Act, and‘ that a pet'i- tion be signed by the Reeve and (‘lerk and florwardo’d to 313‘. Car- negie for presentation. Carried, ‘Moved by Mr. Rumney, seconded by Mr. Carew, that the Council grant $10 to the Hospital for Sick Children. quri'ed. Moved by Mr. Carew, ’?econded by Mr. )Iaconochie, that the clerk have minutes of Coanci'l published in at least one Lindsay paper. Carried. Moved by Mr. Carew, seconded by Mr. Maconochï¬e, that the Reeve and Mr. Rumney examine the place where C. Smithson proposes erecting a. wire fence, and report as to bonus- ing same. Carri-ed. Moved by Mr. Carew, seconded by Mr. Maconochie, that Byâ€"law No. â€", to appoint an auditor, be now Rnevn, Council met at Burnt River J anu- ary 14. 1907, all the members pres- ent and hmï¬ng taken declarations of ofï¬ce and qualiï¬cation. Moved by Mr. Carew, seconded by Mr. Davis. that the Treasueer be imâ€" structed to renew bonds. Carried. The» Commissioners were appoint- ed as follows : 1, J. Mitchell ; 2, E. Tiers; 3. Wm. Hetherington; 4, G. Brooks: .’3. I). McFarland. On motion of Hethorington and Mitchell the Reeve and Mr. McFar- land he Commissioners to insnect and lot the work of bridging Mud Lake. Several accounts were passed. Council adjourned to call of the The I 0010 took the chair and a communication from the lMunipi'pal Association re repeal of section 606 of the MunicipaLAct was read. The County Treasurer reported that he had returned to the Treasurer of the Municipality, non-resident taxes $27.82, percentage $1.47. Mr. John Hunter addressed Council with respect to the assessment act. On motion of Hetherington tmd McFarland the Municipal Worl‘! will be supplied to the members of the Council. Mr. 31. Warren “duo-mad 00mm“ with respect to timber he had pur- chased on the road allawauce Iowa years ago on 4. 15 com. west. of lot 7. con 5 Mr Warren tendered It! for tun timber helm! out in 1906. and was given a receipt for name on condition no more Would be out. at. that ï¬gure. A gram of 85 each was given to the Hospital for Sick Children and liuspital for Consumptives. Mr. A, Muhw mammal Uumwu with mum to musing Mud his. Thu matter will he considered war the Uummiusmnern are appoigted. .. "TI "7 1' NH mnmm ul‘ W'omh‘l Iml “WNW mm in Homumnn and u. mm" mm wummm moolmwn. Mm '11 uh Hunm “mun-d a vow Hun Mama by Mth um! haven mlmm rmwnna Hw swam] and Immhim: M m» MMdMnn swamp mum Inn on; m nllnw My m mum MW mmumwhm ma rumm- was m with ma flammlnlaner 9! mm divintnn- 7_ __ . .. Mm†HM. mu M II" 0’79"!†SOMERVILLE «\qu human"! M Mum: Mr. Allan .Blaatchford is laid up 2:3, with an attack oi lumbago at 'pre- ‘3 a 1: Bart. ‘ 11mm m Charlie wmicot cele- ax“ brated the tenth anniversary of their .m ,_ Good blood is the secret of health â€"Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills the secret of good blood. That is why they cube sciatica, rheumatism, St. \‘itus' danre, heart palpitatian,. indigestion, and the ailments common to women and groWing girls. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 1mm The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Bruc'rviile, Williazns’ Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. proved. 1 think I used the pills about. four orï¬ve months before 1 was completely cured, but. though that. was two Years ago 1 bone not since had the slightest. return of sciatica. I think Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a marvellous medicine and so does my wife who used them as a. blood builder. She says they have noequal and never wearies of prais- ing them to her friends." been so highly recommended I per- sisted in the treatment and gradu- allv noticed a change in my condi- tion. The pain became less sex ere I felt stronger and my appetite im- R. Maoieew a prosperous farmer near iirockville. Ont†has been cured eta severe case of sciatica and wishes other suiterers to hear of his cure that they magv beneï¬t by his experi- ence. He says :--"For upwards of from sciatica. In the morning while ï¬ve years I was a periodical sufferer getting up I would be seized with agonizing pains in my' hips.‘ Some- times these pains extended down one leg. sometimes down the other; often down both. The pain was terrible. Imagine the agony caused by a red hot spike being driven thnough the flesh. That was just my feeling when the sciatica was at its worst. Often while carrying water to the horses the pain became so acute I had to drop the pail in the middle of the yard. I followed doctor’s treatment but with slight relief. I then tried rheumatic plasters and liniments but, these did not help me at all. Then I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. At ï¬rst they did not‘ seem to help me. but as they had} A mvmm Mm (WNW M‘ nu. wuaamu' mm rum. h‘ium darling “Mun-mm. “In M hm mam mama arm-u thrown mo flauhmiu mu mm» woman: down um Ian 10 the anklmâ€"thm'n nulmlun. wa mu m \‘iuum 0cm mum ma mrwm um um Iuflwer mind not gvuw “humming for there in a mm an aura mm W Dr. wmmm' ï¬nk Nun. Thane pun make new Mood. um new 'hlnud tends and â€~31an the nerves and treat them tram Mn. The pain in banished to may bum shod â€"-ma euro in complete. Mr. Ohm. "ï¬nd ""953" “3% I. m â€â€œ3ҠIsr’éIIamMI: 33.9%“ ' aw“ mm “III-MW ratle‘.“ II war-I III=II III-um II» quII III III-.- IIIIIIIIIIII‘. are“: «I III I. UIH‘IWI It IIIIIIIIII - mum! WIII'II III'IIIII'IIII IIIIIII . momma“ b: MIImI by MI‘ UIIIIIII. MI. IIIIIIIIIuv. um JIIIIII “an“. IIIIIIII IIIII WMI‘MIII III IIIIIu IUIR‘N IIWIIC III mum‘s!» â€Hm I M III»! .Iuwn. III II. Im mm mm IIIIIIIIIm IIIIIII Inna a. II IIIIIIIIIII u my. IIIIII IN IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III A. IIIIII II II IIIIII M 1 mm .IIII' IIIIIIIII IIIIII. IIIII IIIIII m. I‘III'IIII m- IIIIIII' IMIIII: IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII. UMI‘I'INI MIIwII IIII MI‘. “M‘Q‘W. IQI‘III‘IIIOII In» ML ' The Ununell “Journal w mm M Burns mm ea Mummy. HIM m- “NH?“ Muwd My Mum Unrew. munm up Mr. Mawmumu. um Hm «lurk 000 “mm gusting Mrs. Wllnun utlmllwd w uuuuw mum at Nufugm “Cu- to make them vany stronger, They're made for a pair end we srs. W. McIntyre and J. Cragg returned home from the lumber County News Wet-Proofâ€"Cold-Proofâ€"Almost Wear-Proof/ï¬ cawmmo’ scum ii DUCK NEVERBMEAK When you want a pair of rubbers that will last until you're tired of themâ€"rubbers that will keep your feet bone-dry though you wade all day in slushy snowâ€"rubbers that will wear like flint and ï¬t like slippersâ€"go to a live dealer's and buy a pair stam “Duck Never Break †on the soles. Up in the lum gamps they_ swear by Puck Neyer Break. Rubbers. 'â€""r ' "7 ’J rospectors and miners wear them. too. So do 1e who want rubbers that will stand pretty much any abuse. I: simp isn't possible to make rubbenany better than we make Duck Never Breaksâ€"isn't possible to make them any maï¬a, any muncher, or any meme vim-proof. They're made or service and give service service. Get Em apeitendaeehowapail ofreally mbbersennlut. Double Wear In Every Pair Tell your dealer you want those better rubbers made by The Daisy Rubber People At Berlin Ontario 9‘“ Mr. Milton Ham has gone to; er, 1212- Kingston to attend tho winter dairy? a Sun- school, whera he will qualify him, self to take a. more intimate interest; m of in the Greenery operations 0! the, ' Coboconk Creamery Co. ‘ : k. . igin Mzssercc Mahayana»? me sick ton to begin. duties.“ 3' begotten} She is a. graduate of Brambridge id up node] School. We-bespeaka large . measure ol‘ï¬suooessforher. ‘5 she’ m birmbleyounglam'. I- n. n na...1.-a - ï¬-- LALA; ! We! Mrs. A. V. fhiliips has returned from Lindsay and Woodv‘ille. where The Council of Bexley for the. cur- rent year .is composed of F. C. Fielding, Reeve; .108. Black, I. J. Bowins, of last. year†5 government, and Joe. Lytle and Jas. Bell. Mr. Callan, reeve of Somerville, is a. resident qt the \‘ihlage, so we will have, as we had‘during :last year, two _reeve residents. These, with three ministers and two county con- stjables. should make this hamlets. model-of dcconim. . Mr. J. E. Jackson is again quite recovered from his recent serious ill- Rev. S. A. Kemp spent last week assisbirg in revival work at Dal- she Visited friends. x COBOCONK. (Too late for last week.) On Friday last Mr. James Wakelin, one of the pioneers od Laxton. died at the ripe old age of seventy-six years. Mr. Wakelin has been for many years a sutlerer from rheuma- tism, which prevented his taking a. very active interest in his farm bus- inc-ss, but up to the time of his re- (:th illness he was able to drive to the village and to church. Mr. Wakelm was a Methodist in re- ligion, and was a valued member of that iuiody owing to his ï¬nancial support and hearty co-operation in alluts interests. He leaves a widow and a large ï¬amily,! all ofewhom are grown to manhood or womanhood. His funenal on Sunday to Norland church andr,Pi-ne Grove cemetery was very largely attended. . Mr. Duncan McPhail. of Wotaski- win. Alberta. has returned on avia- it to his old home in Eldon nitor spending eight years in the West. His old acquaintances were highly pleased to see him und to know he has done so well there. having cleared 810,000. Mr. McPhnil is highly cs- tee'med by all who know him. â€He is leaving: to-day for the Wmt again to join his better half at home there. Miss Addie Richman hm: rmchasad a Yaw-Williams piano. one of their best make. 631%; takes thia'year it may bring them out to see what is being done with their money. BALSAM LAKE. ('floa lute tor laut week.) A hlnt to the rev-payers at School Heution. No. 10» Fenelon. Under the new Iehool law- there are a great many requirements in molt of wheel- this year. The ratepayeru ehould at- tend the annual school meetlng at least and know what they are pay- lnz their taxee for. At the annual school meeetlng In December there were only three ratepayers pro-cot. and tho trusteee. not enough to tran- sact the general bualneeu according to law. It in about the name. I belleve, every year. People that do not take think would make poor ofï¬cer. to look alter the interests of others. If they get touched up a little harder lump M m: .vmmu mm- mu the hull!“ mum M Mr. Jml nun'u hut wmh mm MMM n. u uncouth um ï¬rm W". n! um Nam mm» Mum!- M “wrath Mr. . 00 "mm M MM up "I. ll'l‘h UM VH‘HI imam-y ‘N Mun u mu “In. um (II-«Mm. "f mum-n. In In: M. Mr, fl: t‘nruw‘u tow a time. '8 Anumhur M We .vmm anthem! at m a ham at raw on Mmuhy MIN I a um (gum "mo. " my); on Mu} mum r Mull hm II II "Inn“- in I'M“ “Milli“. M‘ t‘mwmu. mm a. 41va vim wnh' w Mm Ln ulm.‘ .........u w 5} that ‘p'éiul'hl M" Mr. wmh «ml MmM .vmmu ii' «mm-Hm. wan “our Huron WW! mm mm ~110li M Mr. uhm Wu!- ,VMIIW n u I'M" wank M'! "I nu I-Iw mum. mu Mun‘ Tokio, Jan. 10.â€"Certain details of :the budget for 1907-8 were learned ‘toâ€"day. A total of $55,000,000 is {provided for army expenditure. This ginludes the formation 0! {our new di- ivisiona. The any is allotted $40.- ‘OO0.000. including $5,500,000. which -‘is to be devoted to increasing the ef-‘ zï¬ciency of the service. New under- gtakinss in the development of com- zmunications unto be met by an in internal loan of 615,000,000. 4, The toreï¬gn M of Japan fortho !year 1906 broke .11 previous records, l'amounting all told. told to “20.50%- 000.11: auflmtedttntthobudg- et receipts and W for the brings more satisfaction at the end of the day than the knowledge that one has made that day pleasanter for another. Let us all, at the beginning 0! this new year, resolve, and stick to the resolve. that we shall not allow the rash and hurry of busmess to pre- vent us from remembering the im- portance o! consideration for others. GUARANTEED CURE for PILES was 131:, per cent. 94.88 ; mm; D. E. Mommies, Boomer-ton, 2nd, 94.49. 825. Piles. Druggiats are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT failstocureinsto 14 days. 50c. At the butter scorizg contest in connection with the Eastern and Western Ontario Dairymen's Associa- tion and the Department of Agricul- ture, T. A. Southworth, Cumington. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrumng The cheery Salutation; the word of hearty appreciation of something well done: the sincere expression of sympathy in suffering or misfortune: the little act of courtesy and consid- erationâ€"these are what count for most. with the majority of us. In all this the giver is at least equally blessed with the receiver. Nothing lt. is not. the tat-m; it is not. iron bountiea; it is not railway rum. All these things are important. but that “hich adds most to. or take. most from. the sum of human happi- noes is the'nature 0! our associations with those we meet in our daily rounds. What in it that really counts in Me after ellâ€"thut makes the diam- ence between the smooth, even flow of the placid river. and the turbu- lence of the angry billowe toned by the gala axelnst the rocky shore. Toronto Branch. to which ho but been tmmfofl'od. gym HI .II 030. l ; 355.000.000 FOR JAP ARMY. his-'6‘» 0am farming Notes A New Year's Sermon R mm APION PATTI!" Toronto Sun. bug!) cotton inside lining. Cantonedwic and heel are double . heavy â€98"!" ‘3’“? shoe ninsoleoholid have this Zlb'flu m urannummn. mm m9. hardly warmer in the «ummer than 11:10 h the winter, and consequently VARIATIONS IN SEPARATOR CREAM. The Kansas Experiment station has been trying to {and out me causes of the variations in the n-st a t‘ shpcrat- or â€111.11: a bulletin published réeenfly by the station it in ex- planned that. cram lop-rater inna- It is fluted upon anthority that, although {our new.a.rmy divisions are being organized, drastic curtailments in. this branch will be eflected by the projected reorganization of the ï¬eld artillery. the quick-ï¬ring batteries and the cavaky. next ï¬scal year will balance at $806,500,000. The ï¬nancial prosâ€" pects of the country are regarded as very bright. FIE-T ï¬rm-E1 E On hand or made to Order. Ej'l‘his store is headquar‘tms Em WEDDING CAKES. H Fruits, Nuts, Figs and {'3 Dates ['31 of all kinds in season §CANDIES§ noun tor mutation Mum: 10 and 19 MIL. and 9 and 6 9.3. [womanâ€"Voice Culture. Oran. Pine. lulu III-mu and?» cry. Vote. mud trotâ€"O. um um and choir-aw W M Iowan Chunk. Imm ovn mum "on: munch on amour-u. i A. B. Terry’s E A.B.Terry is headquarters for home- ' made Candieé of all kinds, a made from pure sugar. They ï¬â€˜ are delicious and wholesome, : and very cheap. Try a pound. Also imported Chocolates and Bonâ€"Bons, from best 1: L3 makers. I-‘J v Anni-nun nu L t n a u y " m m. cm muons AM) FRIENDH V “ ““ I ' â€" 3 â€DI-mum Oysters by the quart ‘0‘ m WM.“ ,0“ “N mpumom of thn mum“. m “I. “I. WI“, 0! “making our ounmmm fur u...†m MINI. ‘00.. Our mums andmvm' Im- a!“ ".‘ ~ bit! 60 0M unwound nudity In our unwell. (‘Mfl‘humn Mention to your «Mm and w hem our buulmn valw-Iu mm yum- oonfldcnoo. Thin will «outlaw to in: war Mum] ml tor H007 ind your pnmnm In mmuuuy mlumhzd Wedding Cakes Home-Made pgroul New Your Jackson .. CAMPBELL, WWOtm‘Q...‘ [‘1 {Ii :' 5. The amount of milk allovmi '0 flow through the separator bowl :1 m: one-half to full capacity makes a (i1- feremVe of from one to six per cm: 6. The amount of acid in the m3“! can-cam irregular variation in the dust. cf cream. Wnen the acid niches o. big-hpoint. .3 to .4 m"? cent. to:- instance. and the separaw" [sued continuously for an hour 0? more. it will eventually clog as in the cued cold milk. The cream will then become thicker um?l the sputter is entirely cloggf’é- mutant. of theologglng will d?‘ pull-QB “In mount of acidin the I‘ll main-m otthe machine. K 4. The variation of the Speed 0. the bowl causes: diaerence of from auto thm per cent. in the 111:1 0! cream. curing the winter months the us: nlilk entering the bowl is cooled aw- eral degrws. Then, too. the :mk cools oi! quickly while standing 1:; me cold Weather, and is usually swam.- edat alower temperature in \\:;.:cr very noticeable. The chief cause.‘ c-i than in summer. This is only 3 ya- dual variation. howeVer, and is 1.x.)T. vuhtion and the amount of wratâ€" tion beach case are as ,follows ; 1. The temperature of the :z'uLS makes a. diï¬erence of from one to in"? 98" cent. in the test of cream a: M" maskimming temperature, greater variation being- cgused in (mu-cum 3. The Variation in steadiness the bowl makesa. diflerenoe of mu: two to sixteen per cent. dependin: 011 an amount of vibration. 2. The amount of flushwator wad with average skimming tempchSJ'TS makes a diflenence of from om 7“ three per cent†in extreme casm 114;);- ing a diflerence as great. as ton EN‘J Janna? mm. mm The Jeweller Kent St., - Li] Fresh and reliable drugs and other articles kept in a rim- class drug store will alwny u. found in stock. denim to thank his lllllut‘l‘ous customers, old and um, 1'0, their very libaral patronage during 1906. He respectfully solicits a cm.- timnnce of the same for the present year. Have a talk With us about it before purch A ingnnewwatch. :: z: :z z: z: :: .. W. G, DUNOON Put l'lvon lppnotltod. DECIMAL GOOD WATCH :3 ikea good (rim: - it wears well. Not only the c. «a, which you can see. but the works as v ,. with their hundreds of little wheels.p and parts. all hidden from sight. butp d I his businessjust the same. Many nxuw- ments are good. but there is one Watch m- can recommend to you for sure as a "n ’ reliable ï¬mckccpcr. and one that will be: an old friendâ€"It as the cclcbratcd .._, DECIMAL WATCH S. J. PETTY WATCHES To all he wishes “A Happy N ew Year†DRUGGISI. UNDSAY LINDSAY. mm “him. I Lindsay WM . 1 table of odds :m 3 China and fancy goods 50 \Yhite Bed Sprca’ 2 gular $1.10. Sale ..... price. Children‘s 30 and 3 Toques. 5.11 goingr at 4- odd Muslin Ladies†Suits. and $3.50. Sale 24- Ladies’ l'mbrella tiful handles. Reguhu Sale ........................... 2 pieces 58 inch Tab} Regular 30c. Sale 21 gular 38c. Sale .......... 6 Papers Pins for 5‘ 6 bunches tape for 5 Ladies’ Mantlcs. n year’s Gstyle ranging to $10. Removal S: 11 All of this year‘s l at Half-Price Ladies“ Heavy Twet and white Walking Regular $5.50. Rcmo 50 odd Shade Blin lace and fringe. Sale. 2 pieces pale blue :1 Flette. Regular 10¢. a] sale ....................... 8 Ladies’ Golf Range $1.57 to $2.50 Come t Men 5 Waterproof Bliy Women s “ Men 5 One Buckle Wat Men’s and Women’s Pl Sale ........... Men’s Chrome Kip Sale ............ memc XI 5 Pairs Boot Laces One outstan January Sal‘ from those we must mo and will sacl the next 30 you want in Goods. Hou: wear. in facI establishmex low cost. H reason for somethingw We have Your No delay, ‘ ABigC