.id 0 money and sold ‘ In ,ures I 111'. Bennett ash mt should purchll u as to enable fl 0 come in. In on Mt strongly ‘ul’g ‘n take up this gal help to divert 14 only of th" Cm mt tht' Amorifl Mfl‘ul-H N) Calla“ Uatalugmn as a cam. u. might. all in! ymu- m Manna» ms (or ! iell by Falling (.ket ment should 1!: :1 harbor WI. {ed by Mr. Benn had a water .11 okly 1’ of ï¬fteen or tw grain would hli mired million '1" LAW, Princi 0 Imm Msï¬ HI Write ? 383 (011 “i Mi the h: Ml“ wrhw MHH‘V“ rvfl'ld‘ * Sal! Much W f m: m [HE LIQUOR TRAFFIC SEVERELY DENOUNCED Mischief in the W moan: c ity. Gladstone Md add â€â€œ1 evils of the liquor Wm“: those 0! w. W ' calamity in Jwï¬ i“ 3! account. 02mm ,3‘ a Everything going like clockwork, but going with a rush, and every day new lots a1 and it’s nothing short of the sensationalwhen yonï¬gure how much style and quality are going for so little money. . Opens at WATCEIANJ Ladies Fancy Silk and Chiffon Collars, all colors, regular price 25¢ each. Cut. In grey, navy and black vi- cuna. pleated Skirts, trimmed with strappings of self and buttons,reg $3.25,at...$1.90 Store Table Cloths and Tray Covers In navy, red and white, plain or honey cmnb knit, all wonl, mg. 750, Out. price 506 ( )n display in west window About 3 dozen only. men's Shield 'l‘ius, regular 25¢ each. t‘ut price .........190 In good quality pure Linen, made by hand, well ï¬mshed, regular price 75c each. V Cub pr1ce.. All Furs Going at Cost Price Save on Wool Sweaters 25c Fancy Collars 150 25c Shield Ties 19c And there’s enough entnuSIasm Hen: ft) 1111 half a dozen stores'elike ital-styleanuality; and price make it the IRRESITIBLE SALE ..59¢ The J an an; there’s enough enthusiasm fiere to ï¬ll meant cum laid that the and {un‘no China, tuning Us that people were 11311113 their own flesh and that of 1.111311 children. and yet 115 1111; 3113111 11-11119 the 91.1119 01 the 1111,1101 mm are 311111.111 the 14951511111119 11a 1111.! 11‘6- 1111911111 been stated 11111.1 11 11: the canse bf threeâ€"101111119 01 511 11111 11111111 11: 11111 1111111. 111111111111 0111111111111. 111 Eng 1111111 111111 111111111111 11111 11111111113 «1111111 111 11111111111111» 1 111 11111 1111 1111 111111111 111111111"“ 1.31 1 11 11111111 11 111111111 111111111 11 11 111111111 111111111511111,11M111111111M 111111 1111 11111111111 11 £51111 11111111 11111.11â€1381t1%11‘8111 1111 1111111111 11 111111111111 111111111131 1111. 111111111 1111119111 11111111 11111111: “11111 14% 111%H11111111s1l1111 1111111.! 111-}1111111 HN1‘111 ,! 111111 1113811111 {11111 1111111111 111 1111 111 11111- 11111 1111111111 “11“}; 111111111111. 1111 111111111 “*1th 1110 11.1 11111:;111‘ 11.11111 11113813111111!“ 1 :mu::.‘rmlâ€â€˜â€œ y ’33“ M y en; mm mm mm mm mania! Max “213:“ H w 9 mnhmma‘ was V‘ n M m mm Maw a He J“ n‘olkï¬ was: a flap “M an a a 9! mm an†inm 3H mm t: mm mm M Â¥ pt {83!} @L_ .1qu :1th WM W8? WIN}? a 1 gamma“! huatma m We eramfl a? 8th H MIMI: vrinmme 9! mac “GRIN rm 0! ma WM“? $71M“ HMM mlaratad in my Ohm-Mn my“ 93;: 'l‘ha unvammam m med g “N authnmm mumommm w ur9m$ thmnsalvas mum m mm. m had put mm am 19w 9. vmmnn at am of'tha prim-WWI. a! our «gnaw tutian hy aim: the pawn m 40 903‘ new. at the vote" :4: 9°." petuate the av I. It ï¬t m “Hm to m. be um. um w- ma. ha been ivou pawn in “I ma realm. M the want mu county were allbd with .m “gm trafï¬c. It was a WWW ‘M‘ “a Govemmt woulditohfl†flï¬ï¬‚» _‘ ' ___.A..; was said that a 60 per mm. van was necessary to have tho I" «In forced. The very Mal-"CW that grassed this I" bud Ibo†that eniorcamant did not Mood on flu size 0! the mmrtty TM 3 I5" van the best «110th 0! we had hcd for youâ€. HO ‘6†than credit. for anti“? m m thing we had not . Formerly it and well km,“ W meat arm m ‘ "sun mum In grey, fawn and browns, yoke effect, velvet collar and cuffs, worth .from $8.00 to $10.50. Cut price ...... $4.90 2 pieces only, frilled Cur. tain Muslin, extra wide, regular price 121m yard. Cut price .......... ~.............;’1‘%.o In fancy pattern and strip- es, regular pï¬ce 10¢ a yard. Cut price .................. 6950 On display in east Window 34- on1y, large sized Qyilts, nicely stumped, well ï¬nished, regular $1.25 and $1.35. Cut price... . Pure wool Blankets, size 60 x 80, perfect in every way, regular price $3.50 pair. Cut price ..................... $2.85 Half Price on Ladias’ Goats 12:0 Curtain Muslin 73¢ Save on Wool Blankets 100 Wrapperettes 60 White Quilt Saving Tray Cloths I‘IIOIIOIIIII Four dozen only, Ladies long sleeved vestagextra. heavy weight, regular price 25¢ each. Cut price..; ............... 16o sizes, ' regulai' out pricoe. . .s n Extra Quality, three and a. half yards long, extra wide, tapped all sroundmewest pat.- tern, reg. $1. Cut price 750 Made of good quality black sateen, assorged styles, 511 9‘7an regular price $1.00. In fancy tweed and cordu- roy, lined throughout,‘ regu- lar price 75¢ per pair. Cut price ........................ 48¢ fellowshlpw Wit-h thee ?†Some try to make God respuuslbla. The wry sugg‘estlon was ulslwe. men may be responsible. C urehea have held fellowship wlth the truffle. He Mun and tn say that all the «Vangullcul latches m tllls land hull .dueluml a; must the truffle. r In the list M iahlll‘lilluldxs ml the â€Fla“!!! “3 fink llg Mil my ll . u «are ME With the“ full: tum in $qu mm†eulmum TEE†mllllnlm we“! nllllwll ul Hagan. lulu NM up“ wall‘m Hamel m a mu. $13ng lle llulslknegulm naming ï¬l‘mllfll‘h ‘ Wu†Wm H“ " W Hill“ CHM Hm I â€mm: UN 53M Save on Ladies’ Waist: I'unv‘l wnI Hm "mi N ywiajmnï¬Ã© “it: “*6 i; am "€11†(#3:. WWWâ€? t m}; \Méu $9M HEM { (“‘1‘ man Em?! “ Mina}: WM.“ ‘33..“ and will“ Wm You? D060! Boys' Pants Half Price Lace Curtain “Snap" 111% 111 11111111111 M111 Table Linen Bargain 50¢: Eiderdowns 390 Underwear Snap new lots are repï¬ced, ao.\-u can... too... mdwimm that H! Â¥ W8“ er yard .VQ QC! contests, 49 mum-{IE was gun Wins had given 60 pennant; and 1;“ “var, and â€78‘ human! would be cut 06. W12 the moriv ties, though not tip to 60 'per cent", ‘wene Iron). 6 to 238 ,in W. In only 18 ,was there a majbrity against involving 36 licenses. me mmjomtijes'were (mayhem 1 mg." . How utta'ly unjust, : claimed the imIn!!!peoplchevcbeen directed inst four yeere about twenty thouâ€"1 to Contact..With the liquor mm This this country through die agency of‘ sit still because it did not us? The churches ehouldhegin to agitate. We had been in every ï¬ght W416“. and had had ;eome very bad charges made against him. In Aurore. it was reported that he had boeneodmnketeï¬rethet he had to be carried home. " He had commenced the ï¬ght thirty years ego, and then looked,tor pro- hibition-in ï¬ve years. Why haul he been so hopetul? He, believed the politicians who appeared on temper- ence plettorm. Some of the men who owed their political elevation to the profession o} tempergnce prirr this world-wide orgeniution. Sixty“ per cent. oltheee have been M in Ontario, 30 percent. in the North- West, end the remainder in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. Thirteen thousand per-eons came ro Cenede under the auspioee of the Army lest year. and were selected from n possible one hundred thous- end applicants. These ï¬gures ereen indication that great discretion in used in the selection. mm the cominc season. 19M. it is estimated that fully 25.000 Demons will eVell tbemeclvee of the Army's Emigrdtmn hellitiee. and book passages to Ce- m â€Hm mmmodatlon of -_4I- ‘DIPW I.†l'""â€" was hard :ta kill. still we ghould do all we could W 5t. m only way he felt he. could rid himself of the reeponn‘lbllity was to continue to ï¬ght unmet it. He had uneven boy! in this land, and had lelt the dengue to which they but been ex- posed. Ono thing he wished to em- phulze to the member: of this church was to organize to pray for the men in the tramc. thnt they any quit It. and thet it any input into the hearts of the people to do- ntroy the tame. A _.,_ ._--AI__ m..- ibâ€"ihé Macedon bf umpemce prio- ciplés hatd. prc_n_r_e_d false. The mum: ,‘nn ___ .L-..I.I An w-- v, vâ€"v v A temporigéo Prayer meeting held titer the service. Dlppln'g hon lo very gentle! to} the health 0! the animal. It keeps] them free of mm and ‘cool: (ll-uses. makes them more thrmv and conso- quently more pronwbh. upping should be done twice each yenr.‘ Folding dipping. a. wash of tobocco woter will prove beneï¬cial. O O 0 Six new cow-testing woclutl'ono have recently been organized In East- ern Ontario by the Dnfl'y Dream 0! thenornlnion Department-o! Agrlcul- ture. 1: is pleasant to not" the development of thls work. I! you are interested in what is being done wrlto J. A. Ruddlck. Dnlry commu- eloner. Ottawa. {or information on to the organization of on woole- tlon in your section. 0 ‘ o o A live turkey. apparently healthy. sold in New York during Christmas time. according to ‘New York Her- nld. hut when killed it was tound to have white spots on the heart and liver. The case Was taken to the Health Department. and Dre. Whaler: and Biehnof the City Laboratory re- ported the turkey to have been. in the last stages of consumption. BQ‘VV L‘ulu- -uâ€"--- . food before them all the leno one la an}: in feeding the other nrtlcles a "ï¬le short. for the lowltu-num sul- ler for want of food. but. generally speaking it ls good policy to be ll!» era! with all leads. and ll you ï¬nd the fowl: are not cleaning up acut- tared gram. omlt w lor two‘ leads until they catch up or come to the" appetites. .. ‘ . Fowl: will vary considerably 1n - their preferences for flfl‘emnt funds, A Pole landed; -.'AAL .n.._- .--.k L-â€". run-mt“ nnn Ulll'll Pl 9' v-vn-vv paw harm Poultry._ With drv nub Ofï¬cially authenticated testing of dairy coma in becoming mom and maria tholeadthgmtum of tho; work of New “or kbreaders. It com fhdhdéht or the Amman Mat-lemur- “at m teats woman! by th a public an the true tht u! thu value. and of the capacity“ 0! all Mods. Pmue _l dammit! tom :5 want: [WI lute?! flu“ tum u w! mm- tmhl I! L I “Man I! IIM mm 11»:thm ea†up“ ta hh Hm th fame! MM :9 we uwan 9 *6 Wind . “UL ‘ i tMâ€™ï¬‚ï¬ â€˜t‘t ‘ in" no! 1 mm nu “Maï¬a“ ,3, emw.¥“§“éi1 Ml“ BM! Hiram mm» W mm H. "N n “ *Q W‘H‘m was “M“ â€W†MW... we?!“ ... "‘t.\“‘:*“‘*n.?*j:...“t: “a '1‘“. an “tam.†hH myth“ n the) “M m on Man» mm ta tam n .:*:.‘ï¬â€˜mxï¬:. H wk “'01 a t we 0% m m.‘ mu‘kim i"?£'fl"". m1"! I 1111111! v ......... I ........ mm 0 WWI MI R IN uni mm vs \ my mm 1 «11 NH Mimi m: mm aw m m m H WNW Mm . . . (“WAT WWS‘I‘EW Bï¬pflflhfl Harms lwsemm um gamma cm“ war-a m M mm “g" This mu 9! 1%“:me I“ at \ M1 one-halt warnm 1:31; am 09 wand MN“. m u m mun cmmm v. M a mu m: mm. «Mammal M, 3: mm» «1.:me am†Mb H V» m «M M! M?†M M. m m My «mum. at Mt at am mm “‘3'. ‘ml â€mucus“ FARM NOTES he could rid himself 0! Mllty wan to continue last. it. He had seven land. sud had felt the mm: considerably _ln lvanced. but great. promos. pray and past four years at une much in and people have I trafllc- This this country tin-01 . Should we this world-wide 0! not .touch per cent. of these auxin to in Ontario. 30 per tower); ï¬ght wm, 1nd the re th; 8:31;:th Army has come 7 {nth great prominence. and during the out four years about twenty thouâ€" three flamers bu been can-um for the â€non. beddm all available mommodntion on Dominion. Minn and C.P.R. Stumnyip' Linea. ."Il Vt- nay. v m mam-iii}! the: new-camerl wm be gvt‘liabh for want as (am laborers. teammanufyiea. quarry- man. mum condxuctlon workers. factory tad ~mml hoot-era. nod tumors and othm denim“: the new vice. of some will do well to gpply to Brigadier “on“. James and M- hort streets. Toronto. for appliution forms . LA A.-- IUI lum- '" haunnecommofluflon can behav- Mnhnd. mrflnd men with crowing («mum um- nminnv "command an Mm morn pom-mt und tumble. hm" um wommmdad m apply tor married man «hm ponihio. llr. Crude]; at Port \‘erry. he: leased the flockland Home. and mm take poueeelon next week. . Urn. A. ‘W. McIntyre in visiting; her parent. in Forest. Hm Wfleon but been upendlng e. :9: deye w'Mv her'friend. In" Ger- At. the emuel meeting of the Pub- lic mnry the eecreury'e report chewed e belenoe on. bend o! $96.49. There are 3440 volume: in the library end 8812 vqu-mee were leeued during the year. The Board elected Were Ila-demos McIntyre. Garlick, Robinson. What: and Mine Welsh : Heeere. Welker, Woolierd. Dr. Boyd and Stewart. A vote of thenkewu pulled to Mr. E. P. Young for his Christmas gift 01810 for tho pus-chm of books. - Two rinks of curlers drove to Fon- don Falls last week and nucooeaen in deleatfng two rinks of that burg by 9 shots. The return game is ex- pected ‘to some of! this week. . Got to the Wrong franklin ‘As a successful mgr-Mon :3ng iâ€"A d! utwun from Paternuruugn am In new†Imam .MI mammum IIIInIeIuI mu IIII mu. 3 mum IIIIII III â€no tat,» f‘uuhï¬lh mag II M II III IuII an IIII III I UIIIIIIIIII «mm» mm II «My, III. III: mm 8?" mm“ ““ Mi «AMI I’m-MW“... mummy. Soul by J. R. SHANNON, Lindsay. """"“ ~ ' and at Hotels. 3 I He] [tutu-t». WISER’S i: CANADIAN EXPORT i and RED LETTERRYES ï¬ewgti’r; ï¬gmmï¬odgtlop of am mutation Wâ€. WW9}? “OBCAYGEON . Old,‘ "Mellow Whiskies Arc nl-alnd more cases 0??ch Wuhan than my other remedy the valid hm ever known. It is that Winnehm It dimolvea and flhmoninanenrlymgeofdeve. 'i Wain Feeling, 2011933: â€d um m m umwm’ we Ry-Imhhnmonywiththeiemaleaydem Rm mwww,nem '53: melanchol or m"'mm my!" sure oil-‘emdo Wanna-I. Dome Wont. of“ the_orpns. _ For minke-Me. 'tslov’*:sm"_3§d Kldacy Complaint: and mi either at: the vegeubb Oomponndhnn lulled. ' You can writ? Mn. Plnkhu'n nbout younul! in scrim oonfldenco. COUNTY of VICTORIA County Treasury-’3 lotloo to Ila-ob, {honâ€"- 1. memunoihndo tn the County of View... tor ulo tor or- M or m h- boen pm. and that copies of the add “It when-diam clue. in the Court. House in the Town at Lind- o'clock The CHEAPEST and most Pofloct :j , , Fm flotation “I tho World. Omem“, . onm‘o 1' P. S.-â€"Physician‘a Preecri tiona x IT CAN b0 and quickly I)! You! ¢ carefully dispensed.p f ‘ or old and mu mlmlch n on In . nu “that rule Instantly. MIR? Print. â€Wenin'o M am?“ . Puma. “2mg; “5' W on mac t m» . «an. End mum. of amnuord. I10! Fl“ WNW. nu Martin: the contract to build mm ur V thou mum Korma Schema at North my, an. MC you :31 has.†“3:, or MI! WN'. Station! and Hannah. at. $ Mm you mm mm M a tutti colt of “19.100. -â€"'t‘ho mum at m. John Damn ‘w I“ hut MM M‘ V“ his 9:)an daughter. who «we bub H “mm M at Klnmouut norms {are no. i A Alt 3, an m M“ mm mm by their ï¬lth" tad ll I. ‘ u “mum last wk In mm M m“ “a†- u ‘ ,9 «hm» «hm um» MW 00 an M Hy flu bum-d. an. I. We IoIIIM “some MM ““9 Hum amuvIIIrs- “9a wm WWI Im an 3%; I .‘iII‘ 31.32%: w 0“...t I .3“ ' “nun! 1%? an; We“ Dizziness. Faintness, had 5‘55 W dlldï¬ yuan ‘ Back-ache. “vim GABMWUN m “UM" 0' m: Blowing! 9.de IE Paswe Bros. . 4"; M “MM. 0’ ï¬mflofll. w muffled the tuna-wt to build Roma School: M: North Buy. M ma Mutton! and autumn. at I «ma colt of “19.100. um mum cute. John Damp «f? “833‘ “m “it; “sum â€as“? on W903“ ‘ Mmtfenm m a M Stock taking tabs place with us on thelstof Fcb- nary, so during this month we intend to give special attention towards reducing our stock of general mer- chandise. We have a few Mtn’s Own-coats, Men’s, Women’s and Girls’ Gauntlets, Robes and other winter goods which will be sold at cost during this month. Boots and Shoes Wehave about fort of men 8 ï¬ne boots, rt{token sizes. which we will sell at cost during this month. Also all Felt Goods To be sold at contâ€"Fancy China, Perfumes. and a few Christmas good. will be cleared at cost. Our stock in all d rt- ments must be gm y re- duced to make room for new goods. which will come for 1:: at once after stock- taking OOOOOOOO Why cough all night and loose your rest when one bott- le of Wylio’s Wild Cherry with Chlorodyne and Men- thol will cure you. To tho Mud-nt- of Linduy and Ins-rounding gonna-z. Public «4,!!me Book- aaLJEEELL‘ Plum. 3. Omemoo. - Ontario Genus! lemma. I Termsâ€"Cash or Trade. We also have a full line of School Supplies, etc. . A. WYLIE A Tlial will Convince RELIEF at last We give special at- tention to thin line of our business and We â€I â€that“... an. o! your WM m Mm PAGE am