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Watchman Warder (1899), 2 Jan 1908, p. 2

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pm 110. The Watchman-Wander WESTERN HOME MONTHLY retard-tangoaggyflrrnigiéagfin Darlaâ€"ark: Er} {87.3% $332.”; Lav-333! in. 3E§§531E1£8?§‘5§ ogigrfigtigl’? iglit§zsclfllalfix READ T HIS Mmmm‘w. THE TWO FOR ONE YEAR FOR A $13 §spEcmg CLUBBING OFFER WINNIPEG l-AND a. to see her. “Why‘ you ain’t dreadful sick, is you?" ' Judith, peering under her bonnet. ' “0h, 0, not sick at all," returned Mary, and then, as she saw the chair, with its cushions and pillows, she burst into a loud laugh, which finally ended in a- hearty cry, when she thought how kind was every one to IOU. . She had been at home but a few days when she was solicited to take charge of a small select school. But Mrs. Mason thought it best for her to return to Mount Holyoke, and ac- cordingly she declined Mr. Knight’s offer, greatly to his disappointment, and that of many others. Mrs. Brad- ley, who never on any occasion paid her school bill, was the loudest in her complaints, saying that, “for all Tim never lost a speck, and stood at the foot all summer long when Mary kept before, he‘d got so sassv there was no living with him, and she wanted him out of the way.” Widow Perkins instead of being sorry was glad,- for if Mary didn’t teach, there was no reason why Sally Ann shouldn’t. “You’ll never have a better chance,” said she to her daughter, “there’s no stificut needed for a private school, and I’ll clap on my things and run over to Mr. Knight’s before he gets off to his work.” __ v.0“)r "Vin- It was amusing to see Mr. Knight’s look of astonishment when the widow made her application. Lydia, who chanced to be present, hastily re- treated behind the pantry door, where vial; hgr_ apron oveghex; month she ,LL -1 - w...- â€"'- ‘I'"â€" -._, laughed heartily as she thought of a note, which the candidate for teach- mghadoneesanthim,andinwhich '5'5” figured conspicuously, while her mother was “polightly thanked for those yeast !” Possibly Mr. Knight thought of the note, too, for he gave the widow no encouragement, and when on her way home she called for a moment at Mrs. Mason’s, she “thanked her stars that Sally Ann wasn’t obliged to keep school for a livin’, for down below where she came from teachers warn’t fust cut!” One morning about a week after Mary’s return, she announced her in- tention of visiting her mother’s grave. “I am accustomed to so much exer- cise,” said she, “that I can easily walk three miles, and perhaps on my way home I shall get a ride.” Mrs. Mason made' no objection, and Mary was soon on her way. She was a rapid walker, and almost before she was aware of it, reached the village. As she came near Mrs. Campbell’s the wish naturally arose that Ella should accompany her. Looking up she saw her sister in the garden and called to her. Val-AW UV 1.: “Whaâ€"aâ€"t?” was the very loud and uncivil answer which came back to her, and in a moment Ella appeared round the corner of the house care- lessly swinging her straw flat, and humming a fashionable song. 0n see- ing he_r _sister she _drev:v back the corn- â€"_â€"-‘L:â€"n Dunn, """U" - â€"y calling me, you looked so much like her in that gingham sunbonnet. Won’t you come in?" "Thank you.” rammed Mary. "I "H EZVIII” “Oh, no.” sci s1_E1.J-..in. her um} “no nun. ucuw- unv _â€"v.. ers of her mouth intto" sopething which she intended for a male,‘ and said, "Why, I thpught‘it was Budget W- _ -L 131.- m: We am... WMMM mm“. m .9 m“ m mmmm amma hwmm "mu ”flaw,” .RMm .mbo .wmwaWMmmm _. 2 gm OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO§‘O00.0000000000000000090 ' cm ’ 1 ” ”SW‘MX‘P‘Q': 'PTEBXXI. toweep.un ngenyremov gmghm bonnet, and holding her hetnedtodnert spron, hustled m and out, oeeasion- ins greatly p1 my changing the position of u cur- had been at Mount Holyoke. Observ- “air: or chair, and then stepping back- mg, at‘length. that her eyes consum- ward to witness the effect. The stufl- 1y res upon the rnonument, he ad rocking-chair, with two“ extra. spolye gthat, pramng rte beauty, :ushions and a p' low, was drawn up uskmg If It were .11.." taste. to the table, indicating that an in- _ “No.’ valid was expected to occupy that t11 .” seat, while near one of the plates was was h . _ r . a. handsome bouquet, which Lydia “80 e one washed to eurpnse you. Knight had carefully arranged, and I dare say,” returned Mr. Stuart. It brought over as a present for her was . , ,n_ 4--.]..-- A Roman time: had Have you megbig *1}qu .1 yard, when, as E118 had Bid; stood by her pmnts’ mm- handsome nonnment ~ William Bender 1n- my firs m the firmer- son who meoimo her mind. as shethoughtofallthathadpmodbo- tween them, md of this proud 0! his affection, she seated herself and); the tall grass and flows: which upon her mother’s grave, I!!! into tears. She hadnotuttherelmg ere sthee was roused‘by :2: sound pots p. Looking “P. “Y beta! he? the yo ' am rho the you; prevpns _ malted her school 19,,741‘ _ BY MR5; MARY J'. HOLMES Author of “LenaIRIvel-s.” “The Homestead on x the Hill.” “Tempest and Smhipe,” Etc. mom ‘aundIfi-mky' it?” mm mt? ’ Win .3180 mu]: know that In. ' or mebod , had with mo 3 and Alfie’s fled for Ignore) but‘ turn- : w“ Mmmm wwmww large, dark eyes w ch were fixed up- on her face, end coloring deeply, she replied that they came from England in the same vessel. “Indeed!” said Mr. Stuart. “When I return to the city, shall I refresh his memory a lime with regard to you?” “I’d mum; you would no ,” edMary.“Oan8‘-h3inm°‘ different; and he 01 W feel no interest i1} 1316-” AL _A _. goof-Ho ‘ixit'emt in him?” refined Mr. Stuart. and 8881!! his III-1‘86 “y“ ranted on Mary’s iaee with a, curious U- hwy-v y â€"- nt she made no reply, and soon rising up, said it was time for her flo go home. "Allow me to accompany you as far as Mrs. Campbell’s,” said Mr. Stuart. “I am going to call upon Miss Ella, whose iacqupintanoe I accidentally '- 7;A_- _-.. “n " uvâ€"uv __ made lastjgiixlmer. Suppose you too. You kgpvg yerf 0.! cw? __J IMJ. Lvu nuv-v uvâ€", -_ v-.. Mary replied that she did, and was about to Speak of the relationship be- tween them, when Mr. Stuart abruptly changed the conversation, and in a moment more they were at Mrs. Campbell’s _door._- Ella. was so much __ _ n- m..-“ 5556.3 ntragain seeing MI. Stuart that she hardly noticed her sister at all, and did not even ask her to .re- move her bonnet. After eonversmg awhile upon nindiflerent subjects, Mr. Stuart asked‘Eua to_pla_g, saymg he ‘ “in, ii. any notes“ and finally ending with a tremendous crash. Fond as Mr. Stuart was of music. he did not call for a repetition from her, but tum- ing to Mary asked if she could play. Ella laughed aloud at the idea. and when Mary replied that she did play a little, she laughed still louder, say- ing, “Why she can’t play. unless it's ‘Days of Absence’ with'one hand, or something of that kind.” "Allow me to be the judge.” said Mr. Stuart, and leading Mary to the piano, he bade her play anything she pleased _- .u . I 4,__I___ -_j Ida had been a taithful teacher, and Mary a persevering pupil. so that whatever she played was played cor- rectly and with good taste; at least Mr. Stuart thought so. for he kept calling for piece after piece. until she laughingly told him her catalogu was nearly exhausted, and she’d s be obliged to resort to the scales! Ella looked on in amazement, and when Mary had finished playing, de- manded of her where she had leath- as. aggzgfm a ' 1;? fiifiii “um 51% h Dbuulh “AW uuu w Rn...” -_,__D WV like was very fond of music. But Ella. other fashionable ladies, couldn't of course play anythingâ€"“was dread- fully out of practice and besides that. her music was all so old fuhioned.” Mr. Stuart had probably seen such cases before, and knew how to man- age them, for he continued urging the matter until Ella arose, and thrcuing back her curls, sauntered toward the piano, saying she should be obliged to have some one turn the leaves for her. Mr. Stuart of course volunteered his services. and after a violent turning of the music-stool by way of elevating it. and a taming back by way of low- ering it, Ella, with the air of a martyr. declared herself ready to play what- ever Mr. Stuart should select, pro- vided it were not “old.”‘ For a. moment Mr. Stuart regarded her with an expression which it seem- ed to Mary she had seen before, and then consulting his much. said. he must go, as it was ggarly_w tune. :‘Z'Zhgigbéifig'midé; she dashed on Into a spirited yelp. ‘s‘lxippileg a good 5‘ _ ._2AL ed so much, and who was her teach- er; adding that. her fingering was wretched; "but then," said she. “I suppose you can" help it, your fingers are so stifi !” _ 7 ‘ _ 0000A A delicious drink and a sustaining load. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the in robust health, and It to .reslst winter's m cold. MW- â€" __, to conclude; _that_ you. $00; ersation, and in a :y were at Mrs. Ella was so much 1 seeing MI. Stuart oticed her sister at but turn- nuld play. a idea. and e did play Men 893:- shriek, I unless at: ”d wail 3 hand. or “Willie Trio aft] ‘1: flm amid '5 MID!) which I dge.” said $Téd'm' also find her to “jump m. '8' idyinzo md they by adroitly questioning ' e, 'hcoe intellect was not the brighten in “1° world, managed to ascertain that Mn. looking girl” was Jenny, on reaching the poorhouse she found her suspicions correct. for Jenny came out to meet her. followed by Sally who ex- claimed. "Weep, 0 daughter. and La- ment. for earth has got one' woman less and heaven one female more !” Passing into the house. Mary fol- lowed Jenny to the same room where once her baby sister had lain, and where now, upon the same table, lay all that was mortal of Mrs. Parker. Miss Grundy, who was standing near the body. bowed with a look of vexy becoming resignation. and then as i! A‘â€" â€" â€"- -_ 'I‘fl. quite overcome. left the room. Juan then‘a neighbor, who seemed to be super-intending attain. came in, and Ma’ry asked what she cauld do to as- DOCK, “WWW L V‘- .- -â€"' night with me; 'there’s no one 1? home but Bose, and we'll have such n Em, which was greatly improved- A strip 06 faded but rich W508 was beforg the bed. A _low rocking- ! 7 __L l -1. “db Wuvnv my w.-. _ chair stood near the window. which was shaded with a s 'ped muslin cur- tain. the end of which was fringed out nearly 839??ve Hard- plain- m __n_ mt... Vuv "Wt-J .- ‘â€"â€"- -v- -_ _, v _ _ 1y showing Sally’s handiwork. The contents of the old barrel were neatly stowed away in a square box. on the top_o§ whioh lay a worn portfolio. AA_-.."- ‘0“ fitted to its ut'most capfcfiy with manuscript. "For all this elegance," said Sally. “I am indebted to my worthy and esteemed’friend. Miss Lincoln.” But Mary did not beer. for her eyes were riveted npon angtlgen piece 0! “GIG AOVVWU ‘rvâ€" â€"-- furniture. At the foot of the bed stood Alice's cradle. which Billy Bender had brought there on that afternoon now so well remembered Mary. . “Oh! Sally," said she. “ ow cam this here?” "Why,” returned Sally. hitting it a jog, “I don't sleep any now, and I thought the nights would seem short- erifIhadthiatorocknndmakebeâ€" lieve little Willie was in it. So I brought it down from the gerret. and it aflords me a sight of comfort. I Emu-e you!” 7 Mary qfieryards {earned Ethat often shriek, and then died away in a low, sadwail,asshesanga1ullab tothe "Willie who lay sleeping on Pm° rie at' the West." As there was now no reason why she should not do so, Mary accom- panied Jenny home, when. as‘she had expected, she met with a cool re- ception, from Rose. who merely nod- ded to her, and then resumed the book she was reading. After tea Mary step- ped to a moment into the yard. and then asked Jenny what she in- tended doing’ with her “genteel visi- tor.” "Put her in the best chamber. and sleep there myself," said Jenny, addo ing that “they were going to lie awake all night just to see how it scanned.” But in spite of this resolution. as midnight advaw Jenny found that Mary’s answers. even when Bill Ben- der was the topic. became more and more unsatisfactory. and finally ‘oeas- ed altogether. Concluding to st her sleep a tow minutes, and then wake her up. Jenny turned on her pillow. and when hereyesaqunmopenedgg mormngsnnwas half-closed sum. 3%.... {:3 bell was jingling in the love when Haryreturnedtothe homesheioundanewa‘rrivalin person of lawn-1mm ‘1 r3 sound of that cradle could be heard. occasionally drowned by Sally’s voice, which sometimes rose almost to a shriek. and then died awn; _in t} 19y. 'i‘tl'PCmd "Id.“ be M Jite overcome. left the room. Just ten-a neighbor, who seemed to be .ManomAh-m affairs. mum in, and "Y'ou'll stay r, “'3 E2 “I ' I - igallika‘l‘e ,Art Silverware W 3 cheap «tide of Sibel-wane is unsuitable and OUtrOf-dabe for I; went, we do not hesitate to recommend any of the following pieces of Art Silverware as the correct thing for a Gift, being modem m Anion- ornamental and useful in any home: “ Q--‘ -‘Q--§~‘-§. mummyauanum ummdUmfluM DOCTORS USINfi PATENT IEDICINE tho Dominion Podiomt for tho tog- olotion of tho mufooeluo ond oolo of potont or propdohory uodicinoo it of tho utmost import-moo, oad it in roooiving o (toot dool o2 ottontion, not. on): by tho 1: modicino monufooturoto. but by tho bodiu LTrpum out the fact dust the tho but eon- “Puz- W. In ; "out int-not of very curious that “Id trouble the pgtiogt Ind boa-nun; Two India; Unit-d 89%!- mm munfictuuu, but ll. 5 tho In doctor- ud n futon:- of ' . high undie- wolognu the bill a c Is always worth Framing and you will often be surprise dat it’s appearance when Frame! We have just received a. large shipment of ‘American Moulding and will give a Special Low Price on Work re- ceived durin‘ the next month. APRE'I‘TY PICTURE Bring Your Picture i and let us quote you for 3. Frame on it. Our 25c Teaâ€"green, black or mixedâ€"surpasses all Competitorsâ€"fly itâ€"We import our teas direct. Will be: successful if you buy your Supplies here. We only handle goods of undoubted qunli and on account of our Ex- tensive buying our prices are the lowest. “Thistle" Brand Curr- ants and Raisins excel ill otlfers. Sweet Oranges, Nuts, Table Raisins, Mixed Candies,_Figs, Dates, Fancy Biscuits, Grapes, etc. CHINA HILL, WILLIAM ST. GROCERIES. KENT S'I‘. Henley Bros”.z unt- It. lNou'I the lurket T_!_1___,_E BIGGEST BARGAINs; IN CHINA â€"_â€":AT THE CHINA HALL Our prices are the lowest anal you can get a [)ng gift at any price from 10c to $50.“;New Dinner and Sets Toilet Sets just to hand. Am Remedies. . L. CAMPBELL, Saw and Shingle Mill January 7 I'm and aha-I'm be accom- mod“ I" (In, at“! that datef Ila Maui-um. limited MM Christmas Giltg Our stock of Watches. Clocks. Silverware, Fine Jewellery and Novelties cannot be beaten for fine quality, dainty patterns and moderate prices. BUY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH En ment and “'edding Rings. arriage Licenses Issued. e. a. Juana. CABRAY, on. U- nto-d Amour. tor the county at mm In: stock and ‘11 och-r hid M attamhd to. Clin- mumâ€":9. The Papular Jewelry Store w. r. McCARTY McLennan Co. Washinflflaohines Clothes Wringers Curtain Stretcher: Bird Cage- Horle Clippers Poultry] Netting JOSEPH mm WK! Cement Gland Sever Pipe Fin Bricks Fire Clay Mdflfllldll 8t (0. ‘- Step Ladders Wheel Barrows LINDSAY. Kdlomlne Prim Paint Iron , DR. F. BLANCE GRADUATE TORONTO ' SITY, CORONER F0 TY 0F VICTOR Dulce.â€"Ridout-st., come! [Andmv-sts. Phone 45-3 or for the Ontario Bu: Iocn at lowest rates. [mumâ€"st” south. __________________ WART a: O'COKNO] Notaries. etc. Honey m lowest current to 1m. FULTON s. f Agent. Issuer 01 Eur! Convey‘ncing in all it: UNDERSIGNED ll ;__; 1m money 0!! Farm. 3 Village Property at at. of tutu-eat. Private funds. I m I ,.~. «~ may” :, a n. n. nuns o] BYE SIGHT SPECIAI 151. Store, Lindsay. Satisfiu Charges Yer) Mmh Graduate of Trinity Uni‘ A Ontario Medical Cone ' special attention 3 M 0! women and chil‘ $.W. 001'. Cambridge and galephone 51b. 0L- When your eyes trouble you-cu ”who, or if your gluues requ! you need new glance. I!" w EYES TESTED FRN HOW ARE YOUR _0LIYE M. REA. LEIGH R. KNIGHTâ€"E /lldtor, Notary Publi‘ 1.3 Watc'loo Mutual I ,, O... of Wcurloo : Fed ; mace 00., 0! Hunt 3 Acadent and Surety 'a don. Ont. once a V Mt, Milne Block. Nun's Shoe Store. no- u done in our 0‘ a. principal and in“ u without any expo! “38- We 0.1.0 PM and debentmu. T0 ,w. mvest. money '07 mow» .1” upon bontum. hveptment m. IncLAUGHLI C. B. WELDON. Hui? Clerk, Oakwood. F R. GROSS, Dentist. his her Royal College Dent Ont. All modern meth‘ different depmment‘ suecesduily practiced. 1" opposite the post 01 :ttention given to chi] Howard V. Pogue, D.D tB. SUTTON, Dentist Honor graduate of Ton City and Royal Colhq Surgeons. All the late methods adopted and p1 ate. Office over Post N William. street. am, when of the lege of Dental Surgeo: fill the 1am methods Special attention will ‘ Orthodonia. Crown work. The successful 4 Until under gas (Vital! tho inertial: of the b datum continue- to t of this 011300. Office 1 I“. the Simpson Hou- I. F. A. WALTERS, d a”. Honor graduate Univerlity an}! 130331 fork-ct... Lind-s17. 1‘. Stewart, L. V. 0' '. H. HOPKINS. .UGELIN. PEEL raw-a. Soliciton 30., Corner. Kent ‘ >, January 2nd. Honey tog} Hours: 8 to Barristers. e1 JACKSON DENTIST. Dentistry Li‘

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