NOT I C E IMPORTANT ‘To every manand , woman. who realizes the imponance of preserv- WWD-PFI'ITALL.â€"At Lindsay, on Dec.30th, 1908, by the Bev.‘ C. H.1Marsh, Timothy Wood, of Ar- den, Out†to Emma, daughter of Mr. J. Fittell. of Fenelon. SHOALERâ€"WALSH.â€"~On Dec. 23. 1998, by Rev. C. H. Marsh, Mr. Jabn Shoaler, of Bethany, to Kiss Lillie Field, of Franklin. ' On this account and by ing their appearance through their hair, the visit of Mr. W. T. Pem- ber on Monday, Jan. 11th will be of decided interest. WWdtheEectrwlecvel dmwmpmuwonuthé‘ro- have Oplo of Lindsay and ‘Vlcmltu: I as manager of salvage ana Uleunng If you want these floods or will ever need them, buy new, bug before that day will seq ,the close of the bluost Men's Clothing and Furn- at Lindsay Benson House, Monday, J an; 11th. ~ . Peterboro Oriental Hotel, Tuesday. Jan 12th. ‘ l Tweed Queen’s Hotel, Wednesday, Jan. 13th. ~ and will exhibit and demonstrate the effect 0 the Hair Goods that have made him famous. His:sty- les, methods, and ideas are widely imitated; but never successfully. MR. PEMBER will be glad to meet privately all ladies or gentle- men with any hair or scalp affection and to give advice gratis as to a cure. Positively the most selectshowing of ladies? ï¬ne~Hair Creations and gentlemen’s Toupees in Can- ada. Rem ember the date. ‘ ' ' A clean, new, seasonable, "undo-date stock, owned by ,a well-known nrm w: square dealing and honest advertising has never been questioned. This is the kind of stock that Is To BE THROWN on THE MARKET, that you that is to be SACRIFICED WITHOUT RESERVE to raise the necessary cash. $17 000 Of Men's and 80’s’ clothing and Furn|3h|n83.--8ultg, Mrooats, Raincoats, Pants, 5 Suspanders, Handkerohlofs, Gloves; Mitts. Socks, . Underwear, Gaps, Neckwoar, .Eto., Et ' Store ls closed for stocktaking tIII Wednesday, January 6th 9 a. m. ‘l’hat hour wIII Inauguarato the sale of all the history of Lindsay; 1999’? miss it, If you 99 y99 ’Il regret It. STOCK OF that Willcock. to Nellie Danielsï¬by “the my. Mr; Om, leon‘F‘alls. M Mr. R. J- Fleming_ yin 2O KENT-ST" East of Benson House, LINDSAY . Hands of F; J. 1.;HABGQOD, Sales Manager, for Disposal PROFESSOR PEMBER will be Iâ€"DANIHSâ€"At Powles’ IARRIABES DEATHS GRANDY.â€"On Dec. 81,1908,‘ Miss Margaret Grandy. of Fleetwood. BRISBIN.â€"At Fleetwood; on Thurs- day, Dec. 31, Mr; Win. 'Brisbrin. NELSON .â€"Ann Lee, widow of late John Nelson, Omemee, aged 86 , years, died on Tuesday, Jan 5th, l 1909.: Funeral on Thursday, Jan. 7th, at 2.3m p.m., from Raidence dim. John Sinai-son, to Emily ty-two mmicipflities, madame de- featedineightonasttaightvote, pesi-des those aplaoes where th9 m- ;:|Aé_i# xg-Isï¬a‘_- -'.-_-‘ L; N. '1 h Returns so far received show Mt lamb option try-lama carded mm ‘â€"‘. ‘ uva-o Qesides those places where the m-l 'Ihe Passenger. Agents! As‘ao’éis rarity walr‘not up 'to' :ï¬eflï¬-eeâ€" harefuéedt'o grantexcurml ï¬fthsregzirémfllt .. itothellontmeal Wines-Cam reason of the unusua‘Ilu LmIld The county council will be a dif- ferent one from last yea;- and 3a goodly number of new faces Will‘â€" be New Men in County Council seen around -the‘ council 'board; The fpllowing is the list of the council so. far received : _ ’ ‘ Verulamâ€"Emmerson Tiers. Bobcaygepnâ€"Geo. Byn‘g. Mariposaâ€"John I Michael, reeve. Mariposaâ€"A Varcoe, dept. ereeve. . Lindsayâ€"Geo A. J ordan reevé. Lindsayâ€"B. L. McLean, dept-reeve. Lindsa; â€"W. W. Jordan, 2116: dept. - reeve. Emilyâ€"J. R. Boate. Eldonâ€"R. Howkins. Garden-James Graham. 4 ‘ Laxton, Digby Longford â€" Wilâ€" liam Adair. 1y-) The installation of the recehlily elected ofï¬cers of Westminster Lodge No.20, S.O.E.,,wa.s the principal itern of business at the regular meet-» ing held Tuesday. District-Deputy Kitn _y, and Past-President Eleonde, of Peterboro, were present, and made the installation. Both made ap- propriate speeches. list of elected ofï¬cers: W. Past Presâ€"John H.Mi1burn. Presidentâ€"J. I. Johnston. Vice-Presidentâ€"H. Chambers. Chaplainâ€"Ed. J. Johnson. Following is a. list of the oï¬ioers installed. There 3: are some changes from the original , ative last night. .during the. night .and everybody down to seem races here. Ir, . . Chas. T MéKay, of Kingston has two liVely. stoppers he is shipping to town and will start them in a. cou- ple of the races. Neither of Mr. Mc- Kay’ s horse‘sWere entered in the Toâ€" ronto ra. ~35 Both are touted as faststep " .7 ' _..4._.. "All we went is frost. " declared Mr. Simpson to a Wards:- represent- The frost , came should be satisï¬ed .The Toronto .traek was in poor. condition. owing , to the warm weather, but Lindsey’s hulk-mile track; will be in superb Physicianâ€"W. H. elm-lie. ‘ :shape- Guidesâ€"1 J. Tudball, 2 W. Turn â€-â€" er, 3 Geo. Coombs. 4 T. Shere, 5 The Port Perry Wrbtting- Aegean- W. J ohfl‘e, 6 A. J ohnstone . tion have their races scheduled for Inside guardâ€"T. Bryant. Thursday and Friday of this: am; Outside guardâ€"G; Reth‘mell . :_ ‘. A rumor around, town yesbemdey said _. 'v .J_ _ ' " W, (AI-m“. Omemeeâ€"J. T. Beatty. WoodvilIeâ€"D. Graht. ‘ > Opsâ€"W. H. “Viléon.' ‘ ‘ ;- Fenelonâ€"Palmer; Bexleyâ€"McKague. Daltonâ€"H. H. Found ' Fenelon Fallsâ€"Dr. Gould (probab- Somervilleâ€"Robert Callan. Installation of Ofï¬cers}? m; WATGHMANWWFEWWY 23?, :93 Furnishings-«Salts, Overcoats, Bulncoats, Pants, Sweaters, Shirts, collars, Mltts. Socks, Underwear, cape, Neckwoar, Etc" Etc. There Will be Fast Horses and Fast Races Next Week This town ï¬ll-Bee same great horseracing 'n'exâ€˜ï¬ Tuesday and Wed- nesday. The Annual winter racing meet will be held at the agricultur- a1 park and it is cqnï¬dently expect- ed that ovezj f6rty horses will oom- pete for the:h money These animals wlll be the pick of the hnd in ra'c- ing circles. men next wéek'. ' The equineé will be shipped to town after the Port Perry races and many Will be ship- ped directly from Toronto to Lind-- Mr. W. H. §impson was in Tor'on- to yesterday and had a. (Sh-at with several prominent horsemen. The majority 9% them mfonmed him that they woulg Wbring their strings to 1Andsay..Frank Smith Will act as starter, and Mr. Smith says that a number from Toronto will come down toxsegghe, races here. XCJhas. Tgcxufékay, of Kingston, has two liVelyjs‘ijepper-s he is rshippinag to town and will start them in a. cou- ple of the races. Neither of Mr. Mc- Kay’s horse‘S'Weré entered in the Toâ€" ronto moaégâ€™ï¬ Both are touted ‘as Lindsay vim be the Mecca 9f horse UP.†and unseasonable weather, \ui' ,, There are said to'be a thousand 1- cases of typhoid at Montreal. . ' )r ‘ The Ontario Government has ask- {Jed for a report on the needs of Ital- :‘ian earthquake suflerers. :1! The Guelgh. .City_ Council. has de- string were among the racing blood shipped. . T‘hat sterling pacer, John McEwen owned by Nat Rav, for years the greatest stegplechgse {idgr in Ameri- -'Ihe famous mare, 'Maud waick, 2. 03; will be acontes’oant for the money in the free-for-all. B1g things are expected of this horse. Keswick. owned in town, is her sire. ‘ ca, will be done for the races. John McEwen has 'a. mark of 2. 08. Just take a look at this list and then come along to the races: The Eel 2.02, Doris B. 2.05}, John Mc- Ewen 2.08, Texas Rocker 2.051», Lady Baxter 2.11%, ‘ Ruben 2.11, Captain Sphinx 2.06, Collingwood Rooker'2.11~}. All these horses and many more will be seen on the Lind- say track. > a lot of,this stallion. Every effort is being made to so- cure the presence of The Eel, the greatest horse; on the Canadian tin-I. The gney ghost is racing in Toronto at present. .Frank Entricken, of Ta.« vistock, 'is the owner; The .by-law to return to the ward 1 system'was carried in BelLeVille. ‘ L gm- ’ 'sw “U“! the races: The .05}, John Mc- Rooker 2.05}, T y, ‘ Ruben 2.11, e . ‘ D6, Collingwood price: these horses and 'sible een on the and- custo triaL as made to se- carry a Mum-1. -_ Lube ‘ :4 JOHN CAREW onieeandvmwmiam-stumh , P11011314 3 Bring Your Lumber .., M um. Troubles TOTUS MAHER Do It Now The plan of our business 18 to combine value with moderate prices in such a. way that the purchaser gets the largest pos- sible return for his money. This plan has pleased countless customers. If.» you are not familiar with it why not give it a Lumba'yhfll, Shinglamming. Sidinï¬l‘mes, mlbmlflouldings. trial. Let us sell you lumber for that house or barn. W e carry a large and well assorted stock of Lav e and We] Equipped mu yam , ,K’L‘Sï¬‚â€˜ï¬ Salvage and Clearing buy now, buy before Planing Mill asked to buy. mu 51mm. ' 7;. n: I. F. nun! CO. m Bamï¬tan, Ont. WUBBDAY.‘ JAN. 7. 1m, AT ONE Iii’ehli": At Your Service of†3mm; in i;i=$2.3o F: ,jounl trip umn'r' ,u â€andâ€: W in: €9alifomia, MI ' rio Hm’m‘ B gninu Jun. 12 l 1 Jan. l“. mu“- } From '1‘ O R PLEASAX'I' I’ll-{1 )Ir. and Mn. (1 24. con. 7. Sort! flout. 75 0! their‘ clung. \ianx c Point and Lindsq joyahlo time \vas‘ dancing u’m‘o indu frednnvnts sex-Veg dicott. were capital LEION S M .\ \‘ best frail is now case of 300. or 01‘ sins lemons an- 1 and according to here the crop had â€rations mad early in January will be dealers I In the event of strayed. lemons i read: $10 or $12 The calamity in bin in Italy may doc: on the price and keep the bo‘ 1y preventing {a food, the format the disagreeable on one 00685“: M is not like! on oranges. all dealers or c’: Tomm- Mien yield t Kidney-Liver Pil Bere' s the PP00 “I was for m m Mgwtion thrived no beneï¬t< suit is that I anq {on enéoymcnt 0‘ good auteur-M? on. Contact. Al“ ‘goodfloRofl To Digm Bile in the int: ant. to digesuon in the stomach a plied when the li‘ dition. “With Thot my b‘ It any be the! thing anions once. m m H mm.- LAXO and (.116 Ilttle col: "nub. Jun-y n m a few boas if gun. We m TICKETS 0 January 12. Horse Breed $2.30 Full inform-flu.“ Lil T. C. hutchen. on J. Anderson. C. P. 8 . L. Thompgon. D.1 mum-mu. J! W. R. WlDD HIGI B. ANN] «fawn-"inn Littld AND R: Return Li idc ill PW