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Watchman Warder (1899), 7 Jan 1909, p. 8

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" fleets of the Children’s” Aid ociety. Lindsay and Victoria County w Aunt. h mum-ton I]. From £03" nuanuum ”no“ PM)“ U BM LIA) Tl“ FA“ “AMA ’fl‘AlR SEBVTQI lawm- ‘0 Mto‘ mi. ”\flv ISM“ nun-u 7‘30 .x. 3. ANWI m‘ uuul 7.38 “in " Dun-MN .m -m 7.40 mm ” BMNWU aunu “tun {‘88 .‘n ‘. mm' -“‘I|‘ ‘|\i.\ 2‘06 .Im ‘a - .â€"A,ld- Geo. Ron» 3. Kwan- Tâ€"a Vii-Pres m Via-Preer - Lulu Dada}? In!" Bobcaylm ‘- Expm. tron: in." Bobcnyfleou w ‘3 Aneona Point mammawaymw -â€"Messrs. W. E. Kelchet and Bert IAidley, two of Lindsay’s well? hown citizens, left this morning for HuntSVille. where they will take dame of the boot and shoe and clothing and the grocery depart- ments of one of the largest general stores in that town. Their friends will wish both young gentlemen suc- cess and prosperity. .‘ 0“” nut-.Ig‘ -I\“‘1‘ 9“! ‘|“ “ Juanita m m... 8.1“ mm v Noumea -... 8.34 an 9‘ BUKG‘OU "c- -us'. as“ .\m INC Toronto ..............,10.30 mm m In. tomato, .Il luau; .,........_,..,. 2‘1“ 9.; E T030510. ONT. Upon: for Winter Term on Jan. 4i GET OUR CATALOGUE Read it from cover to cover. It is very intemting and attractive. A ELLIOTT fl M This the college that is know from one end of Cenada. to the other for its high dn. work. OUR GRADUATES ALWAYS SUCEED. We place many students in excellent posmons. Q. J. 31.91013.de “ Bun-null . «. Dun-ford e: Ancou 1 an. Yam and Ale'tander gm Bug-ken": «a Neonatal: Jmtvino L. 01350 IQQ'Q‘QGQ ‘v-v- Whitby ... .... ... 8 45 p.111. 1 Ur|lnw ...-Oouoâ€" 9- 29 film. Belleville....10.10 p.m. 08PM. A. Mun. IJ: ARRIVALS. Point. ma. o ”noun-â€" 53.. Q.“ ~n- ‘ out-u.- “Q... “a... Lonâ€"n.- ‘illi. â€" ‘- pl 0 ca. Principal 0 «an 12.06 pm ,. 2.40 pm. ‘ ems pm. . 6-80 Iflm' , 9.39 mm. a: r... mmo. 6600. 7.63 mm . 7 .2" 5.!” $80 u: 738 mm. 7.45 ma. 7.58 mm 8‘06 tax 43 mm JG mu Do nmmmm. D..D..D..D..D.. 5 6 Amnm. 21.1.1... 1 memtllv 99.5..1. \ OBWQMnmm «fidfidfififi mmwmmmmu mm; 0.0.0. 8 a.“ 189.. m.m.m.m. PPPD “mufl 84$; mmmmmmm D..D..D..nm.D..nm.D.. 595 5 4M50mfi5 4445556 Interesting News Events of the Day A special dispensation permits Bo- m'an Catholics to eat meat to-mor- row. Mr. J. '1‘. Mann, a well-known Pro- vincial civil seI‘ViCc oiXici-al, died in Toronto. ‘_. .. Inspector Duncan and Detective Tippon left for I-luntingdon, Va.., to extradite Alex. Rose. About 2.000 Sunday school scholâ€" ars demonstrated in favor of license reduction at Toronto Wednesday. Citizens who have relatives and friends in Italy are anxious for de- tails regarding them. The Ontario Government will send a representative to a conference call- ed by President RooseVelt to discuss the care of destitute children. ' i it is reported at Montreal that the O'Brien mine has been sold "to an English company for 38000000. Bishop-elect Farthing arrived at Montreal. and was welcomed by a large gathering of clergy and laity. Ek-Méyor Dyke of Fort William, was stricken with paralysis and had to retire from the mayorality con- Artfi'ur; Trotter-Vin a. fit of insanity beheaded his aged mot-her in New York. WindSOr citizens tendered a recep- to to Police Magistrate Bartlett. who is retiring. and presented him with a purse of gold. Robbers at Wellsfon. Okla” fouq‘ht the townspeople for two hours while Confederates xoh‘bed the bank of $5. - T-he 1'11?de States Trpasury TM- partm'nt has transferred 3225.000.- 000 in gold coin from San Francis- co to Denvpr. W. L. Mathews. former State; Treasurer of Pennsylvania. who had bem sentenced to priSOn for his con- nect‘on with the CapitoI frauds, is, dead. ‘ i The surviVors of the eartthake at! Re'vio and Messing: are snfl'ering ter- ribly from burner and thirst. It is estimate that 90.000 are dead in Messina alone. The total dead will perhaps reach 200.000. ‘ ‘ While driving into Peter‘boro on Monday aftemocm. Rev Father Fitz- patrick was thrown from his cutter on the road, and seriously injured. LEAVING TOWN. . Miss Mary Hurley, Melbourne-st. has accepted a, position on the teaching staff of St. Joseph’s Con- vent. in Fort William, and leaves on Friday mOming. Miss Hurley will be missed by a. large circle of friends who will wish her every success in her new home. SEPARATE SCHOOL ' 'l'RU-STEES Nominations were held for Separ- ate School trustees for the town of Lindsay, Wednesday afternoon in the Separate school. Mr. A. Primeau was returning officer. All of last vear’ s trustees were elected bv‘ acâ€" clamation and are as follows: North ward-«I. L. Primeau. South wardâ€"L, V. O’Connor. East wardâ€"Neil Callaghan. REFUSES TO FIGHT. ‘ Melbourne, Dec. 31.â€"James L. Jef- fries has refused an offer made by John Wren of a purse of $50, 000 for a fight with Jack Johnson for the world’s beam eight. pugflistic dnml' pionship, win or lose er draw, the fight to take plfiee here on cup day in Howrah ' In his reply to ‘the ' says he will fight he Hov mon‘poopl pooplo lhoro am who know lrom'bllloroxpor napalm“ vhloh lollov n lh'O min ol Ln Grippol‘l‘ Thowholo oyolona olundm. lo onll lholo lo o oonllnunl loolln; o ldlnnuuoun elm lllo noun. mouroéfyvo rlhllvlng 3. In many «no lho Maw 3mg; t\zlcll hl'g lndun ‘lly “dodlna, unlll promululol y unlod by w Vhol would u?“ lho oulhrol glvo loh know of a SURE randy-d nodlolno lhol would nol only mm lh o dloonoo, bulb bulldup lbovn slum, Ind roololo pommenll y lho lonl health nnd mongh :ln 3 novl lllo and hope? SUCHA ANITO NM 18 PS Mn Hope (non Cnlllo) ol Molpolh w llool lung“. :1? o lorrlhlo mlo, lh had had LnGllp nndll had lolllod on m oloadlly golfing vom nnd olooo owlhnl l was oonlln odlo nol «on oll up. I oonnu led oovornl doolou bul lho bold nolhl‘I bodonololmo. Then lotmodlnkl ngP HlNBnnd lhnooomlgfy old 4â€"1 -A‘ A‘s-‘â€" melon. I am now u wow u l vm We my sickness. and that «y tint PSYCHINB cgvd‘my fly): Such testimony u this in mvlm - -..A L-..- -I-n-.. Janna.“ II, “lit r9IUI'IIQ‘H "V“ m, 111'. v ................. _ :2 you are «Karin in u slmihr my, tad hc'vulmoatdupli ever moverln the hen ti: on once enjoyed. why not oondforut bottle of PSYC 1N8 und ta it for yoursel 9 Then 10 no reason why would not 5 restored PSYCHINB has proved the Iowa!“ and)!!! hundreds 0! other mos. WEy not In yours? PSYCHINB it acid by .11 druggim and dealers :1 50¢. 1nd 8100 a bottle. WVBRY DO“. JW ...... Terrible Effect of La Grippe MS. HOPE, Morpab, Ont. 5 Ghana never was the slightest doabt i as to Mayor OliVer’ s re-electfo‘n, and :his sweeping majority the largest .ever recorded in a. mayoralty ‘ con- itest, simply confirms eke View “hich .all but a. few entertafined. that he ishould have been «given his second TJmnto FmpLe Dccid: 0n :Zeaucmn Â¥ 1 l y I TELLS READERS How TO ma. LIEVE INDIGESTION m FIVE MINUTES". ‘ Toronto, J an. 2.â€"-T'he barroom‘ evil in Toronto received blow yester- day.’ The forces of reform triumphed over the power of the liquor inter- est and its allies, and the Verdict of the people is that forty licenses; in ihe city must go. 1n carrying the by-law. which constituted the sup- reme interest in the election, the re- ductionists scored a victor! the in- fluence of which Will be felt throu - out the entire Province. And it was a victory achieved in the face of an opposition that appreciated to the full the significance of the issue and strained its reSOurces to the ut- most to preserVe the lnumber ol‘ li- censes intact.. Like all great butâ€" tles, however, it was not Won wit-h- out loss. The cause of reduction triumphed, but its recognized leader Controller Spence, went hmvn to de- feat. 19,437 people voted for by-Iaw while 18,245 voted against reduc- tion. all but a. few entertained, that he; â€"Miss Olive. Mitchell spent New should have been «given his senor!" iYcars in Pontypool. term by acclamati'on~.. ' No stronger; â€" â€"-Mr. and Mrs. H. Beall, of O’t- cnd'orsatiOn of Mayor 01W9r's 1“‘“°"£tawu, spent New ‘Years with Mr'..aend could have been desired than the new Mrs. G,; W. Beau. sult. and‘he will return to his work â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Nugwenvt, of with the satisfaction of knowing Peter-hora, were the guests of" Mr. that he has the citizens solidry be- and Mrs, Robert. Nugent yesterday, hind him. â€"Mr. Fred Thompson returned There is 9', moVe’ment at Ottawa w form a French-Canadian Congress, MISERY IN SIOMACH IS END- ED FOREVER Why not. start nowâ€"to-day. and forever rid yourself of stomach trou- ble and indigestion ? A dieted sto- u... ."-â€"v. , .‘- . _ ----- v .7 mach gets the blues and grumbles. iward. Give it a 8°°d eat- the“ take “W's â€"Mr. aod "Mrs. Robert Neill and Diapcpsin to start the figestive juic- familv of 1,9“er spent vest/er- es working. There will by no dys- dav Ithe‘ s of Mr, and M93 Ed pepsia. or belching of gas or eruct'a- Gregory g ' ' ' tion: of undigested food; no feelingv ° like a. lump of lead in the stomach. or heartburn, sick, headache and diz- . From Mouday's Daily. ziness, and your food will not. xerm-l -â€"Mr. Thomas Flutey 'is visiting When Diapepsin works, your atom ‘ few days with friends in Stirling. aCh restSâ€"gets itself in order, cleans â€"Mr. and Mrs. William Cooke are upâ€"and then you feel like eating visiting friends in Desezonto. , when you come to the table, and â€"Mr Arthur Rabhniell returned to what you eat will do you good. the city this morning. Absolute relief from all stomob ”â€"Miss Betta, William has returned. misery is waiting for you as soon as from New Ontario, viber‘e she visited you decide to begin taking Diapepsin her brother. n , v i . . , . Pape‘s Diapepsin costs only 50c. for a. large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most. ob- stinate case of indigestioa and upset- stomach in five minutes. ent and poison your breath with nau- seous odors. There is nothing else better to take gas from the stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides. one triangle w‘ill digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, heal- thy stomach would do it. . Dr. T. A. Slocum Please send me chine in aooo: speculum TRIAL BOTTLE FRED Personals ‘ 3 .‘From “Myfn Daily. â€"Mr. G. W. Keofiiij,‘ of Argyle, was. in 'town yesterdayf ' - -â€"Mr. Oswald Hamilton, of Toron- to, is visitng friends in town. ' â€"â€"Mr. Alex. Lord; son of Rev. Mr. Lord, P‘cnelon Falls, was in town‘ yesterday. -â€"is Nellie Withers, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wid- d-cs's, Bond-st. â€"Mr, Legal, of Prince Albert, Sas- katohzwnn, is the guest of Mrs. Cre- vier, Cambridge-st. â€"â€"Rov. Father Kennedy, of As- ‘sumption College, Sandwich, is the igucst of his brother, Mr. Peter Ken- }“Qq‘”s' uyu‘y.‘ â€"â€"Principal E. A. Hardy, B.A., of Moultoh College, Toronto, and for- meriy of Lindsay Coilegialc Insti- tute, is viqiting frirmls in iown. â€"-M.rs. Makins, wife of Lackmaster Ma‘cins, left'for Kingston this morn- ing, to Visit a friend who recently susta‘ne'd an injury through falling. -â€"’1ne many friends of Mrs. Eli Williamson will be‘pleased to learn that. sho has rofuvned bowe in a. greatly improved state of health. 7, - . 7 n k ' grcaug nu...” v - v‘. -7 -_- , - â€"Mr. E. A. Hardy. B..-\.. princi- pal of Moulton‘s Ladies’ College, 'I‘o- »onm, and n fmmor toox‘her at tho Lindsay Collegiate Institute, is in town. _ -â€"â€"-Mr. I’rcmm'. Crandell returned to he West on Monday. after spending a. pleasant Christ-mas with his fami- ‘v. It‘s 5711 Fremont accompan‘cd Him Wcst. uuu n guy: 4inst Mary Brady. Ella Brady. Mable Meaghan Mm Meagher. and Mossrs‘ Geo. Brady, Lo me Meaghan .Iuhn McDonald, and I). C‘ nlngey, \wrn in KWkflvld mat 9%an attmda éme a ball and gunner chm by the K’rkndld (‘Inb of that Village. One Huntflmi and my guests were pro- sen ‘ =Mnx Gee. Brady spent New Years in Peterbow‘ ==Mlu J‘ L. Prmmau was in Peter- bow yeawma‘v. 2M1“ James Roan apem New Years: 31 t‘a‘sourg with I‘vionda‘ Many a, single 1mm is guilty at double (imflml‘ The only mum thing about some men is their irlwulm‘ity‘ I1 («1‘ I! In Y1‘( “ 1. - VF“ ‘l‘uo many mm try to adjust their religion to fit thvir buaineaa‘ Every time a woman makes a can she has some new pieces of gossip to tum loose. - It does seem queer that most “good follows" have a. lot of bad habits. ‘ 'â€"â€"Mr. J. P. Donald and Master Jack, spant News Years in Thames- fo l'd . â€"Mr. Bert" Menzies, of Sud-bury. spent New Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Menzies. notice “Li-Hr. John G. Eadie, physical di- rector of the Y.M.C.A., spent New Years in Toronto with his parents. â€"Mr. D. Comeil, of Oxbow, Sask.. is Vis‘t’ng in town and at Reaboro. Mr. Comeil wit! 'be in the vicinity until March. â€"Mr. Neil ’I‘o‘vin. of Brady‘s store stunt New Years in Peter'bpro. â€"-Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gould of Fcnelon Falls, spent New Years in town, the guests of Mrs. Gould's mother, Mrs. S. Henderson. ~. â€"Miss Elia I“. Campbell, of Hart- ley, left yesterday for Anson. Hast- in'z‘s Co.. where she will teach SChOOI next term. â€"Mr.7 and Mrs. C. Linstrum. of T9- ronto spent New Years the guests of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Parkin, Re~ a â€"â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. Perkin left for their home in Dauphin l‘a-st evening, aftet spending a pleasant. month with friends in Campbellf‘ord’ and Lindsav. gent-st. the flyer this morning to spend the dnv in the city. â€"â€"Mr. Bert Menzies, manager of the Washington shoe store at Sudbury, is spending a few days' vacation with his parents, Mr. and’ Mrs, R.. J. M"nzics. AlbOrt-st. â€"â€"Mi§s Hanahoe. of the Separate school stafT. went. up to Toronto on â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Nugwen't, oi" Peter-hora, were the guests of' Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Nugent yesterday. â€"Mr. Fred Thompson returned from Hamilton, where he has been visiting Mr. W. Thompson, his bro» erf -â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. Matthews. of Peterboro, spent. yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matthews. -â€"Mr. Albert Ashmore, of the King Edward hotel, was in Toronto yes- terday attending the races. . â€"Miss Florence Callaghan and Miss Laura, O’Neil are visiting with friends in Port Hope. â€"-Mr. and MrsLW. E. Bundle, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr.‘ and Mrs. J. I). Flavelle. -â€"-Mr. T. Cuff, an old Lindsay boy, of Buffalo, spent New Year’s with his father, Mr. Thos. Cuff, north ward. â€"Mr. aod Mrs. Robert Neill and family, of Peterboro, spent yester- day the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gregory. friends in'Sun-derland. ‘ , â€"Fire Chief Harry Bell, span-t New Years in Toronto‘ Years in '1‘01‘01110 ‘ ~Beaverton Adecate; Mrs. P. D --MI‘- and Mrs J- 15- KnOWISODIMcArthur and son Russell were in “were in Toronto on Saturday 'Lmdsay, Tuesday. attending the fun- --â€"M'r. Jack McPhee, of Sault Ste. eral of Mrs 13088 --Mr J Brock Marie, is visitmg in town. ‘ and Miss Work-man of Lindsav were â€"Mr. Owen McAVoy, of Haliburton 1 in town Saturday, renewing old ac-v was in town today on business , quaintances. . â€"Mr Fred Edmonds was :n Peter- --Mr._ Bert Menzies returned to 1301".) on Saturday. Sudbury this morning, after spendâ€" â€"Mrs W H Roenigk, spent Ne“ ing the past few days with his par- lears in Bowmmville. mtg, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Menzies. -Mis Laly 8150le is spending a Bert is getting to like Sudbury and few days with friends in Stirling. he intends vtd.enjoy several games of -Mr and Mrs. William Cooke are curling this year. ' Visiting friends in Desemnto , ' ~Ma'nden Echoe: ‘Mr. Wm. Hartle' . --Mr Arthur Buthmall returned to of Toronto, and his brother Bert. the city this momng ‘ ‘who is attending the Conegiat‘e In- x 7-1533. Betta Williams has returned. istituta‘. mutiny.- are with their par- ants Hr mum!) J. Hartle, (or From an turflaw’a Daily. DER. LINDSAY. ‘ '3 ’e .Lfndsay hookey team star-pen the New Ymr in the proper spi: 1'. by“ defeating the Toronto intermediate Ew'ekas by 7, to 2 last night. The- wm twas the "curtain-raising!" game of the season, too, another umen which augurs well for the team.‘1‘he halt-time score was 3-2, with Lind- say up. . 'l-hc Eurekas were neVer daagerms. In fact 1h2y're nou in the same class iw 111 the Lindsay team. The \‘v'nnder |:- +hn+ fhe score was not twice as is that the scona'was nor. qum no large. 'lhe pgor shooting of the 19- cals was accountable for this to a large degree. mediate calibre and should aw~y 'n th~ir district unlcs‘a they have somef'h‘nq with more speed and ability to hand out. ,' .. . J‘____--â€"A While victory still it can easi] tea-m need more .113 was rank as "!lut' v1vvv.d ~ ..... , still it can easil. tea-m need more practice. .11; was rank as a rule. r1"he crowd wasn’t of the kind that fairly lifts the roof with excitement. The shoot- “(Axum Q‘r‘n GOALKEEPER BROWN Itad a hard night a work of It» playgd a good game.‘ (m the, eqntrary it was 5 compare: uvely quiet bunch of supporters. amang whom were. not a few ladies. who occupied the spectatora‘ imam. l.-|>n~â€" . The Lindsay line-up was shaken up considerably from last year. Stud- dart wasn't on and Mot‘onnell and Livingstone took turns at playing: spent New Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paton. â€"Messrs. Alvin Stewart and Ancil King spent New Years at. Fenelon Falls A wo.â€"â€". â€"The Misses Brady, of Toronto, afe visiting their friend, Miss Mary Hurley, Cambridge-st. A. :wuâ€"v. â€"M-iss Susie Sutton, of Roland, Man, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. â€"Mr. Newton Peel. of Reaboro, "is visiting in WoodVille, the guest of friends. Allpuuv -- ._ -v- â€"-Mr. S. E Fuller, representing the Flavelle Milling Co., of Col-borne, was in town to-day on business. â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. Geo. U‘mphz‘cy, of East Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Umphrey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson, Kent-st. â€"Miss Hattie Mae Ferris, of He.- milton, is visiting relatives in Lind- on; 0 â€"â€"Miss _Hazel Flack and Miss Hazel Seymour spent New Years visiting friends in Peterbqro ,LL, â€"Mr. A. L. Short, of Toronto, re- presenting the Lever Bros. Soap Co. was in town to-d-ay visiting his 'br0- ther, Mr. John Short. - â€"Mrs. J. R Glenney and daughter Helen, and Miss Florence Lapp, of Little Britain, are guests of Mrs. Walkey, Francis-st 3:“! ______ "â€"-â€"â€"v.] , _ 7-.-,_, â€"'I‘he Misses Gladys and Florence Moore, of Woodville, spent ~ New Years day with Mr. Thom Moore, of West Ops. Iâ€"C'ol. Sam. Hughes, M. P. P., left for Syracuse N Y, this morning, where he will spepd two or three daye _ on Easiness. I _ 1- “-L-“ â€"Mrs. J. F. Crowley, of Peter- boro, spent a couple days last week 1Mgues$o£husistenm W. F. ('L'BOyle. 7; _- 'v ) 11-A , ‘ ;1§ir. and Mrs. M. Kerr, of Nor- lamd, spent Christmas holidays with her fiather-amd mother, Mr. aners. W. Sluggeu, of Linden Valley. â€"Misses Ada. and Felicia) Graham, of Toronto University, spemt Gladst- ms holidays at their home at East. mkwood. -â€"-Mr. Paul! O’Neil, who has been visiting at his home on King-5L, during the past few weeks, left this morning for Cross Creeks, New Wswick. \ â€"Mr. William Bell. .of Thistletown, has returned to his home after spending his holidays the guest of his Sisters, Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. G. E. Rathmell. â€"The G. T R. surVeyors who haVe beEn in Lindsay for the past five months, left for Millbrrook th§s_morn- ing. They were accompanied by Mr. William Workman, jr., who has, ac- cepted a. posit-ion with them. â€"â€"'l‘he Mis/ses Bért and Pearl Pan- ning, William-st, returned from To- ronto Saturday eVening, after spend- â€"-Mrs. A. Peel and her sons George and Newton, of Reasboro, and Mr. L. Frain and Misses Eflfie wnd Muriel Frain. of East Oakwood, were‘ the finests on New Years day of Mr. Tho mas Moore, West Ops. mg a very delightful three days' Va- cation in the Queen City, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George McDoqald. mic Lindsayward. team started He Wgâ€"vâ€" 'â€"â€"â€" v - }to ~write home about. Lindsay hm easin the best players and whaf more do you want. ? The Lane boys were the. choice 0 Nummrs of times no one Was. 1:: tre ice to receive the pass from wings. and what looked like ‘ Newton. Koyl am the Lindsay defiance good for the~ season. _! _e-..- for three .years. 1w Ian-luv“, -â€",_ . Randall'held right wing down clev~ erly and Geosie Taylor showed som( stratus of speed at. rover. an' Cotey phyed left wing for the firs half and Harry McConnell during th( second period. Cotcy “resigned earlier in the season, but has sine. considered the matter. - ’7', “ \gâ€"u--v- '_ -77, , '11; would be manifestly unfair t; discriminate so early in the season Besides there was little last nigh‘ more do you want ‘? The Lane boys were the choice 0 the Eurekns. Both are ex-Fonelor Falls hockeyists. “Kenny”, who lives in town, filled in at centre fo- the Torcnio bunch and played a very heady and tireless game. Bill, “1.- is 1102'." li’fing in Tormfo, was a gosd blocker at point, but cleared too slowly in front of his own goal. ‘v‘ --â€" . --_ 'lhe goalkeeper Brown. carrivd 0'] the laurels. of the night. howeVer. Ht made marVeHous stops on occasion and seemed to be all over at once. That th: score wasn't double is dur tojhia aphndid work. ficbougmll-enot "Pacer.” by an wabmuscd h‘s weight to advantagr at wverpoint. His rushes were in- efioctive largely thmmflm luck or map- pox‘t. Matthews on the right Mm wnrked hard unm he got bumped whm he took the count. He Was re- sponsible for one goal and Kenny lane for the omen ’l‘ge ‘ié’anSE'nim up pmmptly three- Quarters of an hour late. as followw TORONTO LINDSAY Ilmwn go 11 Newton W. Lane, point Key}. Nahum“ eevm‘pomt, SuHWan Gunmen mm? Tudor K Lane comm _ _ grammar Matthews 1“ wing Randal‘ Givens 1‘ wing (Dewy Refomoanr‘ Waivers. 'I‘imekoaperSm-“K Tackaberr3' Van" A‘ G‘ Parkin‘ Lindsey has occupied a prommm. place among the towns of Untario in sport dunng the past year. The Lindsay hJcKey team were well up in the intermediate U-JLA. ser- ies, havmg been beaten in me semi nnals 'by the champion Midlauders. Lindsay had two thriving town baseeall leagues comprised of ice; teams eacn. Local teams won nun) games with outside teams, and the Ll‘aCti 1.C.B.L. nine were beaten here. l The Lindsay rugby team won Lhtl championship of the Cntario Rugby tract-Gall Lnion, though they were defeated for the junior championship of Uanada. The past year was the tom’s first in rugby. ' The curling honors won by Lind- say curlers last Winter cannot «be overlooked. That last awful game in which the Rennie’s were defeated will go down in history as one o. the greatest feats of 8. Lindsay rink. Whether in victory or defeat the isporting spirit should be, and in ‘mos't-cases in town is, supreme. De- feat is not disgrace. Too well 1 know we lost. I will not-count the costâ€"- Ours is no victor’s claim, But thenâ€"we played the game. We had our hour of flame And scorned the safe retreat. So take we life’s defeat. . No weakneSS and no shame , Were ours to spoil the game; l We hear no part in blame. Life has no better part. ‘ What counts the broken heart . Or feeble salve of fame ? ' It’s all to play the game; l To win or lose the same. â€"Margaret W. Vandersock, in The 1 New York Sun. Peterboro (Wate)â€"W. E. Wasson, R. M. Glover, 5. Dusty, F. L. Geroux, P. A. Weatherstone, S. W. Rose, J. G. Seymour, 0. G. Gm ham. H. J. Long, Len Dobson, R. M. Moore. Among the list of residence per- mits granted by the O.H.A. was that of J. A. R. Livingstone from Mont.- real to Lindsay. ’CAYGEON WON A GAME. A rink of Peterboro curlers played ‘11. Bobcaygeon Wednesday. They won at night 16-8, hilt lost 9-8 in the afternoon‘ WILL NOT HQLD WINTER MEETâ€" ING AS INTENDED. The Peterboro Turf Club. The War- der understands, have decided to give up their ice meet this winter. They had decided upon to have races on the same dates as were chosen by the Lindsay horsemen. but have since re-considered their decision. A blaze in the store of S. Coates Co.,at Amherst. N.S., did dam- age"estimated at 315.000. THE PETERBORO PLAYERS. \V’BI‘O Lindsay and Sports N0 PETl RBOR0 RACES RESIDENCE PERMIT. y] and Sullivan WCI'C lefience and the trio are mason. The three haVe defensive end togethel go 11 Newton point 1105‘; eevorpotm, Sullivan MW)? Taylor 6(QO Md‘ounol‘ and LWMNW!‘ Remark- able for richness in cen- "sure on. J. WNE. ~00” Willi... wd Ootbome sts.. Lindsay. Spec, 6 ml attention paid to diseases 0! nose, throat. and lungs. 0 ; mm: 10 a.m.t08 p.31»; 7 to; Mfl’Hâ€"Iaâ€" ‘R. GROSS. Denfia't. Lindy-$5. Mun oerBOVul College Dental Suracum. 3m. All modern methods iin m. tifierent departments of denusm successfully practiced. )RS. NEELANDS a IRVINE. De, tutu. members or the Royal Cog. leg! of Dental Surgeons. We hem all the latest methods of dentistq “medal attention will be than c1 Orthodonig. Crown und bridg' rork. The aucoeuml muons" teeth under gun (“and Mr) anc ghe Insertion at the belt urtificia tenures calm” to ho a IpeClalty or this on»; Othce hourly op mute the 8m Hum. LEGS R. KNIGHT. Barrister, Sr Mtor. Noury Public. mpresem lug Waterloo Mutual F‘iro Influx-am 00., 0! Waterloo ; Federal Life M surance 00.. of Hamilton. Empir: Accident and Surety Co.. of UM don. Ont. Ofllce 04 Weldon ls , Milne Block, opposite R Veill’s Shoe Store. n. a. a. hbsfll’l’f. L.u.a’..U.D_g. Denna. graduate 01 the Royal cpl; age of [Mental Surgeons at 0:11am and Honor Graduate "t Torom‘ 'merslty Practical three yew toLAiIGHUN. PEEL a FULTON. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. Officeâ€"comer Kent and William (GORE JACKSON. Darriaum om. solicitors for The Canadia: Bank of Commerce. Honey to loan on momma“ a. Mo per cent! 0» the William Street. Lindsay. F‘. D. Moore. K.C. Alex. Jack»: " 'i'Y or woman. floe.-â€"Ridout-st.. corner Kent ndsaydstl. Phone 45-35 MDUATE TORONTO UNIVERSL “HWY COBONER FOR COUN- Ilwflem. All W inure“ unnu. miles: over Canaan. bank at Coma-area. Entruna: Wu. [ism-st. Lindsay. Ont. Phone 27} TEWAR‘I‘ a: O‘CONNOR. Burma: Nomi-ta. etc. Honey to loan as vary lowest curl-om. ram on hoax term. (micaâ€"corner Ram and York «A. Undo“. l". Stomrt. L. V. O'Connor. 8.x Money to Loan f. B. WELDON, Muriposa township Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Agent. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing in all its forms. to “ The King of Curlers, J. velle." ‘I at Bopms. K‘Ct. ”Flue! senator. New Public. 42¢. 80» Ilcltor for milk of Montml‘ Mm» ey to loan on terms to mm In» rower. Dalesâ€"0 William 8mm KING OF CURLERS . Mr. J.. D. Flavelle. the veteran cur- ler, received a mmge Friday 31" Dex-noon signed by a number of pro mincnt curlers in Winnipeg, wishing him a bright and prospe‘ous ‘59“ Year. The message was addressed to “ The Kim: of Curlers. J. D. Fla- uéuth. Manny. Stanley L.Gilson Coal End Wood the Baker lumber (0., “mite! (ONLY T0 MAN on MOW 1:. low current. rates. 1 have ft was to the chm money mark” a (hands. and will give my patrofl‘ "h! Mt M! ‘ EXPENSESOF mAN kept do“ 9 “.910“ Whig point 00115” ”at with «m and wry " 31‘- [13388 oran- mm ’ win“. and annual. ‘1’." '_,_,, streets. over Dominion Bank Lindsay. Money to loan on real estate. R. J. MCLaughlin, K.C.. James A. Peel, A. H. Fulton, B. Farm Loans in: UNDERSIGNED is preparedtc loan money on Farm, Town and Village Property gt. very lows" mtes'of infer-est. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgagee. I._ _E ting. We uo purchase mortgageE and debentures. TO INVESTORS -We invest money 'or clients on mortgages, aiso upon municipal de bentures. MCLAUGHUN. PEEL FULTON. Barristers, etc" Lind WELD-01:1. Solicitor. etc.. Block, LiDdSay. D BORROWERS. â€"-We are loanins money on real astute mortgages a: the lowest current rames.1‘he mi nus is done in our own office and he priumpdl and interwt repaidto as without anv expense of remit Lumber, Shingles, E Cement and Sash Factory Goods DR. F. BLANGHARD Vetinary Suvrgeon and Dentifi JANETVILLE ONT. Veterinary Surgeon Barristers. etc PHONE 77 â€"â€"’__â€"’ {5‘2 To the electors of the townsl ; opportunity of E7 you: support in Clearance with all t resulting Remarka Clearance OUR WIL l 50 rappers ft 1.75 wrappers l 2.25 wrappers fc 2.25 black sateel 1.60 black sated 2.25 black and ‘ Une dozen soi “In ‘23. siws 75 Black uninn cg (MM and und‘ rihlmd and plum (‘hildwu s 3M 4; rvg 20¢ mull burriu u Iwm‘ N". 356 and $04 Bm‘ s he“ \' r card uf umuliug‘ Man‘s plain toe and heel. re: B! I k Caxhlllcl‘ Rem} black nan W hite. mu y . w Black and culu One hundred 1.00 and l. Misses' fancy w Clearino 100 p Special purchas Embroidcn iniq ‘100; reg- 22C, 1 $52 size 3 X 3’ size 3 x 4. reg. Floor oilclot Ladies' fine v tight fitting, reg Misses fine h and green, 1‘8: 3 Children‘s tw Misses' navy with black brai‘ Black and na‘ long,made of all Brown. navy 1 trimmed with Si} lined with sated Ladies’ neat: sable collar and sale Lmiies' Bocl with Western 1 box or blouse 1 6 only, odd 0 32 to 38 cleari port gival me me as peeve for Wishing 3'0“ 0 and prosperous I . J AS. 2 patterns in} 1 yd. wide U: All wool carpet 88h: 40¢? reg- 7‘ To the Electors mall‘l'oys. N Visit This HALF Carpe' SECTION Hawk Card 0‘ Card nor to ability in 52nd YE W he Wurflm

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