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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Jan 1910, p. 10

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Write to: 8m Pugs to 6. t c. HERE“! (20.. SPRINGFIELD. M33. Instill dons 1mm tomflonthupuhnum KILLINERY 1MP] 0\ E88 WA\T- cadâ€"Two or more millinegy 1m- ptovcrs, also two apprenticesâ€"J. Sutclxfic Sons. are continually being made in Porcu- pine and Gowganda Districts. The route to Porcupine is via Grand Trunk and T. 85 N. 0. Railway to Matheson, thence via. Sleigh Road. The route to Grow ganda. is via. Grand Trunk, ’ ‘. 8: N. 0. Railway and Temiska wing and Gowggnda‘Ti-arisport Co L- -A... ~A RICH STRIKES OF GOLD MD SILVER fixing and Gowganda. Transport, uu Through tickets issued and baggage checked through to latter point, PAGE TEN. y (I â€"â€"â€"lâ€" wr_-' I 'l' NAT N L Juan'fi’u‘ JUST ISSUED. uh cm by. w..r umxmu. s. senior department. of Little Britain Public school duties, to commence on the first. day 01‘ March. 3910.â€" G. W. Hail, sec. and trons. Box Can. of Education. The WOW Talkin- Developul by Modern Sdentificlexicompby Keyblit- cameo! SevenCentnries. General 2700 Pages. 6000 mustratlons. 400,000 Words and Phrasw. GET THE BEST‘ in Scholarship, Conven- fience, Authority, Utility. California, Mexico and Florida Good going January 18th and 19th. Good for return until January 22nd, 1910. OTTAWA Round trip tourist. tickets on sale. are ticketsZand further information from “LR. Widdess. Town Egan: . I. lacfiabb. Depot Agent - GREAT LIVE STOCK LED POULTRY 8H0 immm covamnmr _-_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ExpepWE MONEY T0 LOAN ON REAL ESTATE F. H. Kidd, Agent Midland Loan 00. 91 Kent-st. - Lindsay Single Fare SHORT LINE. FASTEST TIME. tummy-Amt llmmm AND RETURN Phone 88 011‘ Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Ferguson were also visiting on Sunday. Do not let your apples 2:0 to waste, It is stated that Great Britain im. ported from Canada 1,629,400 bar- rels, valued at £924,574, last year. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Monies were away visiting- friends on Sunday last. The men and the youths will not propose. Oh, the giddy things ! So say the lonely maidens of the' sur- rounding happy homes. It crn't be leap year each year, and we would not be sui‘fragettes, so cannot vote, but we do dote on the men. Don‘t fill your trough with water 'Tslafi‘f J aii 17. as Many paid their last tribute to the w my of a devoted friend in attending the funeral of the late Mrs; H Me: I-‘adyeh of West Islam who died on Thursday. and was iuterred in Glen: arm cemetery on Saturday the 15th Fran: latest, reports; we a 213 eggs from China, for our eanaump: than. 116 barrété having atwmly Meg flipped: Camumérs can take it far granted that they are 111th mane? (BEES. and the Mme precinct in muvh m beat: I'mhahlx this is We mum of ear stomkeepers being tmxians .to know it the egga are 138W laid when our better halves take a supply to Imam, As our hms are not. trained to lay stale eggs. the gases 11021 is answered, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Graham wave visiting friends on Sunday last. Rumor has it that there will be an extraoruinary. out of the ordinary musical evenings, held shortly (probâ€" ably 28th inst.) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graham. of tfiis dis- trict, in connection with the W. I. headquarters. NestletonyJan. 18.â€"Ska.tmg IS uu: order of the flay. Mr. J. J. Bruce took a trip to Lindsay this week. . A grand reception was held at the residence of Mr. Wm. Porteous. on Monday evening in the home of Miss Ma'delena Emerson and parents, who Is Your Hfisband a Is Your Father a Drinking Man 1 Is Your Son on the Downward Way 1 Write to This Woman To-Day . YOU BAN SAVE III! She cured her husband. her brother and several 0! her neighbors. and now she generously offers to tell you of the Slmple. inexpensive remedy that she so successfully used. The remedy can , be given to the patient unnoticed so there is no blicity 0! your pr _ teaflalrs, She is pacts that you are yourseli personally interested in curing one who drinks. and are not writing out of mere curiosity. Send your letter in con. naunoeto her home: _SjmplyAwrlte your name _ -A_‘A_ L“Aâ€" :nTi'Eu"m“" "swayâ€"I; Madam below and sand it to her. 232 Home Avenue. 8111mm. N. Y. Plano tellmoflaoufiheremodyyonuedto onto your husband. 35 I an Damn! ans. MARGARET ANDERSON. I (From our own commie-t.) be next r night warm hot sto 0...... 00". O .00 .000 0-.ono O... 'outine of business.»- by Magee, of Lindsay, is Islay for a. few days, at of Mr. ank Mrs. Msrshal NESTLETON. I SLAY. 1'8.â€"Ska.ting is the an’xioue to help others so we earnestly advise every one of our reed- ers who has a deer one who drinks to drop her a line today. She makes no charge for this help. she has nothinztosemshe asks for no money and ne- eents none) so there is no reason why you should not write beret once. or com-9e. she ex: THE WATcrnuAMVARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. PRICESIJflPLY cur ,______-” ‘ Mr. L. Madigfin, of Grand Valley 1 01112., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Mr. A. B. McGJill, manager‘ of the ' x Farmers Bank, Llndsay, was in town last week. ' a%%%%%%%MMMM%%%£M%%MM%%MM% M%%%%%%%%%%g%%%%%%%%%%%%%gw Salem Corners, Jan. 17.â€"Mr. 'an.l Mrs. Isaac Davison spent Saturday last in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. E.>Metherell are Spmding a. couple of weeks visiting re!atives in Markham. Stoufh ille and Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. West spent Sun- day visiting Mr. Hug-h Graham. Mr. Curtis Johnston sold a. val- uable team of horse-9 neatly, real- izing a, handsome sum tor than. Peo- ple who'rhave horses to cell are the lucky ones. Mr. Wm. summon. who had the plated the contract in a. .very hm- Mr. John Ferguson, of Saskatch- ewan, who is home for‘ the winter. was a. visitor at the home of Mr Alex. McDoug-all on Friday last. Mr. Chas. Perrin, of Oakwood, was through this locality in the interest of Hogs 8r. Lytle. of Mal-1908a , Sta- t-ion, letting out contract pens to the contract of Mr. Dan Glover, of Blackwa’oer, vis- ited his Salem frienks on Friday. Mr. F. Sinclair and sister; Mrs. J. Mark, and Fledda. Mark, were visit- ors at the home of Mrs. M. McDon- gall, of Sonya, on Sunday last. A large number of the Dalem con. gregation took in the Sunday school convention which was held at Valen- tia.‘ last week. m. Thos. McInnis was in Lindsay on Saturday on business. at Fine Oppossum Ruff $6.00 White Ermine Rufi $2225 Good 1011;; length, nicely nary sale ‘ - Trimmed with beads and tails, 13.50, to clear - SA LEM CORNERS . “£311 made, fine quality, regular $6, Very fine quality, the school Also muff to match. Also muff to match. -v __ well-made, Izegular 2.75, to clear M IN OUR FUR DEP’ ! Boiycaygeon, Jan. 17.â€"Rev. G. C. It. McQuade, of Beaverton. a former ‘ junior pastor of the Méthodist {church here. preached on Sunday eV- Iening. Rev. H. W. Foley preaching missionary services at Merton. Miss Berry, milliner, leaves for her home at Cobden to-morrow morningr for a short holiday. She expects to be back again in March. i Mr. ROy Croft has opened upa new store next door to Mrs. Phillippo. His specialty is in the boot and shoe line, but carries gents’ furnishings, groceries, etc. He believes in cash or no trade, believing that the goods ‘nrc more valuable to hiw m w, [than in credit on his books. It is a good principle, and we hope he succeeds in educating the people up [to the standard of pay as you buy. I I say, Fenelon Falls, and an the other banner hunterS, there will certainly be somethln‘g doing. At any rate it is about time that Bobcaygeon was getting a. look-in, for it is a. long way back to 1893. We wish them success. / The 911111131 meeting of the Verulam Igricultm‘nl Society will be hem in the town hall'SaturdAy, the 22nd factory manner. N. Sinclair is now prepared to fur- nioh the public with all kinds of fam- ily groceries, dry.goods. boots. shoes and rubbers. Got his prices below porch-Ins m. A shipment of Mtben' pure lad is due to arrive Bobcaygeon tankard rinks skipped by W. A. Davis and E. J. Broad leave for Lindsay in the morning to take part in the preliminary round. They have been putting in some training stunts lately, and will likely have a few things up their sleeve when it coma to the pinch, and when they run up against Peterbo'ro, Lind- made, regular $10, during our January Sale. Good reliable quality and very low prices combined are exceptionally strong inducements why you should buy at this store. good length, reguiar to See Bobcaygeon Win sale to clear guzar $9 J'an' 4.50 2.25 $6 ' . Grey Squirre! Rufi$14.90 Ml ”flaw-$.55“ “ Wily Hmmuvuu Bauhaus-mm on a. my. Donthhmethechild thecW chug. mum ”um" 1t 'l'h' mama” on an mm a m Mia...“ and ,J;1.mumoui* mwhyocnigbt ,2 Henry Badly. C.P.R. w Dot-king. bun bun m on InAx-chiol‘ruorwkflhdinm machinery of the once Specialty Work- at Newman-loot. this week. and will be sold at lowest possible prices. at Exceptionally wellâ€"made, sale price - , Nice length, well- tails, regular $6, to We have an exceptional choice of Persian Lamb Caps at greatly reduced prices. Money-saving in every section throughout the store during the J anuary sale. Grey, Oppossum Ruff $4.50 Mink Marmot Buffs ELARK’S PORK AND BEANS ‘ '0 ~ 1 '" . Latest style, nice length, regular $18, Appetizing and Nourishing they in-‘ Vite to the table and strengthen for the day’s duties. ALWAYS READY; Mother is saved the work and worry of preparing. FATHERâ€"MOTHERâ€"CHILDREN Also muff to match. Only one set left. is saved and everybody is happy. As they cost less than the Brice of the beans alane, if codked at home, money made, trimmed with heads and clear - - Mufl to match. nice quality; ALL ENJOY 91in hm In. 1!. Summer-5.15150x :11; W‘ Mummdtreetoanxmmn Wit yqu_ ghildm toque mfg .0 AL- '7 "-â€"- BETTER THAI; 'ééANKINq WY. J ANUARY 20 regular $1 '2, Spool-l Iotloo. to clear 4.50 . 1909‘ m. :YOI w’ufimkc no In «today as this 's‘ sew-mm min Sale Saturda‘ MR”: pm'r, but mum. we will {1: II , men one pair foa time time. (0: .fANNlNG’S l1 class. 1 black gelding 1 heavy bay “1: . All P8084 Ncnm‘ “Ck. Lumbnzo (I nd .1 moved by [he sooth ‘ng cfi'ect 0f (ht se m manufactured undrr tin: of over forty yea alive: and Stomac "'9 pit of the 510mm nun-sand one pudon ‘ It: produmd. Sour M4 stomach weakness :zr Wadivc. the bile ionnnd the mm: 5' Livr are eflectually and UN Fem Weakness. m and: Ovary painful per? to time and quantity m his to produce the 1101 ten into the slonmch.n: who desires regulmity.1 “ Rare Vegetable md cd with medical gums 4 an“ sprrndon n soft cl tothcskiu withow III! sensations. the med Vat proceeds night a! flu.,woman or child 1‘ Don’t mice a Drug fiffil’tflgde to digest f4 1 sewing-niacin 4 fanCy wool h 3 dozen whips fight months‘ approved joint u out. allowed . f< amounts. IDST.â€"()N MUN} brown hound w“ and the spinal [nine mmdated 0118 children an Terms as Usual Kidney and Li‘ _. M edi m ‘mL oougu m “fluvial: In “among“ aw 4 new cutters. J 8 robeS, rubhur 2 carloads CO\\'S 1 org-ab, nearly 2 our loads of I 32 high grade 5 Holstein heii 2 metered JG! 1 negistered ~'0 2 Durham 110i”: 15 fresh horses 1 grey Se 1 grey ge and paws. person givina: lead to the m ‘etéining Sam: 1 bay mamâ€"1: 82 cows, all he 4 set single ha 25 horse blank handsorm know u! zeldin

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