F1 om From St. J onn . Halifax Tunisian Fri. 21 Jan. Sat. 22 Jan Corsican Fri. 28 J an. Sat. 29 Jan Hespezian rF ‘. 4 Feb. Sat. 5 Feb Icston to Glasgow Pretoriar............"‘ht1r. Jan. 20, 6 a~.m Numidian ...... ... ...Fri.. Feb. 4, 3 p.m Sailings to Havre and London Fr’rjm From St. John Halifax Pomeranian V‘Ved. Jan. 12. Fri. Jan. 14 Corinthian, “'ed. Ian. '25. Fri. J an. 28 W. F. McCarty are {e ï¬aest, latest designs, and moderate prices. Wedding Rings Marriage Licenses. The Popular Jewelry Store SEE OUR DIAMONDIRINGS Ian“;- W'W’ 4‘ '- ~- -Mâ€"~"m Ourzstock of dainty goodSvis still compleee. Having repeated orders to the wholesale Jewelers, our goods For fuli infm nation a: to rates, etc apply to T. C. Matchett. W. R. Widdess, or The Allan Line, 77 Yonge-st. Townto at Bufl'alo and thou commuted sm- cide. St. Helen‘s, the new Roman Cath- olic church at Toronto, costing over $100,000, was opened. LOCaI option has reduced licenses so that the cost of administering the law in several counties greatly ex- oeevs the fees. //'//. s thy attractive jntt of many people, Are your eyes attraccwe? 0: are shay repulsive be- cama of redness an! disarsse‘.’ To baattrac- give have your eyes in good condition. to "5 L14 1 __:I‘ A- “an Ilia Ill tummy- . â€"- U. ._ V ,, give have your eyes in good condition. GLASSES scieqsiticafly "‘fltte] will cause haahcnay to 1113993); 8.31 the, farmer bdgéltnass racum. Consul: us. Waltcr Garner, formerly of Hamil- :n, Ont, shot and wounded his Wife t Bufl'alo and then committed sui- Allan Line â€brick-11a South of Int“ J. B. BRUCE DOWN WITH Wooâ€"[hind Plush an dHamess Accessories at low prices. We want to become better acquainted with the resi- dents of the district and- take this means of doing so. If you panhany of the above now, or will in the future, it will pay to buy during the thirty days. For the next THIRTYzDAYS I am going to sell Royal Mail Steamers THE PRICES PAGE TWO. Lot’iGot Acquainted. iEye;sig_l£§‘§geg§§list . B. ANN IS TO LIVERPOOL MITTS Lined and Unlined “5365a Service BLANKETS Wool and Jute HARNESS 9‘ L1 WHIPB All kmds BUGS $1. {11 4 m The Miss Mamie Naylor, who has been enjoying her annual holidays at her home here, returned to Toronto on Monday last. to resume her studies at a business college there. Mr. Dan R. Spence has disposed of his ï¬ne black horse at a good price to a. purchaser who was visiting Is- lay; Mr. S. McLean is having a busy time, purchasing, with the aid of a feiend, some good horses for the west. He is likewise energetic in the wood bee line, having successfully captained 22 able-bodied workers at his bee, thus obtaining 'alarge num- ber of logs, etc., for his min, and also for school use. The party after- wards combined in a merry musical evening, and much merriment .was indulged in. Be as good as you can on Sunday, and it is just as well if the 5 cent piece you intend for the church col- lection is not bent, bad, or defaced. but a good\ coin of the realm, for surely a day of reckoning has to come. Mrs. and Miss Smith, from Bow- manvi-lle, have been visiting at Mr. I. Naylor’s for a. few days, and pro- ceeded to Fenelon Falls on Tuesday last on a. further visit. : Usfless,’8ackwam children Islay, Jan. 11.â€"Mrs. S. Copp has left for a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. J. McKay, at Woodvil.e. WANT NEW TEACHER. The school trustees of -.,- Cameron school are advertising for a junior teacher this year. In former years two teachers were engaged at the Cameron school; but during the last» three or four years only one teacher has been engaged. It was found that one teacher could not gixe the proper attention to the diï¬â€˜erent grades and consequently a junior teacher will be secured. There are about flity pupils on an average at- tending the Cameron school. â€17:33:27.5" should be thrown ’ of promptly. The muddy complexion, dragging limbs and dislike for mental orphysical eï¬'ort show plainly that the child needs Dr. Mone’s Indian Root Pfln to stir up the liver and kidneys and regulate the bowels. Dr. Marx’s Indian Root Pill: do this most effectively, cleansing the whole system, purifying the blood, aiding the digestion and giving plenty of life and activity. As upon the education obtained may depend the success in life of your boy or girl-â€"see to it that the general health of the child is such that study is pleasure and not a hardship. Made from roots and herbs by W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., at Brockville, and sold by all dealers at 25c. a box. 5 r T w, - :5“ .- iv. vuvwâ€"U Wltnedmudhndld , medidnï¬bltooddfl no lid untill got Milburn’o I‘m-Hm Pilb. Iannot'puiaathentoom fwwhatthoyhovodmform†aâ€"m'“ “, uni 366116 in well a can Conltipstion Sick fiesdncho, 3mm, Heartburn, dsmgh ot_ the Stomach, 33¢: PILLS Iflnnhto tho Slum Liver. bmth, deu- uway all m and ou- mtuid from the m in__ unw- MILBURN’S LAX A-LIVER his. as saint-‘5 vial, or 5 M3190.- fl. Had: Bruit gal Acï¬n by Dr. Horse’s lddian Boot Pilis ISLA Y. The growing child, with a hearty appetite, ctrtainly cannot long remain healthy and bright if the sewers of the body, the bowel: and the kidneys, are choked up with impurities that down as constitu- fionally slow, stupid or lazy when his really a question of inactive bowels, laiy liver or sluggish kidneys. Many agroévin boy or girl is at: THE WATCHMANvMIARDER. LINDSAY. LATI‘ARIO. Mr. Peter Hawkins, the popular reeve of Ops, is serving his second term in that position. In 1909_ he was elected over W. H. Wilson by one \ote after a close contest. At the recent municipal elections he defeat- ed Jos. Best by a handsome majori- Mr. Hawkins is a life-long resident of Ops, having been born on the farm where he now lives, lot 8, con. 8, near lieaboro His municipal exper- iencc dates from 1900 ’whcn he Was elected a member of the township cou'nciT. Since then he has served seven years in the council, ï¬ve as councillor. He is a successful farmer and takes a. whole-soulod intencst in the welfare of his native township. A9 a. councillor he is shrewd and bus- iness-like and as a man generous and good-natured. His electron in 1909 was a Close one. The vote when ï¬rst counted minds him a tie with his opponent. and the clerk casting the deciding .vote for the other man. Mr. Hawkins thendemandedurecountandu a consequence who found to have been elected by a, narrow majority. ’ When the divine is only a. proposi- tion piety is only a WOVL WOMAN ACQUITTED. London, Jan. 13.â€"Mrs. Martha Scott, charged with the murder of her fatherein-law. fiatvoy Scott; was acquitted by the jury at 6 o'clpck to-night. They were dut exactly two hours. and in crowded court room pa- tiently waited they!!- mum. AT C ONGDEGA TIONAL 15 T5, ‘ ï¬W/‘i JAN I63! .‘3! PRESBYTEDMNS AND A " METHOD/5 T5 N115 T YIELD MOST IMPORTANT PU - DISCUSSION or. QUEST! .- or VITAL INTEREST TO conensemomusrs. PRESBYERIANS. 33%??? ., ,. , .DISCIPLES, . Rf EPISCOPALIANS, : f CATHOLICS : v ; MUST YIELD IN 27'": 'g THE INTEREST OF O. CHURCH FEDERATION FOUR MEETINGS ACADEMYWMUSIC BROOKLYN my. PETER HAWKINS, REEV E OF OPS. :HURCHFEDEï¬ATIon -â€"° TOPICS 'â€"- ' PASTOR cmusszu. ; ; yummy/1 TABERHACLE. * Ji'iij H ' III 'JAN.23. WHAT BAPTISTS AND DISCIPLES MUST YIELD. â€"â€" JAnao. WHAT EPISCOPALIANS. CATHOL/(S AND LUTHERANS MUST. YIELD. FEB. 6. TflE CHURCH HIUTAHTAM n15 (til/ROI m/unPIMNT. Fmelon Falls, J an. 14.â€"Miss Ethel Henley, of Lindsay, is the guest 0! her sister, Mus. H. Webster. Miss Clara Robertson, of Lindsay, is the guest of Miss S. McArthur, and while in town attended the semi- annual meeting of the W.F.M.S. hem. in St, "Andrew’s church on Thursday. Miss C. McMillan, of Beavcrton, and Mr. J. C. Murchigon, of Glenâ€" arm, spent Thursday in FencIon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rutherford spent Sunday at Dulevicw Farm the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lee. Mr. Arch. MacKendry, who has been in the employ of Hooey 19 Son. Cobourg',’ for the past few years, spent a flaw days this weék in town before leaving for Toronto. where he has a possition in Kinnear's wholeâ€" sale, grocery house. The news of the death of Mr. J ohn- sun Ellis. of Lindsay, came as a great shock to his many friends in this vicinity. and the sincere sympa- thy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Among those from town who attended the funeral Mrs. 11. Martin is spending a few days in Bobcaygoon. the guest of of Mrs. Phillips. Miss A. B. Ferguson, of Toronto. is visitiug Mr. and Mrs. W. MacKen- dry. Miss Bert Firming“. of Lindsay, vis- Ited Mrs. H. dester. for a few days. was served. On the return tflp'the horses became frightened and broke away from the slots-ha, and the party had to mums the journey by loot. However, a. moat enJoyable time was spent by all present. Mrs. J. Irwin, of Lindsay, mt were; J. H. Brandon. J. Aldous, Dr. R. M. Mason, Mr. Fred Ellis, and Miss Mabel Ellis. ' Mr. James Dickson and Miss Dora Visual in Bobcaygeon on Tuesday. The Literary Society of St. James‘ church held their regulur mommy meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. English. Sleigh: were provided to convey the society to the form. A splendid program was given by vulous members and ., dainty lunch Mm: Dora ngulm returned to tow! on Tuesday alters spending sov- oral weeks the guest of Sutton friends. Mia's Jones, of Cunnington. is the guest at her friend, Mrs. A. Northey. Rutherford. _ , Mr. Morrow, of Toronto, is renew- ins o.d' maintains! in town. Mr. and Mrs: R. Want and baby, with Mr. Walter Bruce appeared before Po- lice Magistrate Jackson this morning for sentence for obtaining . pair 0! boot: from Mr. Jako Houzer under {use mm on Dec. 17 not and wussentcncsdtosixmonthsin the Central Prison STRUCK BY YARD ENGINE. of Powlea Corners, spent My in town. . SIX MONTHS. For gentlemen who are 111,111 1'.- a head covexing far supminz 111 both stxle and durability tn am “the, manufa" "tuted. At tht mesent dqv over 90,000 of these we '111 Use throughout Canada =u11i11eL111ced States. (M11 dnd haw frw dun- onc Elation. Remember, One Day Only "19 Dorenwend (0. of Iomnto, limited 103-105 YONGE-ST. The SWITCHES CLUSTER-CURLB Robert Whitworthi a. gudner It 18 a table delicaoy which should be in every home. It' 18 the one thing that satuï¬a that longing for sweets which _nll healthy gchilclnen and most adnlts have. Used in the héme, it saves trouble in the making up of‘delicious desserts and other 309d things 39 eat, 1 Aâ€" Ann--- __ - ___ _____- on I “CROWN BRAND SYRUP†is a food not only for children but for everyoneâ€"and it is used by everyone. “ CROWN BRAND 333m?" Kira. {fr tighhéghut m at! inhblec . It ' :11ch cm from†the «urgent mm m develop 3 delidonl anyuofï¬no‘honeyund'dchcgum. A . , These srs strong' ressons w’hy'yéu should insist 9n 1: "CROWN BRAND SYRUP". YathkhhhmhLSJOdNiï¬-“hvfllufl. ~ The Hwardsburg Starch Cm. Limited ESTABLISHED 1858. w m: mango-L m: um‘roxomtmw 3 Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee W Give it To Your Children ' this visit be will he showim the latest. Parisianand New Ym-k styles. yfm particularly invited to call, inspeét and 51.}. On my of these creations. mm ill the south ward, was struck tory. '1!» yard engine had been in that. Vicinity doing poms shunting and m min; to town. wader ï¬at, it" W 1:. Whjtworth. w m: flu in ond shoulder W Jill! w the MI†I? Lindsay. at Benson House . PROF DDRENWENI) e livellvkhown Hair 5 nods Artist will visit Saturday OF TOR ONTO at 11 o'clock a. WYED.â€"FR a of the nude 5, lariposa- ‘ with half mod Way Websw {Esquâ€" *EAR ‘nd white ho hand. Finder maz- Also as. etc. 2 5mm 3‘ 6 Iindsay mas Bowes aâ€: informati Rogers, Linde M0 N UME returning to a lay, Little qu Hardv an 57 Kent-st. If in ne thingr in call am 's'tock. WE ARE I Wine am Dd u railway m Columb Opens We tam-h th Bytem of B( American 85‘ Thesellghly taught by c teachers en: very best ol nesé educati struction. annual It Pay: Cin WINT and 80d brought