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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Jan 1910, p. 6

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Children’s Shelter, Toronto. 7 It. Archér Baker, European agent of the C.P.B. at London, is dead. A boy Who says he is Cyril Wallis of Hull, England, but whose parents are somewhere in Canada, is at the :75 s: s: s: s: 5: ss :3 s: as :5 $3 ger and better still in results’ $3 $8 for our students, because of $$ 38 our new equipment, improved $$ $$ courses, and better plans than $3 $8 ever for securing situations $$ $8 at good salaries for our grad- $$ $3 uates. Our Catalogue is maii- $3 $8 ed free on request. Students $$ $3 are admitted any time. Write $$ $3 W. H. SHAW, Principal. $8 $8 361' and $3 for our 83 our new 38 courses, 88 ever for $8 at good 83 uates. C $3 business promises big for oni- 33 schoolâ€"The Central Business 38 College of Toronttoeand ’ b313, 93$3$$$$$$3933993333$§ $3 $3 :3 NEW YEAR fl J.- G. Bwards Co. . Everything in the Sherwin- Williams line is guaranteed. You get satisfaction 61' your money refunded. NO 2 FLAXOAPâ€"this is a. 0 0 new linseed oil soap, made from pure linseed oil and potash, and used fox- general clean- ing purposes. It, is the only cleaner we can recommend for linoleums or any varnished surfaces and can be used for all purpoees that. ordinal-v spap is used, with better satisfac- N0 1 “’3 A powdered dancing 0 ' wax. done up in perfor- ated topped cans, readyto use, and so prepared that. although in a. fine drv form will noturaise, from Lthe floor in dust. Proprietor - _ William-st. NEXT POST BUILDING; Skates {Sham-panel! and Polished In Maunder’ 8 hotel yard, Lindsav, on Febl,1910, The Victoria Pure-Bred Stock Association will offer for sale 25 head ofrem 'stered Shorthorns, consis- ting of young Bulls, Heifers and Gows TEENS OF ELLE Tea months’ credit will be " given for bankablg paper, Or a. discpn‘nt of 5 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash. Catalogues are being issued and may be secured on application to the Sec- retary of the tssociation, D. A. Mackenzie, Lindsay. ' ' 3 President, C. C. Cbannon; Vice;Pres_. Repairing ! Sewin machines and eneral 1000 at. LL DSAY BIOYCL WORKS. New S.W.P.‘ Specialties All makes of guns and rifles repair- ed. Keys and sptings fitted to locks. Sewing machines apfiig‘eniral jabbing A phonograph or gramaphone furnishes good entertainment at a. very low cost. Make your famrly a. present of one. W. H- ROENIGK These cannot be got at lower prices, no matter where you go. Records for all Machines Edison 16.50 up. Victor and Berliner Gramaphones g ELLIOTT w? Selecting a School It is a master of great importance. Write to-day for a aatalnsue of the /'\ ELLIOTT fl“ Wx’J. ELLIOTT, Principal Corner Yonge and Alexander-stat. It explains the many superior ad- vantages offered by this college. Get ting a. high salaried position is not. a matter of luck It f 15 a matter of brains, proper training and bus iness ability. College open entire year. Entei any time. Amman SALE or mama mamas» snomonns Phonographs PAGE SIX. Academy of Music Block . H. Cullis; 8%., D. A. MacKenzie TORONTO, ON T. 12.00 up . Shepherd’s $3 fl $3 {or sale by all (leaders. “Gulf? «2m “13 The 1 00., Lum'ud, Toronto, Mn. Fred. Bigga, Kingston, Ont . writeszâ€"‘fI was completely run down, my blood was out of order, and I used to get so weak I would be compelled to stay in bed for weeks at a time. 'I could not cat, was pale and thin; every one thought I was going into consum tion. I tned everything and difl'erent _ octors until a friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters}; I did not have one bottle used w en appetite began to improve. I used nix am I ined ten pounds intwoweelu. When begutotakeit I only wfihad ninetyâ€"three pounds. .It justseem to ufimefromthegnveasl never expected to be strong egain. I will. tell every nfierer of your wondezfnl to age and quality. reaching as high as $400 for a, well-matched pair of heavy extra. good horses. The farm- ers of the neighborhood are gettlng high prices for everything raised, and are prospering.â€"Bobcaygeon Inde- pendent. Get pure blood and keep it. pure 12y removing ovary trace of impure morbid mutter from the system by using BOUGHT NEW HOUSE. Dr. Nesbi‘tt has completed the pur- chase of Judge Harding's house on Bond-st. A handsome price was paid (or the same. HORSE ‘BUYING. Messrs. Weese and Isaacs have been around lately looking up horses. Mr. Weese buying all classes. Mr. Isa- acs got a carload of the heavy hors- es for the West, and shipped them on From impure blood comes Pimplee, Bails, Uléers, Tumors, Abscesses, ,Fester- in; Sores, Rashes, Constipation, Head- The Board of Trade at Fenelon Falls, my: on Monday evening and discussed matters pertaining to the movement that is 'being- made to 88-, cure better railway accommodation. Mr. McLean read a report of the work done by himself and Mr. Mc-. Callum as a committee appointed to meet and interview business men of the country north of the Falls, for the purpose of ascertaining their views and collecting data that will assist in bringing the matter to ' a satisfactory conclusion. Mr. McLean‘ ‘also read a draft or the detailed com-‘ §plaints and suggested remedies to be submitted to the Railw ay Commis- lsion, in which the various faults of the service on this division are set forth in a way that can leave no room for doubt that radical improve- ments “are urgently and immediately needed, and are as a matter of sim- ple just-ice due to this district. which has suffered so long in ailenoee The principal request made will be that the mom: ng train from Halibur- ton will be run as a passenger and express train exclusively, and connect at Lindsay with't-he eight o’clock fly- er for Toronto ; and that the mail train leaving Lindsay at eleven o’clock shall go through to Halibut- ton, leave the mail car off and re- turn Yo Lindsay, catching. the six o'clock for Toronto, and returning to Haliburton on fast time after the arrival of the evening train from the city. \ Blood Was Bad. BETTER RAILWAY ACCOMMODATION flaliburton People Wants Two! Trains Daily [ BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. varied according The T. Mflbfim A special ‘omcor Was stabbed by an Italian at a,“sacred conoert" in Nay Yer-lg. iste who visited and spent consider- able of the time in Victoria. Mr. ‘Hanna, while in town, looked up his old friend, Mr. Geo. A. Jord- an, and in renewing acquaintances many old stories were recalled and rated. “ ‘ mg a. visit to his old home, having arrived home on New Year’s Day to visit. his mother, Mrs. Jas. Ham. Mr. Hanna was else here two years ago. He states that Victoria. and Vancouver are progmsmg rapidly. and that recently 131 one month some 12,000 people arrived. in Vancouver to use and this throng was greatly augmented by several hundred tour"- The British Columbia country with beautiful climate, has a strong hold on a former well-known resident of Jane'tville, in the person of Mr. W. J. flame, of Victoria. Mr. Hanna. Wee horn in Janetville, but some twenty years ago decided that he could do better in the gold regionl country and moved to Vida-is, whom-98 he is at present engaged in the real! estate, building and undertaking bus-y mess. Mr. Hanna, is at. present pay-l Visitor From ‘ , VictoriafB." C. is in Town Let.Dr. Hamilton's Pills give; you such inward wholesomess that body and spirit will tingle and glow with health and ambition. I‘You can depend on this â€" that Dr. Hamilton’ 8 Pills clear the skin, brighten the eyes, purify the blood, send energy, vim and good spirits circulating to every part of the bocIY. No other medicine makes people so healthy or keeps you always at your best like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, curative and safe. 250. per box, at all dealers, or The Catarrh- clone 00.. Kingston, Canada. kéop on forever doing duty for both the kidneys and liver. Let Dr. Hamilton’s Pills help youâ€" M them drive those poisons from the blood that depress your mind and 3 poor working stomach, and a dis- “ liver. l. and women, wake up your livâ€" ers. give relic! to sluggish kidneysâ€" NOT BECAUSE HE LACKS THE BRAINS 0R ABILITY, BUT VBE- GAUSE HIS LIVER IS SLOW. An jnactive lazy liver makes plenty of men and women seem intellectual- ly dull. They really have the “go,” but are weighed gown, pulled down by a. sluggish condition of the sys- tem._ In consequence 161:8 of good chances are ‘ lost, enjoyment missed and pleasures amusedâ€"all because of , Bobcaygeon curlers are at it these e"enings -- at what ? The bonny game. tor sure. Why 'twould do you good.to see them. Four sheets of! ice and them (the curlers) all with ston- es and brooms and sweaters and their I tame, and asweepin’; andsathrowin' 0' their stances, one acallm’ out, I “Now take the broom; laddie.” while lover in another corner you hear "Seepher, sweepher, sweeper, hard: get her in behind what guard. " At ,unothel place you hear a mighty| smash as one has made‘a a“runningi shot. " and still a mightier cheer as; his opponents stone, which had ,been'I jlying shot, is cleared from the cir- Why Many a Man Makes a Failure of Life Fenelbn Fells and BobcaygeOn «too key team chifhed for the first time here Tuesday evening with/7.110 lat- ter winnersby8t04. Itm a good clean game and in every respect a credit to the players. resume his duties on Manda. George is a good sport, and while in B. C. captained a baseball team, playing independent ball, and which nearly ‘hlways came out best. We extend to him’our best wishes for a, successful and prosperous year. Bobcaygeon, .Tah.13..â€"Geo John- son, who left last April for British Columbia, and who spent thegreuter part of his smmner in the mountain section ret home for a visit be- fore Chris fl , and left again to Caygeon, Curlers are ‘ Enjoying Many Good Games WAICTMANMARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. Mrs. John liarsales, of Hamilton, died on blonday night, Jan. 10. Mrs. Marsala: was one of the first settlers of Guilford, and leaves a husband and a. large family, most of them married. Deceased was ' 70 yearsofage. Nine lives were lost in the snowstorm in New York. The Halibut-ton team will play in Minder: on Waineedny and look for revenge against their old opponents. who trimmed than last you: three it can be judged that the pl” was comparatively clean. 3311an won tothetuneotsme. Fora time it looked like a walk over and e, whitewash. but the Donald seven worked hard in the second half, and counted {our goals. the final scene!»- ing 8 £0 6. The boys from the chem- ical town played a. better combine; tion game than home seven, and had two feet players in the Brant broth- em. After. the game ., sumptuous supper was served “lathe Grand Cant- rul hotel and songs and speeches were in order. neeere. D. Guile. W. 1mg. Dr- Spuly.‘ R. (Sm-kc. and Montgomery wére among the speak- AG ED PRESIDENT DE On Friday night the hockey team from Donald came up to measure its strength against the Haliburton teem andesthiswuthefirstmatch or theseesontherinkwaecrowded.'rhe gameweaagoodone andllr. Geo. Potts made a. very emcient ream. A‘ few were sent to the fence ro’r viole- tlon of the rules in the first half, but none in the second half, so that lter supper. After doing full )ustloe to the good things a pleasant even- 'ing was spent in singing and speech- [making Among those who were pre- sent from here were: Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Ander- son, the Misses Agnes Reid. May Mc- Kenzie, Clara McGuire, {Ala 90160. Bessie Lucas. Margaret Austin, Bert Austen, Messrs. D. (“11.331911 Clubs. F. Hetherlngton, J. Letting. Wm. Gnlre, Alex. McKenzie, R. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Hannah and others. The sleigh ridehomeiam weema' hours of the morning- was Mt- ly enJOyed, the jolly crowd having a great time making jokes and singing songs. Everybody was delighted with the kind reception given them ‘at Donald and intend to repeat the trip before the sleighing passes away. Haliburton, Jan. 1d.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spier, who‘ had been spending their honeymoon in Toronto. return- ed home laat week. They were mar- ried in Fenelon Falls. A jolly party or about twenty took Donald by storm last Thursday even- ing and after enjoying a good abate were entertained to an excellent oys- Miss May Johnson returned to her :sohool at Minden on Wednesday. The Loyal Orange Lodge district. meetings was held here on Tuesday. when the business was transacted. A good the and attendance is report» ed, MrXWm. Gamble, the District Master. being reelected master. We understand that Mr. H. M. Harris is starting up a. job-printing office. Haliburton flockeyists Beat Donald Seven . Rev. B. W. Foley attended the Sur day school convention at Valentin on Wednesday, afid reports a good meet- The Church of England is holdlng parochial mission sex-vim for the next'ten days. Rev. J. Bennett An- derson is the evangelist. and is a. pleasing and entertaining speaker. [tiles Young men,. middle spa“ and m hairs, all on the m_ ms: men» bankers max-chants ova? 308: at it could hockey. i I «What! company with such? ‘gbont advertising our Kawattha Lakes as a summer resort only. when such a good winter spot-has curling coiild bé equally well, or better, en- “3035:! by our tourists. Would it not be a. (mild tnmg to encourage an 9" fort to make Canada’s sporting grounds not only idea! in summer. bit in winter also ? We canâ€"«sure, we can ! run rmcuea's ' > A S T o R i' A Children Cry AD. thstmigcumedong. The evidentlydidnot thearthotrun they mum-d 119. Had, horse aboudthotflckmsteud a? 2?: A serious, accident was narrowly avenud on Saturday morning at: the railway crossing on Kent-at... when the “ Klondyko ”. flyer almost a; over a couple of ladie- Who worn ALMOST 2 5 3 . For Balance of Beacon at Special Prices. You will need to use an overcoat for months before the suznmer cornea ‘again. You will save money by buying now, besides havmg the comfort that comes from looking smartly W. 6., BLAIR SON Two 'Dooancu'gf Pym Home i i ' MM1 ‘fi‘ ANDERSON, HUGE NT CO. FURNITURE At present we are overstocked with metal beds and wish to clear out our. stock before stock-taking. Our stock embraces many novel- ties at moderate prices and from that on up to the finest beds made. The best vgork of the most noted metal] bed works can be found 611 our floOrs; NY ~ * l’aicawin We ,9 upri- But the Frontilhooa Fall” I. ' .. . h ‘. tedW‘ Mean-W 5,5: ‘wgurm’m'mua man: Ia- “minus" coca. ~ , A a' s «1:15th damn an). am" "1%.?” mm:- to the m“ In- smad chugging ad â€"d' fuel” lose its shape. ‘u. And no matter how v‘ 0' cxgmqsiotx is canned. PM Fm ain’- v-L- - £__2.- uwumvu - acu the same. BMW £503! dosh nâ€"Bylyuicr I“. Co..'Lindsay; P. 8. bovine, Douacyviuo WJWW How the Fro: ARTISTIC METAL BEDS ”Matafwmteofsw~ 8:17th the! m tho‘hom mund quickly 0‘ mm into the now only 8‘ tgnrnig around) as it did, the two India would nodoubtjmve beam" WWW-kindest!» trail ”mnIMnuofw- , A A a W to “due and , m m... son built a mu .1” Wfor Galvaniz. .. in out modern Machin- .~‘ zit-Fm in A5223; ;*’z‘s'..a-‘r;tu%*r“‘°d ”AA-2w- Mu W 9'09" Pet (“MW The Faust, Wm: Fence Co., ace “Gives" and Vanni in Open District; UNDERTAKING ’5 any are now ‘01 M medicine b1 do working order. than yourself, flamingo Large Shi on Wednesdag mt district n ‘to sleep h m“ uok‘ 3USIN PISS ' '1 Ir. Hour} 1" It. T1108. Silli “a at, an‘fiUI to unload 'lh tut growLnr 1. “living foun. h “find for tn! m live smock and: numbers 1‘ and ugd stock Me. At us. must I to lone their “ 80 ill and W I could I the thought. 0. my heart flutt trampling. T of the long nig and tombodin to look upon IWasN ”maul I'M. s 1‘ WHAT A W FERROZO! Anae Station got stro: . B I mufil did m E0"!!! I ’01 ~ lhi Br

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