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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 Jan 1910, p. 8

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:Stanley L.Gilson I! BIKE! lumber (0., limited m UNDERSIGNED is prepared to Iona money on Farm, Town and Village Property gt very lowest rates of interest. Company or C. I. NELDON, Mar-{pose township ark, Oahmod, Fire Insurance W. Issuer of Marriage licenses. conveyancing in all its forms. . WUGHLIN, PEEL FULTON, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. omenâ€"corner Kent and William- It... over Dominion Bank, Lind- .y. Money to loan on real es- tate. Money to loan at current vntes of interest. R. J. McPaugh- flu. K.C., James A. Peel, A. M. LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public, solicitor for More Bank, representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance 00., o! 'cterloo ; Federal Life Assurance Lumber, Shingles, Etc 3 Cement and. Sash Mate ol‘Qaeen’s Medi cal College 1901 at of the Couegeof Physicians an :19. Ontario; Fellow or the Royd of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Fellow a stitr" , Sweaty, . Edinburgh, w Sargaf . Gynaecologv and Midwifery _ by. Office and residence Cambridge-s y oacnpied by the late Dr. Harfima ’ tom 1â€"5 9.111.. and by appointmen Ethic No. 36. m funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgagee I. E. “DON, Solicitor, etc... Milne \Yetinary Surgeon and Dentist .JANETVILLE ONT. MATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- SITY. CORDNER FOR 001m; TY OF VICTORIA. m.â€"Ridontost., corner Kent and willy-eta. Phono' 45-86 IR. McAlpine, corner 0! \ William and (30le std" Lindsazn Speb. H attention pend to diseases a! nag. throat and lungs. ‘. om horn: 10 suntos 9.122.: 7 to _8 1'. Stewart. L. v. O'Connor, B.A. DORE JACKSON. Barristers. $6.. sohcitors for The Cunadfian fink of Commerce. Money to loan - m on: five per cent! 0!- IO William Street, Lindsay. 66.. of Hamilton, Empire Accid- cnt and Surety 00.. of London, mt. Ofioe over Farmers Bank, Barristers, Solicitors, m Pwlic, etc. Solicitors for Bank of llontreal. Money to loan on tonne to suit borrower. Camsâ€" 0 William street, south, Lindsay, (In, G. H. Hopkins, K.C., F. H. Hopkins, B.A. LEE unis: gas (Vitalized Air) and its insertion of the beat artificial fixtures continue to be a WW? “a 0! Dental Surgeonfi- W9 hue In the latest methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to Orchodonia. Crown and bridge mark. The successful extraction of Veterinary Surgeon hwey to Loan ‘. F. BLANCHARD J OH]! H600 LLOCH Pnoxn rn, Barristers. one Simpson House. Alex. J acklon Wood Chapé-Bro. R. R. Elliot. Secretary-Bro. John Kelly. Financial secretary â€" Bro. J 03. quwn. ‘ Treas ..â€"Bro T1109 R. Trotter. District Master of ceremoniesâ€"Bro. P. Conquergood. i Lecturers-.â€"Bros. J. J. Vout and A, Deputy District Master-Bro. Jordan I say this year, which promises to be on a. more elaborate scale and more largely attended than those held either in Port Hope or Peterboro. OFFICERS ELECTED. The following oflicers were elected for the ensuing year :â€" A large reprjesentative committee was‘ appbinted to take charge of the work in connection with the celebra- tion of the twelfth of July in Lind- The reports from the difierent lod- ges showed a. gratifying increase ‘in membership as well as an active in- terest in {he aims and objects of the order. A largely attended and enthusiastic meeting of the representatives of Loyal Orange District Lodge No: 3, was held in Lindsay Tuesday after- noon. The session was presided over by District Mister Bro. Wm. Warren, who presented an exhaustive and sa- tisfactory report on the work of the district during the past year. Inspector W. H. Stevens also stat- ed that Mr. Lapp was a first-class man and would give the Lindsay Board entire satisfaction. PREPARING FOR 12TH. At a meeting of the Board of Edn- cation held yesterday afternoon it was decided to engage Mrâ€" Lapp, of Little Britain, to teach at the Union school in the place of Mr. D. McFadyen, whose resignation has been accepted by the Board. Chairman T. Stewart intimated that he understood that Mr. Lapp would be willing to come to Lind- say for. $850 a year. He had been strongly recommended. LITTLE BRITAIN PEDAGOG‘UE. The bride was the recipient of many handsOme presents, among which were a. very beautiful gold draWing-room mantel clock 'with candlebre to .match, from the Dun- das Flavelle Co.. Ltd, in whose firm‘ the bride has for some years held a responsible position, and al- so a magnificent dining-room cabinet from the employes. ' mink hat and furs. On their return they will reside in their handsome new home, 215 Kent-st. west. The happy'couple left on the six o’clock train, the bride wearing a suit of Victoria. broadcloth with Ifistriqt Masterâ€"Bro. Jas. Court- were over sixty guests present from Tpron-to, Oshawa, Bowmanvil-le and Lindsay. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Wallace, of St. Andrew’s churchQMr. W. J. Stewart, uncle of the bride, giving her away. There bert-st. south, when Miss E. E. Ar- nott was married to Dr. M; B. An- nis, of mm." The bride loqked very charming in a. gown of soft' white satin striped material made over white silk with yoke and half sleeves of Irish lance She wore a veil and carried a show- er bouquet of white roses. At 2 30 on Jan 12, a very pret- ty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. W. J. Stewart, 9 Al- EELPION ANNI Sâ€"ARNOTT. "WERE“. M. No. 77; 'sheaf, Long Lake Hunt, Club; star, Mrs. T. Sadler; wreath, South Victoria Agricultural Society; wreath, Col. Sam. Hughes; wreath, Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. ; wreath from Ops Council ; pillow, from family ; sheaf from J. W. Wake- ly; 811881, Dr. JelIers and family ; anchor, Misses Cora Stevens; Nora Balfour, Pearl White; anchor, J. H. Delamerc, Minden: sheaf roses from Miss Bennett and nurses. Brock- vllle General Hospital. A number of the members of the Agricultural Society and Farmelf Union Insurance Company attended the funeral in a. body in hacks. A number of relatives and near friends of the deceased were also in httendance. Among them were :. Mr. and hittimnk Taylor, Toronto ; Mr. and ma. Hilliard Dawson. Boll- ieboro; Mr. Dean. GaydenHlll; lit. and Mrs. Switur, Peta-bore; Mrs. W. Henry Knight. Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goad. Immo- ville; W. Ellis, Verulom; Dr. Eo- son. John Brandon no! Fred Ellis. Facial: Folk, Mr. and‘ In. Wilton! Goad, Victoria . Rood: Wellington Janet’s. Toronto; Ilsa Bart Jensen. The 1’31in were all members town of Lindsay ever proceeded to of the Masonic order, and were: COL develop natural gas for light and ‘Sam. Hughes, Dr. A' E' Vrooman. heat put-pom he would then have Geo. A' Jo’d’m' Mayor 13031;. Dr. the promoters at the same time pay “‘Odd' Lindsay ; W‘ 0' Switzer. Pe- a. visit to Kirkfield and do some terboro ; John Brandon and Dr. Ma- drilling. . son, Feneloz; Falls. Mn, Flemming is skanguine and .be. The ““31 tributes we” 951mm“?! Iieves that his farm is flooded with beautiful, and among them were 1.0-: natural gas. He states that. the my hens from the following: Wreath, ter in the well is good when it is Faithful Brethren Lodge. A.F. e A. high, but when it gets down low M. No. 77; sheaf, Long Lake Hum the water mm any and is not Club; star, Mrs. T. Sadler; wreath, 'véry tasty to drink. - ed to Riverside cemetery and placed in the vault. etery. At the vault where the re- mains were placed the impressive cer- emonies of the Masonic order were conducted by Rev. J. P. W-ilscm, pas- tor of geam'bridge-st. Methodisr. church. Services were also held at the house at 2.30 o’clock by the de- ceased’s pastor, Rev. J. P. Wilson, after which the remains were convey- The funeral was in charge of the Faithful Brethren A. F. ‘8: A. M. No. 77. of which order the deceased was aprominent member for many years. The members of the order marched in a body from the house to the cem- The funeral will be held to-morrow, (Thursday) morning, from her late home east of Downeyville, to St. Luke's church, thence to the ceme- tery for interment. LATE JOHNSON ELLIS. Especially impressive were the last sad rites surrounding the funeral ser- vices held on Wednesday of the late Johnson Ellis, who was called to his eternal remand on Monday morning of this week. It mono of the largest funerals ever held in Lindsay. The large crowd was a representative ga- thering, representing the business, social and religious interests of the town, who had assembled together to do honor to one who had devoted himself loyally to the highest ‘and best interests of the town and coun-l ty. 1 MRS; WM. O’BRIEN. The death- occurned on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock of one of Em- ily’srmost esteemed and beloved citi- zens‘ in the person of Mrs. William O'Brien at the age of 57 years. The deceased had been ill for sometime, but every hope was entertained for her recovery until a few days ago, when she took a change for the ,worse. The deceased was well and widely known throughout the entire town- ship and in Lindsay, and much sym- pathy is felt for the members of the family. ‘ She leaves to mourn her loss be- sides a sorrow-lug ‘hquand, one son, Fergus, of Montreal ; and three dauâ€" ghters, Mré. M. Garvey, Ennismore; Gertie. Port Arthur ; and Florence, attending St. J oseph‘s Academy, Lindsay. . J DEN HUNTER. The funeral of the late John Hunt- er took place in Millbrook Tuesday afternomx. He was one of the beet. known residents of that. village. He was for tmty yaars clerk of the Division Court and was for many years captain of the‘Millbrook coni- pany of the 46th regiment. He serv- ed in the Fenian raid. His wife, one son, Mr. 8. Hunter. of Toronto, and Miss Hunter, of Millbrook, are left to mourn his loss. ' ‘ ' m. ' EDWARD” ' SHEA The déath'o’f Hrs Edwud Shau,a respected and well-known resident of Franklin, took' place on Tuesdav last Jan. 11. The deceased wasknownto a number of Lindsay people, who will regret to hear of her demise and sympathize with the family in their loss. OBITUAIY -wARDER, LINDSAY; ONTARIO. Some time ago it will be rememb- ered that while a workman was dig- ging a well on the farm of Mr. John Foreman, near Kirkfield, he struck natural gas, and when he proceeded to ligh‘t'his pipe the gas became ig- nited. On (1ng down farther more gas was struck and the workman quit the job, fearing that some time he might meet with some accident while downin the well. Mr. Flemming purchased the farm and in conversation with a Warder representative he stated that if the town of Lindsay ever proceeded to develop natural gas for light and heat purposes he would then have the promoters at the same time pay is indirectly interested in natural gas matters owing to the fact. that natural gas has been discovered on his farm. Mr. W. W. Flemming, of Kirkfield, Was a visitor to town today and called on The Wardor. Mr. Flemming While taking flashlight pictures in the Simpson House Wednesday, Mr. E. McIntosh, of Toronto, formerly chef at the Benson House. Lindsay. had his face and heed badly burned by the machine exploding. While about to take the picture Mr. Mc- Intosh pulled the string that causes the machine to explode, but it did not work. He tried it several times and finding it would not work, walk- ed OVer to the machine to see what was wrong, and while nepairing it the machine exploded in his face with, the above results. NATURAL GAS 0N FARM. WAS BADLY BURNED. Mrs. D. Gall. Cambridge-st... north, met with a severe and painful accl- dent last Tuesday evening. while working with a gasoline stove. In some manner the gasoline ignited and Mrs. Gall was badly burned about the eyes and left side 01 the lace. MACHINE EXPLODED. Toronto mgaom lflWomubISQWot. Tao-09.03:. Send 10c. meofpupetmdthknd. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Child'n Sketchbook. Each bunk contains 3 Good Luck fanny. every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healeci, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and Scott’s Emulsion con- quer scrofula and many other blood diseases. Children Igeéomg strong and lively when given small doses of Scott’s Emulsion FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGOISTS E’WW tented 1 shots V rink in of the The IA! Rev. G Rina, w ROSEDALE. Rosedale Jan 10 ..-â€"ll.r Stapler-3,01 Knox College, Toronto, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here Sunday evening. gr. Staples based Ms discourse on 1 Cor. iii” 20- 22, and gave as hit subject " The Meaning of’Lifel” He said “Show enqu life. lat, because of the pity. sical davdopmnnt flat it make- poa- sible: 2nd, mine 0! .fln non! uplift Mann be denim from It: 8rd. bounce 0! than W_ot service for God; 4th, beam {331' mortal life is 1’0qu by immortal- ity. Hr. Staples gmngad his m continuously. no that they. could 1)., WW without M For a. student he did WW well. and “Wm-baubmmm Byâ€"law No. 408 appointing certain camera was passed. and byâ€"law No. 407 empowering the peeve to pay maesSary accounts, was passed. The meeting than adjourned. AL‘FR'ED'TAYIOR, Clerk. Time for collecting the taxes was extended to the first of February. Richmanâ€"Lytle - Tmt J. S. Black be assessor, and be paid a sal- ary of $55.â€"â€"Garrxed. The following appointments were made by motion: Dr. Grant to be first visit to be free; A3 0. Graham and 'r. c. Birchard .5 auditors, sal- ary $5 each; the same poundkeepers and tenoeviewers as last year; new pathmastereâ€"beat No. 1, W. J. Alton, 3 W. Bain, 5 Wm. Angurs, Mr. Henry Southern to take in beat No. 36. all other Mats the same, Orders were passed to pea} Times Printing Co. 82, Werder $5,G . T. I'eeltorpickandhaudle95c. W. R. Cavanu. balance division court rent. $5. Richman â€"Simpson-â€"'l‘hat a grant 0] 85 be given to the Hospital for Sicv Mamâ€"Carried. Lytleâ€"Riclmlanâ€"That petition of single tax association be signed and forwarded.â€"-â€"(‘arried. The clerk was instructed to order 6 copies of the Municipal World for the counci}. Richmanâ€"Bluckâ€"That the north parts of lots 8 and 4, N. W. B., the property of F. J. Widdis be attach- ed to U. S. S. No. 9, and a lay-law be framed to confirm motion. â€"Carried. A plication for the omoe of assess- was received from Jas. S. Black. Application of trustees of 11.8 No. 9 to attach Fred. J. Widdess’ péop. erty to section was received. Council met at the hall on J an. 10. Members present: Reeve G. T. 10. Members present: Reeve G. T. McKague, Councillors Joseph 11. Black, T. W. Lytle. J. A. Ruhmen. and W. N. Simpson. They all made and subscribed the declaration and qualifiCatiOn for office" , 1 n J. We: 0. c. Nevioon A. B. Terry C. Burgoyne‘ T. A. Fisher W. A. Bishop Rev. Welch '1‘. Graham Skip .............. .21 Skip....... Tvo' rinks of Lindsay curlers de- feated two Pension Falls rinks by 16 shots Wednesday ' at the curling or the Lindsay-Fens!” Falls cup. The nudes: rinks wore skipped by Rev. G. a Welcli sud G. H. Hop- kins, while melon rinks were skip- ped by Nylon Hamilton and Tom Graham. Skip Welsh played Skip Graham and won by 11 shots. while Skip Hopkins won trom Skip Humil- ton by 5 shots. Two ”nanny rinks are playing in P‘enelon this afternoon, skipped by Fred Knowlson and Fred HcDisrmid. Trent Valley Gaul. WON FROM FENELON. minion Coal Companies at; trobly increased salary. has been announced with surprise wd almost with con- sternation in official circtes. t. B. Black J. Brandon ’. R. Wilford W. Stanton . H. Hopkins 1!. Hamilton Skip...............19 Skip ...... Majority tor Lindsay 16 shots. Ulndsay Sandbtfl'y; who will! W BEXLEY {COUNCIL .....21 Skip ...... W. J aha-ton Fenclon . .14 TUESDAY, FEB. 15. 1910, BY Elias Boww. auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements. the property of Albert Gilson, lot 4, con. 1. Fenelon. Sale at one o'clock. ‘ ' Ir. Wm. HcNevan, with his wife. spent last week visiting his mother and other old friends of his in this rdghborhood. THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1910, BY F. Marquis. auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements. the property of Angus Ferguson. lot from Queen's University‘. “n *ston, next. spring, will pneach hem for a call next Sabbath. A. E. Rea Co. have purchased the Academy of Music in Montreai. Mrs. Wand, of Winnipeg, formerly Miss Edna Worsley. 01 Powles' Cor- ners, is spending a few days with her atmt. Mrs. Thos. Isaac. 108. MARY 011.103 mm. Mb Lugeqmfiity of four foot W wood. 3180 22 inch DRY W001) ' FOR SALE Taxidermisi Birds and animals stuffed and mounted “Only an bottles rid my system or .11 trace- ot aurrh, and I have not ”flood tho slight.“ trouble for until “an. “fly head wu stopped up, my breath clown, and it In a tolls! to Do this to bundle Italy one. more." B. G. W. MARTIN, Hartford, Ont" ch01! lends: st St. Paul's lpncopal church, writes: “Penn. 1. s vendetta! remedy (or “hubs! troubles. '- “1 have been troubled with «firth tor .gust msny yours, sud any: try- ing ”nothing for It. hm wu able only concur- umponry relief until I not Porous. PE-RMA SCORES AnotherTriumph in Canada. 2. con: 1, Eldon. one mile west of Woodvilie. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. “B“nAY. JAKQARY 2o, Deer and Moose Heads fA (CHOIR LEADER ‘A Relief to Breathe Freely Once More.” Tell: Toronto Bird Store 1'15 band‘s-ct... Toronto aspeciality. Also case work. . I}. _Campion Moon. and other)“: for “but SALE REGISTER / ,ggo-o-o. ---- m. 81.75. sale 0.. can. m. $1.50. 51110 .Im's Mocha ”I lining, m gaunth‘t '1, sale m was. rng ”-unoo .-o.. I: in. wide, reg I” Curtains, Inna Curtains, ‘1 B bride. res. i has dun-mus 35 1 mm Grey a 80c, sale ........ Kat's Bow Til kifl {or .......... White lf‘lefi‘vd Ian's four-in vdle ‘3. mid-! White Cotton Every h. i I hea‘ _\' \V Ian’s Mit Indies' Black In. rat lined M Wolf ‘3 Me wolf f1 to... '. ”0. sale 2 00ng or I. reg. up to '. $18 ne goods L, sale o" Fine samples. fine aft! 'cl ad W I Curl [arm Sablel ki nd

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