With Iora ulcauuv.ov I... . class condition both genuine bargams Farmers. make your work lighter and n a. Fairbe nks Morse Gasoline Engine, Sizes 1 for sale a. 6 horse power and 10 home power‘ _ _ . . A. , __--:.... harani‘ns Co] We are very thankful for favors sho wn us during the past year; e feel that our efforts to furnish the best of Outï¬tting, at the and w ‘ lowest prices consistent mth good qua. lity, have keen' fully opp‘recie A Happy NeW‘Yea" M We are not content With battles already won, however,‘ and during the c9ming year We 3mm Pm“ forw'ard to still ‘_ ‘ g . \ ‘ 7 .' greater achievements. 1 malice towards none and best wishes for glï¬wgpyr oncew To our Friends and Patrons NEW and mere profitable. by install in Sizes 1 to 60 horse power. I _h av power, second hand engines in \ ï¬rs 3 Come and talk it over. one and all, we send PHONE 317K. Fail-bank‘s Engine 9 BIG SAVING ‘ , IN GOOD ROADS Lindsay Alderman W!!! favors Good Roads I! one 0M, he: ended m Vader the ellpplq below. wiloh wu taken from a. Toronto 0 ly. In more to the queetlon of good rondl. m good meal quoetlon ll one that In recelw lng u, mot. deal 9! nttontlon at. the meant. “no all over the Domlnlon. and Beoond Deputy'neovo Xylle to o! the oplmn thnt. tho good road. gunman la Io important. am I should motive more owldornuon la Lindsey than almost any other plan The nrtléle telerrod to in u lollown: ‘ “That 8500.000 a year lo enved by. ‘good roads on male comlng loco Buffalo." in 1the statement 0! Mr. DR. D. 00 Cpunty con-allow in general will I mgret to hear mt One of their nb- “ ‘leet. colleague; Dr. D. Gould. reovo ‘ ot the village a! Fonelon Fells. nu . decided to withdraw (tom the muni- n‘g". into Buflfl° (“fly "t 3562- cipnl ï¬eld. an! as a. result the coun-1 makmg '1 total fur the ye†°’ 30° W of Victoria. loses One of la. working days d upwu'ds 0‘ °n° mil- worthy, stalwart and efï¬cient. legit. lien tonsu labors. Dr. Gould and Dr. Sims. -' Th" Sax-mg by g°°d roads mam†(b’ooh good men) were opponents for t° ten cents. a: mile, and 9v“! 1°“ municipal honors in Fenelon Falls travels a. mmlmum of ï¬ve mlles. The last year. and Dr. Gould was elect- aaving on one million miles is thus ed. They were both elected to op- $500,000 ayyeafl. pose each other again at the elec. M Stone. of Toronto. Mr. Diehl estimates the bots! ton- n2.LI -_-._ Lgn‘e‘ vvvv'v'- .- .. Good roads. Mr. Diehl says. has re- sulte‘d in ten tons of farm produce coming int_o_1_iuflalo by wagon to 0V- 4- 1- LA'A'- f“. tnuit. and farm produce. saving the various expenses of railroads and exâ€" press charges; storage. middlemen‘s proï¬ts, etc., have been dbne away with. Ten Pullets, Mr 8. E Basking. hardware mer- chant, Mlllbrook. On. Toronto nqwnpapor a VI»:- ..7, crooks are placed on the eartnen floor in a very cool cellar. The cream from each skimming is kept. separate till the day the cream draw- er calls. Our reason for skimming such a. rich cream is that we can keep it. .mmm, longer and in better condition W Glandine, Dec. 28. â€" Wednesday. Dec. 21, was a clear cold night, but notwithstanding the severety of the weather a goodly number gathered at the church for the 8.8. Christmas :tree entertainment, where a plea- sant evening was spent. Without making special mention of any one of'the children‘s selections they all did exceedingly well in their various solos, drills, dialogues, chat-“see. etc. Then the program was varied with a few selections from the elder members of the school. Miss Katie Satchell sang “ Grace Darling " with a rich voice. A duet was al.- so sung by Messrs. Jae. New and J as. Reynolds with good effect. '1‘an the club swinging by Miss H. San- derson was greeted with a $0011 deal of applause. W. W. Webster sang a» â€" â€"' 74â€"â€" ‘d'nm the sums A Rlcu CREAM l,558 .Eggs. $45 71‘ he separating room. temperature of about 50 n the cream is cool, the GLA} - load municipal honors in 3“! es. T50 last year. and Dr. Gou‘ 3 thus ed. Theyweremd pose each other ‘8‘“ Camila Citizens were The Oekvllle Star says: Mlle gigméh‘. will; or men†“om thi- ! a â€do on 5 wee much interested in the [Andeey : wealthy little county. A bunch has beak conspiracy use lent week, be':been doing . “0d bunineee in 1m- ceuee A. n. XcGill we: torn-fly : ton for some time. The mum direc/ principal at Oekville p Reeve Jno. F. Ford. oi Tm, Hie iriunde h liurdge Gurd . oi Kilbrido; would violate the leir. oi z mmermen. end end as the trial pr of Mt. Nemo. evident that the proeecutore ( e Theeo gentlemen each held from five l‘ermere' link) at once were set oni to eleven thouund in etock. the deicneivc. Alter eaverel days the. Then the other Helton etock hold- (hu-ge wen withdrewn. and honor- ere hue from one hundred dollars to able acquittal morded. Hr. McGill’e live thoueend each. Oekville. Bronte eolicitor etetoe thet hie .ctivity in and Pottville do not eppou‘ in the but almoet every other try in represented. ndvielng former Former-e Beak cue» 1m. at all. tomern to treneter their bueineee woe point in the coun The north end of Peel county hu e. to prevent them from prohehle loam. followed on Tueednylgood repreemtetion. hope Thin nee morning by the announcement thetl All pereone eerneetly ruled that theee holder: may not eullor the Fermere Ilenk hed euepe hueineee for ninety deye end ell‘heevy flannel-.1 ion. and particular- brenchoe were ordered cioeed. ily thet it new not he mommy to into ,the , call on the double liebiliw. ‘i‘het in Thin newe etruck terror heerte oi hundrede oi Helton countv lnot likely. mm etetemente publinh- appear that with the as- people. with Milton u the etor :ed. it would ely handled. they ehouid centre. The beak might to me ex- ' eete ludiciou n... tn. he... rolled the beak oi quite meet ell indebtednele. The Odwme Star 8m: ("Yum ‘04â€"- wummhlnurestedinthom um bank conspiracy use lut week. be- ‘ been cause A. B. Mch was torn-fly ' ton vme public m0].ltoï¬ principal of Oak did not. believe he “18‘ His friends here law In my W. ‘Wm. would V‘Ohu m . _ ..._ um nrncaeded it became All! “‘0!“an fly “to nunâ€"7----V, tho Farmer. nun: Ind nunpondml buolnm for nmoty any. and :11 bunches worn ordered «and. This new “ruck terror Into ,tho mm of hundrodnn of Baton countv people. with Milton 1! the Icon; centre. The but: might to me ox- toat hmo boon cdlod the but u! Hughes 1. FORM 3Aâ€"Helen Waterman 11. Ola Townsend 9, Pearl Perrin 8, Ina. McCullough 7. Eur Pye 7. Maud Flett 7, MaryNVelsh 7, Ella, Thomp- -~-â€" '7 Eva. Bagshaw 6, I. . A .. u. \FAAA- 3. I. Honor Roll * For Past Two Months “d .3 result the coun- nlwart and efï¬cient. 108‘? r. Gould and DP- Sims. men) we opponents for honors in Melon Falls and Dr. Gould was elect- were both elected to 0Pâ€" . .u, _ -Im Mc- Flora We bu" w‘ M um M doctdod w M rush is over and we can now handle your and give your work extra attention' All we no ell as $110 stand-0d blues and blacks. Weldon 11. leg Shields 9, Manual Marian Adams 10. Daisy phyllis Brow 10. W orence Hm 10. CW" 1 Ashmore 9. . OliVe Jm“ 9: “4--.." R Chum Mulvihlll vvv McPhail ‘nurucu u, nâ€"v-_,_ 3191 Mills 5. Leslie Don- orrun 5. Frank Elm- est Sluggitt 3, ’Harold Bertha. Weill 3, .Inm Shields 3. 1"_1_.-â€" Jam 3. no“ Again 8. ‘ ' bus. mm m (at our prim Odd" V‘Lesiie Don- 'mk Elm- eg 4' John D. CINNAMON “I! got. our prigot. Nothing is more useful or ornamental mm a ulw V...“ of Furniture. These ‘are a. few of. the many suluble Gifts we can show you. Fancy Rockers, Moms Chairs, Couches, Desks, Book Cases, Parlor and China. Cabinets, Fancy Tables and Jsrdinier stands. Our stock is larger in every line of Furniture Prices reasonable M Furniture Dealer Kent-st East B. BLAIR SON 21? Makers of clothing built to last. 5". Holiday 139 in the W: Kt!!! “005 3'9â€â€œ! EARLY INDISCRETIONS AN? EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The W control all actions of the body so that a: thing that. dominates them “in weaken all OFKJL5' 0:erme WWI-04W: 1‘“ ruined thousands of promksing young men. Unnatl Dahlia-D that vigor and vitality and they never dm'é ton proper oondiflonot monkood. They remain “'6‘ Bugs mentally. physically ad sexually. How you M Are you nervous and rock. desponden: 3m} gloom spec)“ befomtheeya with dark circles umlcr axe‘ ‘ ' Rd. ‘ Are you nervuua um. we... _-_,_, specks before the eyes with dark circles weak back. kidney: irritable. paipinlion of 1‘49 1‘â€! ur‘ne. VHF-F UTE ‘ unqlcr U16 beshful. debilitating girams. sediment in mumY. JANE mdlo your order in cannï¬ All me newest patterns -â€"Iâ€"‘-.- 33 Elm â€38“ our: com“. D 1mm. F0838 3â€"411 MOM Md 3!"! re tho Isl-gut sad but, cal wduoourgoodl ESTAB Capital Pad 11 Rest Undivided Pro+ UNDERTAKING and It inn-IT. ‘ murmur-1 Lindsay Branch. With its larm‘ é‘n.¢iim Bank Of an world prompuy .ppliation. Cheques and drafts ¢ (noes. marks. lire. k: can be negotiated at '1 CAPITAL - 510.“ ‘COLLEC THE VICT Branche Provmce of t A ' gener transacted. Savings Branch. m w 3 o'clock. wards:- 10 to 1 HEAD OFFiG TORONTC an - } C n ... anmfbsseguag 6 this Company, fur t 1910, and that the Cunpbny «m and : Tansfer hooks wi‘nl Branches an; Connecï¬ons Throughout Canada A B. McGlU nary 3rd, FOR A We have a large. a go. all of best matcria you let us take your n 'Iholnuly Utter?“ J. HUG DON’T f0 “you ncpd If 1 N ï¬ll mmmmwts ’ am“? “3. 1‘ REPAIRS NEA‘ sm EDMUND mu. ALEXANDE â€LY FIRST AND YE KOI‘ICE omce Hours 191 FORE an; 03‘:- ON?! 3.