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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Jan 1911, p. 9

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due January. '3, all due Janus”, rat. to be sold. utters. all sold M in the county of wince ol‘Ontafio. d o! a pan 0! the math half d lot l3) in the sixth. a 0! add horn ball or said 3 westerly dong n of the m ; fix club and n or less to ‘30 lgbt of In! of £39 thence comm K FOR q.\I.E:-- for 30 days. 000 pngm piano. '33 . 0:»~ upright. piano- only. was $325. 'oad hand «gun. can», 890, m“- un 0ch Instrument nachim-s and musi- ulways on hand. .9 's most. renown-I human 8; (to. P. J‘. i. b the (gun: cor Mb; tho-co now may boundar t'o n and . “Innis "mum“ and can Moment. one and awn 3e rune llnko no" t boundary 0' 5.” My, at war! mlwuurn hu‘ mess in good I'M unless, complete. :19 harness. righs. sleigh. 1 old anti-h m iu two seats. ankets, got to gm Lobe. any price. lay at PW. pck. a. In. 10' I“ the annual mu. .1 directors, and aid township of panscunmy 60* (W at ‘9' as. lined'with rub“ fit any cutter. ‘ W3. all due early. .3 red heflers, Rom .1!” par "at. (W in” mmfiy .0 N 00 sub. MM 5." mm m In 0'" harm. and "WW M mm“ know» u IRSE ”(HAM in fiary' 1911‘ “I a “Moving pro- (x. com. "Molar-s M’Wv ‘0 um». MO Tum“. n. a HIM" "- 1“" otioc >0" IN W 39V“? b. N SWIM»!!! Ody ‘0' pl’h" I In! mat- a A upload!!! w, slightly O in what in mum's IMMI- I Hviutzmuu. 4% always OI asihla W03. ml)» to rent. . tuning by mm. '36 "0|. an 000 1mm . hall. and ows in mm «M M old can.“ '49 ‘l‘ +31 M old .1! ca .. it ma GET BEST PRICES FOR BUTTER HENRY C. HAMILTON Linduy, Ontario, Organist St Anr'rew'a Presbyterian Church) by giving it that rich June 061: or with our BUTTER COLOR. Twenty-five cents worth will color 100 pounds of butter, and the increased price will p}, for the color ten times over; ’It is absolutely hamleas and does 150; 7 affect 'the taste of the but.- her in the least orrcolor the but; termilk. A. m’mmnm Dispming Dnggist - LINDSAY During the Year 1911 We will be in A position to give the public of Lindsay and sur- rounding country the In: dbl. nluu Ln uh (huh SPECIALISTS Tho folloiinfidiuau- of 89:3 Piles Epilepsy Bczemm Asthma Syphilin D spepsin Oatm'rh Stricture R eumatism Rupture Emissions Lost Vitality Diabetes Varicocele Skin Diseases Kidney Afl‘ections Or? visit ndviwl le. hut if inqm sihlo send history Frd two-re!) ntnmp for tree reply. Consultation [‘99. PIANOS and 0mm 0w 8!. Andrey) Church: William-st. lat mum and America SEWING MACHINEI Wm. Warren Our mung point In nudity tirutmwhllo prim u an cw an Imam, «uullty will pal-Ink. Tom»: 0 puymc-M to mm. mm: OFFICE Hours: low 1 and 2 Yo“. bundnys 10 mm. to 1 p411 IONIC”! Drsr. Super 311d White TV .. nw I nlon and Rock insurance (‘0 . unvmn linrkmd. isme an Ex: mist I- 9$( w: I olicv. hing 3. - {NH ner ' ml. vilitw cause by tor. v pravn cc - ow“ and ‘300. m) tor paralvgcr t£:o hsur mud Hind ness czmsur 8; any "u: 9‘:- 4mm 381} #183 w H QRBSSWBLL ********* mag“ MMHMEN‘I‘S‘ fi‘é‘é‘éfii A Good Resolve for 1911 While we do not wish any person ill fortune, nevertheless you Will from time to time have some ,drug store needs Resolve to meke your purchases here where quality stands pro-eminent. Others may or may not. supply goods of the same quality. but. you are always 5‘“? to get the best the market af- fords, aE DUNOO’J’ S 5 ’l‘m-rmB-st. I'huuu Nil-l. F; ii; K193 For terms, etc, write Health Insurance in ma :5 WWW DRUG STORE If! énZ-erfiub 3.....33hsfl 6w +53 ifié D spepsin. R eumatism Lost Vitality Skin Diseases Toronto Ont. Hus 2|? luaaransa wk; All Right In large cute: but Unmeaary and Undumbie ~ in Smaller Places Espcclally Where Rate: at: Low In the telgphouo business today»; load (In! is My! what is «Ned party line service. ’By party line ser- vice is meant. service that. is given with incl-e than ones'ubacriber ona line. 0! «mini firm! M 15.1 service is an party ling»; account. of the Macao that have to be comer» ed in order to reach subscribers. the construction making it too expensive to give each subscriber a. private an: aim W157 came into the consideration 6! a telephone service. particularly if n “than ‘csn hive the Napkins In his mm 10!? g mt.- tar of 31.25 a. mongh. Co.whoaosystamwmbo1n opal-y'- uon ha'b shortly. I: not advocating party them!“ tor thls'p‘utialhr mason. That. in a town the she 01 Lindsay when they mmdy p.31“ um WATCHMAN-WAKDER. may 03m, ' ' The edict has gone forth that all Surplus Winter Stocks must be cleared‘before inventory taking. 'To accomplishthis theiGreat Redfletion Knife has been brought into lay, and with ruthless hand we have cut tines on Ladies’ Coats, Skirts, Suits, Furs, Dress Fabrics, Silks, G oves and Domestics. These goods will be ' Annex Department on our second floor until the lot is cleared. You cannot afiord to miss this saving opportunity. We mention here a few of the snaps we ofier you Here in o remark-Mo opportunity for you to pnrchue thoroughly reliable gamma at greatly reduced pricea. Blended luskrat Coats -â€"-â€"-â€"OF Surplus Winter Stocksfi 5; Tremendous Clearance Sale We have only ten fur-lined coats left. 'l‘hese must be sold in this Great January Sale. We have marked ihern at prices that will insure a speedy clearance. Here they are: One only with brown shell, blended rat lining, Alaska sable collar, 50 inches long, size 36. Marked price 865. January Sale Price...... 52.50 Two only, with brown shells, blended rat. lining, Alaska sable collar, 50 inches long. sizes 36 and 38. Marked price $85. January Sale Price ......... 69.50 Four only, with navy shells, blended rat linings, Alaska sable collars, sizes 34, 36 and 38, s, all 50 inches long. Marked price 885. January Sale Price. . 69.50 Three only, with navy and brown shells, natural rat linings, 52 inches long, sizes 36 and 38. Mat-lied price 585. January Sale price ..................... 69.50 Astrachan Jackets Ulllr'.1|u,m.......... -.- 7 Seven only girl's cloth cnata, in rarditml, llfOWfl and green, sizes 8 to 12 years, all well made and trimmed. Regular prices are $8 and $7.50. Jammy Sale " Price ..................................................... 4.15 “mallow Sale of Ladiou‘ Leather Glam $1.26 Lines mm to 800 mm: l‘énallall mm tilma mm um null my dam Lftggasgu Eg’flk 3%“ tag WERE 'Hfi‘fifa B M Ham“. 1999yd§:1?aney “99999133391999 03“th Ma: 9Mlsandli§ 9mm 92 mm a wash m “fl mm: a”; €1,91th rmmfié with 3.1mm Sheetinga 2 WW jdm m u at strong yarn: 6mm “man,- ”de awe per u gamma Sale Pups: ........................ Engliphfi Eillewfiaaqa _ __..... A- A... n:-n Aflrf-Ul inl Ladies’ Fur-lined Coats Looce Ityk. but of for, no first quell: m1 of gel-men: 50 inches. Inked price 100 each. Jenuery Sele Price... .................. 50"‘ilohon long, ioou Iiyion, for in. s cm of rich giou. -iinod and mode with our! comet driving con (or into mother. Morit- ad price .65: Jammy Solo Price Wlth 18's. dyed coon collars. tight fitting. madu of “rat quullty fur, all Ilmd with but nun. Now the follow- lng ruduotlom: Murkod prion MO. Jun- uul'y 8“” PricoitliIIIIO IIIIIOOICIII .'.0'. lllll I 38.50 "7 and 30 Wuhan lung, undo of rollubla ukiui. with a rial: ulcny curl all haw: luruu utorm vollurn and urn Hum! with gun] quality of «tin. Wu will c'mur than M. Llw fotlowinu prions: , Murkml pflco 800. Juuuury Halo l’riru ‘CJO Marked price 955. January 8qu Price ‘350 Mdrkml prim 850. January Sale Price .3350 Marked priro $45. January Sula Price .3550 Children's Cloth Coats 55V” 31845595191”: «Ma mm 5 “flaw!” BF? mm am mm Hg 55559555 n HR ER WWW: oooooooooooooooooooo .................... 5555555555514 35‘5““ny ooooooooooooo H'I’W Made hem and Funch. m8. of «:34: {261W} 00000000000000 Ladies’ Fur Coats COTTONS and STAPLES be“ of {amino flfit qualig: l_ipingn, length nylon, fur hu 3 am.“ can cut} ind mad; withpxps cure. The I7: «If mm; 115%. and has the ap- Wkfid mm: per yard 35c- 25° n l‘ \J U\':u “H.“ van u" .u. afiaa 85 mm: mm Hum; :11! NH HRS Hume 21mm .“ m; :a new gm Mm January Halo Price .4550 January 8qu Price .4850 Juuuory Sale l’rico $88.50 January Halo Prico $35.50 t 48.50 “31’; no 77.50 Natural Mink Mufl’s Natural Mink Hum, nude :11 Empire flat shape of good Canadian mink. dark colors, with 6 wipes. marked price “5. January 8an Price" 35 50 Persian Lamb Mufis Persian Lamb Setts Natural Mink Ties Alaska Sable Muffs Mink Marmot Stoles Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Skirts, made of plain sergcs, panamas, lustre: and vonetians, in black, navy, brown, green, cardinal and grey shades. Regular price 4.50 up to 10.00 each. January Sale Price ............ 3.50 Ladieu' Cloth Skirts in black and mu y only, mode of all wool nuns and fine serges. Regular prices pa 8.,00 8. 50, and 10,00 each. January Sale Price. 5 00 E Lsdies' Suits made of all wool venetian cloth. Coats medium length, lined with twilled serge silk, collars of plam satin, skirts are six gored, with inserted pleats, in shades of brown. navy, myrtle, and black, size 34 to 40. Marked price 25.00. January Sale Price. . 1 5.75 Ladies‘ Suits, made of Imported Wide Wale Serges. Coats are lined with heavy silk, collars are of fancy colored EH velvet, skirts are seven gored, with pleats, colors are. olive, navy and black. Size 34 to 40, regular price, 28.00. January Sale l’rics ....................... I 8.75 An odd lot of Ladies’ Cloth Suits, assorted styles and in A variety of cloths. Twelve only in this choice. Sizes 34 to 40. Prices were 15.00 to 22.50vach. January ‘ Sale Price ................................................ 7.75 Ladies’ Suitings 88 I mm 53.3 “Mid W my 83‘s! 3 in mi met-33$ 33% FEW Huia 9M8 3133;33anth band 3 b sprawl 5}; 333 We la 1-3 RHIGC'! HHHH; HH H53 HEHEH f HM HHH Ha Ha fifiF {fig}: ill! Hi HF} immigzzzzznfxxuz21:22:: 7" HQ dHm IH HHH‘HH Hf BHHAHH HHHHH. Hfi H HHHHH WHJH H: m ‘FH‘Q‘M P‘H‘miflki: fi'iHHH‘H: HHHHh 135m H-HH‘HW iflé‘thm :68!“ F 6551“ HHHHH HF H MW “$81695?! 92°15 HE RAH 9w Hung HM}, H118- HHS“ HF HHHHH HHHHHY gm: "0 ooooooooo A int (1wa silk! in swim, chccks, that um um mulwly at Viud- We mm aw We Jammy Sm Bum ............ EMMY bhck “IQ White tafleta silks in spots, stripes upd nth» fancy dcsqgua. Thaw axe a maguihcaut lot of 5W“- The regular price it 1.25 per yard. January 896 u-|- n4“ ' Sale Price llufl' ll regain Ihnpo. with gains“! soda. and trimmed. The n. in 807!”th _lon¢.____u polgtod «gin, and trim- 3:03."â€" V'I'd‘kod price .“0 {6r tho I.“ Jun” 8“. Pd“........l.'........ ..... O IIIII M4 1%! 1:33 Min!“ furs with dark‘colon gamma ntglen. Ir pr no 015. musty B» a Price. ”.10 50 and Sou-la. Auorted uh? Marked price 810 each. a Made of thick no“ fur lullat Empiro amp“, Very rotty and aervlcoublo. Murkod price 815. gamut-y 8qu l’rico...... ........................ 10. 50 '0‘... Cl... 0... COOOOOQUI Ladies’ Small Furs. as. 00-Oct '0'" Ladies’ Skirts Ladies’ Suits SILKS mm" ‘ OOIIIQOOOOUDOOOIIO Wk In, and trim- ; 22.50 3.50 95

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