I this week, t... ch pince. Th. a victory 10! to as follows: Lindsay . D. FIQVelle 19 . McLeonan 20. . 0. Edwards 1. amen Keith 18 mama twat“! ., “‘0‘“ If. Crud.“ m for manic! naofar. 3W animal: is In lty and Mr. W“- BUSYBYBS 8 NOW. chat on 8.0 :. to 20c. 30 warm water, wu ï¬nish of! with seal Boiling water w! hot enough to d! wing with a. cloth mud in many case. -nch hmto law WON. the Liam-P.- up serie- , wad In“ in 1890 A1 n the separator. Aéent Talks 13c. to 15¢. [ster will give it gives a. great hat, the mac tand ; more or skim mil and IJ.‘ out faster. change the c nnIhg thew m l ater ghttully my fee! that i! ng with anyone I had p‘xcasur. P CO rnel' w er bed I hope e lawn » house. delight stances :niences re com- jr) our- 1 plan 15 hard it P'aï¬' grow. havo chine m be cq (m “or“ 2 could out of own in it ive in separ- uluabl. Re to house, II t MI 1 each mo and they the Lindsay Branch. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE mspmr, JANUARY 19th. 1911 fl Accounts may be opéï¬ed at every branch Commerce to be_operated by mail, and wi Accounts may be Opcncu al- um, yum-.- v- _,,, Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank’s business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO BranCheS and oivsinall accounts among ambitious .7†3‘- and saving young men. The young ConneCtlonS man‘s dollar is welcome at the Home ' Bank and full compound interest ThroughCUt will be paid at. highest bank rate. Canada A. B. McGlLL, Manager, Lindsay, Ont. THE VICTORIA LOAN NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend or one and .mc-half per cent., being at the rate of six per cent. per annum, has been declared on the paid-up capital stock of :his‘ Company, for the three months ending December 31, 1910, and that the same will be payable at the ofï¬ce of the l‘mnpany on and after Tuesday, January 3, 1911. The 'l‘mnsfer books will be closed from December 25th to Jan- uary 3rd, 1911, inclusive. By order of the Board v BIG BARGAINS in 3mm? I1; To reduce our stock of Stoves before stack-tak§ng. 1 will offer SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASH on all ‘lmesid Stoves, If you are in need of a. Stove it will pay you to buy n91 D. CINN. Capital Pa d Up $I4,400,000 In (so 8 n'clnck. “and“: to to 1 o’clock. Bank orMoï¬tréal Rest Undivided Proï¬ts Branches of the Bank in eVery Province of the Dominion. A'general Banking business transacted. Savings Department at every Branch. See our line of Skates, Hockey Sticks, Ax -cut Saws, Leather Mitts, etc., etc. ‘ ALL AT Lownsrrmcn‘s Ofï¬ce How": H. B. Black, at CINNAMON’S BANKING BY MmAl} ESTABLISHED 1817 DIVIDEND NO. 34 A YOUNG man will sometimes hesitate about coming to a bank with a deposit of just one dollar to open an account. Yet a. bank can have no better asset than a. multitude of small accounts among ambitious and saving young men. The young man’s dollar is Welcome at the Home Bank and full compound interest will be paid at highest bank rate. S AVINGS C0. . HOLMES, Manager JAMES LOW, Manager $0,000,000 Manager Unduy Brunch $27,36I,789 6fn'l:h;éï¬nadian Bank Aof Two Immigrant Boys Abused by ' Farmers in Kent Countyâ€"One Lad Working with Feet Frozen "Irws no to our: on winter dairy- ing euccessiuny. we must test! our cows well. Almost onions on give advice as to who: Reeds to give in order to produce milk but the ques- tion which the deirymui uk- . is. "what feeds can 1 give tint will yield the milk and produce a proï¬t at the some time.“ As in oil other business. farmers ought to took upon their [arms a an investment. and winter den-yin; is simply a matter of dollars and cents. Chathun. OM... Jun. 5â€"Wlth his tattoo hodlytroun thot 12. um both may have to be mounted. hi. book cowl-ed with bloc and red volts. an â€mono boy o! «odor 3m,whohodbmputmtho°m ot a. tumor at Tubury But. was brought to this city to-dw by In- spector Kinder. Anothor immigrant boy. who also worked for “other former in T11- bury. and who thawed sign- 0! re- cent ohm. wu brought. in with hkn.‘ "luv-v: v. uv--_-_ _ 1 do not know oi guy wey oi feed- ing dairy oewe thet will yield eueh large return ior no little outluy u by the use oi corn eneilqe uni el- inlie. h v combined with stew rootl. Clover u‘v contain only 6.8 per rent. of d gutihio protein while ul- heli'n hay contains 11 per cent. Al- falfa. will provide all the (and Ole- monte necessary. but we need euc- culencu in the ration an well. Title is provided by «line or Note. A combination at corn millage. ellellu and motel gives u the three elements which are necessary for a. good re- tluh. It had hulk. euoeuleuce. and the pmper balance of the nutrients; in addition it is cheapâ€"Farm and Dairy. Economic feeding What Profit per Business men of Uanada. will short- 1y take stock. close their books for another year’s trade, and ï¬gure out how they stand ï¬nancially. as a re sult of their hard labor and enter- prise. How many farmers are prepar- ing their 1910' balance sheet, which will act as a sign post for 1911 transactions ? Perhaps the steers pald well, while small fruits and poultry brought in a. good supply of cashb But did each cow in the herd earn a good profit, or are some be- ing kept as thankless guests ? A very few minutes’ bookkeeping per month might-show a clear pro- ï¬t above cost of feed of forty dol- lars with some cows, only three dol- lars with others, and possibly no proï¬t at all on one or two. It would not take them long to decide which to dispose of. Would it not.be a. sen- sible resolve to keep only such cows as will make good returns ? Deter- mine that your herd shall show an increase of forty mr cent. in the milk yield inside three yeu‘S. you can easily gear the whole herd up a. notch or two if some poor cows are beefed. The scores of dalrymen who are now reaping largo profits per cow date their success invariably to the time. when they commenced keep- ing milk and feed records of each cow separately. Blank forms are sup- plied free on application to the Dairy Commissioner. Ottawa. Wednesday afternoon the marriage of Miss Lizzie MacDufï¬e, daughter of Mrs. MacDume. of Cedar Brae Farm. Woodville, to Mr. William J. F. Green, of Toronto, took place, - the Rev. Mr. Mann ofï¬ciating. The bride was given away by her bro-1 ther, Mr. Alexander MacDufï¬e. and‘ wore a beautiful gown of alice blue silk, and carried a. bouquet of bridal roses. Mrs. Green will be at home to her friends at 18 Marion-st., To- rento, after the 2nd of February. MACARTN EYâ€"SHABI’E. A pretty wedding took place at 1.30 p. m. on Wednesday. Dec. 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J mes B. Macartney. Beaver. Mam, when Ellenor May youngest. daughter of Mr and Mrs. David Sharpe. Lindsay Ont was united in marriage to Mr. Alvin Earle Macartney. of Beaver. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Courtney. o! McGregor. Man. The bride was assisted by her friend, Miss Myrtle Moore. fomerly of Toronto. but now deaconeee at the Alfred-st. mission Winnipeg, and the groom by Mr. F. McLaughlin. Imme- diately after the wedding dinner, the THERE ARE FEW PEOPLE W afloat all an and both â€mbutthefemalomilmm' the oneï¬' “WNW gun‘scvdomgent ind man mu 38y fly. Glenienning A HEADACHE. (‘. REENâ€"MACDUFFIE HYMENEAL de in MO ? -_A_.-AA.J ‘- ‘L'- .-â€"L l Wu Soul“ «sand to all Busing. Information {or cruelty to childm will forthwith be. hid min» both farmers. I- .1le v. Prom patent W um aoemu to be qnq d the moat revolt,- ing can of entity to Juveniles on record locally. Ono um. boy. 13 you: c! as. hul MI but. no My 1mm ant. it. :13qu he will lone ‘EPHRIAI GUIDED Mr. Ephrlun Glflord. one of Em- ily's old and moaned mldonu. to hlretomtl Mord Frlday morning ot tho rlpo of 67 years and 8 month. Hr. G ord was born in Bowmuwlllo. um in “no. llvod In Toronto no \Voodvlllo. moving to Emlly .bout tour you! . where he hu “M with his 303- n-lnw. Mr. John Gruhun. unul hla doom. no wu I» «one muon md Manor. The dorm leaves to mourn tho loan or a (other. the tollowlng children. be- sides ono brother In Bowmuwllle: Annlo md Ellen. at Goldwater. Mrs. John Graham. l-Jmlly. um Corner. in Toronto. Ono non. Thomâ€. at pon- typool. dlml almanac?! yeti; ago. I‘ ‘- "5‘88" MEI-Him m6. In. ' (m- ham’s mldonoo. lot. a. eoncunlon 1-! Emily. M. 9.80 Mgngnymgmlng‘ 9‘9 proceed tn tho 0.1m. nutlon. had. my. Intel-mom. wm uko plan at. Woodvmo «watery. Sorvtco will be bold Sunday afternoon at 2.89. Have you a had attack of “general aching ?" You know the feeling. limbs ache. muscles seem to have become tired out. your back gem. z‘AM-BUK WILL GIVE you EASE. now and. again a twin-5v u- luvwacr tlsm strikes you here and there. Your chest feels tight. there is a pain between your shoulders. and al- together: you need toning up. n.‘_ 1... AL]. .A.“_ v-9- Cold is responsible for this condi- tion, and a vigorous application oi Zam-Buk will put you right. Take a. hot bath, if possible. and then rubl your chest and the aching limlbs well with Zum-Buk. Mrs. B. Gorie. 76 Berkley street, Toronto, writes. "I cannot speak too‘ highly of lam-ï¬nk. A few weeks 330‘ I was suffering from a. bad cold, which had settled in my throat. chest and limbs. I tried all kinds of remedies. new and old, and found very little relief until I used Zun- Buk. 0n implying this to my throat and chest I found such ease and re lief from the tightness and soreness I determined to use only Zam-Buk. I also rubbed it on my limbs where I felt the rheumatis pains. In three days from the time I ï¬rst began ap- plying Zam-Buk I was free from the cold in throat and chest. and also the rheumatism in my limbs.†an-Buk will also _be found a. sure cure for cold sores. chapped hands. frost bite. ulcers. blood poison. vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores. ring- worm, inflamed patches. babies' erup- tions. and chopped pieces, cuts. burns. bruises and skin injuries gen- erally. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box or post free from Zam- Buk 00.. Toronto. upon receipt of price. Avoid harmiul imitations and substitutes. tx:u:?â€..uz???§a.?u. conï¬ded 5.509 ad? .5438 23. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooomooo‘ucflo’oouooo3"...oouooooooohofoooooo‘u‘oooooooooho last Saturday. Grain prices generally higher than last v The price of hogs has increased. Shorts. retail $1.15. Buckwheat 45c bus. Flour, Manitoba. 82.95. Rolled mu. retail. 82.45. Shorts. retail, $1.15. Bran, per cwt. $1.10. Fall wheat, 88c bus. Spring wheat 78c bus. Goose wheat. 780 bus. Large pea 90c bus. Smell peas. 75c bus. Early ‘80 to 50° but. Oats 33c bus. Rye 56c bun. .3. , - i; zitThe Lindsay Markets}; uuâ€" vv- (â€"- nucn, 31.10 to 81-20 Cream per quart 25‘ “d Creamery butter 33‘- Dalry butter 25¢. Egg. per doz» 35°- Honey 13“ ID. Cheall 176 pound- Live hogs 37. um. hon. per 1*â€- ca Vega 6 to 15:: par 1». ma... :7 to 38150. Aches. Pains and Rheumatism? Egrain a 'tfvlngo of rheuma- AL ___ “HUI†ichepped hands. blood poison. vari- scalp sores. ring- mches, babies' erup- pped plwes, cuts. 3 skin mint-{a gen- sts and stores sen front qr. 38. on a mu t. IV In": with whom he was anyâ€. other and of the av. ï¬g I "vâ€"V‘ v.-_ _, with m. iroun toot M In “I: No. 10 thou. an! every stop he took undo tho Mg boot. rub tho nw ash at his loot. The rug mun' came. saw. conquered and has passed from fashionable in- terest. and in its place there arrived the barrel shape. which is new this season. But the very. very latest is the shape pictured. whlch might as well be a laundry bag or a shoulder scarf held carelessly In the hand as a really truly mull. Was Eve the First to speak! “Who spoke ï¬rstâ€"Adam or Eve?†This question is up for debate before a woman‘s club in Boston. “What lan- guage did she use?" This is another poser the learned females of the Hub have set themselves to decide. Recent- ly at a feminine gathering in Washing- ton the honor or being the first to utter human language was awarded to Eve. The subject was a favorite one with the menaphysicians of the middle ages. and such an austere and philosophical writer as Dante has a long and'lesrned e-ayon thenhject. Dante. who had with experience in matters teminine. seems to believe, that Eve ï¬rst uttered The pelts used are white fox on the inside and black skin of the same kind on the outside. The ends of the wide long pieces of fur politely called a mutt are held togemer with a looped bow or black velvet ribbon. Fetching Boxes For Gifts. One girl who has more minutes than money is making attractive boxes to send away her Christmas presents in. While she undertook the manufacture of her own boxes primarily as a mean: or saving the money that it would take to buy them. she wouldn t revert to the ready made kind now if she could. for her own are so much daintler and A similar way would be to cover or dinary pasteboaxd boxes that happen- ed to be of suitable size with the now- ered paper. The lid should be punch- ed with a couple of holes. so that a ribbon could be put through end tied hnmrt boweitherwlthorwitbout a opt-ix o: holly. She makes them any size she withe- by cutting the sides from piece. or cardboard and covering them with the remnants at old bedroom wall pa- per which her attic holds. The sides are then laced together with gold card or penny baby ribbon. An Oddity In Nada-n. bk come one to writs ordet the m W1m9.mmm The†move: one he decide- I: the want mmbyomduumorenltua mutormeumotmga TN A..- STANDARD BANK (I! RAMADA A Muff That You'd Probably Not ngnin if You Mo! It. THE 0U EEREST EVER. 11:: mm nu: nun. in! with the “not. “mam an mm .11 yes:- 910 1a Vtour cows. pure Mons Whine tor they hsd the one .Is mam Welder.) 3 W the year hutï¬ssnot sooounthssbeen mud Them-stout done. I might also sdd the: no N (To WSk.-lsasndh‘you.hw dwhstnyoowsmhdsme h; 1 . mam see. I 1â€.“ has thessoood one third hsd “I‘m... hell .lmch . 1910 the I might newtwwmxm 910. buttermilk. over s wed: old) skimmed milk, sud good showing 17h! sold tor total of over 888 pot on creun used in the house. consideration thst 1 sen-only an sm- 8108 per cow. which I think s, vety brings the tots.) mount due to tho credit 0! the cows. “88.56. or over t use no or we yur n. nau- mde up In the number oi pounds the money received. Well. Ouulde of butter. 1 hove rediud. tron the sole 0! calves. (none kept. tho produosd 1556 lbs. of Mt- 0868.66 keptotmnk sad the massomuch when you No it into l m contort!“- comm Jm16.100.nd m milked ava- dnco: tho would one l-‘cbruuy as. 1010; tho turd Apr“ 20. 1910; and tho {Garth In; 1. 1910 wyounothohovonotm the beneï¬t at tho wholo you. I might state. More you. flu-that. that we mm on our own button We on no “pa-wot and food no mum. Sofa? gm no doubt think 4n__ --. L..4 nL-‘ "III... Ev gvâ€" wâ€"- -v _.,r, , that Ien behind the tunee: but. thetl my be e. nether 0! opinion. Every time we chum. we book the mount. end. no we hue our result:- custom- ere. we know what pelce ween go- In; to receive. Web n eleo hookah. nee-on more bizarre in their edect come the tn: edged veils. A; the inn- (ration shows. they are worn loosely about the ace and m edged with tn: or marathon. Contrasting net end for eaecu m â€no: man m mum um. To make the eccentric but; of _tho New Curtain Materials. A: colonial and mission furnishings are those approved just now. the win- dow draperies that accompany them are of a simple natureâ€"expensive ml- terial may be used, but the enact must be that of simplicity; otherwise there is a jarring note. For these colonial rooms the sash curtain coming even with the window ledge is used. The dealer; ln the'cut will give the housewife seeking for curtains an ex- cellent idea at what is new in this line. The ï¬llet design at the top of the illus- tration is a decided novelty. Swans and birds are the unique features of A touch of color and warmth to up predated in cold weather at the win- dow. 1nd in no way can this touch be better used than. with the colored scrim curtain. The Illustration show:- a floral design with gold. brownnfedm I'll nun 0390†[I 0031A†au- TIBKAXA. nil: design. 1: come- in white. Ivory m- beige. ls forty-eight inches wide and 65 cents a yard. green- or blues predominating. There ha bouloroneach dde. This mate- rial may Input-chased tot-220entsa Mnndhxoodnlne. Another pattern in ï¬sh net simulates leaded 31m, and this triangula- mesh wear: {my wenâ€"a wonderfully good fabric for the low price of 75 cents a HERE'S A REAL NOVELTY. The Nmy In to.“ Voll I. Ch. um câ€"Fod Cows Proï¬table 'nu'urdur.) andat_thlondotthoyuritheur . _ __-_‘_ at the win- his touch be the colored anon show mm. was. Max. The" Thin mate- I my M ultra Ipty â€9.2? "$145 6r CANADA the sun:- In thebuntnouuadannot using wk“ call-yum uni proton-lon- do would um. mood return- and all the other laud- now in genes-I1 Iread in all the Anglican churches of him diocese Sunday, including St. I Paul’s church, Lindsay. and was an lamest, endorsation of the great .work of the Laymen's Missionary iMovement. The amount aimed at for all purpotes is $86,000, and includes {the diocesan missions. the work in l the Northwest, and also in the for- ! eign' ï¬eld. Boolh's Kidney l‘llls are sold hy all drugglsu. 50c. box. under a guarantee to reload your money lt they (all to releave any disease hav- ing its origin in the kidneys or blad- der. Postpaid from the R. T. Booth 00., ï¬td., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by E. Gregory, agent. Also sold and guaranteed by J. A. Wylie. Omemee. Bishop Sweeney’s Epiphany Appeal Bishop Sweeny's annual Epiphany appeal for the work of missions was His Lordship recommended a. pulpit campaign of three Sundays during the Epiphany season. to be followed by a. personal canvass of each parish to be conducted by a committee or laymen. Another suggestion is for the adoption of the week by dupkex oï¬ertaory alvelope, by which it is hoped that neither the regular church expenses or missionary objects will I my best prices in Mink. Coon, Manhunt. Weasel, Lynx. Bear, c, I psy :11 express charges. charge on commission. I hold furs separate on At Best Market Prices be neglected. [lS'IIiESSlNG "EA DACfl Skunk Wanted m Kind You Hm Always W m: Q’m CASTOR IA» For Infants and Children. gulf; mums“ '9.“ as F St. WIIMUOILD. In Any Quantity “I“. m it"