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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Jan 1912, p. 8

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Watchman-W arder WEEKLY EDITION m; 32.00 pot you-r- Th Intchmu-Wudu' (WW) " "wwuw‘m‘u-m‘ “ ”manna. pm to United Ststcl extruâ€" M, or weekly. 50c. POP yea. ALLAN GILLIES, Proprietor Ladies’ white knitted coat scarfs, some- thing most people require, regular 50c quality for each ........................ 85¢ Knitted Scans for 35¢ Long Gloves at gm: p8! pair __ _l\: "S" 0 W115 Uni-v.1 .. .â€" Long ringwo‘bd gloves in white, black - ‘ - -. 4.4“... “D“. you; “"5 vv vv- and greenâ€"alsorigng white mitts. Reg 40c pair, On sale at .............. 29¢ THURSDAY. IIIUW Illvvvu .v- v- r" . Ringwood and cashmere gloves in black white, navy and red. Regular 251; pair, but out they go at per pair ............ 90 These Gloves for‘ 9c per‘pailf : Boy’s overcouts prices for January. Men’s coat, sweaters that sold at 1.50 regularly me now being cleared 986 at each .. . up: $20 overcoat: 16.90. $18 for 14.95 815 " 11.96, $16 “ 12.95 51250 “ 9.95, $10 “ 795 You never had a. better opportunity to buy a good overcoat at such a low price. Just note the savings we have provided for you. OUR MOTTO RELIABILITY Women’s Institute Rest Rooms Second Floor Do Your Xmas Shopping at B, mm to points outside TELEPHONE 97. Subscription Rates Undenkirtl 98¢ each MARRIAGES. Quality right. :Price is guaranteed. You always be pleased afterwards; The reliable and the county. sues EIGHT- clearing Prices Mr.‘ W- 11, 1912. At Toronto. oldes; established jewelery and 50c Pithy Personals . From Fenelon Falls Fenelon Falls, Jan. 10.-â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Campbell. of Wall Deck, Sask” but formerly of Cameron, ur- rived in town on Tuesdayi and MI visit Mrs. Campbell's brothers, Messrs. Martin and Hugh Sharpe. Miss Fanny C. Brandon spent Thursday in Lindsay. M7. Milton Green, of Woodville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Copp. -u. “_L ‘ Vrr- Mrs. E. A. McArthur left last Tuesday to spend the winter with friends in Essex. .- .yâ€"__ __ Mrs. Hugh Sharpe and daughter, Hazel, spent Monday in ‘Lindsay the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wess. Pollard. The St. Andrew’s Sunday school have again started to work, and in the near future a splendid entertain- ment will be given. These entertain- ments, prepared under the instruct- iOns of the Misses Dickson, have in former years been a. great success, and this year the program is one of the Very best yet arranged. . Mr. Harry MacKendry, of Toronto, is visiting his parents for a. few days. Miss Grace Quihell, of thgifiegsyeg 15c Wool Blankets 2.95 White wool blankets with fancy borders, size 64x84 inches, weight 7 pounds, very special per pair ............... 2,95 Genuine eider down filled comforters, sateen coverings, a beautiful line and very special as......... . . .............350 Eider Down Comiorters 3.50 84 inch size, hemmed ends. An impor- ted quality. Very special each...83¢ Cotton Eider Cloths 25c _ Heavy cotton Eider cloths in a variety of patterns and colorings. Reg 350 qualitiesâ€"all one price per yd ...... 25¢ Liidley "near wool” blanketsâ€"a. new 'brand, double bed sizes in white with pink or blue borders. January sale price per pair only .................. 1,09 " “VII III-Iv â€"â€"__-, Unbleached table linen 58 inches wide: three good patterns and our regular 30c quality. Sale price per yd . . ......25c Flannelette Blankets; 1.09 Ladies’ white 1 special to clear Ladies” Golf Coats 1.49 (‘hildren’s four fold cashmere nuuw I hose, sizes 6 to 10 and regular 25c and ”9c qualities. . To clear per pair...190 d Announcement at each EM- caahmerg “ribbed the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. Man- ning, for a. few days last week. Miss Ruby Deyman is in Toronto, spending a. few weeks Vacation. Mr. N. Tripp, 01 Cobalt, spent, a. few days in town a guest ol the Mo- 'Arthur House. Mr. and Mrs. John Carew, of Burnt River, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Sew- ell last week. Miss Agnes I. Dickson, our return missionary from China, is in Sun- derland this week addressing Ihe UUIIGHU U“ u '- semiâ€"annual of the W. F. M. S. held on Wednesday. sweater coats. are visiting in Lindsay. , Miss Vera. Sharpe and Mr. H. Copp drove to Woodville last week, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Green. Miss Jean Parker, 01 Dunsford, passed through town for Dongola. Mrs. Findlay Crosgrey, of Cobourg. spent a. few days in town the guest of friends. ‘ A Yr:â€"AA_ of Midland, were guests of Mr. am Mrs. Paul 'Aulette last week. Mr. Chhs'. Deyman returned to hi duties' in Hamilton on Saturday. - -r-_.:.... z‘ ...1.49 and Mrs. Findlay A. Robson Mrs. Lovay Terri“ spent Monday § Bargain Table No. 1 Ladies’ waists 69c Ledies’ white lawn, print and wrapperette waista, balances of many of our Christmas lines. Regular 1.00 to 1.50 V31- -69... These are ladies’ and Misses' Coats and fur trimmed capes. Just think of the price. I 9 5 Your choice for ......... }or the ensuing Do not think that these prices are a mistake. No ! The coats are here and these are our Sale Prices 15 Goats go at 25¢ each Misses’ Skirts only 98¢ each iJâ€"ifiou Ever See such Low It 13 a snap for small people, sizes 32 and 34 only, ”mi are short. cloth comaâ€"15 25 only to clear at each... c 6 Coats and Capos 1.95 each Misses’ Tweed and Melton skirts short lengths only. Your choice just now for only 980 Lnd Children) of Mr. and cocoon... preaching, is in town calling on ms many friends. Mr. John wéi‘f‘made a business trip to Midland the latter part of 1 week. Miss Ina. Hunt, of Dunnville, has begun her duties as assistant teach- er in the public school. Mrs. D. Blaylock has improved so rapidly that her friends are expect- ing her to return from the Nicholle hospital this week. -‘ I I ItTellS A number of the young people as- sembled at the home or Reeve Is- aac H. Fee on Friday evening. A very pleasant time was spent in so- cial games and dancing at the con- clusion of which dainty refreshments were served and all vot?d that Mr. and Mrs. Fee were royal entertain- On Thursday _and Friday alter- noons, stock judging exhibitions fie given in the large. enclosed shed adjacent and belonging to the peo- ple of Christ church. There was a very good nttendance, and both the afternoon meetings and at the even- ing meeting in the hall much interest " ‘--’--â€"- has The Misses Porter have returned from the west, and are visiting with their mother, Mrs. Porter, 0! Stur- goon-st. Shield, of Mount Pleasant, town on Thursday. ,... of Manvers, was In Reeve Hickson, the town on Wednesday attending funeral of the late David Rea. _..... an..- Myrna a caygeon. the first ”UV” field day on J an. 19. The axwr meeting at 2 p.m. in the council chamber will be addressed by Miss Hotson, on the subject of “The fam- ily as a. shaping influence.” This meeting is especmlly for the insti- tute and its friends, but all women are welcome. In the evening in Cor- nnnfinn Hall. the meeting Will be Evuuva, -v- _ -7" ity.” Everyone intere’sfied in educa- tional matters is invited. A musical program will be given during the Miss Hotson, of Parkhill, has had eight years' experiexioe In enact of residence life on girls and was given at the general convention at Toronto, and created quite an im- pression. She geve the school prob- “-- km A W's view point, and r , _____, amamIvu-nrym“w if: 6% :10 and Master Garnet, of Bob- eon, called on friends in town first of last week. .u. . ,1, A ‘. _Smythe, who has been is in town calling on his Institute will hold a 1. 19. The afternoon mm. in the council Children’s messes 98¢ each Moreen Undmflrts 98c A Good W 1.49 Ladies‘ Sateen and Empress Tafi'etta. nuclei-skirts, a good quality at a very low price. Just now only I '49 Children's dresseé in Cashmere and wool plaids, fit ages 2 to 6, rqady to put on 980 Ladies’ moreen underskirts in Black and colors. These are very special}; each 980 Ladies’ Gowns for 19¢ Ladies' heavy white flannelette gowns, full sizes and mg 31 value. Your choice... 79c Bargain Table No. 2 - Ladies’ Waists 2.69 Ladies’ net and silk waists, clear- ing lines of regular 3.75 and 4.00 qualitiés. To be cleared 2 69 a at each ..................... work. and Garnet oonventxon this of St, Andrew's church. P wi,l conduct the WV“? Presbyterian church next ’11 a...m and at Mount. 1,me Victor... .Road, Jan. .1 Lowes, of Omemee, who last week {or her mot! chi' hip. We are sorry Jan. Laidluw i months' old baby “PM Bomanville, who Mrs. Wm. Fry, have returned to their reopeceivo homes. ms: Mabel Lytle, who has been very ill since her mother's death accompanied Mrs. Stinson for a. much needed rest. Death has again visited our midst and removed an Edward Lytle. Deceased, wno Was in her 70th year was much respected and beloved by all who knew her. She had been a, great sufferer for many years, and for nearly twenty mnnfhfl has been quite helpless. months has Death came very last. On New Yea; Death came very suddenly at the last. On New Years day she took, a. weak spell from which she never rallied and sank rapidly till she passed peacefully away on Jan. 2nd about 6 a.m. She bore her long ill- ness with great patience. The de- ceased leaves to mourn her loss her husband, who on the'day of her funeral was so ill with bronchitis that little hopes were held out for his recovery, and seven daughters: Mrs. Riclcmnn, of Coboconk: Mrs. Wm. Fry, 0! Victoria Road: I". A. Stinson, of Janetville; Mrs. S. Dawson, of Bowmnville; Mrs. J. LOW, of 'Omanoe ; In. Jsmes - __- "_g-l era! on Thursday was VICTORIA Rx. . Road. Jan. 10.~ has again. visited our midst xoved an old and highly re- citizen' in the person of Mrs. “tip” that you can save moneyâ€"um a great amount. â€"â€" if ynu will fill every need yOn are likely to hnve fora for of any kind from a neck piece up to a , ,- I-.. TAâ€"nnm RA“- V. "J â€"__.. cost. Raduoed prices for â€"J sugary ing are now in force and ‘ Fl; cuts, Far [and Coats, SI!“ Furs. Buffs, palm, Stole: ud Furs of_all kids at be- ‘leies’ fur linen c oats with black colored Broadcloth‘shells, Hamster l The Carpet Section Saves You Money “HIDE L “I n.- s .- colored Bmodcloch'éiéns. Hamster lin- ings, Western sable collar. A great bargain at only? ....................... .25 Long Astmchsm coats. new styles, bright glossy curl, large collars, quilted linings, well made and serviceable at In: -- from Now is a. splendid time to ’save money in our carpet department. For those who require, or likely to, anything in of all kinds and 4 yds wide we offer you during January We close at 9 o’clock Saturday Nights during the cold weather. the doctor's little 9. cup lo pér cent. off regular prices Buy Furs Now home Carpets. or Rugs Linoleums I 0.00-0.00... .00.. There promises to be a large crowd at the sale of fine cattle to be held on Jan. 24, on the (arm of Mrs. Weblter near Oakwood. The cattle to be sold Include: Spruce Grove Queen, sired by imported bull; Daisy. sired by Brilliant Star ; Rose, ‘ sired by Channon'e stock bull. May-1 flower Kins; Beatrice. sired by Dal-i 5am Koral: Charlie, sired by Scotch‘ Thistle, (bull call) ; King, sired by Brilliant Stu“; Jim. aired by Im- ported Bun Thistle; George. sired by Scotch Thistle, (bull cal!) ; Thick Thorn Counts-e Co, Princess Beat- rice, sired by imported bull; Lady of Spruce Grove, sired by imported ball. A naL- “gut." tended. Interment took place at St. Andrew's cemetery. Rev. Mr. Gandier, of Coboconk. conducted ser- Vice at the church and grave. The pail-bearers were five sons-in-law of deceased, and Mr. John Lytle. of Victoria Road. The sixth son-in- .uw, Mr. Jas. Black, of Bentley. was prevented qeing present through ill- ness. The hearty sympathy oi the neighborhood is extended to the whole iamily in their bereavement. fine Stock Being Offered For Sale 0“". A representative of The Wader- dropped in to see the above cettle endure- Jami-$40 find put there, was such a. fine stock on the farm of the lute Mr. Webster, who st .11 times prided himself on having good 1 stock round him. It is n good op-‘ portun ty lot the farmers of this or any other part of the county to get some good stock which will not re- quire slotoiieedsstheysrein splendid condition, The sale on the 24th of this month promises to be a. chance ior everyone to get n good animal for their needs. There is a. lot of stock to be put under the hammer, but the above are just a. few or the good ones which came few or the 8 to his notice. Pithy Personals Cambray. ‘Jan. 8.â€"â€"SCh001 smwu last Wednesday with a fair attend- ance of pupils. Miss J ordan, of Li; - say, takes the place of Miss Henry as junior teacher. A sleighloed of young people from the village and surrounding country spent an enjoyable time at the home of Mr. James Cochnne on New Year's evening. - _ I. ‘r-1’_.L___‘ [cu-luv W. John and Wallace McIntyre left on Tuesday for the west, after a few weeks holiday with their moth- er here. It. and Mrs. J. Clark entertained a tow Mend: on New Year's evan- inz-' Kr. W. Manning spent New Year’s day in Toronto. the guest of his daughter. Mrs. John Irwin. He was onhiawayto'l‘maonburgtoattend with black or $25 up From Cambray sell- .--School 3i» hows-{wen luv-d. No questions as to the savings possible in this section. It will pay you to buy many gumente. "St. George’s” plain knit all wool double breasted undershirt and trouser finished drawers. Also Scotch wool underwear, shirts with double front and back, 311 in at one price during this Jan- 83 nary sale. For garment ...... c “Stendfield's” unshrinksble underwear “Penmsn's’ stripe fleeced underwear in cxtra heavy quality, fine weave, dark coloring. This quality is sold every. where at 75¢ a garment. Our I: January sale price only ......... J58 All other lines of mex.’s underwear at 10 per cent. of? regular prices. American Cashmere 15.993114, This material is for childi‘en’s dresses. 4-2 inches wide and in colors of cardinal nile, navy, moss, brownrand rose. On Sale at per yard......... ............ 15c All wool cheviot Dress geodfi, 4-2 inches wideâ€"also cord de chene materialsâ€" Colors brown, rose, green, amethest and saxe. Regular 35c and 50c materials during January sale only ............ 25c 50c Dress Goodsitor 25c Moi-Gowns 79¢ each WDAY. JAN. 11. 1912. Hugh Mason. of Montreal, arrested at Smith's Falls, attempted to con- mit suicide in the lockup by cutting his throat with a. pair of scissors. O! the six millions children regis- tered on the books of the public ele- mentary schools of England and Wales ten per cent. aufier from de- tective hearing. here. The skating rink was opened on New Year’s night. It is in charge 0! 'I‘amlin brothers. Mr. and Mrs. H. Avery and daugh- ter Miss Alma, also Mr. and In. Robt. Burton returned home 1m week after spending the holidays in Toronto. Mr. Will Arksey has installed a. gasoline engine in his workshop. Mr. W. Fox, a prosperous 1m trom the west, is renewing old a»- quaintances in this neighbor-how :1: present. 7 Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Bagshaw enter- tained a number of friends on New Year's day. Sale Saturday, Jan. 20, 1911 95 Choice Cows, .11 in all. 1 Chestnut two-year-old Colt, by Wilton, broken single and double, 15 Horses. heavy, workers. and sound. ., 5 Diving Hamel, all young Elan1 ‘M lo 930“?! w WI, .u u. “at. -W' 1 Chestnut two-yearâ€"old Colt, by Wilton, broken single and double, 15 Horses, heavy. workers. and sound. 5 Driving Hal-sec, 111 young and 1," true. 7 1 Garland Choice Dry Cows. 10 Head Young Cattle, .11 kinds. 10 Steers expected on commissiol- w 15 Middle Aged Horses, heavy: " workers. . r 1 Cheap Driver. to be sold at msli : IRS. DAVID ARMSTRUNU. ' an illness of two weeks the in Toronto .3 reswcu-d lady person of Mrs. David Amustmn .the age of 77 years. The down was born in Ireland, from “hi1 '- she came to ('ammia, rosidil ‘ in Cavan, after-“unis Settling: ’ N In the latter place 5110 um became betrothed 10 the 0m- choice. Six Sons, and one «11mg: remain to mourn the loss m ‘ 800d mother. Thm .nr- . _» Thomas and ”our,"r of In 1‘('9; Robert and “Jam‘s of (Nb; nu 0 dollar. SEIZED UNDER MORTGAGE. 1 New lower, in first class condi- tion. 1 Cultimtor, nearly new, got it! be sold. 1 Set Bobslelgis, 1i-in. runncm dollar. 6 New Cutters, left out car 103d. _ . 12 months' «edit on' these cutters’-_ fiICWS "all Abundantly 50 Horseblankets, new, your 0'"n ‘ __.. price. 1911. i. a. .80 0! new discover 25 New Haters given awe-Y. Stand" ' 1‘ flow hair lita- it has fallen ‘ so New Yellow Sweat PadS. 680' “v i- . mun, .‘ AWWS HORSE “(HAM 1% 4amxew Single Hm- "' 1} “WWW-M" "i Spices-Ncwrurnitureoomismd' £ 10 Plan. M m “05“" “‘1‘ f Waist: 690 each â€" vrwâ€" _ _ New Plough. 1 Fanning Hill Entrances on both Kent and William Sts Cut Low must be sold â€" hisi ’was born i - she can in Cavan n. In th‘ 1912.8: 1.3) o‘clock in (be aflel m. orche pur use of electing: Resident. and ottfer ofiicvra of 'h fld Sodet and receiving Sung mate of ipts and Disburse Beats. the for the purpose of giv Ins the Directors power to pal mac more land for the mid Socict} of the members of the Snuih Hi4 ing of the Uouuty 0' Victorm Ag: cultural Society will he held in H Council Chanlber. in the Town in in the Tuwn of Lindsay on Dim-sine huggist It has been fully provpd that, th (coding at certain poullry fmrd will invariably yield law-:0 prom i increased prod action of - ggb. We have a complvt.u line nf fond and supplies, including POULTRY REMEDIES -Now, if ever, is the time to gi! has all the aid and cncouram nent possible. ‘Wd 0‘ Lindsay; J. 1)., 0f “0* r Green, Missouri; and Miss .1 h The deceased is also surviV Several sisters in dinercnt pa Ontario. In religion she was ”It and consistent member of ' tn. 2 14.12 »' Henhouse. Profit SOUTH VICTORIA Agricultural Society THE ANNUAL NEE 111m A. HIGINBOTHM !‘ SALE. â€"- 0N “'EDNESDA‘ In. 17, by Elias Bowen-3, auntie r, {am stock and implemeu 0 property of Jas. McCaughl R. No. 27. con. 1, Digby. Hot I extra. good. Sale at one 1 hodilt Church in which religi labored for the good of all (11 her whole life. Goods as Represent 4.50 yards Best English a greyt. variety of designs, Regular 1.25 and 1.35. January sale price......... .. 250 yards English Bruss and conventional designs, match. Reg $1 a, yd. J 350 yds English Tape coloringc. Regular 50c, 55 per yard. January sale 275 yds Best quality floral and conventional (lvsiu and 75¢ per yd. January roofing. bedrooms, etc. : to match. Regular 1.50 January sale price ......... 375 yards extra qualitl Carpetsy in all colorings SI All carpet cosc. Thursday, Jan. 18th ”lee separates a, bachelor {r of illusions. “For in a little Stock T OBITUARY. JAN. 11. remnants up a J! S. KEI‘ Lind:

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