zen on vle to er friends a under the A. Juan. rnber of tho liuneral on 1 Largely at- emorial sel- rch on Sun- ick wishes the great. t1 mp tho- ; bargains, ï¬ndsay pro- Big: thra- and real streets of days with leared of may have help the ‘Ves 8 com- Lek £8 him sinco lot {WINGS HORSE “(11AM 41 Sets single harness, new. 2 Pair second hand halterS. 800d- 4 Pair new halters, any price. ' 1 Set. bob sleighs in good repair- 1 Mower in good repair, got to go. The above two articles‘were â€"â€" debt. got-to go to highest bidder. INCREASE FOR FIREMEN. The Peterboro ï¬remen were Wt†ed an increase in salary- The 11°" schedule is $560. 8600 "Id “50 Cows 2.3 Cons to be sold on ten monuns rredit. 7» Robes, any price, last 309-9011- 5 Robes to be given away. 13 Blankets to be given away. ‘2. Dozen Surcingles, any priOQ. 1 Cutter, new, the last 01 8 m load. Yuan Sh! Kai has (ï¬led to about the abdication of the Sale Saturday, Feb. 10, 1912 that. skirks her duty can most always be made do better if she recieves right treatment. 1" your hens are taking a vacation and eggs are scarce try feeding them the Poultry Powders and Foods we carry. Lack of vitality is olten the cause of hens not laying and these powders con- tain just, the elements needed m restore vitality. A. HIGINBOTHMY Dispensing Draggist_ Insurance Company will be held in the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay. on Wed. Feb, 7th 1912. at rlcven o‘clock, a.m. to receive tlu- Annual Statement, the election 0: Directors and such other ~hus- mess that mav be brought before mid meeting. Lindsay. Jan. 10 1912 25 Choice dairy cows. 20 Horses, all workers and drivers 1 Heavy mare in foal, 1 General purpose seven year old gelding. draught. 1 Large driver, 5 years old. 1 Urn-y mare, 1400 lbs., sound. 4 Young horses, general purpose. 1 Spun matched blacks, h?a.vy. PUBLIC NOTICE The Anuu-nl ~(:‘renl-Fal Meeting of The Farmers UniOn Mutual Eire ’I'lce 10 Head young steers, consigned- l Sow, 11 pigs, 8 weeks old, con- , J mien. 28 (tows, sold last Saturday any Prices'on Ladies' Fur Coats, ’Fu‘r One only ladies’ Electric seal coat, 50 _ins .long rolling shawl collar, a. handsome rich garment lined with‘b‘est 75 quality satin, reg $100 quick selling price .............. One only ladies’ Electric seal cost, 44 ins long,» rolling shaw: collar, lined throughout with best 'qtmhty s'atin - 65 regular 85.00 quick selling price ................. One only ladies’ Persian lamb coat, rich glossy y, black curl 26 ins long, military style, lined throughout. with 75 heavy satin reg 1'25. 00 quick clearing price One only Iadies’ muskmt coat 50 ins iohg, guutomobile‘ styles, made of specially picked black rat pelts; lined 'tbrg'ughc out with heavy satin reg $100 quick - clearing:- $15 mice ............................................. price One only ladies’ Bocharan dog coat, rich, glossy, C1111, :30 ins long, high storm collar and reverses, lined throughout with rich, black satin reg 85 quick clearing Ogre only black Rossian Pony coat. 50 iné long, rolling shawl cmlar, lined throughouc with rich black satin and 50 ï¬nished with braid reg. 7500. quick clearing sale†..... ‘iano box nearly new WW- .m~s, sold last Saturday any load Holstein and Ayrshire Goodsasnepmentd THE HEN R. G. Corneil Sec. I’reas. be sold on ten months’ FUR COATS :. ‘ Hanilla, Jan. 22. -‘- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wylie, of Saskatoon, are en- joying a lengthy visit with rela- ‘t‘ives in this Vicinity. '- Mr. Wylie .iolloweq the occupation of black- smith in Manilh. for a. number of years and his many friends were pleased to see him looking so hale and hearty. world. Port Colborne. Don’t judge by apï¬earancee. Only a. rich man can afford to look as ‘Mr. Archie McInnis has returned to Peterboro to resume his studies at the business college. To Mr. .and Mrs. William Barry was born a'daughter on Jan. 14th. Mr. Samuel Sanguines and Miss Bessie Sanguines, of Man toba, also Mrs. Drinkwater, 'of Rochester, spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. A. McDonald. Miss Nellie HaJniltOn was the re- cent guest of friends in Port Hope. ‘ Mr. and Mrs.‘ W‘.’ L. Edï¬vards Vent tertained a number of young people to an evening party on Friday last. Mrs. Larissa Edwards and Mr. Clarence Edwards are enjoying a lengthy visit with relatives in To- ronto. Miss Florence Edwards has been engaged as second teacher for the Manilla, public school. She will take charge of the junior division com- mencing duties on Monday. Mrs. Mathews has gone to Scott on a prolonged visit to her daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Terman. Mrs. Ralph fDeLury, of. Ottawa. was the recent guest of Mr. and The government h1g3 decided to rant a free site and docking privi- gos 1a- -a big‘smefler to be built at Switches, Transformations, Pompadours, Waves-Fronts, Coils OF INTER!!! 1'0 m B‘ILD I“. You an. invited to 0.11 upon us for u I“! DIIOISTBITIOH -' All- o 9, “Doronwond Sanitary Pa tent Toupee ‘ . " I'he only Sauna and per- ’ fectly construe toupee mï¬ï¬ghdetwï¬bh’ 111‘s!“ ‘3 W 'uans’ 'e m ' ated. Won: Md endorsed by physicians and medical men. Pike Boldest-Slash HAIR GOODS Our Transformation for the lady who has thin hair, cannot be equaled.‘ ALL OUR GOODS are nnted for their sup- ‘erior workmanship, exclusive styles, and ï¬ne quality of hair. Any Style lwill be gladly Monstrous! baa! Transformations, 7 mrs, Waves-Fronts, MANILLA 1: $65 ,nï¬npgs} black m '95:" ined Coats and Suits cut to the core ‘to c‘1ear them out Now On. Read these Remarkable Offerings. cad-rm In of Toronto will be at the Benson House Lindsay on Saturday, Feb’y 10th with a stock of the newest. European and American Fashions in PROF. DOREHWEID Little Britain, Jan. 22. -- Miss Beattie, oi Cannington, his been visiting her cousin Miss Ethel Mc- lage. Rev. W. T. Wickett, brother of the groom. performed the cere- mony. The young couple will re- side on Mr. Wickett's farm south of the village. M m b and wishes of all for a. happy future. Some of our young people visited Valentia. one evening th'is week and enjoyed an evening’s skating. Miss Florence Chard, of Lindsay, has been visiting yiss Pearl Hooper Mr. Geo. Heatlie has gone to Lindsay, wilere he has taken a. posi- tion. Mrs. Hoover is home from the west gmd visiting friends in this vi- cinity.’ Mr. Fa‘l‘Iis 'has been transferred from the bank ‘here to a similar poo sition at Paisfley. An eVent 70! interest to our village took place in the parsonage at Shannonvflle, Ont... on Wednesday. Jan. 16, when Miss'Maude Herron, Port Perry, was uniteh 'in marriage with Hr; Fred Wickett, of this v11- Mrs. Slemmon and dhtg'hter Missi Maude spent a §ew 'days :at. Salem; ! recently. The Ladies’ Aid M w. very enjoy- 5 able and proï¬table artemoon at' their meeting this week. Notwith-j standing the continual irain there Were over forty ladiea present. Mr. Ernest. Oliver 7has taken a po- sition in the Stznflard Bank here.; Ernest is progressive and ambitions’ O and we expect the future will bring success to him in his chosen work. Miss Annie Metherell {went the eek end Visiting friends in Toron- 9W 1 ' uï¬lpa" _3§'-had-M " 33:3 1211 to call am one Hail-Goods LITTLE BRITAIN. 33:34 36%?3153 Two only Misaes’ Heavy Tweed Suï¬! 16 and god! warm comfortable Suits Re,a 15.00 Quiek"1 83,; ’58 clearing price. One only Ladle! Broadclntb Suit. In â€Read: ahzde. lined throughout. with grey satin. .- Coat and skirt triflined with strapplng of‘self. 454 mm vim-slightly damaged efrom exposure in our window. Reg price 35 00. “Quick 55 n. m..‘.":- ooooooooo clearing price ................ “Avail-0’7. r- iv' v.- Two only Ladiea’ Grey Tweed suits, beautifï¬ily lined throughout wuh twilied satin one was regular 22. 50. y$1 0 Quick clearing piice†. Ten Ladies' suits in broadcloth and source, «bade: of I 5 green, brown, nm y, all sizes, reg 25. 00, clearing price 3W? nu, 1 Mr. and Mrs.- 'Aiex Gruhun from {Manitoba have been renewing old ’aequnintances and making new .friends in the district during the i Islay, Jan. 20. â€" Miss J. Knox, I has returned Iron: her long visit in !Linduy and is staying ut the home 501 Mrs. Thee. Hill. ! ’men's Institute postponed owing to .1331! “other, was held at the home of Ira. Ibrahim Haynes, on TUesday the 16th inst. There was a fairly flax-go attendance and the usual {or- ‘melities were put through to the {satisfaction of all. 'Printing, advertising and stationery .................................. . ...... Secretary’s bond $10. rent $60; tr'ephone 820 .. Postage and telegrams . ........................................ .. ......... Adjusting losses ............................... .. .................................... Collecting notes. Rebates on cancelled policxee .......... . .................................... Invested on 4 mortgages ............. ‘.'. ......................................... Commission on investments . Nuts 0! 1910 im .......... Accrued interest ......... Notes of 1911 unpaid . Cash h bank Slat Dec., 1910 Premims paid in cash Feeepiidincaqh .................. Mum.notea, after deductingnll payments Cashinbank Unadjustedlou ......................................................................... 3 688.02 We, the W suitors hereby wufy that “ -he,ve duly . audited the books. accounts, voucha's and securities of the Fermere' Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company {or the year endin 81m. oi ‘De'c.,1911.andthetweflndthenmetobeoonect. We alsooerti- .fythattheeddï¬mnehlstetunentior the addyeu-upoanch thismctflï¬muhOWI-eom; andthetthevsnhdnnee “momma. 1911, tothea-editoithonidrum Ur- :imlmmmmyie $5840.80 inthe Lindsay ‘Mdï¬eWMd Canada Detedetmme19thdndeenery, 1912. Mr. George Metcalte was at the Cataract village on Tuesday last on business. lasers. '1‘. Eltord, H. Bayd and T. Currins took their cattle to Cambrey Station on Tuesday turbo-deli“ to Mr. Arnold of Lindsay. Agents fees, $1751.50, commission $1742.60 ...... Auditors ............................. .. ............................ Secmtary’s salary .. . Many Personals of Interest ‘ From Islay Extra. premium .......... ............ The monthly meeting 6! the W0- FINANCIAL s'u'rnmnnvr or THE Farmers’ 'Union Mutual l .Insurence Company for the year ending 3leb December, 1911 ‘ RECE IPTS. '0'. I. .- Total expenditure ............................................. Total receipts ..u-u u.-' on... Io- - ....-£.... In... .- Rea 1.5.00. Quigk 3.3308 â€.11 Suit In Renaud; shit-3e. .cin. Coat and skirt trimmed unit 1?me ghtl y +da.mnged-ï¬'om Leg price 35 00. Quick (g o. . on... I... to coo CQI-O .. on «ecu-noccyououoo on".- 00-- on nu: n... a .u on. on. n-.-Ioco .00.... "no EXPENDITURES. .......................................... 8 5840.80 AS SEES. day. ~ . Smiling twee tint won't wear 06, unless disappointment occur. are to. be seen around the neighborhood at the news that the new electric line aboutt to be construcwd will touch the Islay district, So handy is the cry of all. ,-, Kylaâ€, is staying here {or a few days looking after his alarm inter- ests and other details. We were pleased to see him. Mr Donald Tolmie was a visitor to Fenelnn Falls on Thursday last. Mr. Edgar Oliver has been busy: hauling out eordwood to Cambray during the past week or two. Friends regret to hear the news that our neighbor, Mr. Kinnear, is on the sick list. They trust that he may soon recover to his usual good holding services for the men's en- lightment. - We are glad to learn that Mrs. A. Wdyen is improving in health. and will soon be convalescent again. parental roof at Selina '. J. Jamieaon, of Pleasant Val- was visiting at Mr. D. Il‘olmie's 0....†n F‘. Pethick is on a tour of the country visiting camps and 2 services for the men's on- ..nc .- u-- o..-- .u .. ounc- cu.- on. 0- on our... . no on... most unpropi- duringOur Great j‘anua'ry Stock-Taking Sale 224109.08 .32726380 337260.80 319434.82 3494.10 314697.08 18698.51 1 556.00 to the on Satur- 635.56 6100.00 30.50 172.50 Illa _M -vâ€"~7 lor is spending a. few Miss M. Nay days with friends at Penelon Falls. The greatest sympathy .ol the resiâ€" v'dents is expressed to Mrs. Thou. Hm ! in her sad vberenvement by the death ’01 her youngest child. Thomas Ev- ert Hill, aged 11 months and 27 days, who passed peacefully sway [at Zion on Sunday morning after a Ibriei illness from pneumonia. Miss Grace Metcalfe is‘ giving her assistance in the household of Mrs. Alex. McFadyen. during the latter’s residence in British Columbia, and is delighted with his social surround- mss. and things in semen! in that country. He formerly Was a resi- dam on the place now occupied by this district some thirty-four years ago, is now visiting his old assoo hues of which very few are now left but who are glad to see him in such robust health. He has taken up a. -_J mother": home, Mrs. D. S ‘ ' “" Four ably IAdibd‘ Fur‘liuéd coats, shells are of best im- ported broadcloth, [Strapped with self, made in aemi-ï¬ttmg l styles, largo storm collm and rover†made of Alash Sable. 1 â€inch lining oigobd quality .muskrst. Coats we 50 5o l'inchea: 'Bogulur 75 00; Quick clearing price ........ Ill I'D-v.- . - No. 2 school house on Friday even- ing, the 2nd February, 1912. meeting of the telephone subscribers at an early date owing to the Luck 0! ettendanoe at the previous One, Skating carnivals are now the or- derolthed‘y, undatew of the younger when visited the rinks at (Benn-m. Woodville and Comer- One only Lndies‘ Fm- lined coat, shell in nude of best quality navy broadcloth, 50 inches long, notched collar and reveree of best Canadian mink, 4-2 inch lining of best 65 qunlity muï¬kmt. Reg 85.00. Quick‘clenring price... Four only Ladies’ Fur Lined Coats, shells of navy, myrtle and brown broadcloth, 50 inches long, semi-ï¬tting styles. large notched collars and re-'eres of Alaska sable, 42 inch 50 limng of best. Cwadian rat. Reg 375, quick clearing One only Ladies’ fur lined coat. Shell is navy broadcloth 4-8 inches long, lined throughout withgrey and white squirrel, notched collar and reveres of Isabella Fox. Reg $50. $25 Quick clearing price ..................... . ................... ‘ays Thea. Ferguson. FUR: LINED CO ATS ' woodville and Camer- eek, and had enjoyable Currins was Murchison, who E Thurston, 01 Bd‘ ». mam in Lindsay a. few son. the man killed, was caught beâ€" tween the engine and tender, and badly crushed. He died within ten minutes of being released. A reliel train Uas rushed to the scene from Parry Sound, which is 20 miles north of the scene of the accident. and the injured removed to that point. They are reported to be do- ing very well. - belore its arrival. Notwithstanding the fact that the passenger train was traveling at 85 miles an hour, and the auxiliary train at 20 miles an hour. none of the passengers were injured, and none of theeoaehesldt the tmk. This was a very extraordinary. but for- tulate occurrence. Fireman Hud- We pay 9ch cash for old hens delivered at 40 Queen St. East Ward. ‘ We pay the highest market rice for unsalted butter 29¢ bush. lkinds of furs. :POU LTRY WAN TED seagu- train was late. but had made up some of the time lost. The aux- iliary train crew, not knowing this, had continued on their way. and had ENGINEER NAPIER IN BAD WRECK ' In reading the report of the terâ€" rible head-on collision. which occur- red on Saturday when a passenger and freight train on the C.N.O. col- lided about two miles south of Lake Joseph) and near Parry Sound, many Lindsey citizens were grieved to hear that among those injured was Mr. John Napier, engineer of the pas:- senger train. stone of the auxiliary. Engineer John Napier of the passenger» “If“ Fireman Awde of the auxiliary were injured. The injured tram, who are suffering chiefly tram scalp wounds, are reported to be resting- easily. It is stated that the pos- For a number of years Mr. Napier' resided in Lindsay and had an ex- cellent. run out of Lindsay on the Grand Trunk. He was very popu- lar with his fellow employes and- with all who knew him. so that the- news of the accident was received with sincere regret. A repair train southbound to clear the track of a freight wreck, disre-r garded orders and collided with pa:- senger train No. 1 from Toronto. W. Hudson, ï¬reman on the passenger" train, was killed, and Engineer Johnâ€" Children Cry ran rmcHsa-‘s >ASTOR|A FURS prices paid for 929'? V if