‘to ,end m to i ing. 1'86- ma EAL Jud arm Wu)! Lindsay Branch. C A? Incorporated by Act of, Parliament ‘ i Lindsay Branch ambushed 3.1), ‘.__._ ALEX {’ITAL. $15,000,000 Wm WM: 3cm 1:: Quick‘)‘ mtg?“ Q1“ “9“ 3;?“ £3?ka «Mum “wag? A “MW asxh. .. 3W spmuaJumm fl It head. yidmï¬ W main: 333:.“ WWW “ï¬nds sum and W In ‘ .1 ,,. A us 1 n 'iERS’ BUSINESS u) yUK‘ i‘HEajï¬â€˜i ï¬e%€€m I 'M‘yfl {$5\S‘ ‘ {2 (\us mm ‘3“ mg: s ‘w‘huaguwtus Mi § Branches In every Province 0‘ the Do- :niniun. ““91“; :zpcnam ï¬lly u? the Donna- im“ ,\r\\‘f0undlflnd. Lcndon, England, New York, Clncago, e“: T Evuy \ :mnsaciec Branch l_\.\'l,'ARY 30th, 1913 iizm ltank of Commerce extends to Farmers every transaction of their banking business, including Blank sales notes 8.! (lit ll and collection of sales notes. ll free of charge on application. Ge no: 10 to 1 o’clock. \IIH .‘ul Manage! ‘ “Won m Bankmg business UVOLI lyll d. batvmgs Departmem at. every mu wee-23 W! Maï¬a“ 8% “55' Mg m 93 xi Ms. 8 9v «2% km: ‘3 :Mk um wig M 8% Ya 5%; is 3 ï¬wï¬i‘émgé 21 of M51 MESH residbï¬'t 6f “93‘ l‘ .\'I‘ E D Bros ï¬nger of NS tt‘d 'm a, ma‘ h'OS.‘ woollen 5.30 â€o'clock- rm. Dr. Blan- pmation “'35 «I the opera‘ mlsn)‘ NHL m has hm‘ cullvd ‘15! week. nil \IUC uth of 16 MIC!“ of his u\ mg has lu-on 'H‘ m Sun Sunday X} i~svï¬ um! nrucv Visit ‘an \Vil h 0f on I gram. V _\‘\\\I†'nlmul -m . ..$16,000.000 ...... $16,000,000 15 802,000 [ulhnu‘il 1 Thu imn nmnhvr m .25 E... .7. .32.: .5 .35... .z; 7.52:}. :3; 5 5:... .7537. l’ l'nulsnmv-\luvkemlry weuumu. Mr. Fred Mcb‘an‘lane. of Hamilton. and Mr. and Mrs. Will McFarlano. of Buffalo. are in, town, having bven called hvre owing to the serious ill- ness of their mother, who at present is in a very critical condition. E Mrs. John ('arew, of Burnt River, Hvas in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘hos. Graham and 1‘ Miss Audrey spent a few days with t I‘oterhoro friends this week. \. -4- > A ._AA -“__ ./_.:..4. 5:27.57. :23... .2. 21.25. :: 52:57.... 2:; 55:: 2:. st;â€" :5 51.12:: 73.3 :v. 2: “2:25.... 7., : $53.3 .21. 12:22.4 2. p5. nl‘h-r pvrl‘m‘mm; u \‘m‘y net. which was umww‘mh 'I‘hv Slllu‘l‘lnlvnth'n! and m‘tsuu rwvivwl ‘hv hvm‘t m‘ thv \‘isilm‘s for thvir 1' during thu mwning. \rn md nstil Mun-Ion Falls. .ll uiu Francis. of 'I‘m‘t «lays in tnwn (he g1 Mia‘s \'. Mawk’emlry, JOHN AIRD Assistant General MW nav. i Mr. Leslie MacKendry, or Biath- «a'td» Sfatidn, i‘s \‘isitihg MB bar- 'bnii: fbr a M» 6:133 _ ‘ ms: 915%». Mmmok‘fl Ba mm- ‘w Hsif mkéybbm EriéMs. My. ham‘igw; 6% bmhawé; E mg 1555:: at m Braihbh m. B‘. mum- EM. . M. m am Esbwgtam, ‘3? 8%: WM, E m gm 3% m. w! Hm. Mi»; mam». MY“ ‘5'. 93%": 8‘ mm?“ m‘\ Hem-\gm m B . m. MM 8% aï¬Yflma was an mm 9% EM m. m. mmaw 3! mm m M W“ mam m mm m m mam. f . Re". R, J. ‘Mel'rim the guest of Mr. and riam. [Sl’l‘ 0].“ I‘I'I()l‘|.l l‘ho nwmlwrs of 'n\\', Lindmy, dun" Mrs. M. Sharpe friends for a. {9‘ HOLMES, Manager Mrs. L. B. Tacomey were flay. Opposite Phon 2; 1 31- 532302000 T‘HH' u" ‘l' unvv: "nu" ' ' “PM mum in WI GM‘B‘AM ““5 hm hula. % mm, m. 1%“ “W m in M W in “M in mm. A mum is 5 mm “9 1! “W to WM a. WWI 11° FM“ 5‘ w. Manager Lindsay Brand! REST, $12,500,000 CRMS OF PAYMENT II" 1'). CL. President wmlwrs of \h\\ Salvation ndm). ulmvv to \hv House on “mlunsduy ul' lust wu‘k lhv‘ um'd and inï¬rm of â€10 happy by furnishing {1 tea, t‘uncvl‘t ill. 3 O‘CIOCK. mum of thu‘ rvfngl‘, which \m‘ an pvrsune, qnjoyod (he ilmmnu‘l} and the concert h) u lmwvl. mm‘h more. |il' mu: “My lilhd by Dr. Lindsay. “ho mw to the .mmwin: out 0‘ the pl‘O‘ i'W‘ZNI‘ILHX FALLS. Falls, Jun. 2~}.-.\1iss is. of 'l‘nrontu, spent a Established A. D. 1 8 1 7 ,‘rANS AND SEW- and right. prices. ORGAXS AND SE‘V to clear as we want. H'r_\'in I of 'l‘nruntu' spent a tow n thv man“ 01‘ hot friend, Kowlry. and attended tho wlx’endrx weddimr. Mclmrlane. oi Hamilton. 1 Mrs. Will McFarluno, of in, tuwn, haVing‘ been owing to the serious ill- .- nunlwr. who at present 1858 UH“ rs. 'I‘hos. Graham and spent a few days with .‘nds this week. Lrpo is visiting Cameron few days. Merriam, of {\Iberta, is Hartle and Miss M. in Lindsay on Thurs- ’32., SELEEDA 2.239.: 2. 7;: S 43.7. 73.24:...3†42:37,: 77. :2. : :5; 37¢. :27 . 722.; "525$..." 2:5. :23. E402 2-}.wMiss‘ .\n« D. E- Mel‘- «Veteran Sicip.and Crew Win Chief Event at Peterboro layer of water on the ice. snap ruv- elle of Lindsay defeated Skip MC- Williams of Keene. here this after- noon in the ï¬nal game of the Pet- erbora bonspiel, thus winning the Grand Challenge Cup. The game was a. goon one, Hwy-w the large score. ‘the veteran and his crack Tankard rink being in the very best. of form. The heeVy going made many a. 5111! joint. In all the games played by Skip 4' Cw.- icomedian and vocal artist,â€"â€"and the iMisses 'rhornbury, vomxlists, and took part in a very ï¬ne entertainment, under the auspices of Hartley L.O.L. No. 1113. Hartley L. Mr. Wm. Warren, County Master of the Loyal Orange Association of Vic- toria County, and Mr. Wm. Thorn- bury, P.C.M., drove out to Hartley last night, accompanied by a. trio of Lindsay musical and vocal talent, in “‘0 nor-sane of Mr. Wesley Hewie, Peterboro. Jan. 23. â€"- With ..v. -7- The evrnt was a huge success, both {mm a ï¬nancial and social stand-- point. Bro. Thornbury acted in the capacity of chairman in a most. cap- able manner, and the best. of order and harmony prevailed. Bro. Arm-1 strong. of ()rillia. delivered a line ad- dress, dwelling particularly on the Orange Mutual Insurance depart- ment. Bro. Warren gave an address on the obji‘Cts of the Order. showing in the course of his remarks that the Order was not. as some outside of it jsupposed. organized to dvmolish and linjure follow Rouiun Catholic coun- trymen, but stood for equality 0f civ- il and religious rights for British Eviiizrns. both (‘atholic and Protestâ€" Inge. l‘mu-lnn Pulls. : kuh‘m'tl. M‘ss Lilliv Eplucv. tn Mr. “K‘slvy !ni\'ul‘. “u vxlvml Bury's Green, Jan. 20.--\\’e have had a real big January thaw of mic, but, as yet the sleighing is splcuiid on our roads. The oyster su whuulhnusc 01 last. week. nmlo Peter‘s Church, cuss. .-\ large the snmwr was t‘mls. Mrs. Wm. l‘rinr. who at (mo timo \\'l\.\‘ “ rouidont of this plum'. hut nuw of Sterling. \lmL. is visiting “mung frimuls hvn‘. Sho is m‘cmmmniml by hm‘ throw childrvn. We are glaul m stuto thm Mrs. Wm. (:rm'u. \th [ms hwn Very sick with u svmm t‘nhl. is Very much iman- ML Iii-LUNHNL iimimm. Jun. 2i.â€"-Court Ronimlfn m‘ the (‘muuiiun urdor of Foresters hi'ld a successful buskvt social here lust Friday owning. Owing in un- fmm'nhle \wnther conditions the cruwd was not. quite as large as was ex poc tad . w". --. Mr. 'l‘hua. MvMann. of Port Mc- Nichul, spunt Sunday at, his homo ht‘l‘“. Mr. and Mrs. Brmlvrick. Sash. hood this week. Mr. Thos. Jones, of Cavan, called on friends here recently. The Roaboro Cheese and Butter‘ (‘0. are holding their annual meeting this week. We were Sorry to hear of the death of the infant da\1gmer of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickson. of this place. The little one succumbed to an at- tack of whooping cough, which is prudent in this locality. The fun- 94“.!â€" y-v~ vâ€"7-_~V oral was largely attended by friends and neighbors. ant ; and love to our fellow man of “hatever faith, not forgetting to putt out as Well that an Orangeâ€" NEVER NEGLEO'I' A “SAMMIE. persone of Mr. mittâ€"m m :3? a 8W3 mm ER; ii 6 EH 3136 mwm BURY'S GREEN. L. O. L. Held Very Successful Entertainment wlfrvd Roebuck. o! are in the neighbor- ice. Skip Flav- the church. Mct‘uudis‘ p by NW N I‘ â€luv“. u IHHHH. m‘ this Hus-1s. of Hurm our cnngrutuln- one, despite Finvelle in this ‘spiel he m u down on the score M. The is a. beautiful silver trophy. \ the winners also carry home when: four tine club bags. Folio are the rinks nnd score by end: Lindsny Keene. iR. Butler R. llcCamus 'I-‘. Carew W. Wedlod; :11. V. O‘Connor J. Moore {J. D. I-‘lavelle Dr. McWilliams l-‘lavelle. ‘Aql ity and integrity British Empire- ul.v-â€"â€" __ Bro. Hewie brought down the‘ house with his comic songs and sums, and also acted in the capac- ity of auctieneer in the sale of has- kets in a most efï¬cient manner. He was successful in making the boys pay dearly for the privilege of cat- ing with their lady friends. The Misses ’l hornbury rendered several vocal duets‘and solos to the entire satisfaction of all present. An orchestra. comprising organ and ‘violins rendered several choiCe selec- l tions, which were very much apprOCi- ated. Bro. Wm. Manning, I‘LC.M.. deliver- ed an excellent address on the merits of the Order, which was attentively listened to and geeatly appreciated. Bro. Wm. Manning. D.C.M.. deliver- ed an excellent address on the merits of the Order, which was attentively listened to and geeatly appreciated. In the. arrangement of the program Bros. Robert. Sptnse assisted very ably and altogether a very svccossiul and pleasant. evening was spent. mm a var-v enccossful year it; predicted a very successful for Hartley Orange l‘ctorhoro, Jun. 24. â€"- His Lord- ship Bishup()-‘(‘onnor. died at St. Joseph‘s Hospital lust night. at. 8 o'clock. The news of his death came as a shtick to many, for 1b: of his illness was nut l time serious nature gun-rally known. For some the Bishop has not been enjoying good health but, it. was only about. ‘ a wool: and a half ago the! his ill-‘ ncss assuumd a serious turn. Ilc ‘wus removed to St. Joseph's Hospi- 1tal. but in spite of tho hï¬â€˜Sl medical lskill his case hocamo mm'o surlous zn ‘ (lo-nth resulted as stun-(l above. ."wust 2, 1911. th- golden jub- l.0r(l.~‘hip was colobrntcd. Hm complotiun ul lhv half- ; wn'ur)~ of hi~ primthuud. 'l‘hv ovens- ‘inn \HN cunwicuous. not unly fur ; ill» |‘\i(llnu‘|‘\‘ nl‘ \‘vhvrmiun und nt- l'm‘liun uf his“ ponplo, hut the r0: ‘lwul‘sinq of u signilicunt. round of inlurost Hf the Ln ‘ilor ul’ ll, lmll‘klm: nuhlv work in the l hm‘vh. which his ï¬lly M‘m‘s of fullb- tul um! unrmnitting dist‘lmrgu of duty hml placed to his crvdit. The pr‘lvsts at his own diurvsv 0!! that nm‘nniun nrvm'mvd him With u purse Ho lemma tn momn mx w.“ u um tor. Miss U't‘mmulx of Toronto, whu was in l‘olurlmro during thv last days of His Lordship's illness. . 3‘ 'l‘hn {um-ml will be hvld at. 9.80 a. to St. l'vtor's .m.. 'I‘Imsduy. i t‘ulhvdral and lhcm‘o to S“. l‘oter's Aconwtory for inlorxmnt. 1h‘ mhhncn‘x‘ nt‘ \‘0! l'm‘liun of his“ pvnp‘ hmn‘sinq M u siunili huhlu' work in the ( hnrvh. “bu-h his M (M and unwmining duly hml plum! to pflvsls of his mum uu‘usiun pl'vmnlvd h of $2.000. FILES cum at__I__IO‘ME i 3' Raw Absorption Method. ll you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles. send me our address, and I will tell you {ow to cure your- self at. home by the absorption Qreatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if rc« quested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to-(lay to Mrs. M. Summers, Box Ont. ‘ Bishop O’Connor Dead | “spiel be it: never ore M. Tu cup SilVer myâ€. while R, my home with duh hm. Following to mourn his kiss u MR- (‘onnulx of Toronto, who m‘horo during ‘hc- lust score by endâ€: Keene. 3.1lcCamu8 w Wedlodi OBI’I‘UARY- to support the un- of our grand old Lodk'e 263 Windsot. According to s 10"“ " pat, the mice of the we won a. controlled by “I ma expluntion is mt u roses had been 2100mm! “1 Great Brit-An. and 9‘11Ҡdeal, is owing to the unusual proxiâ€" mity o! the phnet Hm to the earth- He did act mun thnt liars was do- ing milling out of its cow. but mt it won this season in the F“? scribed course of in cycle due to be ‘within 3 stellar and sumciently near ‘ ‘to .flect the motion at the arthâ€" "You soe."‘said he, “that while the sun. which is much further away. holds the earth in its place. the planet Mars is this year near enoughl to nuke our world wobble. That is. “by the Atlantic storms have been! so terriï¬c. . ,AAI. ing to its position. the general ten-I dency has been in the direction of higher temperatures." GETTING CLOSE. He also stated that Mars had for some time been approaching the earth at a marvellous speed, so that now e‘even million miles nearer than in Duemher, and would an acCOimt of the course it is taking ar- ibe another twelve million miles '16 éer the earth before the end of 11-b- l ruary. "-As its influence is grog of the equator than south The effect. i'ze with the this 3°"- a with the at! nâ€"â€"â€".,. l The eflect. he said. would harmon-‘ ize with the early advent u! liaeteri this year. as it. would synchmnivc‘ with the arrival of an curl} spring. His other deduction was that the proximity of Mars won] lva the nice o! over-coats and coal down. lneak the cemer in fresh or. . sun.- ulute an early openl'lg cf the spring rvul estate activities, aï¬ut .1 Ion-.2 summeo, and in practically all such respects atone for the atmospheric shortmmings of last year. Write at once ', ONTARI - l cÃ©ï¬ S'ell'your Property MncKl‘IXlDRYâ€"l'Dl‘LSOM. .\ pretty “aiding was snlvn‘ at the home at Mr. and MN. .I I'nulsmn. \‘orulam. on Wodm Jun. 22nd. when their you dmnghtur. Elma )Iurgm‘n-t. \qu \ -- ~ ‘ where a. sumptuous Wllua\ m. ed. The tablos were prottiiy at» ranged with daï¬odlls and tulips. The groom‘s gift to the bride was an. act 0! mink turn; to the brides- maid and pianist. gold lockecs; to the groomaman, cull links. Mr. and Mrs. HucKc-ndry left {or thou- home in nuclei: Pull. the bfldo weulng o. any tailored cult. large blue but, with white plumes. Guests were present from Oakwood, Toronto. Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. At. the close of the care: guests remind to the d where a sumptuous repust ago 8.80 p bu mute. mm the best or every- thmg m hallway travel. The China. am! 6mm than heaven Chicago may “3:48 BLM'. Mi" QM! Mbbi‘sbb Mm L0! A" ha; mammal mmtm B; 5. mum; is B; h; Wham; BMW“); Acreage or other pmperties. The Spring boom is now on. 3. C. BASTEDO Real Estate Exp“t nlcuuoxsq sT- W for the miners of MA RRIAG us TORONTO for full information. s greater north somh of it. 0w' the genera'l ten- the direction 0‘ Broken Arm , ceremcm.v ‘M the dining-ml“. room-n was aer- 51‘. WEST \ sololllnifl‘d Mrs. James wed nvsdny . nonunion nawmmhtgmdwmchhubeen In use (or over 30 yous, has admbeenmndounderhlsper- GENUINE CASTORIA Cheap Rates for At a meeting of 11 Club held last was rooms of the D. «k 1‘ annuuncod by Program chvup rates had hmh railroads [01 Winter (‘arnivaL 'I spread (wor {our namely. on Feb. 12. ‘mnd cheap runes W" the night of Feb 11 .011 the "mining (at l honing usimrs to r Work of Baptist ‘ Church in Enrol)e day in lanasay. (‘ununitu-vs v lvuk after all M big 4â€"day cum, Fisher and If. 1' mined by Imllm. hamless substitute ior Castor Oil, Parc- It ri 111:: ‘ and S It. in l t go e, pa soothing yrups. ' p easan . con neither Opium, orphiuc nor other Karcotic guarantee. lt destroys Worms substance. It: age is its For more than thirty years it and allays Feverishness. for the relief of Constipation, has been in constant use Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles FWency, Diarrhwa. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, nssimflates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. .m- mun-on’a Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. 'l‘ho NOV. ,\. pied Hie NM" Sunday in“. tinn in MM l-Iurnpt‘ “5' Allinnvv. stun-d Hun vssvnt ml \\ inch tho and Ullt «(Iumfliun lm‘lcd. Many ut (h are chronicled from principally hnmwn place among“ the lion. Martin Bureu agriculture. introduced bill for Federal aid to Children Cry for Fletcher’s mooling of me Advancement held last week in the rest a! the D. «k l-‘. store. it was ad by President Gillies that. rules had bun socurvd on railroads for the Lindsay (‘arnivaL 'l‘he carnival will aver four dun: this 50mg . on Feb. 12. 13, 14 and 15. mp rules \vm comnwnco on )1! of Feb 11, and consludo rrrrrr --..... at l-‘oll. 17. thus ulâ€" \‘ xsi : urs Lindsay ms were npponnu n11 arranmmu ms {1 (mm, and Messrs. [-7. E. Robson We haunt to \he club. In Use For Winter Carnival 701‘ CI†to mum Bur-ell, minister of oduccd a Government. aid to agriculture. appointed v‘lv- PRU ll 0".†{or I!“ ‘_ l-‘. R en: mi oas-V, HIV to F0 Mona.» m 1" Th" dermis construction um., “IL-r0 If: the CLBASEST. 5mm. and 3851‘ HOME DYE. on. “flour-“12y you don't cvcn hue co know win! KIND ol Cloth your Good- are out. d.--So We. IN Inpoodhlo. Srnd [or Fm Color Curd. Story Booth-1. an! Booklet giving ml:- 0! 0m over other ado“. The )OHNSON-RIWDSON 00.. United. Home“. Guild.- ___.____‘ m‘vidg‘m husl‘i‘ 3' l1. wu: dnlnu became Worm- “-11 I'm\ days. resulting in in»! owning. ’lh.- remains \xill ‘.u-_! Liudmy for intvrnum. Mr. (‘uu- was a m Lindsay are brigadv fur and was about 37 yum \\ u THE LA Ru 1-: 'l‘l' R K HY . J...- -c.-_‘_ The winners of \he gobbler and a» turkey hon at. the Lindsay l'uultry Show were declared last week at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Rycknmn seâ€" curing the large bird and Mr. Will- has the turkey; hen. The gohhlcr woighod 21 pounds and 5; ounces ; Mrs. Ryckmnu's guess being 21 pounds and 5 oum'os. The tux-liq hen tipped the scales at 9 pounb ad 3! ounces; Hr. Lee's guess being 9 pounds. 4 ounces. 4.;â€" hlix -li\ RMl-TR LINDSAY MAX. 110 nwws of “In sud domh vo-K was lwliuw (.01! upsihlo M “ilh mm sml \\ a cIYV whivh (‘ ful‘ \ht um I) work not 110 mm \Vi‘h ALWAYS mlhux oldc n..md him to 9.: :7. 2.9.43 7.. 7:. ~11. 60'. I. 535.:â€" pyfmai r. 5 .51. 930' yours of up‘. Don I' mvmhm‘ M “I (n‘ viglfl NW“ m'vmu n in «n of RI. will he 1’" M his many fmxr nu brought son-ion