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Watchman Warder (1899), 30 Jan 1913, p. 8

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m plum, Proceeds. $14.00. Mr :4. Wm. wife and‘ramily, spent Sunday with Manda a: We Mr and Mr?! Cmadden. o! Fonty’ poo}. spent Thursday in» with m. and 1m. Isaac mt“. ‘11!" Olive Low”. at Toronto. in Making at. homo. The cmival' held here cl the Ii“- !ag flak last Friday Inn Very will ”maul. 3 am caning Mn mm Er. William Joan. of 0mm. was vhmng his brother. Mr. Jog Jams, Int weak, If. and Mrs. Milton Challwe has returned {mm the West, to spend the Mater with friends here. the home of Mr. James McKinnon on Sunday last. Mr. Walter Price, pf Merritou, and Mr. Will Price, of Tor-Onto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. G. Price. Miss Addie Sisson, of Peterboro, is the guest of Miss Ella Jackson. Mr. Ger-van Hadden, of Peterboro, is at home suffering from a sprained ankle. We hope he will soon be beh‘ Special revival services afe being held in the Methodist Church here by our pastor, Rev. P. H. Neville. We are glad to see so mahy out, and hope to see more. All are welcome. Mr. Holley, of Peterboro, spent a few days last week with his daugh- ter. Rev. Mrs. P. H. Neville. Mr. Alf. Price and Mr. Joe Kelly, who have been liVing in the North~ west for years, are spending the win- ter with friends here. Mrs. Hughes, of Toronto, has been spending the past three weeks with her sister, ReV. Mrs. Johnston. Mr. Barry Peacock, of Lebonan, has started a barber shop in town. We wish him every success. Mr. Arthur Weeks, of Edmonton Sink, is visiting with his uncle, Mr Frank Weeks. Another young daughter came t0 Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Magill and {3-} mily, of Boissevain, Manitoba, haVe] been visiting at, Mr. H. Ryley's. k WILL BE HELD IN BE'I‘HANY 1N; IMETHODIST CHURCH. ‘ Bethany, Jan. 28,â€"On Friday, Jam! 31%, a Sunday School Institute will; be held in the Methodist, Church here, i when Rev. 1‘. L. Farewell. 134., oil Toronto, will be live principal speak-g er. Everyone interested in Sunday School work will be welcomed. lic- freshments will be served in the base- ment between sessions. Mr. Charles Morton, who has been ' learning telegraphy here in the (I. 5'. R. office, has been transferred toI Bobcaygeon as assistant. ‘ Our best' wishes go with him. the Haida Indian: veyor, has Wedded phinp, danghter of ( Special detectives of the Dominion police have been put at work to find the source of circulation of bogus $5 and $2 Itominion, hills which the department. has been notified are beâ€" ginning to flood western Cntario. Reports Svnt to headquarters at Ot- tawa are to the cti‘ect that a few score people have been victimized with counterfeit bills of the new Do‘ minion note issue. Mr. John D. MacEachem, of Re- gina, in renewing his subscription to The Watchman-Warder, writes that the peOple of the above city have been experiencing very cold weather, and at the time of writing the ther- mometer registered 46 below zero. BOGI’S BILLS NOT SO COLD HERE. Mr. T. J. Spratt returned from Peâ€" terboro on Friday morning, where he was engaged in the interests of the firm of Spratt 8; Killen of this town shipping hay. Mr. Spratt dur- ing his stay in the electric city pur. chased eleven earloads of timothy, which the increasing business of the firm demand for home consumption. Frederick Nash PURCHASING HAY. Manager Roenigk has received word that May Bell Marks, the tal- ented young actress, will appear shortly in Lindsay. HAY BELL MARKS COMING Wreaths, sprays, etc., for funerals Prices moderate. Kent-st, Lindsay. ’Phone 286. Toronto Ropruontotlvoo B. E. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any of the recognized advertising ogencies in Canada are authorized to occept business for The Warden HUGHAN, DLORIST. THI'RSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1918 Postage to United States extra- [buy or Weekly, 50¢ per year. rho Watchman-Wade: (Weekly)... 01.00 per you in advance ; $1.25 it add during the yen. The Daily Werder â€" one cent per Oopy. By use.“ to point. outside of many. 82.00 per year. S. S. INSTITUTE ALL “OILLIII. Proprluo The Wachman-Warder WIIKLY IDITION lumtptlon nu.- TELEPHONE' 97. ici Ifdcnsha w of rincess ancou ver SH!“ I speak- Sunday (1. Re- fl IV ‘0 .hUU. CMVE B. ";W w "Mb". ha ”#8119“in!! 1,,“ 000. what So to 10¢ [gm 0.9;]! ht. .35 to "7mm .71“ 88 in mush. I730“) 7.0:. oéowwzm “Jib "391133 bulk 0! 35am , CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. Jan. 38.;Cattleâ€"Rwolm 4000; market steady. Haven. “.10 to In Texas swarm $4.73 to $5.05; We“ and feeders. M75 to $7.30: can Ind Mun, "1'“, to ”.501 CMVedhu.” t9 ”0:”! 'RIDAY. FEB. film-BY MAE Bows. “9:19am. Public motion 0! 1m stock and implants. the property a: Geo. $th. lot 91. can. 1, 099. near Quinn's ohm. 8d. at 9;: g'dook pad mm“ Hogs. Hogs sold from $8.50 to $8.70 fed ud Watered. and 88.15 to 88.85 1.0.1). can. The general run of prices for ewes was 86 to $5.50. and rams sold at $4 to 34.60. Lambs sold from 88 to 88.50. and some common at 37.80. __ . Sheep and Lambs. Light yearling ewes sold as high as 38. There were 8 yearlings. 120 lbs. each. Eggsht by Swift Co. at the above quo- on. Mllkers and Sprlngen. Nearly all of the commission salesmen reported milkers and springer: as being lower in price, especially the late spring- ers. Prices Were quoted at $40 to 860 for the bulk, and as high as $70 to 875 tor one or two choice quality cows. Calves. The market for veal calves was strong at 25¢ per cwt. higher. Rough heavy calves sold at $4.50 to :5; medium to good calves. $7 to $9. and choice at 89.50 to 810. The latter price was paid for 4 calves. 147 lbs. each. sold by C. Zea;- man and Sons. Children Cry FOR rmcm's OASTORIA Stockers and Feeders. One load of stockers and light feeders was bought by Charles Maybee and R. Wilson on order, Weighing ?00 to 850 lbs.. at $5 to $5.40; but they were good quality and color. Butchers. Choice butchers‘ cattle sold from $6.40 to $6.75: loads of good. $5.85 to $6.25: me- dium. $5.30 to $5.70: common. 35 to $5.25; inferior hght steers and heifers. 84.50 to $4.80: cows, $3.50 to $5.25: canners. $2.50 to $2.75; heavy bulls, $5 to $5.25. with a. fews reaching $5.50; butchers bulls. $3.75 to 4.75. firm ,,_. -v v... saw.“ I VOBLI-IU. 410V lbs.. at $7.20. Dunn Levack sold 11 cattle, 1420 1133.. at $7.10. 'md 22 cattle. 1340 lbs., at $7.10. The ncxt highest price was for a. load of 22 cattle, also exporters. weighing 1290 lbs. each, at $6.80. and sold by the latter :: .__ TORONTO. Jan. ‘28.~Receipt-s of live stock at the Unirm Stock Yards were 96 cars. 1814 cattle, 692 hogs, 184 sheep and lambs and 59 calves. Exporters. There were 37 cattle or export weights and quality that Were sold at $7.10 to $7.20. (‘ouxhlin Co. sold 4 cattle. 1430 lkn AA #~ on DULUTH. Jun. 2S.-â€"â€"CInseâ€"â€"VVheatâ€"â€"No. 1 hard. .xé‘,~'_-c: No. 1 northern, 8517630: No. 2 £10.. 83%(‘2 July. 89c asked; May, 75¢ to 87§~§c asked. C0 Lardâ€"I American Ch e950 â€" Hamsâ€"Short Cut. 14 to 16 lbs.. 703. Baconâ€"Cumberland cut. 26 to 39 lbs. 643 6d: shm't ribs. 16 to 24 lbs.. 658: clear bellies. 14 tn 16 lbs. 648 6d: long clear middles. Hum. ‘29 to 34 lbs.. 663 6d: (10., heavy. 35 In (In HR. 665: short clear backs. 16 to :0 lbs. «ins; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. 595 6d. 7 w Cornâ€"Spot aw}: Américan mixed. new. 55 4d: 01d. Gs; futures. weak; Jan., 53 %d; Feb. 45 10%(1 Flour~â€"\Vinter pntf‘nts. 295 6d. HE’DSi“ London (Pacific Coast). £5 Gs LIVERPOOL. Jan. 2S.â€"â€"Closing.â€"â€"Wheat â€"Sput quiet; No. 1 Manitoba. Ts 9d: No. 2 Manitoba. 7S 6114]: No. 3 Manitnba. 7s 4d; futures, easy: March, 75 5d; May. 73 2%d: July. 75 2!§d _. CATTLE MARKETS Lardâ€"Compound tierces. 375 lbs. 814 50; wood pails 201bs.. net, 315: pure tierces 31'5lbs.. :.:.’;5 wood pails 201bs.. net. $9.75. v-â€" . uvl‘ vv u; IVA-u av. Porkâ€"Hardy L mada shun mess. but. 36 to 45 pieces.$ 529: short cut back. bbla. 45 to 55 owces $28. Eggsâ€"Fresh. 300 to 35¢: selected. 26c to 28¢; No. 1 stock. 22c to 240; No. 2 stock. 18c to 20c. Potatoesâ€"4’” bag. car lots. 65c to 75¢. Dressed hogSoâ€"Abatfofr killed. $12.50 to $3555 cggntry, $11.50 to $12.25. Turponrim spirits. 333. twinâ€"Common. 155 3d. Petrolwm. refined. 9%6. Linseed (M, 2:73. Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed. 55c to 56¢: mzvlting. 760 to 80c. ~ Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 56¢ to 57¢. r‘lourâ€"Mruxxtoba spring wheat patents. firsts. 35.40; seconds. 34.90; strong bakv ers. $4.70; winter patents. choice. $5.36: strzught rollers, “.95 to 35: do.. bags. $2.30 to $2 35. Rolled oatsâ€"Barrels. $4.50: bags, 90 lbs.. 32.12%. Minteedâ€"Bran. $20: shorts. $22: mid. dUngs. $27; mouillie, $30 to $35. “Hayâ€"No. 2. per ton car lots, $13.60 to 4. 0. (Hausaâ€"Finest westerns. 13c; finest cash-ms. ”“20 to 12%c. Butterâ€"Chbicest ic'xv'éz'imery. 29c to 2913c; segonds. 24c to 241/2c. flared, ti: Tallowâ€" Turponr tosinâ€"k’ MONTREAL. Jan. 28.â€"There was an increased demand from foreign buyers i for Manitoba. spring wheat at unchang- ‘ ed prices and some business was worked for February-March shipment. but the prices bid for May-June were out of line. The enquiry for oats was talr with bids from Manchester of 193 for No. 2 Cana- dian western. and sales were made to Liverpool at 195 mad for May-June ship- ment. A steady business continues to be done in Manitoba barley for export ac- count. The local demand tor coarse grains ls very slow. Local trade in flour fair, but export dull. Millfeed dull wlth‘ prices tending lower. Butter is easxer with a (air trade passing. Cheese firmer, with some sales for export account. Eggs steady. Provisions in fair demand. Cornâ€"American No. 2 yellow. 63c. Oarsâ€"Canadian western. No. 2. 41150 to 42¢; No. 3. 40$éc to 410; extra. No. 1. feed. 41c to “fie: No. 2 local white. 38c: No. 3’ local white. 37c; No. 4 local white. OQA 36¢. Butter. separator. dairy” o :8 Butter. creamcry. 11:. rolls 0 88 Butter. creamer-y. 5011111.. 0 lo Butter. store lots ........ O 84 £833. naming! ......d.... 83"! :33, co 3 craze. 03.. Cheese. new. lb 0 1‘ Honey. extracted. lb 0 12% Honeycomb; dozen 2 75 MONTREAL MARKET. Butter. Butter. Butter. Butter. DULUTr! G7? MN MARKET. tiliv 12;; 3,“. av July CHICAGO. Jun. 28.â€"-Whut 1nd out: were steady today. whu. com and provlllom doounod. Tad. wu general! dull. V The verbool marl"! cloud d to *4 lower on when. sad ”d to M wor on corn. Pam when! cloned “a to 1c lower Antwarp unchnnnd. Berlin *0 Iowa-and Budapest 560 Iowa. UNlON STOCK YARDS. ***************Â¥** mm moms ******#*********** bats fifafih‘f .'.Z'.'.‘. Buckwheat bushel Wheat, new. bushel ....80 96 to 80 9‘! Wheat, goose. bushel .. 0 94 .... Earley._ bushel .......... 0 68 0 ’M Wheat- TORONTO DAIRY MARKET. LIVERPOOL MARKET. TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. bu'ifié'f’ . I I I 88 88% 35 36 Jim), finest white. western, in tierces. City, 318 Gd. 88 88 35% dairy” 038 080 1b. muses: on solid... 080 ....~ ........ 084 .... . ..... .. o 2? 030 a. (103.. 024 825 01! 16 lb 012% .... n 2 75 8 00 not... o... 80 ' 885' 8 5i 35 38 88 88 633; n0 .0 fir. Barbie Managua. who has spent several months in Regina. In holidaying at m puma! home. We mt to name. am In. hangs Wherry, o! In» llama. in in a. serious oondltlon. huh; Indor- mumsuoalwmhrof ma.hwrfihm.- Ibunow m. and Mrs. J. A. Human ma Hum- Edward Hemp are annoying a. month‘s «cation with Mend- in Toronto. Mn and Mrs. James Kerr. and Hr. um Mrs. Frank Rom/o! Essex County, wen gnu-named for a. few days madly at the home of m. and my. John Km. The evening'session opened at 7.15 by song service, conducted by Rev. Mr. Morton, Little Britain; devo- tiOnal exercises, Re". Mr. Limbert, OakWOOd; report of nominating cam- mittee ; music, Cresswel) choir; ad- ‘dress, Rev. W. R. Archer. B.A., I Woodville ,- congPegational singing ; music, Little Britain choir (Chris- tian) ; address, "The Primary Teacht ers’ T0015,” Miss Bertha. Laine, To- ronto; music, Onkwood choir; ofier- 1113; music, Penis! choir; introduction of officers elect; music. Valenti; quar- tette; closing exercises by President elect. ' no.5 The Visiting strangers then all ad- journed to the town hall, where a. bounteous _repast was served, the ladies on the reception committee reâ€" ceiving and, welcoming them. The hall ivas beautifully fostooned for the occasion, o‘er one hundred and fifty delegates and visitors taking tea. lllanilla, Jan'. ZSâ€"The Sunday Us School convention, mm in the Meth~ odist Church, Manilla, on Jan. 22, was very largely attended. the church lbeing packed to the duors u: how ,afternoon and evening sessions. The iprOgraxn for the afternoon session began at 2 o'clock by devotional ex- erci>es by Rev. W. II. Defoe, Ma- ,nilla; President‘s address; address 'of welcome by Mr. T. H. Sonley, Ma- inilla; reply to address of welcomv, lby Mr. Wm. Suggitt, Valentin; re. (port of S. School visitors; address 1 I “How far should evangelical u. ork be gcarried On in the Sunday School,” :by ReV. J. 0. Watts, Oakwood; music by Manilla choir; reports of Sunday Schools by delegates; teaching demâ€" onstration‘ primary lesson, subject, Cain and Abel, teacher, Miss Flor-t ence Edwards, Manilla; appointing- of nominating committee and treas- urer's report; ofiering; roundstable conference, conducted by; Miss B. Lane, Toronto; closing exercises by Rev. J. 0. Watts. Oakwood. . 80 88 * Sunday School Convention at Maniila Women’s Institute Rest Rooms Second Floor Ladies Canadian Muskrat Coats. g‘ooo’ qualzty, 8p Zendzd n orkmanship "$42 Clearing“ at SElendid Quality on All Lines of Our Exceptional Reductions THE WATOHMAN-WARDER LINDSAY. ONTARIO. VICTORIA COUNTY ORANGE LODGE. Tim annual mean; 0! Victoria county Orange lodgo will be hold n For cmtlwuoa on Mu, the «1. day 0! February. W will open a 10 o‘ctock mm. sum in the lodg- mm. Adar block. when III. «and county Nuna- will be con- ducted and 0M W A good “waddle. from We“ 0! countri- W. '3. Imps 09. lung; J’ah'ldly. m in pay you to buy now for the coming seasons as prices "will not be lower at any time. â€"â€"study their qualityâ€"mote their style and the lowness of priceswin fact it of What we say we suggest that you come personally and inspect our offeriqgs so in your own interests you cannot do bette; than Buy Now. Just as a ipgoof This sale is an emphatic money saver and our selection is large and well varied .._... -_â€".... . #7777 very quality, finish and style at a price that means a big saving in actual you put into furs gives you real value, but consider that now you can get that 11'] L.-\'l‘E THOR. KENNEDY. ‘ [at Lindsay. . SS! On Thursday last, Jan. 23rd, 0C" Mia-s Hello Ramsay span the week ." Li‘icurred at his home in Dunsiord thoiend with her mother in Urilliu. l; "‘ifdcath of Mr. Thomas Kennedy, in Messrs. Frek and Walter (lilson 3. ‘3‘: the 82nd year of his age. Mr. Ken-ere sin-mm); a few din» wixh L‘am- .5: 5. ; nedy, who had lived a retired life in eron friends. 1; ?°‘ this village for a number of years,l Mr. and Mrs. Ram. Ainswnrth spent H S was one of the oldest and mast re-lthe week end at lh-uwrton, beingr g ‘0 spected residents of the community. called there throngh tho illness of}, i “ ed the pursuit of farming, and knew: Mr. and Mrs. Rich Osborne and :’ well what the hardships of a pioneer-lMiss Llletta attondul the play at. h' l int: life meant in the days of early Woodville on Friday last. g'Settlement. He was a. successful Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Murray. of Oak- “ business man in the face of every wood, visited at Mr. Domild Mur- e privation and hinderance, and se- ray's recently. I cured for himself and family all that Mrs. John A. Brown spent 10-day 'v' should be essential to their material With Bem’crton lriends, H tc to us 18 y Previous to‘his retirement he follow- Mrs. Ainsworth’s mother. I I l comfort and happiness. Mr. Ken- Owing to the quarterly communion nedy ‘was of a. quiet and retiring dis- sex-Vice held at Manilln on Sunday position, newer caring for any of the morning. next our Sunday school will cares or emoluments of public life or be held at 3 o'clock, and there will _ oflice, beyond those belonging to a be no other service held here. loyal\and interested citizen. He was I. 5 I r 9 of Ulster Irish extraction, his {ore- n ’ fathers coming from the County of OBITUABY 1h Gavan to this country nearly a. cen- -â€" 1 tury ago. A decided Conservative in MICHAEL THORNDIKE. to: POIitics, and a. Methodist in reli- A native or the on Country pass- be gion. The tuners.) serVioeS. which ed .wuy yesterday Mternoan. int the 131q were very largely attended, were 600- peraon of Michael Thorndike, who has mu ducted by the Rev. Thomas BPOWn» resided for a number of yours with “0 to! Lindsay. and the Rev. Matthew l his'dnUghte: at 68 Russellâ€"st. The 1““ ‘E- Wilson. M.A., 0‘ POMYPWL 8 deceased gentleman. wno won in his the former minister of the family, on 86th year. had been ill but a, couple E Saturday. the 95th Mr. Wilson of weeks. suflering from a, severe .t- M? delivered a. discourse in the church. wk on. sfll’PG- which dgmoped in- a choosing as his t9“ Matt. 95 i 93- to pneumonia. ‘3'?" Letter which interment took piece 1!! Th. late Hr. Thorndih wu g ganâ€" V" the Dunaford metery- A widow mun hwy nomad due-nod and family of three cons “‘1 “'0 by All who know him. 80 MD to- daughters. to whim tho mum: llded in Lindsey {or come 91 years. GR Md cemm'mflr tendon W ”'0‘ moving to the county town tram “thy. our?!” to mourn "I. 30“ 0' W Tomlin), when he {01- ll a loving end revered husband at! tom the mention at u prom-Iv. Pic ‘.Mu ' Gnu-n.- a “gun!“ n... ma..-‘ ._ ..__. our lines. Never is quality sacrificed for the sake _gf_ price and every? dollar to the quality and splendid wOrkmanship that is found in the make up_ of all are now gresenting. First of all we want to call your attention garticularly Positively no better buying oggortunity will be offerediyou than the one J. SUTCLIF F E SGNS Mr. and Mrs. C. Mcfnnis arrived home from Porcupine last week, where ho» has been conducting a-lum- her business. Mr. Andy Dixou purchased last week from Mr. Allan McLean the hornse now occupied by Mr. J. A. McLean; .mclph. who became the proud mo- ther of a baby boy on Friday last. Mrs. H. Glendcnning is visiting her sperdy recovery. daughter,' Mrs. ,W. H. Boatty. of Ladies’ Ma'rmot M1078 in large Em- pire style trimmed with #100 heads $5 reg‘ $6 75 at OBITI" ART. Mmmmda'tuu noun an aw. may m:- «m- an and Mom: It. In... M. than In. law-rd Ghana (my) The late Mr. Thorndikn was 5 gen- tleman Mly respectadtand damned by all who knew him. He bu fl- Iided in Linduy for some 91 guru. moving to the county town tram ‘Hnrtpou Township. whore he to!- lowd the occupation o: n promulw tumu- ; Mon-w he raided In Whitby Tomhlp. in Hutton he no a. know ot new“. whit. upouuahom.doutdd 0m "any The following-u It“ to MIC-HA EL THORNDIKE. A native of the Old Country pass- ed away yesterday afternoml, 1m the person of Michael Thorndike, who has resided for a number of years with his doughte: at 63 Russell-st. The deceased gentleman, wno we. in his 88th year. had been ill but a, couple‘ of weeks, annex-fag from a, severe,“- tsck of In grippe. which developed in- to pneumonia. Owing to the quarterly communion sex-Vice held at Manilla on Sunday morning‘next. our Sunday school will be held at. 3 o'clock, and there will be no other service held here. {studios at (‘ann-‘ngton high sdmol. ' A large number from hure aih-ndcd ithc both sessions of th- szday 'School comwmhn at Mnnillu on Wed- Incsday lust and report an excellcm itime. Our choir. who sang: in thi- Jeveninrz. acquitted themselves in their usual able style. 2 Miss Lillie McKague spunt Friday at Iindsay. Miss Belle Ramsay spent the week end with her mother in Orillia. ' Messrs. Frek and Walter Gilsonl iare spending a few days with Cam-i eron friends. I Ladies J11 a r m 0 t Stoles. large size. trimmed wit/z heads 32;: 2‘2”. #3 6.95 LINDSAY inord Smith and Hil‘ : WW' A: \vav huvu rosumvd thvi. " ti. my agent for uu. district. VII-Ito or 0d! at my nttway who! and no pulp. who um. m. A. I. FAWN. Gnu ml: m mum. at. 1 law the | low WNlow nix-er. 13.0. Iota. wnlow Riva, u» (131‘. 1‘. our will be one at an (smog he “no: Malta and Prince Rum-c. ‘nuy . M low: M 0. amp. deed". GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC TOWN- SITE Ilmr. Alba“. is a Grand Trunk Puma dividend point and is ex- pfldlll “PM”. I In» low for uh u. .100. ad corner lots up to “00; ole-mus «uh. butcher m monthly mu. He Is the successor of a good man, Mr. Duncan Tolmie. and if he makes . showing in the county council equgl to his predecessor his success will be “BUM. a resident of the place and followed the occupation of an agriculturist. Four years ago Mr. Tompkins onâ€" tered the municipal arena and has been successful in pleasing the poo- plo ever since. “we times the municipality elected him by acclama- tion, and at each of his contests a handsome majority greeted him at the‘cloae of the poll. nary election was ’born in 1862. Since childhood he The subject. of this sketch, Mr. Henry Tompkins, who was elected to fill the position of reeve in the township of Fenelon at the last Jan- Mo nary election was born in the year HENRY 'I‘OMPKINS. Reeve of Fenelon Township .M 129.96.? Gre 1/ Wolf sets amt imiiafiun Grey Woif Sta/e uv’f/z, la, rg‘e m u/f- $6 Very special at You. MRWMW. Mall Inn during the past W“ a! M on Wednesday luv, to and“ 0 ohm am with "haven in NW “I JUD- th‘w. Oh. ’3 \ m I“ mum: in Town On Friday. Jan. 18, th«- mm' of St. Peter’s church gave an H." supper in Lomb'a school housn, a which a choice program or r " recitation and readings ass-ism: the Fehelon F5115 orchnmra. u 1‘ r n on. A Inge crowd mum”; . everyone mt away wvll n.» mm the supper and entertainmm mu mm Wdhr whammy In“ M “(or spending I. Mr dayu \ W“ In; mum at Woodvme. We as glad to sum? that Mr: “ or”. Who has m nu lhfi cit L I of Mu. haw qulu recowmi. Bl‘RY’S GREEN. Bury‘s Green, Jan. 28.--In >1 the' extreme January thaws (‘ the roads are at prusmzi shape. ”I W. "‘0, CM "h‘i‘dl‘rfl, N m In” luv. been mum: ’ A gentleman highly n» throughout the township of l‘ was elected reeve of the samv a recent municipal elections in if son of Mr. W. J. (hirpuw, m“ 'toria Road. loom: (hirpm been a resident of Victoria Rm 8. number of years and hold 111 sition of pros dent of the V27 Road Fall Fair Association in verul years. His business a should Serve him well in the cc council. cash. will file/1.9 Fur Li Coats wif/z Mar/v ‘ sian Lamb u. ml ( (Lilian ()ffm' ml/ (11 :30 I). c- distal”; J. (.‘HIHI‘X‘J Roc\'“c of nun-y 'Joun THURSDAY. JANt Feb. 12, Lindsay Winter arnivai Many C0 Ki: excolh-m seated :1 the man ladies : Of a ”I 8889, w} ter-r's Cilliw Straii Mosgr little Whitt- ed stunning as Mr. Charlve: M: ress, wearing afternoon druss black straw \\'i ed much curiOs guests: Miss as a little piri tume was exc-n “(shell was In pink with cqm represen'od a Kiss Flora Mm sailor girl, ant masqu: ciat WM ; rmnn that about M. W from 8.th w tho di! tinctn x costm 3mm; Comm: Guided to m MOM on m '1‘. Cunard! new no“ law «wui dial bear in strikin muck lit-Id nu: secrm “‘Cn “0 amp. I In” a m M Jma 'm‘§§ Hr. “m ‘.\ 58 busheis at 15 acres ( mun. JANl' u The du! r81 Kirk par! it SINGLE 1860 H0 \1

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