†‘ ‘ ‘mâ€˜ï¬ â€˜-“ “““‘ ss s‘sâ€â€œsws“~ Wsmsâ€mss~â€Â«â€œs‘s WW. '9hv \Vurder wishes to emphatically contradict a rumor which has been circulated in the \icinity of Cam- hray. In the efl'i-Ct that this )‘031' tho proprietor intended raising the sub- scriptinn to $1.50 per Mar. .-\1- though \n- might perhaps be justiï¬ed in doing 50, am 1110 “htchmanâ€"V‘Var- dor is i)m‘ ul‘ 11w \1'3')’ best weekly newspugx‘rs in the l’rnVincv. )et it is far from the intsntion of thi‘ proprie- tor m tack-0n an extra ï¬fty cents Price of Watchman- Warder Remains the Same .\ curporal 'ol' the 2lst Battalion for overseas service at. Kingston. “ho racontly deserted, was placed under al‘l't‘st at. Cobourg. He was brought back, and on being Courtâ€" martiallod and brought before Col. '1‘. I». It Hamming, ofï¬cer command- ing the third division, his case was disixmmi of. He was reduced to the ranks and giVen 28 days in jail, and -‘.\'l‘l'1 HI" .\ DESERTER SISTER: READ MY FREE OFFER. Mariposa Couple Fort- Four Years Married 'or your mother. I want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home at trifling cost. and Without aid from anyone. Men cannotunderstand women‘s suffering“ : what we we en know from exper- ience, We know better an any doctor ; and thousands have proved there is hope even for the hopelcss in my method of home treatment. \If you suffer from pain in the head. back. or bowels. feeling oi weight and dragging down sensations. falling or displacement oi interml orgnns. bladder irritation with frequent urination. obstinate constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly or Irregularly. bloating or unnatural enlargements. catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia. extreme nervousness. depressed spirits. melancholy. desire to cry. fear oi something evil about to happen. creeping leellng up the spine. palpitation. hot flashes. weariness. sallow complexion. with dark circles under the eyes. pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth living. I invite you to send to-day for my complete ten days’ treatment entirely free and gostpdd. to prove to yourselt that these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at your own ome. without the expense of hospital treatment, or the (Ian ers of an operation. Women everywhere are escaping the surgeon‘s _l;nife by knowing a? my simple method of home treatment. and when you are cured, my sxster. I shall only ask you topass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for all.â€"yonngor old. To Mothers ofDaughlers, 1 wall caplagn a Simple home treatment which 5 edxly and eï¬ectually cures green-Sickness (chlorosis), irregularities. headaphes. and lassgtu e in youn women, and restores them to plumpness and health. Tell me 1f you are worried about your ughter. Remember It costs w to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial. and if Wish“; continue. it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work. Is hadth worth askinglor? jl‘llen accept my generous oï¬'er, wens tot-the Immutsuited toyonr needs, and I mu send xt m plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you can cut or: thisofl’er, mark the places that tell yourOfeclings. and return to me. Write and ask for the It. Wto-dqï¬syoumaynotseethzsoï¬'eragsm. Address: 0 .4 WMy.a§)-oumynotséemisoï¬c{agnin. Address: 7 '7" 7. 4 “P11 mum»: 263 . . . mack. ommo._mght. PAGE SIX I am a woman. I know a woman‘s trials. I know her need of sympathy and help. If you. my s'ster, are unhappy because of ill- health, and feel unï¬t for household duties, social pleasures. ordai! ' employment, write and tell me Just how you su er, and as]: for; my free ten da '5' trial of a. home treatment suxted to yourn s: with references to Canadian ladxes who gladly tell how they have regained health. strength, and happiness by its use. I want to tell you all about this successful method of home treatment for yourself, my reader, for your daughter: your sister, Ruv. Mr. Neville, of Bethany, ocâ€" cupied the pulpit of the Queen-st. Methodist Church Sunday at both services. His discourses were interâ€" esting us well as instruCtiVe. Re". Mr. McMullen chhanged pulpits with Mr. Neville. They called on many of their Lind- say friends while in town, beiqg hon- pitably entertained and congratulat- ed on their many years of happy wedded life, in which pleasant greet- ings The Warder also wishes to join. at expiration of his term will be discharged from the battalion. PREA CHIC 1) GOOD SERMOXS It is hoped that this annguncement “ill have the effect of securing new subscribers as well as hinting to prosrn: subscribers that. as l)usin:ss mun prompt settlement should be madv for their paper. Now is th: time to subscribe 01‘ renew subscrip- tions for 1915. just when residents of the farming Cmmnunity, as well as people in ur- Lun Communities, feel the pinch of hard times, or war times. “Working for Robbins How’ that?" “He is working for Rébbfna," was the reply. “On what ground?" inquired the student judge, with a. surprised‘look, for this was not on the program. “I object to Mr. Dobson as a. jury- man,†said the opposing lawyer, now a prominent Manitoba jurist. When the college mock trial came on’ Robbins was one of the parties to the suit, and Dobson was proposed as a juryman. A student named Robbins, when a sophomore in a New Brunswick col- lege, had paid considerable attention to Miss Hay, a fair co-ed in the same institution, but towards the close of the second term he was displaced by a fellow-student named Dobson. on a side dish, it later played a big part in reducing the high cost of liv- ing in certain quarters here.â€"Walk- erton Herald-Times. The biggest pike that was probably ever taken from a stream in this sec- tion was brought into town recently by Messrs. James Skelton and John Lockhart, who corroborated a. big ï¬sh story by producing the goods, and causing the Doubting Thomases to re- store their faith by sight. The ï¬sh, which measur' 1 31/; feet and weigh- ed 21 pounds, \ as caught in the Mud river, Greenock, by Mr. John Cassidy, of Chepstow, and required' the com- bined efforts of the Chepstow and Walkerton talent to land it. Served With the honorubfe exception of Liebknecht this belated appeal is the ï¬rst indication that the German So- cialists are dissatisï¬ed with the fruits of the Prussian war‘ policy. At the commencement of the European conflict the great Socialist party in the Reichstag were heart and soul with the Warlord, and unanimoufly saw; v uâ€" â€"__ v_-__ The Government has, therefore, de. cided that the time of all home- steaders in these districts spent In employment elsewhere this year shall be counted as it they perform To Help Settlers. The Canada Gazette states that. owing to the widespread failure 0: crops in the Moose Jaw. Swift Cur- rent, Maple Creek. Medicine Hat and Lethbridge land districts, it has be- come necessary for numbers of the settlers to leave their lands for the purpose of securing employment, and the intervention of the Government has also become necessary to provide such settlers with work, and in some instances with immediate relief, in order to prevent hardship to them- selves and their families._ - , 3A ed the residence duties. A committee of the German Hu- manitarian League, prudently dating their communication from Rotter. dam, will issue a New Year's appeal to Socialists in Europe and America denouncing the crimes of the Kaiser and the Prussian military caste and urging the “comrades†to rise and destroy the German war party‘ THE 'WATCHMAN -WARDE1£.' LINDSAY, ONTARIO. Undue Big Fish Story. my: to â€" Saturday Always bears At Last the Socialists v- 51““. ,, . ' A lady ï¬ving {Evâ€"v 5031:57er me ad- .AkDERSOkâ€"IVESON.â€";it the home I ViSCd me to try a box 0f Milbum's Heart ‘9 of the bride's parents on Wednw 1 an: EQu-vetï¬ilisfl: to plan? {131-} did. " l' - D ‘ an m inc-day or on; so. C A s O R ' A day, her 30th' by Rev. E' fort; em strong. and doing my own work ‘3 Hindson. B.'A'., brothwln-law of wi out help." For Infants and Children . .the bride, J mm Anderson, Milburn's Hart and Nerve Pills are 1' In Use For Over30 Years “In 50 cents per box. 3 bonus for 31.25: at A1 1 B.A., 0‘ Lindsty. .to m A. m m up dalm' «- maflui W 1 “gem Iveson,thlrdd-.Ughtaotlr.ud mmamotgieebymr.mxbmn Signature of . M ,m. Frank-1750mm, on. .00» Limited. “onâ€. Ont- “avâ€"MM Swtet Oil. “Gertie." said a mother to her ï¬ve- year-old daughter. “here’s a dime. Run down to the drug store and get me a bottle or sweet on " . Gertie started (own the street, but soon came running back to ask. “About how sweet do you want it. mammarâ€" Ohleazo News. Mouth of - Whale. The whale rarely, if ever. swallows anything larger than a herring. Al- though the head is of enormous size. from one-quarter to one-third the length of the body. and the month ï¬fteen to twenty feet long and six to eight feet wide, the opening or the gnllet in not larger than a man s ï¬st. â€Brown, do you know the lady across the street?" asked’ Smith. “Let me see,†replied Brown, “she certainly looks familiar. That’s my \i'ife's dress, my danghter’s bat, my mother-in-law's parasol. Why yes! That’s our cook." “The Mediterranean and the Bed lot are connected by the Sewage canal.â€â€" London Globe. voted all necessary supplies. Now, after ï¬ve months of war, and with the tide turning against the Father- |1and, they propose to desert the ship ;and even lend a. hand in her wreck- ;ing. We would say to them that it is too late. Not, of course, too Ilate to stem the havoc their supine- Eness has encouraged, but too late to earn the respecbof honest men. You cannot have your Cake and eat it. You cannot take a, chance of pulling 06 a, successful piratical cruise and then hope to escape punishment by striking the Jolly Roger when you see that success is impossible. The German Socialists are just the mon- ths after the fair.â€"Beck's Weekly. “In the London parks the iaw of gravity is twelve miles an hour.†“Gastronomy is the study or the stars and heavenly lights.†“Quinine is the bark or a tree: canine is the bark of a dog." IDENTIFYING HER. 7:215“ the First claimed the throne of England through his grandmother because he had no rather." “Monarchy is the state in which 3 man has but one wife." “Joan of Arc was the wife 0! Noah." “Julius Caesar had a cadavenous up- petite, end before he died he ate two English Schoolboy “Howlers." The following answers were given In on examination in an English school: has no idea. of what constitutes t census. He has to be made to under- stand the questions put to the neat! ‘ of the iglo. There are English and _ French words which have no equfvn- llent 1n the language or the Eskimo. Thus, for example, the words “years," “months," "days," â€hours" are dencminations of time absolute- ly ignored by the natives. These are so many mysteries to them. The visit to the domicile, or the‘ iglo, M. Vanasse writes is not what‘l one may think. The iglo is of circu- liar form, eight feet i‘ diameter and las much in height. It is made of blocks of snow. the door is at the hot- i tom, on a. level with the ground, it is ,about one foot and a half wide b} ,two feet high. It is not every onel that can pass through it easily. get in one must at ï¬rst get on his knees. then lie flat on his stomach and slide in, snake-like for a dis- tance of about ten or twelve feet in the door. One never gets in and comes out of it spotless, for this ves- I tihule is not kept in an exaggerated state of cleanliness. Once in the iglo you are asked to sit on a block of snow, which is covered with a deer- skin. In less than ï¬ve minutes you are covered with the white hairs of this far. But after a few visits to the domicile one does not notice these small details. The interpreter alongside or you. Naturally this Ibrave man, the sage of the village, “What is your age?" was invar- iably answered by “none savi mi." Then, M. Vanasse writes, he had to enter a conversation, carried on much more by gestures than by the voice, with the interpreter, in order to make him understand the ques- tion. This done, the interpreter and the hunter, or the wife of the latter in' his absence, made endlesscalcu- lations. It was a review or all the important events in the country from as far back as the hunter could re- member, and the farthest away event was used as a basis to determine as near as possible the date of his birth. “Generally speaking, the Eskimo does not attain a very advanced age. . Some have been met, however, aged ' 60 to 65 years. The "average length of life of this people is from 35 to 40 years. There is no settled age for domestic pairing. There are couples of nine and twelve years: then chil- i dren live together in the iglo as man and wife. The chief provides regu- larly for the wants of his companion. After a few months, and even a few years of this appr:nticeship in mar- ried life, if any friction occurs under the iglo between the two apprentices, the couple separate without noise, and for the two life has to begin over again. A Christian can hardly honor with the name of “marriage"; the unions formed under the iglo of the Eskimo. These unions are, for the most part, simply promiscuous pairings. But it must be said, to the honor of the Eskimos of Baflln Is- land. that this sad state of affairs tends more and more to disappear among these tribes. The zealous work of the Anglican unions among this people during thirty years has large- ‘ly contributed to diminish. or even extirpate entirely this pagan vice, de- stroyer of the family and domestic happiness." I M. VANABBE HAS FUND OF IN- FORMATION ABOI'T ESKIMOS. BACK FROM FAR NORTH of Capt. Bernie-r33 53.33: ' the way tile}; @6125“? 6% “3†doctonng thinking I could not get berm: A laflv “ï¬anâ€" A t._ 1--.. 1gb" Milbug-n’s Hart and Nerve Pills are membperbox. 3bom for 81.25: at all drunk: or dealers. or mailed direct onmgï¬qtqurioeby'rhe'nmmum I hurt and nerves, with three different doctors, but they did not seem to know‘ what was the matmr with me. My news got so bad at last that I could not hold tar-paper in 13y _han_z_is to read. AL- __,, 4‘ Mrs. Wm. Weaver, Shallow Lake, Ont, writes: “I doctored {or a year, for my Lnâ€"y -_J _A____ ,7 #1 as the hart works in sympadiy with the Whenthenm‘becomeshaky the wholesystemsecxnstobecomeunstrung andagmaalfeeï¬ngofcouapseoocurs, Don't look to w Ahead an: you ’ CASE ADJOI‘RNED; '1‘â€? W“ mam m. The case of Chas. H. Moore, . railway man of Lindsay, against A. ‘Did they really wunt I home?“ I'J' McLean: real estate dealer 9' “Did they? â€they '0“ the" “‘9' lManifla, Ont., was aired before VJ! mobile to get cumâ€"Baltimore Amen- Ace Magistrate Ja ]_ on Tuesday anâ€, “-5 110011, but adjourned for three wmks. It is a case having to do with the IPIIIPA IMP-- --- sale of lands in western Canada. m His career has been exceptional from the ï¬rst. When war was declar- ed in 1870 he had scarcely ï¬nished one year at the Polytechnlque (which corresponds to our Kingston Royal Military Academy). At 18, therefore, he was given his commission, and as an artillery subaltern took part in the defence of Paris during the siege. He attracted attention; he was em- ployed in the reconstructing of the Paris fortiï¬cations which followed immediately upon the war. The torts at Enshien were of his designing, and one day Isrshsl MacMshon. otter lnspectinx his work. put a hand upon his shoulder and said. “I congratu- late you, Captain Joare." Captain at 22! So well had he done that he was ‘ent to Pontarlier to assist with lefenees. “This is all very well." he taid, "but I don't want to make for- :flcations all my life. I want to r'mrnand troops.†Come Into the III-den. Hand. And wear your aklrt with Illtl. The birds don't mind the sanctum now. But you will (iv. them nu. Arustâ€"The Idea of that fellow 0'01~ In: the 85 for that landscape! Why. the onus alone cost me 64. Model-Ah. but that was below you covered lt with paintâ€"Chm!“ Ix- III-d: Would Tremble 80 8h Could It! Hold Paw to Read. Staff before, suddenly became aware that its armies were being re-organlz- ed by an exceptional man. That is Gen. Joflre at home. In the ï¬eld as in his once at the Ministry of War he is another man, a mm “as hard as nails." He gives order. and expects them to be carried out exactly: it they are not there is tron- ble. He may sympathize with the incompetent. but he cannot overlook failure. After the manoeuvres of last year he dismissed ï¬ve generals. France, which had known little 0! this masterful Chief of the Genera You should look toward. that a tug But you would be unmet. Don'tlooklotuthecdthatyou HERVES WERE BAD He is a stout man, heavily built. who, in times of peace, lives the or- dinary life of a professional Parisian with his wife and daughters. Gen. Joflre is a restful man. His wide brow, under close-cropped white hair, is tranquil. His blue eyes are calm and clear. Beneath a heavy white moustache his lips are ï¬rm; they show his teeth a little when he talks. He does not talk much. He has a vast capacity for silence. “AS HARD AS NAILS." 1" France had had a Gen. Jotl're in 1870 the Germans would not have won. This is the unanimous opinion of those who know the masterful personality of Gen. Jot- tre, the Commander-in-Chiet ot the French army. He is, like our own Lord Kitchener, an organizer of vie- tory. He does not believe in flashes of genius. He knows that long and careful preparation is necessary.’ He has been at the head or the French army for three years. Never for a single waking hour in those three years has he forgotten the purpose for which he was appointedâ€"to pre- pare for the struggle in which France is engaged to-day. Joffre ‘ls Strictcst of Disciplinarians, But Is Very Popular ____.______.____.___ 00.7.0000000000000 GENERAL JOFFRE. Dam-god Goods. Bank building. Dated at Lindsay thi' Junta-y, AD. 1915. Notice is hereby given that ‘he partnership heretofore subsisting 1"“ tween Messrs. Stewact d: (“bu-or- of . the Town of Lindsay. in “’0 County of Victoria, as Iiax’ristd‘: Solicitors. etc.. has this day be“ ‘dissolved. Mr. Stewart will car tinue practice in the same ofï¬ce I" mises in the Standard Bank bum“ and Er. O'Connor has opened ‘0," once on William-st, in the Domi‘“ When a mu: looks you straight in the eye and says he (ices not lush-v» you, it is time {or you to vhnmro the subject. Out of your abundance do not ne- glect to send a little to some m-edp tamilv. day with their parents, Mr. and, In Noioe, of town. 0F DISSOLUTION 0F PARTSâ€? SHIP. Mrs. M. Craig, Mr. John Noioe and Miss Ida Noice returned to the city on Saturday, alter a pleasant hou- Miss Richardson, of Trenton, ur' rived Saturday evening to “h charge of the junior department of the Village school. Mrs. H. Gartshore, of Hall’a Lake. is visiting friends in town. MINDEN. Minden. Jan. 4.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Dol- bcrt Brown arrived home Suturing. after spending a pleasant menu“ with friends in Toronto. Do not mocha Itchln ' tag. or - in: line‘s. I cut cu ~ ‘ m 11:10:: u Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you a once n_nd_ as ccrgugnly curejqn. 90:5; 0 qugAujl We am sorry~to beam of the llama- of Miss Maggie J. Macmillan at be home of her uncle, Mr. Duncan Io- Nabb, Woodvillc. We wish Him Macmillan a speedy recovery. The Missczj M. Graham and U. Truman are visiting at. ehe home of Mr. and Mrs. (‘olin Macmillan. Miss Edna McAthur is ape-dug the holidays with her parents, in. and Mrs. Neil McArthur. (‘11) We wish to congratulate Ilia Euquhart, our teacher, on the aplen- did success of the corneal ud Christmas tree which was held nu the school on Thursday evening. “0 pupils were well trained and conâ€" lductcd themselves in a very (redn- able manner. One of the main foe- Jturcs of 'tho program was a reputati- tation of war, which was conducted by the pupils and thoroughly (5qu- ed by all present. The violin ac’mtu tion rendered by Mr. Elmer Fruit-r. accompanied by Mr. Will. Fouiott Wore very much appreciated and ro- ccived the applause of all. Huh ('laus did not fail to appear and both old and young were delighted with the many presents he found on the tree for them. The xrogru ended by the school singing a ww- us entitled “ Our Emblem," which was followed by the national anh- A number of young people iv"- hore attended the Chrxsunaa tree and concert in Islay school on “canes-dq- evening. Mr. Elmer Fraser, of Kiokidd. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Dolliott. Mr. Euquhart is visiting u u. homerof his mother and his “'91.". Mr. Will. Macmillan is a! bone for the holidays. Miss Efï¬e Macmillan is ape-ling the holidays with her parents. In: and Mrs. James Macmillan. Mr. Malcolm Logan, who bu be. in the west for some time, round to his home for the winter. PALES'I‘INE Palostinv, Dec. 28,â€"The In... Florence Groaves, Efï¬e Mullah, Arrhina McPhail, Rachel Km.- and Alice (weaves, of the L.C.I..1r. home for the holidays. I Rev. Mr. Robinson's addrm u‘ ilnight was inspiring and very i.- esting, dealing with a phase of its. work in visiting mining and 1m camps, construction work, ate. While in (OWn ReV. Hr. Rom. was a guest of Dr. Clarke. a. resident of Lindsay, having 5“; lSecretary of the local \‘.M.C.A., lid in; well known to a large nm of {undsay citizens. having 15. Aug. ‘ciation work he entered the W- meat of Evangelism of . the M- terian ('hurch in Canada. of at}: department he is now Secretary, “- ins associated with ReV. Dr. Sign», of the Iepartment of Soda) Mn_ The congregation of the CM at. Methodist Church manual “in tively mad with much interest 1-,. a sermon delivered by MW. F. A. M. inson, of Toronto, last night. m revere-d gentleman was at one Um former Y. M. C. A. certs! can no all .orï¬mnmon "mm‘im flzaa‘Lm iNOTICE secretaryii'rï¬ï¬l‘ï¬t p ; J ANUAB! nu Lme ofï¬ce Pr? 51h d“ of ll- WL-e Au. ‘-\».\ â€Vbâ€"Chas PM] “ï¬llersâ€"J ()H‘II!) H. I‘v'â€. and Iowson, I-‘. (1 Trivia; t ‘WOIAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. u. I! you are troubled with weak. tired will“ headache. backache, bearing 5.9!! MS, bladder weakness, cons- w. cannibal conditions, pain in the legnhfly or irregularly, bloating 0' ~alumna-0.1 enurgements, oense ct mamkplsmentoï¬ntergsl organs, - mm. wire to cry, pitation, 5“ m dark tings under the eyes. '3‘?“ 0‘ m in life. I invite you 1 intend ask for my simple method of § he ï¬lament. with ten days‘ trial . stay ‘3†Indpoctptid, also references “91m MI“ who gladly tell how ‘ h'e teamed health, strength, and - I“â€"~' - ___ _ ‘ â€"-- . 1,, mm at Lindsay this Twin?) «to-C ; aid day of Dt-Ccmm-r, .-\.I. 1914. ‘ I. E. \VI‘JJ‘OON, ‘ Solicitor for Henry Miller and ISnar H. Fee. the Exocutors of tho lam ; Will and Testament of Edward's It you stop to considar,mr have done And to boast what you: worth, dear, Angels may come for you. RIIIVE PEEL, OF BIC-ELEV, \\ COUNCIL HUNOI‘RHI' We “ï¬sh One and All a Happy and Prosperous New Year m â€5‘. mMIing (If (‘H‘ i“ gt Victoria Road . r: If you ask fur 1h" â€Mm“ â€" command And argue with 1"“‘3’1" “My†Willie, my son, ““11" -‘""†““-‘" land. LAMHAI‘IK IDESTRt 13.1512 u “used log £10115“ wt; ‘1 P. Ferris, on m; .".:h (a about three miIz-S south u! H .A I I Was “Isumc-d : y 21w 51:1. . hat. 8 o‘clock. M421} 1, ‘3“ saw tho rob-c: u 31 I... LIQUghL H “11‘ :: ‘.-' Photograph e rs (By Rudyard Kiwi If you stop 10 £an um wagos will [0 All how the} “111 ("10:1 3'0“. Willie, my ron, «lm‘n'l NV“ Sea. For the $03 \\111_n(-\‘.-r ’1‘. Executors shall, “fir-r the 13- d.’ .0 February non. ha at Eda-r12 td “tribute the assets uf 1h» mu: ‘M, Or any part fhf'rt"'l',.:1,nm>n_' t†â€ï¬‚ies entitled {hon-tn, ha‘ua: rm“ only to the! claims of “31%" W shall then have nofic", and H! mil 3‘ be liable for the asSots nr nn'. part thereof distributed to an: pnr m 31 whose claim the-y haVu {10' ha notice at 1110 distrxhutznn 'hvw in 1‘0 old shack xx.» I‘SVGI ball“, and “as 16' by picknickvxm Mm. die there during H10 1. is auppogw! inn" *†burned by 111-- 80.. bays from I.md~. 1†m river 3'08hd‘dfx} m were warming xiv 0" lie place “hir‘h up. 1 iDC- It was among: L50 0“ log honw's and was built .., :. la“ John H-rr-i<, gm. of no I! them thmr TM]: of Emily. in tho ‘ . VM, Farmer, “ho dim: bdore 25th NOchbc-r, ]£'1.1_ or adore the 15!. of l-‘rhrumw to N â€t by post, {wry-uni, ‘ I'm, Barrister, 3139.- lm. their (‘hribi‘imu >; PBISUANT to the 1m mp 01 Ontario, 1914, 1}“ .4- fl'u-d Sheridan, 1:11 may man‘ make a 1( manages fmm his wife dpwn sensations. bladdel t! ,atarrbal condi‘ vegnluly or irreg 0t unnatural enlarger: 'or the Following is the ___,__, “ SALE. -FIVE GUERNSEY W: at: to nineteen months old. I†m the best lot of heifers I fly. ever raised, and would not M â€to it I had not gone out of a “if, busineSS. 3.011? Choix‘o‘ 1- nixtv dollars. 1’. .Y, \nyhm, i may your shad0ws and (on. ( good portraits nevex‘uruw h rs. the Land will do hottm out you. you'll never Earth. dear. BOD. M. OLIVE R lg is the list of (our township. the entirn roeâ€"elected by ncclama Acclamation DUN"! and descrxpmm, to of their claims, and consider . 1 ho work you JANUARY 7th. 1916 T0 CREDITORS he wanted you , Winix‘ sun lot of w irPlr-ss vftvrno ruarv, Kent-st nlm “'2! ()Xl of (hi: grams 496 u D( nearl 0: Pr! m mem uunbl Harm llacl yeah nesa retul xnan and 1 ref or dona calla trod! (Inca after oft had hos YE. dt-(‘F Pre uni favoi ena‘ troul havd pu bl Ma< the V0! Crool year heal aue. prox side lean to d one ’(Jh Rot the Ti