ma. Township ire Insuranw riagc lioem. us forum. ‘, FU I R‘ON, SUN, Barris- .d Notaries. *. Dentist unuda. fi‘PYe‘ uul Fire In" hrloo ; Fedora) of Hammad. Surety (30.. ice over Home ()tlicc. ‘3 pfl‘part‘d to town and Vil~ f‘. lowest ““399 )y nr pf‘vfl‘c rand}: 90 may N, Barristers, xhe Canadian Money to t lowest cur- William-9L, ‘Moo: :udied admin];- the originator York. 9016 ridge work in- irly opposite xdsay. T119. ‘racticed hLuu'a DYâ€. me 484. I0 ry. Etc. Bunk Budding. w-st H1696 and otary Ii'ma carp cox-ding t: at, mode.» \VO 1'8 :‘X' “Mac“ etc. 1n wr‘xDOFF. luck Lind-n! Dentist )nto Univ- (‘olleze of NOR rial at“ Ma. 0‘ mls Lte pric ursdny rI. Fulton. B. ‘. H. Stinso . LA. P‘enelon h‘ilh‘, Wvdw’ Barrister, bo- . Solicitor for ALI. WINS 5 918% 11h; imp! ORCU 117i m. yuan}: Ll at taxation I. Ofï¬ces 1 of William . Barris- ry Public, :k of Honâ€" n terms to 6 Wiiliamâ€" :. H. Hop- Incas. 21nd ';D' T v ine. in all Lindsay Branch. CRI! L! A MOTOR CO. GETS ORDER MM: MNI<H1NG 20,000 SHELLS. tln a.‘ .nn.» a} bout m, vet‘mvvd as am "JOIN-I Shrapnel Shem is. ‘Jn! UmCe, The The Canadian Bank of Commerce extendsio Farmers every facility for the tramsaction of their banking bimness, includirg the discount and collection of sales noises. Blank sales notes 325 are supplied free of charge on application. SIR ED311931) WALKER. C.V. â€1.1.13an M.EX1NDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN A] TEE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (like i’is’m GAFHAL. $15,000,000 fl mama Hum, $13,500,009 THE Y I c T OR IA LOAN SAVINGS co. s.‘ i~z~hvr lla‘tor Company of Oril- m‘mwd am order for ï¬nishing PW“ Shrapnel shells for the Brit- u.» ofï¬ce, The shell forgings M‘s»:- materials will be supplied mvmyuny in the rough. and \.\:'\I ï¬nish them, all but. put- 1:. the o-xpkxsive. Each she“ .0an about 970 D3113. Work will «ytm 0n tho whens‘as soon as the my ariw, which will probably NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Nineteenth Annual Meet- "w; the Shareholders of the Company will be held in the team-i1 Chamber, Lindqay, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY lst, MIR at two o’clock sharp in the afternoon, ‘for receiving the Annual Report and Financial Statement of the affairs of the («mpany for the past year, the election of Directors, and the mmaczion of such other business 39 may be brought before :l;~ meeting. A full attendance of the Shareholders is requested TBANK OF MONTREAL A cord item to be 1 SA‘X'IXUS DEPARTMENT, where interest is allowea at czzrrent rates, and added to principal an June 30% and 1,‘»_-cember 313:, each year. CAPITAL PAID-UP ............ , ................... REST OR SURPLUS... gxmvaD PROFITS ........ . ......... . ...... 1,090;900.00 210111, ASSETS (April, 30, 1914)... 202.950.410.00 11\'1 S 11' PR 1\ CH 11 as established AD.185S. A general Linking business transacted. ornc: HOURS: Bankers i Rm? era In Us: Government. SP.“ lldf‘n H) mm. to 3 p.n. H) a.m. to l pan. Saturdays. gers in Lindsay 101‘ the County of Victaria, and Town E Lmdsay. FARMERS’ BUSINESS YASUARY 218t, 1915. 0! SUCH Uhucz uuu uvu A full attendance of the Sigreholders i‘s' requested .ial invitation is extended so the Company 9 depos- present at the above meeting C. E. WEEKS, Manager ESTABLIS-1817 Canada and Landon, Engine}, for Dominion 15a, 1915 Estafy Eliasevitch, a ‘ Russian tramster on the Welland canal work. was instanfly killed when he attemp- ted to “ï¬ne. live wire out, of the path of his horses. The greatest fault. smug people have be within to. days. and or 50 men unploycd for the. I! this or.†pn satisfactory. repeat ord1 to follow as long as U)! is ï¬nding faint. with others. HOLMES Manager H. 3. BLACK, Manager. Lindsay ad for eeVeral mono yr proves mutually orders are likely as the war lasts. and will keep 40 A CHANGE ï¬'ï¬Fï¬dmï¬Anox. The colledor of bridge tolls in a. Scottish border town was quite a. character in his way. Upon one occasion a large party of American clergyman, 'ho yore visiting Scot,- Iand. came to army the classicBorâ€" dalend. The and of the bridge beam a. notice that. not more than ten people an allowed on it u, once. but the clerics chose to disregard this. and want. on-in a body. The collector saw them from his little sentry box. and rushed out. " Buck 01! tint bridge 2 †he shout- ed, but Jnusad to such tones the clerics pressed on. " Book 31! that. bridge ! " shouted the collector again. " But, my good nan, expostulated rtb. foremost, “ do you know that “â€9 'In members of the Pan-Presbyter- in Congress 1‘ " “ Y. may call yourseh’es Pan- Presbyterian or pot-Pï¬sbyteriau." round the coilector, “ but if ye no gang a! that bridgo 372’]! be a‘ 3:11)- tists in nu: medians." hotd's dire ! Seoï¬ich Grantham: :â€" Bicht. die; but 22 I do. mind ye. 1‘11 pay for the bed. THE 'WATCHMAN-WKRDER. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. THE TIBELESS WORKER. A Now England fan-er last an- Unnn gnve 3 job to a seedy looking indhï¬dual who had appued to hhn. and who had ammntd hhn that he never got tired. When the employer went to the ï¬eld where he had put. the tramp to work he found the latter Iolling on his back unds-r a tree. “ What does this mean 1’ " askedg the employer. " I thought you § were a man who never‘got tired '? " - “ I don’t,†calmly responded . tho~ tramp. “ This doesn’t tin» m0." Public-House Diplomatist (to svcâ€" ond ditto, with whom he has houn discussing the ultimate forms of peace a! Beriin). I shouldn‘t he too 'ard on ’em. (“(1 leaw 'em a bit, of the Rhine {0 Ring abaht ! ‘ What do you keep; der your pillow for ‘Z’ time AN I-IXI’ENSIV‘E ('nS’I‘l‘MI'Z. One of the largest ready-made clothing 11011399 in lnndon received not long ago from the country a let- ter. the substance of which was : " What is the proper dross for groom in the afternoon 2‘ " The clerk who opened the letter a naturally enough mfcrred the inquiw to the livery department. Tho head of that, branch, in turn. dictated a brief mply something like this : When iawyors disagree it' the jury. "‘ Bottle-green coat, fawn-colored : trousers, with lop-boots, silk hm, 9 with cockade. Our prices aw as fol- 2 lows." etc. i “ I always knew it was expensive to get married. but can't you sug- gest. something a little less elabor- ate '2 " Profvssw of Mineralogyâ€"Name largest known diamond. Studentâ€"The ace. A week elapsed and the big store received a plaintive lutle not»: Buttonsâ€"Get up 3 Oh, that's so I can sleep «)x' climbing higher and hi and oats, which are th‘ of most English farmer: excellent prices. while you its superior! send you 3 FR TRIAL As soon as applied. Zam-Buk penetrates ri ht to the very root of the isease and kills the cause thereof. The rich herbal essences then so stimu- late the cells below the surface that new healthy tissue is formed. which. as it grows. forces out the diseased tissue. Zam-llultcnres from the bottom up. This is the reason that sores and skin diseases cured by Zam-Bttk. do not return. lam-Butt is ‘ tirely diner- ent from all at er ointntenta. It does not contain harsh min- erals. or iaonoua coloring matter. or does it contain coarse animal fats. which. in a short time. go rancid. Zam- Buk will keep indefinitely. How Zam-Buk Cures Skin Diseases Many people have heencured by Zam-Buk after having sul- fered years and spent hundreds of dollars trying vsrious reme. dies in vain. If you suffer from any skin disease or injury. benefit by the experiences of others. Try Zam-Buk first. Don't trouble with useless remedies. Zsm-Buk is unequalled for eczema. piles, pimples, cuts. burns. bruises. cold sores, frost bites. ehspped hands, sud sll skin diseases snd injuries._ keep gour watch un‘ Get up up to lad- 13h. the or- FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO HORSE BREEDING. - The progress flat has been attain- ed in the post In Canadian horne- breeding has been. due largely to in- difldual doth. To the few who have done so much {or the advance- ment of the industry over, credit is due. Through the lack. however. of concerted action and to-operntive measures on a. large scale mongst the breeders. the business has not progreced as rapidly as could be desired. The want of proper organization, except, in the more favored dis- tricts. has prevented 'Phe farmers general'ly tron securing and retain- ing the servieeeof good breeding sites. In’ a mejority of sections, breeders wishing to grade up their horses are forced to use whatever stallions may, by chance, stand for sexwiCc in their district. Many of tth; are faulty in vonformntion and lack in quality. while others, though of bitter type, lentil. either through ï¬nsufllcient patronage or bemuse of :failuro {0 leave colts. but: a single :season in each district. The fact ialso that there has been no syste- {matic adherence to the use of one breed suggests another reason for the lack of progress in the breeding of high-clams animals. 11 must Le. reconnect, further, that the ownm- of a Valuable horse. after paying for maintenanm, insurance, L’mten‘st on inxeatment and the ex- [pense entailed in the collection of Ibis fees has frequently little left mom his outlay particulmly in dis- it'ricts where he has to compete with *grade and S’Tub stallions standing Ifo1 saute at a verv low fee. As a 3-1esult.1eally high-class stallions can :be maintained only in districts iwhem the bleeding of horses has {been given 5911011.: and p1og1cssiw intention. In View of Minister of tmtn‘ upon : to place 1111 FIations of a P8" of the mrvicc foe rugs; the courm 1° be our 0 V 5' 'Exxifl. it, is expected. give a permanâ€" ont, stimulus to the hiiing 01‘ theï¬hktr at. the risk 0‘ being ridiculed best. stallions that. may be p1": urod by men , Have the courage to max-huge a ;and. at the same time, prom 2 - the _ x , . Edebt xxhile xou have the money 1n ;deve10pment 01 a coniprc - Eve! 11 111‘ ct movement in the interests of 1 1 _ o H _ important national industrx. ' Have the tour 3 t° do w1thout xxhat 1011 do not. need. however much t Stated bxicflx. the scheme is “S‘x'our eves oox'et t follows : The {11mins of guy distiict. . may i , 9 live the courage to pr0\'1de for wishing to work for the betterment the entertainment of “31111 friends of horse-breeding. by encouraging 1h. \ 5min x'our means not b-eyo at! them 11158 of sound indiViduallv excellcn liaxe‘the couragc; to acknowledgt; ipure-bred Sires may form a ‘3’“.de \uur ignorance rather than to seek 'duh for the purpose Of hiring a cx‘odi t for knowfedgc under false pre- ‘pure- bred stallion for the beneï¬t. onto uses 1 \ ithe memhe'rs‘. Those brocdxrs’ clubs, Ilnxe the courage to speak your ihy organmng nude] and adopting mind when it. is neCessary you should (the constituuon and b\- -iaws and ‘do so. and to hold your tongue when . _ _ ' iconformmg to the unions rules and it is prudent to do so. In View 01' thifo‘ considerations, the: Minister of Agi-flicultuie proposes toi enter upon 11 polity “hich max some to place the horse whiceding industrV, in (anada in a position compaiabloi to that which it has attained in- G-seat Britain and othe1 European. countries it is believed that by; encouraging the Oiganimtion‘ of‘I lireedeis' clubs and by enabling such clubs to procmc the services 01‘ good} breeding stalliOns under favombleg ï¬nancial conditions. the assistancc‘i in this direction can best be PI'OVid-! ed. The encouragement ‘16 commun-l itv bleeding “ill, naturallv. of it-1 5011' be. productive of useful 1csults )I’hc payment to community organizâ€" SAFETY OF NEW EXPLOSlVl-I. Trinitmtoluene. thd oxplnstw‘ thought to have bun usod instead of nny new compound in tho attacks on Belgium‘s forts. is nhtninod by treating toluene. a {manna-uh hyd- rocarbon from cod-tar. with strong nitric and Iulphuric acids. It in notably sale to handle. an oven tho impact. 0! a rifle bullet does not t‘X~ plode it. nnd when set on ï¬ns by but i. burno slowly and quintly. For explosive efloct it must be do- tonntod by mercuric htlminate. In is less powerful than gnncotton when exploded near thb target. but has much greater aflect when acting at some distance. and bursts a. shell in- to larger and more destructive piec- es than picric acid. conforming to the various rules uuu regulations governing this grant. may participate in the federal assist- ance given to such clubs. This con- sists in paying practically 25 per cent. of the service fees on o guar- anteed number of mares. THE EXCEPTION. With a view to encourage tho brooding ‘oi' remounts. tho poriion paid by the NW stock branch to clubs hiring suitable \horoughhrod stallions shall be (0 per vent. on all mares except ihoroughhn‘d mores For the booklet on federal assist- ance nnd all other information mi- dms the Dominion Live Stock (‘om- minionor. Ottawa. Canada. After many years of depression, the British farmer is enjoying prosperity. Everything he raises is quickly sale- able at prices which are gradually climbing higher and higher. Wheat and oats, which are the staple crops III of most English farmers. are fetching n HORSE BREEDING "11de ' , , lInV-‘e the courage to dxechargc a . “3:; debt while sou have the money in 1 7 vour pocket. j ; Haw the courage to do without is as .“hat ‘01: do not maid. ,howeva' much, 77-â€- --..... _..... MW. . At the beginning of a glad new 3-,ear instead of making many reso- lutions try to increase your store of l ; courage. Have the courage to tell a man why yet! will not lend him your money . IIaVc the courage clothes until you < ones. Haw. the courage and prosperity u things. Have the courage to cut. the moat. mmblo scannintnnce you have when convinced he lacks principle. "A friend should hour with a friend's inflrmitics," but not. his Vices. HnVe the courage to show am you respect honesty in wbachr guise it appears. and your contempt for dis- honest. duplicity by whomsoever ex- hibited. Haw: the courage to obey your Maker at. the risk of being ridiculed by men. IInVe the courage to speak your mind when it. is neCessary you should do so. and to hold your tongue when it is prudent to do so. TH E “(we the courage to pay your sub- scription to your home paper. Don't let it run for three or tour wars and than kick because you get ‘ dun. and got "hufly" and urder your mum of! the list. "no the courage to be manly about it. remembering that the cditor hut oxmnm whirh you know nothing about. Denmark hlï¬'inflfll‘d the pommy for violators of mo comrnlmnd In “‘3. BANK 9F @ANADA TORONTO L______ LINDSAAYLHBRANC Exact Copy of Wrappet. urage to wear your old you can pay for new :e to prefer comfort to fashion in all your sub- Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of‘“| Tu. cIlYAu- For Infants and Children. County Constable Elliott. m' Guelph, took n unique method of tracing the 1‘ -ves who killed, drossâ€" Pd and came . away the carcass of u 'heirer which they killed on n. um- man's {arm in Eramosa township on Saturday night. Constable Pinion isecured a bloodhound, owned by Mr. C. I‘carson of the above city‘ whiqh had formerly been used in the south- ‘crn States to trail criminals. Th4- hound trailed the thieves from. th\‘ Holman farm. four mik‘s lr'om lGuolph. to the outskirts of the :53. Where it lost the '1 rail. Tho mom _ha\'c not yet been apprehended. Two thousand and ninety-Mun mountain lions have been kimrd in California since 1907, according to u statement, by the State Fish and Game Commission. 0! this numb-‘1' 118 have been killed in the state for the six months ending June 30. Th- state pays a bounty of $20 for each lion killed. The total cost of km- ing lions has been 841.980. Hum- boldt. is thc_bunncr county for this your, and for every year. In the six months ending with June Mendo- sino. Trinity and Siskiyou are next in order named. Los Angela; coun- ty claimed bounty on 15 lions in seven gumsâ€"Forest and Human. KILLING OFF THE PUMAS. i018 CON'AIV. “I. V In CIY' PAGE TIER!