, : . racism in ileum-[9, ‘ The watchman-Harder. » WEEKLY EDITION ALLAH GILLIBS i, - ' - . â€". . 6 robusuna *‘**“‘***.“**“‘3'“ Below will be found the list at omega. "’5‘. zï¬ï¬â€"F‘f‘d steps mg: subscribers to the Victoria Patriotic “Wt YD: W est 8 00 run ’ ‘ ‘ ’PI-ION 38 my“, already pmuuce¢ aâ€, '3: gran; Fund, as ., remit oi the recent eun- CI'OD. m8?! bins.“ next rumm r's pdgn conducted [grim '3' about today the highest war prices '9'“. l in ,To BUSINESS OFFICE 98 not only (or wheat. but for all other kinds ship '- nm'romAL omen: 97 MACHINE 97. â€"â€" [subscription Rates Our reason for putting on t clear out all surplus Winter . Mulder we are making it BARGAINS. Come in and l of gram. Jnl h t. Ih ï¬rst dellve. :31" ilelafoi g11£3?"':5; fauna ' C011“, ted by Liam» and R. H. leap o ear 3 e ._ m wheat and“ :a‘a ".0“. do.“ Short, team No. 8. Little Britain . m"l;y'.‘€’°‘c"$‘.l at! as, 91:: t?c*:b::: Isaac McKee $10, John Stacey $10, he: ll 0 l n ’ The M w dome land oats age to zc‘fll The finish in pro- ,R- 3- 311°" $5. 5- b- W05. y _81' at P“, visions ranged from 7%0 decline to an Mrs. C. Jenkins 35. R. S. Robertson copy. By meal to points outside oi: advance 0: a ““9, .. ‘5 J J Sloan ‘5 E E Dillman 11-day. ‘2 per year. nmovro mmm uneven. ‘5' it†~ F . - - 7Ԡ"whmww“’°°’ ““9Ҡ" Wheat. tall. bushel....$l :s to 3.... ’ ’8' ' G' â€"1†‘5' Huh“ $1.00 per year in advance; $1.25 if Gm wheat. bunhel.... i 30 .... Rodman $5, Amos Rogers $5, Mrs. â€WWW" â€m“ " ‘° E. Metharell :5, Wm. Mark :5; Annie Special, Sale of lion’s Forâ€"Lined Goals 40on Men's Coon Coats to Clear at biwe‘mza’em emâ€" 22232221332223: '1’ 23 re: Metherell 33‘, Edgar Jones :3. Mrs. * 1'" 1"â€! °' "°°""- 5°° p" 3““ ‘n’ie'fel‘li'li'.::::::::::: :32 ‘3? Henderson *2 Mn N- E- “M 5 0"" t° elm at 5“" 357 Only. $6M." ' About $3 00 . 9 32, Wm. Hootlie $2, Thou. Bullivant “nonzero mun MARKET. , . . . Men 5 fur-lined coats, lined With N0: 1 Men’s Coon Coats, these are manufac_ Toronto Representative . Butter. creamery. lb. «1.. 0 38 0 $6 $2, J ohn Pin'sham $2, Dr. Gregg H. E. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Butter. creamery, solids†o 30 0 :1 ° ' (:a _ - . Any or the recognized advertising W- M'- mm ------- ° 1" ’10- 5°“ C°'"'°' '2' J“ F‘ermmon Quality Canadian Muskrat, 5°19“ nad tured from select skins and are very soft ~ nevi-cle- in Cm“ "e “mom to “rag-ï¬e†..... .. 3;ng 6'55 82, Miss Broad $2. Seth Motherell 1an Otter collars and nne pure wool shells. $11k ï¬n' h ed C t h 1 d ' . - - R bb I Foot 1 accept business for The Warder. ledge. 53:13:23.†.. 8 3: 033' $2. 11. Olver $2. Maud Slemmon $1, These coats are the ba]ance of our stock 3' 15 03 S, 5 _3w an . nOtCh CO]~ _ wBaIgalnS 1“ ll C ‘ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"Y~ WHâ€"Rfl’v 28 1915 gooey. subareaiiiiilii 3 :5 3°66 ’ :- genzlefy‘:1vSL-IKT“°:{ 2' 17". and must be sold before stock-taking. 13“» good quilted lmmgs, Sizes 43. 44 ’* ‘200 pu‘i-‘r, mufï¬n shoe'Tubbers 0 , , one , o n ..... . , , ‘ . . 4 - ° . v ‘ WSDA , JAN'UA , ’ Com 2% ea 8 r“ n V Tlley are s‘zes 42 and 44 and are regu- and 46. Reg‘llar 100.00 coats. XOL‘I‘ “P-CO’da‘e shape-H, lOruneriy 301d It: February Sale ________â€"â€"â€"â€"--________.__.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- NEW AGENT. Mr. Joe. A. BroWn having resigned the position of agent for the Deer- i‘ng Company in Lindsay, Mr. Boa- ald Brown was offered the position and has accepted. Mr. P. Conquer- good will act as head salesman tor llr. Brown and the ï¬rm look for a lucrative business in this district. HNMOUNT W. I. The regular monthly meeting oi’ the Kinmount branrh of Women’s, Institute was held on Thursday, January 2lst, at the home of Mrs. Alex. Morrison, Monck Road, West. Master R. Morrison bringing a sleighload of members from the vil- lage. After the business of the meeting was transacted. an article on the present war, written by Mrs. T. M. Stewart. of Bobcaygeon, was read by the Secretary. Solos were given by lies Moore and Miss Crowe. The meeting; closed with the National' Anthem, after which refreshments! were served and a social time was’ went oVer the ten cups. MARKET REPORTS 3 â€"oâ€"â€" In the grain market a sharp adâ€" vance is noticeable in wheat, but very little is ollcrcd. Barley and] Cats are the bulk of what is Coming:: in. The hog market is subject to the usual fluctuations. The fol- lowing is the latest corrected prices paid by Lindsay dealers: Oats 53 to 55c, wheat, spring $1.30, (all wheat $1.40, buckwheat 776., barley 70c., bran $1.30 per cwt., shorts $1.40 per cwt; flour, Baker’s Queen $3.55 per cwt., hogs $7.50, beef cattle $5 to $7, eggs, fresh 35c doz., butâ€" ter, creemery 32c. ll). “â€"0...“ "British Honduras is suffering from shortaxe of dye materials. NOTICE LICENSE DISTRICT OF WEST VICTORIA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Albert J. Ashmore has made applica- tion for permission to transfer his taVern license for the premises knOWn as the Little King Edward, situate on Kent Street, in the Town of Lind- say, to J amos Houlehan. of the City of Peterborough, and that the said apllicaticn will be considered at a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners, to be held at the License Inspector's oti‘ice, No. 7 Cam- bridge Street, in the Town of Lind- say, on Saturday, February the Thirteenth. at eleVen o’clock am. All persons interested will govern themselVes accordingly. WM. THORNBURY, License Inspector. Dated at Lindsay this 25th day of January, 1915. LICENSE DISTRICT OF WEST VICTORIA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H. J. Lytle has made application for permission to transfer the tavern license for the premises known as the Benson House, situate 0n Kent-st, in the Town of Lindsay, to John Lonerg-an, of the Village of Hastings, in the County of Northumberland, and that said application will be con- sidered at the meeting of the Board oi License Commissioners, to be held at the License Inspector’s ofï¬ce, No. 7 Cambridge Street, in the Town of Lindsay, County of Victoria, on the Thirteenth day of February, 1915, at the hour of eleven o’clock a.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. Willi. THORNBURY. License Inspector. ‘“ (3"‘IV A"ll I’KUII ' '. TORONTO, Jan. 26.-â€"-Quotation| on the Board of Trade are as follows: Manitoba w healâ€"Nu. l nurlln-rn, 81.5355, lake ports: No. 2. 31.5155: No. 3. $1.49: 95¢ per bushel more on track. l Goderlch. . oatsâ€"No. 3 C.W.. Inc: No. Manitoba 3 C.W.. 68%c. track. bay ports: No. 1 feed. 67c: sample oats. 64c to 66¢. Ontario oatsâ€"Outside. 55c to 57¢. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2. car lo a. $1.33 to $1.35. outside. according to trelghta. American cornâ€"No. 3 yellow. all-rail shipments, Toronto freights. “Ilse. Peasâ€"No. 2. $1.85 to $1.90. car luis. out- side. nominal Barleyâ€"Good melting barley. outslde. lie to 73¢. Rolled oatsâ€"Car lots, per bag or 90 lbs. $3 to $3.05: In smaller lore. $325. Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheatâ€"78c to 80¢. car lots. out. side. llllfeedâ€"Car lots. per ton, bran. $25 to $26: shorts. $27 to $28: mlddllne‘s, $32 to 834: good feed flour. $38 to $42. Manitoba flourâ€"First patents. $7 in jute bags: second patents, $6.80 in jute bags: strong bakers’. $6.60: in cotton bags. We more. Ontariu'nourâ€"Winter. 90 per cent. pat- ents. $6 to $6.10. seaboard. in bulk, or track. Toronto. Commo-nlâ€"Yellow. 98-pound snacks. in car lots. $2.10, in small lots. $2.40. WINNIPBG GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPEG. Jan. 26.â€"The Canadian Government is said to be buying seed outs in the west. whlch will mean only low grades to come this way. and all stocks in eastern ports are said to be practically taken up. The cash demand ior wheat rules quiet. and few offerings are on the market. For cash oats the demand is keen. Inspections on Monday 301 care. and in sight 120 cars. New records were run up on both wheat and oats. May wheat sold at 81.44%: July. 81.45%: May oats sold at 6555c: July, 66‘7éc. Closing prices were frac- tionally easier. Wheat futures closed tie to %c higher, cash %c to l‘é-c higher on contract. oats 195C to lï¬c higher. and cash cats at llrgc to 2c up: barley Ml-gc. and cash barley 2c higher for No. 3 and . Flax closed Me to 1c higher to the lower. momunap Guam MARKET. MONTREAL, Jan. 26.-â€"There was very little demand from foreign buyers for Manitoba spring wheat today, and the tew bids that did come forward ware so far out of line with prices on this side that no business was dOne. The feature of the local grain trade continues to be the very strong undertone of the market for cats, and prices have scored a. further I advance of 2c to to per bushel under at good active demand, the Canadian Gov-B ernment having purchased 1,000,000 bush- els within the past few days. Manitoba feed barley is also 1c to 2c per bushel higher. On account of the continued steady advance in prices to:- wheat 0? late. millers have marked up prices an- other 20c per barrel for spring wheat flour and winter wheat flour hasadva-ced .ac to 70c per barrel. Local trade in flour is good. Creamery was in good innind from outside points. Cheese is quiet, but firm. Demand for eggs is good. DULUI d GRAIN MARKET. DULUTH. Jan. 26.-â€"-VVheatâ€"No. 1 hard, $1.42!“ No, 1 northern. 8.41%: No. 8 do.. $1.39â€; May, $1.42}; CATTLE MARKETS 1 UNION STOCK YARIS. TORONTO, Jan. 26.â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 919 cattle, 2034 hogs, 273 sheep and lambs and 71 calves. Butcher-5' Cattle. Choice heavy steers. $7.75 to $8.15; to choice, $7.25 to $7.50; 300’]. $7 to $7.25; medium. $6 50 to $6.75; common. $6 to $6 25; choice cows, 56 to $6.:o. good. $5.50 to $5.75: common, $3 to $5.25 can- ners and cutters, $3.75 to $4.60; balls. $5 to $6.75. Stacker: and Feeders. - There is a fairly good demand for feed- ing steers. about halt-tat, weighing from 900 to 1000 lbs, at $6.75 to ‘7. 5: steers. stacker: at 800 to 850 lbs., at $6 to $6.50: $5 to $6. Milkers and Spa-lagers. The supply of milkers and springers W83 n0t greater than the demand, Prices were firm for those of good to choice quality. The range in values was from $50 to $100. The bulk of sales was nude from $65 to $85 each. Veal Calves. Receipts were light and prices firm. Choice veal calves, $9.50 to $10.50: good calves $8 to $9; medium, $7 to $8: com- mon. $6 to $7; grass calves, $5 to $5.50. Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, light ewes, $5.25 to $6; heavy ewes. $4 to $4.50: culls. $2.50 to $3.50; lambs. a very few. Weighing 80 to 90 lbs. 33.1"; to m; ‘ but very heavy lambs, 110 cull lambs, $6 mil. SWIG at law at the latter price; to 130 lbs., 7,75 to $8.50: to $7. Hogs. Selects, weighed of: cars, sold at $7.90 to $8: selects. fed and watered, $7.60 to 7.75, and $7.20 to $7.30 f.o.b. care It country points. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. EAST BUFFALO, N.Y.. Jan. zapâ€"Cat. tieâ€"Receipts. 400; steady; prices un- changed. Vealsâ€"Recc'ipts, 75: slow: $4 to $11.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 6500; active; heavy, $7 to $7.10; mixed. $7.15 to $7.30: yorkers, $7.30 to $7.75: pigs, $7.75 to $8: roughs, $6.25 to $6.50; Stags. $5 to $5.75. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts. 4000: sheep active: lambs slow; lambs. $5 to $9; yearlings, $5 to $7.75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. Jan. 26.â€"Oatt.leâ€"Beceipts. 6000: market weak. Beeves, $5.60 to $9.10: cows and heifers. $3.10 to $7.90; calves. $7.25 to no.5o. . Hogsâ€"Receipts, 45,000; market weak: light. $6.40 to $6.75; mixed. $6.35 to $6.76; heavy. $6.15 to $6.70; $6.30: piss. $6.25 to $6.75; bulk of ales. $6.50 to $6.70, . Lambsâ€"Receipts, 13.000: Sheep and market steady: native, $5.90 to $6.85: yearling}. $6.90 to :3; - lambs. native. $7.25 to $8.90. Dated at Lindsay this 2181’. day of January, 1915. ' ’ Â¥ ' ' " ‘-' unbound. ‘ â€new, .. «Azu‘Mwâ€"JIU Mam-2.-...." _ . r“ .. -.. -q-u'- - . w, .mâ€"-». . mv .,~/_. rough. $6.15 to w W'. -. v'ï¬'ï¬w" ‘_ erson $1. J. Martin $1, Sam Rogers $1, 0. Heatlie $1, Geo. Heatlie $1, C. Mitchell 81, Albert Martin 81, Arthur Prosser $1, Mrs. Geri-ow $1, Chas. Rook $1, John Rook 25c. Collected by mark Wickett and Rev, E. Morton, ior team No. 8, Little Britain :â€"Mrs. Jos. Archer 36, George Wallace $5, John a. Wickett $5, Bentley Faithful $5, Wm. Wickett $5, Mark Wickett 85. E. Z. Yerex Sons $5, LeVi Srarks, Sr., $5, W. G. IeShane $5, Rich. Avery $2, Wesley Henderson $2, Mrs. Wes- ley Sloan $2, Mrs. Rusland $2, Mrs. Jas. Smith $2, Mrs. Wm. Yeo $2, Chester Archer $1, Russell Wallace $1, Da‘v'id Culbert $1, Miss Kate Rusland $1, Wm. Cornish $1, Rev. E. Morton $1, Geo. AVery 75c. Collected by Rev. J. U. Robins and Geo. Mark, for team No. 3, Little Britain :-â€"G. H. Mark $15. Rev. J. U. Robins $15, Fred Wooldridge $5, John Rodman $5, Mrs. Ferguson Whiteside $5. J. F. Dix $5, Thos. Western $5, R. Smith $4, W. H. Barrowclough $4, C. H. Lapp $3, Less Medland $2, John Grills $2, W. Chidlcy $2, S. Hooper $2, Thomas Manning $2, Cecil Medland $1, John Medland $1, M. L. Culbert 31, Fred Wickett $1, Jonn Jewell $1, Mrs.. Florence Spark $1, S. A. Lane $1, W. Knisley $1, Mrs. Shale $1.25, A Friend 50c. Collected by Frank King and Aaron Gillson, for team No. 1, Sonya :â€" Frank King $10, Aurora Gilson and family 310, Chas. McLean $10, .183. Short $5, John Short 85, Thomas Druean $5, , Sydney Wooldridge $5, George Smith $5, Chas. chctman 34, W. Beecroit $2, Herbert Eagleson 32, W. B. Gallaway 82, Duke King $2, James Eagleson $1, Norman Ea- gleeon $1, James Eagleson. Sr., $1, Joseph Dowson 81, John Ashborne $1, Wm. Pogue $1. Archie McLean 25c., Robert Gordon 25c., Jas. Mc. Dougall 25c. ColleCted by Chas. Mouse and Chas Foster. For team No. 1, Sonya. â€"-,- Charlie Mouse $10, Richard Martin $10, W. G. Rodman $5, Chas. A. Foster $5, Philip HanVey $5, Rich. Mouse $5, Philip Ripley $5, John A. Clarke $5, Rich. Dawson and family 85, David Yerex $5, Mrs. Helen Moose $4, B. Armstrong $2.50, Chas. McKinnon $2.50, Wm. Mc/ $2150, Walter L. Mouse 82, Mrs. M. A. Mouse $2, Thos. H. Moase $2, Mrs. D. Stevens $2, W. J. Gilson 52, Donald L. Cameron 82, Joe. H. Brown $2, Joseph Short 82, Nor- man Osbornc $2, Stanley Spark 92, Nelson Stokes $2, Vernon Runciman $2, Ernest . Friar 82, Miss Vida Moasa $1, Harry Vanstone $1, Mil- ton Di' Yerex $1, Wm. Mitchell $1, Wm. Michael $1, Mrs. and Mrs. Tripp 50c, Chas. Wickctt 506, Wil- liam L. Tremeer 50c,, Norman J. Moose 50c, Robert Frise 50c, Geo. Aldridge 5c. Collected by J. I. Michael and Geo. Whetter. For team No. 5, Mannieâ€"«John Degecr $10, Henry Whetter $5, Wm. Whetter 85, J. 1. Michael $5, Geo. Whetter $5, Wm. White $5, Albert White 83, Mrs. Geo. Nokes $3, Geo. Reel $2, Ben Johnston $2, Geo. Barry 82, Walter Nolgate $1.25, Wilbur Wylie 31, Geo. E. Gilson 31, John Kirkland $1. :Mrs. Wm. Barry $1, Hilyard Son- ley $1, Richard Osborne 80c. Collected by Alex. McDougail. For team No. 5, Manillaâ€"Jonah Clark $10, Dan Varco'e $5, Ernest Fer- guson $5, Wm. Stacey $5, Levi Sparke $5, Joe Sparks $5, Fred Stacey 35, John Sparks $3, Find- ley Sinclair $3, Sam. 'I‘remeer $2, A. Tremeer $2, Alex. McDougall $2, Wesley Thorn $2, Russell Rodman $2, Jack Slemon $2, Barny Hard- castle $2, Wm. Sinclair $2, Wm. Slemon $1.50, Ronald McDonald $1, '1‘. Tremeer $1, Andrew Power $1, Hugh Ferguson $1, Wesley Tamlin 81, J as. Thorborn $1,‘Wm. Moore $1, Geo. Snelgrove $1, Irwin John- ston $1, Wesley Cornish $1, .Oames Hall $1, D. MacMiilan $1. Hugh Graham $1, Jack Graham $1. B. Davidson $1, '1‘. Reason $1, Mrs. Mark $1. Mrs. .Varcoe $1. Collected by C. Jenkins and W. Rieh.~ For team No. 4, Oakwoodâ€" '5. “a i - mm»..._. lar 70.00, 75.00 and 80.00 coats. Your choice each $57 choice for .. $69.50 8 Only Men’s Tweed Coats $11.95 Men’s heavy Tweed Overcoats, trimmed, colors gr y, brown and olive. values. Your choice... Reduced Prices on All Ladies’ Furs Arab Lace Curtains 69c pr. Clearing out a special line of Arab Net Cur- tains, 3 yard lengths. a splendid mesh weave and the regular value is more than dou- ble‘this price. To clear per 690 pair .. ops-on no... - Children’s and Misses Mitts 25c Pair These are long cuff woollen mitts of extra nice quality yarn, in colors‘red, navy, brown and white, splendid weight. Very special value at per pair 2 5 c sec-oeoeoaooolo ciao-I... Oboe... Woollen Scaris on Sale at. 25c each A clearing line of woollen scarfs in white and cream, some have colored border, all have fringed ends, splendid size and extra quality, ranging up to 75¢ each. Slightly soiled, so out 2 5 0 they go at each ....... w 05.322213" '° 5 0c yard There are eight goodgcolors in this lot 5 to 6 yards of each one, mostly browns and tans, the value is extra good at this price for they are regular 1.00 a yard quality. On sale at per yd. 50c. belted and Regular 17.00 and I800 $11 95 ........ ... I plain backs, convertible collars, well Now is the Time to Buy and Save Ladies’ Waisrs $1.95 each Ladies’ \Vrists in White voile, crepe, cream. and Shadow Lace over silk, black silk and black not over silk, and silk waists in navy. brown. tan, copeuhagen. etc. A large as- sortment of styles ard all sizes are repre- sented in the lot. Your choice 1 95 - each .. ..... o eve... Another Line oi Waists at only 50c Ladies’ waists, tailored styles in white vesting, llnen embroidered In .0511, assorted and middv styles. regular 1.00 50 ' C and 1 50 qualities, each at $2 Waists for 98c Ladies’ waists in flannel, voile, vesting and linen, a large assortment of styles, all sizes, regular 2.00 waists. On Sale at each only 980 Children’s Dresses at 1.95 each Children’s dresses in best quality all wool serges in a number of diï¬ercut styles, colors navy, black, brown, red and copenhagen, well made and nicely trim- med, ï¬t ages to to 14 vears. 1 95 I Your choice each, for only J. 'SUTCLIFFE ‘ SONS Women’s institute Rest Room 2nd Floor Entrancesâ€" Kent and William-sts. John Dobson $2, G. N. Barker $2, RlCh $25, M. Webster 515' George W. F. Stewart 2, C. Conn 31, C. H. Stevens $1.00, A. H. Coad $10, W. .l. Webster $10, H. . Prouse $1.00, Tom “Wilton $1, Richardson $10, A. J, Mark $10, M. 'B. B. Hicks 51. P. C. FortOp $1, E. McMillan $5, Richard Freed 35, T. Dix $1, Wm. Thorndike $1. Mrs. S. J. Webster $5, Ed. Dames $5, Mrs. . Washington $1, Jennie ,Coad $1, Jas Percy Webster 53, J. F. Brass $2, | A. Thorndike $1, T. Ferguson $1, Geo. Martindale $2, J. D. Thompâ€"ers. M. Tinny $1, Oscar Wakely $1, soa $2, David H. Porter $2, C. E. M. Hicks $1, Mrs. :Jennie Webster Bolton $1, David Durdas $1, Jos. $1. Miss Margaret Hugnson $1, F. C. James $1, William Munn $1, F. lFerguson $1, Fred Kemp $1, J. s. Jackett :1. M. Graham $1, J. [Giles 31, Fred EVery 81, Mr. Folly F. Lane 31, H. Grimson 31, T. '31. Miss Penrose 50c,, 'Bert Mc- Grimson $1, Mrs. J_ Dundas s1, Phee 50c, A. McPherson 50c, Marsh, Lake 50c, Mrs. Campbell 25c, Mrs. Jas. Taylor.$2, C. Jenkins $25, W. v‘ens. 17.3.. $5. Winn“ F- WW1 Peter Danpsey, eight years or age, cananeymmwm Cm wastatallyhurt whentryingtoget 85.3113 Lombroush“. E‘Gilson arideonglorryinlandon. as, A. Walton $8. A. 0w“ ’3' J. H. Cormack 83. 111's- 3'3â€â€ ‘8' one who keeps his seat on a street C.P.Rodlnln82. J.Mâ€'F' carandtrieetonirtwdthawomn p_ cm $2, Robert DobBOn $2. In, standing. 'Ihenervicetmanonmcordisthe, BUTTER WRAPPERS. The Dairy Aet, which came into effect September Ist, 1914, r‘cqllirl!‘ butter wrapped in pounds prints to have a printed wrapper. The 6081" city of vegetable parchment owing W the war, makes it. difï¬cult to 9643“" the genuine article, End much infCTiOT butter paper has been put on the market. The Warder has a stock 0‘: genuine vegetable parchment. and 3" long as it lasts will continue to 50†printed butter wrappers at the 0“1 prices. “(Pâ€"‘â€" 1 (I 410 poisedser o 'lqï¬lm senior r TO‘ inn 0! Port Hope and a pionce sident of the distriCt, passed awn-V in his 86th year, after a 1121390â€? illness. Hon. John Morrissy, Minister Public Works of New Brunswick. h†asked for a commission investigatio" 01 hi! department because of stat/9' ments made "by certain men." of new St or Price... ’ “a. '"o-'~â€"' Youths ï¬ne rubbers, 11 to 13, regular 55c. February D‘Llu ...... '-'.'.t‘ Children’s rubbers, best grade. . regular price 50c. Sizes 0 to ‘1 February Sale ‘45. - Men’s Leather Top Rubbers 2.1 ' Men’s pure gum rubber»: mil. . 1m. er top, bolid heel, heavy soles, sizes sixes 6 to 10. February Sale Price ...... it??? 91321: Leather 'reERu'b Men's heavy Snug plOCl ruulu-r» NO. 1 selected leather 1,01», 6 to 11. February Sale ........... .‘k 11:1?- _ , We have too many lime m T0 rcOUCe the stock WU lime plan a: plus rhort lines on: at a bar-gall), pnc lot includes a number of pairs vi the ted Slater shoes. Regular 54 and $5. February Sale....... W To Duboi-Town Cust ‘tll ll‘ 517.0: $4 and $5 Boots for 2 95 nJo’l. We will nll mail orders for any (i lire: but «Min; to advertised prices, is required to be am an amoun' \Ulllt'lt'lll c \. ,ly5q-vi \‘\ ‘ China Wedding Ol Rt‘iil‘rt to Citizens hum '>.3' A very pleasant WIDIUL' u.» " a January 14th, 1915. ..: ill“ r...» , .0 ‘v‘ ‘ If. and 11119. ’I‘bumaw 9.4mm . . ‘, Reuboro. when about hl\l) 0‘. lim‘ l “relatives guthnrmi tom-1n" ' ' . m, Chlorate the tw-mxmh um. wrm' p 1 d M? wedding. Th" hulls“ .«.r". h . â€d â€b â€"3 bt‘aiutllull} (Learn-mi ,4 with flowers and nuln-nul (‘uiur'r ‘x‘ . . _.r 8.45 o'clock thn iulllivnnp ;-.A‘.".f-~ -. r m rend: .~ . 6 1895â€"1913 .‘ ‘1 W, at. I.lndt~'uj~, .lnnuzix; El, .. ‘ 1395. by Rey. Mr. Trotter, iii-.zviis' ' .â€" l Palm-rt minister, Miss nah»:- . . i. ‘ IT-"l‘llomas lmnuy. both of Ru:- ' , boro. x188 Iflllla- V0315 u.u- lu'v‘uk ' ‘ H.“ “‘6 5nd Mr. l‘jlluh (Hil'vvr'. “TUNE.“ m V . _. ,_ '1 Dar Sister and lil‘llfhi‘T,â€"~li ~-.-.:. : , 1 hard to realize the: twin}. ~ -.:r . â€Va passed smm- that (in) ‘ 1. ‘1 VIII! pleasure we haw mu: hm» .‘ ‘ liï¬ht on this ('iCCHSlUn (if '),~ '__‘ Miller-salty of your \i‘w'lilzng ‘38 been good in you, you are here and _' ()tlr hl'Oken {anally mrrI-n m this sot. Of (lhl‘n‘b Mk :1 'mr of our initial-rim: lhit‘ and we SinCl‘rcly hnpv _\ml 3.22:; W to pass imim' Pleasant unnchrh‘ucii-s. [other and llrmlwrs ; l'..~‘ "‘1 C01 " wr. {Atrial} \\,. 1'1"?" {l L '.. \-4| ï¬nd iv 1. .v‘. l-Y.LY.‘.' 1n. vf‘r‘ (l, Having purchased the bum ..-. lord S. WELSMAN, we wi-li to uni. Hum t apd vicinity that we are prepared 10‘ ment in all its branches in the mm: 1:2. A complete range of choice- and which to choose to suit every :mw command. i We will pay special attention I» * sum. ORDERS of all kindwuwmclu : which will be handled entirely by . \pv-y l l 11‘ We solicit the patronage of all Mr, well as of the citizms of Lindsay and pledge ourselves to guarantee any :Ll‘lld refunded. ‘ ARTHUR O. Hatohmaker Jeweler "The Store With the Money}