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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 Feb 1900, p. 12

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' ‘ . ‘ . A ‘ fie”, ‘.‘ . 1' V . ‘ . . 3.. "K Hi, ,, lugs u (fl '2 ‘ ”at 3-H”? *r , , I , _’ WW “ \ I ’ 3 ' > PRUW E ME AN UN “(1'13th 1 33’ ca, ' . 'I f ' if tted with are. _ . , . SS S I S ffdittllutll Pilgrim} a 132;” aid ‘1); gglfloortisrggssefiate: With me‘ Its 1 I eas HI 91‘ S S 6119 Of l . ore an CAUSES on. TALMAGE TO PREACH all One dizz With per- chalices are chased with fire. Its petual Vertigo, if mUSCIGSy With the song is a song of fire. Its Walls are IN THE ...... ON THE DUTY OF THE STRONG. play 0f health in them are worth buttresses of fire. Solomon refers to A PHYSICAL BOY AND MAN HERO. FEBleARv [5111, I Jerry Sheehan \VHAT HE THINKS 0F FOLEY s... Rne’umaiidlemedu A positive cure for every form of Rheumatism. ic “rhet e drawn up in chronâ€" it when he says. "Her guests are in ' COUNTY OF VICTOR I A, 'matics,” ~ if an eye quick to the depths of hell.” catch passmg objects is better than Our American communities are suf- For Arrears of Taxes, to beheldinthe Court House, LINDSAY,“ one Wlth vision dim and uncertain, lfering from the gospel of free lov1sm then God will ret . . luire of us efficiency l which 30 years ago was preached on 0; FEBRUARY 20]- lust m proportion to what he has the platform and in some 0f the U 9' ‘ given us. I , ’ The Preacher Devotee Hie Sermon to Consider the More Serious Side of SamSUII’I Life. and the Duty of Using Physical energy ought to churches of this countrY- charge be a tYPe 0f moral power. We ought upon free lovism that it has bllghted 9 . 01 If A M to have as gOOd digestion of truth as innumerable homes and that lt has At 11 0 00 ' ‘ have capacity to assimilate food. sent innumerable souls to ruin. Free m, “can: “"1 mwgm form, Bummer our Spiritual hearing ought to be as lovism is bestial; it is WOI'SH 't is ' SOLD AT ...... blankind and Glory of God. 30.0%; as1 Olll' physical hearing, Our inie‘rnal! It has furnmhffi-thceslagi-fi TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY, T , Washington Feb. 11' __ In this SPIN ua taste Ought to be as clear With many thousands o 1‘0 tate of Costs clad- ] E R R I A S discourse Dr 'Talmarre sets forth the as our tongue.- Samsons in body : we nually. In one county m thes in . “’1’“le 65 -. . res onsibilit. of tflose who are ought to be giants in moral DO‘Vcr- Indiana it £1111“?th 11 dlvmces d Panto! Lot,or_'Street. Lot Con. Azres Arrears Commission. row to: , DruO‘ Store, Lindsay p y- _ . ‘ . _ But how often it is that men with one day before dinner. It has rouse N.W. i 9 7 50 $13 24 $1 93 $1517 . a bottle strong and well, as 1n 3. found Cllsd physical strength do not, serVe up elopcments north, south, east and N pt. ofS 11 ‘ 7 333% 9 36 1 85 1121 50 centsIf-rw 001115.? he preached ‘0' the disabf‘: Christ. They are like a ship full west. You can hardly take UP a SP”- OfN 1,1, 7 .9 3? 1);? 112: .â€" and‘ the ‘shut in; tent. Judges 31 : manned and full rigged, capable of paper but you read of an elopement. . West half 1 8 100 1:51;); 5 (l)? 96 96 w WIT 1’ lAfld banison went down to Tim- vast tonnage, able to endure all stress As far as I can understand lhe docâ€" B- 11 Island Balsam lake 11 9 116 ._ J 2163 hath. - . h _ 0f weather, yet swinging idly at the trine of free lovism, it is thisâ€"that silicate at north-westerly WILL 'lherc‘ are two's‘ldes to the c 31.91:; docks, When these men ought to be every man ought to have somebody point of Cameron or Big tcr ofibamson.’ lhe one phase .31. 1 crossing and recrossing the great elsc’s wife and every Wlie somebody Island assessed to B. G. . P a Y life. If follovved into Pam: ”S": ocean of human suffering and sin elsc’s husband. Free IOVISm! .115 13 Greeney 2 24 11 2 20 3C 31 Wolu 13h adnll-léltligji tgughihg: iessqua With GOd’S SUppliog of mercy. How the double distilleddexggc? otfongr'llllax VILLAGE OF BOBCAGEON , ' ' t. d bulldin this “m C “_1 ' ‘ . often it is that ph3'sical strength is vomica, ratsbane an a er s - Wof Bobca eon street £38101: tgocfinsrdlgnme beforegmak- phase of hls characterd frziught1 will: used in doing Positive damage or in Never until society goes back to the S of North slicedknown} _ - in; contracts. 1 have an ‘up-to- lessons of Solemn an e erna ‘ luxurious ease, when, with sleeves old Bible and hears lts eulogy of pur- also as Wot Main street 7 i 4 :33 1 82 “date planing mill, and can supply I’Ort' To these grm er lessons we rolled UP and bI‘OllZed bosom, fearless ity and its anathema of uncleanncss W ofJohn street 12 34 . 1 So everything. that is needed or devote our sermon. . _ of the shafts of opposition it ought â€"never until then will thls ev11 be TOWNSHIP OF GARDEN. .housebulldlnsz at the very loweSu This giant no doubt in early life to be 1-1 'in 11 1d y, f '«rh‘t 't' t d 3 2 179 21 37 9 1'3 Prices. The best workmen. the .V v'd nces of What he was to . . 3 g 0 pull all ltS‘mln eh lrpa e . . . . th W h It 3 . 3 100 13 6- $94 dryest lumber and satisfaction ga ‘3 e 1. e l 1 _ . There and tugglng a“ ay to hit up thls sunâ€" Behold also 1n thls giant of e Eest ha‘t 7 4 90 2 -1 1 s “m““t'eedin every case. Ell-lug. be It IS {$1053 a :aytsh sobov Naâ€" k6“ ‘YreCk Of a World' text and in the giant of our own cenâ€" est a. 18 6 203 31 30 0 :3, ed promises, and new machinery “ere tWO - @130 99m"; 01 vâ€"but It IS a most shameful fact that tury that great physical power must TOWNSHIP OF DALTON " just added. Allorders turned on Deleon and the mall hepo eon much of the business of the church crumble and expire. The Samson oi ’ ~ . rom tlv ...... . both alike; two Howards~â€"â€"the boy .1 d f h _ . . awa . He South half 4 1 :20 11 02 1 89 «D D . J H \v rdâ€"but an o t e World must be done by the text long ago uent y . N ch b If 1 12 50 23 80 .7) 20 1’): Lindsay C E INSLE Lowardland theqman 0 318 boy those comparatively invalid. Rich~ fought the lion. He fought, the Phllâ€" or 3. 0W 7 .. ‘Plaizing Factory. G-ORG 90th ‘11”8‘ two camsgnsâ€" but “I‘d Baxter, by reason of his diseases, istines. He could fight anythlng, but T LSHIP OF PEGEBY ‘ hamson- and ’thc‘ man amson “cl bt all his days sitting in the door of death Was too much for him. He may 28 4 100 la 1:) Y 1 98 “*W both ahke- 1‘th giant was 11% 00. (1 his tomb, yet \Vriting more than 100 have required a, longer grave and a .- TOWNSHIP OF E'LDOA the hero Of the playgrpunh at; VOh'meS and sending out an influence broader grave, but the tomb neverthe- North half 1:) 1 100 la 52 l 99 R BRYHNS GO rushing; ecolldyidihlgilbeilfoives: in for 00d that Will endure as long as less was his terminus Partlyinz north-westerlv o . o the “Saint's Everlasting Rest.” Ed- If, then we are to be compelled to {new agfigggigégficggefii Ward Payson, nchr knowing a Well go out of this world, where are we 0 l an _ v day, yet hOW he preached and hOW to go to? This body and soul mUSt from FolliotttoBrown 9 N P R 2% 8 69 8'3 - 18 years of age he was bethrothed to the daughter of a Philistine. Go- ing down toward Timnath, a hon Wholesale andiRetail Dealers. ill ,3; - . Part boundedon west b V h' d although he wrote, .helllmg thousands of dyâ€" soon part. What shall be the destiny Balsover road and sent “.319 out 9130?: 1m, v3: onless he mg souls like himself to swim in a of the former I knowâ€"dust to dust. byPortazeroad,asses~ed . but and in town ”‘35 young glut “’gs theafim imam sea. of glory. And Robert McChcyne. But what shall be the destiny of the J. Scribner in 1896 10 NPR 1g 6 90 5 75 ~41 b? m0“ convem 3’. 1 f 11 $6126“ “I???“ er y M “€110qu a walkmg skeleton, yet you know latter? Shall it rise into the comâ€" VILLAGE or BOLSOVER INE'DON. 1“!” Lumber and Shmg es 0 a and'shoo M lmh :5 a dng 521d his what he did in Dundee and how he panionsléip of the white robed, whose King-St. south 32 I} 12 73 1 92 14 .13 kinds. shakes a. karcd hiriglnb nlheewav- shook Scotland with zeal for God. sins Christ has slain, or will it go TOWISHIP OF LAXTON.. La“) Lime and Drain Tile, .uénesbciras. an :13 1th ymitin ‘0f Philip Doddridgc, advised by his down among the' unbelieving, who West Half 11 4 100 875 1 85 ,0“ ‘ F ”’ . ll :1. e . fee rdngthun ”.1. d' e if it fghis friends because of his illness not to tried to gain the world and save West half 5 6 100 27 18 2 28 3., 7:; ‘33 â€"â€"Glazed Sewer P;pe, With a connecs is us an e grin mg e 0 enter the ministry, yet you know their souls, but were swindled out of East half 9 8 100 2252 2 16 :4 6“ w tions. hers h t d 1 in* u above what he did for the “Rise and Proâ€" both? Blessed be God, we have a. 7 11 , 20 3 14 1 85 4 9E, DRY HARDWOODJongand short othdfrine: Saarznd’tmtoaoil: 0‘; figs}; his gross orchligion” in the church of Ighanlpion! He is so styled in the VILLAGE OF NORLANDIN LAXTON. -â€"- - ‘ - . ' ' the word. ible. A Champion who has con- 46 i 4 91 1 85 »" ‘“ ‘ . ‘- c‘ H ' . J :9 -â€"Fresh Mined Lehlgh C9211. Egg, illusthteunillccd 0?“: 11:12:39 $123... 2: \lllllerforce Was fold by his (10o- quer‘cd death and hell, and he 15 rec‘dy VILLAGE OF OAKWOOD EAST IN MARIPOSA. Stove an 1 Nut. Comlng direct from witudc gdefiant oi everythih" 51315 tors that ho could not live a fort- to fight all our bottles, from the first - Sof King-etc 1 3 22 l 85 z the mines regularly, and n0 01d hair had never been cut, andhit rollâ€" l‘ight' yet at .that very time enter- to ‘the last. S 0f- ng'Sb-7 : 3 22 1 55 3 7 bins of (.an to be cleaned out at cd down in seven great plnits over mg” upon philanthropic OlllOl‘lll‘lSt‘S 'IlIOUSdmls of sermons ore preached TOWNSHIP OF OPS - - . . . that demanded the greatest ondurâ€" to im'illlds- I preach “113 Sermon ’00 v is o ( 9 -- ., reduced prices. hls shoulders, adding to his bulk, _ .. _ _ ‘ 7 . ‘t t . d ”“1 .. . L30acresc Elm} J 30 604 l - . . ilcrceness and terror The Philis~ once and pamwmump. ltollcrt 1141], s on men all but tlll‘ul momell. We SWpt.ofNE:lbeing pt â€"Charcoaly:’or kindling. Tillcs Want to conquer him and thcrc- suffering cxcruciations so that often 19”“ iâ€"lWC 1‘0 GQd a“ account for the ne‘- heretofore -501d for} Boo-him Coal a specialty. forc‘thcv must find out where the soâ€" in his Pulpit “W" I'r'vM'hiW-r‘ hv FEW “Fe 0.‘ ““5 Musical organism taxes 24 10 40 31 82 24 x. ._., â€" m L crct' of ‘his Strenuih lies . I ‘7 would stop and lie down on :1 sofa. {MP-5'0 “Hands hflVU comparatively 28 11 118 85 56 3 74 75310 . There is (u; evil woman livintr in then getting up again to l‘l‘O'H‘ll llttlc to account lor perhaps. They! TOWNSHIP OF SOMERVILLE‘. Orders promptly dehvered to th‘ valley hf “orck bv the mule of about, llcnvcn until the glories of CONN “0t 11ft 9-0 pounds: They _COU1d North half 9 4 100 2732 2 :28 :3 . an a" of the town. Ddlil h ‘Th vk' , int 11 1‘ th: 'trrent the cclmtial city dropped on the lllulâ€" “034 walk half ‘1 ““19 WlthOUt Sitting North half 1 5 100 40 18 2 50 i: T: k ‘ y D.“ b a ' 0* dill 0, e 1‘ ‘ ” timqp. doing: more Work Ir,,.rh.,p,,.1}mn down to rest. Yet how much many BlockA, part13 (i 5 113 48 4 44 1:7 I in the Case. The I'hlllSllllC‘h are 50" , . v 'w _ .1 .‘ . _ of then] 3C001n31i5h' Rigin u in BIOCK B, part 13 6 9 44 40 2 7 £7 1 d - l . l 'ld' 1 almost an} “(11 man lll hls (1.1). l g I) .. .. , 7, crete ln th same )lll mg, ant , . . . .g ‘ .. . lud'rm'lnt st-l dvnfi. } "d 1h 11 4 o 23 $4 2 20 :3 ; . then Delilah rrocs to work and co-ircs 011' how mu” m 1‘” ”1‘“ “1‘” “1m ‘ ‘“ L ’ ' ‘ n l ‘5 ”351 c .’ e men gouth half 6 ‘i 100 9'3 06 " 18 ”i ' _. qqmsofi t; £311 what is th: secret of great physical elldnrallCc are not as 331d \vonlcn “”110 had OUIY little phyâ€" gouth half 1 ‘9 100 1’9 01 3 08 :3 "‘1 g '1 ~ his ism-ennui “W141 ,‘, heL savs "it great in moral and Spiritual stat~ 51°31 ("lf»‘1'l~'.V, and yet consumed. 1.th 15 10 200 69 41 534 .217" I b l I vou Kshou‘ld tal'e seven "reel; ‘w’ithcs urc. While there “"0 achievements for energy. m a conflagratlon 0f rellglous 10 11 200 % 70 2 27 21‘ ' ‘ . \ -. '3 .- ' those who are bent all their days enthusiasm, how “'1“ “'8 {061 abashâ€" South half 5 12 _ 100 30 37 :2 36 :52 T: such as they fasten ulld beasts “1th .- . . . . up ()h f . r . 10 13 1” a a - - 2 -. ~ 'Ofi‘ice and Yardq} ’Phone ”0- 53 and put them around me I should With SlenCSS-~LL(‘lllC\'ulllU‘llts 01 pm d- : 111011 0 the SU‘OIIA arm and S th half 4 14 to Go go 3 3: .14.}; N 9 V' t - Ave be f tl' w 1.1 g q‘ sh ticncc, achievements of Christian cll- the $01“ heart, “'hal 1188 are you on 100 - 8 -6 1 be 10 l. 0- t ‘5 or’a ' dpeflec 3' I’Oh e 9:5- *0 "‘t e duranceâ€"â€"I call upon men of health, making of your phySlcal forces? Will VILLAGE OF COBOCOINK IN SOLIERVILLE _bm 5 him “1th t 9 59‘ on grccn “‘ h‘ 1 f muscle men (1‘ nerve mm you be able to stand the test of that Eof Elizabeth-st. 6 :1; 18 75 2 0’7 20 52 ______ es. Then she claps her hands and men 0 ' ’ ' d .1 . . , SlVC be‘ 1 savs “Thcv commâ€"the Philistincs'” or physical power, to devote them- 35/ “ 1011 “6 must 31’5“” for the ”figs? “7me Ifil‘ce 3 n .,' H selves to the Lord. Giants in body, use Of every talent, Whether it were nex ° '29' and he walks out us though there . .- ) r. . . l a phvSlcal encrgv, or a mental acuâ€" beth-st., assessed toAlxr were no inlpedient. She coaxps him 3011; loulgahtlto .bb {glants lll sou. . nlcnfor a spiritual power? McGregorln 1897 39 F R :1- 7 99 1 85 n 3; again and again, “how tell the soâ€" ‘ L10 __ a so in tut‘story oi m3 Fe“! The day approaches, and I see one VILLAGE OF KINMOUXT IN SOMERV ILL}; , cret of this great strength?" and he illustration 0f the m“ 0;. the damâ€" who in this world was an invalid Sof Fenelon-stt 7 7% 45 34 0 73 '~ 1'"- : replies, “If you ShOUId take “‘7“? a3? that stlength‘can do n 11’ be m}? and as She stands before the throne 50f Paul-st. 1 § 18 02 E05 :C ii i ropes that have never been usctl and gUldCd- It $061115 10 1118 that this of God to answer she save“ “I Was E of Queen-st. 3 3 11 1 85 4 in: ‘. tie me with them, I should he just {nan spent 9 great 'dva‘l of his time m1; an m, day’s. “I lidd but very Eof Queen-st. 4 4 80 1 55 .5 f like other mm" 9“" ““3 him “"t“ 1“ 9°”? 3“? "T ““5 ”info“ 0‘ {“5 little strength. but I did as well as TOWNSHIP or VERULAM ”‘9 r0995. 913995 her hands and “A“ 10 pay ‘3’ bet “hmh 1“}.th I could ill bciwr kind to those who . shouts. “They COIHPâ€"thO Philis- 105‘ by the guessing Of his “dale were more sickoand more sufl‘ering.” Westha1f3l 3 1m 2480 272 27 C: “"95!" “I?“ ,"nlks (“it 3" oil-“113' lletrobsl angrtiiltsc9?ll’fgfel§' “:16 ‘13:: And Christ will say, “Well done, I. THOMAS MATCHETT, Treasurer of'the County of Victoria, asdirectcd L, as he , . “gym-p ._ not a sump), no 093’." t, . 1 . l - S , faithful servant.” Warrant of the Warden of the County of Victoria. dated the Four ‘ O obstruction. She coaxes him again. glgantlc 1n mischlcf and a UPC 0f and he says, “Now, if you should take these sow": long plaits of hair and hr ".is house loom weave them . teenth car of . And then a little child will stand emberiA-Dn 1899.W!11pmceedboselleachrand every of the above ‘ ‘; .. those men ln all ages of the World before the throne and she will say- of laud,for.the arrears of taxes now due upon them respective] who, po“verful in body or mind or “On earrh I had’a curvature of the together With the costs, (unless the said arrears of taxes and costs any faculty of social position or ' ‘ About three years ago I had to leave school with sore hands. - . - Victoria a: 8 me, and I “'3. ' r ' - . . l"lf) a web, I could not get aWay.” wealth, have used their strength for “Ills very ill, bqut‘ ?}us‘;§alto grille: ocloggggggcrgfirigggggggisgz ,the Twentieth day OfTFefir-Xgligl‘g. m“ Myteachersaiditwag SaltRheum So the housedoom is rolled up, and mlqmtous purpOS<’S- . flowers out of the wildwood and Lindsay, November 14th. 19} ' ‘County Treasure OP Eczemaand tcldme t0 seethelthc shuttle files ":‘t'3~;\Vard and forâ€" Oh, men of stout pll3'5lcal health, bring them to my sick mother, and (Firstpublished in theWstchman-Warder, November-16th, 1599* ' ‘ ward, 8"" H" “mg plaits 0‘ hair are men 0f great mental stature, men Of the was comforted when she saw the doctor. wow“ i~!o a web. Then she Clasps high social position, men of great sweet flowers out of the wildwood. I did not do much, but I did some- - thing." And Christ shall say, as he Mother got some medicine, but ' ' - and says, “They come~the . illlistines!" He Walks out as eas- it dld me no good. ily as he did before, dragging a part After I had suffered with the 0f the 100m with him . But after awhile she persuades him itching and burnlng about three to ten the two, He says, «q, you months, mother thought she should 'take a razor or shears and power of any sort, I want you to understand your power, and I Want 3'011 to know that that DOWL‘I‘ (10' takes her up in his arms and kisses voted to God will be a crown on her, “Well done, well done, faithful earth, to you typical of a crown in servant: enter thou into the joy of Treasurer’s sale Of Lalld heaven, but misguided, bodraggled in thy Lord.” 1 1 d What, then, will be said sin. administrative 0f evi . 00 Will ta us. we to whom the Lord gave - . cut off this” long hair. I should be {hunder against you with his con- pllvsical ‘strcn th and continuous .â€" ...FOR TALES" IN THE ...... _ dcmnatioll in the day when millio‘h- health? Hark, it thunders again! I only tOOk tWO bottles, when enemies." Samson sleeps, and that uire and pauper, master and slave, The judgment, the judgment! my hands got completely cured. she may not wake him up during the king and subject, shall stand side by I said to an old Scotch minister, TO N OF LINDSAY . process of shearing help is called in. -â€"Emma Sheridan, Parry Sound, _ side in the judgment and llloncybags who Was one of the best friends I You know that the barbcrs of the Out. and judicial crime and royal robe ever had, “Doctor, did you ever know - ' ' "' " ' '- east have such a skillful way of man- ====â€"_â€"â€"__â€"_â€"___â€"_= that instead of waking up a sleep- _ 2 shall be riven with the lightnings. Robert Pollock. the Scotch poet, who ipulating the head to this very day TOWN or LINDSAY. VS hereas bv Behold also how a giant may he wrote ‘The Course of Time?’ " “Oh, Town of Lindsay, in the County of V slain of a woman. Delilah started yes," he replied, “I knew him well! of the said Town, be ' . . arlng date the 9th , . -;. - era. LOCAL TIME-TABLE ins man they WIll put a man Wide the train of circumstances that pull- I was his classmate!” And then the comwsndmhs me to lievy upon the follow' 1. l , mo and -- awake sound 851999 I hear the cd down the temple of Dagon about doctor went on to tell me how that taxes net “.80“ an 605““ Ihereby 8W9 notice that unless the said tare: 52.:- DSPAK’l‘URES. blades of the shears grinding against Samson's cars tC-ns of thousands of the writing of “The Course of Time" gigggggaog‘gdécloshggléhgncg‘uis‘gy’ the 30th day Of February, 1900. “It? 53; gellegue fixegd'PWé'iiiAE ........... .. g :15: am each other, and I see the 10m: IOCkS giants have gone down to death and exhausted the health of Pollock, and Public Auction the’gaid landsuror :suigulgltgle TOP Of Llndsay. ‘?r?c"“‘}_:9f" ngntd’iiacd‘via‘lllafhltgy alig'héri'f’erlyaso :3 falling 06‘ The shears 0’: razor ac- hell through the same fascinations. llc expired. It secllls as if no man arrears of taxes and 5111mm cbstsincurred. mo as may be sufimlcntpffi,» Tomi!” affazné-g-gé ------- - -------- 335 31“ (’(‘mphShes What green W‘thcrs and It seems to me that it is high time could have such a glimpse of the day All the undermentioned lots are Patented. saunarents:::::::::::::ii13:3; l” ’8‘” a?“ no... 1°°m ““1“ m“ "that pulpit m Platform and print» for Which a“ 0.1.... a... made 9...... L. c 'Irigrl‘ifllgttgsaflllxm ....... _ ................ gilt; it: 22d 8:13:d§?1Â¥he5hlfhi‘iigfglsoshgg 1131213: ing‘prcss speak out against the iln- as'Rolllcrt Ilollock hind fillddlfnlg tsur- N. King... ......................... 38‘ Pm- Acres Agasfiggmng $2353" Oobooonlt nixed. .........~......-........:.....: 8 30 p.111 thce 8.158011", He ”mam up with purltlcs of modern SO(lpty. ‘Fastld- \130 t at g lnlpsc. l1 tle escrlp lon b. K3118 and 1“ St. David .......... . 16 6 20 2! 2;, 9m 501”me m Pembomnn ..... 8 05 Na : 1 b. h' - .. . l lousness and prudery say: Bcttor of'that day he say 3, among other 3, King and 1,. St. David. .......... 17 6 21 2‘ J V a strugg e, ut. is strength IS 3.1 not speak. You will rouse up ad- things: . S. King and E. St. David...... ..... l 66 2 2.3 Heliburtnn Mixed. .......... ..-....‘...- 8 ‘0 ‘m "One: He is in the hands Of hls verge critICiSln. You “rill make . v . d d n . No KentE 8DdE.St. DaVid ........ lg 4 38 2 Z: Toronato Exgfifromfrl’on Hope ........ “18 50 am enIeml‘L‘S‘ , Worse what you Want: to make bet- Begin age 3(316.f310“33_’0(§>q 5' an te It lgéKentéeE. andE. St” David """" 1.’ ‘33? 2 ‘3 gawfiemxednom oronto ........... “333:: hear the groan of the grant, as tcr. Better deal in glittering generâ€" o t e oeu in), W. 140L083! ...... .. ........ 3 ” o 4.3 2;: Port Hope MUN-igooi'oP‘oROfizpoeue.cost-coo.2 06 pa they take hlS eyes out, and then I alitics. The SllblCCt is too delicate And dOlerI \VlndS “ all to the hOWl‘ W. M .e 0| oooooooooooooooo e ssssssss é 2R1)§Po 9 :20 c: L‘ .TorontonailtromPurtHope....:::.:::::.6131).!!! SOB him staggering on in his blind’ for polite cars". But there comes ing th' W'Loglg ...... . .............. ' a 2R30P’ £3.72 2 ”:3 .90“ Hope EX 'W'rom Toronto.........-. 302 pm ncss feclin his Wa as he ocs on . - . And howling hills mourn to the dis- ‘ ------------------ ~ 6 i t 90 :3 L» Whitby mm, .......................... 8 58p.m toward Gaga Theyprison (lilo r is a vOlce from heaven overpowering mal Vales 58131:; 1% £0210 .................... . 262-100 17 60 2 o. ‘BellevilleMlxed ........................... 10 20 13.111 ' _ ' .0 > the mincing sentimentalities f ' L ' . ~ 81' 1- ogie. .................... 262-100 1" ‘ 2 4 . The 11 03 mum? Port Hope closes at the P. 0. at open, and thiii giant is thrust in. He the day. saving u Crv along And dlsinal 1vales Sigh to the sorrowâ€" gull: :fonRgsseu .................. . 322100 2.3 33 .i : mutant. sits doWn an puts is hands on the _ £ - " . ,_ ' ing Ir00's, ar , t.Geo .............. . ., ,., .3 3, “88-55mm f0'T3m0t0010W8t3-30v mill crank which with exhausting $111.8 tnot, 11.“ up thy \0100 And sorrowing brooks weep to the E. St.Paul ........ rge ........ 6 3% 6f f2 I, "3 .8h% 11.00 dial; going north connects with the I. B. horizontal ' motion goes d-w mo; #13; at .rllmpet’and Shd‘“; "W POOP]? weepin" stream Block “N. N.” ..... 3 Cpt 0 s 5; 3 73 . . v. . ‘ ~ .. . - , lr ransgressmns a , ' vb ' ' ' a """"""""" _ . .. _‘ -. - â€"; i Tue 3‘00 “mm“ mm “‘7‘“ “0 w- day, week after week, month aftm‘ Jacob their sins " n 1 e house of And weeping stream awake the groom 11$? 3333:? """""""""""""""" 0? lfipg 81; it a? $ 3 l: I -â€"-â€"0-â€"â€"â€"â€"- monthâ€".xvork', work, work! The , , ‘ , , ing deep; ‘ - """"""" " ". p --._ L 3 '1 l 1- B-0- RAILWAY: consternation of the world in capâ€" lou xv ho are seated m your Chr‘St‘ Ye heavens, great archway of the 11er Eggs: """" ' """""""""" ' f I? 49 94 fl l5 0 1‘ R. SERVICE iivity, his locks show, his eyes punâ€" mil. homes, compassed by moral "31d universe, put sackcloth on, N:Ridout::':::” """""""" 24 i‘? 4g 9% 13:11 ELegvoLindsgyuuz,,1..._",,.u_,:.......u10km ctured, grinding corn in Gaza! :fiégétlllfq ofrcfitimlljctf'th do "0t realize And ocean. robe thyself in garb of S. Russell E 21 £1 48 if; 2:» if: Jullcmgnd'd'i ........ ..... ....... 2 40 pm First of all, behold in this giant of on the north mug! 3th at bounds you widowhood W. St. Lawrence............. ..... . 7 Npt 26ft :2 87 ‘2 :5 im:: annals“). “m” """ " """" (1531: 9"“ the text that physical poWer is not (i an e ‘30?“ and the And gather all thy waves into a E- St- Lawreneewm... ------- 8 12 47 2.’ El .. L-l’s ................. ....... pan always an index of moral power He cast an the west. “11118 I speak groan and utter it EWater...-... ............. ........ 6 7 07 2 ;5 7 -.0- SERVICE. Y ‘ . ’ there are tens of thousands of men - . Park“A'WAdelaide ...... . ...... N E t, 1 23 84 a (3 Les Bancroft. .11 00am “as a huge man â€" the lion fbund and wom n ' . Long, loud, deep, pierclng, dolorous, Park“A” S Durham C g1 l 9 3 ’ Lea. Junction........................... 2 201).!!! it out, and fhe 3,000 men whom he llun e do igomg 1o;er the awful immense. Sub-div. Park“C” E.Albert, ....... ' 2 pt , ”l ‘24. 3 “f “r ‘2" J“i”‘i°“"" """""" '14s?” 818W {mind it out; yet he Was the p g an mpure 10’ and :“hfle I The occasion asks it, Nature dies, Subdiv Parkum'wundga'y'""" 7 i b 1" I; T‘- . amulet. -............5 15 pm subject of petty revenges and out- cry to God for mercy upon tl‘mll‘ souls and angels come to lay her in her Sub-div: Park .innEunds” ' 5 C t ft 205; 3 7:: gianted bV 106’ passion I am far I cry to you to marshal in the de- grave. Park“F"WWolfe ...... ............... 2 p 8 §1 3 3:3 RELIABLE from throwing any discredit upon tense °f Y0“ hnmes' Ym” "“"m‘ “7"“ . . PM! “G"EW°1‘°-- -------------- 6 Spt 74 ft 11:11 533 ED ME physical stamina. There are those your nation. There ls a banmletlng What Robert Pollock-saw ln poetlc Park::O;WDuke ...... 5 939 2 .5 N who seem to have great admit- ti hall that you have never heard r'eâ€" dream you and I will see in pOSltlve Park 0 WDuke. ............ 6 9 39 2 :5 Goodhoneetmen in everylocallty localortnvenin for d l' , '1‘ ‘ a on scribed. You know all about the reality-â€"the judgment, the judgâ€" Park DlEand W RR Track ...... . 53..0r.,27p. 17 69 2244 to introduce a“ mun“ our .goodu mung “2‘; .e lcacy and Slckllness of conâ€" feast of Ahasuerus Where. 1 mm lords ment’ Perk P1. .................... . ...... Spt, 1} 4 33 2 :5 ‘ShOWCJdU on ‘60048, along purlllc roads an, all Blitutlon. I never COUld see anv sat You know a,“ about" llel .} h . __._.._.__._._______. Subsdlv PksB9WAdelaideWJane 6 Spt 37ft 2 SI) ‘2 35 conspicuous Mucus No experience neodtul. Salary glory In Wonk nerves or sick head- ‘ L “mz‘ do do EJane 3 1.5 2 18 2 :5 . or commission 86.) per month and expense» $2.50 I Ch Wh t , zar s carousal. where the blood of the Selfish. Perk9 WARDEN N 3 n- ‘ - day Writeatoucoturiull 'm‘u- ' pe a e. a over efi’ort in our day is murdered kinr u t d ' t . a . - """"“"" .. Ept (i? 438 â€"-"7 . pd. o Mg. made 'to make the men and women A , .1. sp 1' e m o flu. feces Riggsâ€"It Was very kind of you to SPeel ........... ...... ... la Ept ft 35 60 2 39 . yum THE EMPIRE MEchmE co. London Out. more robust, should have the favor 0,. of the banqueters. You mnv know take so much trouble to find a job 8 Welllnswn-muu- ------ 20 Wm: 701% 2352 259 g ." ' a. e as 0 9‘9”? there Was set before. Aesnmls one Bo 5â€"...N t, t 11 I ’ Block“E "“"‘”‘""“'"”“'°' 8 488 225 o gristtian. Gymnastics may be 3305- dish of food t‘hof Mot Q1000?!“ “Ht b vfguld b: aw a o :88 an“; Blwk“M”“" """ .......... 16 9 77 295 c t V8 v r 1‘ ° ' s . . . '. .2. p . l . e o rro mon om me on... . Subscribe for Watchman-Ward” How cargo}? is that you do n t T sneak now of a different banqueting I didn't. ey F. KNOWLSOX' ~" ~ - . o . he: , . Town

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