FEBRUARY 15m, 1900 "THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT. ‘ __ .. â€...â€"*- â€"_â€"â€"‘â€"â€"_/Iâ€"’/ O I . h ' ssmn that ust as in . leave t e impre 3 Coming to Lindsay. ’ C01. Hughes’ case some other influence 1 t S than the capacity of the man dictated inâ€"gggga;yea:p%gian3ta 'll be . . ' 7‘ 9 _ organ’s D M the chOice of surgeon. If so the public Store, on Mon day, Feb. 191?}? .. ncded to the Consultation and - . mll be no better reco free of charge. â€examination . o CUHfUSIflQ latter than the former incident. Dr. FT Burrows was hopeful of appointment DINNER AND TOILET ‘SETTSN and anxious to serve. We sympathize Attend our February Crock ery with him in his rejection. Sale. Special Value in D' Toflet Setts. Dinner 86:11:19; 313% Quick active sales necesEitate m f stocks are to be healthy and free {mm | constant pruning '1 _._â€"â€"â€" MAY MEET HIS PER- with new square basins. / Thereare so man different rades " blue, brown and re . y g ADIEU GENERAL HUTT ON illuminated. Tognete‘geï¬gegl 9.1311 . . , colors, 81X. ten and twelve pieces, if v0u miss Britton and Begbie's produc' Stragglers, “re go through each department carefully and hat tends to lag behind and different qualities in almost tion of Lindsa tale t F b. 20th. The . . y n on e cken the pace of everything t ï¬rst part of the program is apparently qui every line of goods that it is really COL. HUGHES confusina to know which to select sscuros, now cor... Horton, SPRAT'I The bestway is to leave the select- T “AllilcpNG'IJI-lï¬ C{<OPJES. M _ _____.___£‘ K‘LLEN' laid out (in Itioyel lines alllld shopld certputlï¬y he ’or of on a sa 2: ajor- prove en er aining to t e a rons o e y y Farmers and Stray Stock. Academy of Music. That The second part will alone be worth the price of admission General Hutton, commander of Canada’s __ has sent in his resignation, and The following, which farmers are not the government has in due phrase reluct- vary cpnv’fgsaut wu‘h’ .We give for their “ . perusa- 6 law provides that persons antly accepted it. It: was received and 22:11:39;qu estraylstock should give notice a sac. anima sare on their remis accepted on Saturday. publishing pm.†times in apnewsgsplgy‘ a STORY IN IT ALL. published Within the section and where he estray was found and .f th . There is a tale to all this. The HuOhes P . . l 6 property GL0. SHEEHY ‘5 ‘3 not called for W‘Lhm three weeks after On Wednesday of last week Mr. GeO. Winter are being episode, With a dash Oi the Doomville the insertion 0f the notice the ï¬nder shall Sheehy died at Port Huron Mich of. a '9 d ing to the merchant. Below you will ï¬nd a short list of goods we can recommend : militia, gill; be aslmitted lfiy Ell who remember {She . rs pro uc ion 0 “ airylaud,†which as ' been greatly enlarged and im roved, and ‘47 ’ g (I should prove a drawing card. p e 1.11] O O S Obituary -â€"-Quickshine Stove Polishâ€"it’s just what it’s name impliesâ€"10c tin. clamoring for room, and things that deHgio forced out at a lively rate. â€"Coffee, our own fresh ground, pure Mocha and Java, 40c lb. SS 8» f this impo enomenal. -â€"â€"Wethey’s Condensed Mince Meat, makes 1 3 pies, 10c package. squabble, has led to this finale. 0 is go to ajustice of the peace and make over ' . . , , . , pneumonia. Deceased was born an __Gra.pe Nuts, abraic and nerve food, 20c “"9“ known â€11“,. Whlle LlePl-‘COI- *0 ï¬nding 139d agveftléilnx. 1f the proner. raised in Mariposa. He leaves a wife and pacxage. Hughes was enthusiastically desiroua of W is 13°“ 31311233, Wlt'blnayear. and should two children. A brother and two siqters w geiug to South Africa as an officer of the Eggtif‘ï¬: Wï¬â€˜gqg‘g’ï¬gï¬geg £815:in tho till? also inï¬ll/ire blivln' They are: Mr. Alfred m5fkcd more. - ‘ ‘. :. we. .,e,s.. _, .. -' f ï¬t“ comlngemi and while Magor ("3“ worth over $001t shall be advertised by Bell, sill ofrthe noét‘hdlvsg'h.and Mrs J38 ‘3'": It 3151; saw? â€"-72 inch Flannelette Sheeting, Grey or ‘ â€"4 only Black Cooney Fur Mtfi.‘ mg.) 250 lar price $1.75, now ..... ._,__ “-00 the justice and sold and the exceSs of all ex enses shall be ai + ANN KIRLEY. . , D p d 0"“ ~0 the county White, regular price 30c, now ..... f l ’ c ‘ ' .. . . The 01 owmg sketch of the life oers _72 inch Factory I‘lannel Sheeting, Ann Kirley, whose death was noted in , . . these columns last week, has been obtain- Grey or W bite. reg- price 606. DOW 50c ________â€"â€"â€" â€"-I genuine Sable Muff, regular micr- $10, now ...................... 1'00 â€"La.dies’ Flannelette Chemize, {EC-5,4, eral Hutton incensed by what he termed a gross breach of military etiquet, was doing all in his power to spike the treasurer. Any person taking upastmy colonel’s guns, Dr. Borden Was advising animal and neglecting t0 cause the same to be advertised and appraised shall be BOOTS AND SHOES _____â€"_-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" †Y3u want something espeCiauY the major-general to go slow, to swallow . . liable to a. ï¬ne of $20. Farmers ed : his (’ï¬wded pride and to recommend the Who come in contact. With strav gangs .Mrs. Kirley was the relict oi' the late â€"-54x62 Grey Wool Bed Blankets, fancy . ’ Simon Kirley, who died six years ago. border, reg. price $1.60, new per pr.$l.25 60: quality, now ....... . _ _ . 4' â€"60x80 White Wool Bed Blankets, reg. _______________________\“ good and strong for your boy we _ refractory colonel. But the magor-gen- do well to cut this out for reference. She was the daughter of Mr. John Flurey, 2.50 . , â€"â€"Ladies’ Jackets $14 Co, now ...... 3mm av them : . . h e eral had entrenched his kopJe and resolv- , _ â€"â€"Boys’ Boots at $1 00 $1.,5 and $.25†ed to fight for it to the last ditch. Then IS This justice 1) (£51? tï¬agg’gï¬r? oigfli‘s C(i’untY- , 1:111:5- price $2,, now ................... ’ parliament met and the storm was in pro- _ .. 1w; ys}, . m - an marrie â€3 â€"â€"Ladies’ lackets 10.00 r - - , _ . bi... e leaves afamily of three daugh d h d me Plu h B ck Wra _ __ - i ‘0“ ...... [00 gross for the education of the .major- To the Editor of Watchman Warden ters and ason. Messrs. John, Joseph and “-725 y 5’ an ioh h ds afl l dp -Ladies’ lackets 8.00, now ...... 50 J ames Flurey of this town are brothers of prrettes, vnt an 50m? cm e- -â€"Ladies’ Jackets 6 so, now _____ [,9 Signs, regular 12%c quality, ncw. .. I00 â€"Ladies’ j°ckets 5 03 up“ , 3.0 - a i J ..... so general in colonial politics. The govern- SIR,â€"I have been coming to the Lindsay market regularly for eight or nine years, ment saw that a nasty crisis was in sight. _ , . 0V . maposmg of fresh meat. I have never THE “01‘ r 131‘ OFFKE violated the maiket by-law in all these ..Ladies’ Jackets 4 CO, new. . . . .. 2 (:5 â€â€"fl ’; ...Boys’ Ulster Overcoats, ages :, its}. .3 ' ‘ 10 years, regular price 53 ~31 7.3%.}? a - v- - . V "5 â€"Meu s Frieze c lsters, double 3,5} plaid lined, 7 inch storm cellar. reg: lar price $4.75, ncw. . .. ... . i. 23: â€"17 only in the lot, Men’s Brow; a:‘ w and Black Worsted Overcoatc, u. g}, lined and trimmed, suitable 2",: raj and Spring wear, or just the W523, to wear under fur Coat. the â€Egg, price was $7.50, your choice new, -â€"35 Men’s Tweed Suits in the lot, line; that were sold from $5 to SC, 3-;- can have your choice ior ..... i. . . . â€"67 pairs Men’s Pants; this is an 066 in hardly two pairs alike, goods 11231 were sold from $1.25 to 52, your choice for ................ . ...... 123 _ deceased. The f 1 ' - ‘ ' unera serum was (“on â€"â€"500 yds.single-fold Wool Dress Goods ducted on Wednesday of last week at St. , , . in plain shade, plaids. etc., regular Mary's church. after which the remains _ were laid in the new Catholic cemetery. price 256. 35C. 4°C, to clear per Yd- '0‘: The Colonial Ofï¬ce was made aware of )‘eaTS- p Last week Isold a quarter of beef to a Mrs. hirley was an eii‘ectionatc mother - and wife and enjoyed the highest esteem â€"300 yds. Unbleached Canton Flannel, tr. ffl'is,bothb - . . the 8 a e o a Iâ€. y the gOVern man residing at Janetvdle. fOI‘ Ole. 8 The of all who knew her. heavy napped, regular 8c kind, to menu aplddby Major‘Gep. Hutton. If the pound, amounting in all to $7.66. worSt a come to t 8 worst, Hutton buyer “Sked me lo cut ll; in t‘vo pieces in DAVID KENNEDY clear pet yayd .................. 5c /â€"â€"-â€"â€"- might have been dismissed. He our the order that he could get it into his buggy O . , , ’ n Monda there died one of the shapeof things, and having, both on his and that probably when he reached home pioneers of EX)†and a man much honor- __., only Black Australian Bear Mulls own side and that of his Wife, much in- aneighbor might take one Of the piece-I. ed by the poo ley amonr h h liv d ' e ular rice $2 2" t cl t ’SI 25 He asked me also to have it weighed so He was Davideennedvh 3; 100?3 econ €11 - . r. _2____P_T__.___-_____- 3’ 0 car a ,______ . ' ~150 yds. 17 inch Linen Towling, ï¬n- fluence in Downing.st., he got an appoint“ that he would know the weight of each Emily is'ned edges, regular too kind, now. 76 men: to South Africa, and at once - - ' . piece. I did so, and he took both pieces M d . ... reliev h overn nt. , . ._ . r. Kenne y was born in Ireland t.) ed t ‘3 8 me home “Hm him, paying me S’D' being the years ago and came to Emily township ________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" It is considered a throw-down to price of one piece and saying he would when , a only three years of a 9. He was a _ _ ' send me the price of the other from Janet- charter member of L.0.L.g No. 952 and 39gc§5gsthfo§glieousruslttzhktg§Sights; Major-General Hutton, and the whole . . . ville, as he expected to sell it there. Some gave the land and timber for the ï¬rst . out all odd lines; they are now in matter is looked u on asacom romise . p p ' of the busy-bodies around the market see- lodge in that district over 30 years ago. one lot, former prices were $2 to in which the governmenu's hand, though ing me receiving the money, and suspect Mr. Kennedy was a Methodist and a Con- s than 8‘ quarter, servative. Besides his wife he leaves a 33-50: YO“ choice WW for -------- 5"75 concealed, yet is steeled. The major- ing thathas sellingles general has moved all his personal effects which would be a breach of the market family of ï¬ve sons and three dau . . . . . ghters. from his department, and is preparing for , formation to be 181d They are Mrs. Holmes of Whitewood N.W. â€"-6 1 B : - against me, and I was brought before T.;W.H.Kennedy,Omemee;D.M.Kennedy, igghlafgrigcgvzflsgggh15:11:; $185, LOO by-law, caused an in his departure Via New York for Lennon, . . . N ‘ . , . ilagistrate Steers thls morning all $11.26. Emily. Mrs. Courtney, Emily: Rev. John and thence to South Africa. He leaves $5 and $6.26 costs, making in A. Kennedy, Hartney Man.‘ Mrs T E. Ottawa on Thursday. The position the The only evidence given against me was Johns, Emily; Geo. Kennedy Emily“ and whose evxd- R. J. Kennedy, who lives on the home- D major-general will take will be on the by the man from Janetville, staif of Lord Roberts, where he will ace €009 W85 contradICted by b01311 myself stead. The funeral took place on Wed- nesdav to the Salem cemetery under positively, and inferentially by the market Orange auspices. Rev. M. Metherell of Campbellford, officiated. -.-.. since paid._ . Church Notes. ( a l I e Ourlosgeschir' . â€"-â€" ' " T. 6 urine. 5. . . . . ' r3 w’nich -; ' h's par:- in an adVisory capacity. He knows more clerk. The magistrate, in his supreme â€"-The Salvation Army people held their about colonial troops than any other in wisdom. said that though the evidence usual open-abir (pieetipg at Blackwell‘s Garner on ‘11“. 8y 3 tetnoon. Alnong THE BARGAIN (‘ 7 I ' . ’ TIT ER, ‘ '2 “w When you need anything in the repairing line and want it done promptly and well, leave it with liliObSOh- WEST END STORES OOLOflfEET Lower the temperature of the body and influence the general circula- tion of the blood. A HOT WATER BOTTLE... is as great a not. On motion Mr. E. , inted chairman w 33,355 was read as to During the year s e O t . celled policies, cov. " . us 1535 pol-.cLes ‘ . 615,035. The above statement -lthv growrh of the soot ofthe farmers. :4 -' expenses 2): the I." We hold assets amo' eluding $212.3 .7“. Ci? a te notes, a 3,130.1 lli the army. having spent four years in was evenly balanced. he must accept the organizing the Australian troops and two evidence of the Janetville man rather years in Canada. He drops his major- I was the accused; than mine because general title, and becomes merely a which simply meant that no matter how innocent the accused may be his eVidencv boon in January 1 i I . as at any time comm n the mw' [ltllust be consideredl wealicértltihau tliat «9 â€"_ t e man ainst im. is is aw . of the year, and SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY seems to if“, that i, should be quick. those who addressed the crowd was an obviates s u C h "â€" changed, but I am told that it is not lav 3 Indian Wh° . said that the . army had - _,. - - SYNOPSIS CF SERMON DELIVERED IN Ilielieve that]. was the victim of a Cl“ ldone “Teal: tthRS for his race in the par-t. . ~ _ , r ..z CODdlthnS as St. MARY’S CHURCH ON SUNDAY BY spiracy and did not get justice from t' .0ft‘ih‘izco‘3tf‘b‘ry my??? ï¬e gegfngsztmdl' LINDSAY, "' - . ‘ ' ‘ â€a†“6:321: , , - .,.,- , ion 11 W1 ano o is ea in i was r , nOted abox 8' REV' FATHER PHELAN' _ flfgfgï¬li‘giid stï¬ï¬bsgfecligiraigig (If; '. somewhere west, perhaps Scugog Island. which $221: was un _ \Ve carry a very “Why stand you here all the day idle '2" 'overchargedI got my solicitor to exam‘. i The weather was fine. A very large num- 7 ,.- , owmg :3 a d- ' -313“, xx: 1-15. the ï¬ rures of the magistrate and the 0,. noer stood about listening and were only ‘ vtgagee and the . ‘ ' ‘ partly dispersed by the announcement of use beensettled. . a collection which, when it was over, was ~" We H1155 it Will not _ ve warning and ad ~‘ cillantern, whiz To-day‘s gospel describes the many in- stable, and WWII-51101310118 before 31 V‘ refunded to me, the constable, Mr. Fest. . yitations of our Divine Lord to enter the saying that he had noticed it, but he to . true church and be saved. A†have a no trouble to look me up until I looked losses. 1 We would advise s '4 t Draper arrangemi v lantern can be hut full line also OfRCBBER SYRINGEs worth 45 cent in two heats, for it was taken up twice. Rev. Mr. Gilmour has won aplace in the ail'ections of the Lindsay people that ‘l it i l l ATO3IIZERD; mission in this world; if our Divine Lord him up. etc. did not think it beneath Him to create us, if the Ontario government cannot. find . . _ _ _ He did not think it beneath Him to gowrn fairer-minded men, or men of better Judg- \~ ill insure him large audiences any time â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" us also. We cannot suppose any moral ment to fill the ofï¬ces ofpolir-e magistrates he maycome to our tOWD- lie 1531 91831" i - bl d h - .. - being witho it a destiny, for as everything than Lindsay's police magistrate they emphatic and graceful speaker, \Ylth a l , I. can t us 3:9“? should give way to those Vt he could ï¬nd complete mastery of his subject and a line ., ‘ . upset or knocked i .‘i . . tern sitting on th ll ' 13’ advocate t1 i die lantern. Which delivery. The singing of the choir under is arranged in an orderly way, in this world u vouch for the safe so we. like the laborers in the vineyard, them. _ are ordained to do our allotted work. i do not understand that the police the leadership Of Mr- W-T.R0bSDR was I 3 Each vineyard has its own labors and court or Lindsay market. were instituted much spprecxated. 52105 were 9.3““; by laborers, each house its own work, each for the purpose of pcrpetrating such an Mr. ROOSOO 811d bV lei‘l 01‘1‘ 0f lI-‘ibrldile . _ no as was perpetrated on that dellflhted the audiences. Miss Oi‘r's ' me. because I. voice is sweet and clear and her enuncia- .. e h3d 01:1! ï¬rstdi v. ll ï¬bres er, an -. N a pleasant one school its own scholars and lessons; so outrage 0n anyo there is nothing that has not its own to-dayâ€"a perfec'. labor, there is no life without an aim. "In poor man. the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat thy I understand the magistrate is asking lary and is pointing to the ~ b whether the loss c m the furnace, or f we numbers, who H At any rate ti: 1y innocent person and a . _ . . tion refreshingly distinct. Mr. Humphries played the accompaniments. The audien- ces at all the services were large and on Sunday evening the church was crowded. l i l l i l l l l‘ bread," says our Lord. Religion is not for arise in en only meant to be a refuge for us, but it increased revenue to the town, under his ‘ . a c ma“... a[ BI must be the business of our life. When magistracy by way of lines. It is easy 'lhe congregational tea on Monday even- our Divine Lord looks down upon us, all tiraisearevenucif every person who is 1112 was more than usually SUCCESSWI- - q distinctions vanish. The high and low, brought before him is made to pay $11.26 Altogether the church may _be congratu- ‘ -;«ess 31110112 the __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"/, rich and poor, are all one and the same; the on such evidence as 1 was convicted on lated on its anniversary services. ism ~ cannot be u THURSDAY, FEB. 10th. 1900 only true distinction is between the good today. Dated the 14th day of Feb. 1900, â€"-Sunday was anniversary day at the , me“ 309908 of dl RICH. WELDON. Cambridge-st. Methodist church. Rev. ,_ ma§51°n.letn C. E. Manning of Toronto, brother of the ., .. to ~ 3'61“ Will ' ‘ l'bhe farmers h“whit!!!“directs: and the bad. This world is but a ï¬eld of probation, a theatre wherein we can make use of the power of our own free will. \Ve Sale Register, must work like the laborer frOm early morning until night in the work of our FWD“. salvation. How many of us are there who an ctidneer Credit sale 0 " Jemima. mi mgmprughhwho . .oil' OHS: i '01! motion of SILT " binâ€! X- L. Cam < ' "ed and filed, / The Victoria Loan Co. pastor, preached at both services. The morning discourse was based on the in- scription on the cross, "Jesus the King of the Jews." The preacher declared that I I ‘ I from the time the magi found in the infant Jesus, the.fulfilment of their ex- . ' arding the ruler who was DUTY/72Aâ€) the 772 07113.7(†OfJanu/(ZT‘I ’ all throng/Z FEB. 23rdâ€"By Peter Brown f farm stock We congratulate the management erty of Judge and shareholders of the Victoria Loan do not deserve the re roach come ed i and Savinos Company upon the sucâ€" this day’s 8°59“; “warm†are theie Wh?’ §T<§ldxtgÂ¥herlloin§udh§ (3)1: p11 Mariposa. a can. say they! have not neglected their A large humber of ’valuhble' thorough- pectations reg duties to God! When do we intend to bred short-horn cattle, a registered to come, there were evidences throughout . 1. the whole career of Christ that led to the the 7n071th, 7.08 117'le oï¬jer all TVTJZZLUT L RGSEEISE'raa‘. , . '. - meil. ..uo Whom 8 m conviction that he was possessed of a kinglv personality. Taking the three GOOdS at 1777.106.) that NIL-ll NZGIL’C departments of organized governmentâ€" thelegislative, thejudical and executive, til/877?; (50 3 I Mr. Manning indicated their scope and limitations and set forth their universall- cess they have had in the past year. Their report appears in another column. It is always gratifying to us to hear of the progress of any of our business change our lives? Remember time is was short-horn bull, a very superior anima ’ sing, and the future is so uncertain; we can all attain t0 perfecdon if we wish, by $183: a: (gigggilgik Orin making our salvation the beginning and as the farm has been leased end of all our thoughts, by capitancyGin \10\DAY FEB 19th By (‘eo Mc ' .L -' i . â€" I u . ' prayer, by consecrating our wor to 0d Hugh, ,auctioneer. Credit sale of farm ‘, ‘ O h Riji‘l 5‘ n and andi t... ember) 1595 _n :‘g institutions and espeCially of those that start on the resum tion that there is With 3 13013 intention 0150i“ His Will- - p i p . The Almighty h01d9th3 slender thread of stock and implements. the property of ty and perfections in the government of busmess‘to be none and 351‘ n0 favors, our life in His hands, and should he break Denis GWEN“). 10‘ 16. con. 1’ 099' A Christ, who, by these. is qualiï¬ed to be â€"â€"60 Ladies’ Jackets in __E th' 0. - A. a pay their taxes and merely ask fair its hold we would cease to be;our days are large Pumbel‘ 0‘ valuï¬ble thorouflhï¬'e‘; the world’s King ...... In the evening Mr. Bl k Bl ’ very mg 506: at r.- tee 0“ premiums treatment. Such can be claimed for 88 the weaver's shuttle. and as they come and “1811‘ “d" ““1", 315° 3 “an?†°k Manning preached again. addressing the ac ’ “6' Brown | duced prices " . “-1395, collect h V" ; L d S . C and go they weave the thread of our lives. farm imp ements. Sale at one 001°C young people especially. He is an orig- and other colors at I ' "j Paid in cash, t e .19t0m oan an avmgs 0- On this feast of Septuagesima let us begin sharp. inal thinker and a clever sneaker. . .. one u t ff ’ h 7 â€M That it is an advantage can be vouch- to prepare for lent in a Christian. Catholic TUESDAY, FEB. 20â€"By Thos. Swain. auc- Special religious services are being held q at er 0 t 6 _Car ets Housefuriii<"‘- ’-.lfer~ fees andl ed for by the already large number ï¬lls-mien} AgtlggUgh 1%“ :9 111313118? yet, pioneer, crediktl sale oftfarfmG stag: 12nd every night. . regular pnce, and re- p , . -i‘ unis ........... . . . 8 spin 0 e peni en ta me egins mplements, t eproperyo 80. OS er. _ - . _ ' ' 155 who ha“? been eoabled t0 l{wild or buy from this day. In the early days of the lot 19, con. 10, Manvers. There will t,s,Egg1,3,?ï¬gggrssgglgxgeï¬ggggg 3323.: member they are all mgs» WmeW Shah and are now paying for their homes on church, tlhe peopfle fastsed tfor sovienty day?l also bolpéi‘ered for1 salcda fadmboif 200 thoroughly suscessful. Rev. J. L. Gilmour this season’s Jackets. Exp,“ - vigorous y, or rom ep uages ma uut acres, acres ceare an aance . . _. . . _ v ' ‘ r - - a monthly. payment baSIS' Easter. Though we are not bound to fast hardwood bush. Good buildings. Sale B A ’- pastor 0f James st Baptist} chucg'ch, - , We haVe 3130‘“ {Um 0‘ l , "‘ i \V n t ce that at the re t {M . , Hamilton, was the preacher an on i un __A11 hues of Men 0 . .. “his - e O 1 (Jill-CS O I'. until Aï¬h Wednesday, we must prepare at. one oclock. day gave two gdnï¬rable sermons and on 5 _ VCT- ï¬ve dozen L a d 16 S l i I. Inc, town to MagWOOd the oï¬ces Of President and 10121.3“th mortifllcgtion and prayer, by a THURSDAY, FEB. 22â€"By Elias Bowes, auc- Monday evening gave a. very interesting coats and SUITS at . ' p . I ‘. tenant's $658 manager have been separated and we gyï¬ï¬tï¬otoï¬fsï¬ggs‘theetgï¬pï¬fvggsraceggcihd pioneer, credit sale of farmfstlogk all? lectué‘e on “‘The Catacombs of Rome.†Clearing Prices. Black an d Colored . ~; ees, $3 consider the management made a happy all of her ofï¬ces, and continues their use ï¬ggggfï¬ï¬z's,â€Â§Â§1,‘iï¬ï¬pfg‘f‘go: 3,19,32,21â€: gï¬glegLi°¥5§$§§ï¬ngfe§ï¬r$f3, a? 33;; . Dress Skirts at lower chOice and were particularly fortunate “:tllghe penitegititalllse?son (‘15 over]; Th3“ Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. of Paul’s sending back Ouesimus the run- â€"All lines of Men’s and prices than you can ' «- in netting the consent of Mr. \Vm y. or ays may e ‘1 ° goo wor until Anumber of valuable horses. cattle and away slave to PhilemOn his master. The Bo ’ U d I . - . 'i D a ‘ time shallbe no more, and that you may - - 1 1 HP . ° - ys ‘3 e 1‘ wear get them for in 1.1110 ~ - pigs Will be offered, as Wel 888. arge central thought was ersonal Soul Winn . r F lavelle to accept the posmon of pres- be found worthy to take your place among - .. d P 1’ k - 11‘ i Gloves H - . - - - the saints of God who will sing with the Stool! Ct implements. ing an .au a war m e at ng the ’ OSlery, Blan- I say - ident. lie believefthis appomtment angelic choirs is the blessing I wish You WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21â€"By G. Jacllgsorii ggggfogï¬ipgioinntgf ingrfiflï¬tigbac‘iliisil’fi kets, Flannels, Men’s . WI“ prove a .somlie-O great strength to Elvin-1:131 ï¬ï¬‚lï¬â€˜ï¬ithéf afgheiland 0f the ir‘fiï¬leoiiigglt’sclili?gighzgtfymorfmllï¬gï¬lnsign servant, was a model for all Christians in F u r C O a t 5, Caps, â€"â€"Large stock of Ladics‘ the company b0. in local and mone . y 03 ' men. Hoover south half 10312, con. 1, Mari- the matter of personal. work. The even- Ladies’ Fur Jackets _ , - 1 l: tary CerleS Where the name of . p033. Sale at one o'clock and Without in“ discourse was entoltled "Around the Ca 8 C . ’ Dress VvalStS, Ill \ e . ll L‘flaveue†is so well and favorabl The Three Links. reserve. Among the list of stock to be Cross and F38 founded on John 1919.32. P 5: aperines, and vet Silk Satin and - t- ~ ' ' l l y "“ “fer“ â€9 ï¬ve new much “WS’ Itrdedlinvditgbgiit tlt’éiiiiiliiéii'§~i°i“' all Fur G°°d5 at COSt- other ood' . . ’23“ ‘ b 1 d The Peterboro Review of Tuesday WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2lstâ€"By Arch. Camp- thentype of the men who, caught $3,315,; . g 3‘ ' ‘ 5 shall always 5 P ease to note says: Oddfellows’ hall was crowded last bell. auctioneer. Credit sale 0‘ farm currents of their past lives, do wrong to ' “ntinued SUCCESS 0f the company night at the regular meeting of Otonabee stock and implements, the 5’30â€?†1? save their positions; “Nigh to the City,†It wz’ll Pay you t0 visit us durin 0' HITS ----- the Clve believe is assured. Lodge, No. 12, the occasion of the special M“ .D‘mcan‘ Campbell, 'lot - . 000-, . the city of Jerusalem which should have = Which __________â€"â€"-â€" gathering being a fraternal visit by the Mariposa. Sale at oneoclocblx andtwithd welcomed him, cruciï¬ed him; are we (10- month and Plumb/€186 at our Clea I'TIZ ('5 fl, . brethren of Lindsay Lodge No. 100 The out reserve. A 1â€.“ num .er 0 30° ing that in the city of our hearts? The ' '2 Ed‘tona" Nines Lindsay brethren came in about: ï¬fty horses and cattle W1“ be offered. title “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Sale, . strong onaspecial train, which alsocarried TUESDAY. “FEB- 27LhmBY Elias Bowes, Jews," Pilate wasaprophet 150‘ he wrote "ivINCIAL legislature opened the curlers and their friends. With the auctioneer. Credit sale of farm stock the title in Latin, the language of ower, A THE PRc ‘. . . Lindsay Oddfellows were brethren from and implements, the property of Robert of law and of governmentyGi-ee v, the - ‘11th cm t Wlll beinteresting to 58¢ Bobcaygeon, Beaverton and other points Cooper. lot. 18, con 7, Fenelon. Sale at language of culture, and Hebrew. the in Bank N yesterday. 1* ca tain a ginkin shi and one and all seemed to enjoy the even: one o‘clock and without reserve as Mr- language oi religion and Jesus has became What 1893 ‘ P : R ‘ p ~ g P- ing from arrival at 7.50 to departure shoot, Cooper is giving up farming. king of religion. of culture_and of govern- ,Z' .. . ’ remier 055 28Ҡ. THURSDAY Manon lâ€"By Arch. Camp' ment. The cross of Christ is the centre of {“l' ms The second degree was conferred on bell auctioneer credit sale offmm stock the christian religion andafascination to ‘ ,, . d ’ ’ Ronja- all who gaze thore0u......The ;lecture on ‘ the s a very Inc (1 descrip- . . J . J l more thincr thata oup a o y g two candidates by the Lindsav degree and implements, theproperty of E Sale at the catacombs wa h 553313 a 5t" has been appomted team, with Bro. Wm. Pedlar. P.G., in the min Ross, lot 2, con. 9. ldon. - ~ - d Bro. Alex. Fishv-r, P.G.. one o’clock and without reserve. as Mr. tion of these ancient bur early christians. In graphic language the man of 27 yeaitona’s Horse over the N.G:s. chair an asVice Grand. Bro. F. A. McDiarmid R048 is removing to the Northwest. . . Elias Bowes, speaker lï¬d his auditence out thtéouizh the omciOt e entrance, own the LINDS a Y sur con to Stratld a licants of ears . g pp y was director of the work, which was done WEDNESDAY, FEB, 28â€"By . andimplements, city of and along these underground pas- heads of ualitn the ï¬eld. Dr. - - a d _ _q .. BUT in most efï¬cient and excellent mariner. auctioneer, farm stock n experience on has both and was The Lindsay brethren are alive and active, the property of Mr. ‘John Kirby, lot 1". steps. and their work was received with the con. A, Maripoua. Sale at one o'clnc' sages. making them 890 the places 0i the Mr. burial and the chambers opening out here rows of this tow the councils of th v. _ e warmest commendation by the othe ' - = recommended by\ It cannot fail to present. rs grill;12“£ovll,glï¬â€œ,l.e‘$$‘駧.e’ 8' [:3 and there. own and county. \ ying places of the