Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Watchman Warder (1899), 15 Feb 1900, p. 8

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MEN’S ULSTERS ' MEN’S TWEED SUITS Regular price $4.50 Ulsters, now .................... $2 90 Regular price $5.50 L'lsters, now YOUTHS’ SUITS AND PEA 'JAGKETS $4. coMen’sSuits rcdu’d to $2 40 ................... 3 90 ‘ , , , $3.50 values now. . . .32 25 $6 00 values now. . . . $4: 35 Regular price $7.50 Lfisterg, now ____________________ 5 00 gig: irJEE’SSSiissiggtl’gig 3 3g _ $4.00 values now. . . . 2 90 $6.50 values now. . . . 4 75 Regular price $8.50 L'lsters. now .................. 6 25 5300 Men’s Suits redu’d ,0 3 75 $4 5° values DOW- - - . 3 40 $7-50 values now. - . - 5 75 Regular price $10 and $12 UlStCI'S, DOW .............. 8 00 ' $8 50 Men’s Sluts redu’d to 4 75 $5.50 values DOW. ' ' ° 3 75 $850 values DOW. . ' ' 6 35 $10 Men’s Suits reduced to 5 75 '5‘ $to.oo values now. ’ ' '$7 25 $11 Men’s Suits reduced to 6 75 MEN’S BEAVER ~_ $12 Men’s Suits reduced to 7 '75 . Men’s Odd Garments . $13 Men’s Suits reduced to 8 75 H ’ ' . i , . 200 Boys Odd Vests, specxal ....................... 250 EX.» UVERDDATS...‘ $1? 1:43 gfgiigffiggcggi: 9 7 5 130 Men’s Odd Vests, special .................... 49c Caps a ~ "S lizl 55-50 Overcoats for .......... $3 90 reduced to ............ 11 50 5 Men 5 Odd Coats, spectal """"""""""" $1 75 Efgfsétdom or leather peaks, regular 25C 2.1:; 333,- :2. _,.w\ ‘ $7.500veicoatsfor .......... 5 25 â€"__â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€" - ’ 't tPLbsolM ‘5 , w ssswmsror .......... 6 7s â€"---â€"â€"â€"â€", Boys’ Two Piece Suns , Bassisttimes:osterszsigirr:~-~=.. ' i‘ SIO‘CO Overcoats for. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ 8 00 MEN 3 TROUSERS .. .,. A lot of Boys’ Cloth Caps to clear cut at ............ ‘3 / . $12 00 and $13 Overcoats for.. 9 50 Regular $1.50 Suits now """""" $0 90 ‘ ’ B0 5’ or Girl’s (ire Persian Lamb Cans at 6 c or "r- ' ill . "’ SM. 00 and $15 Overcoats for" 11 50 $1 00 Trousers for ...... 60c getting“ 1-75 Suits now ............ 1 19 y $3 on for. . y ............... r ..... â€" . ': ; Si ‘ ~ 4 .7 ’ y a‘ , -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"______ $135 growers £01“ ...... Ego figs]; :2; 33:: :2: """""" 5: 3g 54.- - Boys’ or Girl’s Grey Persian Lamb Caps at One on the 55:" an edgy: ~ ,.'\ ‘ 1.50 rousers or. . . c ' ' - """""" 3: 13' $3"° for ----------------------------- . , . n i _ . 3 _ . _ iv / MEN 3 BLACK SUITS $1.75 grousers ffor ...... $11 3143/ figs}: 32’ :55: 3:13;: :2: """"""" g 23 .' Boys’ oi éyirl’s Grey PerSIan Lamb Caps at 60c 0:13.:- 5;}. 2 l0 , - 9 ‘, | . ‘. 2'00 rousers or ...... 12 , . . i ......... I ‘ lat. 4.00 {0! .................................. . ‘ ' :17 I Regular value $10.00, now. . .. .$3 75 $260 Trousers for. - - 1 6'5 fisgiil: 4 0: gill: 30w. . ........ g 98 . Men’s Electric Seal Caps, wedge shape, worth 84’ S‘ l: 2 49 . ‘ Regularvalue$12.oo,now.... 825 $300Trousersior ...... 1 90 g 45 ' ow """""" 9 and$5,toclearat...........................',',,27- “ Regular value $15.00, now. . . . 10 50 $3.50 Trousers for ...... 2 25 â€"~Wâ€"_-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Men’s Bokara Fur Caps for """""""""""""" l 2:5, ' Regular value $16 00. now....11 00 $4 00 to $500 Trousers , . . Men’s odd lines of Hats at less than half price, all :he “a... . -' ' Regular value $18.00, now... .12 00 for ................. . 2 95 Gents F UTDIShlngS American and English makes, Baitersby. Henry can; Regular value $20.00, to order.15 00 , Y . Wakefield, Wilkinson, Stanley, Hartley, $2 and :12; .52; f N 31:15): i;}l);ypl;4;nen COllars, regular price 5 s. 00; $2.50 and $2.75 for $1.25; $3 and $3501.; Slvs‘ol 4* I , _, n e .................... . . . 0 Lower prices at equal value. ' YOUTH s! OVERCOATS Boys Reefer Overcoats Eiiiéslisaxl/Ebicfuspenders, regular pricelsc A lot 1ptiBoys Knockabout Hats 35c, 45c, 50c and 60c, your ’, ...... . coxce on... ................................... $3, 00 values now ............ $1 90 Regular value $2.00, now .......................... $1 40 1I‘vdienf Black Sateen Shirts, regular price 40c, sale price. .s 25C 250 $400 values now ............ 2 25 Ixegular value $2,5Q now. ........................ . 1 65 on s Black Sateen Shirts, regular price 75c, sale price. . ..500 M ’ U d $4.50 values DOW ............ 2 90 Eggsllz; 3:11:11: ggog’ 2(0): """""""""" ‘ """""" 1 90 “\m _ an S n erwear $5.00 values now ............ 3 90 Regular value $3.50, new -------------------------- :2 48 . Shirts and Drawers, reenlar price 35C, new 25C;45c, new 355-; $6 00 values now ........... 4 25 Regular value $::50'and S; be 86‘; ................. g 20 MlttS 75c, now 500; $1.00, now 750. . r ................. Men’s heavy Leather DIltlS, lined regular price 37C for. . .2 C . \â€" _â€"____________ ___,â€"â€"â€"â€"__._________ ... his: 26:? ieaiger \Mlitts, lined: regular price 55:, for. . .320 Whlte Shlrts BOYS, 3-P|EOE SUITS Gloves ~ e Y eat 8! . ltls, lined, regular price 750, {Oh - 500 About 800 \Vhite Unlaundried Shirts, all linen fronts azé 3.2.1:; \m [Cgular price 3%, now 250; ’egular price SOC: :3“ 35C; Sizes, 28 to 34 Breast Measure. Men’s Lined Kid and Mocho Gloves BOYS, Short Pants “\ngmr pnce be, now 500' $2.75 Suits now. . . .$1 90 $5.00 Suits now. . . .$3 90 Regular price 50c, now ............................ 35c R l ’ $360 Suits now. . . . 2 4:0 $6 00 Suits now. . . . 4 40 Regular Price 75c. now ........................... 500 152231;: 333:: 3%: Eli); ............................. 190 ’ ‘ Men s NeCkwear $4.00 Suits now. . .. . 2 90 $7 00 Suits now. . . . 4 90 Regular P‘lCe $1, DOW --------------------------- 750 Re ular values 0c, ......................... 250 Men’s Ties, regular 25‘; for """"""""""""" lo 84 50 Suits now. . _ ‘ 3 40 Regular price $.25, now ................. ' . . . 1 U 1, if 1 l 5 . now ............................. 350 Mens Ties, regular 35c and 40c, {or .................... 05 ..... \eguar vaues75c, now........... ..................500 Men’sTies,regular50cand 75c, for b a KEEPING EVERLASTINGLY AT I Is our motto. We are going to keep :1 it until every man, woman and child i . . . s convinced that no lace even com a ' ’q i c . . . _ _ . and prices. Our Clothing 15 made to dt. ull duty, to give full servne, p p res With Gough ' n -tocn, ‘“ Everything offered at this big sale is pOSitively our regular stock. The necessity for reduction is our o ' - MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF CORNER KENT AND WILLIAM .. I I STANDARD HIGH GRADE CLOTHING STREETS, LlNDSAY action of basiness connected With the} baskets sold well and the neat sum of such 3 ha make his regal“. trips. He purposes; invasion of 1355_ Mr. Wilson is .215 factory for the coming season. Ten $20 was contributed to the organ fund at the home of Mr. Thomas Yerex on taking another route next summer. proud of his medal, as he has a :5: Clara. f0; milk draw1ng m“ 3150 be “lads; :hurch. . _ “education. 75h Fab-a it being the The toboggan slide at the north end sto be, and wears it in a conspicuozs receive , .. 1; r. o n Newby of Winnipeg, Man, fiftieth anniversary of.Mr. and Mrs, furnishes 1 ts of amusement for thelplace on his breast. All honor to the GLANDINE . La ed on a few friends last week, and Henry Yerexs wedding, which is young folks. Who was the young man veterans of ’66. If the Feniazs Miss Lillie Jackgcm of Lindsay is Nils returned home. 101’” 11k.” the “if”? to the 389 83 9' “golden wed- who got his overcoat torn off up there? attempt another raid they Will get a visiting at Mr. R. E. Eakins. orthwesufi but away. down 'in the dmg. On this occasion Mrs. Yerex While the Weather is warm he may worse reception than they go; 135. The la grippe has been making corner of his heart is $111 a liking for was presented with afar jacket. whilelnob need It. time. another friendly call among the peOple fhm place. After h“ fortune is made Mr. Yerex W38 made the recipient of a “"0"" A patriotic concert for the bone“ of Of this vicinity m. dairy mg we 100k for him again to * fl" coat. after which toasts were given, ' KINMOUNT those dependent on our brave sold? ' . o O . . I ' One of Boxall’s Coal Stoves Mr. Wesley Webster hasjust finished 8‘357- which indeed shows that age is _ The village constable csidentlv was held in the Oran e h ll ”v f H ll R ' - I esteemed. All artook ftl] d ' - Intends Stopping all fast drivlurr over a a 1 Am' or your a 01' a ange putting up a. large Brantford wrnd- P 0 e “Dues 2‘ mount, on Tue d F b 7 l1 Th : . , . , -. ZIONâ€"MARIPOSA which were d l- t l the bridge in Kinmounb vi ”'pe s 8y: e . Qt . e for your Kitchen. I am mill, which adds greatlyto the appear M . 3° 31°“ ey prepared, . . . ' pro ram wasas foll - Add ~ , , r. Clark of Bowmanvrlle spent a after which th t' g. - furious drivers have already been fin-l g ows, “35> by Agent for Bucks celebrated ance-of his new farm. - . . . . . . a ‘me was spent in ~ ‘4 lohn Austin chai . M l w f Ha Thou ht Ran. e and Our' new blacksmith Mr Ta lor few days With relatives of this Vicinity. singing and games. and there will be others if they don’t : ‘ . ’ rui‘an, ' tip 6 L88 ’ ppy g g ha b e do’ shi ,b ,' y, ’ A series of revival services are being look out. by Public SCbOOl Glee Club; solo, Radiant Home, Parlor. or heso 2: d ingh::eu 2g “11168881?” held in Zion church, conducted by our LITTLE BRITAIN l Mr. Robert Brown of this place "Just as the sun went down,” Miss Hall. . Steam Heating, de ek EP will :70“ will“? pastors, Revs. Robeson and Tucker. The sleighing is gone, owing to the while working in the woods north oi Mont; reading, "I “‘3 so glad I “5 Plumbing, Tin and Gopper §°°i i0” hi0“: all m“ e no mm“ 9 Sunday evening gag-vices are being mild weather, and the sleighing parties Minden, had the misfortune of being here }0 night," Miss Brokenshire; solo, VVOI‘k done by experienced m g V ng m c ' held in the church, conducted by Capt. have had to step for a while. struck by a falling limb. He is at "Sadie McIntyre,” ML A' Tram’ men. Call and leave your FRANKLIN Yerex, lately of Montreal. We are pleased to see our friend Minden under the care of Dr. Curr-y address by Rev' 108' Mont, formerly order at Miss Lizzie Hickson spent Monday Our school is progressing favorably Miss Glenny able to be around again, We hope for hir speedy recovery. of the Dublin Irish. Fusiliers: sole, with her cousin, Mrs. James Spier. under the able management of our after “long sickness. Mr. A. Train, agent for the Singer ‘ The motherof the girl I 10W,” M53 J BBXALL’S Mr. Herb. Fallis of Peter-hora spent teacher, Mr. Cephas Rodman. Mr. Kenneth Ferguson, our local Manufacturing Co , left for a trip 888i: Caldwellyrecrtatmn, H J enni e McNeii.‘: . , a week with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Broad, sr., have authority on war, has recently turned on Wednesday last With two 88Wlng Miss Smith} 8010, “Old man Moses,‘ 4 . Mr. Willie Foster of Omemee spent returned home, after spending a few Boer. machines on his sleigh. He returned ML 13' Rees, who on being encorea, Kent Street, Lindsay Sunday with the Misses Stewart. days in Lindsay With Captain and Mr. James Thornd'yke and a couple on Friday with an empty rig, having “fag “Get {wife young man _: ” solo, Mr. Fred Veals, who has been laid Mrs. ].D. Varcoe. 0f Dakwood belles paid Britainaflying disposed 0f both machines. The best - Mommas “.1 heaven,” Miss L1”: R. McCUT LOUGH UP for the Past two weeks, is slowly ML-chhn Rodman intends to build “m on suildsy evening. 59"“ “5 Slgbb' P001319 Will not be Dawson; reading, "Britta” {or ever"! D - .. . 44 recovering. a new brick house next summer. On N0” seeing any correspondence in fooled by departmental store trash. Miss Grace Mont; 5010’ “A legacy as Miss Jennie Jackson of Manitoba Wednesday several Of his neighbors your paper from this hamlet for some We in North Victoria are glad to fame,” hire. W' Harper; ”Citation, WillViSit Lindsay 5"" w°dn°3du at the spent a week visiting with her aunt were engaged in drawing the brick “me: we thought it high time l30 b6 hear that the red tape General Hutton “The “a" boy,” Mr. W. J. Wilson; Simpson House. Hours 10am. to4p.m- ’ lit the Sunda school t’ beard fro”. Consultation in Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Mrs. James Stewart. ‘ y m“ mg ‘ ‘ solo, "Kipliug’s Absent-minded Beggar,” diseases __4.Lyn Mr. Dix is busy cutting down his mended “our own Sam” for a commis- Mt. Geo. Train, who on being encored. woods and getting out sawlogs for the aion on Strathcona’s Horse composed “”8 "The Widow of Windsor Hall ;” Mr. Frank Anderson of Mount recenblY- Miss Ada Snolgrove was , Pleasant spent a couple of days last appointed as superintendent to assist week visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mr. Braid. of fieterbérc‘iugh, I lhe Watchman-Wards new saw mill. Britain is booming this of rough riders. Sam. will just be in chorus, “Soldiers 0‘ the Queen," Lytle, at. N oticiing that your worthy corres- year. his element. Public'School Glee Chili; reading, M" pendent has of late failed to keep us Mr. J. J. Rich, our nobby tailor, Court Kinmount No. 677, Canadian G. Prom; recitation, Miss M' Seward; THURSDAY. FEB. 15th, 1900. BURFS GREEN posted on the latest items, I hopg.,Mr. was married to Miss A. Wakely on Order of Foresters. will hold an open gaging, J‘ Austin; “fir-858, Rev. Geo. . Howil’s will has commenced opera- Editor, you will allow me space in the Wednesday last. They will take up meeting in the Orange hall on Frida k c 12-“ nellé reading, Miss Deli? ‘Bgoâ€" KIRKFQELDb . t f tions for a heavy spring work. columns of your valuable paper. their residence here shortly in the March 23rd, to which all are invited: PillsidreSzhgdfulntfilecijdr HiLilhdéiiyt: B ire-r'tlgfrieifi (if; ifhistimlliaigiielh hr; (:1: fax: of Reaboroxs Visiting his B 0;“ Sunday school Temperance house lately vacatei by Mr. Eek. Messrs. J. R. Stratton, M,P,P,, Prov :fldressg Mr. Attala,.a native. of Pales- omce (Gusty’s Hotel) the 2nd and 4th - an met as usual at the close of the Mr. George Webster was the guest vincial Secretary. and Ernst Gartung, the, w 0 spoke on hbcmes m C‘mslda Wednesday in every month. 104”. Mr. Bert- Symons of Cambray greet- Sabbath school last Sunday, and in of Mr. Jas. Broad Wednesday night Superintendent of OrganizationCOF: “we compared Yum those Of the Turks?) - 1s ed old friends with his cheery smile general is prospezing, under the Presi- last. He left Thursday morning for have signified their intention of being iiiigmiimill-’2’iehisciszenfirftfifi}. A meetinglifl’;l;: 21:5); 8 and Share. an; {pelagiikréssggitl 1:11;: :h'Ie‘hss‘cggi dent: .Mr. Mahlon Culbert. Nluch Lindsay. George is a Wfilcome visitor Present anddeliverinz addresses. Come Search for a wife,” Dr, “thitp: recita- - y credit is due to the program committee at Plymouth. , all and expect something good. men, Mr. D. Rees; recitation, Master holders of the Duusford cheese factory evening last at the residence of Mr. for the excellent and interesting pro- The Glandine butcher is domg a Messrs. dos. Wilson Iohn Blanchard W' Craig. Refreshments we” lbw will be held at the factory on Monday, Jas. Sautham was well attended, con- gram furnished. rushing business here, but owing to and Thomas Coo er hdve re i dth . served. The patriotic fund here February 19th, at 1.30 pm, for trans- sidering the very wet evening. The P on ve err amounts to over $30 and is still grcw' Not often are we called to witness the disagreeable weather does not, medals for services during the Fenian rig. 4 ‘w‘hx‘ ' '. . Li . ,. . ' - . fl, , _. mt. m \4_ . , . , . . .. " .:. . . “ 3“ . . 9’ . tear it; . , . -.’ ' ', flip-W H.471“, 2'... with. ., .,

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