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Watchman Warder (1899), 14 Feb 1901, p. 2

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-W‘f“* .419." e “f ‘9'". wot «a» mum I got at Richard's DrugStorehere, changed me from a condition of misery to good. health. They built up my . sufi’ering from the after effects of Gri or any other severe illness. " HERE is no reason why glasses shonld not be comfortable to wear, becoming and beneficial, at the same time. It all and the fitting of the fiance. come to us, we guarantee to give you the right kind of lenses for your eyes, set in merightkindoftnmesforyourfwco Mr. R. '1‘. Morgan has taken an ad- vanced optiml course and .5 prepared to give pt rfect satisfaction. muffins. Drugglsts and Opticians, Kent-8t, ‘ ‘ Farm LOans 1 Money to. Lean on Mortgage at lowest current rates of interest. I haveraccess to the cheapest money market in Canada and will give my patrons the benefit thereof. Expenses of loan kept down to the lowest possible point consistent with accuracy and necessary require- ments. All business of this nature a , QOQCCCCOQOOCOOCCOOCOO : strict y private and confidential. : C C C C C O : J. ll. SOOTHERAN, e Land Agent : 9: Kent-st.. Lindsay, Ont. Penn’s-.â€" llLHeaIing flintment cures Piles of every descrip- tion and heals every kind of sore from a Condmon Pimple to an Ulcerated Sore Leg. Price 25¢. per box. oeeee PERRIN’S Drug Store. Lindsay Machinery for Sale lN GOOD ORDER m Engine, to x :4, Horizontal, 30 H. P. “ 12 x i4, “ . 35 H. P. u 4 x 4 u 4 H. P. “ 2%: 3% Vertical, Marine 81:. H P. " and Boiler 7 x re, Semi-Portable, 12 H. P. Boiler, 40 H. P., Eclipse tire box boiler. “ 48inchesx I4. 393inch'l'ubes u 37 u x 12’ '32 3 u u CI 26 0' 6% R, 19 2 CO I. “ so H. P. Marine Boiler Ashinglernillrig, a Waterous Chop mill zemchrunof stones, newly dressed and in goodshape ; drag saw rig with saw, butting new rig with saw, splitter saw irons with 40 inch sawhsingle edger irons it: saw mill. new For particulars ap , to IOHN LEVEY, Cratndell’s Terrace, East Ward, Lindsay.â€" “‘ e m PEOPLE “caveman he. Peon-ooh. Typhoid er Scarlet For-r. "pith-rte. l- Orlm or eey serious Sleheeee Require the Ierve I’eelhg, Bleed En- riching. lleert Sestalnlog‘ Action of Illhure'a lleert and Ierve Pills. Itiswell known that moron ‘ illness the heart and nerves are girth-13:3; weak and the blood greatly impoverished. For these conditions there is no remedy equals Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. It restores all the vital forces of the body which disease has impaired and weakened. “ Mr. T. Barnxcott,Aylmer, Ont, says 'â€" About a year ago I had a severe attack of La Gflppe which lefi my system in an exhausted condition. ~I could not regain trength nnd was very nervous and sleep- at night, and got up in the morning as tired as when I went to bed. “I had no energy and was in a miser- able state of health. “ Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which “ I heartily recommend them to any one Lindsay ___â€"â€"_-:â€"__â€"-â€"_____===.'(= thcn be 48. SHALL WE HAVE A SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY -â€"â€"-.D-â€"' . A Live Question That is Receiv- ' ing Consideration from the Legislature. _._...__.. One document considcrcd by the Finance Committcc of the county council at its last session was a cirâ€" cular from the Boot Sugar Associa- tion, asking council to recommend a. bounty on the manufacture of boot sugar. ()ur rcadcrs will rcmcmbcr reference to it, in our report. It said that. sugar boots somctimcs paid as high as $120 an acre: and that there was capital rcady to take hold of manufacturing as soon as a bounty is grantcd to tidc ovcr the loss likely in the curly years of opt-ration be- fore the. production of bccts got at all general. Council rcl'uscd to adâ€" vise the bounty. but the sugar bect question is a live onc. On Thursday of last week a strong deputation waited on the legislaturc. asking for at. least $100,000 in bonus. The News says of it : A Ilcptitation. A deputation rcprcscnting the Boot. Sugar Association Waitcd on tho ()n- tario govcrnmcnt. accompanied by scvi-ral mcnibcrs of tho li-gislaturc. Thcy desired the government to assist this important industry by a bonus. and to that cnd at nunt'bcr of Spcechcs Wcrc made lasting ncarly twn hours- A resolution passed at a rcccnt mcctâ€" ing of the association was pruscntcd to. the members of thc govcrnmcnt. It showed that 300,000,000 pounds of,sugar were used in Canada yearly.- and all of it had to bc importcd. If Canada could supply its own dcmand it would be an important addition to the country's industrics. John Parry. prcsitlcnt of tho assoâ€" ciation. road the resolution passed by his own association and also resolu- tions passcd by the Boards of Tradc of Toronto and London favoring thc giving of govcmmcnt aid to bcct sugar growing. mended tho .-stablishmcnt of a bounty to manufacturcrs of tlic‘rt-tincd arti- cle. The Toronto Board of Trade thought that $100,000 a your would be: tautlicicnt. Both bodies rccom- A numbcr of othcr rc- solutions of similar import Wt'rc I't‘fld .-\ld. Parnell of London said that sugar beets grown in Canada had becn profitably sold in the United States after paying a United States customs duty of one dollar per ton. It Was evidcnt that the farmcr would greatly DCHt‘lll, by thc cstablishmcnt of a sugar refinery. E. E. Millcr of Wiarton ‘Sztid Ontario farmers could not that compote with the great wheat-growing areas of the “feat in the growth of that, ccrcal and they must turn to some other branch of agriculturv. The most profitable one open, he thought. was the cultivation of sugar boot. The value of land adjacent to sugar factorics in other countries had adâ€" vanccd as much as 25 per ccnt. in a few years. T.A. G. Gordon of Alvinston repre- scntcd the farmers of East Lambton. They had passed a. resolution asking the govetnmcnt to grant aid to thc establishment. of sugar manufactories. Mr. Ross stated in reply that as the income of the province was limitcd there would be difficulties. However a considerable sum of moneyâ€"but probably less than $100.000â€"Wou1d likely be granted at tho prescnt scs- sion. At all events the intcrcsts of toe farmers would be protected and if necessary advanced. Is it Overdonc Now ‘2 .. 4 An editorial on the industry apâ€" ready working and those in course of construction Will I‘CDI'BScnt a. daily capacity of 16.000 tOD‘S. Which, if one hundred days be taken as the average duration of the season, and the pro- portion of sugar extracted bc calcu- latcd at over 10 POP cent., would mean an output 0‘ 160.000 tons of sugar, or rather more than double the actual requircmcnts for home consumption." Three ycars ago Spain imported 748.724 pounds of sugar. Another United States Consular rc- port dated from Cobourg. Germany, tells of world-wide activity in the sumo line. “On account of so many countries having turncd thcir attcnâ€" tion to the cultivation of boots for sugar. the markets of thc world are" says this rcport, "bcconting gluttcd. The Europcan producing lands are lcrmany, Austria. Russia. Franco, Bclgium. Holland. chdcn. Denmark. Scrvia, Bulgaria. Roumania. Switzer- land, Italy, (lrcccc and Spain. Pcrsia is just. cntcring tho ticldz Egypt is realizing that 1101‘ Soil is adapted to the cultivation of thc. bcct: the Uni- ted Statcs is pressing thcm all. with Argentina and Chillo trying to follow in her footstcps." A TREASURE 0F CANADIAN VERSE One of the Few Collections of .__Canadian Poetry Reviewed. E ..\ . Hardy. B. -\. Sometime ago Mr. IC. A. Hardy. B. A. contributed a. rcvivw of a. most. interesting Canadian book, to the Globe. Ilcrcwith are loading par-.1- graphs :â€" . Thcrc are ways of judging a natâ€" ion‘s growth othcr than the materiâ€" al. Tall chimncys, hcaps of glitter- ing gold. shining lincs: of stccl intcrâ€" locking provinces into a nation, thc wondrous output of lnl‘t'Sl. minc and sea, vast stores of agricultural woul- lh. all those and more Canada has to hcr crcdit. and no man is so bold as to prophesy her placv in wealth and powcr a generation hcnco. th thcsc alone would not constitutc a perman- cnt claim to greatness. Side by side. with this material advancement. ofâ€" tcn prcccding it. has gone the politiâ€" cal. cducational and rcligious dcvcl- opmcnt of Canada. Today chry Canadian is as proud of his institu- tions, his schools and his churchcs as ho is of the great. wealth in the fttrm. forest. sea and mine of his magnifiâ€" cent country. All this, however. could not satis- fy the true Canadian. Ila fouls kccnâ€" ly the spirit of the land. Ilt‘l' holds, her woods, her lakes and rivers and mountains. the freedom in hcr vcry atmosphere, permeates his being with their influence, and. heart, demand appreciation and ex- prcssion. And not in Vain. Volumes of verse and prose constantly issue from our press, rovcaling the prescnco of a strong literary fooling, while our painters and sculptors cultivate their arts with very considerable succcss. The recognition of this literature is forced upon us by the roccnt i'FEllo of “A Treasury of Canadian Verso.” a volume which no thoughtful Canad- ian can overlook. In the Verse" stirring at his (.‘anadian alone appear over 60 names. the chief being J. W. Bcngough. Jcan Blewott, A. B. DcMillo, Jas. AcMillc. W. H. Drummond, R. II. Kcrnignan. (The Khan), Stuart Livingstone, Gilbert Parker, T. H. Rand, Lyman Smith, Philips Stewart, A. J. String- er, Miss Wcthcrald, Bcrmtrd McEvoy, “Treasury of pear-ed in a. recent issue of the Weekly Thos. O’Ha'gan, W. P. Illacki-nzic. Sun. Toronto, 3. good authority on agriculture. It says : In considering the advisability Though we mind here and there a favorite pdcm, wc‘gcannot hclp fouling of that the editor's taste has been truc, establishing a. beet. sugar industry in that his touchstone has not provcn Canada the danger of overâ€"production false to him. Hero is a book we must always be kept in mind. This may place in the hands of the Ameri- sccms to be a. very scrious danger in- can scholar and his English .confrcrc deed, because not only is the boot sugar industry receiving attention on this continent, but all ovcr the world Spain is turning in this direction. "Since the West Indian colonies Wcro lost," says a United States Consular report from Spain, ‘ the production of beet sugar in Spain has almost monopolizcd the attention of Spanish agriculturists. Large capital has been subscribed for the purpose of cultivating beets on an extensive scale and of erecting sugar mills throughout the country. The result has already been a considerable overâ€" production, and a consequent uneasy feeling in the trade. During last year about 79,000 tons 'of sugar were produced in Spain, 30.000 tons of which were contributed by 22 caneâ€" sugar mills, and 49,000 tons formed the output of 26 beet-sugar Works, 100M119 forward to the critical Only 16 of which were completed in time to avail themselves of the en- tire crop. with no misgivings. sweet and dignified and if we have no Shakcslxmrc, Milâ€" ton Browning or Tennyson we cor- THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY, 0N1. S‘hll’C‘S, compared with his purchases out of other flocks. Poetry true, Minnesota fills this book, where they will be fitted for State Agricultural r LA GRIPPE’S RAVAGES. A Campden Lady Cured of its After Effects. Wholesale and retail deal . .. ”high-grade. . .. a “1”” PIANOS, ORGANS a, ”SEWING MACHlNES... ' ‘ SHE WAS LEFT WEAK AND BUN DOWN, AND UNABLE ro BEGAIN mm STRENGTH UNTIL snn usnn on. wrnm Aus' PINK PILLS. In the Village of Campdcn, ()nt., . 13-,- and throughoutthc surrounding counâ€" Ha‘gng. 27 years experience in try, there are few people bcttcr the 11810888 I claim to be ablem KIT. 13,. r select the best make of g°°dsand ‘ i will recommend no others, A" . .. l, goods fully warranted, and ex. mono}, 1.:~ 4 1 known or more highly cstwmcd than Mr. and Mrs. Danicl Albright. Mr. Albright has for many ycars Iillcd the changed if not satisfactory, special discount given to those mangonhng who purchase direct from In, W. office. A large stock of {mm ments to choose from. J. J. WBTEERUP, orner of Sussex and Peel-sta. Lindsay - Box 415, Telephone” 0m Enullsn Gonmllon Powusrs _: $3.221 position of village postmaster, in ad- dition to conducting a. boot and shoe business. But, it. is with tllt' post- mastcr's estimable wife that this ar- ticlc has chictly to do. as it, givcs, practically in her own words, thc particulars of hcr rccovcry from a. How-rt! illncss through the um: of Ur. Williums' Pink Pills. To a. rcportcr who askcd Mrs. Albright if she Would consent. to give the particulars of licr illness and curc for publication. shc said: “If you think my cxpcrivncc will hclp SOlllt' other Hull'crcr I am quite. willing to givc it, for I may For Horses, Cattle, Sheep be“ and Pigs % ' A U'll you that, I am a. vcry cnthusias~ Williams" Pink For somu ycars prior to thc tic admirer of Dr. Pills. wintcr of 1808 I suficrcd with u. lann- _ This Powder can be givcna: curinr Inoy. any season of the year and in any INN ’ kind of weather; it never hurts 3-, 81mm“ 31‘“ sciatica. and every movcmcnt. of tho the animal, and is highly rm body mum, inwnsc pain. 1,, this mendedfor all diseases to which Cattle and Horses are subject F0, “C" 0“" way paws”! “mm“. day. and “5,1,... putting Horses and Cattle in condition it has no equal. Sold only by (WM “’ " 1.998. “Owe‘wr’ A. HI GINBOTHA M, . Next to Daly House Druggint, Lindsey back, which frequently Prt'Vt‘Illt’d lllt‘ doing my houschold work. c-xposuro to cold cht-lopcd from prupv." 111113 " nights. until the wintcr of whcn my trouble Was aggravatcd by an attack of In. grippc. 'l‘hc first. and most scvcre symptoms of this troublc. y. ‘ agreeabl" U- ”Tho mar. moanf" 31" if passed away, but it. left, nu- in a wcak and dcprcssvd condition. I did . . mompnh no. on...” n, n. on. to mmr my 6mm; "w, O . z ” Melbournv 13d); annwrr . All things and only in many pflll’l“ r Their Superiority Has Been Proved Bxfnid Radiators For Hot Water or Steam Heating Have been tested by years of gratifying service in Canada, . 7 England, the States and many is world-wide. For private or public buildings they offer a chorce to suit every purposeâ€"being made in almost countless hcurt would palpitatc painfully at. the least cxcrtion. Lhad boon under a. doctor's carc. but did not rccovcr my 'strcngth, and as a COIlSt‘qnt‘nt‘t' .l was much (lo-pressed in spirits. At. this juncture a. friend who called up- on mc advised me to try llr. Wil- liams' l’ink Pills, and I dccidcd to follow the advise and supply. To my gratification 1 fclt an improvcmo-nt in my condition almost from tho outset, and aftcr using thc pills for a. little over a month] was once more enjoying the host of hcalt h.cvc.ry trace of the trouble that had afflicted me having disapporaml It is nearly tnrcc years sincc I uscd the pills and I have been well and strong ever since. and I have the bcst of reasons for ascribing my prt-scnt good health to the mm of Dr, \Vil- lizuns' Pink Pills. Dr. Williafms' Pink Pills arc a tonic and not a purgative medicinc. 'l‘hcy cnrich the blood from the first. dose. to the last and thus bring hcalth and strength to every organ in the bofy. ’l‘hc genuine pills are sold only in boxes with the full name, "llr. Wilâ€" liam’s Pink Pills for Pale Pcoplc." printcd on the wrapper. If your dcalâ€" or cannot supply you scnd direct to the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.. Brock- villc. Ont., and the pills will bc mail- cd post paid at. 50 cents a box, or six boxcs for $2.50. cs: imabiw m. qty... nu, strcngth: my appetite was vcry ticklc: 1 Was oxtre-mcly ncrvou‘sg, and my ACouldn ’ r-w-i Ono ()z'tu'n plo- should in hit“,- not a procurcd "- reading and lllttxllll? Th6? those last. i5 one: gnd thv . (if they; acci.‘ 4-0-1-04-0-8'0-1'04'Od°0°b0rl°0+ ribly eigaEr~ ‘ $00394) The vvunin: for Sir llugi: tilt" Side of t 4 plt‘asttnii 1.5 - in quill? iiixx‘fl - v‘l‘t'll. and WM . both inward. ‘whosc stutv but it . coldly. and L; l‘ numb other countriesâ€"their prestige sizes and shapes. The joints are iron to ironâ€"no gaskets used, leakage impossible. ‘or full information or heating estimates on Oxford Goods, see our local agent ' \antagc. Both ‘tllc socrct. hopz-lw‘ handsomo' Sr .stancc. but r1 “-dispmc his an . Sell“ to 21“.". o :1 gird W. (l. WOODS, Agent, Lindsay The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited. Tm“ WWW and Vancouver. 9 SOlllt' Louisa rum-.1 04-0'1-044'1-0rhOrl-Orl‘O-lao-lw-l-Orl‘Orl-Ovl-O-l-Q gl'nlilll" 1111191 [)0 3., gr. Unk“S 50-12: in 1 WANTED ! ~ one's own iii- naillt'." Fairview Shrapshires "A. 13‘ch in Last Week ten vcry fine imported Constant-c. .j LOGS, BASSWOOD BOLTS ewes were scnt to Mr. F. W. Morgan incnt munioz. of Chicago for his farm in Wisconsin. Since the International Exposition Mr. Morgan ordcred a. few cwcs from several breeders, including four from John Campbell. rtcad (if 111‘: it Flee" Of pt‘vu‘j “ml; to atone for HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FORâ€"â€" Basswood, Soft Elm, Maple, Birch, and Oak kg, 3355. on: on... . 1 write a boo] ('onstunCc ‘th novcl with in Woman “ill; I novcl hcr hwy parliament wishes i: ) delivery indicates the estimation Mr. Morgan has of the Fairview fr? Repeating his order for a larger r n??? * iii ; . .- numbcr in so short a time. and askâ€" WOOd ExceISlor Baits. f LOUS‘L d”! i ing to have a. cnrload of choicc (‘ana- g Others laugh-d dian brcd ewes looked up for summcr The RIDER . .KITCHENER Co Limited 3 Ihill}: l . C 38 Shropâ€" LINDSAY ONT. Six grade lambs were sent to the Experimental Station, ~ 3:; not, QXALL'(} \, \\ Station competitions. l‘hoso shipments clear out all surplus num opus. that should bring him re- .Vi‘i’vrys record. nown, if not fortune. views in Canada, United States and in the Show, With a large majority or the motherland. Twentyâ€"two more bcetâ€" takes added pathos from those aspirâ€" fairs, all totalling to over $1300, sugar mills are now either built or building: of these 16 will work this season's crop and the others will be stem, strength- ready by next year. The total num- ened my nerves, restored as]: circulation ber of beetâ€"s ofmy blood, and made a new manof me. ations, and Canada’s most. gifted sons. cord in the educational field in New Brunswick and ugar mills in Spain will of verse, "The Basin of Min-as," and At a. meeting of the this fine anthology, will prose PPG, manufacturers held recently, it was memory in the land he love stated that the beetsugar mills al-, served so well. tainly have a body 0f vcrsc whose shccp on the farm for some months Whose purity of thought and charm to come. of expression give us prcscnt pleasâ€" Reccntly several orders for home urc and promise of something grcat- Iittcd show flocks for exhibiting at er. . State fairs had to be refused. as the A pathetic interest is attachcd to only order which can be properly atâ€" this book. Possibly no man in (jana_ tended to was booked at Chicago last do. was better fitted by reason of December. purity and breadth of taste, Widncss Well-bred Shropshires of good qual- of reading, personal acquaintance ity are in excellent demand, but the with Canadian life, and Canadian inferior ones have to go begging a. position ; "Twain to night 1).. rem-y. I EHME EMSPHIE PORCELAIN hand. “1‘ Sut Illacc. “’llt-ll‘w" tk‘r ”r ”(H lg 1‘ I but 11" guid» “()Ulltry‘ won. authors, and loftincss of ideal, to market. “31101105 ovvr < edit an anthology of Canadian Verso The owner of the Fairview flock “ ”Oh, y.-.<t than Dr, Rand_ ’j‘his \vus his mag_ may he “fell satisfied “fill! 2h} past ‘ 111/0." al’lllauds Winning at the Inter- He had cn- national, Chicago, five championships ioycd his labors, and Was eagerly and at the Winter Fair, Guelph, Ont.,~ e- swcopstakcs for best mutton carcas‘; Ulnstuncu m. pa(‘l1‘v of t‘nln‘ ' ddight i ‘ Inlrade n Sir lltl‘ ti 1' from her hav' His sudden death all the best prizes offered at the fall of tolls the tale. 6%4m, file his Tm. signature is on every he's of the genuine d and Laxative Bromodluinine Tablets mumdythateuree scout-mm deprives us of one t'ait‘l‘l m. against. Cousin mint with Sir It was not 4 110?. though; 0 A; a. very Shanon , anxious. tired His re. Ontario, his volume

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