lESTâ€"I-I‘ {GANS and: l MACHINES ind the cheapest ’to quality. lall his goods, gets d can give pur. Eices and best. S. lN :st. Lindsay. Ont: m 5’ FUND the Lway and Industrm a. Net Earnings of DO invested admin: he NetEarninga the two ï¬rst . -ths of the . ntyearwere Handel tran P“ 39mm . tore each month is aarterly or added to . . to withdraw in. .- for investment for V ~ full particulars. Loan Bldg†Toronto Dell 1893. coolant LINDSAY. ONT. rates of: interest. Cd taken, withdrawal at any of $100 and upwards ‘ LHAGWOOD. Managing Directtl ' or OVER- to come, and - please you if Jul-'21"? Fir AND '5. . a trial. N, ' sly Ileaae l90l th of February 3’ 5 our annual stock‘ goods we do 00‘ 0 another seasonr buy them now at 0 each of the “39 February, and if; exceeded the 53"â€8 ___.._.â€"â€".~â€".. â€".. ‘ _-_. ’__.-_ .â€" LINDSAY. THURSDA . FEBRUARY 14m. 1:901. 75 Cents-a Year in Advance; $4.. '0 :f not so Pain /B’/ R GAINS - tool A.-- This Week We Will Give You Some Very Close Prices on... White Goods, Dress Goods, Silks and Velveteens l‘i SATURDAY .ï¬tm ghoulismmts. BOARDERS WANTED.â€"Apply at 33 Sussex-sh, North Wardâ€"r-tf. WANTED.â€"A middle-aged housekeeper to take charge of a tarm house with a family of three. Apply at this officerâ€"56° LOSTâ€"On election day, Jan. 8th, '0'â€! Eegllsh Setter Dog. . earsand face. white strip on face. A re- ward will be given for information that will lead. to its recovery. J. H. BRAN- DON, Fenelon Fillsâ€"44. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- On Colborne«st., north ward, an eight- roamed, brick-veneered house, heated with coal furnace, a good woodshed and stable. an excellent well and ’ half an acre of land with fruit trees, will be sold reason- ablyiftaken at once. For full particulars apptlfy to the Watchman-Warder officeâ€"- 43. Color white, tan £6113 ghhrrï¬stmmts FOR SALE. _ 3 Horses. Apply at _.43.tf. atchman-Warder oï¬ce. BOARDERS WANTED. â€"Convenient and comtortable bOard at 72 Russell-st. west, third house from Martin’s LaundI'V- TURKEYS FOR SALE.â€"The under- signed offers for sale a number of large Bronze Turkeys for breeding purposes. Apply 'to JAMES CORLEY, West End Kent-st , Lindsay.â€"5-2. FARM FOR SALE -Noar Bobeaygeon. on Peterboro road. 100 acres clay loam. 60 acres plow land, balance pasture and tamarac swamp. -Good frame barn and frame house, also a frame stable: good water; ï¬rst-class orchard. Price $2,000 if taken at once. For iculars apply tc S. M. PORTER. Watchman- Warder ofï¬ce-24f. , SHORTHORN BULL OALVES.â€" HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€" 10 to 12 months old. Good strong fellows, color roan. One of specially g milking strain. Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerelsâ€"A good lot, of several difl'erent strains. Some from Experimental Farm. Guelph. Price . $V-Ghemcptafewchoiceonesatï¬eoo ‘l 1 ,0 only White Cotton Chemise for girls of 10 to i 3 20¢ ï¬ mam out 52 a $0 - . da'..................o..-.... '- '0 ears were 25c. Bargain y ‘ i2 only for the same ages: we†32" ba’ga‘“ d’y ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' 25° rams FOR SALE on BENT.â€" N0- 2...8 pai 6 palidies’ White Cotton Chemise, were 5 5c, B day. . . . rs Ladies’ Cambric Drawers, were 60c, bargain day 45c Ladies’ Cambric Drawers, were 75c, bargain day 59c 44c NO' 3â€"9 ° ‘ otton Chemise, were 90c, bargain day 64c . 4 I:idglgisgl‘l‘t]tabewgs, Ladies' sizes, were 70c, bargain day 50c “0' 4;N;ï¬ht Gowns, Ladies’ sizes, were 60c, bargain day. . . . 45c N -2obMuslin Aprons, were 25c, bargain day. . . . . . . . . 18c 0' 5; Muslin Aprons. were 60c, bargain day. . . . . . . . . . . . 4°C \‘0 6â€"12 Cards Fancy Lace Edging, suitable for trimming ' otton,to oatperyard 2c \; flagelfieces Emgroidery to go at per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . 5c {0' L1 '- Pieces Embroidery and Insertion, regular 15c B day 10c 338' 9-1; Ends of White Cotton, containing 6, 5,.8, 7, 4 yards 5‘: " b 7c,baroainday............................. N’o mafia l’wiisces Factbry Cotton, regular 7c, bargaindday. . . . 5: ‘No. 11â€"5 Pieces Pillow Lace, was 5c and 6c: barg 610 Syd . . . . 3c No: 12â€"3 Pieces Black Figured Dress Goods, was 5c, ay. . 45 ' bargain day. . . . t' â€" P c s 2 inch Black Sergenwas 75C, 2': 3â€": Ebert: :Syachs each, Black Figured Dress Good, was . 95C ThebestfarmintheProvinceforsale orto rentatonce. It is situated-about a mile and a half north-east cf Sonya on the fourth con. of Msriposa. The south half of lot No. 2, containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillable and eight good hardwood Web and maple. Good buildings and well fl:si Elgin-sb, west of Victoria Ave , brick house, six rooms; good frime stable; acre gnod land, with orchard and s fruits Price $1000, it takenatonce. Ap- ply to S. M. PORTER, Watchman- Wards! oï¬ce.â€"-6~lf. OHN CAMPBELL. Falrview SHORT HORN MDURHAMS For Saleâ€"The undersigned has for sale a number of choice pure-bred Durhams for sale. In the lot are two bull calves, to and 13 months’ old, and one thoroughbred heifer; also three high grade heifers. This stock is all high class and ï¬t for any farm. For particulars apply to HENRY DOGlE, Lot 20, Con. 7, Opt. just east of “Mar-r3 fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD, 50m NOTICE TO BUILDERS. â€" Sealed Ont-~3-tf. Fm FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -â€"That choice farm, northoeast quarter Lot 21, Con. 8, Ops. containing 50 acres more orless, is offered for sale or to rent. Plow~ ing nearly all done. Large frame barn and other good outbuildings. Two never-tai'ing wells; orchard; well fenced. Two miles from Lindsay and one mile from school house. Also part Lot24 Con.9. pasture land. Apply to IOHN O’CON N OK on the premises, 0r Lindsay P. O.-â€"4 4. 6J6 FARM r012. saw on RENT.â€" Lots 24 and 25, Gull River Range, Townâ€" ship of Besley, 196 acres, 75 acres cleared“ . ' aeeeooeoogeeae. ooooo . . .. d_ .2 bar ain d3.) . . . . . . . . . . - I . and in good state of cultivation. Abun ' rs! 5" ‘gl"aOC\‘ Plaid Dress (JOOdS, regular 35c: B day 22C ance of water; goodplace fora stock farm. 30' 15â€"4 Piece: ' ' ball B da I 1-2 Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. No 16â€"30 Boxes Silcotton Embr01dery, W35 3‘} . Yr . . one mile from com; good school, \ ' l -1 Piece Fancy Ticking, was 2 3c, bargain day. . . . . . . . . 19c M and railroad. Will be sold an ‘0'7 - '° ' 7 20c bargain day........... 16C easyterms. Theretsagood P F lC licking was ) . , , I lece m y ' ' ' h was 12c bargain day 9 1-2 With understound stable. 303‘ 50.31111 house X0. 18â€"1 Piece Apron Gingham) 40 Inc ’ . ’ m 181 m. With calm; p‘g pen 4OX20; No 19â€"12 White ( mitts 10-4. were $I 20) bargam daY- - - - - r 2 and small 0 ard. Adoressh M. REESE ‘\°0‘ 20â€"20 Boys’ Vests. were 50c, bdrgain day. . . . . . . . . . . . . sgc Comng_36.,£ ." ~ P' ' - \' t Dark Print was He, bargain day... .. .. c â€"- . . ‘ 0' :Iâ€"J leCC: ‘ ea - , ' d 29c FOR SALEâ€"The very desu'able premises XO 22"! Piece Table Linen, 60 mCh' was. 3OC’ bargam 3Y- . ' . .. being Lot 24. on the 14th concession of '0. â€â€"10 Shade Blinds were 35C, bargain daY' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " ° ' ' ‘ 29c Township of Block containing 124 acres, ‘ ~-.) " ~ " ., ~ c bat“ ain day ..... 29C 110 cleared, SOll clay loom. There Ii on 10 Cream B‘md" “ ex ‘75 ’ , g - d 29c the premises a new. brick dwelling, small, 10 Green BllDdS, were 35C bdrgam ay‘ ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ' ' orchard: never-failing spring of water \' m p : Shaker Blankery, were $1, bargam day.. . . . . . . 75C accessible to any ï¬eid that may be pastur- 1024-... .alrs - . as .. C bar rain day. . . _ . . . 25c "fled; close to school, 2% miles from N0 25"! Piece Biajk \ elveteen, w 37 ’ S ‘ 2 c Woodville and Cannington, two of the best 4Pieces Colored Velveteen, was 305. bargain day ; ----- 5 grain mamas in the Province This V â€t, E ds Blouse KLllkS were 60C and 50C: bargain day 356 property will besold ata reasonable price . 9‘ ~3“10 n . ‘ , " ’ . , C bargain day, , , , . . . 50C and on easy terms. This is a great oppor- SCOIOTIDgs’n {nth Poplin, “as 75 ’ - d 6‘C tunity for anyone wishing to purchase a 15 Yards Black Satin, was SSC‘ bargalo ay- . . . . ' . . . . ff 3 homestead. For particulars apply to, A ers Underwear Careers and Hosiery, Twenty per cent. 0 E. ETABACK, Postmasm’ Wood,“c \â€" ~, ) g .._4- regular prices. Come m the mommq if possible and avoid the crowd in the afternoon. E. l. W. Mollalley Lindsay's Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods Horse fme snow-water is RUBBER. Here are some of our Values in Rubbers. 956 $1.25 455 Men's Lsmcllcrmmz's Ruééers I 15215116, 756' Mid Hails Luz/zlxerz‘mn's Rad/267's 2 lug/ale, 710w :llen‘s Rub/251’s, all Sizes Q 2’0 1!, 75020 75 pair rllz'sscs‘ Rubbers, 1.? 2’0 2, at 25c 75 " [adzcs' Crag/2w! Rad/2875. were 4559 now 356 50 " Ladies’ ll’ool lined théllers, 2 1-2 to 4 1’2 35: C/zzlds’ Kali/)5? lure 5002‘s fleas lined $1.20 .lfzsses’ Rub/m- l'm‘c éools fleece lined 1'35 Ladz‘es’ Rzzéécr (300/5 fleece lined 1‘50 NOTE: These Boots are Perfect and are New Stock. _ See our Tables of Overshoes and Rubbers l l t FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The followine valuable farms are offered for sale on very easy terms of payment : Valuable farmloti ml: aicres, one mile from Lindsa ' al ow 11 except 3 acres of pasture; loll dag loam. Good dwelling. two barns. one acre orchard; close .10 school. A good farm at a reasonable price and on easy terms of payman East half Lot 23, Con 7, Eldon township, containing 100 acres, 70 cleared, balance hardwood bush. 3011, day 108!!!- TWO ternls DOSSlblO for the Care miles from Kirklield, on good road. On 10mm“, the premises are a good brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms and large kitchen. same. woodshed, etc; frame hip-roof barn, with stone foundation and good stabling. One acre of young orchard; good water. Al ï¬rstoclws farm in every respect. The Mcl-Iugh farm west half Lot 16, Con 3, Ops, is ofl'ered for sale. It is situated f0“! miles from Lindsay, on the Little Britain road, and contains 100 acres, 80 of which an plow land. There is a good brick house, with woodsheds ; large frame barn. . driving shed, stables, etc. The farm is in goat state of cultivation, and will be sold reason able. ' For further particulars apply to S M. PORTER, Watchman-Warrior oflice. Lindsay. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given tha‘ the Municipal Council of the Corporation (ll the Town of Lindsay intend at a meeting ll be holden on Monday, the 4th day of Man b. 1901, at 7 30 pm , at the Connoil Chamber in the Town of Lindsay, to pass a By-l.- w stopping up and closing those parts of Vic. toria Avenue described as follows : -- _ Commencing at a point on the south sde of Glenelg Street where the same crosses Victoria Avenue at a di~tance of 66 f« e westerly from the easr side of Victor 9. Avenue, thence southerly parallel with the east side of Victoria Avenue 167 feet, theme northerly to a point on the south side of Glenelg Street where the same crosses V lC toria Avenue 58 feet 6 inches from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence westerly 7 - feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. And commencing at a point on the north side of Glenelg Street where the same crosses Victoria Aven seat a distance of 66 feet from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence northerly parallel with the east side of Victoria Avenue to RuSsell Street, thence easterly along the south side of Russell Street where the same crosses Victoria Avenue 20 feet 6 inches, to a point 45 feet 6 inches from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence southerly to a point on the north side of Glenelg Street where the same crosses Victoda Avenue 58 feet 6 inches from the east side of Victoria Avenue, thence westerly 7 feet 6 inches to the place of be- ginning. And authorizing the sale and con- veyance thereof to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada. Dated this 29th day of January, A37. 1901. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk-3'4 tenders endorsed “ Tenders for School House†will be received up till noon on Tuesday, 26th Fe bruary, l90l, for the building of a Brick School House with base- ment. in SS. No. 5, Eldon. Plansand speciï¬cations may be seen at the house of the undersigned on and after the 12m day of February, 1901. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. FOL_ 11'0". Sec. Tress, Bolsover, Ont.-â€"7-2. N MARIPOSA APPOINTS A CLERK AND TREASURER How Bu iiess is Done and Un- done in the Banner Township The municipal council of )llll’lllt)>':l frame ham-met ill. the town hall. ()ilk\\'()()tl. on 11th Feb. 1901 . The iliclllbl-rs \Vt‘l‘l“ all present. The minutes of litS'. ‘lflt‘cllllg were read and conlil‘mo-ll. ‘ The Letters Wchoral collllmmications wore t‘l‘illl by the clerk. as follows: From the lir()Ck.C0llllt'll re the lllilllllt'lltllll't‘ of boundary lllll'. From the lilvlou council rc a. grant of mom-y for imâ€" provclllcnt. on boundary lino of l-Tblou. 0111 Mrs. llul'l'ls. rc oru-niug Flow- 51.. in the \‘lllzlg‘l' 0f ()alx'wnlld. Front svcrctalry of llolllc for .lgvll. Lindsay. rcmzlintcuullcl- of \\'m. .llc('lllloll;.:'ll. From Thus. Stuwurt. barrister. Lind- say. desiring sonic cxplzluulioil beingr (llSllllSSl'd as solicitor. From I). ll. zllltlo'l'soll. lull‘l‘lSlt‘l‘. Lindsay. stating that his references in his up- pliciltion for the 'llollt'llorï¬lllp \ycrc not directed against Mr. Sic-wart. From the clerk of Blenheim. desiring (zoâ€"oporulion in petitioning the logis- lzltul't- not to change the statute in giving the county councils power to assume control of roads. There were also several applicm lions for lllc offices of treasurer and clock. fl )l‘ Motions Caloocanâ€"Markâ€"--That Wm. non be appointed to take the (Illi‘tllr best and main- of John Livingstone and that council be responsible for the â€"(7llrrie(l. ‘ l 110 McK innonâ€"McCrlm m onâ€"â€"That. the council grant the sum of SS to Wm. Sanguine for the care and support of his grandsonâ€"Carried. (lzllllcl'onâ€"Mclx'innonâ€"Thnt the com- munication from the township of Brock in the matter of l‘câ€"adjustment. of the labor on the town line by money grants ho Considered favor- ably and that stops be taken to ac- complisli' this (mlâ€"Carried. M‘clx’innnnâ€"MM‘i'iillill(.11â€"â€"’l‘llat this council grant. the sum of $50 to be spout. on boundary line of Eldon bc- twccn Grass llill and the 10th con. of Eldon to met-L a like amount granted from the Eldon council.â€" Carried. Mcf‘rimmon-('zlmcr0nâ€"â€"Thal no ac- tion be taken in thc mat tor of openâ€" lugr Floralâ€"st. in tlic Village of Oakâ€" wood.â€"~â€"{‘urricd. Mct‘l'imillonâ€"McKinnon~â€"Thu.t the clerk bu authorized to write to Mrs. l-I. lC. Shzu'pc, St't‘l't‘lat‘y Home for the AIJHL Lindsay. that. this council conâ€" sitlcr that Mr. Wm. McCullough has no claim as all indigent on this townâ€" Hllll).-~('llt'l'll‘d. llcl'l‘lllllllr>:l~.\ll-l{innonâ€"‘That ('lt‘l‘lx‘ be alllilllll‘lYt‘tl to write Mr. T. Stewart, lnll't'istci‘. Lindsay. Stating: that this council had no fault to find with him (ll' his Work but simply (it-- ci-lcd to appoint. Mr. 11. R. Alldt'l‘SUll solit'll()l‘.â€"â€"('ut‘l‘lc(l. MN‘1'llllllionâ€"("amoronâ€"Jl‘hilt (“mm- cil are opposed to thc count" "’30 sy-S‘U‘m and hereby (lcs‘l‘ru lhf‘ '0‘“! legislature to make no change in Lht‘ Sl’tlllllt‘s lending in that direction.“- Candid. Markâ€"Cameronâ€"Thzlt T. IT. Morâ€" lf’n hf! appointed treasurcr of tllc township of Milriposa at a solar.V or $4100 per annum.-â€"-(‘arric(l. NICKlllnOnâ€"l‘lCCl‘lllll’llOflâ€"â€"~rl‘hfll A. 0- Une‘s be retained as treasurer of the township of Marine-sat for 1901 at 8. Salary of $120.â€"â€"â€"Lost. . llarkmllineronâ€"That tho resolu- tion passed at the last‘ meeting ap- pointing J. B. Weldon to the ofï¬ce 1 llt‘ of Good Working of clerk be reconsidered and that J. F. Cunnings be appointed clerk of thr- township of Mariposa at. a salary of S225 per annum be introduced confirming said appoin mont.-â€"â€"L0st. McK inn on-McCrimmonâ€"Th n t Weldon be retained as clerk of township of Mariposa for 1901 salary of $200.â€"Carricd. Mc( ‘rimmonâ€"(‘amoronâ€"â€"'l‘hu t. t: . Ronnie and Geo. Douglas lN' appoint ed to audit the accounts of lbw town ship of Mariposa from tho lsl of Jun 190] to the lst. of March and the auditors hand the bunks nw'l‘ ‘l( the treasurer T. H. Morton oil dll te.-â€"-â€"Cu rrictl. lilc(‘rimmonâ€"Mcl{inn in ~â€"'l'll:-L council grant ill: will} of $3 in lill? :‘l‘dl and that :L by-law L J. ll. llll‘ til it B that ) ilol 3’ McEachern in care of U. 3.54-l,2=nlli<.â€"â€" Carried. Cameronâ€"Mel"; ii-lul-m- --'l‘ll.-l: count of S. Washington for tho port, of E. louder and W. lhirsvy Illt' sic- til p- be paid, the amount being- eff-l (iii. - â€" Carried. McCrimmonâ€"MCKinnonâ€" -’J'=l.l L part. of by-lilw lllr tors at a salary of 86 Ouch b.- consillcred and that. they l‘t'Ct‘th‘ salary of SlO.-â€"Carric(l. Markâ€"M cKi nnonâ€"Tha t the for the your 1900 be accepted fylcd and iilcnt and report be published and that. their salary of $10 each be paid â€"â€"{'a.rricd. alllll M CK innon-McCrimni o nâ€"Tha t l. he motion appointing T. ll. Morton treasurer be reconsidered and that Mr. Stephen Washington. be :lplmind-d treasurer of the township at a sal- ary of $95 a. yearnâ€"Carried. McK i nnonâ€"Cameronâ€"That i he room be appointed to inspect and re- port on the culvqrt on the boundary of Ops lot 18. con. 1, built by Ops colmcil.â€"â€"â€"Carricd. M cCr irruuon-Mcki nnonâ€"That t hc pl‘llllOfl of Wm. Glass and oyo-r 100 others asking the council to repeal lllt‘ by-luw doing away with the dog taut be not ul'tl-il on for lllr' prom-ht, and that this council may consulor the allyisibilily of Slllflllilllng the qur-slion of llll' (log tux to ill" rule- pliyi-rs all. lllt‘ coming lzlllnicipall ell-câ€" liorls.â€"â€"(':lrrio-ll. Matrixâ€"Famoron-"Inuit lllis‘ (‘UllllCll (in not flt‘ï¬â€˜lll it. Ill-cessm'y to enforce Vaccination us n-commchdcd by the Bout-(l ol Healthâ€"carried. Mclx' innc nâ€"Mc(.':-izilnloilâ€"â€"'l'll.lt the following monthly grants bc gin-n to tliv ,poor of the township for the Vl'tll‘ 1901. Int (Nuns, t'lll‘l- of hits. l‘hvrso’u. SH): \li‘s. Fuller. care of Mrs. lilltltl. l5 cents per day: Mrs. \‘loolzlcol. (‘ftlt‘ of Alex. Smith. 53.00; .\nli Brown Ctll't' of (i. (‘oomu 53.00; .ll.ll:l l‘lit‘l‘c. cure of John (fumpbcll. S23; Susan llugiison. St}: Jolm Jeffrey. Kl; .\l‘('l1lt‘ lecliucllcrn care of D. Mc- illlllllL-l for .lf‘l‘l)†Mar. and April, 35. -â€"â€"â€"('all'!'ll‘(l. llzlrkâ€"L'.iiller(lnâ€"-'l'h-.lt J. l“. Cunâ€" nings hi,- and is hereby appointed clerk of the township at. a). salary of 5173 lN'l‘ annuili.-â€"Lost. ,‘ll'. Mark application 3100 per year, it was Xll()\t.‘(l . McKinnon. scconded by W. 11'. Mc- (‘rimmcm that. J. B. Weldon be reâ€" tillllt‘d as township clerk for 1901 at a salary of $50.â€"â€"â€"Carried. -llcCrimmonâ€"Mcrxiunonâ€"T‘htlL law .\0. bl-l being a byâ€"ltiw to con- llllll the appointment. 01 J. 35. Weldon its clerk at a salary of S‘oU and s. \iasliington treasurer at >595 l't‘Ct-lVL‘d and read a ï¬rst. lec.â€"L“d.l'â€" I'lcd. On motion the byâ€"law vats read a second and third time and l-tSIs‘c-l. Cameronâ€"Markâ€"That 1:. lé. lit-unit: and Geo. Douglas be app.) 111.00 to audit. the treasurers hooks up to the 9th March at a salary of :5 each, and hand the books over to 1110 treas- urerâ€"Carried. . . _ lilark-L‘aineronâ€"That the lOllL.\\lllg accounts be paid: It Smith (slim and attendance .los. Curtis 51!, ulc- Lcnilzin Co. :.cc. Si t"lll<, 1‘. S. Blackwell (‘0. $5.39, Goo. Martin- dale work on grader ll .11.: in 1900 also produced another from Mr, L‘unnings at by A by- Mr. be $10.12, Thos. Broad rerun-s as fence viewer on â€.10. l)‘.",\\lfl'n J Mc- Dougall '1‘. liroughlll 521.. John l’ogue work on grader J‘JUU $21.50, Mervin Grills breaking stone in 1900 $2.50, Geo. nicks gran-11mg in 1900 $10, John Tinnl‘y cutting brush con. 9 $2, Wm. Suggitt grant of $10 to Mr. Motlutt who was on service in South Africa, Moses hicâ€" Indoo cedar for bridge con. 1 l $4..)U â€"Carried. Council adjournd until tho second Monday in March to appoint‘ .pmhj masters. poundkcepm-s. fenci- \'lt‘\\'t‘l‘b and do gent-rail busincss. .l. B. \‘thldllll. ('lt’l‘k. ..____._â€"â€" '1 eacncls’ o..v;ul..cn The teachczr of East Victoria met in convention at the Central School on ’ihuisday and Friday of last Week. A number of valuable papers were read by ttachci‘s. 'lhe dis- cussicn on homework brought out: different opinions. Rev. L. S. Hugh, son B.A,. and Mr. L. V. O‘Connor B. A. took part in it. Some held that novelâ€"reading injured the children and homework got the blame, others that it should not be given. All agreed that the very young children should have no home work. At night Principal Scott of the Torâ€" outo Normal S.hool lectured on “The Training of Children." Frotn their psychological and physmlogical ground work, Mr. Scott outlined the process by which people attain their skill in physical, mental and moral activities. ' During the con:- vention Mr. Scott' lectured on School Management and Indirect Teaching. No. .ll3 appointing G. B. Bonnie and Geo. Douglas audi- ro- nudi- tor's report and statement of lht‘ acâ€" counts of the township of Mnriposa at“. that the abstract statoâ€" u 10" had it not, I \N lustrous" OFFENSIVE T0 nus CA_T_HOLlC cnurcn 0 u r I‘ffil dc rs lliL Vt: llkclv 5...... .. .. ,_ that, “1101]. 311‘s. ~ - l (1,“dlb li'ra tit-cs . . ’ Harrison theranus), dolivcrcd the last. let-furn- m the institute collrSe slic quoted u. poem of her own do Anne do Beullpre, presmorus to which SCl‘lpllYU of St. that contains 0x- Magistl‘atv Steers obprctcd 1er a. lcttcr in lllc public press.) Mr. Steers also pron-stud to the board of Education. At 1h». meeting of that bod ported clue-Whore) Mr. lx'ylil- tllo- sup ayratc school FODFOSCYllaIlVf' on ill-- board said he saw nothing very ob- Jet-.tlonable in the poem ‘The ‘ test was fyled. . 7 pro- M gr. Laurent Speaks On Sunday last, at High Mass MOT. Lauri-n1, referred to the incident. 5to the following effect: I would not have noticed the mat- bevn for the action of School representative on f Education, who when gy came up ." 13;". Wool; (rcâ€" ttllf‘ Sepa rat (s the Board 0 the . and that he saw nothing for offence in the poem. The result Was that Mr. Simer's letter was fyled. ()n that account in justice to this con- grogatlon, and to myself, I must protest against this course. “Seranus refers to the (‘ross of Jesus Christ in these words: "There since the world began The cruciï¬x stands o'ergrown with moss is always man." .We know the word talisman nificd among- the ancients a supersti- tious charm or something that brought good luck to those who pus: sosscd it. Therefore she regards the Cross as a superstition Another reference is as follows: “Some scull that the poor devout may scan. Some bonc that glows wonderful gloss."' lit-re a snccring allusion is lllutlu to the relic of St. Ann». At another place the pcoplc an: (inscribed as ‘ caravan. A caravan was known the eastern countries as :i moving Cll‘CllS or band of Bohemians who gathered with thcir horses: end tl as a means ()I travel! to place. Again : One . near some talis- Sig- with a u. it: ‘lllS ing‘ from. plum: I4 ' Brittany ht‘nl‘keli and \\.‘nn-l r!‘ ,' Sour r'hlldl‘l‘n s (mirth-n - inclfilv Pussmg the Iiost. as it “Until! along the Strom " Herc rcfvruncr- is made to :b- I.’ ,g- ccssion of the ltlossvd Saviour-m. Inc purport of t2.:s‘ ruuilu: is. exi- (ll‘lli. and in the [now . of ")5" llltlgro~ gallon I protest. -ll‘<’ int: a. Sllpr‘."§,'.luil of lllt‘ Crass Secondly aga’nst the insult. â€"-t. Anne. the A gold and 111'." (mince paid to urn Ins? L,†k- - and â€Firm (1 In â€i (it)? ‘lll- )r‘r‘.»\- ' "““4 >.l-:f.i1:llnt, grant! 'un- 11 \r ‘1 vv i.‘...‘,)!)"t illl! The VlC’ Orla Creamery ‘ The stockholders of Creamery held their an On Saturday afternoon. Secretary ()‘Boylv's 10 months shOch : Milk received†.......... Cream receiwd.... . Average test of milk tliv Vic: orig. nual melting st alarm: n1 for .snoeli '21.: . 31303 11.7: a) _.. .....l.a.) p.c. Average test of cream.... ....21.9 p.c. Average ratio of butter fat to but- ter.... -.. ...... 1 to 1.1.0 Gross value of butter†.. ..$.\‘269.24 Butter made- and sold .. .41238 lbs Gross value of cream.... . $640.3“ Gross value of buttermilk. ..$193.43 Average price of milk per Mr. H. J. Lytle said that $400 had been paid on the debt and hoped' that; milk drawing routes would be .30 arranged this year. as to reduce: the cost of drawing to 10 cents pcl’ 100 pounds. Capt. Hunter was thanked for his servicr-s as salesman. and in reply said that Mr. Jno. Connolly of Ops was the first to propose a. creamery for Lindsay. Mr. Connolly Was elect- ed honorary presidcnt. The other ofï¬cers are: pres. D. Cayb-y, yin: D. Scully, Socâ€"trons, \V. l". ()‘llo_\l. auditor H. J. Ly'tle directors X. Smalc, Jno. TWoht-y, Robt. Bryans, Jas. Roche, J. O'Loughlin and it. Flavelle. Mr. Geo. Lytle spoke of “in lllul‘iir‘i for butter and the advantage of hand separators since cream could tw got cheaply to the factory. Butter would gain on choose next year. Mr. Wilkinson of Canlbray, a new member and graduate of tho- 0. (T. A. at Guelph spoke of the. llli‘lllULlS of testing milk. The patron's meeting Was ('llll'W: for March 2. Then routes will he named and allotted and the butter- milk sold. Academy of Music â€"The Marks Brothers are here next week. favorites. â€"â€"Miss Olof Krarer. the native I‘lskimo lady who has lived for some years in America and is said to be the only female of her nationality on the continent, lectured undoi- START. A. auspices on Tuesday night. The to be They are popular house was well ï¬lled. The speaker and her address had merit chiefly of a. curious sort. Miss Mrarer is 40 inches in height and weighs 92 lbs. When she left Greenland she was 30 lbs. heavier. She speaks English fairly well and has a remarkable ap- preciation of American humor. Her appearance in Eskimo dress was a decided novelty,