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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Feb 1901, p. 5

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, '~ ‘ ' ‘ ............. ............-....,,..25c 73c, for 3 bargain day s. / . . pieces Colored Ribbon, 1%, 1,”: and 2 inches, was loc, 15: and 20C, 01' ............. ..o. o-oo-o..oooocooooo.....,...... 5C 3 pairs Fashioned Cashmere Hose, regulrr 30:, for 3 barg days. 20c pieces Fancy Fianna lette, was 8: and lot, .for 3 bargain days_ 6c Fiannelette Biankets, were $1. for 3 bargain days ............ .75c _ pieces 35 inch Factory Cotton, regular 6}éc, 3 bargain days. . . . 5c . pieces meter}. Cotton, for 3 bargain days. . . . . . . . ............ 34c ,. Ladies’ Lawn Handkerchiefs, were 4c, for three bargain days . 2c 0 Men's and BOys’ White Handkerchiefs, for 3 bargain days. . . . 15c pieces Singie Fold Skirting, for. . . . . . .3 . . . . . . .3 ....... '. ..... 5c 2 pieces Velveteen,was 30.", for .............. . . . . . . ......... .22c ard taken, ‘ithdn‘l , ' .ieces doub'e fold Dress Goods, were age and 30¢, for 3 8 days zoc‘ ‘°"“m5°f$xoomd .. )bunches Batting, weregc ........ ....... , 5c; Men‘s Suits, were $5 50, for 3 bargain days ..... . ...... . . . . . . 3.50} Men's Overcoats, were $5 and $5 for 3 bargain days ,,,,,,,,, 3 5° Beaver Coats, veivct coliar, regular $1! and $12 (goats, fer. . . .900 iaces Union Carpet, was 3 c and 28C, fir 3 bargain days ...... 23c ieces Tabie Paiding, was $1, for 3 bargain days .............. 75c A apers of Pins. 3 bargain days for ........................... 5c skeins Black Yarn, far ................. . . . . .2 ...... . . . - . . 4c Ladies’ White Nigh‘gowns, were 60‘, for 3 bargain days ...... 42c ' 9‘56 Ladiea’ Dr; vers. were 53c, for 3 birgain days .......... , 42c Chemises, were 607, f r 3 bargain days ......... . . . . . . . . . . . .42c izces Size, 1 Pink and x White Fianneiette, were 12c, far B days so ‘ pairs Ccr ets, were 75c, for 3 bargain days .................. 38c pzirs Corsctg were 50‘, for 3 bxrgain days ......... . ........ 38c :e. The price will he , We have a nice line 0! SERTNRQ that till 2:. The price will II: We have 3 nice 35:: d rSERINGS that til I the next few weeks. p in and see the goods- or correct fits. W New Spring arrive next we: at 25c per Pa’f R. NEILL. one. Lindsay at. and the Ch , ling to quality. I for all his good. Its, and can give i ght prices andh: terms. bases in staple , and Prices \‘v’i ads or (100“ oods nonth of Ftbllw!‘ [is is our annuals!“ of goods we do ' 21' to another Sea in buy them 00' :s to each of the! ing February. a“: --l90l des, Skirtings, west Lin 633’, tc., INS Goods chceeded' the Three DaYS’ You get the benefit of the middle man’s profit, and you also get Solid Leather Footwear for less than others sen shoddy. . E. W. MCGAFFEY, indsay's Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry (beds House ff Bargain SalejE spring Month of the Century will Start this month of March, 1901, with a Number 9 regular Friday Bargain Day we submit. ; array or prices presented to you on any previous Bargain Day. , regular $11 and 812 Coats, for. . ..900 )c and 28c, fu' 3 bargain days ...... 23C :1 for3 bargain days .............. 75c ys for. . . . ....................... 5c .............. 4c , were 60‘. for 3 bargain days ...... 42c ! up. for : bugain days .......... . 42c OOOOOOOOOO I .0.I.O....O'OO..IOI125C US and zinches, was Ioc,15~. and FARM FOR SALE ()1: REN'J‘.-â€" -'I‘he best farm in the Province for sale or to rvnt at. once. It is situated about, a mik- and a half north-cast, of Sony-a. on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The South half of lot No. :2, containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillablu and right good hardwood bu'sh, beech and maple. Good buildings and well fenced. ALEX. MCDONALD, Sonya. Om. -â€"3-t.f. FARM FOR .SUJ-Z OR REST. -â€"â€"- Lots 24 and- 5, (lull River tango. Township of Bexlcy. 196 arms. 75 acres clearal, and in good save of cultivation. Abundance of unter: good place for a stock farm. Enough wood on it to pay for the farm. One mile from Coboconk : good schom. churches and railroad. Will be sold on easy terms. There is a good frame burn with under- ground staldp, 30x50, and house 18x20; with good cellar: pig pen 40x20; and small oral-1rd. Ad- dress L. M. REESE, Coboconk. â€"â€" 36-tf. SHORTIIORR \BL' LL CAI \ ES â€"â€"- 10 to 12 months old. Good strong flc:-hy fellows. Color roan. One of specially good milking strain. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Near Bobcayâ€" goon. on I’cterboro road. 100 écrcs clay loam, 60 acres plow land, bal- u ance pasture .and tamamc swamp. Good frame barn and frame house, also a frame stable: good water: first-class onhurd. Price $2,000 if taken at once. For particulars apply to S. M. PORTER, Watchâ€" man-\Yardcr ()flit‘Crâ€"Z-K . FARMS FOR SALEâ€"The following valuable farms are offered for sale on very easy terms of paymont: FARMS TO Ir!li.\"l‘.â€"â€"'l‘wo valuable farms, situated in the township of Emi,y, known as the Parker farms, lot 8, con. 9, Emily. comprisingf one hundred and two acres. 0n the premises are a comfortable log dwelling house, a good frame barn with stone foundation and straw house. The land is in a good state of cultivation and is well watered. There is a, good young orchard. Also, lot 7, con. 9. Emily, comprising fifty acres, all cleared. 24 acres in meadow, bal- ance plowed. Also dwell watered. No buildings. ‘For particulars’ ap- ply an the premises to Mrs. Mary A. Parker, or to Downeyville ,‘P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR HALEâ€"On Colbornoâ€"st.. north Ward. an eight- roomed. brickâ€"veneered house. heat- ed with ('uu] furnace. at good wood- shed and Stztblv. an excellent W911 SHUR? HOI’\ DURHAMS FOR HOUfJE AND LOT FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock Covkcrcls ”A gocd lot. several difl'oront strains. Some from Exporiuwnlal Farm, luclrh. Price $1.00, ex- cept a few choice ones at. $2.00 each. JOHN CAMI’BE .I., Fair- \‘iCVV Farm. Woodvilln, ()nt.-â€"-â€"52-tf. and cistern. half an acre of land with fruit. trees. will be sold rcasonably if lulu-n at rm-o. For full particlfiars. apply at. The Wat chma nâ€"Wa rder oflicvâ€"-4 :24 f. The Mcllugh farm, west. half of lot 16, con. 3, ()ps, is offered for sale. It. is situated four miles from Lindsay. on the Little Brit- ain road. and contains 100 acres, 80 of which are plow land. There. is a, good brick house, with woodâ€" shods; large frame, barn, driving shed, stables. etc. The farm is in good state of cultivation, and will be sold reasonably. For further particulars apply to S. M. PORTER, WatchummWarder office, Lindiay. LOSTâ€"On Sunday, Feb. 17th. be-‘ tween Lindsay and Salem Methoâ€"i dist. church. Muriposu. a black robo‘ with fancy lining. Filidcr please leave at Anderson. Nugvnt CHQ Lindsayâ€"buzz. - SALE.â€"-â€"The undorsignvd has for sale a number of choice pureâ€"bred Durham's. In the lot are two bull calves. 10 and 1:: months old. and one thorough-Mid heifer: also three high grade hu'fcxs 'lhis stock is all high class and fit fur any farm. For further particulars apply to HENRY LOU III. lot 20. con. 7. Ops, just Cast of Lindsayâ€"74' . FOR SALEâ€"A GalIOway Bull Calf. 10 months old. Would exchange for it Working horse. 200. 1). Isaac. Clanvillu Fur“), lot 28. COD. 8, Fonolcn. P.()., Fcnclon Falls. i’AIlM WAS'l‘I-I[kwâ€"WP hin four miles of Lindsay. cvntuining‘ 5!) ucrt‘S. with cdim‘nrmlile hOllS‘O and good outbuilding-S. ('ush will be paid fur right, place. if price is reason- able. For particulars apply at Watchman-Wurdcr "maxâ€"«94;. FOR SALEnâ€"SIW horses. Apply at the WatChman‘ Warder offico.â€"43-tf. Elgin-st., “nest of Victoria Awnuv. brick house, six rooms; good frame stable: one arro good land. with orchard and small fruits. Price $1000, if takul at 011%. Apply to S. M. PORTER. \Vatrhnmn-Warder officeâ€"641'. BOARDERS WANTEILâ€"Apply at 33 Sussemst,’ North \V'ard.-â€"â€"1-tf GOOD WORK MARE trade for cattle. (I. | SUN, (,‘reswvllaâ€"ALB. ; LINDSAY. THURSDAY‘ FEBRUARY 28th .flcm ‘thmisemmis. ‘ I for sale or R. WILLIAM- The meeting,r of the Pine Grove choose factory will be held on Friâ€" daC, “March 8111, at the factory, for the purpose of arranging the milk routes and uther business. A full meeting of patrons requested. \ . . ‘ We have an ideal readingâ€"room, :ycon'é‘idering what It has been and lwhere situated. The store has been ipartitioned off and in the southern part which has received a much need- ed coat of paper is it now located with entranoe‘from the western door The revival meetings are in prO- REABORO The annual meeting of the patrons of the cheese factory will be hold on Wednesday, the (5111 March. at 1.30. at the factory. A full attendance re- qw-sted. Mr. J. G. A. Campbell, bur popular merchant has decided to go west in a. few weeks; and m the. meantime will sell his entire 51 cr-k at less than costâ€"in fact at almost, your own price. The sale commences at once. Terms Cash, no reserve. ‘NO'I‘H‘Eâ€"A meeting of the patrons of Calnbray.(‘llevsc Factory will be held in the faclory on Monday. March 11111. at 1 o'clock. to (10- cidc as to what is to be done with the whey this year. If the patrons decide to sell the whey it will be offered for sale that: day by auc- tion. Exorv patron is interested in this matter and a full attendance ~1srcquested. .-.\ 1" RAM‘ President. OAKW O O D No sadder accident has occurred in this community for a longr time than that which happened last Friday fore noon on Mr. James' fan-1n, just north of the ‘village, whtn his son William. a. young married man, came to an untimely end. It chanced that while he and his brothers and some visiting friends were swinging in the burn that the deceased was thrown from the swing and received injuries which resulted in death. Despite the efl'orts of medical assistance the spark of\life Was extinguished in less than twelve hours from the time the accident occurred. The funeral took place on Sunday, attended by a large concourse of sorrow‘ing friends to Little Britain cemetery. The de- ceased Was onlv 24: years of age and leaxes to mourn him a. widow and three children. The bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction. Miss Vera T ‘ ' alt 1s ill with tack of pleurisy. an at- COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE FARM FOR S.~\LE.â€"â€"Lot 24. con. 11 . Ops, six miles east, of Lindsay. one . lot from Xugcnt‘s blacksmith shop. containing 75 acres, 50 cleared and in good state of cultivation. bal- ance pasture and timber. Soil clay loam. Good frame burn on promis- es, no house. Good well. This farm will he sold at a bargain. Terms made known on application to S. M. Porter, \VutCiuuun-Warder. â€"9â€"tf. THOROUGHBHI‘IIW FOR SALE. â€"- Ono Durham [ml]. '17 months old. a first-class untmal: two Durham heifers. Also «mo thoroughbred Jersey Bull. [it for Service. Apply to F. SHAVER, 101.13, con. 1. Mariposa, Little Britain, ‘P.O. â€" FOR S.\Ll‘3.â€"-â€"'l‘hc undersigned has for sale a pure-[WM] 5'11an Hum Durham mh’. tun months old. eligiâ€" ble to register. This is a large calf for age and is of gnod quality. Apply to I). SINCLAIR, (.‘ambray. FOR SALErâ€"Tt'n acres of good gar- den land with u comfortablv housv. barn. 51.3th and Workshop: 1,13 acn- ornhurd: 1'2 milvs south of Hartly. Price rvasunuhlv. JOHN WELLS. Hartly l’.().â€"â€"‘.)-‘_’. LOSTâ€"On 'l‘hm'sduy. Ft-h. 21:“, b0- twwn Brown's sdmulhousv and ()ukwond. Mm‘ipnm. u. grey Cnhwed cutter r0iw. Finder will please lvaw at, Ilngg‘ Bros. store. Oak- wood. â€"-9-:_’. MAN WANTI‘IDpâ€"For farm work in Northwest. Will leave March 5th. Must, be handy with horses. Apply to Wm. Casey. Vulcntia. Ontâ€"842. BULL FOR SALI' twenty months old able. Apply to E Janetx'illv, ()nl.â€"â€"$) WANTED.â€"â€"-â€"By the undersigned, man and wife to work on farm. ADM." to W. R. (H'uhzun, lot 19, COD 31, PINE G ROY Eâ€"OI’S 43m becrtisemcnts KIRKFIELD SAIfI'Lâ€"(kmd grade. 9â€"3 RICHARDSON. “('0 I‘ WISH!!- In the recent examinations at the Toronto ConServatory of Music the Misses Wilson of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, daughters of Dr. A. Wilson of P‘enelon Falls, took honors in the. department of theory and counterpoint. Miss Lilian also pas- sed her intermediate examinations with honors. .\\'e congratulate the young ladies. ,. The W.I~".M.S. of St. Andrew's church held a, most successful Social in the lecture room of the church on last Friday evening. Refreshmunts were served, games enjoyed and over 3133 taken at the door. A very large crop of ice is being harvested this winter. The ice is thick and very clear and hotels, busi- ness men and private parties in both village and rural districts are laying in a good store. of it. , The first carnival of the season and a. hockey match between Lindsay seniors and Fenclon Falls took place on the ice here Wednesday night. We Will give full particulars next week. The talk of the day is that the Rathbun Co. are coming to Fonelon Falls in the spring and we trust the report is correct, and.thut times will be lively here this summer. The hockey team play Keene on the latter' 3 ice tomorrow (Fridax) even- ing. “e will gixe the score of our victory next week. Last Friday the children of St. James’ Sunday school were taken for a. sleigh ride by the rector and offi- cers of the school. Five large sleighs and the rector’s cutter left Twomey’s Hall" about 3 p.111. and drove around for a couple of hours visiting among other points Mr. G. Martin’s shanty in Somerville. After the drive refreshments were served in Twomey‘s Hall and a. pleasant even- ing spent, so that the children left for their homes aqout half-past eight in the evening delighted with their winter outing. ' The annual convention of the West Victoria. Teachers’ Association will be held qin the RS. Fenelcn Falls on Thursday and Friday, March 7th and 8th. These conventions are always good and well'attended and as the committee have secured the services of Wm. Scott M.A., Prin. of Toronto Normal School, and E. A. Hardy, B. A., for these sessions, there will no doubt be a large attendance. Mr. Scott will deliner a. lecture in Dickâ€" son’s Hall on Thursday evening on which occasion music will be furnish- ed by local talent. The business carried on in Jordan's block fix some tune back by, Mr. A. J. Graham of Lindsay was closed last week and the balance of the stock removed. Mr. H. I‘uley of Kinmount spent a few days at. the Falls this week. The many fricnds of Mr. G. Graham are glad to Seuhim out once more after his very severe attack of ty- phoid fen-r. Mr. (‘hisolm of Descrunto spam Sunday at the Falls. . Mrs. J. Austin returned last week from a visit to her daughter Mrs. O. Kloahn of lk-shorough. Mr. J. Rich, Britain's enterprising tailor. is getting comfortably estab- lished in the corner store formm‘ly occupied by Mr. J. B. Weldon. He has a nice stock of spring tweeds. Mr. R. (lreenWay has moved from the old homestead on the 6th and is now a resident. of Britain. His son William. to whom all things are ‘now new, will be general nmnugi-r‘ ion the farm. ‘ Wednesday, QTth inst. is the date set for a monster gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. .l. H. Wickett, the occasion being the mar- riage of ther eldest daughter Alma to Mr. James Rich. We take this early opportunity of extending to the young voyagers our best wishes. ,La grippc is going the rmm'ds the neighboring villages but 1 far Britain has escaped with a mild cases. Mr. Forums is suficring from infla- maiion in his right eye. We hope for his spm-dy recovery. A party named Belch, Whose friends CAM BRA Y The patrone; of the. Cambray Cheese Factory wil. meet on March 1111). to dacido 0n tne disposal of the whey this year. Every patron interested should be present. as tho Whey may be Sold that day by auction. The “Sons of Temperance" is the name of a. society which has latuly been organized hero in the villagn gross with a somewhat brighter out- look than they formorly possessod. FENELON FA LLS LITTLE BRITAIN 75 Cent: 3. Year in Advance ; $1.00 ms in thus a few A man named W. ll. Skew! is a {traveller for R. )1. Bval‘s mum-r3; On Thursday last hv returned from a trip that included the Sudiun'y disâ€"' trict, which has several cases of small pox. He was stopping- at the Simpson House. Feeling unwuli he went to Dr. LIL-Alma: who at 11 o’clock Sunday night. 1110 Second time he saw him, declared his symp- toms to be those of small pox and told him he would be isolated in the morning, however he left the Sim}; son House and took thv train for Toronto via Whitby. Word was promptly sent, to the provincial health authorities who the same day put him in the Isolation Hospital. As a result of his stay at the Simp- son House it has been closed and the people living there will be kept in for 14 days. This has born done as a precaution although the doctors agree that the disease is not conta- gious at the stage at which it had “developed in this man. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY {Fake Laxative Bromo Qutnine 'Ihb- lets. All druggists relund the money, if it fails 'to cure. 25c._ E. W. Grove'l pignatm-e is on each box.- Miss Cora Mark 1!: said to b proving after a seu-rv ulta' scarlet fever. dangxrous position with typhoid fever. Mr. W. I). Rodgers and sun .Addiâ€" son of Toronto are spending a few days with his daughter Mrs. Richard Moase who Still remains in a ‘cvi‘V Judge Dean has bwn appoinzud by the Dominion governuu-m a ('mmuis- sioner for administering: the (hub 01‘ Allegiance, and all Illag'ifs‘H‘aH-S and others who are rvouirvd up”! first assuming office to take such 0th of Allegiance are ruqm-stcd m n-nuw the same to the person nf His Majesty King EdWard YU. :11 their o‘alrlim.~ opportunity by pres-1min}; Ihxnysclves before the‘ abouéâ€"mvnt'iom'd Commis- sioner.â€"9â€"1. Our public school is closvd on ao- coupt of so many cases of scarlet, fever among the scholars. Mr. John Moase is contincd to the house with la grinpe Mr. Ernest Bolton of Port Perrv ac- companied bv hi 5 mother spent a few days recently with Mrs. .1115. I riSt'. Master Alf. Dowsmi who has been sick with scarlet, {cw-r is Countles- cent. For the past ivw days a visit from a. man With the small pox has causâ€" ed the leading sensation. As numer- ous stories are likely In go abroad and as likely fal‘m as truv (tn-s it is as well to briefly state Ihu case. ‘ The pie soda! on Feb. 22nd could not help but; be a sucmss with so many fine leaking girls in attc ndancc- Mr. and Mrs. J. Stoun from Port, Perry, who are on their wedding tour were the guests of Mr. “111. Manning. HARTLEY We are glad to say that Archie Mc- Eachern, champion bicycle rider. who has won a great many prizes and who has certainly moved the ('anâ€" adians to the front in that line of sport, made a short visit at his home. He is a fine sturdy looking fellow and no Wonder he is a favorite among the Americans. Ii is with great regret, that we (hrcnicle the death of Mrs. MCC‘rorie, who died on Tuvsday night, Feb. 19 Her end was peace. The remains Were taken to Graham's burying ground for interment. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. 1"le name brown has returm-d home from Lindsay. She span a. very pleasant week visiting friends. Mrs. Bradburn of Fleetwcod spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends at Jam-tvillc, FLEETWOOD Miss Toitie Brown has home from Lindsay. She very pleasant week visiting reside €011)(’\\h¢'!‘9 m the to“ nship of Fenelon Was detecud passing con- federate hill< on Saturday e'rning. He pas scd bills in the villago to the amount 01“.." 5. Thu he dr‘partcd for Somervillc but Was found in Bob- ‘(ax geon on Sunday b} Constable Brock and brought to the lock-up. On Handgy ho“ Was exam nod by Jas. Dickson J.P., vho Lan him to Lind- say fur trial. He was grained his first. trial in Lindsay and has: been sentenud to stand his trial at the spring assizcs. The Small Pox Scare e Oath of Allegiance FINGERBOARD 00¢ 50 Paid ”21-

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