‘0‘“.‘O‘O‘O‘D‘O‘Ms0sMO‘O‘C‘MWM . l . , . w.†,‘ g: ’1". . .. « .. . ,.,,, \ swhwéimwiu-Nuvu.» .1}..- x. ed. In many cases we . condition we have no alternative. Saving Buyers. ...llEN’S BARtiAlN LIST... price $1. cut ioxing, solid in sole. Regular all going at 75c. . 1'1â€" “ ‘1' -. E O M . Tina WAichANLWARDER INDEPENDENT Consnnvurvn NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHED Ev!!! Tnvnsmv MORNING AT 115 AND 117 KENT-ET†Immar. Om. .‘ SUBSCRIPTION RATES.-â€"In advance' 75 cents; at end of year Sam M clubbing arrangements with leading Canadian papers. ClRCULATION.â€"Tire WA'r-cnsiu-Waxnmt’s circulation is 5,000, of which .500 copies go within trading distance of the town. THE FARMERS’ INSURANCE CO. One of the local ventures that seems to have swung into the highway of success is the Farmers’ Union Mutual Fise Insurance Company. Because of alleged heavy losses on farm risks, most of the stock companies long ago either refused those risks altogether or accepted them at rates that threatened the farmer’s possessions, more than did the ï¬re ï¬end. As a result they, in many places, united to carry their own insurance. These local companies have proved fairly successful and of great advantage to farmers. The usual premium is a small cash payment and a note for a supplementary sum It is hoped that the losses will be met by the cash but if not, collections are made on the notes to supply the sum required. The notes and cash together always equal an amount that will with practical certainty exceed the losses, so that all policies are secure. The worst that could happen within the range of any sort of probability would be that insurers would be called upon to cash the notes they had given. With operating expenses at the lowest point and the risks all carefully selected, in- surers know that they are getting insurance at cost and are satisï¬ed. We believe this method is the proper one for farmers and trust that having kept a careful eye on the management, they will stand by these organizations even when the stress comes. Suppose the premium note has to be paid; it the losses make it necessary there is no ro m for complaint. A man must either pay the cost of insur- ance or go without any. - The Victoria County Company has done well. Its growth has been as much in popular favor as in assets. It is doing the work that it set out to do and doing it under the direction of the government. Farmers see the logic of its method and the sincerity of its purpose and the most conservative and shrewd amoog them are among its patrons. We commend the Farmers’ Mutual to our agri- culturist readers. THE LIGHT QUESTION . The Light, Heat and Power Co. has presented its ultimatum. It is not necessary that the bad grace into which that word has come of late should be attached to that deliverance. It is deï¬nite and business likeâ€"a thing to be accepted or rejected. The anxiety of council for the next few days will be to discover which. That is not an easy task. It should have been. That it is not is the fault of the lighting committee. The people began early enough to get ready for the company’s last word when it should come. They appointed men to ï¬nd out the things that ought to be known when that time should arrive. They gave those men time, secrecy, money, and the utmost conï¬dence. The time is past, the money spent, the conï¬dence betrayed, and to day instead of the information needed, the people have a committee who publicly repudiate their own report and declare that what they said a civic plant would cost, is really not what it will cost and that their statement is a public deception. After alLthe time and expense the council not people have any- This time of year is known t . new goods are crowding us for store room, and something must be done. have cut the former prices in two. Men’s Fine Dongola lace boots, light an solid, always sold at $1.35 to $1.50, llen’s Fine Buff Boots, lace or gaiter, whole $1.35 to $1.60, our sale price $1 only. Men’s Fine Boston Cali Lace boots, whole cut uppers, hand rivited soles, no better wearers made. Regular $1.50, now, $1. Men’s Felt tiaiters, flannel lined, extra Boys‘ 0il grain band bottomed lace boots, good. These were $1.10 and $1.25 lines, CWW thing with which to compare the company’s offer, and no company’s right to maintain the PM on the street Will man can intelligently say what the town should do. The also term'nate. ed this week. Dundee a; Flavelle I... Bros. ' Wednesday. Feb. " ELRobeson, Mr. -7th. by Rev. J. J nines Rich to Alâ€" Dr. BOWerman, dentist. “‘11 the Queen's Hotel, Wood‘t'fll‘ ï¬rst four Fridays in March. ‘ sales and too early for Spring. Large consignmentso _-- _ ------ ----- ~----------------o----'--- - - - - " w ,. ; s. a: . " i (.2.‘ ;._ , ,9, H .___ '/ o the trade as BETWEEN SEASONS. Too late for much Winter ht in rices such as few have ev ,- f ) 1'. “in: We have decided to make a general slang . er Pt b t . er Witness. . ‘ . o o o . ï¬lhur" .i Many of the lines we are offering in this sale mean a big lens: e0011:,“ er: iggrowigerzs‘sni “at“ d .~ g 9 m ' ' a . '4 ' ‘m If we must sell below cost we re bound to do so on a grand scale. Here are so y p e , on} an? it ‘ mw'n ‘ ‘ ï¬st-HIT U: â€T â€1‘1“. 11“.â€.4‘ 9 .. my» ’ E ti N L T â€a ...Bois BARï¬AlN LIST... ...woii N S BAR AI 15 a... - ° ' m“ , g 0 , "ï¬r' (1 Boys Size lto 5, fine Dongola lace boots, Women s Dongola lace or button boots, real Spenal Discount Sale a, ° ' etc. sale were extra value at $1.25. Selling all fine goods, sewed soles. Regular price for next 15 ... ._ o _ we have now at only 00c. never less than $1.25, while they last 75c. Days on all Trunk â€3:: s l; ‘ ’ . , . . . . want... Boys Split lace boots, pegged soles, good Women 5 Fine Vici Kid lace or button and Valises 1w: . . r 1", rtl’: ; o ,1]- school boots. Regular price 85 and 90c, boots, were $2.15. Selling all we have, .' it: _\ . O l . . . T .11“. ~ ' 1’1““?e now selling at 75c. 13 prs at $ .25. This Will be a money 1 g. p a t': I Y h ’ b 1i e sizes 11 12 13 , 1 0 f a t l tra savin o ort ' ' ‘ ' out 5 same as a 0V6 ll , , , , Women s Bongo a x or urn so e, ex g PP llllll} g- . ' I 0flll’ 60c. line, were $1.25, now 75c. for all. If you ; ‘. ’ 0 . . , . o ' 111- ' . Boys F me 30510“ Call lace boots, grain Misses Sizes 11 to 2, fine button boots, don’t attend this sale 3. “’05- Regular 51, “W 895- neat lookin re ular rice 00c sale 60c . a»: 9 " o - . Misses’ 0ilgReb1§le lage boots flannel the [055 “'1†be 1:3 ‘ ' 9 . “indie ‘ - . Q 0 O . I , . . regular $1.25 to $1.50. Our sale price lined, solid lll sole, extra 2good ISC1181a01 yours. . w... . _ ' . in: $1 shoe. Our regular price $1. 5, 521 e c, ,M ,f 5 ° l .mt " ‘ ï¬ï¬‚as I ‘ CA8 H ONE PRICE T 0 ALL ! 1““ \ , ' '7 ï¬â€™)" r . ‘IX‘M 161313 « _ 1 4th,. TN 8 O N EWA R I 74 KCHl-Sl “w O l 7*“â€" ’ L‘. ll'm31' *- . any" 3, n; conduct at that commi’tee has been an expensive humbug Personals The Weather rm. “lilo-st daugn'wv fâ€: 1 t0 the town and 3' rank-injuStice t0 the COPPaDY- The â€"â€".\li.\'s Nettie Henderson i1; lmziio (From thi- i.1llti‘u_\ ()1t~4'l“.itltll"\'i “In" J' 11‘ \H‘-'k“â€-- ‘ 1 only. honorable thing for.its members to do is to tpromptly 0:1 lit-r llillilliu's. iii-pun fitl' “wt. .mi 1“; Saturday “div-Iinâ€"Iindmcnn \- . furnish reliable information on this subject at t. eir opn -â€".\li-. J. .\. Bucknc†of “mm“ “as "gm, Pvt). :zmt. “N†purggmuvl â€In? .__- .7 ‘. expense. The people are not in a mood to be tnï¬ed with in t mu m Thur“! w T 1 1,5,1], m in; “1 , \. in such a fashion. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ "“11â€â€ â€"“ i‘.,‘; J‘ H ,8. W, , .;2 ‘ But now, where are we at? Our streets must be â€"â€".\liss Jilllllt‘FOH is in Toronto inm- ightvst . . .‘H mi “midâ€, 3:415:11 floaty“??? lighted. The problem still presses All must recognize paring for ilu- niillinory opt-mugs. Lums, .................... T “ujjwwfl ' = .. the council’s diflicuu)’: {01' it is called upon to makeaChql‘e â€".\lr':s. l-Z. Williamson. lil(it)lll-Sl..~;\V'Jl‘lllt'sl (lujv. llli'nll ut‘ 21 it?) Tin-stint i‘)r;1cj;-qlhf)m{’5'}sz “. between the known and the unknown The'WhOIC question is visitingr llt'l‘ parents at (.‘nibol‘nt', it‘ulilcst (lay. Ill":ill mi 2 \‘H ’l‘iiiirsiln; 0' “‘7 "Nd" â€K 1“.†V ___.)_ is at a standstill and it is a time for reflection rather than Out. The “wk, “mu «.1‘ ' . 1 1 37 inunduy. In), 31., m .. , \ action. No one W111 now feel inclined to hurry the coun “a ‘ ‘1 L I.“ drbmm'w i.- 3 .., . .- ,- . ' ., Maul-n, Jan†.13: ._ : ,. ., nails ‘ cil. Ifas suggested the com nittee make haste to furrish â€". If ‘ '1‘.‘â€."â€";‘ “ f ', '1 “Winter Wis ~11 WW“ an. to Miss Arms; 4; .‘ “‘5'“ ~ - the needed intormation regarding a civic plant at their "“{1mh’ “â€1“†“L "mm" “’-“ 'L‘ (it‘t'ati‘st lull Hlifl‘.‘ m on.- tea, Exprfl,n_,.._,.if,__X. , Wz‘l“ . own expense, the way may soon be plain, but their past kmng' 0 is, 19min}. “m 1-H,“ 0'" . I .- m \ record justiï¬es little hope on that score. It is possible for â€"â€".\Ir. John )lgtllctl, who has lm-n swim i‘.-11 mt xxx-n thus. 11.“. }:,_h“1l',‘,',, n . been. i: â€â€˜1 council to employ experts and get the correct estimate at ill for six \Vt‘i‘kï¬ is able to bt' on the Tamil ruin {all unit lllt‘ill'ti Kiln“ i) Us I“; ' â€I. PAT. ,. 81"“ ""1 additional cost. That course would commend itself. There stt‘t‘i-L itg‘ztlll. 171031 ‘5. Mint \;\ ‘ "l k: ~ ’hsghâ€" q is another and one that, if its details can be arranged, we _M,.. and Mrs. “ms. Brennan m~ ‘ ' ‘ " :E‘l’j' :0 J‘ 14: . ,, ager: would advise. It is this: put in our own plant, run it by 5, Pimps,- “0th, â€Mr gm,“ . ' 1 ‘~:-1 “1 Inwrah. PM 5-, . power purchased from the company, buy whatever stree‘ “Radian, m Slum,“ last. Births 1ittl‘u‘l‘lâ€".\lt'(.‘ti11â€"-,\'_ with - \ 1 plant they have, at anamicable valuation, and go on with M “ '1 ‘ n ‘ t d Sitiu'â€"'I‘iuir.»tl..\ 1M. 7:,» ,1, 1%.? 1 m,- i..r;.i..-..- b,.,,.3._,..._ , ____( i7.- lighting our streets. â€"â€"1 its. .i-Wis 5'" re “m" (m u n-t 1 .~ U I ‘ “S. ': shit: tr; Hi.» In.» ,. . : -, , . 4 . . . . .. . . . , , , ..-,-. _ . t .:. ili‘ .- i “3‘, .l. ]‘_, ’ ‘ " "" -1‘ - l ‘ l g i That, ptOpOfltlon 15 open to crittmsm but Will likely Monday lltllll it. \ isit to .htl‘ si.~.« r Shim: 00);,1 "in,l “ll )1 i \Vi'linq-gduy‘ 13731 , aâ€; it stand itas well as any tha. has been put forward. It satis Mm (â€m-l “WM" “’ “01"â€â€œ1' R 7 U i . _ , , .‘.~.1~..-r-i of tau-nun. " -' are: ~ ï¬es the printiple of municipal ownership and control. We â€"â€".\li‘s. .1. ll. I’lri‘ti'lli- has tm-n svr- ‘ {TELâ€"fl†If“. "mum!" "2 MHWHU' ma Tow...†U, ,- . . , may as we" use electric motor powermannfactured at home iously ill during In» past “Wk but (in fol). lhtli. in Alp, unit slrs. 1mm} {am : ’4 as that generated by coal imported from the States. When is now t'i.ll>‘l(1t‘t‘t‘(l um of (Linger. ““1 i1 dulls‘nmï¬ ' ‘ 3 _ some of our leading manufacturers are discarding steam for “Mumâ€, J. H. “will has awn“, Steelâ€"1n tit-.- ii|\\hrili[l sinner-xiii... 1 Deaths a“ » vi electriCity the. superiority Of that quer may be assumed for a position â€n â€1,. Budpn-1i0w,.11 (‘11 1’01). 115th. 7.“ \lt'. .‘lllti \li‘s. 13mm.iluimrtsurrâ€"Un 11‘... .\ ', - .5; i; .. ‘1‘ It seems that in an care the town will be required to bu ,, . , _ __ . . ,. . ,. id sitar ,, (15,....1,,..,.. , . _ A ) . _’ m . Y . . . y palm: lit-ini- lt‘tlllllt‘ti in tannin. .â€" 1 11am, \l. 1.. 1.0! ., - . ,, ,- I. the company’s street plant before putting in one ofits own. _ h ‘ , .li)1tnsti)n-â€"â€"lzt â€W “mum. ' u, ‘3‘ _ .. (rs mu 0'. ,1.“ g i , .. ‘ m. .. ~ The probability is that some day the town will be ready to “‘“r- "- *' â€â€â€˜W‘W acmmmm - ‘ " ‘1 ‘ “â€"l p . _ ' ‘ “""‘ w - - control the entire lighting system, and this plan will me of lht‘ Bunk m‘ Mimli'i-al. is am.» in lem- 1'1 1t-th. to Mr. and Mrs. 11.311il5litll'.â€"In insuring, ,- -M'-‘ vent our having a useless steam plant on our hands when 130 down $1 l‘t‘t‘t atllt‘l' Six “£01.15 of W. Johnston. it (Liilglilop, f fol). 2-1111. Slhun Fiï¬} .‘ -~ â€" -1 that day comes. It will also enhance the cordial relations i'IMmmHiu- Bâ€â€˜1“"“h“ â€â€œ5 """â€-‘"1l’ “1‘ Si‘im'l‘r "1’" 1‘11" “mm†123-“ i7 ' Bum" iwt‘ \ 9 between-the town androgen? by a Compromise that will â€"â€"-)liss \Villli‘r‘s was sucm-ssful in "1““: “n 1““1“ l “113 ’0 “X? and “PS- 1 â€a†Week .. . flat sacriï¬ce the town In either prinCiple or mane I “had it 1 to ï¬rst, and St‘t'tnld t‘Xilleilll’liTUnF in Walter “â€11"“ 21 dutluliii-r. Fellâ€"At Fem-1m, ;r. .. 1 T A . . . Y . i. . l . L. dos. . , Will give thecompany an advantage that 1% enterprise de' \‘01‘111 music :it 111-: t‘onscrvatory. Jolmston.â€"~â€"iii 111v township of I-‘t'ii- F‘r‘b- ltith, FL:1;t£.w:.;fl; ‘rseasi- v. . serves and Will repa- it for having to ï¬ght a man of straw .lummut hm “1.01,. clan. Foil, mm. 10 Mr. £11111 Mrs. ll. (latttghu-r 0,- 3â€. MM, ., z.~,.-~,._,9.~5 shot . J In these negotiations. â€"â€"--_\liss Nevada. l’ztt‘lxin left for '1‘()t‘- \V. .lullnstmi. il (itlllgilli-p. -1 1110111115 and two aï¬< . EDITORIAL NOTES 01110 3“'3“ll‘l“lil.\' “mining to attend But,t-r.â€"â€"ln lili‘ lt)\\'ll$11111 of Stiixiirr- “.1118()n~ln the Lti\\'l..\l:: 5“ 'iW-éiltzuiu.» 1 the iiiilliiiui'y tipitifng's and Visit her Villa, ()11 l-V-li. itih~ 1,, Mr. and Mrs. Ville on Sunday, 1.~,.4,_ :1._ }r~ ,MB' \ w. . sister Mrs. t‘. 1‘3. Litis‘lrutn. Walter Bun“; u (laughter. 05», “1ft. of Mr. I‘m“. “H3333. ~ ‘ . 35531‘ (a. .4 MR' WILLIAV FLAYFLLES remarks on the E98115}! __.\i'i-. 'l‘. inn-ti an old resititnt or s,,,i,h_M Mummmm . g. ., ‘ 7‘3 wars and 10 Illull'lr. be! ""Nf‘s 1 market published in tn s issue bear out our warning as to 0 .~ M†I“; M“ m for 1 Homh ‘ _ , ‘ a. . in . imdtm, Subst.;.~~.u;.:_ l the prospect for next year’s cheese prices. and ought to 1‘ {I mil"; with,†Wm; .),;r,m,_ ICb 1"†"W “'1“ â€f 3â€â€" â€m‘ 5551‘ WW -. guide factories away from the wheyflvperil. “i 2151:1131 {Sim fl. tiring-:1 C mditiig . . btnith. ll'il"1lil' timili-i'. of A! son. The Lindsay Markets ‘ . _.________ s 5.; . r . i. . . t:â€" n l mu} THE TOWN has never had a more efï¬cient and pains- ~41"- “i‘hm Fri"? i» I‘cvowring‘ afâ€" , caxxx. f f,v..,,,,;' taking ofï¬cial than Mr. F. K. Begbie, superintendent of the tot“ a wry WWW “1""93- 3â€- Fm‘ Q 7 . Marriages Expfvlegtï¬rrlgï¬tï¬: """ 313121; 01“... “5 waterworks‘ His Phenomenal success with the plant While slipped and i'igllxsoino wwlts ago. The “Piomvâ€"L‘rmqm “:4- “ in i‘umiim, 1ԠSpring Wheat per buslie1:::. t“ m ““3? 1 ' . I an†(i H it was under company control, gave him no less prestige Shock in'mliii'ml results that. rendered â€1‘0“ 1111!. \- warmth. 1-) 11.55 ('_ Goose Wheat per bushel ..... outta†a With the directors than With the People Of this town Who him (li-lii'ious l'ui‘ St‘W‘l‘ili (lays. llosâ€" flt‘tttstrtmg 1131 (It ('zzniï¬ns't'ttl. Buckwh t OOARSE GRAIN. l 'ltOOT-M' ‘ observed his work. That SUCCESS was at absolute creden- piti- his age ht,- is gutting along‘ nicoâ€" Mont'rief-lii;‘:'.iiiiâ€"~â€".\t ()1llt'lllt't‘, 1w Harlemgbushd. :, i: with. TV:- tial to the town when it took over the system,and Mr 1)., the 110v. 11. .\l: Ksitiziztwin 13.x, 1; gnu-nun. ,,,,, “catsuit tun-n. \. Begbles requeat for lnqeased .Saiary.ls Gilly In harmony -â€"â€"â€";\11'. “-1“. “(1113' â€f t‘oboconk “119 IL, 011 \‘i‘ttillt‘rtiit.\‘_ 1-34,. fllllh, .‘1- Pgatz.srnall::: ï¬fggfl “1* t' with the amountand qualityofhis servrces. in [mm “mmâ€, (in businms com (Lilfu .\li»i1(.l.i:,f in“, (inflow, so- 52:: gammy“ .............. 0,333 i . not-10d with the t-slahlishtntnt of a 1â€â€œ 111:;‘l‘ul11- Blacke e "1 ------------ ammo! A.- f . .FOR A framer ofcunningcontracts commend us ti . _0 “mm, Chow, factory in ma, o'r:,;n,,,,ll_,â€Wmin___\, g. -, 3’ peas ............ ., Solicitor Hopk'ns. His fame in this respect bad gone w I . , . ,. 7 _ C11,,“ ,. “ _ “' 3Ҡ5 P VEGETABLL" . Lat . abrodd but has been further enhanced by the document enterprismg‘ VII-largo. 1110 move 15:. at 1' (‘1‘; ..lll(1.\“d.\'. mi l‘t'i). 1911). by (“317098, per bag ........... {"30 :0“; h†under which he proposed that the town and lighting com~ goal min. and if rightly S‘Lal'lt‘d-call- (Eggnngt‘. l (lilh nt. Mr. 1’, J, 0-- 8::sz ZOEIJ‘RY axn usury lglxgv'gaj n m. H Pany should covenant. Ifa bargain should be made Will] not lint provi- Isuc‘cossful. It‘wil‘l 5): 1m {nwm (His and Miss M. (.‘trtlgl‘iâ€" Chicken? £53m, (i 401“ng “fl ‘ the company the town will have nothing to fear if the 1‘ gm†"fmmumw m the [mums 0‘ .' 11' ERESJFer ozen ...... . ....... 91:315., «in; solicrtcr’s clauses prevail It is to behoped that council that 506W“ Leglâ€"-"\t 111v Brisk Form-rs. Mun- irgï¬f’glfséiigh‘“ p†mi" 1; littoï¬â€™ii .m , Will Stand by him in inSiS'ing that a contract must inClUd‘t _____._..,______ VCFS, 0n l-‘i‘li. 2.31M. Margaret Shea, Hay. ‘per tom-18‘: OWL 7 [[1 [03%; ,1: the Principles of the clauses objected to by the company. -â€"Men’s Spring â€MN on Show beloved “in: or Mr. .luhii Leslie grimy“) """" """"" “11:25:13 “ ‘ viz , that during the contract there shall be some guarantee 130 day. Dundas 8‘ Flave '9 Eros. as†35 Mill-“- , be 41mm """"""""" 4 w I i ‘ of the fulï¬lment of its terms and that at its expiration the -Lateet novelties in Silks open. Rit‘hâ€"‘Vic-ki 11.,“ Limp “mum on W m, .1,,...,k 7, he now. h