Wâ€.â€" 75c. a Year In Adv :$l if not so Paid .ï¬hï¬â€˜ng -;.. ,1 FENE - LON FALLS HAPPENINGS exclungs. Owing to the snow block- in this church for the past three proï¬table union 1311110 Salli-l} meet- †ale hey reached Orillia too late to weeks but are stopped mm an ac. “183 was held in Christ 5 (hlirch on u“ M .4 play, but that game was to be count of the storm. They are con- last Sunday memng 'lhe attend- :gyed last Wednesday evening. with ducted by the llcv. Ill-own and nice was large to listen to the ex- “8:: â€38111“ 310 aret Enable yet to Johnston. cellent address of Revs.M1-_ [cenev' Miss Cora Thom n e ma c on Tumu". 0“? “86’1“ “59s Scott attended PMOP of Christi; churih 1 1 h Comrent, undsaypasogezi 31011115:me :Vening the score item 37â€"] m 1h" the convention in IindsaV on Thurs. With Reva. Kannawin and (lhztwflr guest of M188 E ’RObcon Tag'or of lendon falls at half timp day and Friday pastors of the Drcsbztiliali and Mrs Kennedy of Ops is spending-a. whit: the Midland boys discovered Miss Eli-(la Reid of RPuhoro spent Methodist, churches. The collections few daV's with her brother Mr Wm l the} were playing against and last week with friends 111 n. Were liberal and excellent congrega- McArthur fnzyfd f‘" dear m: the gamn resull- Miss Prllchurd 14- tinned home after tional music Col. S. n 9' “C0"? 0 6‘6 'Ihe boys 1- ndin In R - K - Falls on ï¬iitgiyulp t: Was :11. the :30er once with If Deyman on the “2:" K 11 Coup of wee s in Beth annawm as nee 1nd made so 1 Miss Dicleon of , ‘ me 8P endid phly- Mr. Arthur M11Vcs of Lindsay spent P108 bong moral suasian and cond hand Organs tall! than are too my uncle. left In our on a Visit to 11.11 Pmrb°r° ‘3 11011111 â€3 The 11111111 "03 united by 1111 11 couple of weeks with Mr. 111111 Mrs strict obserVanoe 111 11111 license 112$? . j farm "8 Miss Henderson ï¬fentsds ' anxrous CTOWd down at the head of- ' This did not meet the views of all 1 '0 m 80mg“ out an pm my m. guest 0! her sister MLin no. is the tics of the telephone at 10. 30. With -â€"-â€"-Oâ€"â€" present. . I rs T. Sadlcl'. .Junkin at, one trumpet and Barr at 1‘11er]? BIUTAIV __.___ The young people of the Christian MARIPOSA STATION 5 500 Little Master Henderson also spent the other the iwelcome news Was church 11111 making great prepara- The severe storm 0! ï¬'md 1V and beraind an 8.00 last Thursday With his sister. gathered but that chattering gather- tions for 0 entertainment to be Monday rendered “‘0 TOM’S imp-.1»- mu] .mhpocoo.~ooooooooooooooocnc-o “am Mr. J Heard returned last, ‘Ved- m ........ 80¢ strum-fly still when nlnr 31$5. 00, hnrgnin dnyl 11.00 nesday from a week' 5 trip to Toron- asked the question. was anyone 13:31,, held on Tuesday 18th. inst. The S’ ‘3 ’0" a time On Thursday evening. l3. “Pill“. ou-ocooocanon-oncvnooooo.a aw mglag: “'9‘“ a; CI... nnnnnnnn gm to 00k 1 (t1 t _:’;]d 0' breath of thankful†arm p 0 . b..." fl 1] d hargnindnyl nun...â€..................... m e as on u. satisfactory rel 1. " gram IS ‘1 K C81“? 1 .V' prepare ~ ‘ng 3133;250:500, bargain day- ...... ................... 95.50 gxkiioiuï¬igiand where'they will re- ceived. Even the mostpchrggqss :1: Keep the date in mind. Mr 3.09 Their urniture 1th member so t . ___.__ me fans that in the midst ' eldcsr daughter Miss Edna A ,ery EDEN MARIPOSA pleasant evening was spent by a $4“). Du'inll days. ................................... this Week in the c d‘1,.â€.,..1'".11.;'.::'.:::::::::::::::::::::::: 212,2 111. 1.1.11y “7'†.11.... °' #113; “'° 11... WW “‘"° "‘° 8’“ mind. y- ....... The Misses Austin. Nevison and Two pleasant, am,†On Jan 2lst during the service of “’59 number 0! mung people dayc....... Ellis of Lindsay C. I, came home. on place this week. a liter '0, hristian Endeavor, held in the 319-9er Thomas and W‘ lbur Lane duyn.................. ......... Wednesday evening the 801100] being Andrews this evenin and ‘ t Methodist church. H. Jones, and Mr. Edward Rich. left on Fri- . 1.25 closed for two days on account in Dicksmi's hall torgorr wa 30’9" was made the recipient of a hand- day." Jan. 3151, to spend a week â€"8“!“ “(MW 6Ԡ5‘0’ 0‘ the East Victoria Teachers' (‘on- in aid of the curlin club.o qghening, some rocking chair. accompanied b “31th friends at Tyrone and Bow- g e cur ' an address, by the members of her "13’1“"?- A new Chicago windmill 11113 just regulwm. W“ d.†...... a... ooooooooooo e 23 ’_"cnti()n e’s Claim to h VC 1 d' d Linen, regullar 90c. W xyl .... ......... . .......... ....-- 59“ Mr. 11'. Webster of Kirkfleld spent 831d expect a 31111131231214. Program former Sunday “11001 class. 7 ()n the same occasion also. Mrs. been erected on the barn of Richard lilch. It gives good satisfaction. ml†75°. hrgn-n d‘y. ...oouo ooooo o. ..... too... .00.. FI‘uesda'y at the Falls Tuble Linen, regular 40c. WW“ d‘Y‘ °°°°°°°°°°°° ' """"""" ' :2: M121". McK‘eown-s at present the 1'" I It Stroud was reminded in some de- E NEWS OF THE WHOLE COUNTY Kroc ()f the ufl(xcti()xl and CSth1“ Lir- 88.111150] \‘Cldon Hf Stouf‘llle N115 the gUtPSL of Miss Ii‘ilzel 1111:1115 ro “lumbargnindnyn ................. .......... T‘bl‘ me’ leg. regular $2.00, bargain (in?! .............. 1.35 guest 0’ h'3 pme _._...__. .0 M1 W Northev and Mr W . mnnlfestcd towiirds her by the young . JANETVILLE‘ ladies of 11m- Bible class. Mrs. On Sunday evening- kins.“ mP stbleN‘P 1 tt r nlnr lie, bar can days ...... 1 ........... ac M351nch Strife Flmnef '3’ eg 8 _ 10° ens spent Tuesday in LindsaV. . Horton Went to Bob; Remember the concert and basket Stroud has betu a faithful worker in (Crowded OUL 111“ “"3010 its -â€"+â€" †15c. . ' ' . H Torch. re undored Shirts, raga - Mr. M- caneon on Friday to spend a couple social in the JanetV",lle school house her class for fiftetn years. and KINMOL'N'I‘ a’I WM“ 1’0!“ .1- mo. bargaind day: ........... . ........... . .1. "1-“. wflhg hernia] Vapmg~ I be sold on liberal My: ~ Co, lanuarv 31! and Mrs. Lane gaVc a prettV birthday partV', in honor of their ...-0.0.0.. ...-nooooconoccnoo- Stev- se Goods ays. Owing to led to dispose of' a 623, it will pay -:ced satisfactorv. Done 'ed with our 1 635. from 5 during 'ays tried be public e csureto aving are merit the- ishing all. Y - nt’st. Gomnafll LINDSAY ONT. at lowest current‘ in town may buy‘ a Ittle more thin - r. in a. few V'ea_»f9:â€"~~~;7 u!" tip;- advantage d7}: ore. Ofï¬ce ho“, . o. 5 LOW, W - r! .. “newâ€: 0°" ' 1.:28c.bcrgâ€nd syn . f‘ vow. Raul“ .. 23%? $3,213,, .mmmed Chem, regular â€55°. bargain days ......... . o d Chemim, reg ilar 40c, bcrgun dnyl .......... 1 1’ Will to Embmider) trimme be (I Gownl ular $1. 75, rgun syn ...................... ' °’ White “sht- $111111- $1.00, bargun dayo ...................... . . - V ht GOWDI. 3;: ï¬lm Dave", reg,1... 75., 11.13.1111 111,. ................. . ...... . “Whig Cotton Drawers, regular 55c, bargain days .................. . ..... hite Cotton Drawer“. re at 38c, bargain days ..................... . gmu‘vs‘riwdmdF-ncy coco-co. lu6c, Mgnindayl .......................... ouoooooooooooo 11.11%; 731111111 re111111: 10c, bargain dnyl . ............................ Pom c.W y“... ............. nooqooonouso-oo Cotton W1 :- ‘c m doâ€, regulflr 8c. ï¬rst!!! d.y. ooooooooooooooo o ..... o oooooooooo no :a‘uE-i 'dery Elnlv 10¢, bgrggm d8)" ................................ lOc, bargain days ........... . ........ ... ................... regulnrzoc bargain dcyl ..... . ......... . ..... ............. 0c,bargain day. ......................... . ..... . Lgdiea’,regular280,bu~gnindnyl. ...... ........ ......... _ Ribbed Hose, regular 35¢, bargain days ...................... . . . . . gzg Ribbed Hoes, regal ar 45c, bargain days ................... . ...... . 11 M hdkflchiof. 100 doz. for each .................. . ................ drcn’l Handkerchl etc for each ...................... . . . . . . .......... “WehflteCmbric Handkerchiefs, regular lf‘c, bargain day-.... .............. Whigs Hematitched Hmdkorchiefa, regular 12c, bargain days. ...... . ...... ï¬lmmdScHIndkcrchieia, bargainday: ............... ...........-..... .’50¢Vu9,hnrgtindnyl‘ ............... ..... ...... ..................... "" xvau‘mgundnyl...†........................... . ........ ..... Mm’.vub’hkind. b‘tg.m d‘y. ....... o ...... coon-coo.oaonroccoccnceo hu’l‘fllvm,i20klld, “gm 6." ...... too. oooooo con-co ----- con-......- 1..' m’1Vuml8chndbugaindayn .......... ........... ... WImeckind, hnrgun (by: ...... ...........-.0..........’........ LE. W. MCGAF E WINTER COMFORTS 3 FebruarV and March will be very cold and ; stormV, all the more reason why you should cover 1 your ieetm’th a pair of our warm Arctics or comfortable Felt Boots. These Prices are an inducement. - 1 1 l b > > 3 Momma†111.1111 HIGH OVERSHOES, best 2.00 liens Grain Klondike Boots, high cut, felt sock pulls out, now . . f Men’sKlondike lace snag proof- Rubber, lst quality. You save 20 per cent. on these goods price ‘ Children’s 2 buckle Overshoes, double toe, quality Watnrproof Cloth . - There are many other such values too numerous to mention, including 6 tables loaded down with bargains In Boots, Shoes, Rubbers. THIS STORE NEVER DISAPPOINTS R. NEILL THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE or the Slater Shoe . .... 1! Annual Meeting Postponed Owing to the impossible condidion of the roads on Saturday last, the Annual Meeting of the Victoria. Creamery patrons has been postpon- ed till Saturday, February 22nd at t) p m LCt all interested in this useful in- dustry endeavor to be present. W. F. O’BOYLE, Secy-Treas Lindsay, Feb. 10, 1902' ____â€"â€"â€"_---_-_-â€"____â€"_"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-= night, February 8th,1902 TEMPERATURE ‘ shnday Highest -._ .. .. .. .. 25 so Lowest. . .... 8 40 Wednesday Warmest, mean of .. 2230 Sunday Coldest, mean of- ‘ 3. 35 Wednmday The week. .. .... .. «11 2° PRECIPITATION IN New The Canada Paint Co. PRISM BRAND 2.lb Gallon, andQuart ' “‘5‘; W â€W of drug with his snow bound until weekly visits will poned until spring. Can any one tell us why the .ice of hotly Cameron and Sturgeon lakes is covered with nearly a foot of slush and water under the last snow? Tuesday. The ice 'of both lakes is in such a} condition that persons who value their lives did not care to take short cuts across them during even the drifts of the recent storms. Last Thursday the heavens present-N ed a. magnificent spectacle about 4. 30 p. m. The phenomenon of mock suns ~more commonly called “sun dogs" â€"-wa.~i seen as it is seldom witnessed in Ontario. The suns were connect- ed by an arc of light and a second arc was reflected from this on the. , sky, which reflection showed plainly the seven Prysmatic colors. being C190? at the time, a number of our citizens enjoV ed the most b-auti- ful gig-ht, The following guests registered at the Bl ook' 5 house during the past mey. W. ichman. Coboconk 1%.th Bell and wife, Nerland; E. L Garlic, -Bob- caygeon: T. McElloy and Miss Duns- ford. Lindsay; W Northey, L. T. Lochead, A. 1’. Reid and N. A. Wylie, Toronto. . The Bathing Club had an informal ‘ At Home" in Needler and Sadler’s POWer House on Tuesday evening of last week. With the exception of Messrs. C. W. Burgoyne, J. A. Ellis, R. M. Mason VHS and A. Wilson M. inD all the members of the club were apresent. A business meeting, cards, :dancing and the usual light refresh- mcnts made a most enjoyable even- ing to all present. We congratulate the Lindsay curl- 1013 on the success scored by them in i'l‘oronto last week when for the third time in six Vcars they became holders of the Ontario Tankard. If Lindsay cannot play hockeV, theV jcan curl and curl well and we hope land expect that the rink at present gin Winnipeg will be equally successâ€" lful 1n exhibiting to the V’- ew of Can- ada, the fine sporting element which thrives in \ ictoria. county. I Monday morning found the inhab- litants of our l'ittle Cataractburg in a position very similar to Monday lmorning a week previous. A l‘ttle less snow perhaps, but more frost. lThe scribe froze his ï¬nger tips that lam. and begs that the printers in 11111: w w. oilice will lay all mistakes 1in this edifying budget to the frost. We were without mail till the evenin the snow plough going up inorth gabout 11 am The north mail got down during the afternoon iand our mail arni-ved about 7 p.m Now we just wish to know why our mail could not have been sent in the rear of the snoW P103131 ? Are we littlt‘ chalacters of so little con- sequence that it matters .Lttle nought how long we wait for our letters are other anxious ones - for a line from their wives or sweet hearts who for the true being may be in a distant town ? Will anV one explain ? F 115 ’tth of Fenelon a The inhab'l he lecture delivered d treat in t :38: Andr’eWS Church on 'Dueslday evening by the Rev. J. W. Macmi a The lecture has been ofLindsay. uires no deliV ered in Lindsay and mu but we saw es the t cm“, for so gene this literary feast description given donna, with which he cl marks. was in our hum worth more tance 8110!“ to favor US again him a. CFO promiseWhich he did not 1 «law. '51? The sky Admission 15 and 10 cents. ladies parents and Was on Friday Feb. 14th under the augâ€" Inclnbv rs chose this as their fitting These ‘p'ees of Court (Lanetville C.0.'I‘. A have to be postâ€" capital program has been prepared how they endeavor to prom to hc1 appreciu'uxl her services. Miss Rachel time to In behalf of the class, THE COUNCIL The proceedings to disqualify Mayor logic and .‘Udi-l'mvll .lzlck- son, Hore. Robson and O'Rbilly are approaching the i'lv(‘i>iV‘n point. On Saturday lust these gentlemen were served with documents issued by the High Court of Justice and saying that eight days af- ter 11 motion would be made before the Toronto to set aside their electi1111.. The Osgoode Hall, days mentioned will expire on Monday. evidence taken. or _ bcrs may either have county judge. In the latter case would be held in LlndsuV old before Judge Dunn. in Chandlers all eight Then the Muster in (,‘hanl- taken by the Master order it mnch of the proceedings When the m- that idencc is ready the Master in Chambers will htm' the launch: for each side am: give his decision. 'I‘ 7 their resignations on Moriilzt; After MondaV they cannot. What he members inV olVed can present and thus make the trial unnecessary. they intend doing and the gen- eral outlook may be gathered from what they. and their lawyers said last evening : Lawyer McSweyu ; "I hear some talk of their resigning. do not recech notice of their .ntention of doing ..0 11V t 1111111 11“ shall summon t' leik Knowlson. Au Lytle m the ')nt.1 :‘io luck t1 give is anV chance of our losing. few daVs but “ill be decided before long. “I am going to fight it out MaV or Ingle : thing VV rong done. I did not know it ditor Eugleson and Mr. 21 .'. CVidencc ill the inst \\e in ‘11.- [akin in Iexpect it will be adjourned for “e are not VVorrVing. ' If there “as 1111\- At 1111V'rate it will go ahe 1d and we will find out shat there is in it.’ Ald. Jackson : have no idea of giving it up. It “Oh Ves, IobelieVe the Case will go ahead. had better be settled. I do not know how long it will last but it will likclV be decided inside of two weeks.’ Aid 0' Reilly : “Ya, I am going on . do Vou think I 1.111 a quitter ? Do Vou think I am going to let till 111 VV.1lk 0V or me ? “1: shall likelV have an opinion from hear of some perjurV eases yet. " Ald Robson . ‘ Yes I intend in defence of this case.' A.ld Here : John Bull about me to giVe up now. anyrate no harm was done.’ with baskets, flee; lunch served tol to those who do not secure baskets. [ Our Voung people are reminded of? the basket social and entertainment to be held at Zion on FridaV eVen-, ing, Feb. 21m, under the auspices of the Methodist church. A capital program has been prepared in which the phonograph will take a promi- nent part Rev. Howud and an energetic committee are sparing no Pains to make the event very enjoy- able. The public are cordially inâ€" Vited. , ____._*_â€"â€"â€" MT. HOREB S , Mr. Editor. have you any 511033.111 town. We would like tol know, because we haVe so much we can ’t get to town to hear the news. Miss Annie Southaln of Bury’s Green is visiting friends in this lo-'- cality. ing his paren. . _ is | Mr. Robt. Hickson c on the sick list at present We hope him out shortly mm. itnotbeanlm‘ Would V'e wire fences alonï¬ our roads ? Mr. J no Fowler . moving to Emily to reside. We are Fowler and very sorry to lose Mr. family, but wislghim every success in his new home. â€"â€"â€"-O'â€"‘"' FRANKLIN 'fhe storm of Sunday com leteLv blocked the reed! Bomb 17, at any on 5W of this place is “I am going to go ahead. A g Q 1 2 A + + going night 1 :1 “Hit ‘l.c rum ‘ Ithink the 0'. hi“ 111. will 9 Toronto. 1111 I do not see unV chance of lllcll o.- «(u-:1 ' LaW\Cl" Hopkins : '“e are going .1head to def fend lhcc case am just preparing the afï¬davits to send up. I do not htllCVC there :% IE i 1 X g iSouth, cast and west. and Monday Dr. Keith is cpok Siu11.Blnke tomolio“ \ou mm to stand with the other members Tiltre is too much I think we VVere right ; at WWW: WWWW Gillies mad 11 short, interesting ad- dress. “hilt Miss Rachel McNabb presented the gift. a beautiful parlor hangingâ€"11111111. Although takin en- tirely by surprise Mrs. Stroud made a. Very appropriate response (Crowded out last week) ._.__.._____ OMEMEE Snow blockades the order, north, Villagers are hemmed in together with doctors and ministers, who are unable to make their trips. Great regret and sorrow over the death of SecxeturV Walker of the Lindsay Y. M C. A. who was known favorably w1th our Voung men here, cspeciallV with those attending the LindsaV Collegiate. The Petelboro district L.0 L. have decided to {'0 to Lindsay next 12th Jul). If (lmemce and Emily L.O. L. does not go there the celebration is to be at home as no other demon- stration without Emily is complete. The great amount of snow. coupled with spring rains, will make our Pigeon Creek waters very naVigable and the fortunate adventurer who will explore those waters from Lind- say or elsewhere will ï¬nd lots of towing of shingles, timber, tan-bark and half dozen excursions at least during the season. Our hockey team has lost interest since the removal of Mr. Modatt to Ottawa, he is» takinga course of manual trainings the Ichool there. of an the man- ager ’01 the team Mr. Brynon of Oman oceupien Mr. and Mrs. II. Hopkins gm»: a progressive crokinole party on Tues- c'ay evening of 11'th Week. Tiler»- were about 1-)†young people pl‘esignr. and a very pleasant mening was spent. The prizes “'l'f'c Won by Mr. (vordon Hopkins. Miss B. Sowal'd. Mr. J. IK‘CCW. Miss If. Allslln. uh.) :I‘BCPlVHl respectively MlllV'o-nir‘ paiidlm {SDUVC‘lliI‘ paddle, reversible doll and Ijilws harp. , l Warden J. Austin of ill" ('mlntV' lcouncil is back again attending to lhis business. It is the ibrass band to glue 11 Concert t me during M111 ch 1 Mr.‘ L. T. Lochllieii of Toronto. riipreSenting «the “:1st Helmh ‘Piano Co. and flu l‘ohertV Organ 'Co†was in Kiulnollllt on Thursday last on business. \\ hile here he 11pâ€" pointcd Mr. A. 'lral'n as iigi-nt for the above instruments. (Crowded out last week) +â€"â€"â€"- VALEIVI‘I‘A Miss L. Sutton. Mr. ll. Sutton and Mr. W. Graham have been visiting fnends at Bobcaygeon and the sur- rounding vicinity. Our local tllreshers are still on the war-path and the snow llamas seem if no avail against lhf‘lll. They llf.".\‘t"\'t‘l‘ hope to soon Complete their contracts. which have been many this season. "rlle storm of intention of the ('.U i“. some last week caught SO‘IH' of our young people aw‘ay from the parental roof. Some came back and others we are expecting. \\'(- hope to see them all gathered bazk before long. Mr. J. Fdlmd had the rilisfortunc to have his hand badly injured in the turnip pulpel' .1 short time ago. We are glad to see that Mr. C- I‘ound is around again after his all- liens. Miss (:ralnim. our teacher. has again resumed her duties after a short respite on account of sick- llC‘tS. Fresh oysters may now be obtain- ed at W. Suggett's store. They are worth going through the snow for and our worthy merchant guarantees that they are frost proof and can be taken in any quantity 11nd at any time without risk. (Crowded out last week") .____.â€"â€"â€"... WOODVILIJZ One of the prettiest ewnts of the year was Celebrated 1111 'V'l’udnvsday mornl’ng, Jan. :silll. in 1318' home of Mr and Mrs. 5L1)l;(l:;.‘l. \z'lle-ll their cousin, Miss (‘ilrl'li- MuV'li-s becanle the bride of Mr. A. .‘il'i‘::l('llf‘l’n- a rising young l\ll.\llli).\‘.\' 1111111 of Tavi- stock. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Dr. Mamin The draw- ing room in which 1‘11 nuptial knot we: tied was pr‘olusnly decorated with flowers 111d sparkling lights. The bride was charmingly gowned in White silk taffeta and elllbroidered Chiffon and car rled beautiful show- er bouquet of roses and maiden-hair ferns. Little Miss Lotti) Stoddal't who performed the duties of flower, and ring bearer, looked sweet in white silk. A beau‘iil’ul array of presents marked the popularity of the bride. Among them was a uni- quc mantle clock presented bV Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart The groom’s present to the bride “as a handsome peaJl and anicthV st crescant. After the congratulatiozls a wedding brakiast was sorVued The bride's going aan gown was of blue ladies’ cloth with white .1pliqlle trimmings, with toque to match Mr. and Mrs. McEachcl'n left on the morning train for western points. After a short trip they will reside at their new home in Tavistock, Ont ....... 0n the eve of her marriage, Miss Mayâ€" bee waspresented by Miss Thorndike in behalf of the congregation with a. handsome present .15 a slight acknowledgement of 1191 Val- Viable services as organist in the Methodist church here. ____.__.___.___.. Stalls the Court A‘ Works“! the Cold mitinT-bmm