‘Retail Dealer in EANS I s: o P P o RTUNI: lama-u Grain Crop in Mullah. Proportionatc yield in Assiniboia and ‘- > mnions of acne: of good sleoneasytermsinthe. .~ Immense timber and mm sourcbs in British Columbig, GII T. INVESTIGATION INVITED dministration guaranteed tknlars apply to and Exploration Co. - T0 RON 1‘0 RU P Box 415, Oï¬lce ‘Cmcr 9 Sussex Peel Sta. Lindsay on “Woï¬tern Canada." and‘ Columbia.†Notice is hereby given that m Seventh Annual Meeting of u." Shareholders of the Company um be held at the otï¬ce of the Company in Lindsay on MONDAY. MRI}. ARY 2nd, 1903, at {our 0'6“ ~ i: the afternoon. for receiving the An- nual Report and Financial Statement or the afl‘airs of the Company for the past year, the election of direc- tors and the transaction of and: other business as may be brought belore the meeting. A full sum 10! the shareholders is requested. De- benture Holders and Depositomém the Company are cordially invited :to attend the Annual mating, {though not entitled to vote. | JAMES LOW. Hm. 99 KENT- ST My | W rppï¬ed to Orget ARDER, FEBRUARY m The Victoria Loan and Savings Co. PRODUCED over $150,000 in one some cavloads running over $20 000. Also thousands of tons in lower grade silver and gold from 311 t) ‘45 per ton. NEEDS additional machinery, includ- ing an aerial tram way and electrical plant, for which purpose the company OFFERS a small amount of stock at 25c rer share (par value 8100 PROMISES As soon as this BASED ON machinery is installed. FACTS the company will be in PLAINLY a position to pay STAND regular monthly dividends of from t to 2 per cent. on the par value of the shares, for which assertion, nd Exploration Co. Lindsay. Jan. 2181:. tberup A. H. NO‘l'nAN. A.0.P.A. King-It. But. I'm T. C. HATCHBTT Agent C.P.R. SEWING MACHINES Domestic Wheeler Wilson New Williams Standard-Grand in years “7 "It has be privilege to the past q solving m8] er and more active man, thoroughly well versed in the varied features of modern ï¬nance, who shall be able to give to the head of the department that advice and assistance which the intricate and important ï¬nancial questions of the day demand, Salaries of Oflchll- "Perhaps, I might be pardoned if, at the close of my career, when my remarks cannot have any reference to myself personally, I suggest for the consideration of the Ministry whe- ther, seeing the opportunities of bet- terment that are now presented throughout Canada to men J)! intelliâ€" gence, good judgment and industry by reason of the development of the resources of the Dominion, the conâ€" ditions of the public serVice are such at. present as to attract the best man. Men of this class are needed to undertake the increasing quantity of high class work that the Domin- ion demands. The employment of the best class of men for the best class of work, at generous rates of remuneration, is the truest economy in the end. Resignation: from the service are now of frequent occur- rence, and something will soon haVe to bé done to meet'this new condi- tion.†The consolidated fund receipt: for the year were $58,060,790, the larg- est the country ever knew. The ex- penditure on the same account was $50,759,391. The surplus of re- ceipts over expenditure was therefore $7,291,398. Aside from this, how- ever, there was an expenditure on capital account of $4,626,841 upon the Intercolonial, and $475,995 on the Prince Edward Island railwayrof $7,217,528 upon the canals, of $2,â€" 190,125 upon public works, of $370.â€" 837 upon Dominion lands. 6! $299? 627 upon militia, and of 32.093339 upon railway subsidies. The sum of $791,089 was paid in iron and xteel bounties and $247,741 in con- nection with the South African conâ€" tingents and the Halifax garrison. 1m tease h. hepodtl. At the close of the fiscal year the balance at the credit of the depositors in the Postofï¬ce and Government Savings banks amounted to $53.â€" 37,988, an increase of $2,389,029 over the balance held on June 30,‘ 1901; part of this increase, 31.662.- 258 reprmnts interest added- to the various accounts, and the remainder. $726,771 the excess of receipts over withdrawals- Dominion notes to the amount of 832,780,387 were outstanding on June 30,1902, as against $27,898- 509 on June 30, of the pervious yea-1'. or an increase of $4, 881, 878: * The demand for $1 and $2 Domin- ion notes still continues, as will be seen item the following table. show- ing their circulation at the end of September and October for each year item 1894: 1895.1902. September -37, 078.592 :11, 293, 752 Othober ..-. 7, 312, 917 11. 511 4'47 The railway subsidies paid during the rear mounted to $2,093 939. You need not go t6 Akin “ï¬nd mlored territory. The}! {1310*- -q- o: it. on an. cont'mie'nn. An attache of the Canadian geological may I'D- may discovered a. raw river. 2800 miles long, emptying into Hudson 1383- Ho discovered savers! no' lakes also. Enough unmappod “P. 1'90?! remains to malt. its explan- uon worth whilo for than ambition! mm dw- I who do not "I“ *0. . s to in with; FAT YEARS 3F PLENTY. Biggest Receipts on Record. Unexplorod C9336... THE WATCW fâ€"WARDEB: FEB. 12th.. 1903. Sud mien In Gamay. One of the most interesting and rt markable of the many regions for the observation of sand dunes 115 between Bordeaux and Bayonne. In Gascony. Theme'a here throws every year upon the beach; along a line or 100 miles in Beautiful Tree Snakes. Among the most attractive of the. many kinds of serpents are the delicate and beautiful tree snakes (dendrophis), :which very rarely descend to the ground, as they ï¬nd food enough among the birds and those frogs and lizards which also dwell in trees. The grace- tul form of the body, the elegance and rapidity of their movements and the exquisite beauty of their colors have excited the lively admiration of those who have had the good fortune to watch them in their native haunts. The larger kinds attain to a length of over ; ï¬ve feet. ‘They are frequently adorned ‘ with the brightest colors, green being. however, generally the prevailing tint. They are active by day. opened. To the consternation of those presenttherelaythebody or: magnit- 1cent Bengal . tiger resting on white satin. The following message was soon racing across the Atlantic: Home mistake. - Some mistake. You send 1 tiger. Where is John? healthwenttolndis. Eismmiiyhsd Whimmttolpmexpenee. buttocsblethreetimaaweekho' hemandwhathemdoing Tho ï¬rstcablemessagersn: Am won. Euro nativ- guido. ma. Hunttlgerstounon‘ow. The next communication did not on» rive till two weeks later. It was this: John dead. Kmea. Tiger. What got Back went the tearful message: Send on body. A month later there was delivered to the keeper of the receiving vault of M. cemetery a box or comn so large and heavy _ that it might have been the home of a wcond Cardiff Giant. Sus- picion‘haviL! been aroused, a permit sand. -, .O. . . . V , . The prevailing westerly winds cone tinne picking “up the surface particles from the westward slope, whirl them over to the inward slope, where they are- again deposited, and the. entire ridge by this means alone moves: grad- ually inward. In' the course of years there has thus been formed a. complex system of dunes. all approxiniately par- allel with the coast and with one an- other and of all altitudes up to 250 feet. These are marching steadily inward at a rate of from three to six feet a The following information was soon reï¬elved: No mistake. No mistake. John Inside Ra}, whole villages having sometimes been torn down to prevent burial and rebuilt at a distance. Aatorylstoidotnyonngman namedJoth..who,belnxinpoor The “magma-norms;- netu'rn acne. . 33w the Whole 0! It. Alexander weeping because the world was so small has a counterpart in an old inhabitant of Luss, a pretty little village on Loci} Loxnond side, Scotland. 7 74â€"- 5-: 5- othisnre. InLusshehas lived. “his fathers lived before him. and from Luss he has never had the ambition to journey, even as far as Glasgow. But someonegothimtothetop otBenLo- mond the other day. “Eh, mon,†said he, with great self congratulation, “but the world’s a big “Ohldreamedlhadproposedto mand you hadturnedme overto your father.†“Yes, yes. And what did father say?" “Oh, I don’t know. I only know I woke up and found myself on the floor.†lot to B. Elihu-ed. “Deah boy, is it true that you have discharged your valet?" “Ya-as, the scoundreli When I took him out with me. he managed to make people think he was the mastah and I was the man. haw JovePâ€"Exchahge. Kai)!“ awn-mar. Mistress (in surprise)â€"Why did you place the alarm 'clock by the buck- wheat batter? Noraâ€"So It would know what; time In Ger-Inn To‘olnd. In German Togoland the native men do the planting and reaping, while the women carry the products to the m torlse. mum. The ambleps’ or am gm, an“ un- gyï¬nufl, or Whirligig beetle, have each of their eyes divided into m upper md lower portion by an opaquc horizontal line. This gives them two pupils in each eye. one at which. the Upper. 1' suited for mgmmm,mdthc other.tholower.twledn3mm‘-‘" lea-ch81!- '1'“ minel d Take!- inthomoerochlm toyed ééme 6,000,000 cubic yards of LOCATING JOHN. Pupil- II INJ’A. I do not believe that it would have done for him to have had money. He was mined in his youth. Hi: college lifeinVirginiawasthe camotaii his after inebriation. That was the internal whirlpool into which was driv- en the beautiful milk white ship or his soul, never' to be reclaimed. In it not one of the most remarkable things in the world that any man or his abilities should have been so amenable to the dictation: or others'lâ€"Poe-Chivers Pa- per: in Century. Speaking From Experience. “Blanche, dear," said the watchful aunt to her niece, “don’t you think that Fred spends too much money upon you?" ' “Do you think so, aunty?" “Indeed I dq Blanche. I’veheen no- ticing. and I think he’s reany 'extrava- gant. You ought to check him and tell him to save his money. You will need a good deal when you begin heusekeep- mgannitmtubetterforhim toput in the bank the money he is now spend- ing on carriage rides and lnï¬cheons and tickets to this thing and that gthan tobeaqnunderingit. Thinkoverthe matter a minute or two; dear, md you will see it as I_do." . - ‘_‘0h, five thought about it already, annty. I’d take your advice if I were absolutely certain that we shall be mar. ried, but I've been engaged before, annty; and I don't intend to advise a young man again to economize for some other girl's beneï¬t.†Beudln‘ and Talking. Beading will be of little use without conversation and conversation will be apt to run low without reading. Bead- ing ï¬lls the lamp‘ and conversation lights it. Reading is the food or the mind and conversation the exercise, and as all things are strengthened by exercise soisthe mind by conversation. There we shake oi! the dust and still- _ His face was rather URLâ€"tapering in It: contour rather suddenly to the chin, which was very classical. and. espo- dally when he Imfled. really hand- some. Hi: countenance was tropical in “3 8M weasel: the reverse of his heart, which. likethe fountain! of So]- omon, had long been kept sealed up as something sacred from the vulgar gate of the world. his face whenever he wrotelongatanyone flmopntflnxon a sickly, allow and rather pallld hue, but never to such an extent as to 1nd!- oate indispoaitlon. His digestion was always good, which is prhna fade evi- dence that he was never a student. His dress was always remarkably neat for one in his circumstances. But ness of a retired scholastic life. Our opinions are conï¬rmed or corrected by the good opinions of others, points are argued. doubts are resolved, difï¬culties cleared. directions given and frequent- ly hints started which. if pursued,- would lead to the most useful truths. like a vein of silver or gold which di. rects to a mine. * andnpacdmmcemlly-Mgently downtothomdsothhï¬nmwhlch were very tender, gentleman!) :nd l'adylike. Intacthlshnndswmu-uly remarhhloflortheirroaenuoottnm 1nd lily white, feminine delicacy. You could have judged of his nobility by hishands. Do you know what city has been given the name of the City of Three Kings? Itis Cologne, in Germany. and the reason is that it is in Cologne that the three “kings.†or “magi.†or “wise men†who came to Bethlehem to otter gifts to the infant Jesus are snppwed to he buried. , L I-_--.I ‘kn‘n Dullrvvvâ€" -- __ ,, According to an ancient legend. their bones were brought from Milan to Co logne by the Emperor Frederick Bar- barossn In 1162 and presented to the archbishop of Cologne. Visitors to the cathedral are shown the supposed souls of the magi. stud- ded with diamonds and inscribed with uw‘. .. _v_ 7 the wise men's names in rubles. Happen Falls last week. . Miss Dora. Dickson o'f Petet‘boro is home on a visit. Mr. E. GlaSpel, spent Sunday at brother, Mr; Jas Smnuu. Mr. S. J. Fox, M.P.P., of Lindsay, was at the Falls last week. Miss Y. Smithemm md Miss L. 108, spent Sunday at Lilidsay. ‘Miss Bonnell of BOMYgOOn is ' ‘ ‘ ' d, Miss ickson. Camemn were in toym . lid Lindsav } Mr. A. J. 03mph?! . â€a.†.. law davs at t. Fans last PowleS' Corners. Manna Lon. In the Sandwich Islands, 13.950 feet high, Is the highest moan. min which rises directly from the sen. $11}? A“ Mr. Bert Townley wént back to Haliburton last week. 011' an extend- ed businm trip. Mr. Porter of Tom to returned home l-a‘st week. after short visit. to Mr. J05. Heard. Hrs. J ones of Lin was the guestotlrs. I". We! they-eat- er portion of last week. Vlrs. D. ncDouxall m‘ . -AMI- -0 11-11! I M V“)! PEVLBON FALLS AND VICINII'V sins of the Past Week at th: Cat- erect Toll Taylor 9! Harwaod Was at the. EDGAR ALLAN POE. and Mrs. s. Morri spent Saturday an Stanton is the guest m; Jag Stanton. of Three Klnzï¬o in bi Lind- Sunday at of with Miss J. Burtchall 8f Toronto re- turned home on Saturday, after a visit of some weeks with her cousin. Mrs. Jos. Heard. The camp ghost story is the latest sensation, and a certain individual looks blue]: it you ask him abput the three mysterious knocks. . Mr. . Carmichael oi' Belleville, who has been with the- Brandon, McDon- gall 5: Austin firm for some time, left on Monday for Toronto. MessrlvThOS. Robson, R. J. Moore Herb Sandford, John Robson and Lloyd McKillen accompanied the hockey team to Petorboro last Tues- last égturday from weeks to friends in abridge and Mr. S. Thornuuoe, w. employed by Mr. H. B some time, left last. we position in Mr. Anderson Victoria Road. Miss B. Clark and Miss shire were among the m tOWn visitors, who were on Saturday evening 1.0 v Cumming's skating. ehning to witpess the (my skating lady's swift. and graceful perform- ance, and return to the Falls. We regret to say that sine: his re turn from his vi§it to UxbridQe, Mr. h- -_..a._....o.. -, ‘_ Cold and stormy weather is predicted for the month of February. Warm Footwear and Overshoes will be in demand. - This store keeps its weather-eye Open and is prepared {or all conditions of atmospheric changes. We regret to say that sinu his re turn from his visit. to UxbridQe, Mr. Wm. McKendry, has been conï¬mr'to his room with his old trouble, in- flammatory rheumatism. Mr. Mc- Kendry is one of the most. highly \rc- spected citizens of Fenelon Falls, and all his numerous friends hope u: soon see him rwtored to his usual health. THE N. TheEdna Sutherland Uoncen. Vuuaâ€" puny gave one of their high-class entertainments in Twomey’s hall, on Friday evenixg. The company is one of the ï¬nest touring Canada this season, and Fenelon Falls is very fortunate in having them perform here as they seldom take in as small a town. " The concert will be one of the best heard here for some time, and the-hall will , we feel sure, be and the hall will , we we: Dunc, u. crowded.‘ , Mr. J. H. Stanton went north last week on the I. B. a; O. railwlly and took some very ï¬ne views. His scenes of a, fall near Irondale are particularly Meantiful. and are ate wanting a great deal of attention. Mr. Stanton is doing a large busi- ness,_ and he deserves his custom as his wo’i-k will compare favorablyzwith; Hut. nf any artist in any Canadian that of any city. 5..., 0 ...Mr. F. McDousnll spent lat Friday in Lindsay, and with a. couple of friends drove him in the aftemoon by way of Sturgeon Lake. At Green's old wharf the ice was seen to be thin. so Mr. KcDou'gnll and one of the other parties nlighted and de- cided to .Walk on up to the Falls. after seeing their friend on his Way back. In. Watching the cutter then Mr. McDougall moved nearer the shore and stepped on thiner ice. which broke, and but for his own presence of mind in calling out it is likely that he would have sunk in a few seconds. As the water there is bout twenty feet deep the chances are that had he once gone down that he might never have risen, weighted as he was with heavy up and overcoat and a large number of parcels. As it was he escaped with a wetting. bot-he has great reason tofccl nl for his very narrow escape. 5 Our famous hockey team went to but . he has great. 11 Win! for his vary at Our famous hockey PembOrO on Tues“? and defeated Petm‘bofo owniooinas timethom THE N .’ HOCKIN SHOE STORE Men's 1, 2 and 5-Buckl_e Lincd Waterproof Oven, I‘ltu-‘l u. -uu- "--vâ€"-v ___-- _- .__, I , shoes, 111.53: in stock. An 064 line of Men’s Lined Waterproof Amtks,§ize it worth I 50.10 be pmhcd out at99c par, Chiztfun’s, Boys’ and Gitb’ Ovcrstoes m soc permit Men’s warm and casy-to-wcar Felt Gaiters, all sizes at 99‘: Per pair. ‘ ToCm‘eaColdinOneDay mm 4 mmmwhwum Two Shipments of Overshoes Received This Week lei MID-WINTER FOOT-WEAR of 4â€"3; At M“ 3-0 in Fenclon's rene at. the rink to witness Miss HOCKINSHOE STORE U NDSAYI SHL) E l !Ped1ar We brg to call the attention of the ger era] 3 utlt'c to c or facilitics for re- ;ainting. Our Paint Shop is in charge of a ï¬rst-Class Painter, and we use only the test stozk We do all kinds of Repairing, and rut 30m carriage in good shape before painting. It is a good time £0W_t0 bring them in. All kinds of Vehicles built to order as usual. 0 HABGâ€"ES MODERATE Pedlar G: Emmerson favor. At“ full time it was a tie. Referee McCabe allowed ten minutes extra time, and Beteau scored, leav- ing Fenelon the victors. 'llxe Pe- tgrbom boys played a. heavy game, Ml. our team only take exception to the\ playing of Mr. McPherson, as point, who aimed for the heads of new and Beteau'instmd o! for the pack. Hockey is one of the pret- tiest Chadian games when properly played, but any sport is ruined by unsportsmqrflike conduct. Our team have not wt been defeated this sea- son. We ‘expect to hear of no deâ€" feats, but ther that the Stratton ‘cup will remain permanently in Fens- lon Falls. "Next. winter we wnuld alike to see our wink enlarged and the Ream join the‘(). H. A., for which ithey ere well ï¬tted. I. - â€"- vi- Marc-hand III-hm W “annuals-Io! DOM loud- loll 11331:!!me Wm“ .uramd stomachComphInt. nun-hint m Macrame-lawman. My. Want mmu'ï¬. â€sleep. andtnthemo ran-Ill“ um Via-tuba. Our 0 or. If cumwmaummm wwN-odyouoneofourncltatoyonr “mucomua. dcbmdmflnflon. “My. unexpuu int-500m mun-dunno†Irma memwmm {an mammal omen Alia m-st.,North BLACKSllTflS and (MIME IMIES ism“. humus. Bonn. Plumes, Banach“. Constipation. Loss or Appetite. Salt leun. Elusive!â€- Summit. and w troubles arising from the Stomach, Unr. novels or Bzood. such an one“ that! could narco- 1, nova shout! house. Iwu on at to .0ch became! Macbe- md dizzi- um; my swam. g3! EI- 7! was run ‘1ng Pede Woven Wire Fence within! minnow! coil “(not mwg: min-common No.7xqunly undLCommonwim wfllnotcod calâ€"“$11M†hun't swine mWâ€"M h“- Mrs. A. 1).than d Mlidufl. UnL trim: I believe l ‘70qu havq been in Mum. After two botxica of 3.! B. I band In “012:â€me CURES Women' s the and warm Feit Gaiters, all sin at 80¢ per pair. Our first cfferirg of Women’ 5 Fine Up- to-date $1.25 Dcngola Laced Boots, so‘d in the push price if 99c. Having gc-ne up with a rush. we will place another 30 {airs of the samesplendid shoe on cur bargiin table ( n Saturcav, to be sold at the same popular push pic of 99¢ per lwnammmkmhof nomadâ€. ? "Immflfl I“! WMIII1 C A $20.00 BELT FOR $5.00 Electric Belts in the Reach of All. rww manure-ruck. Musics-MM! mmmmmma. “mum Jim- mwmr-mmm 9 We have about 800 bushels of this grain, which we brought from Man- itoba, and which we oï¬er at $1.20 per bushel; sample can be seen at Our ofï¬ce. It is neither wheat, rye nor htfley. and yet it is a combination of all three. For fattening cattle, poultry, horses. sheep. pigs etc. it sin. The heads are somewhat similar to two rowed barley. It is reported to us that it. will grow Well and produce enormous crops on poor soil. and stands the dry weather well. It is us easily cultivated as oats or barley. The straw is exact- ly like that of wheat. It thresha like wheat only not quite so closely. Pre- pare land as you would for any oth- er grain. and sow at the rate of a -- - AL- -..-.. rnm ca SIG-tn. uâ€"â€" ‘7' .7 ,7, bushel and a hall to the acre. The tanner in nanitoba. from which we states that. he has grown It for the last two years, and it has averaged from 50 to 70 bush- els per acre. THE FLAVELLE MIL- HavelleflMï¬iï¬ng .501- New Grain for Seed Emmerson “SPELTZ†LINDSAY. 0312' Limitéd. NDSAY’S cam EST suoe FUSHER s PAGE SEVEN Lindsay